
Cream of mascarpone and condensed milk. Mascarpone cream - the most delicate filling for homemade desserts

Even the simplest pastry changes if you put mascarpone cream on it. Airy, incredibly creamy, it looks very difficult to prepare, but professionals assure that the basic recipes take only a few minutes. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients.

How to make Mascarpone Cream Cake

The basis of any recipe is cream cheese, the share of which almost always prevails. The exception is cream with mascarpone and sour cream, where the components are combined in almost equal proportions. The ingredients are selected to taste and by eye: liquor, syrup, chocolate, lemon and orange zest, fruit pulp, juices - you can use everything. Below are the most successful recipes with which you can start culinary experiments.

From mascarpone and condensed milk

The perfect thick cream for mascarpone cake, which soaks and glues the cakes, can serve as a basis for shrinking decorative elements. The main attraction of this recipe is that the condensed milk will not curdle like cream during the heating process. There are only 2 components, but you can expand their list by including more chocolate, fruit and berry pomace and puree, nuts.

  • condensed milk - 210 g;
  • mascarpone cheese - 480 g.


  1. Put the condensed milk and cream cheese in a bowl, first mix with a spoon, then beat with a mixer.
  2. The volume of condensed milk varies depending on the desired density: for a softer mass, 150-170 g is enough, for a strong one - 240-260 g. Increase its share with spoons so as not to provoke lumps.
  3. When the mass takes on a homogeneous consistency, the mascarpone cream with condensed milk is ready. Refrigeration is not necessary, start soaking the cakes immediately.

Cheese cream cake

Dazzling white, delicate, airy mass will ideally soften any hard cake and decorate the surface. Cream of cream and mascarpone is very light and not as dense as butter and cheese. The cream must be 33%, otherwise it does not form a dense foam. You can add cocoa powder, vanilla, almond essence, or even fruit juice to the recipe.

  • fat cream (33%) - 120 g;
  • mascarpone cheese - 450 g;
  • sugar - 50 g.


  1. Refrigerate the bowl, beaters and cream 2-3 hours before you start. Then start whipping the cream at medium speed for 5-7 minutes - only from this moment they will begin to thicken.
  2. When strong peaks appear and the cream becomes denser, spoon the mascarpone into them while continuing to beat at low speed.
  3. Sugar is added last. Taste the cream cheese after this step - if the taste isn't sweet enough, add some more sugar. Before layering the mass of the cake, it needs to be cooled.

Cream for cupcakes with mascarpone

These delicious cupcakes, decorated with a fluffy delicate hat, have become a frequent guest on the festive table. However, to prepare them, you need only 20-30 minutes, so they often complement even the evening everyday tea drinking. The cream cheese cream remains the most difficult moment for housewives: it is responsible for the airiness of the consistency. How to cook it?

Mascarpone and sour cream

According to professionals - the most delicious and tender. Unlike butter-cheese mixtures, it does not have a high density, is not too greasy, not cloying. If desired, this cream with mascarpone can also be used to impregnate biscuit cakes. When preparing the ingredients, pay attention to the release date of the sour cream - the fresher it is, the better the cream will be. The higher the percentage of fat content, the stronger the form.

  • mascarpone cheese - 310 g;
  • sour cream 25% - 400 g;
  • vanillin - 1/4 tsp;
  • lemon zest - 1 tsp;
  • powdered sugar - 70 g.


  1. Stretch a cotton towel over a colander, put sour cream on it, cover with a free edge and put it in the refrigerator. After 1.5-2 hours, remove and transfer the sour cream to a bowl. The liquid that appears under the colander (whey) can be poured out - it is not needed in the work.
  2. Beat the sour cream with mascarpone and a pinch of vanilla with a regular whisk to get a uniform consistency.
  3. Pour powdered sugar into the bowl, throw in the lemon zest, beat all the ingredients with a mixer at medium speed until the mass is compacted. If you are using granulated sugar, wait for the granules to dissolve.

chocolate cream

Of all the recipes considered, this results in a high-calorie product, but the finished cream has a high density, which allows it to be given any shape. After cooling, you will have full-fledged tasty figures with which to decorate cupcakes. The chocolate part is often represented by cocoa powder, but professionals often use dark or milk chocolate. If desired, white wine can be added to the cream for mascarpone cupcakes.

