
Red pepper. Its benefits and harms

Hot pepper has a variety of names: hot, bitter, cayenne and others, but its taste remains the same and recognizable by everyone. The sharpness of this piquant seasoning is given by the alkaloid substance capsaicin, which is practically absent in sweet varieties of pepper. What are the benefits and harms of hot peppers remains to be seen in this article.

Useful properties of red hot pepper

In addition to capsaicin, pepper contains vitamins A, E, PP, C, group B, minerals - phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, as well as antioxidants, fatty oils, carbohydrates, etc. Without this seasoning, many dishes simply would not have the very piquancy and spiciness that is so appreciated by both avid culinary specialists and simple lovers around the world. The benefit of hot pepper is that it stimulates appetite, improves digestion and even speeds up metabolism, which can be appreciated by people who are struggling with being overweight. By eating this seasoning, you can improve your mood and improve your perception of the world.

Medicinal properties of hot pepper:

  • pepper contributes to the production of endorphins in the body, which not only dull pain, but also increase myocardial blood circulation, reducing the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases;
  • fresh juice of this vegetable is used as a warming agent for sciatica, etc.;
  • capsaicin in the composition of hot peppers blocks the DNA of mitochondria, which are involved in the synthesis of chemical energy in malignant cells. Thus, the use of this seasoning acts as a measure for the prevention and treatment of cancer.
Harm pepper

However, red hot pepper can bring not only benefits, but also harm. It is not recommended to use it for people with gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, ulcers, etc. If it gets on the mucous membrane, it can cause severe burning and burns. In large doses, it can provoke diarrhea, arrhythmias, and, in severe cases, a heart attack. It is necessary to take into account these contraindications when using hot pepper and using its beneficial properties. Knowing his strengths and weaknesses, you can always turn them to your advantage.

Who doesn't love spicy food? It is rare that someone does not additionally pepper the finished dish.

The topic of the article is red pepper, its benefits and harms. Red spice is very rich in vitamins and useful microelements.

Let's talk more about the chemical composition of hot peppers.

What is the use

It is worth noting that the benefits of using not only the pulp of peppers, but also seeds.

So, the composition of the bitter vegetable contains:

  • vitamin C or ascorbic acid. Moreover, this legume is the leader among vegetables in terms of vitamin C content. Which has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, increasing its elasticity;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin RR.

And many other important elements, without which the normal functioning of the body cannot be carried out.


Chili spice is widely used for:

  1. Improvement in digestion.
  2. Acceleration of metabolism and blood circulation. Because of what it is widely used in the fight against cellulite. Increases body temperature, which accelerates the breakdown of subcutaneous adipose tissue.
  3. Baldness prevention. Again thanks to its ability to increase blood flow.
  4. Normal functioning of the female genitourinary system.
  5. Antioxidant effect on the skin. Women who prefer spicy foods have been proven to keep their youthful appearance longer..
  6. Diet food. The calorie content of pepper is only 40 kcal / 100 gr. The average weight of 1 small pod is about 40-50 gr.
  7. Facilitate the flow of critical days in women. Also applies when a loop fails. But to use spicy is strictly before the start of the cycle.
  8. Control and reduce appetite. It has been proven that spicy food contributes to early satiety, plus not everyone can eat a lot of spicy food.
  9. It has a beneficial effect on potency, which is valuable for men.

Capsicain is responsible for the spicy taste of peppers. The higher its content, the sharper the taste of the pod.

If there is no capsain in pepper, then it is the so-called paprika. With regular use of paprika in food, you can:

  • normalize blood pressure;
  • improve sleep;
  • drive away stress and depression;
  • cure mild forms of anemia;
  • get rid of malignant tumors;
  • thin the blood, congestion in any part of the body is harmful to health.

A spicy red vegetable is widely used in cosmetology. In the manufacture of hair care products. Irritating the scalp, causes a rush of blood to it. Which reduces hair loss and strengthens the bulbs.

For anti-cellulite products. As already mentioned above - accelerates the breakdown of fat. Below you can find effective cosmetic recipes using hot peppers.

Fat burning cocktail. Prepare a mixture of 250 ml of 1% kefir and spices. Beat with a blender and drink at night. The best spices are cinnamon, ginger and red pepper.

Do not forget that in order to achieve the best weight loss effect, you need to apply a set of measures. This includes proper nutrition and exercise.

