
Cream sour cream with condensed milk for cake recipe. With coffee or cocoa

Any bad mood is best cheered up with sweet pastries, only one of its aromas can make you forget about spiritual bad weather. For an impressive result, the delicacy should be prepared by yourself, it would be ideal if you make your own hands and cakes, and cream of sour cream and condensed milk for the cake. You will get pleasure from the laborious process, and from your relatives who have tasted the treat, you will receive exceptionally grandiloquent words and compliments.

Why do many housewives prefer a cream based on sour cream and condensed milk? The answer is very simple: because sour cream filling is a great option for quickly soaking any type of cake.

In addition to lubricating cakes, the cream is also suitable for filling wafer rolls, as well as for making homemade cakes. The cream filling perfectly soaks every piece of pastry, making it tender, soft and incredibly juicy.

Cream of condensed milk with sour cream for classic cake


  • - 20 g + -
  • Condensed milk - 1 can + -

How to cook cream boiled condensed milk and sour cream

Pour a jar of condensed milk into a bowl, add sour cream to it, then beat the products with a mixer at medium speed. You should get a homogeneous and lush mass.

Everything - the cream with condensed milk and sour cream is ready, we can start lubricating the cakes.

Since the warm cream impregnates the shortbreads more actively, it is advisable to warm the cream filling a little (for example, in a water bath).

What you need to know when preparing cream

A good cream has its own secrets of success. And they consist mainly in 2 simple culinary nuances:

  1. The sour cream used must be high fat (at least 25%), always fresh and cold enough. That is, you need to get it out of the refrigerator just before the start of cooking, and not half an hour or an hour before cooking.
  2. Condensed milk, on the basis of which cream impregnation is made, must be boiled. This does not mean that cream cannot be made from raw condensed milk.

A cream made with boiled condensed milk will have completely different characteristics: a rich caramel-coffee taste, a persistent aroma and a thick consistency that is incomparable with store-bought products.

Sour cream cake with condensed milk: recipes with additives

The sour cream filling has a wonderful feature - it is combined with all the additional ingredients that you can imagine. Food additives very subtly emphasize the taste of the baked delicacy, emphasizing their uniqueness and sophistication. Butter and sour cream

Quite a popular combination of products in the cream. Slightly melted butter, cold sour cream and boiled condensed milk, whipped with a blender, give an amazing result in the form of a thick creamy filling with a pleasant caramel shade.

Sour cream and fruit

To get a truly spicy impregnation, you should add pieces of fresh fruit, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots), berries or even fruit puree to the cream filling.

Delicate banana puree is ideally combined with a refined creamy taste.

Original additives in sour cream and condensed milk

Cake with sour cream can be prepared with other additives:

  • honey;
  • nuts, almonds;
  • cream (sometimes they are put into the cream at the same time as sour cream);
  • powdered sugar;
  • cognac;
  • grated chocolate;
  • berry or fruit jam;
  • jam;
  • fruit syrup, etc.

The technology for preparing cream impregnation, with such unusual ingredients, is the same as in the classic recipe. Additional products are put last (sometimes, as an exception, they are added at the initial stage of preparation), when condensed milk and sour cream are already whipped.

After adding the “zest” to the cream filling, do not forget to mix it again with a mixer.

Is it possible to store cream of sour cream and condensed milk

Remember that you should not store the finished cream impregnation for more than 5 hours, even in the refrigerator.

During this time, it will lose its shape and taste. So immediately after cooking, start lubricating the cakes.

Make the cream fillings a little larger than you need directly for greasing the cakes. Put the “extra” portion in the freezer for a while, so you can get excellent home-made creamy ice cream.

Not only your children will be delighted with such a delicacy, but also you yourself.

To make a cream of sour cream and condensed milk for a cake a real masterpiece, experiment with the ingredient composition. Add your imagination to the classics of cooking - and let your creamy delicacy become the perfect basis for your favorite pastries.

Bon appetit!