  • butter - 110 g;
  • mascarpone cheese - 350 g;
  • chocolate - 100 g.


  1. Keep the butter in the room to make it soft. Place the cream in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours. If time is short, put them in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Grind the chocolate on a grater, pour the chips into the bowl and melt in a water bath.
  3. Beat the butter with the mascarpone with a mixer on medium speed. Carefully pour in the chocolate that has cooled to room temperature. If it's too thick, warm it up with a couple of tablespoons of milk.

Cream for tiramisu with mascarpone

There are 2 commonly used recipes, from which it is already extremely difficult to single out the classic one. Professionals are of the opinion that the traditional version of mascarpone cream requires the presence of egg whites among the ingredients, and on cream it is lighter and safer. Below is a classic Italian version of mascarpone cream for tiramisu. When preparing the dish, keep in mind that this is a dessert, so you need to serve it in bowls.

  • egg - 5 pcs.;
  • mascarpone cheese - 500 g;
  • powdered sugar - 120 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp. l.


  1. Crack each egg over a special separator to separate the whites from the yolks. Or you can carefully split the egg across with a knife so that the shell breaks into equal halves, and drain everything into a bowl. An intact yolk is easy to remove.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and a spoonful of lemon juice to a bowl with proteins, beat until foamy with a mixer at medium speed for 3 minutes.
  3. Place a larger container on the stove, heat water in it and insert a bowl of protein mass into it. Warming it in a water bath for the purpose of sterilization, beat for another 4-5 minutes with a mixer.
  4. Start adding powdered sugar (60 g) while continuing to beat. When the mixture becomes thicker and thicker, forming strong peaks, stop.
  5. Beat the yolks with a whisk with the rest of the powdered sugar, slowly transfer the mascarpone to them and mix with a spatula. No whipping!
  6. Cool the yolk-cheese mixture, carefully combine with the protein and start spreading the finished mass on the biscuit.

Video: Mascarpone cream for cake

It's good that Mascarpone has ceased to be a delicacy, you can buy it in any supermarket, and now the choice is rather big, from cheap Every Day to expensive Bonfesto. No wonder there are more and more desserts using this fine, tender cheese. Today I will replenish your piggy bank with an excellent cream that is very easy to prepare!

I am delighted with it: gentle, airy, ideal for those who do not like dense and heavy creams. For leveling the cake, it may seem difficult to work with, but it fits perfectly into the layer.

Cream Ingredients:

  • Fat cream (it is better to take special, for whipping, at least 33%) - 400 ml
  • Mascarpone cheese - 200 g
  • Powdered sugar - 175 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1-1.5 tsp
  • Food coloring optional

How to make cream cheese with mascarpone (step by step recipe with photos):

To make the cream whip better, put the package with cream in the freezer for 20 minutes.

Pour ice cream (400 ml) into a mixer bowl or a deep bowl.

If you bought a new cream for you, with which you had no experience working before, you can cool both the whisks of the mixer and the bowl itself, in which you will beat, for safety net.

Add curd cheese (200 g) to cream. Mascarpone should also be cold. Most often I use this cream for recipes:

To be honest, Bonfesto cheese is the very first Mascarpone I tried. Then it was a very expensive product that our family did not appreciate. It tasted neither sweet, nor salty, nothing ... In general, in order not to throw it away, we ate cheese with a long loaf and jam. But it was decided that we no longer buy such expensive cheese. Who would have thought that after some time this beautiful jar would settle on the shelf of our refrigerator, because you can make such a wonderful cream from Mascarpone Bonfesto! And then I got used to making an excellent salad dressing out of it .., in general, now this product is not wasted.

So, put the cheese in a bowl.
Then pour powdered sugar (175 g) into the cream and mascarpone, and also add 1-1.5 tsp. vanilla extract.