Vitaminizing hair lotion. Prepare pepper tincture. To do this, mix 1 part of pepper and 10 parts of medical alcohol. Let it brew in a dark room for 1 week.

Note: all procedures with a burning ingredient should be carried out strictly with gloves. Otherwise, the effect will be observed on the hands, and not at the place of application.

Add to ready-made cosmetic products for hair care.

Contraindications for use

Like any potent remedy, hot pepper has its contraindications. Namely:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to eat in the presence of ulcers and severe forms of gastritis.
  2. Do not apply to skin that has damage - wounds, scratches, inflammation.
  3. Hypertensive patients should not eat spicy food..
  4. It is not recommended to take a lot of spices during pregnancy and lactation. In the first case, it may end in the loss of a child.
  5. Avoid hit of sharp mass on mucous membranes. Otherwise, you will get a severe burn of the delicate epithelium.

Good to know: you can get rid of annoying and painful burning sensation with the help of dairy or starch-containing products. For example, sour cream, natural yogurt, potatoes, rice.

It is possible to relieve burning sensation on the skin by wiping the burned area with a cotton swab dipped in olive oil.


Side effects when eating hot peppers:

  1. Increased sweating.
  2. Excessive irritation of the gastric mucosa. With uncontrolled consumption of a large amount of chile, there is a risk of developing gastritis.
  3. Strong allergen. For those already allergic to bananas and kiwis, hot peppers are an allergic hazard.
  4. With the help of blood thinning, it will enhance the effect of drugs taken at the moment. Thus, an overdose is possible.

When eating any food, it is worth remembering that everything is good in moderation. Any, even the most useful, product, if the dosage is exceeded, can harm the body.

How to prepare a tincture of capsicum red pepper for hair, see the following video:

What are the benefits and harms of hot peppers for the body if you start eating it? Surely, many already know about its properties, but do not assume what a storehouse of vitamins there is, and what is special about it. We will look at interesting things related to this leguminous plant.

Useful properties and contraindications of hot capsicum

Useful properties and contraindications of hot capsicum can be explained by the fact that it contains elements that have a dual effect on the human body. Firstly, it contains alkaloids, and they feed the body with the missing minerals. They can also aggravate the situation if a person is sick. It used to be said that those who consume red pepper will have a sound mind, and there will come a new smart thought. Accordingly, we can conclude that the plant did and continues to provide benefits. But what was it about, and what did our ancestors have in mind?

Red pepper, capsicum, chili - it has many names, and in warm countries like Mexico, it will always be welcomed because of its taste and piquancy. Residents claim that eating a slice of chili pizza brightens their mind, others say that it helps relieve stress and cleanse the body. Grandmothers treat children with pepper tinctures, add them to face and hair masks. Our inhabitants of temperate latitudes sometimes do not understand and do not know why do this with pepper, when its purpose is cooking and the minimum content for taste.

The benefit of hot peppers lies in their ability to digest heavy meals without taking digestive pills. By adding pepper to meat, it absorbs carbohydrates and fats, and the dish becomes useful for everyone who cannot eat anything high-calorie. Persons who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can experience all the "charms" of this product, experiencing pain and colic after eating it. With type 1 diabetes, it is better to exclude it so as not to return the glucose level to the usual norm for a simple healthy person.

Oh intestines! The place where the digestion of food takes place, and where the pepper absorbs bacteria and viruses.

  1. Pepper envelops the walls of the mucosa.
  2. It absorbs unnecessary bacteria.
  3. Takes away liquid and excess fats.
  4. Restores the balance of flora.
  5. Removes toxins and harmful substances.

The intestines then work like clockwork. No need to engage in excessive training and bend your legs to the navel, lead fasting days and eat only apples and lemons. We exaggerate, but really, it’s easier and easier for someone (not due to illness) to take drastic measures to treat the intestines, and someone just eats chili, remains in a good mood and with a working digestive organ.

Our blood is not an organ, but a part of the circulatory system. And the health of our body largely depends on its composition, since its rivers carry microelements and useful / unhealthy substances throughout. To purify the blood, it is enough to eat 10 g of red capsicum. Useful components are contained inside, and being quickly absorbed into the blood, they help to cleanse it and bring the very “relish” of the composition to the organs.