Cream of sour cream and condensed milk is one of the simplest options for cake cream. It's easier, perhaps, just beat the condensed milk with butter. However, such a heavy butter cream is not suitable for every cake. For example, it will be problematic to impregnate dense biscuit or honey cakes with them. But a light and delicate cream of sour cream and condensed milk will cope with this task with a bang!

The process of making sour cream is quite simple. It is prepared by mixing to a lush, homogeneous consistency of two ingredients: sour cream and condensed milk. At the same time, it is advisable to choose sour cream for cream with a maximum percentage of fat content. And you can take any condensed milk for cream - both classic condensed milk with sugar, and boiled or, less often, with cocoa.

The taste and consistency of the finished cream will depend on which condensed milk you choose. So, a cream made from sour cream and classic condensed milk turns out to be more liquid, tender and with a noticeable sourness. Cream on boiled condensed milk has a slightly denser texture, a pronounced caramel taste and a light aroma. The sourness of sour cream in it is noticeable a little less.

Whatever condensed milk in a couple of sour cream you choose, the technology of the cream preparation process will remain unchanged.

  • sour cream fat, thick - 400 g,
  • condensed milk (boiled or classic) - 1 can.

How to make a cream of sour cream and condensed milk for a cake

Sour cream, if you do not add thickeners to it, by itself turns out to be quite liquid. That is, it is ideal for a layer of cakes, but, alas, it will not work to use it to form patterns on a cake. Nevertheless, it is better to take sour cream for cream fatter, because the higher the percentage of fat content, the thicker the cream will turn out and the faster it will whip. I had 25% sour cream.

Sour cream whips better when it is cold. But it is better to remove the condensed milk from the refrigerator in advance - 30 minutes before preparing the cream. We shift the sour cream into a container where you will whip the cream.

We arm ourselves with a whisk, mixer or blender and beat sour cream into a lush creamy mass. Whipping time depends on the fat content of sour cream and on what you will beat it with: a whisk will cope with the task in an average of 10-13 minutes, a mixer in 4-7 minutes, a blender will need no more than 1 minute.

Carefully! It is important here not to kill the sour cream, otherwise it will go in grains. As soon as you notice that sour cream forms relief patterns, you can add condensed milk to it. I used boiled (cooked by myself). We introduce condensed milk gradually, 1-2 tbsp. l.

We drove one portion - we introduce a new one.

And so on until all the condensed milk is added to the cream.

That's the whole process - the cream of sour cream and condensed milk is ready. The finished cream looks liquid and dense, but try scooping it up with a spoon and / or taking a sample - and you will see how soft, light and airy it came out.

Now you can layer cake layers with cream and have tea with pleasure. Bon appetit!

There are different recipes for making impregnation for biscuit, but one of the simplest and fastest is the recipe for sour cream with condensed milk. Firstly, a very soft and pleasant structure, and secondly, it will take no more than half an hour to prepare this type of impregnation. This cream is suitable for any cake, as it is quite light, and sour cream gives a delicate, not sugary taste.

For many creams, sour cream must be strained, as a large amount of liquid in it can make the cream of condensed milk and sour cream very thin. But if strong impregnation of the cake layers is necessary, then filtering is not necessary. In this case, it is necessary to apply the impregnation in small portions, wait a bit for it to be absorbed and again a portion on the cake. If this is not done, then everything will be absorbed into the cake and there may not be any layer between the cakes.

The easiest recipe for straining sour cream is to put it in the refrigerator overnight using the usual design for this action. We put a colander on the pan, put a layer of gauze or several layers of a sterile bandage into it and pour the sour cream. Some prefer to buy sour cream in jars and cups, but if impregnation requires a multiple of 0.5 liters, then it is better to buy the appropriate number of bags. This has a lot of advantages. And the most important of them is that you can squeeze the contents out of the package to the last drop by unscrewing the bag like a rag. And you don't overpay for plastic cups.