I usually suggest as an option - to replace the vanilla extract with vanilla sugar, but in this recipe it is better not to add sugar, because it will not have time to dissolve in a short whipping time.

Before adding to the main mass, it is better to sift the powdered sugar through a strainer to avoid lumps. Loose powder blends into cream much faster.

We begin to beat the resulting mass with a mixer for 3-5 minutes, but gradually increase the mixer speed so that the cream does not curdle and turn into butter. In fact - we only need to mix the ingredients, this time is enough for the cream to whip and combine with the cheese.

As soon as we see a dense, airy mass in the bowl that holds its shape well, we stop.

You can build a "snowdrift" of cream mass with a spoon: if it does not spread, the cream is ready.

At this stage, you can add a little (1-2 drops) of food coloring to the cream and again punch the mass until smooth. Next, transfer the cream to a pastry bag and use as directed.

In order not to add excess liquid to the cream, use Americolor gel dyes, with a small amount (literally 1-2 drops) you can color the cream.

Now we shift the cream into a pastry bag or a deep comfortable bowl and put it in a cold place to stabilize it (about half an hour).

If you need to store this cream, be sure to keep the storage container sealed. Shelf life - 3/4 days. But after freezing, the cream is cut off, so freezing cream cheese with mascarpone is excluded.

Several recipes for very similar creams are in the selection

Chocolate cream cheese with mascarpone


  • Cream cheese - 250 g
  • Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar - 80 g
  • Chocolate - 200 g
  • Cream with a fat content of at least 33% - 150 ml.

Instead of Mascarpone, you can use any other cream cheese (but always unsalted cottage cheese), but it is with mascarpone that the cream turns out to be as tasty and tender as possible.

By the way, the cost of just such cheese (Mascarpone Bonfesto) is still rather big. Once, walking along the cheese rows in Auchan, I saw inconspicuous jars of mascarpone cheese from their own brand “Every Day”, I bought it for a test - and the result pleased me! The price of such cheese is noticeably cheaper, and the taste and texture are similar. It contains only pasteurized cream, and tastes no worse than expensive brands. In general, I recommend!
If you want to cut costs even more, you can cook (follow the link, there is a step-by-step guide).

How to make chocolate cream cheese

Chocolate (200 g) break into pieces and melt in a water bath. Then set aside to cool slightly. Cream cheese (250 g) is kneaded with a spoon so that it is easier to beat with a mixer. Add powdered sugar (80 g) to cream cheese and beat. Carefully add the melted chocolate to the cream cheese and work again with the mixer.

In a separate bowl (it is better to take a deep one, with high sides so that there is no splashing), whip the cream with 30% fat.

On how to whip cream correctly, I wrote down a separate one (follow the link to get to a step-by-step recipe).

Whipped cream is carefully introduced into the chocolate mass, we combine both mixtures with a spatula (trying not to lose airiness).

We transfer the finished cream to a pastry bag, then cool in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

Cream with mascarpone for Tiramisu

A classic dessert that uses mascarpone cream is tiramisu. I will give the standard proportions for 500 g of cheese (this volume is enough to make one cake).


  • Mascarpone cheese - 500 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Cognac (optional) - 1 tsp

How to cook:

  1. Divide eggs at room temperature into whites and yolks (very carefully so that not a gram of protein gets into the yolk mass, otherwise the latter will not beat).
  2. Beat egg yolks (3 pcs) with sugar (150 g) with a mixer for 5-7 minutes until the mass becomes light and fluffy.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites to stiff peaks. When turning over the container, the proteins should not fall out of it.
  4. Combine beaten yolks with sugar with mascarpone cheese, mix until smooth.
  5. With gentle movements with a spatula, add the proteins and achieve an airy light cream. Cream for tiramisu is ready!

I will wait for your feedback on recipes, be sure to leave comments, photos of cakes and desserts prepared with this cream. I always enjoy getting feedback on recipes!

When adding a photo to Instagram, specify the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can find your photos on the web.

