
Chicken broth - how much should be cooked and how to cook it for the sick, child or rich. Chicken broth recipe for a patient after surgery

If a person is weakened, squeezed out after an injury or operation, poisoning, the first thing he is given is chicken broth, which, if used correctly, can help a lot in recovery. Let's look at how to cook chicken broth for a patient in case of poisoning, in order to bring maximum benefit to him, and not harm him. To do this, you need to know some rules.

What are the benefits of chicken broth?

If a person has gone, he has severe vomiting, he is sick, he has diarrhea - he loses a lot of fluid and, along with it, useful substances such as sodium and potassium. To restore all these components, after poisoning, the patient is given droppers that restore the lost nutrients and restore the intestinal microflora.

Chicken broth is useful, because the product is not fatty, easily digestible, and will not harm the patient's body. But - when cooking, you need to remove fat and skin, the most harmful chicken part.
In order for the broth to bring maximum benefit, it must be given according to the scheme - on the first day, nothing at all, or 50 grams, on the second already 100-120 ml, on the third you can already add vegetables, on the fourth - meat, well boiled, and better - grated .

The composition of chicken broth contains many useful substances in the form of vitamins of almost the entire group B, and the most important for us: A, E, C, D. In addition, a whole set of trace elements in the form of phosphorus, magnesium, iodine with iron and potassium will be very useful to the patient.

Chicken broth after poisoning is also useful for the presence of proteins with amino acids in the composition.
Such an excellent composition allows the patient to get back on his feet faster after poisoning, and increase immunity, while it is light, and does not give an extra burden to the sick organism.

When cooked broth can harm

Not every broth can be useful for a sick person. It is unacceptable to give it in case of poisoning, if it is cooked:

With factory, stuffed with chemistry of early chicken;
- if you decide to create soup from cubes, in which there is nothing useful, only harm;
- it is impossible to solder with chicken broth in case of alcohol poisoning. It is supposed to drink plenty of water, moreover, in the form of clean water that removes toxins;
- it is unacceptable to add hot spices in the first days of illness.
- on the first day, cook without vegetables and with a minimum of salt.

It must be remembered that in severe cases of departure, the broth will not help at all, you need to urgently call an ambulance. When treatment is already prescribed, you can already give chicken broth after poisoning, but starting with the easiest option, which we will discuss below.
By the end of the treatment week, you can already think for the patient.

Chicken broth recipe for the sick

It would seem that what kind of wisdom is to cook a broth: he threw the chicken into the water, cooked it and gave it to the patient to drink. But no, there are a lot of rules here, and they must be followed if you want recovery, and not aggravation of the disease.

Important steps in the preparation of medicinal broth:

1. The chicken must be a laying hen, grown at home, without the use of chemicals, on grass and normal feed. Not a broiler, in the cultivation of which all kinds of additives are used for their rapid growth, namely, the usual laying hen, which the hostesses keep for eggs, it can be 2-3 years old, and the quality of the yushka will not suffer from this.
2. How to cook chicken broth for a patient correctly - wash the chicken thoroughly, feathers, paws, remove the head, all the insides - be sure, and rinse thoroughly. By and large, you can safely remove the breast from the chicken, there is no fat from it. As the patient recovers a little, after 2-3 days, steamed cutlets can be cooked from the breast for a second.
3. If you are thinking whether chicken broth is possible in case of poisoning, it is definitely necessary, but - we remove the skin and all the fat - the load for the sick body in the form of fats is not needed. Next, cut up the chicken and put it in a bowl. We pour in clean water so that all the meat is covered, let it boil, after a couple of minutes we ruthlessly drain everything, rinse the chicken, and fill it with clean, necessarily cold water. Everything, as soon as it boils - without covering with a lid, we make the fire the smallest, and cook, observing that it barely boils, slightly swaying. Such a recipe will give a clear broth and the most useful.
4. When cooking, it is possible and even desirable to add an onion head to the chicken. By the way, if you do not completely clean it, leave the lower layers, the broth will acquire a golden color. Aesthetics is also, you know, an important matter.
5. On the second day, you can also add carrots, on the third day, if you are thinking about how to prepare chicken broth for the patient, you can also add potatoes, and if his health has improved significantly - the same boiled breast that was separated from the chicken on the first day.
6. How much to cook the broth: the recipe says - until the meat is completely cooked and begins to separate freely from the bones.
7. On the first day, serve the broth without anything, in an amount of 50-70 ml, on the second - add croutons (we take white bread, yesterday), on the third - vegetables, and according to the patient's condition - pureed meat.
8. Such a chicken broth, a recipe for a patient, in case of poisoning is just salvation. If you adhere to all of the above tips, you will get a healing yushka.