About making creams

The simplest is the usual whipping of sour cream with condensed milk at medium speed of the mixer. To do this, take a can of condensed milk and 200 gr. sour cream. Pour everything into one bowl and beat. When there is a homogeneous mass in the bowl, the impregnation is ready. At this point, you can add any additional ingredients to the cream that will make the taste of the cream more intense. Finely chopped nuts, dried apricots, chopped in a meat grinder or blender, raisins.

You can also mix sour cream with boiled condensed milk, the cream will turn out a little darker than the color of champagne. This impregnation will look good between light cakes.

But this is the simplest kind, there are many more recipes that require a little more food. Some of the creams can only serve as an impregnation, but with some you can decorate both the top cake and the sides of the cake.

There is also a recipe with butter, the more you add it, the better the small decorations from this cream on the cake will hold.

What will be required:

  • Butter - 200 gr.;
  • Condensed milk - 0.5 cans;
  • Sour cream - 200 gr.;
  • Chopped nuts - 300 gr.

At the very beginning, strain the sour cream, putting it in the refrigerator overnight. Next, we begin to prepare the cream, beat the softened butter at low speeds of the mixer or with a whisk, then add condensed milk and beat again. After that, add sour cream in parts (spoons), without turning off the mixer. When the cream has reached the desired density, add the nuts and mix well. Such a cream is well suited for decorating a cake, and its nutty flavor will go well with simple cakes without additives.

With the addition of butter to this type of impregnation, the density necessary for decorating from a confectionery syringe appeared. If you use this recipe, you can replace the nuts with 3 tablespoons (tablespoons) of cocoa, then you get the usual chocolate cream. In general, when butter hardens, any cream with it is quite suitable for making decorations for the upper layers and sides of the cake.

It is important to know!

According to the Ministry of Health, diets, exercise, pills and liposuction are the main methods today. weight loss, however, judging by the fact that the number of obese people continues to grow, none of them is truly massive and effective. Everything changed when "Bee Slim" appeared, drops for burning fat.

Says, doctor of the highest medical category, nutritionist, Sauta Leonid Alexandrovich..

But there are more exotic types of cake cream. To do this, you can take any basic recipe and add finely chopped fruits or fresh berries to it. In this case, the appearance of the cream will take on the color of the additive, and the taste will become much brighter.

And now it's worth remembering how we try to feed the children with cottage cheese mixed with sour cream and sugar, and how many of them move the spoon away.

What mothers just don’t do, for the sake of the notorious calcium contained in cottage cheese.

Dried apricots, honey, nuts and many other products are added to it in order to put the cherished 100 gr into the child's mouth. curd mass.

But so that our mothers do not suffer, we will suggest a simple recipe for a morning dessert.

For cooking you will need:

  • 4 cookies (which the child loves);
  • ¼ cans of boiled condensed milk;
  • 100 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 100 gr. sour cream;
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar;
  • 1 small chocolate.

We start cooking by whipping sour cream with powdered sugar. We pass the cottage cheese through a sieve and mix with sweet sour cream and boiled condensed milk. We beat well. We put 2 cookies in a bowl, after breaking them into pieces of medium size. Add half of the cream, again cookies and again cream. Now you need to sprinkle grated chocolate on top, give the child a dessert and leave the kitchen so as not to listen to how this delicacy crackles behind small ears.

Of course, it’s better not to give this to children under 2 years old, but after the age of two, you can’t pull them off this dessert by the ears. If you use this recipe, just replace the boiled condensed milk in it with the usual one and add a tablespoon of any pitted jam, you can get not only a morning dessert, but also a wonderful cream for any cake. In this case, all ingredients must be multiplied by 2.

So you can make a delicious and persistent cream for decorating cakes without adding butter. In this case, the taste of the cake will be pleasant, and the appearance will be original, since jamming will give a unique color to the impregnation.

