
Kroshevo is a mysterious ingredient in gray cabbage soup. Kroshevo from green cabbage leaves for the winter: recipes and photos

Gray "green cabbage soup" for the winter, which is made in the Vologda region

So, first you need to cook the cabbage to make it crumbly. For this, green outer leaves of cabbage are taken, those that we usually discard when pickling ordinary white cabbage. A few leaves can be taken and darker. And for taste lay 2-3 small heads of white cabbage. Wash the leaves with warm water. Since the green leaves are rougher than ordinary cabbage, they should not be chopped, but chopped very finely into a chop to make a crumb (hence the "crumble"). They are chopped in a small tub, and then dumped into a large tub, which is pre-soaked and steamed with boiling water with juniper branches, which, as you know, disinfect and disinfect.

The proportions of green, dark green and light cabbage leaves depend on personal preference. Someone likes dark green cabbage soup, someone is lighter. Dark cabbage soup will be harder to digest, therefore, if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better not to add dark leaves or just a little.

A handful of rye flour and a handful of salt are taken on a bucket of crumble. And then in different areas they do it their own way. I know three ways, consider them:

1st way. Steaming without transfer. More suitable for light cabbage soup.

A bucket of crumble is poured into a tub, sprinkled with a handful of rye flour and salt, and so on, until the required amount is filled. Pour everything with boiling water (about 5 liters of water per bucket of crumbling), cover with clean gauze or linen, and a blanket on top. So it should stand overnight or at least at least 3 hours. The next day, the blanket is removed and the fermentation process begins, which lasts 3-5 days. Cabbage should be pierced every day 2-3 times with a stick to release accumulated gases. The cabbage is ready when the foam stops appearing on the surface. Then a wooden circle is placed on top and oppression. The excess brine is poured out.

2nd way. Steaming with transfer. For dark cabbage soup.

Crumbly poured into a prepared tub, poured with boiling water (flour and salt are not put) and immediately poured into the tub 2-3 stones previously heated in the stove. This is necessary for steaming rough leaves (so that cabbage soup is not tough when cooked). Close the tub with a blanket.
The next day, when it cools down, squeeze it crumbly and transfer it to another tub, sprinkling with rye flour and salt (a handful in a bucket). You can add the brine that was left from the park, some add cold clean water. The fermentation process is 3-5 days, do not forget to pierce with a stick, otherwise the cabbage may turn out with bitterness. Next, put a circle and oppression.

3rd way. Without steaming.

At the bottom of the prepared tub, pour a layer of rye flour (a little) or put a rye cracker. Pour kroshevo (bucket), sprinkle with rye flour (a handful) and salt (also a handful). Put oppression. If little juice stands out, add cold boiled water.

P.S. I like the 1st method more, when everything is brewed together, in my opinion, this way cabbage soup turns out tastier.
Yes, and in winter, in frosts, a stick is stuck into the middle of the tub to the bottom, this is necessary so that the bottom of the tub does not squeeze out.

It is best to cook such cabbage soup in a Russian oven, where they languish in a cast-iron or in a ceramic pot for 4-5 hours. Meat is better to take fatter - pork, lamb, fatty beef. Usually they lay everything at the same time - meat, cabbage, onions, carrots, whole potatoes, not chopped, barley. And they put it in the oven. At the end of cooking, you need to get the potatoes out of the pot, crush them and return them back.
It is good to eat hot green cabbage soup with garlic and a bite with cold boiled potatoes (the potatoes are naturally cooked separately in their skins).

Bon appetit!

Gray, Vologda, Pskov cabbage soup - this is how this dish is called in different regions of the country. Old recipes are distinguished by a special sourness, rich taste, due to which cabbage soup seems more satisfying and interesting. And the main ingredient of the dish is green cabbage crumble. The recipe for making kroshev for the winter is given below.

Features of fermentation of green cabbage leaves

A head of cabbage is covered with dark green leaves on top, which are cut and thrown away before being sold. However, they are used for crumbling. More rigid, the leaves are somewhat different in composition from the main ones. They have fewer sugars, and the fermentation process is more difficult to start. But the final taste has a unique sourness.

