
Culinary recipes Ossetian pies. The classic recipe for making Ossetian pie (dough)

1. Prepare the dough in the sponge method.
Pour warm milk (temperature ~30-35°C) into a cup and dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar in milk.
Crumble the yeast into the milk and mix well so that the yeast is completely dissolved.
Put the dough for ~ 10-15 minutes in a warm place - during this time the dough should rise with a "cap".
Pour the risen brew into a large bowl.
Add kefir, sour cream, egg (products should be at room temperature), a pinch of salt.
Mix everything well.
Gradually adding flour, and lubricating hands with vegetable oil, knead the dough.

* The dough is viscous, it is not very convenient to knead it. But when it fits, it becomes soft and obedient.

Cover the dough with a clean cotton towel or tighten the bowl with cling film and put it in a warm place for ~ 1-1.5 hours.
In the meantime, prepare the fillings. We grate the cheese, chop the greens, chop the cabbage and fry in vegetable oil.

2. When the dough comes up, you need to knead it and knead a little (~ 1-2 minutes).
Divide the dough into 3 equal parts

3. Put one part of the dough on a table dusted with flour and knead it slightly to make a cake (the cake does not need to be made thin, otherwise the dough will tear).
Put 1/3 of the filling in the middle of the cake (it is better not to distribute the filling over the cake, but spread it in a small slide).
Bring the edges of the cake to the center and pinch well. The filling should be inside the cake.

4. Dust the cake with plenty of flour.
Gently knead the cake from the center to the edges.
To form Ossetian pies, it is very convenient to use 2 round wooden boards. On one board, dusted with flour, a cake with filling is placed and gently kneaded from the center to the edges. Then the cake is covered with a second round board and carefully turned over so that the board that was on top is at the bottom, and the cake is turned over accordingly. Now we remove the top board, dust the cake with flour and knead again from the center to the edges. Thus, you can turn the cake over several times until you get a cake of the desired size. The cake is kneaded quite thinly, its diameter is about 30-40 cm.

5. Make a few cuts on the surface of the cake to release steam, being careful not to cut through the cake. Usually incisions are made in the form of a pattern.
Thus, prepare the remaining 2 pies, dividing the dough and filling equally.
Place an empty baking sheet in an oven heated to ~230°C and let it warm up well.

What is an Ossetian pie? This is a very tasty national dish. The cake is always in the shape of a circle. Perhaps it symbolizes the sun. After all, with proper preparation, baking turns out to be warm, fragrant and sunny.

The dough for the Ossetian pie can be different. Having found your ideal recipe, you can experiment with fillings.

Varieties of Ossetian pies

The fillings for Ossetian pies can be very different, which means that there are a lot of options for making pies. The most popular types are:

  1. Pie with Ossetian cheese. It resembles khachapuri.
  2. Ossetian and with cheese - the most common and everyday option.
  3. Ossetian and chicken - French version.
  4. Ossetian meat pie is the most nutritious and satisfying.
  5. Ossetian pie with greens. For its preparation, different greens are used: from parsley with onions to spinach.
  6. Ossetian bean pie is a more vegetarian option.
  7. Ossetian pie with fresh pumpkin is the brightest and sunniest.
  8. Ossetian and many other options.

Dough for Ossetian pies

Let's first figure out what kind of dough for the Ossetian pie to cook. There are quite a few recipes. However, in our opinion, the most correct is yeast, if, of course, you have time to mess with it. Such a dough is made on a dough. It is very supple and soft, but holds its shape remarkably. Real Ossetian pies are made with just such a dough. They call it long. This name suggests that it is long and well stored in the refrigerator. It is quite possible to knead it in advance, and bake the pies themselves after a while. It is very convenient and practical. In addition, this makes it possible to always prepare fresh pies for lunch or dinner, rather than storing previously baked pies.