Do not forget, the recovery process can take up to a week, or even more. You need to carefully monitor the right diet, consult a doctor, wash your hands, because the body is weakened, the infection is immediately enough. In addition to knowing how to cook the broth correctly, the recipe is correct, you also need to add compote to the menu that is not sweet, it is better to use dried fruits, rice porridge, just boiled in water, buckwheat (the same method), you can use rice water, also allowed in this period, enveloping the intestines. All these products do not injure the mucous membrane and start the mechanism of recovery.
After the start of the healing process, you can already give.

Chicken broth after poisoning

We have described the broth recipe in detail, now we will give some recommendations received from nutritionists, doctors and cooks in preparing chicken broth for a sick person:

The best leg broth;
- the foam can not be removed, it will settle in the process, then strain, and all the useful substances will remain in place;
- cook the broth for about 3 hours, if we throw vegetables - then after 1.5 hours of cooking, then remove after turning off. They have already given everything useful to Yushka.

Jewish penicillin - this is the name given to the healing chicken broth. It will enhance the taste and color of its preliminary baking in a dry frying pan of carrots and onions.
Do not put sweet peas - the whole taste of the chicken will be killed, only black and lavrushka.
Parsley, dill, celery, parsnip are good for cooking broth.
For a better taste of the broth, add salt at the beginning of cooking.
By the end of the week, you can already give.

For convalescents, Masha Zolina talks very interestingly about the preparation of chicken broth, or rather, even soup, see:

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

After surgery or after another illness, doctors always prescribe a special, low-calorie sparing diet. It always includes low-fat chicken broths. Today I will tell you how to cook not only healthy, postoperative, but also delicious chicken broth that can cheer up everyone who is sick. Well, see how chicken broth is prepared after the operation, see the recipe below. I would like to draw your attention to this one as well.

Required products:

- 1.5-2 liters of water;
- 300 grams of chicken fillet;
- 1 small carrot;
- 1 small onion;
- A couple of sprigs of fresh herbs, such as dill;
- 1 tsp salt;
- 1 bay leaf;
- 4-5 black peppercorns.

Recipe with photo step by step:

For the broth I will use lean meat without skin. Chicken fillet, namely breast, is perfect for this. If your breast is on the bone, it's okay, the main thing is to remove the skin. I wash the fillet, cut off if there are small areas of fat. There are not many of them, but even I cut them off so that the broth is as transparent as possible.

I put the fillet in a pot of cold water. When the water warms up, I add salt, but there should be a little salt, after all, the broth must be prepared dietary and correct.

To make the broth have a pleasant taste, I put some natural spices: a leaf of laurel and peas of allspice black pepper.

I clean the carrots, wash them and add them to the broth so that the color of the broth is not too pale. Also, carrots will give the dish a pleasant sweetish aftertaste. I peel the onion from the husk and, as a whole, put it in the broth so that the taste becomes brighter and richer. After preparing the broth, I simply take out the onion. The chicken breast itself does not give the broth a very pronounced taste, but the root vegetables will make it a pleasant treat after such a procedure as an operation.

After the broth boils, a foam will appear on its surface, which I immediately remove with a slotted spoon. The foam must be removed so that the broth is then transparent as a glass.

I will cook the broth for 30-40 minutes, I take out the finished chicken fillet so that it is more convenient to cut it into pieces.

I put the chopped chicken and a few pieces of boiled carrots on a plate.

I pour hot broth on top.

I sprinkle with freshly chopped dill to make the broth even tastier.
A wonderful tonic and strengthening dish is ready!
Such a broth perfectly restores strength both after surgery and after a protracted cold.

If one of your relatives feels unwell or has a little cold, then a plate of such a miraculous broth will raise anyone to their feet.
Bon Appetite!

Chicken broth soup is a classic dish that has been familiar to us since childhood. In the cold season, a fragrant, hot drug will not only satisfy hunger, but also help to warm up. The dish, at first glance, is very simple, but experienced housewives know special secrets and subtleties. Properly cooked chicken broth is an excellent base for a variety of soups.

How to make chicken broth

The taste and concentration of the broth largely depends on the bird, so try to buy homemade chicken soup - so the soup will bring maximum benefits. A rich liquid will come from a whole bird or from a piece of meat with bones. You should not cook the broth only from chicken fillet. Try to fill the bird only with cold water, and after boiling, remove the foam, add vegetables.

chicken broth recipes

After reading the recipes, you will not have a question about how to cook chicken broth. A low-calorie meal can be included in your daily diet. Add seasonings, vegetables, grains and other additives to your broth to your liking. Before cooking, thoroughly wash the chicken under running water, if necessary, cut into small pieces.