To enhance the fermentation processes, rye crackers or rye flour are used. Carrots are often added to cabbage, but it does not affect the process. Carrots can not be grated, otherwise the cabbage will get an unpleasant shade.

The upper cabbage leaves are not simply chopped, as they are too dense. Previously, a special hexagonal tub and a cut with a tip in the form of an unfinished eight were used for grinding. In the absence of this equipment, you can cook green cabbage soup for the winter in accordance with the recipe using a sharp knife.

Cooking crumble

Cabbage leaves for this dish use two types. Actually, the upper ones are green, and the first leaves from the head (they are also called gray). However, either one or the other is taken. The color of the finished product depends on the quality of the sheet.

Let's take for work:

  • Green cabbage leaves - 3 kg
  • Rye flour - 3-4 tbsp (can be replaced with several pieces of dry rye bread)
  • Salt at the rate of 200 grams per 10 kg of product

If desired, you can add carrots (to taste) and a head of white cabbage. The amount of salt is measured based on the total weight of vegetables.

For fermentation, you will need a convenient vessel - a saucepan of suitable proportions, or several three-liter jars. For mixing the ingredients - a convenient wide large bowl. A wide cutting board and a sharp knife will help you quickly prepare gray cabbage soup for the winter.

Rinse the green leaves thoroughly, shake off the water from them and cut into strips, cutting out large thickenings at the base. After cutting the sheets into strips, they are in turn cut into small squares, and then crushed as much as possible. Finely chopped, they are transferred to a cup.

If you plan to add carrots and white cabbage, they must also be cut. Carrots in small cubes, and cabbage in small squares.

Important! In no case do not grate vegetables, the taste of the workpiece will be completely different!

In a cup, vegetables need to be salted, and thoroughly knead, slightly pressing. They should taste salty, like a summer salad. Cabbage will give juice, it will also need to be used. Cabbage is placed in a container for sauerkraut in layers, sprinkling each with a small amount of flour or shifting with finely chopped breadcrumbs. Put oppression on top of the cabbage.

Fermentation of cabbage crumble

Before fermenting green cabbage soup for the winter, you need to find a suitable place for them. Dark, without direct sunlight, with a constant temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius. During the day, juice should appear over the cabbage. If it is not enough, you should add water so that it covers the vegetables by two fingers.

The fermentation process will take 5-7 days, during which time a light foam will appear above the surface of the juice. It must be carefully cleaned. Every day you should remove the oppression and pierce the cabbage mass to the bottom of the dish with a clean meat fork or other convenient device. The fermentation gases accumulating in the thickness of the cabbage will come out, clean air will flow to the vegetables. You need to pierce the cabbage over the entire surface area every 3-5 cm.

When the foam stops appearing, the cabbage juice becomes cleaner, and the fermentation process seems to stop, sauerkraut is ready for the winter for cabbage soup. It can be stored in the basement, refrigerator and even freezer. Such a preparation will help to cook really tasty, unusual cabbage soup.

  1. Kroshevo is easy to prepare, but a few rules will help simplify the work:
    • Cabbage leaves should be fresh, clean, with no dry edges.
    • All utensils for work need plastic, glass or enameled
    • Until the end of fermentation, vegetable juice should be above the level of cabbage mass
  2. No need to scald the leaves with boiling water to soften them! Many housewives try to speed up the cooking process in this way, but this can adversely affect the quality of the product. Cabbage will be pleasantly crispy and fully cooked due to fine cutting, no additional processing is required.
  3. How to cook the most delicious puppy for the winter according to the recipe? It is best for her to use not the top leaves from the head, but those that grow around it, creating a sprawling rosette. With them, the sourness will be brighter, the cabbage will have a rich aroma, a pleasant color. You can find such leaves at summer residents and in grocery markets. The best time to harvest is the end of July or August.
  4. In some recipes, it is recommended to first ferment the cabbage, and then salt it. However, in this case, it is likely that the entire mass will be covered with a thin layer of mucus and will have to be thrown away. Therefore, it is better to salt in advance, enhancing fermentation with rye flour and white cabbage.

