
Chicken legs stuffed. Recipe for stuffed chicken legs

Stuffed chicken legs are not only a tasty and hearty dish, but also very effective. It will become a worthy decoration of a rich festive table and will pleasantly amaze all guests. You can choose a variety of fillings for such a treat.

Stuffed chicken legs with vegetables in the oven

Ingredients: 30 g of boiled carrots and fresh bell peppers, 40 g of green beans and fresh green peas, 2 large chicken legs, salt, fresh garlic, sweet paprika.

  1. The skin is very carefully removed from the legs so as not to damage it. To do this, you need to move your fingers between the skin and meat, moving from top to bottom.
  2. As a result, only a miniature bone from below should remain, on which the skin will be attached. The rest of the bone is discarded. Beforehand, all the meat is cut off from it.
  3. Vegetables and chicken are finely chopped, salted, sprinkled with seasonings. Crushed garlic is added to them. An egg breaks.
  4. The skin is stuffed with prepared minced meat and vegetables. Its edges are securely fixed with toothpicks.

Stuffed chicken legs in the oven are cooked on a baking sheet under foil for about half an hour at a low temperature.

With mushroom stuffing

Ingredients: medium legs 10-12 pieces, a pound of champignons, coarse salt, 2-3 onions, 2 large spoons of sour cream, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The skin is removed from each leg and a miniature part of the bone with the joint is left. The meat is removed from the bones and finely chopped.
  2. Mushrooms and onions are finely chopped, salted, peppered and fried until tender.
  3. When the roast has cooled, it, along with raw meat, is passed through a meat grinder. If necessary, the mixture is added.
  4. Chicken skin stuffed with stuffing. The resulting "legs" are laid out in a prepared form and smeared with sour cream.

Stuffed chicken legs with mushrooms are baked for 40-45 minutes in a well-heated oven. Periodically, they need to be lubricated with secreted fat.

Stuffed chicken drumsticks with rice

Ingredients: 4 chicken legs, a spoonful of sweet mustard, 1/3 cup of raw rice, 80-90 g of cheese, onion, 2 large spoons of mayonnaise, fine salt.

  1. The skin is removed from the legs along with the extreme part of the joint. The remaining meat is finely chopped.
  2. Rice is cooked no longer than 8-9 minutes in salt water.
  3. Pieces of chicken are fried in hot fat with small onion cubes. Then they are mixed with rice, grated cheese and salted to taste.
  4. The skin is stuffed with the resulting filling and sutured in the open part.
  5. The blanks are laid out in an oiled open heat-resistant container and smeared with mayonnaise mixed with mustard.

The treat is baked for 25-30 minutes in a well-heated oven.

Appetizing dish with bacon

Ingredients: 220 g of raw smoked bacon, 6 large chicken legs, 130 g of raw smoked cheese, 2 large spoons of chopped walnuts, 2-3 garlic cloves, a spoonful of sour cream and mayonnaise, salt.

How to cook stuffed chicken legs with bacon, we will consider in detail below.

  1. The skin is removed from the legs. The meat is finely chopped, combined with chopped nuts and crushed garlic.
  2. Mayonnaise, grated cheese, sour cream and salt are sent to the same mass.
  3. The filling is placed in "bags" made of leather. The edges are fixed with toothpicks or in any other convenient way.
  4. Thin slices of bacon are wrapped around the blanks.

At 200-210 degrees, the treat is baked in the oven for a little less than an hour.

Stuffed with cheese and eggs

Ingredients: 6 legs, a little mustard, onion, a large spoonful of fat sour cream, a pinch of turmeric, salt, 3 large eggs, fresh garlic to taste, 70 g of semi-hard cheese.

  1. The skin is removed from the legs with a “stocking” and left on the lower joint.
  2. The flesh of the bird is finely chopped, combined with grated cheese and small cubes of a pre-cooked pair of eggs.
  3. Mustard and crushed garlic are also added to taste. The mass is salted and sprinkled with turmeric. The remaining raw egg is driven into the filling and grated onion is added.
  4. The filling is stuffed with chicken skin. Its edges are fixed with toothpicks. The blanks are smeared with sour cream.