Since many do not like the taste of butter on a cake, and most importantly its quantity, it is for this reason that you use a recipe for decorating a cottage cheese cake. Such fudge is much easier and faster to process by the body, does not leave a sugary oily aftertaste and is suitable for ladies on a diet.

Any recipe for impregnation based on condensed milk and sour cream will be a good addition to the cake. Remember that this is the easiest type of impregnation and the most delicious cream. If the guests are already knocking on the door, then you can miss any purchased cakes in this way and no one will guess that you did not cook these pastries yourself.

Who doesn't love cakes and pastries? To emphasize the taste of air dough, to make it more refined, special sweets and fillings are used. Yoghurt, cottage cheese or chocolate cream from sour cream can transform any dessert into a real masterpiece. With proper preparation, it will turn out tender and light, as in the photo. Using the recipes presented in the article, you can cook not only delicious sour cream or Turtle, but also other unusual pies. Your family and friends will be delighted with culinary delights!

How to make delicious sour cream - step by step recipes

No matter how airy the dough is, ready-made cakes often need additional impregnation. Sour cream for cake is an excellent choice for any hostess for baking. There are many recipes for preparing such a filler. The main ingredients are sugar and sour cream, which must be beaten with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed. To add color and piquancy, cocoa, fruits or food coloring are added to the mixture. But even without such components, the mixture turns out to be very tasty and goes well with any homemade confectionery.

The success of the process largely depends on the quality of the sour cream. It is better to choose the one in which the "spoon stands." For this reason, many housewives prefer a home-made product rather than a store-bought version. Also, special attention should be paid to the taste of sour cream. She must be sweet. Even a little sourness can spoil the filler for the pie.


Although this cooking option is considered the simplest, the cream turns out to be very lush and does not spread. It can be used as a grease for cakes, cake decorating and other sweet pastries. It is worth noting that it is best to choose homemade sour cream for confectionery. Store-bought has a low percentage of fat, which can lead to excess cake filler liquid . If you don't know , how to make cream from sour cream, follow the classic recipe. For this you will need:

  • sour cream - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups.

Cooking process:

  1. Sour cream must be refrigerated several hours before cooking.
  2. Pour sugar into the cooled mass and beat with a mixer until smooth.
  3. When the sour cream thickens so much that it stops flowing when the dishes are tilted, the cream is ready.

With butter

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy a quality dairy product for a sweet filling on the market. If you have only store-bought sour cream in your arsenal, then using 82-85% fat oil will save the situation. This ingredient is able to give the mass the desired consistency. With it, you can decorate both kefir-cooked zebra and classic homemade cakes. You will need:

  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • butter - 150 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the butter into pieces or trample with a fork, leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Grind sugar into powder, add to butter.
  3. Whip the ingredients at medium speed with a fork or whisk.
  4. When the mass becomes yellow and homogeneous, you can spread the sour cream. It is added little by little, carefully mixing the ingredients together.
  5. To thicken the mixture, it is better to beat it with a whisk, and not with a mixer.
  6. When the mass becomes dense, it must be left for 15-50 minutes in the refrigerator, and only then proceed with smearing the cakes.

With condensed milk and nuts

Such a filler is suitable for those with a sweet tooth who love homemade waffles and cakes. Sour cream with condensed milk is much softer than its simplified counterpart. Using a variety of additives, such as nuts, you can create the most daring recipes. For such a sweet mixture use:

  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 250 g;
  • nuts - 300 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Mash or chop the butter, leave to melt a little.
  2. Add condensed milk, beat with a fork until smooth.
  3. Put sour cream into the resulting mass, mix.
  4. Roast the nuts in a dry frying pan, grind in a coffee grinder and add to the fudge.
  5. Mix thoroughly, let the cream with sour cream brew.

