
Chicken broth how many calories in 100 grams. Calorie broth: light, tasty and nutritious

Real, homemade chicken broth is an indispensable base for any soups, and is also included in the recipe of many dishes, especially sauces and gravies. It is also very useful during the recovery period from various diseases, as it contains a minimum of fat with a maximum content of nutrients. Chicken broth, the calorie content of which is low in itself, will also be a good substitute for the first course for those who are on a diet. About the nutritional properties of this dish, as well as a detailed recipe for its preparation, read further in our article.

Chicken breast broth: calories and nutritional properties

If we take the classical calculation of the energy value of the product, that is, the calorie content of the broth per 100 grams, for the classic chicken it is about 26 kcal. per 100 grams, or, to make it more convenient, 65 kcal. for 1 cup in 250 ml. In this case, it is taken into account that the dish is prepared from a whole chicken, and not from its individual parts, whether it be legs, wings or breasts. As for the latter, they are the most dietary. That is why chicken broth cooked only from breasts, the calorie content of which is only 15 kcal. per 100 gr., is especially important when used in dietary nutrition.

As for the other components, the protein content in it is 4.3 g. per 100 gr. product, and fat - only 3.6 gr., Plus very few carbohydrates. The broth contains substances that have anti-inflammatory properties, which is important in winter, during the season of colds. It also helps to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, because it contains proteins in the concentration necessary for a person. Therefore, in order to bring the greatest benefit to the body, cook the broth from this dietary meat. You can find the recipe for it below.

How to make the best chicken broth

It would seem, what could be a special way of cooking this simple dish? Just throw the chicken into cold water, add spices and boil. But no, the technology for making the right clear broth requires special knowledge and skills.

The recipe includes the required amount of meat (about half a kilogram) and 2 liters of water. Here are almost all the ingredients from which the chicken broth will turn out. Its calorie content is very low due to the low fat content in meat. Take the breasts and soak them for 2-3 hours in cold water, change the liquid and put the pan on the fire. Do not forget to periodically remove the foam - it is she who gives the muddy ugly color to the dish. As soon as the water boils, set the fire to the smallest possible and cook for about one hour. From the surface, in addition to foam, it is necessary to remove periodically floating fat. Next, to improve the taste, you need to add vegetables: cut one medium carrot and onion in half and brown in a hot frying pan without oil. After the vegetables, lower into the broth boiling on the stove. And the main secret: 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking, dip 1 scalded chicken egg shell into the liquid. This will help make the broth clear. Naturally, before use, it should be pulled out, as well as vegetables. At the very end, the liquid must be filtered through a sieve with gauze. The resulting chicken broth, the calorie content of which, as we have already found out, is fully consistent with the basics of proper nutrition, can be used as an independent dish, the basis for soups or sauces.

  1. To lose weight. Most of those who want to lose weight resort to diets, the main condition of which is the calculation of daily calorie intake. Usually the essence of such diets is to ensure that a person eats a little less than his body needs.
  2. To maintain a constant weight. If the number of kilograms that your scale shows suits you, then a new problem arises: how to keep the weight "in check". The solution is on the surface: eat as much as the body needs for a full life, and not a drop more. The easiest way to do this is by counting calories.
  3. To gain weight. The rarest answer to the question. However, it also has a place to be: today, calorie counting is necessary for actors entering a new role, as well as those with anorexia - the loss of hunger.

How are calories counted?

To calculate the number of calories you need, nutritionists have developed a special tool - a calorie calculator. In order to make a diet menu, you need to know the approximate calorie content of certain foods. It is given in tables specially created for this purpose. In them you will find out how much an apple or a slice of rye bread "weighs in calories", however, you will not find the answer to the question: what is the calorie content of meat, fish, vegetable broth, because during the cooking process different amounts of fat are released from different meats.

The principle of calculating the energy value of the broth:

The calorie content of the meat you have chosen must be multiplied by 0.9 - get the energy value of 100 ml of broth. It is important to remember that the ratio of water and meat should be 1:1. If there is more water than meat, then, accordingly, the calorie content of the broth will be lower, if there is less water, then higher.
By the way, the process of cooking low-calorie broth is slightly different from the usual one. Here's how diet broth is brewed:
Meat (low-fat veal or chicken is suitable for a low-calorie broth), from which the fat was previously cut off, is placed in a pot of boiling water. Cook for 5-7 minutes, then remove the meat, and pour the broth into the sink. This is necessary so that the fat that was in the meat is boiled out. After that, the meat is again placed in boiling water and boiled for about 1 hour (until cooked).
If you add vegetables to such a broth, you get a dietary vegetable soup. You can calculate its energy value as follows:
Take from the calorie table the indicators of those products that you are going to put in the soup (in addition to meat), add up all these numbers and multiply by 0.2. Add the resulting figure to the calorie content of your broth. The 1:1 condition is preserved here as well.