Also, without departing far from the blood and diuretic system, pepper is still useful for women. When the body is recovering from injuries, hormonal failure or childbirth, pepper can help. It not only enriches the blood, supplies microelements, but also normalizes the cycle. The emotional background can be corrected with the same composition:

  1. Chew a piece of pepper and drink it with milk.
  2. Drink water again.
  3. Once again, after eating, seize the side dish with pepper and drink it with juice or something sweet and sour.

Thus, a woman's mood will not only rise (not from an acute blow to the tongue), but the balance of hormones in the whole body will also normalize. The ovaries will be normal by the time it's time to re-eat the pepper.

It is worth remembering one “but”: during the period of menstruation, when the cycle began, red pepper should not be taken. On the contrary, it will upset the gastrointestinal tract and the pelvic area, not helping to renew the blood. Otherwise, cramps may appear in the lower abdomen, bleeding may increase.

Can you eat hot peppers every day?

In terms of health benefits, hot peppers can be eaten every day before and after meals. But on the other hand, if it causes problems in the gastrointestinal tract, you will not be able to eat it or other spicy foods. Therefore, in order for everything to be in moderation, you need to occasionally replenish the body's reserves with its vitamins, but do not overdo it with the number of pods in the bowl with dinner. Once every 1-2 weeks is enough for a constant and regular intake of pepper.

Allergy to hot pepper - how does it manifest itself?

When working with hot peppers, gloves should be worn to prevent redness of the hands and burns. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to protect yourself from such exposure, you can get an allergy. Also, an allergy to hot pepper manifests itself in the form of skin rashes when there is an individual intolerance to the product.

  1. There is indigestion in the stomach.
  2. The temperature and chills of the body rise.
  3. The general condition is satisfactory, but sleepy.

With such mild symptoms, a predisposition to excitability to the components of hot peppers can be diagnosed. It is recommended to exclude any combination of the product with the diet so as not to cause subsequent reactions.

Can hot peppers be frozen?

Many housewives will be interested to know if it is possible to freeze hot peppers for the winter in order to preserve its properties. We will help you learn how to do it right with the preparatory phase:

  1. First you need to clean the pepper from dirt and rinse it thoroughly.
  2. Then completely dip the pepper in cold water, dry with a towel.
  3. If you want to reduce the spiciness of the product, place the pepper in boiling water for 3 minutes.
  4. Next, we remove the core and seeds - the veins are cleaned, which reduces bitterness in the subsequent consumption of products.
  5. The thinner the pods are cut into strips, the better they will keep for several months.
  6. When working with the core, rubber gloves should be worn. This will help protect your hands from getting sharp.
  • It is necessary to determine the depth of freezing and the duration of storage. Chile is 90% water, and its preservation is determined by the correct temperature regime.
  • At 0-5 degrees pepper can be stored for 1-2 months. It can’t be longer, otherwise the integrity of the cells will be destroyed.
  • When stored at 0-2 degrees of heat, the pepper simply retains its properties, but in this position it will only be useful for 3 weeks.
  • With prolonged freezing at -18 degrees, it will retain its properties for 1-2 years.

For instant freezing, it is better to use a gentle temperature. You need to store it in a glass container, and for a container, place the chopped pepper in a container at a temperature of up to -6 degrees. You can also store pepper in oil - this way it will retain its properties longer, however, when defrosting, it cannot be re-frozen.

If hot pepper gets into the eyes, what should I do?

Many housewives will find it useful to know what to do if hot pepper gets into their eyes. This can happen during cooking, pre-cleaning, or freezing. No one is immune from such a case, and when it happens (do not croak). You will already know what to do in such emergency situations.

  1. Black brewed tea, or calendula, always helped from burning in the eyes. A weak solution of chamomile will also relieve burning sensation, and you can wash the eyeball with this composition. If pepper gets into both eyes, then the liquid after washing the first eye must be replaced.
  2. If the eyelid is affected, apply poultices - cotton pads are moistened in a tincture of black tea of ​​a hot or cold type, and applied to the eyes for 5 minutes.
  3. Goat milk will help with pain after burning. Cotton pads are also applied to relieve redness and tingling in the eyes.

After washing, you need to drip your eyes with a medical solution that will prevent the development of infection. Get Albucid in advance - this is an anti-inflammatory agent that blocks inflammatory processes of a bactericidal nature.

Burning hands from hot pepper - what to do?