With gelatin and fruits

Everyone has tried homemade cake with sour cream. If you want to diversify such a trivial dessert, then it is best to use fresh fruits and berries. The delicacy will allow you to plunge into gastronomy, remember the warm season. Preparing a cream based on gelatin and fruits is very simple. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • fat sour cream - 500 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • any fruit - 300 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 70 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour gelatin into a small iron container and fill it with water. You need to make sure that it does not dissolve, but only swell.
  2. After 15 minutes, put in a water bath and stir until smooth. It is important that the mass does not boil, but simply turns into a yellow liquid.
  3. In sour cream, finish off sugar or powder, beat.
  4. Gradually pour melted gelatin into the creamy mass, stir.
  5. Add berries.
  6. The resulting liquid mixture will be cooled, and then ready-made cakes are poured into it.

How to make buttercream

Favorite honey cake or tender ginger will become even better with such filling. The cakes for these pies are a little dry, so a special semi-liquid mixture is needed to soften. Cream and sour cream is considered the best choice. It will need the following ingredients:

  • sour cream - 800 g;
  • sugar - 70 g;
  • butter - 200 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Leave the butter on the table at room temperature for 30 minutes.
  2. Transfer to a bowl, add sugar and stir.
  3. When the mass becomes homogeneous, start gradually adding sour cream.
  4. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients, let stand for 15 minutes.

For sponge cake

The combination of dairy products allows you to create a truly unique taste. Instead of cottage cheese, some use mascarpone cheese, which will make the consistency of sour cream even more unique. It is very easy to use not only for decorating and spreading pastries, but also for jelly desserts. For a sweet condensed treat, you need:

  • sour cream - 500 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • gelatin packaging;
  • water.

Cooking process:

  1. Gelatin pour a little water, leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Warm it up in a water bath, stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  3. Add sugar to cottage cheese, then grind through a sieve.
  4. Add sour cream, beat with a mixer at low speeds.
  5. Whisking constantly, add gelatin.
  6. When the mass becomes homogeneous, switch to the maximum mixer mode to achieve density.

For honey cake

An unusual spread will help diversify the recipe for your favorite homemade pie. Using sour cream custard will turn the thickest, roughest cakes into a tender cloud. The thick consistency will allow the culinary masterpiece to keep its shape, and not sag under its own weight. To prepare thick sweets you will need:

  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • oil - 200 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • a little vanillin;
  • egg.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine sugar with egg, mix until smooth.
  2. Add flour, beat well.
  3. Put the main ingredient into the resulting mass, put in a water bath and stir. Remove when mixture thickens.
  4. Add 50 g of oil, mix thoroughly.
  5. Beat the rest of the butter with a whisk until creamy.
  6. Mix the ingredients together.
  7. Using a mixer, bring the mass to the desired consistency for several minutes.

How to thicken

Many housewives face this problem. The reason for the excess liquid of the cream can be inappropriate sour cream or the wrong technology for whipping the mixture. The longer you work with a whisk or mixer, the more sour cream reacts with sugar and becomes thinner. If the cream turned out to be thin, then it will help to correct the situation:

  • Starch. You need to add it very little, otherwise the taste of the sweet mixture will deteriorate.
  • Gelatin. Universal thickener. After adding it, the cream must be kept in the refrigerator for a while.
  • Butter. With it, the watery mixture will acquire a thick, heavy consistency.
  • Thickener. The easiest way to turn a liquid cream into a fluffy mass.


The highlight of any pie is its filling or spread. Using the simple recipes presented in the videos, you can make delicious homemade cakes without much difficulty. Lush creams from non-acidic sour cream can decorate pastries and other sweets. With only a few ingredients in hand, you can create masterpieces of confectionery art.

Very easy and quick recipe

Carrot Cake Recipe

For chocolate cherry cake

pancake cake

Cream of condensed milk and sour cream for the cake is considered one of the most delicate and airy.

Due to its light texture and unobtrusive creamy taste, this option can be used not only for spreading cakes, but also for filling baskets, decorating fruit desserts, but also as independent sweet dishes.

The cream goes well with fruits, chocolate, and other sweet ingredients used to create confectionery masterpieces.