Bon appetit and fast weight loss!

Visitor question:

I never got involved with weight loss diets and didn’t count calories, and after plentiful holiday feasts, I just kept fasting for several days - broths, vegetables, carrot juice, and everything in limited quantities, so as not to crack from excess fat. But now there is a small need to lose a couple of extra pounds in order to look stunning at the wedding of my sister. Therefore, I return to my cleansing broth-vegetable diet and the question arose, what is the calorie content of the broth? I cook broths from chicken kidneys, from lean pork, chicken breast, beef.
Who are the pros in diets and counting calories, you can tell how many calories are in each type of broth alone, given that it is cooked with the addition of onions, carrots, salt and herbs.

If we undertake to count calories, then we count them in everything - for weight loss or weight control, the calorie content of each piece eaten is important. When preparing soups, we know exactly how many calories are in carrots and onions, and how many are in cabbage. And how many calories are in the broth on which we cook the soup?

To calculate how many calories are in the broth, you first need to find out what kind of meat was used to make the broth. If you are on a diet, then, of course, you know that you should not eat fatty meat - it is too high in calories. Like fatty broths, for the same reason. When cooking meat, to reduce the calorie content of the broth, it is recommended to remove the fat that floats to the top with a spoon. Also, to reduce the calorie content of the broth, another tricky method is used - they boil it in the “second” water, that is, when the water boils and the meat is cooked in it for about 5 minutes, the water is drained, a new one is poured and it is in it that the meat is cooked until tender.

The calorie content in the broth depends, as we have already said, on the meat from which the broth is cooked. The lower the calorie content of meat, the lower the calorie content of the broth from it. The less fat in the meat, the less high-calorie its broth will be. We offer you a broth calorie table so that you can accurately calculate the calorie content of your soups (broth calories are given per 100 g).

  • caloric content of mushroom broth - 4.3 kcal;
  • calorie vegetable broth - 12.85 kcal;
  • calorie content of hake fish broth - 26.15 kcal;
  • calorie meat broth (pork) - 40 kcal;
  • calorie meat broth (beef) - 29 kcal;
  • calorie content of beef bone broth - 28.6 kcal;
  • calorie meat broth (mutton) - 18.4 kcal.

It can be easily seen that the lowest calorie content is in chicken and lamb broth (except for vegetable and mushroom broth). It is on them that you need to cook soups for those who are on a diet.

What is useful broth

The calorie content of the broths is quite low, while their satiety is quite high - after all, the main source of calories in the broth is fats, and they are the most high-calorie of nutrients. At the same time, broths are useful for digestion, since a hot liquid dish helps digestion of food and improves bowel function; broths are rich in B vitamins, which, firstly, strengthen our nervous system, improve brain activity and memory, relieve stress and improve sleep; secondly, they prevent the aging of the body, fight free radicals and improve the condition of hair, nails and skin; and thirdly, they normalize metabolism, participate in the synthesis of enzymes and hormones in the body, the production of new cells and contribute to the normal functioning of all body systems. Broths contain magnesium and zinc, which are necessary for metabolism, cell and tissue regeneration, good immunity, strong memory, good hair and skin condition, and the breakdown of fats in the body. They also contain a lot of phosphorus, which is an essential building material for bones and nervous tissue, and other necessary and important elements for the body.

Broths strengthen the immune system and help fight colds and viral diseases, they speed up the recovery and rehabilitation of a person after illnesses, have a positive effect on blood pressure and heart function, are good for the stomach and are an excellent way to prevent thrombosis.

Healthiest broth: calories in chicken broth

Yes, the healthiest and most dietary broth is chicken, and not from the thighs, where there is a lot of fat and cholesterol, but from the breast, which is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, especially phosphorus. Chicken broth improves digestion, promotes tissue regeneration and wound healing, it strengthens teeth and bones, accelerates the healing of broken bones, calms, relieves stress and improves memory. With colds, chicken broth not only helps to cope with the disease, relieves fever, improves sleep and relieves inflammation, but also speeds up the recovery of the body after it.