  • Cooking time: 65 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 36 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

If you don't know how to cook chicken broth, try this method. The liquid can be used as a base for soup, or consumed as an independent dish. The broth has valuable nutritional properties, rich in protein. In order to make the dish even healthier, the first broth is drained during the cooking process. This helps to reduce the amount of purine bases.

  1. Put the whole bird in a saucepan, pour water. Put to boil.
  2. Avoid strong boiling. If foam appears, remove it with a slotted spoon.
  3. Salt, reduce heat, close the pan with a lid and cook for about an hour.

From chicken breast

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 113 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Chicken breast broth is a low-calorie first course that can be given to children on a diet. Give preference to poultry, then your dish will be richer, it will acquire a pleasant golden color. You can place the boiled breast in the broth when serving or serve separately. Put fresh herbs on a plate to make the first dish even tastier.

  1. Pour water over the chicken, salt, put the container on medium heat.
  2. When the liquid boils, reduce the temperature, remove the foam. Boil for about an hour.
  3. 10 minutes before the chicken is ready, put the greens.

From legs

  • Cooking time: 95 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 129 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

In the photo, we often see a beautiful golden chicken broth. By following the instructions in the recipe, you can also prepare this dish. Leg stock is an excellent base for soups. Before cooking, it is recommended to soak the meat in cold water for an hour. To reduce the amount of fat, remove the skin from the legs.

  1. Place the bird in a saucepan, add water.
  2. Wait until boiling, remove the foam, add salt.
  3. Cook the chicken legs over low heat for about 90 minutes.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat.

From chicken thigh

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 80 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Chicken drumstick is well suited for simmering rich, golden broths. You can use the finished meat in other dishes, or, dividing it into small pieces, leave it in the soup. Take at least 3 legs, from a smaller amount the taste will not be bright enough. To remove excess fat and reduce calories, remove the skin before heat treatment.

  1. Fill the thigh with water.
  2. Wait for the foam to appear, remove it with a slotted spoon.
  3. Salt water, add spices.
  4. Let the broth simmer for 1 hour at the lowest temperature.

With potato

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 102 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The recipe for chicken broth with potatoes allows you to prepare a first course that can replace a full meal at lunch. It is better to use starchy varieties of vegetables that are well boiled. How much to cook chicken for broth depends on the age and size of the bird. Even the most inexperienced housewives will be able to cook a delicious soup using this chicken broth recipe.

  1. Put the chicken in a saucepan, add water.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil, remove the foam, salt.
  3. Add potatoes, cook over low heat.
  4. Put the parsley into the boiling broth 5 minutes before the end of cooking.
  • Cooking time: 85 minutes.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 151 kcal / 100 g.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

The recipe will allow you to prepare a delicious broth that can become your favorite meal. Healthy and natural ingredients will quickly satisfy your hunger. In order to prevent your soup from turning cloudy, be sure to remove the foam and reduce the temperature to a minimum. Give preference to homemade chicken and eggs, especially if you are cooking for a small child.

  1. Place the meat in a pot of cold water.
  2. After boiling, remove the foam, reduce the heat and put a whole onion.
  3. After 10 minutes, add vegetables, boiled eggs, herbs.
  4. Turn off the fire after half an hour.
  • Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
  • Servings: 7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 152 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Recipes for the first chicken with vegetables have long won the hearts of many housewives, as this is a simple and very healthy potion. How to cook a dish if there is no time? - the answer to this question you will find in the recipe. Take a variety of vegetables, combine them for the perfect taste. Depending on the season, you can add fresh herbs or a variety of dry seasonings.

  1. Fry onions with carrots, celery until tender, salt.
  2. Rinse the meat, place in a saucepan, add ready-made vegetables and herbs.
  3. Pour everything with cold water, leave on medium heat until boiling.
  4. Remove the foam, turn off the gas, cook until tender.
  5. Turn off, let it brew for an hour.


  • Cooking time: 75 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 181 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Rich broth is a great way to satisfy your hunger. This is a tasty, healthy food that is suitable for adults and for children from a very young age. Follow the instructions exactly in the recipe and you will be able to cook a clear broth. Homemade noodles, cereals will be a great addition. In order for the soup to turn out rich, do not forget to remove the foam.

  • chicken - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • black pepper - 5 pcs.;
  • oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • pasta - to taste;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste.

  1. Put the whole chicken in a saucepan, cook over low heat for about an hour.
  2. Then the broth is filtered.
  3. Cut vegetables, put in water.
  4. After a couple of minutes, add small pasta, herbs.
  5. After boiling the broth, turn off the burner, season.
  • Cooking time: 55 minutes.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 179 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Poultry broth is a delicious meat product that perfectly satisfies hunger. The use of chicken soup is allowed even for those who adhere to a diet. The cooking process is simple and does not take much time. If you don't have skills in cooking liquid dishes, try this method. Your family will definitely appreciate the wonderful taste and aroma of the broth.