The dish is baked on a baking sheet covered with foil until browned.

With minced banana and garlic

Ingredients: 4 chicken drumsticks, 2 bananas, salt, a pinch of ground chili, 3-4 garlic cloves, a little lemon juice.

  1. Bananas are kneaded with a fork and sprinkled with lemon juice.
  2. To them you need to add salt and crushed garlic. You can also use any aromatic herbs and ground chili.
  3. The skin is removed from the legs. The cut meat is finely cut and combined with a banana mass.
  4. Chicken skin is stuffed with stuffing.
  5. First, the blanks are fried until golden brown in a pan, and then the chicken legs stuffed with fruit are baked for another 10-12 minutes in a well-heated oven.

With apples and prunes

Ingredients: 5 legs, 130 g chicken fillet, 70 g cheese, 5-6 pcs. pitted prunes, sweet and sour apple, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. The skin is carefully removed from the legs. The cut meat is finely cut along with the prepared fillet.
  2. Chicken pieces are mixed with grated cheese, chopped prunes, apple cubes and aromatic herbs with salt.
  3. “Stockings” made of leather are stuffed with stuffing, after which the blanks are fried on all sides in hot oil.

The dish is served hot with any side dish.

How to cut chicken legs for stuffing?

To make the dish under discussion successful, it is very important to properly cut the legs before stuffing. To do this, the lower leg is taken in hand, the skin is picked up from its thick side with a knife. Slowly and gradually it turns inside out.

The films that attach the skin to the meat are cut with a knife - the main thing is not to damage the skin itself. When it is possible to turn the skin up to the very joint, the leg is cut off along with a small piece of bone. It remains only to stuff the resulting "stocking".

Chicken dishes are very popular among experienced and novice housewives. White poultry meat is easily amenable to all types of heat treatment and almost always has an excellent taste.

But everyone is already a little tired of standard baked dishes, and in order to surprise loved ones, you should try something new, for example, stuffed chicken legs. This is a universal dish that can always be original and with a twist, because you choose the filling.

Any dish, even if it has the most complex recipe, begins with the purchase of products. This stage is especially important when preparing stuffed legs, because the success of your culinary venture depends on the quality of the ingredients and the availability of everything you need.

The main component of the dish are the legs themselves. So, follow these guidelines:

  • In no case do not buy shank, you need a leg with a thigh. Especially important is the amount of skin. If there is not enough of it, then in the end you will get not stuffed chicken legs, but minced meat spread over a baking sheet.
  • Pay special attention to the skin. It is important that it is intact and strong enough. In no case do not buy legs with cracked, thin or worn skin. There is a high chance that the skin will burst during removal or during baking, ruining the entire recipe.
  • Pay attention to the freshness of the meat. After all, the longer the chicken was stored in the refrigerator, the worse the quality of the skin.
  • Buy only fresh meat that has not been frozen. Cold destroys the structure of tissues, and such a skin is more difficult to prepare correctly.

There are no special requirements for the filling ingredients, since their selection directly depends on your culinary preferences.

Also, forget to buy spices, without them, even the most sophisticated recipe may not turn out the way you would like. Spices will give the dish an exquisite taste and unique aroma. Their number depends on your preferences.

The most difficult at this stage is the separation of the skin from the chicken leg. This should be done from a thicker cut edge and carefully, removing ligaments and veins with a knife (pull it off according to the stocking principle). You are literally turning your skin inside out.

On your way there will be one moment with increased complexity - the bend zone (the meeting of the shank and the thigh) here it is better to grab some meat, which will help not to damage the skin. After passing the turn, tighten the skin to the bone and stop.

In no case do not tear off the skin, it is easy to damage it, and the filling will spill out. The bone must be cut. You will receive a stocking with a bone, which is to be stuffed.

Having completed the preparation of the "stocking", you should do the filling. Chop the ingredients into medium or small pieces or grate and mix. Now you can start cooking stuffed chicken legs.

Cooking process in detail

Before starting work, it is important to thoroughly rinse the products. Then, having done the preparatory processes, it's time to start stuffing.