After working with the product, it often happens that the hands burn from hot pepper. What to do in such cases to prevent swelling? Vegetable oil and milk are home remedies. Not related to household chemicals. Therefore, such measures should be resorted to as a last resort. And first of all, take care of the following solutions:

  1. Chlorine and water. To disinfect and remove redness, chlorine is used, which removes bacteria, and neutralizes it with water. Burning on the hands should be washed with a non-concentrated solution. It will not get worse from him if his hands burn after pepper.
  2. Liquid soap and soda. This is sodium bicarbonate, which helps everywhere in home life, and it will also save your hands. Porridge is prepared with liquid soap, which neutralizes excess alkali. The mass is applied to the affected areas of the body, and then washed off with water.
  3. Alcohol helps dissolve capsaicin, a substance that causes itching, burning, and redness. Alcohol-based lotions, tonics and perfumes (eau de toilette) can help you with this issue.

Do not forget to rinse your hands under running water, disinfect them after handling. Then you should repeat the procedure if it was not completely possible to remove swelling and redness.

The benefits of hot pepper for men

We will separately consider the benefits of hot pepper for men and the male body in particular. The core of red capsicum contains elements and vitamins that men need to maintain potency and hormonal levels.

  1. Pepper also improves testosterone production, which has a positive effect on potency. It is worth noting that in such cases, we can only talk about the duration of sexual intercourse, while spermatozoa may lose their elasticity and speed. For conception, pepper will be contraindicated.
  2. Testosterone will increase and this is good for keeping fit. Athletes are advised to drink spicy milkshakes to increase endurance and help muscle mass grow.
  3. The liver in men will say "thank you" if you drink it occasionally with such products. Those who love beer and "feminine" alcoholic products (cause weight gain, progesterone - the female hormone), should use such goodies for piquancy and improve overall well-being.
  4. As for hair growth - the same testosterone is responsible for the growth of male hair. Therefore, to stimulate and prevent hair loss, men are advised to occasionally eat spicy food.

We recommend that you occasionally eat these foods, even if your goal is to increase your reaction speed and stamina. Excess pungency and burning trace elements can cause stomach ulcers, as well as excessively filter the blood. This will lead to increased hairiness and unnecessary hormonal imbalance.

Hot pepper for weight loss - how to eat?

It is worth noting another positive side of red hot pepper - it is a low-calorie product, which, in addition to enhancing metabolism, breaks down carbohydrates and fats. But how to eat hot peppers for weight loss in order to gain weight and not harm your health?

It is best to make a tincture of pepper, which will be moderately spicy. The vegetable is placed in vodka or alcohol, infused for 5 days. Important - finely chop the pepper so that it releases all the juices and saturates the tincture with its substances. If instead of medical alcohol (90%) you use vodka, then you need to insist it for 3-4 weeks. For weight loss, take 30 ml three times a day half an hour before meals. At the same time, you can not repeat the course every month - the exposure between sessions is six months, and the duration of one weight loss course lasts no more than 2 weeks.

For the best result, according to the specialists of the Cancer Institute, you should add seasoning to food, and not just drink tinctures.

Hot pepper for hair growth and against hair loss

In addition to cooking, hot peppers are used for cosmetic purposes, and products can be divided into professional cosmetics and home-made cosmetics. Everyone knows that pepper improves blood circulation, which helps to improve hair growth, the condition of hair follicles.

At home, you can also prepare tinctures and balms, mixtures and masks for direct use - for hair.

Capsicum for hair growthCapsicum for hair loss
Mixed with vitamin B12, egg yolk and honey. The mixture is applied to the hair along the entire length, kept for 20 minutes on the hair. This stimulates blood flow to the head. After 2-5 weeks, you can notice the growth of the fluff in the parietal region and on the crown. Ideal for postpartum hair restoration.To strengthen the roots and follicles, balms should be prepared, which include leguminous seeds. At home, they are soaked, wait a week and apply directly to the scalp. Do not hold for more than 5 minutes, and after a month you will notice that the hair practically does not fall out. This is a one time course.
Against brittle hair, tinctures are used that are prepared for weight loss. They can also be used to normalize the growth of the nail plate.For postpartum syndrome, when hair comes out, pepper balm is prepared with egg and vodka. This helps stop hair loss, but does not stimulate new hair growth.
Together with tangerine peels, hot pepper will be useful for thickening the hair. If we talk about shine, then pepper will not help here, but will only stimulate the growth of scales, which will create a feeling of visual thickening of the hair.Follicles will be stronger and thicker if pepper seed shampoo is applied to the scalp. They will help strengthen the bulbs. This will help prevent baldness.