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Some 10-15 years ago, the Italian Mascarpone cream cheese was considered scarce. Now, when it can be easily found in any supermarket, housewives are happy to use the dairy product in their culinary accomplishments. But the most delicious treats with him are desserts. To learn how to make the perfect Mascarpone cream, suitable for any pastries, cakes and pies, you should familiarize yourself with the popular recipes of this confectionery base.

Any cake, no matter what it is made from, will be much tastier in addition to the most delicate Mascarpone cream.

To obtain it, you must have in stock:

  • 500 g cream cheese;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Separate the eggs into components. Grind the yolks with a whisk with granulated sugar. The composition should become homogeneous.
  2. Beat the cooled proteins with a mixer with a small amount of salt into a fluffy and stable meringue.
  3. Add cheese to the yolk mass, gently mix the ingredients with a spatula.
  4. Lastly, we shift the meringue, again we combine all the components.

We store the finished cream in the refrigerator until use.

Important! To make cream cheese more easily combined with other products, put it for a while in a warm place.

Mascarpone cream for cupcakes

To prepare cream for pancakes from the most tender and delicious cheese, you need to take care of the following ingredients:

  • 300 ml of heavy cream;
  • 250 g cream cheese;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar.

Stages of work:

  1. First, mix the cheese with powdered sugar, beat the ingredients with a mixer.
  2. Separately, we bring the cream, heated to room temperature, to a stable creamy state.
  3. We combine the cheese and cream parts, mix everything with a spatula.
  4. We rearrange the cream in the refrigerator, we get it exclusively for decorating baking.

With condensed milk

This magnificent cheese, even without other additions, seems airy, tender and extraordinarily tasty. If you add condensed milk to it, you get a sweetness from which it is simply impossible to break away. Therefore, such a mixture is considered an excellent layer for many pastries.

To prepare Mascarpone cream and condensed milk, you will need:

  • 500 g of cheese;
  • 400 g of condensed milk;
  • ½ tsp vanillin;
  • 1 tsp flavored liquor.

Cooking steps:

  1. Slowly whisk cream cheese with condensed milk.
  2. When the composition becomes homogeneous, add vanillin.
  3. Pour in a little fragrant liquor, combine the ingredients. The cream is ready.

Advice! To make the fluffy mass more stable, use gelatin.

For Tiramisu

Tiramisu cake is considered one of the most delicious desserts of the present time. Its integral part is butter cream, thanks to which the taste of the treat becomes very tender and recognizable.

To make your own tiramisu cream, you only need to prepare the necessary ingredients:

  • 250 g cream cheese;
  • 40 g of powdered sugar;
  • 170 g of heavy cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of poly.

Cooking steps:

  1. Separate the eggs into their components.
  2. Grind the yolks with powdered sugar until white.
  3. Beat egg whites with a small handful of salt until stiff peaks form.
  4. Cream with a mixer until creamy. To do this, they must be cooled in advance.
  5. In a deep bowl, mix mascarpone, whipped cream and yolk mass.
  6. We introduce the meringue into the resulting composition in parts, kneading the cream well.
  7. We send the finished product to the refrigerator for 60 minutes to infuse.

Cream with Mascarpone for leveling the cake

Thanks to a well-chosen cream, it is easy to change the appearance of any confectionery. You just need to use it as a leveling base. Cream cheese holds its shape perfectly and does not spread like other ingredients that are usually used to make a finishing composition.

Mascarpone is suitable for making the perfect smoothing cream. The main thing is to apply it on cakes in several layers, and then the result will be perfect.

Required products:

  • 100 g powdered sugar:
  • 130 g butter;
  • 450 g of cheese;
  • vanillin.

Stages of work:

  1. Beat softened butter with sugar and vanilla.
  2. Gradually add the cream cheese, continuing to mix the ingredients.
  3. The cream is ready. Place it in the refrigerator where it will thicken after a few hours.

How to cook with cream?

What could be softer and tastier in desserts than Mascarpone cream and cream? Nothing! That is why you should learn how to cook this sweet mass yourself in order to bring your pastry skills to perfection.

Required Ingredients:

  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 250 g of cheese;
  • 200 g of heavy cream;
  • vanillin.