All the ingredients that the recipe contains are not amenable to pre-heat treatment, with the exception of cereals. If you have prepared a filling with buckwheat or rice, be sure to cool the porridge cooked until half cooked.

When filling the skin with minced meat, it is important to maintain the natural shape of the leg. If you overdo it with the filling, then this will lead to cracking of the skin and scattering of the filling on the baking sheet.

To prepare this dish, many people fill the entire leg with the stuffing, filling both the thigh and the shank. And in vain. Often this leads to crumbling and not getting the result you expected. Chefs recommend filling the skin only in the shank area. And the remaining skin is usually used to close the hole and fix the stuffing inside.

After stuffing the ham, secure the edges of the skin with wooden toothpicks. They will not cause harm, do not contain dyes and other chemicals, and they are also easy to clean and hard to miss.

So that the skin does not overheat prematurely and does not burn, it is better to lubricate it with vegetable oil. Of course, it will taste better if you use olive oil, but standard sunflower will do.

Before loading stuffed chicken legs in the oven, grease a baking sheet with butter. Legs should be placed at a small distance from each other. This will prevent the skins from sticking together and tearing during unloading.

The oven should be heated to 210 degrees. This temperature is important so that the skin quickly compacts, but does not burn. But keep in mind, after 10 minutes after the start of baking, you should reduce the heat to 190 degrees. In total, the meat will stay in the oven for 45 - 60 minutes.

To form an appetizing crust, at the first load (at a temperature of 210 degrees), do not cover the stuffed chicken legs with anything. Then cover the pan with a lid and bake the meat in this mode for 10-20 minutes. After that, remove the lid again and continue cooking without it.

The finished dish can be served at the table. Stuffed chicken legs go well with a variety of sauces, including plain ketchup. It all depends on what your author's recipe is.

  • Potatoes in any form.
  • Rice or risotto.
  • Vegetable dishes: sauté, stew, etc.
  • Pasta also goes well with stuffed chicken legs.
  • Salad or sliced ​​​​fresh vegetables.

Also, stuffed chicken legs can be served at the table as an independent dish. They have an exquisite taste, are easy to prepare and perfectly satisfy hunger.

TOP 5 popular toppings

There are many options for preparing fillings for stuffed chicken legs. The only common component among them is the meat, which is trimmed from the bones of the shank and thighs after they have been removed from the skin.

But the key role is played by other ingredients that give the chicken a unique flavor notes. Among them, 5 simple dishes have been successfully tested and are very popular.

Recipe 1

This is the most budgetary filling that is familiar to our ancestors. For its preparation you will need: buckwheat or rice, meat, onion or garlic, salt and pepper to taste, raw egg.

Please note that the cereal should be cooked only half and in advance, it is important that it be cold at the time of stuffing. Meat should not be pre-cooked.

It tastes better when there is less porridge than meat. Note: onions and garlic should be rubbed. Such a filling always succeeds and does not require a lot of trouble during preparation.

Recipe 2

To prepare this filling, you will need: meat, raw mushrooms at your discretion, hard cheese, garlic, raw egg. These are essential components for cooking such a dish as chicken legs stuffed with mushrooms and cheese.

Before mixing the filling, it is necessary to subject the mushrooms to a preliminary heat treatment. It is important that excess moisture comes out of them.

But remember, don't overcook them. After the liquid has evaporated, remove them from the pan. If this is not done, then you will cook chicken legs not baked in the oven, but boiled.

Let the mushrooms cool, mix them with finely chopped meat and grated cheese. Add garlic and spices to taste.

Recipe 3

Stuffed chicken legs with hints of prunes. To create this dish, you will need: chicken legs, prunes (no more than 100 grams), hard cheese, some walnuts, sour cream, spices to taste, a raw egg.

The filling does not require preliminary heat treatment in the oven, but to get the expected result, you should remember some tricks.

The meat should be cut into medium-sized cubes, mixed with crushed garlic, salt and pepper, and then set aside the minced meat.

Soak whole prunes for 20-30 minutes in warm water. Then it should be crushed, but not rubbed, only in this way you can prepare a dish with a delicate exquisite taste and aroma. Add chopped prunes and chopped walnuts to the filling. Next, stuff the skins.