Tip: If you cannot bear the burning of capsicum, it is better to seek help from specialists and purchase ready-made masks with this ingredient. The effect will appear in a few months, not as quickly as with homemade masks, but it is better and safer for some people.

These are the properties of hot red capsicum, which we have heard about, but did not fully represent its benefits for different parts of the body. To maintain immunity and a healthy lifestyle, it is also recommended to use vegetable components at least occasionally.

Many of us, women and especially men, prefer to additionally pepper dishes. And this is despite the fact that the hostess has already added all the spices to taste so that their combination emphasizes the taste of the dish. What is this? Inattention on the part of the spouse or poor culinary skills of the spouse? Neither one nor the other. Men instinctively, without even realizing it, sprinkle themselves with micro-grains of health and longevity, the source of which is red pepper. Its benefits and harms have long been studied by experts, and it is unnecessary to talk about taste.

Remember Ukrainian borscht and an indispensable pod of red pepper on a plate. You can’t bite him - Moscow will be visible. You just need to dip and the taste of borscht will become even more saturated. Although not all varieties of red pepper are equally hot. There are less spicy and even sweet ones. What does it depend on? How to use such a gift of God and who should not eat it?

What is red pepper rich in?

Red pepper is a storehouse of many vitamins and other substances. There is also either vitamin C (moreover, its content exceeds the amount in lemon), vitamin E, K, group B and PP. And in such a small pod you can find iron and potassium, chlorine and calcium, sulfur and sodium, silicon, phosphorus, sugar, and nitrogen-containing substances.

But the main thing in it is not vitamins and not all other usefulness. We adore this vegetable, this spice because of its taste - spicy, burning, breaking a tear even in the most courageous representative of the stronger sex. However, not every pod is equally bitter. Peppers contain the substance capsaicin, which gives this taste. The more capsaicin in a pepper, the hotter it tastes. There is no label on the pepper, whether it is spicy or sweet, so you can only determine it by taste or smell (some people already know how). Can you taste red pepper? The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 40 kcal. This means that one pod weighing up to 50 g corresponds to 18-20 kcal.

What are the benefits of red pepper?

Like all hot spices or vegetables, red pepper stimulates digestion. It is eaten by those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. And scientists have found in the composition of pepper lycopene - a substance that prevents the development of cancer cells.

If it is so useful, is it possible to eat it uncontrollably? You first try, without batting an eyelid, to chew the whole pod - this is not a bunch with a spicy aroma or a sap with its sweet and sour refreshing taste. But if the stomach hurts or an ulcer, gastritis has opened, it is better to avoid such a spicy seasoning or at least enjoy it in small doses.

Nutritionists and cosmetologists agree that red pepper changes the internal and external state of a person for the better. So, it is included in the diet of those who have declared the fight against excess weight. Men who do not want to go bald regularly eat pepper, season their food with it (dosed). And women, who also love peppercorns in borscht, notice that they have become prettier and even younger. Here is the lady with the peppercorn.

Women are advised to season their dishes with red pepper if they wish to normalize the menstrual cycle and ovarian function. However, this must be done before the start of the cycle, and not during it. Directly during critical days, on the contrary, it is necessary to limit spicy, smoked, burning, salty and fatty foods in order to minimize spasms.

These are all the properties of hot peppers. But it can also be sweet due to the fact that there is practically no capsaicin in it. And what is the use of red sweet pepper, which is called paprika when ground? It relieves insomnia, treats depression, drives away stress, awakens the immune forces of the body and strengthens memory. And after a certain time (if you regularly pepper the dishes), anemia disappears, beriberi disappears, the blood becomes thinner, the pressure is lower - not life will begin then, but a fairy tale.

How to use red pepper in cosmetology?

One proverb says: "What gets into the mouth is useful." If a product is beneficial to take orally, then it can be beneficial when added to masks, creams, or any other beauty treatment. So let's give pepper to our body (in the truest sense of the word).

What is useful red hot pepper in cosmetology?

Hair Benefits

Capsaicin, also known as pungency, acts irritatingly not only on the stomach. Useful red pepper for hair growth. The bottom line is that capsaicin, due to its pungency, opens the pores of the scalp and, penetrating inside, excites the hair follicles. Those, awakening from hibernation, begin to become more active. And at the same time, dandruff will disappear. The same thing happens with nails.