Chicken broth is indicated for patients with diabetes, as it normalizes blood sugar. Rich in protein, chicken broth is very beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

Chicken broth helps well not only with a cold, but also in another case, when a person’s health is quite bad - we are talking about a hangover syndrome. A glass or two of warm chicken broth in the morning after a heavy drink will help start the body's metabolism, begin to remove toxins from the body, help the digestive system recover, stimulate the intestines to remove the remnants of alcohol from the digestive system, relieve headaches and return clarity of thought. And hot green tea with lemon will break down the remnants of toxins and finally return you to working condition.

However, if you are allergic, then excessive consumption of chicken broth can cause you allergic reactions, so be careful.

Diet soups based on chicken broth

Chicken broth is simmered over low heat for about 50 minutes. To enrich it with vitamins and make it even tastier, put an onion, carrot and parsley or celery root in it in the middle of the cooking process. You can add a boiled chicken egg, fresh herbs and rye crackers to the boiled broth. The calorie content of a serving of such a dietary soup is easy to calculate:

  • chicken and vegetable broth - 200 gr (50 kcal);
  • rye crackers - 10 gr (40 kcal);
  • parsley - a bunch (3 kcal);
  • boiled egg - 55 gr (87 kcal).

Total: a serving of broth with rye crackers, greens and a chicken egg - 265 gr (180 kcal). You can easily get enough of this soup, and if you add to it a second cup of fresh tomato and cucumber salad with olive oil and lemon juice (another 100 kcal), you get a full low-calorie lunch (only 280 kcal).

Another recipe for a low-calorie vitamin soup based on chicken breast broth - in the finished strained broth (600 g), add two handfuls of chopped broccoli (about 200 g), 1 carrot (70 g), sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin circles, a bunch of parsley, basil and spinach (total 100 gr) and cook for about 15 minutes. The calorie content of a serving of this soup will be:

  • chicken broth - 200 gr (35 kcal);
  • broccoli - 30 gr (11 kcal);
  • carrots - 25 gr (9 kcal);
  • greens - 30 gr (5 kcal).

Total: a serving of chicken broth with vegetables and herbs - 285 gr (60 kcal). Other vegetables can be added to such a soup - chopped tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans, white cabbage and others. This will not increase its calorie content too much - a maximum of 20-25 kcal per serving. If you add a piece of black (rye bread), then the calorie content of lunch will increase by only 70-80 kcal and will amount to a maximum of 160 kcal, but you will consume even more very useful substances - which means you will be even healthier, more active, younger and more beautiful.

Therefore, if you are on a diet, replace regular soups with these light broth soups. They are very healthy, contain a lot of vitamins and very few calories, although they are quite satisfying. They contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, amino acids, minerals and vitamins - everything the body needs for normal functioning.

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Broth is a tasty and satisfying dish that almost no one will refuse. Rich or not, with carrots, onions and herbs, meat broth gives our body a lot of benefits. Is it possible for those who want to lose weight to use meat broth, the calorie content of which, figuratively speaking, “rolls over”? After all, this first course can be prepared both from fatty meat (for example, pork, chicken), and from lean meat - beef, rabbit, veal, lamb. In addition, each housewife adjusts the recipe for its preparation according to the taste preferences of her family.

Useful properties of the broth

Chicken broth has many health benefits. Despite the low calorie content of this broth, it is quite nutritious. Its use rather quickly helps the body of even a sick person to restore strength and energy potential. The broth is one of the first remedies that are used to treat patients with colds or flu, as it has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect on the human body as a whole.

Meat broth contains many useful vitamins and minerals - zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as B vitamins that are beneficial to the body. Considering how many calories are in the broth, its beneficial properties are invaluable.

Rich chicken broth is allowed even for people after operations and suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Since there are few calories in the broth, it does not burden the body, but at the same time it brings great benefits.

How many calories are in beef and chicken broth?

In addition to a general strengthening effect on the human body, the broth is also an excellent dietary dish for those who want to lose weight. It has excellent taste and nutritional value, and is also easy to prepare.

The calorie content of the broth depends on the type of meat product and its fat content - pork, chicken, beef, veal. This indicator is also affected by the amount of water used to boil the broth. For example, if you take 1 liter of water and 300 grams of not too fatty beef, you get a more fatty broth, the calorie content of which will be about 60 kcal per 100 grams of product. For those who want to lose weight, chicken broth is best, the calorie content of which is about 20 kcal per 100 grams.

Nutritionists have come to the conclusion that it is chicken broth that is the best suited for weight loss. First of all, because the calorie content of chicken broth is much lower than when using other types of meat. But it is worth considering that this indicator will depend on the chicken itself and the presence of spices in the dish. The calorie content of salted broth is slightly higher than that of unsalted broth, prepared with almost no salt, but its taste qualities are significantly different for the better. Therefore, it is difficult to unequivocally answer how many calories are in the broth. You can calculate their number only approximately or use the summarized table of caloric content of products.