Recipe 4

Many people use a mixture of meat and sweet peppers for the filling. The chicken should not be pre-fried, but rather cut into small pieces. Pepper can be used in two forms at once. Someone likes to use raw peppers, cut into medium-sized strips.

Others prefer that it not be felt and does not disturb the overall texture of the filling, pre-baking it for 2-5 minutes in the oven. Pepper gives the meat a unique mild flavor. If you prefer something more delicate, you should add cheese, sour cream and butter to the filling.

For those who appreciate spiciness, it is better to limit yourself to ketchup or Mexican sauce. Also, do not forget to add a raw egg, this will hold the minced meat together and prevent the filling from falling apart at the most inopportune moment.

Recipe 5

Stuffed chicken legs with vegetables. To prepare the dish, you will need: meat, green peas, boiled eggs (2-3 pieces), carrots, green onions, sweet peppers, sour cream, salt and spices to taste, raw egg.

In this filling, meat is just a background for accents of vegetables. Therefore, the chicken is ground in a meat grinder. Peppers and carrots can be pre-baked in the oven (no more than 5 minutes), but you can not do this.

Vegetables should be cut into cubes and added to minced meat. Boiled eggs also cut into cubes, but if you do not like their taste, you should grate them on a coarse grater.

Be sure to add a raw egg to the meat. This component will help hold the filling together and prevent it from falling apart while cutting the legs or trying to remove them from the pan.

Hundreds of fillings have been invented for the preparation of stuffed legs. Many dilute the meat with fruits and berries to obtain a refined and even spicy taste.

But it is worth remembering that the most important thing is your taste preferences, because they should dictate your decisions about the choice of filling. If you do not like any ingredients - just exclude them from the recipe.

Stuffed chicken legs unlike ordinary baked chicken in the oven, able to surprise everyone who tries them. Many, however, I was also among them, think that cooking such baked stuffed chicken legs is very difficult and requires incredible skill and skill. In fact, this is far from the case. I got everything right the first time.

I think that many housewives, like me, are first of all afraid, first of all, how to remove the skin from the leg correctly and without damaging it. Now I can say with confidence that there is nothing difficult in this if you act slowly and confidently. Now about the filling. The filling for stuffing most often consists of chicken meat, fried onions and carrots and champignon mushrooms. In addition to these ingredients, cheese and other vegetables can be added to the filling - corn, broccoli, green peas, eggplant and zucchini.

Today I want to show you how to cook stuffed chicken legs with mushrooms in the oven according to a step by step recipe. This chicken dish can be served hot or cold. Both in the first and in the second version, such stuffed chicken remains tasty and appetizing.


  • Chicken legs - 4 pcs.,
  • Champignons - 300 gr.,
  • Onion - 2 pcs.,
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.,
  • spices and sol - to taste,
  • Refined oil

Stuffed Chicken Legs - Recipe

Wash the chicken legs prepared for stuffing with cold water. Wipe off with paper towels.

Check for small feathers on them, pluck them if necessary. For stuffing, we need to get a “stocking” made of leather with a small bone at the end. In fact, removing the skin from the legs is very simple. In order for everything to work out, the main thing in this matter is to do everything carefully and slowly. Starting at the top of the leg (from the beginning of the thigh), with a sharp knife, make shallow cuts in those places where the skin connects to the meat. After each cut, carefully pull the skin down the stem. Thus, remove the skin from the leg down to the lowest bone.

With a sharp knife or small hatchet, cut off the bone with the skin from the leg.

Thus, prepare all the other chicken legs for stuffing. Now prepare the stuffing for stuffing the legs. In this case, it will consist of chicken meat, vegetables and mushrooms. Cut the meat off the bones.

Finely chop it with a knife, as for making chopped chicken fillet cutlets, or pass it through a meat grinder.

Hide the obtained chicken legs without meat in the freezer, from them at any time it will be possible to cook a delicious dietary chicken soup. Wash the carrot. Clean and grate.

Peel the onion and cut into cubes.

Wash the mushrooms and cut into small cubes. Fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes.

Then put the mushrooms in the pan and fry them with vegetables for another 5 minutes.