Red pepper tincture (one part pepper and 10 parts medical alcohol) is added to other ingredients and used as a hair mask. Most often, honey, any of the vegetable oils, the yolk or the whole egg, kefir, and vitamins are added. It all depends on your preferences and the effect you want to achieve. The tincture is prepared for at least a week.

Rub the tincture into the skin is not worth it. Apply it with a cotton swab with riveting movements. Peppercorns themselves will find their way to the hair follicles and cause blood flow to the scalp. Just work with gloves, otherwise the oven will not be the scalp, but the skin of the hands.

You will see how much benefit red pepper will bring to hair: they will grow faster, become stronger. Men will like this method - who knows, maybe the bald patches will disappear if you are not lazy and make a mask three times a week for all three months.

Get rid of cellulite

You can get rid of cellulite by adding tincture or ground pepper on the tip of a knife to massage creams and rubbing the mixture into the places where we found cellulite. It will sting a little, of course, but it will work.

Lose weight with red pepper

Excess weight is excess fat that needs to be broken down in some way - let's leave liposuction as a last resort. It will be much more pleasant and useful to do various wraps. Just remember that red pepper is an active comrade and you will not be able to endure an excessively large amount of it even on the body, even for your own benefit.

  • Coffee scrub with pepper. Infusion of red pepper should be mixed with ground coffee, add vegetable oil so that the mixture is better applied.
  • Honey wrap with pepper. Add ground red pepper to the honey at the tip of a knife.
  • Mustard wrap with honey and red pepper. Combine dry or ordinary Russian with honey and add a little red pepper.
  • Mask of cinnamon and red pepper. Mix cinnamon with red pepper on the tip of a knife and add vegetable oil for viscosity.

These mixtures are applied with a brush on the stomach, thighs, back and wrapped with cling film. Then under the covers and watch something fun. Start baking? Go wash off under a contrast shower. Sit a little longer next time. Do not forget to smear the body after a shower with a soothing lotion.

But if you have sensitive skin, then it is better to exclude wraps. Enough and massage with one of the above mixtures.

Red pepper is a hot vegetable and this sharpness is felt even on the hands. Is it possible to get rid of it?

  • If at dinner you grabbed too much pepper, do not drink it with water, lemonade or compote. A glass of milk, sour cream, yogurt will help better. At worst, take a bite and hold ice cream in your mouth.
  • Instead of dairy products, boiled potatoes, white bread or - they have starch that soothes the burning sensation will help.
  • Moisten baking lips with whey, kefir or grease with fatty oil: vegetable or creamy.
  • Baking hands? Brush with or melted butter. Wash them with soap after a couple of minutes.
  • Instead of oil, you can use liquid soap and soda - the effect will be the same.
  • You forgot and rubbed your eyelid with your hands! It looks like the eyes are going to pop out. No panic! We wash ourselves with milk, then we take tampons or cotton wool, moisten in milk, yogurt and make compresses.

Eating red pepper

For lovers of spicy, we have prepared a recipe for classic Georgian spicy adjika.

  • 2 kg and 5 pieces of hot capsicum, washed and cleaned of seeds. You can take more hot pepper if you like or got a softer variety.
  • Scroll the peppers and a glass of peeled peppers in a meat grinder or food processor.
  • Add salt (2 tablespoons), sugar (8 tablespoons), (250 g) and suneli hops (100 g). To prevent adjika from spoiling for a long time, add vinegar (100 g per given volume) or citric acid (1 tsp), diluted in 0.5 cup.
  • Mix everything and let it rest a bit.
  • Then place in jars and refrigerate.

And in the Celestial Empire, culinary specialists prepare a Hunan dish from a fish head. It is stuffed with ginger, chili pepper and tatar onion. Steam cooking. The aroma of the cafe spreads such that it is impossible to resist ordering. The taste of the dish is surprisingly fresh, spicy-salty, and the fish meat is light, lean and very tender.

Chili peppers are native to America. It is no coincidence that there is a state with that name.

Why do you think we often imagine Indians with a chili pepper necklace around their neck? Is there a legend about how the Indians got rid of the conquistadors? They lit fires, and when the fire went out, crushed peppers were placed on the coals. Pepper from heating released essential oils with a pungent aroma and smoke. The conquistadors, almost suffocating, fled. The Indians were saved.