To make the dish dietary, you need to use only lean meat, or pre-cut excess fat from it. The chicken carcass must be divided into parts, put in water and bring to a boil. After that, it is better to drain the first broth and fill the meat with clean water. Before this, rinse the meat well with water, add onions and herbs. This will reduce the calorie content of the broth. Also, a dish prepared in this way can be given to young children, since its high percentage of fat content will significantly decrease with this method of cooking.

Calorie beef broth and its beneficial properties

Beef also belongs to dietary dishes, it does not contain carbohydrates, but it contains a large amount of protein. Beef broth is given for poisoning and severe intoxication. It is also very popular in diet food systems.

The calorie content of beef broth will be less if you use veal. This is the leanest meat. It is he who is given to people in need of a therapeutic diet, and to young children. Therefore, in the dietary diet, veal broth is often consumed. The calorie content of the broth when using lean meat and a large amount of water is only 20–20 kilocalories per 100 grams. In addition, boiled beef from the broth is also an excellent dietary dish that can be consumed by everyone who is losing weight. But it is difficult to say the exact number of calories in this case, so if you are interested in how many calories are in beef broth with various additives, you will have to add up the calorie content of all its ingredients.

The calorie content of beef broth can be slightly higher if you add vegetables to it, cook it with a small amount of water, or use fatty meat. However, the calories in the broth will still not be more than 70 per 100 grams of the product, that is, one serving will bring your body no more than 150-200 kilocalories. At the same time, the dish is very tasty, satisfying and nutritious.

Harmful properties of beef broth

Beef broth has a great effect on the stomach, normalizes digestive processes in it. But only meat broth has these properties. Some people make broth from cubes. The calorie content of cubed broth is also very low, but it contains a large amount of flavors, salt and food additives, which can lead to gastritis or even the formation of ulcers in the stomach.

Calorie content of any broth depends on the product used to make the broth and the amount of this product. Which broth is the least high-calorie - will tell broth calorie table.

The broth is one of the best healing and dietary dishes, which has many useful properties and has a positive effect on the entire human body as a whole. The basis for a wide variety of dishes, including broths, are rich in B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and other elements necessary for the life of the body.

Composition and calorie content of the broth determines which product was used to prepare it. Broths from fatty varieties are more high-calorie and vegetable and mushroom broths are the least high-calorie. However, no matter what the broth is cooked from, all its varieties have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Broths serve as excellent helpers for colds and viral diseases, help restore the human body during or after an illness, normalize blood pressure, improve heart function due to the presence of proteins in the right concentration, help with stomach diseases, and also reduce blood viscosity, thinning and prevent the formation of blood clots.

The most common and useful type of broth is chicken. Its beneficial properties have a beneficial effect on the human digestive system, and are also capable of healing wounds, strengthening bones and teeth, helping to cope with irritability and have a positive effect on memory. Normalizing blood sugar levels, chicken broth is an indispensable dish for diabetes.

Possessing a mass of positive qualities, broths, like many, have their own contraindications. Since they contribute to an increase in acidity and the secretion of gastric juice, they should not be used by people with impaired metabolism, ulcers or gastritis with high acidity.

Calorie broth- what's the secret?

Such a simple dish as broth also has its own little secrets. Calorie broth, as we have already found out, depends entirely on the product on which it is prepared. But how could it be otherwise if, for the preparation of broth, it is used, which has zero calorie content, and, in fact, the product itself - be it beef, or.

However, there is one small nuance that many do not take into account. The fact is that the most useful and dietary broth is obtained by cooking it on the so-called "second water". To do this, the “first water”, in which, for example, chicken was boiled for several minutes, is drained, the chicken is washed, poured with new clean water, and cooked until tender. Such a broth turns out to be the least nutritious, and does not contain excess fats that remain after the first cooking.

If you care about your appearance and care about your health, do not forget to include broths in your diet, and you will always be cheerful, slim, beautiful and full of energy!

Broth calorie table

(per 100 g of product)
energy value
chicken broth2,00 0,50 0,30 15,00
mushroom broth0,20 0,02 0,85 4,28
vegetable broth0,65 0,18 2,36 12,85
Fish broth (hake)4,49 0,61 0,71 26,15
Pork broth23,15 8,00 0,00 40,00
Bone broth (beef bones)4,00 1,30 0,20 28,60
Beef broth2,30 1,10 2,60 28,80