  1. Put the ingredients in a cooking pot, add water.
  2. Cook over medium heat until boiling, remove the foam.
  3. Add salt and herbs.
  4. Boil the first for another 40 minutes.

Chicken broth is credited with a lot of useful properties. It is recommended to eat for people exhausted by the disease, after surgery, as well as for children. This is a dietary product that is easily digested and nourishes an exhausted body. And how to cook chicken broth for the patient correctly, we will give a step-by-step recipe for this right now on this page “Popular about health”.

Which chicken is suitable for broth?

To cook a healthy chicken broth, you need to choose the right base for it - a chicken carcass. Well, if it is a young individual - a chicken. It contains almost no cholesterol, its meat is tender and soft. Such a fat from a young chicken will be especially useful for children and people with diseases of the intestines and stomach. If the chicken could not be found, you can cook the broth from any chicken, only then increase the cooking time. Domestic chicken is undoubtedly the best choice, since it does not contain harmful substances and hormones, it feeds exclusively on natural food, and grows in natural conditions.

For the patient, the broth should not be too greasy - this is the main rule. Especially if it is prepared for those who have recently undergone surgery. Fatty food in this case is contraindicated. It is correct to use dietary meat for cooking - chicken breast or wings. Then the broth will turn out to be nutritious, fragrant, but light, and this is the most important thing.

What else is put in the broth for the patient when cooking?

To make chicken broth even more useful, it is customary to add vegetables to it. The most commonly used are onions, carrots, garlic, celery roots and parsley. All these components are needed not only to give taste and aroma, but also for greater fortification of the product. For colds, it is good to drink chicken broth with the addition of onions, garlic and herbs. When cooked, vegetables release useful substances that the body gratefully absorbs, then recovery comes faster.

Cooking chicken broth - a recipe step by step to help you:

So, if you bought a young poultry, then you can start cooking. In addition to meat, we will also need other products.

Ingredients: chicken breast or wings - about 600 g; bottled water - 2 l; salt; onion head; carrots - 1; garlic - 2 cloves; parsley root; celery root; greens - dill, parsley.

The broth recipe:

1. Remove the skin from the meat, wash it and put it in a saucepan.

2. Add cold purified water.

3. We put on the stove, set the average intensity of the fire.

4. Bring to a boil.

5. Reduce the fire to a minimum, carefully remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon.

6. Cook under the lid for half an hour.

7. While the broth is languishing, we clean and wash the vegetables and rhizomes.

8. Cut the carrots into cubes.

9. Leave the onion whole.

10. We divide the roots of celery and parsley into several parts.

11. Cut the garlic into pieces.

12. Add all vegetables and roots to the broth.

13. Cook for another 20-25 minutes, add salt.

14. Turn off the finished dish, leave it under the lid for another 15 minutes to infuse.

15. Serve warm, adding fresh herbs.

Follow the recipe exactly if you are serving the broth to a cold or flu sufferer, or to a person who is debilitated. Such a fat will also benefit those who suffer from a severe hangover. In this case, it is worth overpowering yourself and drinking at least 100 ml of broth, and after 2-3 hours another portion.

However, if you are cooking for those who had an operation on the internal organs a few days ago, then do not add greens and garlic yet, but put the whole carrot. Garlic is able to increase gas formation in the intestines, so it is not recommended to eat it in the postoperative period.

Useful properties of chicken broth

How is this dietary product useful? Why is it indispensable during illness? When cooked for a long time, chicken meat releases valuable amino acids, peptides and unsaturated fatty acids. These elements improve the work of internal organs and give strength. Vegetables added to the broth also enrich it with vitamins, micro and macro elements and minerals. So, onions and garlic are sources of vitamin C, without which it is much more difficult for the body to cope with viruses. Celery and parsley roots are a whole pantry of useful substances. There are many vitamins - C, E, B, A, as well as substances important for health - zinc, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, boron and iron.

In the postoperative period, when the patient cannot yet eat various solid foods, the broth with the addition of these roots will become a source of energy and strength for them to fight the disease. Those who are exhausted from heavy exercise or long and frequent colds should drink chicken broth with vegetables. This is a quick way to get the vitamins and minerals you need. Chicken broth is an excellent tool for strengthening bones. Patients with fractures of the limbs should drink it daily, because when cooked, poultry releases substances that have a positive effect on bone and connective tissue.

If your loved one is sick, then dietary chicken broth, to which vegetables and herbs are added during cooking, will help you get back on your feet faster. Cooking it is quite simple, the main thing is not to use the fatty parts of the bird - the thighs and back, so that the broth is not too heavy for digestion. The benefit of this dish is that it is rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals, and that it is easily absorbed in the intestines.