For the brew you need the following ingredients:

  1. Flour - 1 tsp
  2. Dry yeast - 1 tsp
  3. Sugar - 1 tsp
  4. Milk - 50 g.

Yeast must be mixed with flour and sugar. Pour warm milk into the dry mixture, mix and put in the warmest place, wrapped in a blanket. Let's wait for the foam to build up.

For the test itself you will need:

  1. Warmed milk - 100 ml.
  2. Kefir - 260 ml.
  3. Opara.
  4. Flour - 0.6 kg.
  5. Salt.
  6. Butter - 40 g.

In a large bowl, such as a bowl, sift the flour. In the middle we make a hole and pour in the dough, melted butter, the rest of the milk, salt, kefir. Mix it all very carefully, cover with a new towel and put it in a place where the dough can quickly rise. You can even wrap the dishes with something warm. The fact is that the rate of ascent directly depends on the temperature. On average, it will take one to two hours.

Indigenous Ossetian dough

We would like to share another recipe. The dough based on it is prepared a little easier, and the pies are so tender that you begin to believe that there is nothing more delicious in the world ...


  1. Tablespoon of sugar.
  2. Salt - 1 tsp
  3. Dry yeast - 2 tsp
  4. Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  5. A glass of milk.
  6. One and a half glasses of water.
  7. Flour - 4 cups.

First, we put a light dough, mixing half a glass of warm water with dry yeast, sugar and a few tablespoons of flour. When the first bubbles appear, the dough should be poured into a bowl and add more warm water and the same milk. Mix all components. And we will begin to slowly add flour, kneading enough batter. The process itself will take us at least ten minutes. At the very end, add vegetable oil. Mix again and level the surface. Next, cover the dough with a towel and let it rise.

The finished dough should double in size and become elastic. But it will still stick to your hands. Do not rush to add flour. The dough should be light. It must be divided into three parts and, well dusted with flour, form the pies themselves.

Fillings for Ossetian pies

Anything can be put into the Ossetian pie. It can be vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts. The most important thing is to follow the basic rule: the filling in the pie should be twice as much as the dough. And this is an unchanging rule. An interesting fact is that Ossetians call their pies depending on the filling. Each pie has its own name. All of them are very tasty and worthy to try them.

Ossetian pie with potatoes and cheese

There are a lot of options for preparing this filling. In general, each housewife cooks in her own way, observing the necessary proportions. We want to talk about how to cook a traditional Ossetian. This is, so to speak, a basic recipe, and you can make your own adjustments. You can take different varieties of cheese, experiment with spices. There is room for fantasy here. So, how Ossetian step-by-step preparations are made is in front of you.


  1. Three potatoes.
  2. Ossetian cheese - 0.5 kg.
  3. Milk - 1/3 cup.
  4. Pepper and salt are put exclusively to taste.

It has a pronounced salty taste. We cut it into cubes and put it to soak in water for several hours. Then drain the liquid and knead the cheese with your hands or a fork.

Boil the potatoes in advance, drain the liquid and prepare the mashed potatoes. Mix cheese with potatoes, add milk and mix thoroughly. If necessary, salt and pepper should be added. Here is the finished filling. Next, from the dough we form an Ossetian pie with potatoes and cheese.

Cheese and beetroot topping

You may be a little surprised by such an unusual filling. In fact, it does not have any interesting and bright taste. Rather, it is a little neutral. But its value lies in the trace elements and vitamins contained in it. Combined together, cheese and greens turn into a magnificent juicy filling that you will love.


  1. Ossetian cheese (salted) - 270 g.
  2. Beet tops - 270 g.

Fresh tops are thoroughly washed under running water, and then slightly dried. We collect it in bunches, cutting off the cuttings. We cut the greens very thinly. It turns out a large bowl of chopped leaves. They need to be lightly crushed by hand.

The cheese is rubbed coarsely and added to the greens. All ingredients are mixed. Here is the filling and ready. Then you can fill the cake with it. As you can see, Ossetian pies are easy to cook at home.

Greens and potatoes for the filling

Delicious Ossetian pies are made with potato and greens filling. By the way, greenery in this case is the main and main component.