Following these simple rules, you can get an excellent basis for culinary experiments. Shchi green as a preparation for the winter is often laid out in batches in batches, so that it is more convenient to use when preparing first courses.

Or chanitsa or grub are pickled dark cabbage leaves. Not the leaves that form the head, but those that grow around the head.

Unlike the usual traditional one, it is used only for cooking. Such cabbage soup is called gray cabbage soup, black cabbage soup, or simply cabbage soup from kroshev. They are more rich than usual, and the texture and taste are somewhat different.

for storage crumbly often frozen after fermentation, for the benefit of its qualities, frozen crumbly ( grub, chanitsa) does not lose.

The hardest part about making this dish, with no vegetable garden or cabbage field nearby, is finding those rough green cabbage leaves.

To make crumble you will need

  • Green cabbage leaves. 3 kg
  • Salt. Not iodized. 70 gr.
  • Rye flour 3-4 heaped tablespoons or a few pieces of dried rye bread.
  • Carrot. Optional.
  • Head of white cabbage. Optional.

The ratio of cabbage and salt is the same as in the preparation of ordinary cabbage - for 10 kg of leaves - 200 grams of salt.

Carrots and white cabbage are optional ingredients and do not provide much flavor. However, if you add them, then you definitely won’t have to regret it.

Cooking kroshevo (khryapa or shanitsa).

Rough green cabbage leaves wash thoroughly, ruthlessly throwing out those eaten by slugs or spoiled.

Next, it remains to chop or cut them. Usually, crumbly chopped in oak or birch troughs or immediately in tubs, where they fermented. Accordingly, the shape of the cut - a knife for chopping cabbage - was different, semicircular for a tub and straight for a trough.

I doubt very much that in ordinary apartments everyone has tubs for sauerkraut, troughs and cuts for making crumble. So you have to spend time and effort and sharpen a large knife.

We cut out and discard the thick and rough parts of the leaves. Then chop the leaves very finely. Pieces should be about 5x5 mm or slightly larger.

Green cabbage leaves are coarser, so you need to chop or chop them very finely.

If you use carrots, then also chop them very finely. If you grate carrots - then chanitsa will become more red, so it’s better not to be lazy and cut it. You can use a Korean carrot grater as it cuts rather than grates.

White cabbage brightens a little khryapu and helps in the fermentation process.

Cabbage is also cut into small pieces, and not chopped, as in the preparation of sauerkraut.

It remains to ferment the cabbage.

At the bottom of a large container, pour a couple of tablespoons of rye flour, if you use it. For kroshev, as well as regular sauerkraut, use large pots - Best enameled, but lately I've been doing in a large stainless steel pot.

We spread the chopped cabbage leaves, carrots and chopped white cabbage. If instead of flour you use crackers, then lay them out, as well as salt.

If you have a lot of leaves, then lay everything out in layers, sprinkling the layers with salt and rye flour (black breadcrumbs).

Grind the leaves with salt with your hands, so that the cabbage gives juice.

We cover the cabbage with a plate and put a heavy oppression. Green cabbage leaves contain less sugar than cabbage leaves, so there will be less juice and fermentation is more difficult. It is in order for the cabbage to begin to ferment that we add rye flour or black bread crackers.

If the next day after the installation of oppression, the cabbage gave little juice, then add a little water, so much so that all the cabbage is covered with liquid.

Kvasim crumble for 4-7 days at room temperature. It is difficult to determine the fermentation time more precisely - it all depends on the cabbage itself. This time the cabbage was fermented for 5 days.

Every day we open the pan and make several punctures to the bottom to release the resulting gases. Foam, which will also appear on the surface, must be removed, along with it the bitterness of green cabbage leaves goes away.

At the end of the fermentation of cabbage, lay it out in jars or plastic bags. It is convenient to immediately decompose the cabbage in portions - in each package, one serving per 1 pot of soup.