Put the fried mushrooms with vegetables in a bowl with minced chicken.

Salt all the ingredients, sprinkle with spices.

After mixing, the stuffing for stuffing chicken legs will be ready.

Using a teaspoon, fill the base of the chicken leg with the filling. During stuffing, try to stuff the legs tightly with minced meat, pressing and tamping it down with a spoon.

So that during baking the stuffed ones do not fall apart and the filling does not fall out of them, it is necessary to close the filling inside. The edges of the skins of chicken legs can be sewn up with thread or chipped off with toothpicks. The second option is more popular among housewives, as it is more aesthetic and faster.

Using this technology, stuff everything and fix them with toothpicks. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Lay the stuffed chicken legs on it at a small distance from each other.

Place the chicken in a hot oven at 180C. After 15 minutes of baking, a lot of juice will appear inside the chicken legs, and accordingly, the pressure in the stuffed chicken legs will rise sharply.

So that the skin on them does not burst, they must be pierced just like homemade sausage. To do this, take a thin needle and make several punctures along the surface of the leg. The procedure can be repeated twice. Total stuffed chicken legs in the oven should be baked no more than 40 minutes.

Stuffed chicken legs. Photo

Probably, not all of you stuff chicken or its parts. But most people love them for sure. My family loves stuffed chicken legs.

Of course, this is not the fastest dish, but if they ask, then I cook. And today I will talk about them, chicken legs, and about my method of stuffing in as much detail as possible. I hope you follow me and love this dish as much as we do.

Total cooking time - 1 hour 40 minutes
Active cooking time - 45 minutes-1 hour
Cost - 4 $
Calorie content per 100 gr - 157 kcal
Servings - 6 legs (that's about 3 servings)

How to cook stuffed chicken legs

Leg - 6 pieces(chicken)
Bulgarian pepper– 70 grams
Tomato - 80 grams
Garlic - 6 cloves
Parsley - 2 sprigs
Green onion - 20 grams
Hard cheese - 30 grams
Rusks - 3 tablespoons
Corn grits- 1 tablespoon
Egg - 1 piece
Flour - 2 tablespoons
Black pepper - to taste
Milk - 1 tablespoon
Salt - to taste


One very important advice: it is much better if it is not chicken legs, but with a thigh - a chicken leg. For what? Well, the most important thing is because of the presence of the skin. We will partially take it from the thighs and later wrap our legs without difficulty. What to do with the leftover thighs? Yes, just bake them side by side, or cook the broth, cook the soup ... I'm sure they won't be lost. If you just bought legs and see that there is enough skin on them, then at the end of stuffing, stab it on top with a wooden stick, which you must select when serving. But, as far as I see the legs separately, they only have half the skin, therefore I always take the legs. So, let's start. Let's say you still bought a chicken leg on my advice. This is what we will deviate from. A little higher than the connection of the leg - we cut the thigh in a circle around the skin.

We carefully remove it, if it suddenly gets stuck somewhere (holds the film) - we help a little with a knife. But, the skin from the legs comes off quickly, simply and without problems, so there should not be any trouble in the form of tears. We leave this skin turned inside out, at the very bottom.

Cut off, if it was, the thigh.

Next, you need to separate the bone. To do this, we make a longitudinal incision.

Using a sharp knife, we separate the meat from the bone, starting with the upper cartilage (separate in a circle).

Since I don’t have any scissors (which is unfortunate, but I still won’t buy it), I simply cut off the bone (press with a knife) in the cartilage area, leaving the latter in place. Be careful - it is undesirable to damage the skin.
Peel the garlic and pass through a press or chop with a knife. Calculation - one clove per leg. Of course, many do not like garlic, and if you are not friends with it at all, replace it with fried onions ... although it will not be so fragrant, but I say this - a big lover of garlic.
So, we see before us a kind of field for fantasy. No, in no case will I twist this meat, we like it not ground, with a juicy stuffing inside. Now just salt, pepper the chicken and rub it with garlic, let it lie-soak, and we will deal with the filling.