The greens must be washed well, then dried and chopped, removing the cuttings. Next, mix the puree with herbs, adding ground pepper, salt, and other spices. The filling is ready.

Pumpkin and cheese filling

Such a filling is not as often prepared as other options. But trust me, once you've tasted this cake, you'll want to make it again.


  1. Peeled pumpkin - 250 g.
  2. Ossetian cheese - 250 g.
  3. Pepper and salt.

Grind cheese and pumpkin on a grater and mix. Here, in fact, our filling is ready. It is very tasty on its own, but in combination with fragrant dough, the taste is simply divine.

Ossetian veal pie

Veal makes a wonderful juicy filling. For its preparation, you will need three hundred grams of tenderloin and three large onions. You can add herbs and garlic.

How to assemble a pie?

The dough should be divided into 3-5 parts. Each such ball is placed on a table sprinkled with flour, and kneaded in the form of a circle with your hands. The filling is placed in the center. We recall the basic rule, which says that there should be a lot of toppings. Next, the dough must be collected in the form of a kolobok, pull its edges to the center and link them. Get a kind of ball. It must be turned upside down and put on a baking sheet with parchment, kneading it with your hands into a cake.

It's not as easy as it might seem. Real craftsmen do it in such a way that the ratio of the thickness of the dough and the filling throughout the entire volume of the pie is the same. This can only be learned through experience. The cake should be in the form of a circle. In the center of it you need to make a hole so that the steam can escape and the dough does not burst.


A real Ossetian pie is baked in an oven, on coals. To do this, use a special round cast iron mold. It is clear that we do not have such an opportunity. Cooking at home, we bake the cake in a conventional oven, on a baking sheet. The process itself will take about fifteen minutes, only the oven must be well heated to two hundred degrees. The finished cake is very richly smeared with butter. An oil puddle should form around each circle. This will give an indescribable taste to baking. The resulting cakes are piled one on top of the other. They are served on the table in just such a slide, previously cut into portions. The cake is traditionally eaten with the hands.

Instead of an afterword

The pie is the calling card of the whole of Ossetia. Once you try this miracle, you will fall in love with it forever and understand why Ossetians are so reverent about pies. After all, the history of this dish goes back centuries ...

In general, in Ossetia, the hostess who knows how to bake wonderful pies is considered good. It is for this reason that girls are taught this art from early childhood. Of considerable importance in cooking is the mental attitude, the purity of thoughts.

The Ossetian pie is prepared according to a simple recipe, but it gives great pleasure: juicy, with a filling that melts in your mouth, hearty, but at the same time, light cakes are appropriate for any feast and are suitable for both breakfast and a festive dinner. And they are also very good to serve at events where there is a bias on the buffet table. And they leave with a bang as a main course! What secrets will help to cook pies in such a way as to be known as the best housewife?

Ossetian pies - a traditional recipe

In Ossetia, no woman is recognized by society as a good housewife until she is fluent in the art of baking pies. There, this dish is a cult one, without which weddings, births, commemorations, that is, all significant human events, are inconceivable. The main requirements for pies are that they should be thin, with a juicy, plentiful filling. Poorly rolled cakes, lack of toppings are simply unacceptable. Ingredients for pies are available, but here, as they say in Ossetia, it is very important to bake them with a good attitude and pure thoughts. The rest is always at hand.

For a traditional recipe, we need:

  • milk - 3 cups (you can take goat, sheep, cow);
  • 3 tbsp ghee;
  • 2 tbsp. l. yeast;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1-2 kg of cheese or any pickled cheese.

The most important thing is to properly knead the dough for cakes. To do this, you need to sift the flour through a sieve (leaving one glass for pouring), forming a small slide on the board or in the bowl. In the center of the slide we make a recess. Stir in a glass of warm milk, sugar, salt, butter and yeast, and then pour the mixture into the very center of the flour hill.