We store jars in a cold place, but it is more convenient to freeze bags, especially since cabbage does not lose its properties and texture when frozen.

All, crumbly completely ready. Now, when you decide to cook gray cabbage soup - they are also black cabbage soup - all that remains is to get the package from the freezer and, without defrosting, send sauerkraut green cabbage leaves into a saucepan.

Before giving the recipe for kroshev, I want to tell you how I learned about it.
My mother is a Muscovite. She spent her military childhood in a small village near Moscow. Naturally, like every villager of that time, their family had chickens and goats and a huge garden behind the house.
Having married her father, she had to move to Samara (Kuibyshev).
Grandmother did not love her mother, but what is there - she hated it. And constantly harassed her with reproaches. Most of all, I remember two of them - about the fact that Muscovites wash themselves in the stove, and about the fact that they eat green cabbage leaves, while we have a bathhouse and we give cabbage leaves to chickens.
Many, many years have passed and I decided to find out what it is - a crumb of green leaves.
Judging by my surveys, I can say for sure that the indigenous Samara people have not even heard of such a dish. I had to call Moscow and puzzle my Moscow relatives.
I found out the recipe. And along the way, she listened to a delicious story about how these very leaves were flogged in a special trough, then fermented in a special low barrel, and then in winter they cut pieces of crumble from this barrel with an ax and cooked soup from it.
After listening to all the stories, I went to the dacha for cabbage.
She collected leaves, lathered, chopped, along the way organizing herself a huge callus on her finger.
Fermented. I'm waiting for it to work.
And cabbage does not ferment. There is no aroma of lactic acid fermentation.
I already added sugar, and put yogurt, and even sprinkled special kefir bacteria. Cabbage is the same as on the first day - hard, green, with the aroma of a steamed bath broom.
She stood with me until January and I decided to throw it away. But I still feel sorry for my work, so I took a handful of this cabbage, washed it from salt and poured it into the prepared cabbage soup.
I was simply shocked by the result. Usually I cook cabbage soup according to an old family recipe - I cook it for a long time, over very low heat, imitating soaring in the stove.
All vegetables become soft and tender, and I additionally use potatoes in mashed potatoes.
So, when kroshev was added to cabbage soup, they got some special taste - in the boiled mass, hardish pieces come across that break the uniform softness of vegetables, giving exceptionally pleasant tactile sensations.


1 kg of green (top) cabbage leaves, 30 g of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 0.5 cups of water, if possible - 1 tablespoon of rye flour

It is desirable to harvest crumbly in late August - early September. The later, the leaves become stiffer and rougher.
Cut green leaves from cabbage.

Rinse each sheet well. Shake off water thoroughly.

Take several sheets and fold them in a pile.
Cut the leaves with a large sharp knife, first into thin strips, and then into squares.
After that, the chopped squares need to crumble as small as possible. When crushing, the knife makes "rocking" movements - from the tip to the handle and back.

Place the chopped leaves in a large bowl.
When shifting crumbly, you need to rub it a little in your hands.
Dilute salt and sugar in cold boiled water.
Pour the brine over the leaves and stir.

Place an inverted flat plate on top and place a load, for example, a 3-liter jar of water.

Leave crumble at room temperature for 5~7 days.
Take a clean jar of a suitable size and scald it with boiling water.
At the bottom of the jar, if possible, pour about 1 tablespoon of rye flour. (The amount of flour remains the same regardless of the size of the jar. A handful of flour is placed on a 10-liter keg.)
Transfer crumbly to a jar. After every 3~4 shifted spoons, crumble heavily with a wooden pestle.

Tie the neck of the jar with several folds of gauze and put it in a cool place, for example, on a balcony.
Periodically add water to the jar, as it evaporates quickly.

Sauerkraut Gray cabbage for Vologda cabbage soup

Dancing from the stove to the computer!!