Simple cream of condensed milk and sour cream

Sometimes this version of the recipe is called the main or basic. It only takes three ingredients to make.


  • condensed milk, 250 grams;
  • sour cream, 250 grams (non-cold);
  • vanilla - to taste.

Important: sour cream should be as fat and thick as possible. If you bought a product, and it turned out to be not the right consistency, fold the gauze in several layers, put sour cream on it, let the excess liquid drain for half an hour over a bowl.

How to make cream:

  1. Beat sour cream with a mixer for two minutes.
  2. Pour milk in small portions, without interrupting the operation of the mixer.
  3. At the end add vanilla.

Helpful advice: Any flavor can be used in place of vanilla. A few tablespoons of lemon juice will give a pleasant sourness, 20-30 ml. cognac - a touch of piquancy, and coconut flakes or chopped nuts will give an unusual taste.

If you want to make a cream of sour cream with boiled condensed milk, then the proportions you need to take boiled condensed milk and sour cream in a ratio of 1: 1.

Please note that the finished product is very thick!

Cream of condensed milk and sour cream with butter

It is not difficult to prepare creamy and condensed milk for a cake, the main condition is that the oil must have a fat content of more than 72% and be natural. Saving on the cost of oil, you risk spoiling all your work.


  • oil - two hundred grams;
  • sour cream - 200 grams;
  • condensed milk - half a jar.

Cooking cream for the cake:

  1. Whisk soft butter. A blender or mixer is suitable as a device.
  2. Gradually introduce milk.
  3. Gradually add sour cream.
  4. Beat for 8-10 minutes.

The cream should be thick and uniform.

Helpful advice: you can add a little cocoa to the creamy mass - it will turn brown. In addition, the color can be changed by adding fresh fruit or berry juice. Feel free to use whole berries, such as strawberries or pitted cherries.

Cream of condensed milk and sour cream with gelatin

If you plan to use a cream of condensed milk and sour cream not only for smearing cakes, but also for decorating a cake, in order to avoid “blurring” of decor elements, we recommend preparing this “strong” cream with gelatin.


  • 50 ml. warm water or milk;
  • one teaspoon of gelatin;
  • 200 ml. sg. milk;
  • 200 grams of fat sour cream.


  1. Pour gelatin with warm water, act according to the manufacturer's instructions. We heat in a water bath, cool.
  2. Beat sour cream and condensed milk with a mixer (as in the basic recipe).
  3. Carefully add gelatin, mixing the mass by hand.
  4. We remove the mass in the refrigerator for two to three hours.

If you are preparing a cream from boiled condensed milk, then the use of gelatin is undesirable - the mass will turn out to be too thick.

Important: remember that all creams based on sour cream are perishable - cook cakes and pastries before using them directly.

Cream of condensed milk and sour cream with chocolate

Condensed milk chocolate cream is an excellent filling for a cake. Prepared from very simple products.


  • 200 grams of sour cream and condensed milk;
  • 100 grams of chocolate;
  • 50 grams of butter.


  1. From sour cream and condensed milk we make a base cream.
  2. Melt chocolate and butter in a water bath. You don’t need to simmer for a long time, the main thing is that the pieces melt. Let cool until warm.
  3. Combine with base cream, beat well.

The basis for your culinary experiments is ready.

Coconut cream with sour cream and condensed milk

We will need:

  • 250 grams SG. milk;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 150 grams of sour cream;
  • 100 grams of white chocolate;
  • 50 grams of coconut flakes.


  1. Melt the butter and chocolate in a water bath.
  2. We add coconut flakes to the mass.
  3. We beat the condensed milk and butter.
  4. We mix both masses.

Helpful advice: if you want to make sour cream with boiled condensed milk, it is not at all necessary to buy ready-made milk - cook it yourself, and you will get a product that is two to three times tastier than the analogue from the store.

Sugar is usually not added, but if there is such a need, it is better to give preference to powdered sugar, as it dissolves faster.