Thoroughly knead the components to a uniform consistency: it should be moderately viscous and not stick to your hands. Cover everything with a towel and leave the dough to rise in a warm place for about 2 hours. And only then it is important to carefully knead the dough, adding the rest of the flour and leave for another 30-40 minutes.

Important advice to everyone who decides to cook pies for the first time: be sure to follow the proportions and sequence of actions! Then, when you “stuff” your hand, the process will definitely go faster - you will learn to feel the dough, which means you can change the proportions at your discretion.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Traditional pies - called "walibah" and "khabizzhin" - are prepared with pickled cheese, which is simply rubbed on a coarse grater. Bryndza can be simply kneaded so that it turns into an appetizing cheese mass. It happens that the cheese is too salty: then it is soaked in water so that the excess salt is gone. If you see that the cheese is quite dense, but low-fat in structure, add a little butter (a couple of tablespoons is enough). When the filling is ready, we begin to form cakes.

Today we are serving Ossetian pies on the table - we will have 5 recipes with photos. How to cook Ossetian pies? - you ask? It's not that hard. Unleavened yeast dough, a lot of toppings and, of course, love for those you treat. That's the whole secret!

The modern world is different in that the cultures of different ethnic groups penetrate each other, creating a wonderful interchange of values. This also applies to cooking - and to share the pearls of their national cuisine.

Ossetian pies with meat

Ossetian meat pies are called "fydzhyn". There should be an odd number of them on the table. Then they symbolize happiness, abundance and prosperity in the house.


  • 200 water;
  • salt + granulated sugar - 1 tsp each,
  • yeast - 4 g (dry);
  • white flour - 320-350 g;
  • one and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • ground beef meat - 600 g;
  • large onion;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • for juiciness - 60 ml of water;
  • butter - a piece the size of a walnut.


  1. Pour a glass of slightly warm water (no more than 30º) into the dishes, salt, pour sugar, send yeast and a little flour there.

Don't overheat the water! This can kill the yeast and the dough will not rise.

  1. Constantly stirring, add the rest of the flour, vegetable oil and gradually turn the whole mixture into a light dough that does not stick to your hands. Let him stand for an hour. During this time, we will crush it 1 time.

  1. For now, let's get on with the filling. We combine minced meat, chopped onion, chopped herbs and crushed garlic in a separate bowl. We season, pour in a little water so that the meat is juicy.

You can take any meat, depending on how high-calorie you want to make the dish.

  1. So, the hour has passed, we take our bun of dough (it rose, became magnificent), divide it in half and roll out a thin layer (3 mm) from one part according to the size of the form.

  1. Spread the filling carefully on the surface.

  1. We roll the second layer in the same way, cover it and carefully pinch the edges. We make a cross-shaped incision in the middle of the dough so that the cake does not swell.

Bake in the oven for about half an hour. Grease the hot cake with a piece of butter. And enjoy a hearty, tasty dish with an amazing aroma.

Ossetian pie with cottage cheese and herbs - recipe and photo

Ossetian pie with cottage cheese and herbs is very tasty. It is tender and fragrant, and what else do you need for dinner with friends.


  • flour of the highest grade - one and a half with the top stack.;
  • milk (slightly warm) - 150 g;
  • any vegetable oil - 10 ml;
  • baker's yeast (dry) - about 2 tsp;
  • by tsp sugar and salt;
  • cottage cheese - 280 g;
  • 70 g of greens;
  • a spoonful of butter for greasing.


  1. Pour the sifted flour into a bowl and add the remaining dry ingredients - yeast and salt with sugar.

  1. Gradually mixing warm milk, knead the uncooked dough with your hands.

  1. When the lump of dough has already turned out, add vegetable oil. Knead again.

  1. Now kneading our base is much easier, it is not so sticky. We spread it on a table sprinkled with flour and with our hands we give the dough the shape of a kolobok.

  1. We cover our pretty bun with a damp towel and let it rest for 50-60 minutes.
  2. Let's do the filling ourselves. If the cottage cheese is homogeneous, put it in a bowl immediately, if in grains, pass it through a combine or blender. We cut the greens: any you like. We combine greens with cottage cheese

Take the greens in a bowl with your hands, grind lightly. So it will be more juicy.