Preparation for green sauerkraut cabbage soup

In the Vologda region in October, here and there, the sound of a chopper is heard: people are chopping cabbage soup. This is a whole ritual, a certain stage, ending the garden season and starting a new one - a long cold winter. Kroshevo is the top leaves of white cabbage, dyed green. Since they are tougher than internal ones, they were not chopped, but chopped into small crumbs. Hence the name came from. By the way, when salted, such leaves turn gray, which is why cabbage soup with kroshev was called “gray”. Initially, cabbage soup with crumble was cooked not from a well-fed life. Peasants sold heads of cabbage at the fair, and left only peeled upper leaves for themselves. But, because of the special, pungent flavor, cabbage soup with kroshev turned out to be tastier than with ordinary cabbage.
Green cabbage soup, and they also talk about them: gray, pickled or just winter, are not loved by everyone. Many have never even heard of this dish. But if anyone has tried them, they will never forget the taste. I offer you a recipe for preparing shanits. This recipe was extremely unlucky for two reasons: because of the gray color and the duration of cooking the main dish from them. Added a fly in the ointment and the old name for gray cabbage soup - servile. At the same time, it is completely forgotten that it was cabbage soup from gray sauerkraut that was eaten for centuries during long winter-spring fasts, and those years were very difficult from all sides. What attracts in this recipe is the almost free feedstock - you need green cabbage leaves, which remain in huge quantities after harvesting white cabbage and go, at best, to the compost heap. An additional plus is the taste of cabbage soup, which is obtained only from such leaves and good health even for those who do not eat pickled vegetables for health reasons. By the way, there have been numerous attempts to introduce gray cabbage soup into the diet of convalescents, but they all failed for the above reasons.
To prepare kroshev, you only need covering green cabbage leaves, a sharp knife, salt and a handful of rye flour or a few crusts of rye bread. The leaves are washed, thickened petioles are removed and cut as small as possible. It is not necessary to scald the leaves to make them more soft and remove bitterness, if two subtleties are observed, everything turns out amazingly. One of the main secrets of good gray sauerkraut is very small cutting or cutting. The crushed mass is placed in a glass jar or a wooden barrel, on the bottom of which a handful of rye flour or a few crackers of rye bread are necessarily thrown. Salts are added, as someone used to, and put in a warm place for fermentation. Now the second secret: every day you need to pierce the entire mass to the bottom, only in this case the fermentation will go quickly and throughout the depth of the workpiece. For sourdough, 4-7 days are enough, after which the container with cabbage is stored in a dark, cool place, you can simply freeze it, as was done in the old days.

We will need:
Green cabbage leaves. Those that usually all people throw away if they do not chop cabbage soup. They must be clean, not sick, not eaten by caterpillars. Several loose heads of cabbage and light green covering leaves. They are needed to “dilute” the green leaves so that the window is not too dark. Carrot. Approximately 200 g per 10 liters of shanits. Coarse salt. A handful for 10 liters of shanits. Approximately two handfuls of rye flour.
Cut out thick veins from green cabbage leaves.

Rinse thoroughly.

We put them in a pile and chop with a knife. It turns out like this.

Add some white cabbage. We take the loosest heads of cabbage. They are also with greens, for cabbage soup - that's it. Covering light green leaves are well suited here.

Let's add them too. When all the leaves are chopped, three carrots on a grater and add it to the chopped green leaves.

Add salt. We mix.
Next comes the process identical to sauerkraut. We put the chopped leaves in a container where the cabbage soup will ferment. I have a small plastic bucket. Add rye flour, or rye bread crusts if there is no flour. Scald with boiling water, pour into cabbage in boiling water. Leave in a warm place for 2-3 days. During fermentation, cabbage soup must be crushed with clean hands or pierced with a wooden stick.
After two or three days, we take them out to the cold. Shchi is stored in the cellar (in jars or in the same container where it was fermented, under oppression), in the refrigerator or in the freezer, arranged in bags into portions. It should be noted that when frozen, cabbage soup does not lose its qualities.

Bad notes: It is not necessary to add carrots to the preparation, carrots did not give any flavor, the taste of carrots did not improve, it did not enrich, I did not like pickled carrots.