I offer you a vegetable filling, which gives incredible juiciness to our legs and consists of the most affordable products. We take red paprika (bell pepper, it turns out a small half), wash it, clean it from seeds and cut it into a small cube. I don't like green, but orange and yellow are also quite suitable. We also remove the seeds from the tomato, since we don’t need all this liquid, and we cut it in the same way as paprika - in a cube. Finely chop the green onion and parsley. Mix everything, lightly salt and pepper. We evenly distribute the filling over our spread legs.

Then we carefully twist everything and base it back into our skin.

Since we have a little more skin than we need - just wrap it inside. You don't need to cut anything - it's very convenient.

Now let's get to the panning. Three cheese on a fairly fine grater and mix it with breadcrumbs and corn grits. I didn’t have this very cereal at hand, but only because of the breading I didn’t want to buy, so I replaced it with an extra spoonful of crackers. By the way, you can replace semolina, but it also ended ...
Lightly beat the egg with milk with a fork.
We take our stuffed leg, roll it in flour, then in an egg and at the very end cheese - breadcrumbs.

Cover the baking dish with oiled paper. Somehow I covered it with foil and bitterly regretted it - the breading mercilessly stuck to it and I had to literally tear it off the legs by a millimeter. So foil - no way! Well, I made a little more filling and, since I started, stuffed the thighs too, cutting out the bone, wrapping the filling and again breading.

We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, for about 40 minutes. The baking time depends on your oven and the size of the legs. It is not necessary to warm up initially. If placed in a cold place, increase the baking time by 5-10 minutes.
Garnish can be absolutely anything. Put the legs on a large baking sheet, and bake the potato wedges next to it. Boiled rice, fresh salad - also here to the point. So the choice is yours! Crispy crust, juicy chicken - mmm, a wonderful dish!
Bon appetit!

Sometimes even the simplest foods can be prepared in such a way that they will cause genuine delight among eaters. This applies even to such a budget and affordable product as chicken legs.

With just a little time, they can be very tasty stuffed. On average, the calorie content of drumsticks stuffed with minced chicken is 168 kcal / 100 g, but may vary depending on the components used.

Stuffed boneless chicken legs in the oven - photo recipe

Stuffed chicken legs are an incredibly appetizing and tasty dish. But kids will especially like it.

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • The lower part of the legs (lower leg): 6 pcs.
  • Cheese: 100 g
  • Bow: 1 pc.
  • Fatty sour cream: 30 g
  • Chile: 0.5 tsp
  • Dried basil: 1 tsp
  • Paprika: 1 tsp
  • Salt, pepper: to taste
  • Garlic: 3 cloves

Cooking instructions

Sometimes there is some stuffing left after the main course is cooked. You can make quick sandwiches with it.

  • the rest of the filling - 100 g;
  • white bread - 6 slices;
  • mayonnaise - 40 g;
  • green onion.


Lubricate the bread with mayonnaise, then with the filling.

Bake sandwiches in the microwave for 4-5 minutes.

Sprinkle with onions.

These sandwiches are a pleasure to have a bite to eat in a hurry.

Recipe for chicken legs stuffed with mushrooms

To prepare 4 servings you will need:

  • chicken legs 4 pcs.;
  • champignons 200 g;
  • onion 100 g;
  • salt;
  • pepper and nutmeg to taste;
  • oil 50 ml;
  • greenery.

What to do:

  1. Remove the skin from the legs, this must be done carefully so as not to tear. In the region of the lower leg, cut the skin from the inside.
  2. Cut the meat from the bones.
  3. Cut it into small cubes.
  4. Finely chop the onion.
  5. Wash mushrooms, dry and finely chop.
  6. Saute the onion in oil until soft and slightly discolored.
  7. Put the mushrooms on the onion. Fry everything together until the juice is completely evaporated from the pan. Remove from fire.
  8. Add chopped chicken to fried mushrooms, salt. Nutmeg and pepper also - to taste. Mix everything well.
  9. Spread the skin on the table. Put the filling in the center, about 2-3 tbsp. spoons. Close it with overlapping edges, for reliability, chop off with a toothpick.
  10. Grease a baking sheet with oil. Lay stuffed legs seam side down.
  11. Put in the oven and bake for 30-35 minutes. The temperature during baking should be + 180 degrees.