  1. We add spices to the mass and form another bun with our hands. Attention! The dimensions of the two balls - dough and filling - should be approximately the same.

  1. We wait until the dough rises, and we begin to collect our pie.

Ossetian women do not use a rolling pin when making pies. Only hands dipped in flour.

  1. We form the base on the board with our hands up to a diameter of about 20 cm, put a bun of cottage cheese and herbs in the center and collect the dough around it into a bundle (bag).

  1. Pressing down, stretch the cake according to the size of the baking sheet.

  1. We cut in the middle crosswise and send it to bake in a hot oven (t 250º) for 25 minutes.

As soon as it is ready - we smear the top crust with hot butter.

Ossetian pies with beet tops - recipe

Tsakharajyn - this is how Ossetian pies with beet tops are called in the Caucasus. We will choose a recipe based on natural yeast.


  • warm water - 70 ml;
  • milk - 70 ml;
  • 2 with top st.l. sour cream;
  • fresh yeast - 10 g;
  • 30 ml sunflower oil;
  • a bunch of beet tops;
  • any pickled cheese - 200 g.

Soak pickled cheese (brynza, feta, suluguni, Adyghe) in milk for 30 minutes to give off excess salt. Grate, mix with herbs and mold into a ball.


  1. For the filling, we rub the cheese, finely chop the tops. We sculpt a white-green ball.

If desired, you can also take green onions, parsley and dill in the filling. Then we reduce the amount of tops by half.

  1. Place seam side down, slit to release steam, and bake until golden brown. Brush generously with butter.

Recipe for Ossetian pie with spinach and cheese

Mastering such dishes, housewives experiment with stuffing. Thus, the recipe for Ossetian pie with spinach and cheese was born.


  • warm water - 70 ml;
  • sifted flour - 2 cups without a slide;
  • milk - 70 ml;
  • 2 with top st.l. sour cream;
  • fresh yeast - 10 g;
  • granulated sugar + salt - 1/3 tsp everyone;
  • 30 ml sunflower oil;
  • fresh spinach (500 gr) and a bunch of green onions;
  • any pickled cheese - 200 g.


  1. We dissolve sugar and yeast in warm water, wait for the appearance of foam, add milk, sour cream and mix.
  2. In the sifted flour, we make a notch, add salt and pour in the yeast mixture. With your hands make a soft dough, slightly sticky to your hands. We pour vegetable oil and form a bun. We leave for an hour to rise.
  3. Grate the cheese for the filling. Cut the spinach and sauté until soft in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Let's make a ball.

If you put spinach fresh - the cake will be "wet".

  1. We flatten the approached base on the table, put the filling, collect the dough around it in a bag, crush it, flatten it to the size of the mold.

Lay seam side down, slit so that the steam can escape, and bake until golden brown. Brush generously with butter.

Recipe for Ossetian pies with cheese and herbs in a pan

And finally, a very simple recipe for Ossetian pies with cheese and herbs in a pan.


  • 320 g flour;
  • an incomplete cup of milk;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 15 g baker's yeast (dry);
  • sugar - about 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • assorted greens - 100 g;
  • a raw egg;
  • any cheese - 150 g.


  1. We combine dry products (yeast, sugar, salt), pour in warm milk and vegetable oil, knead the tender dough. Let rise 40 min. and again mix well with your hands.
  2. We chop greens and cheese, drive in an egg. The filling is ready.

If your cheese is not pickled, but hard, add a little sour cream for the viscosity of the filling.

  1. We divide the dough into parts 2:3. We roll out the larger one into a layer, lay out the filling, cover with a second layer (it will be a little thinner), tightly connect the edges.

Fry the pie in a pan with hot oil, seam down. When we turn over on the other side, then cover with a lid for 10 minutes.

And in conclusion, I suggest watching a video recipe for making an Ossetian pie

Bon appetit and see you for new recipes!