Stages of work:

  1. Beat the chilled cream with a mixer at high speed until the desired density is obtained. Add powdered sugar and continue working until the ingredients turn into a stable mass.
  2. Knead the cream cheese with a spoon, gradually combining it with the resulting mixture.
  3. It remains to add vanillin, mix the composition and that's it - the cream is ready.

Cooking in a brew way

Very tasty, and very original cream can be prepared from the same ingredient, but only in a custard way. Agree, the usual treat is already boring. If you dilute the confectionery base with tender cream cheese, the result will be very tasty. This cream perfectly complements desserts with berry layers and fruit fillings.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 egg;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 120 g of Mascarpone cheese;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 50 g flour.

Cooking steps:

  1. Dissolve half of the sugar in warm milk.
  2. Beat the remaining sweet crystals with the yolk and egg.
  3. We introduce flour and sweet milk.
  4. We put the resulting composition on fire and heat to a boil, stirring constantly.
  5. As soon as the cream begins to thicken, turn on the fire, continue the process, constantly working with a spatula, until the composition has cooled.
  6. Gradually add cream cheese.
  7. We grind the finished cream through a sieve so that it becomes airy.

Mascarpone Cream Cheese

Cream cheese is made from any suitable cheese, but only with Mascarpone the result is really great.

To make such a sweet base, you should prepare:

  • 400 ml of heavy cream;
  • 175 g of powdered sugar;
  • 200 g of cheese;
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract;
  • food coloring (if needed)

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour all the listed ingredients into a mixer cup and start beating them. Gradually increase the speed of the device. Be careful not to curdle the cream and turn into butter.
  2. As soon as the mass becomes dense and begins to hold its shape, we stop.
  3. Now, if necessary, add a dye to the cream, mix it into the composition, and put the resulting dessert in the refrigerator until use.

What can replace cheese in cream?

Despite the versatility and extraordinary taste of Mascarpone, there is one big drawback in it - the price. To prepare a serving of cream for decorating a cake, you will have to use a lot of cream cheese. Therefore, many housewives want to know how this ingredient can be replaced in order to prepare the same delicious cheese cream.

It's simple - we use any soft curd product that is on sale. It turns out that you can make a similar ingredient on your own, having a small list of products in stock:

  • 1 liter of cream;
  • ¼ tsp citric acid;
  • 1 tsp water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour the cream into a saucepan, put on fire and heat until the first bubbles appear.
  2. Combine citric acid with water and add to warm cream.
  3. Mix the ingredients and continue the process until thick.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a fine sieve lined with gauze. We leave the structure for several hours so that the glass has excess liquid.
  5. The resulting composition is a cheaper analogue and a worthy replacement for a baking layer using everyone's favorite cheese.

Want to make a really delicious dessert? Be sure to complement it with Mascarpone cream. It remains only to decide on the type of confectionery base and create a real culinary masterpiece. Good luck!

If you have a little time left and want to please your family with a gorgeous cake, then check out the following selection of recipes for making mascarpone cream for a cake. Mascarpone cream, with which any cake will become your family's favorite dessert, can be prepared according to different recipes that differ in ingredients and cooking techniques.

How to make a magical mascarpone cream for a cake: confectionery secrets

Mascarpone can be safely called one of the best bases for creams. And there are quite a few recipes for mascarpone cream: here are butter, cream, chocolate, and protein creams. There is even the most simplified version of the cream for the sweet tooth, requiring the use of condensed milk. But, despite such a wide variety of ingredients, recipes for mascarpone cream for cake have subtleties common to all types.

So, for example, if powdered sugar is prescribed in the composition, then you should not save by replacing it with sugar. The powder is easier to dissolve, which means that the mass will quickly reach the required gentle state. If there is no powdered sugar or there is not enough, then sweetness can be supplemented with syrups.

It should not be hidden that mascarpone is an expensive product at cost, therefore, cream, sour cream and condensed milk are used to increase the volume, as well as to dilute the fat content of cream cheese.

The inclusion of eggs in the composition obviously indicates subsequent heat treatment. So the cream on the eggs is very successfully revealed when cooking cheesecakes.