Serve ready-made stuffed legs in portions, sprinkled with herbs.

Spicy cheese filling

To prepare the cheese filling for 4 legs you will need:

  • Dutch cheese, Soviet 200 g;
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% or more 200 g;
  • garlic;
  • ground pepper;
  • cilantro 2-3 branches.

How to cook:

  1. Let the legs thaw well. Cut the skin on the inside of the leg. Cut out all the bones from the inside, leaving only part of the joint with cartilage.
  2. Spread the meat on the skin on the table and lightly beat it off.
  3. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Grate the cheese, mash the cottage cheese with a fork. Mix both ingredients.
  5. Squeeze a clove or two of garlic into the filling, add pepper to taste and finely chopped cilantro. If you don’t like the smell of this spicy herb, then you can take a few sprigs of dill. Mix the stuffing well.
  6. Arrange it on the prepared chicken, close the edges and chop them with a toothpick.
  7. Fold the blanks into a mold, bake for 45-50 minutes at + 190 degrees.

Variation with bacon

For 4 servings of bacon-stuffed legs, you need:

  • drumsticks 4 pcs.;
  • smoked sausage cheese 200 g;
  • bacon 4 slices;
  • salt;
  • greenery;
  • pepper and spices of your choice.


  1. With a sharp knife, make an incision along the lower leg, cut out the bone, leaving only the tip of the joint with cartilage.
  2. Make several cuts to the skin without cutting it.
  3. Salt and pepper the meat.
  4. Grate cheese.
  5. Place cheese in the center of each piece of chicken. Sprinkle it with spices of your choice, such as paprika.
  6. Put bacon on top of the cheese, if the strip is long, you can fold it in half.
  7. Close the filling with edges, chop them off and bake in the oven for about 40 minutes. Temperature + 190 degrees.

Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

With vegetables

For the recipe with minced vegetables you need:

  • oil 50 ml;
  • sweet pepper 200 g;
  • onion 90 g;
  • carrot 90-100 g;
  • garlic;
  • tomato 150 g;
  • greens 30 g;
  • salt;
  • pepper, ground;
  • legs 4 pcs.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the onion and cut into narrow slices.
  2. Wash, peel, chop the carrots into thin sticks or grate
  3. Remove the seeds from the pepper, cut it into strips.
  4. Tomato - narrow slices.
  5. Pour oil into a frying pan. Put the onions first, after five minutes add the carrots, after another five minutes - the pepper, and then the tomatoes.
  6. Stew vegetables for 7-8 minutes, salt, pepper and squeeze a clove of garlic. Put finely chopped greens. Mix and remove from fire.
  7. Cut out the bones from the legs, beat the meat from the inside, salt and pepper it.
  8. Put the minced vegetable in the center of each piece, cover with the edges, chop with a toothpick.
  9. Bake for 45 minutes in the oven at + 180 degrees.

Features of cooking in a pan

The preparatory stage of cooking stuffed legs in a pan does not differ from the previous methods. Heat treatment also does not hide big secrets.

To cook 4 servings in a skillet you need:

  • drumsticks 4 pcs.;
  • boiled rice 100 g;
  • pepper;
  • oil 50 ml;
  • onion 80 g;
  • salt;
  • garlic;
  • pepper, ground.

Action algorithm:

  1. Remove the skin from the legs with a “stocking”, cut the bone at the articular cartilage.
  2. Cut and finely chop the flesh.
  3. Fry a finely chopped onion in a pan.
  4. Add minced meat and fry, stirring, for 10 minutes.
  5. Put to the total mass of boiled rice. Salt, squeeze a clove of garlic and put pepper.
  6. Warm everything together for 1-2 minutes and remove from heat.
  7. Let the stuffing cool down a bit and fill the “bags” of chicken skin with it. Prick off the top with a toothpick.
  8. Heat oil in a frying pan.
  9. Fry the legs until golden brown on all sides.

If you use a ready-made filling, then it will take no more than a quarter of an hour to cook.

Many housewives refuse recipes for stuffed legs, considering the cutting process to be laborious. The following tips will help make the process easier.