Exception! The exception to the rule is the tiramisu dessert cream. The components included in its composition are not subjected to any heat treatment. Therefore, it is worth carefully approaching the choice of eggs.

Considering that the main components of the cream have only a light creamy aroma and taste, confectioners often introduce flavors into its composition. Cream based on mascarpone goes well with vanilla, cognac, rum, liquors. Essences should be administered very carefully. Among other things, the cream can be painted over in any shade, only by adding food or natural dyes to it.

An ideal addition to mascarpone butter cream are fresh fruits and berries.

A classic of the genre: cream based on mascarpone with cream

Cream of mascarpone and cream can be called a classic of the genre, which will never become outdated and will not lose its popularity. Its advantages include a light, airy texture.

Cooking time - 10 minutes.

The number of servings is 10.


  • cream cheese "Mascarpone" - 450 g;
  • fat cream (33%) - 250 g;
  • powdered sugar - 90 g.

Per serving

  • Calories: 303.3 kcal
  • Proteins: 2.8 g
  • Fat: 27.4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 1.5 g

Cooking method

The secret of cooking is quite simple and lies in the exact following of the recipe:

Any cake will sparkle with new colors with it.

Mascarpone Cream for Cake: Butter-Based Recipe

Despite the fact that cheese contains up to 75% fat in its composition, it goes well with butter. At the same time, neither the taste of the cream for the cake nor the consistency suffers, acquiring only additional positive properties in the process of beating. Mascarpone cream, which is obtained as a result of mixing, is excellent for spreading layers of cakes, starting cakes.

The number of servings is 10.


To get the perfect taste and simplicity of mascarpone butter cream, you will need:

  • mascarpone - 500 g;
  • butter - 185 g;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • lemon zest - 2 tbsp;
  • orange liqueur - 25 ml.

Note! Mascarpone can be replaced with high-quality cream and curd cheese.

Per serving

  • Calories: 376.3 kcal
  • Proteins: 2.6 g
  • Fat: 33.1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 17.9 g

Cooking method

To make a simple, but gentle and delicious buttercream, follow the step-by-step recommendations:

It is suitable not only for a layer of cakes, but also for decorating muffins.

Mascarpone Buttercream Cake Recipe

Mascarpone cream prepared in this way can definitely be called an air cloud. It is most commonly used to create the classic Italian dessert, tiramisu.

Cooking time - 60 minutes.

The number of servings is 6.


To get the cream, take:

  • mascarpone - 250 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 40 g;
  • orange zest - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - a pinch.

Note! Eggs for any cream we take as fresh as possible. To reduce the fat content of the cream, you can add cream or natural yogurt to it.

Per serving

  • Calories: 226.2 kcal
  • Proteins: 4.4 g
  • Fat: 19.3 g
  • Carbohydrates: 8.9 g

Cooking method

To cook on mascarpone cream cheese, you can follow the following recommendations:

As mentioned at the beginning, such a cream is great for a classic tiramisu cake, because such a cream must necessarily undergo a short heat treatment.

Cream cheese cream based on mascarpone and philadelphia cheeses

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the last of our selections of how to whip cream for a cake: it will be based on two types of cheese: Philadelphia and mascarpone.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

The number of servings is 10.


You can prepare a conceived cream from the following components:

  • Philadelphia cream cheese - 250 g;
  • mascarpone cream cheese - 250 g;
  • vanilla - 1 tsp;
  • cream (35%) - 350 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 120 g.

Note! To be satisfied with the result, we purchase only cream with a fat content of 33% or more.

Per serving

  • Calories: 310 kcal
  • Proteins: 3 g
  • Fat: 26.8 g
  • Carbohydrates: 14.7 g

Cooking method

Note! Servings per serving indicated the approximate number of servings per cake.

Video recipes

In addition to step-by-step recipes with photos, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video, which will help you learn even more cooking options.

Delicate sweet creamy mascarpone cheese is the main character of today's topic.

I will tell you how to prepare 2 different creams based on it and make its analogue from familiar and affordable products. I often cook this option in the summer for desserts from strawberries, raspberries, peaches.

Chocolate cream with mascarpone and condensed milk

Kitchenware: 2 bowls, 2 pans, mixer, cling film.


When choosing mascarpone cheese, pay attention to such points:

  • Date of manufacture (the closer it is to the date of purchase, the better);
  • In the opened package, it is stored for no more than three days;
  • The composition should include cream, milk, citric acid and nothing else;
  • Fat content should be at least 40%, mass fraction of fat in dry matter 80% or more.

real condensed milk Sold only in a can and has a shelf life of 12 months. Choose pure chocolate: without nuts and other fillers.

Step by step cooking

The cream recipe is simple and refined at the same time. Even a piece of white bread paired with it can safely claim the title of cake.

video recipe

Watch this video before you start making cream. You will be able to see what consistency it should match depending on the stage.

How to apply

  • This creamy mascarpone cream can be used on any cake that calls for chocolate cream.
  • It keeps its shape perfectly and will help even a beginner to decorate the cake with flowers and vignettes using a pastry bag or a syringe.
  • They can simply spread a bun or toast for morning tea or coffee. Such chocolate cream for a cake with mascarpone and condensed milk will help even those who do not have an oven create their own recipes. Grab crackers, nuts, fresh berries, jellies and get creative.

Cream with mascarpone and cream

Cooking time: 10 min.
Servings: 1.
Kitchenware: mixer, bowl
Calories: 342 kcal.


  • We always choose fresh cream with a fat content of 30% or more. Since they need to be cold, buy them ahead of time and refrigerate them for at least 6 hours.
  • The amount of thickener for cream, check the manufacturer's recommendations on the package.

Step by step recipe

video recipe

In this video you can see the above recipe, evaluate its reliability and simplicity.

  • I indicated the amount of powdered sugar to my taste, so I advise you to try the cream during the preparation process and adjust the sweetness to your liking. You can not put sugar at all and combine, for example, the two above mascarpone cream recipes for cupcakes or cakes - sweet chocolate and neutral creamy.
  • The cream can be diversified by adding vanilla, cocoa, a few drops of rum or other alcohol with a bright taste.
  • Since butter cream with mascarpone is a perishable product, you need to pick up and implement a recipe for cake layers in advance. If you have not made your choice yet, check out the recipe or try baking a very unusual one.
  • This recipe can be used to make a cream of mascarpone and sour cream instead of cream for such popular cakes as "Honey cake" or "Smetannik".

Cottage cheese mascarpone cheese

The original cheese is made in Italy and is not very cheap here. Therefore, we will prepare its analogue from domestic products. Gourmets, of course, he will not deceive, but in general it turns out very similar.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.
Servings: 1.
Kitchenware: mixer, 2 bowls, fine metal sieve.
Calories: 276 kcal.


The most crucial point in our recipe is the choice of cottage cheese.

Ideally, cottage cheese should be:

  • Perfectly fresh;
  • Fresh, even sweet, without a hint of sourness;
  • As fat as possible;
  • Very soft, but without excess moisture.

Absolute freshness, high fat content, low temperature are very important for obtaining whipped cream. But there is another weighty criterion - the manufacturer. For some reason, the cream of some brands is whipped, while others are not. Ask your friends for a recommendation or use mine - buy a cream fixer. This is a guarantee against failure.

Step by step cooking

video recipe

This video shows the whole process of preparing a budget version of mascarpone, cheese and cream at the same time.

This recipe allows you not to put off the preparation of the visiting card of Italian culinary specialists - the Tiramisu cake.

Other options for making creams with mascarpone

With my recipes, you can easily make mascarpone custard (original or prepared according to the recipe above).

It is enough to buy a semi-finished custard, cook it according to the instructions on the package, cool and mix with mascarpone using a mixer. Cream of mascarpone and butter is suitable for a Napoleon cake or any biscuit. To do this, beat 200 g of soft butter with 200 g of powdered sugar with a mixer until white. And then add chilled cheese in small portions.

Tell us which recipe you like best. Make your additions if you have prepared similar creams. Share your recipes. Good luck with your culinary experiments!
