
Paint for eggs for Easter which is better. How to make natural egg colors

Factory dyes for Easter eggs give a great result, but they are not harmless.

Completely safe for health are natural food colors - root vegetables, berries, spices and other products that can be found in almost every kitchen.

Natural dyes make it possible to dye eggs for Easter in an environmentally friendly and no less interesting way.

Juice squeezed from dark varieties gives eggshells pale lilac color. The first step is to find on sale bunches of dark (black) grapes. Squeeze the juice from the berries using a screw juicer. You can organize a homemade press from the tools at hand. The easiest option is to grind the grapes in a meat grinder, and then squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry through several layers of gauze. In this case, the entire cake will remain in gauze.

You should have about 1-2 cups of natural grape juice (depending on how many krashenkas you plan to make). Dilute the juice with boiling water (in a ratio of 2 to 1). Dip the boiled eggs into the resulting liquid so that they are completely covered with dye. After a few hours, the dyes will be ready!

Did you know? During the two-year anti-alcohol campaign organized in the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1987, a huge number of vineyards (about 180 thousand hectares) were cut down.

onion peel

The most popular raw material for dyeing eggs for Easter is husk from. This method has been known since ancient times. Onion waste is not just an affordable dye, but also a strong antibacterial and antimicrobial agent. If you take the husk of a yellow onion, the choice of shades will vary light orange to reddish brown. If you use the husk of a red onion, the color will be dark chocolate.
Transfer the onion peel (pressed liter jar) to a saucepan, add 2 liters of boiling water. Let the water boil again and cook the husk for another 30 minutes or an hour. In order to reduce the cooking time, you can pre-soak the peel in cool water for several hours. So, we have a decoction of the husk - it must be cooled, then drained, salt well and pour in a couple of tablespoons of vinegar.
Salt will help the shell not crack during cooking, and vinegar will make its color more persistent and saturated. Return the broth to the stove, placing in it such a number of raw chicken eggs that the liquid completely covers them (approximately 10 pieces). Let it boil and boil for another 10 minutes. Transfer the already cooled ready-made classic eggs to a paper towel.

The dyeing technology can be slightly changed: when the eggs are cooked, remove them from the broth, and cool the dye itself. To make the color brighter, return the dyes to the cooled broth, keeping them there for several hours.

Important! The longer you boil or soak the eggs in a decoction of onion peel or any other infusion, the more intense the shade will turn out. In addition, the brightness of the color is directly related to the amount of husk (or other raw materials): the more it is, the more beautiful and brighter the result. After boiling the eggs in hot dye, it is advisable to immediately immerse them in ice water - due to the sharp temperature drop, the shell will easily move away from the protein. And if you want the shell to become shiny, after drying, wipe the eggs with a napkin slightly soaked in sunflower oil.

Video: 7 ways to color eggs in onion skins

Thanks to cranberries, eggs acquire a beautiful pale pink shade. Cranberries can be used fresh or frozen. Berries need to be mashed with a kitchen tool for crushing or beaten with a mixer. Using gauze or a sieve, squeeze out the juice from the resulting slurry.

The output should be approximately 2 cups of natural cranberry juice. In order to save money, you can dilute the berry juice with water (in a ratio of 2 to 1). Dip as many eggs into the dye as the liquid can cover. Boil future dyes for 20 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and leave overnight. In the morning, remove the finished krashenki from the liquid and dry them.

Coffee beans

Natural coffee will color the shell in various chocolate shades(from light brown to rich chocolate). The intensity of the color depends on how much natural coffee powder is used.
Grind coffee beans in a coffee grinder. The output should be 1 cup of powder. Pour the freshly ground product with cold water (1 liter) and put the pan on the fire. After the coffee boils, dip the raw eggs (about 6 pieces) into it. Simmer for 10 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat. Leave the dyes in coffee for a couple more hours to make the color more saturated. This painting method can hardly be called economical, but the coffee aroma during cooking will give you pleasant emotions.

The infusion will give a white eggshell pale blue (light blue) color. Finely chop red cabbage (1 large or 2 medium) and pour 2 liters of boiling water over it. Boil the head for about an hour. Set aside the cabbage, and strain the broth and cool. Pour into the resulting dye 8 tbsp. l. vinegar and place pre-boiled eggs (10 pieces) there. From time to time, take out the dyes, evaluating the result of painting. If you want to get a bright blue color, soak the eggs in the broth overnight.

Another great natural dye. Thanks to this spice, the shell turns out beautiful golden yellow color.

Important! The only disadvantage of this staining method is difficult to remove stains. Therefore, in the process of painting, try to be careful.

Take 4 tablespoons of turmeric, pour one liter of water. Immerse raw eggs in this composition, let the liquid boil, then boil for about 10 more minutes. You can also place already boiled eggs in hot water with the same amount of yellow spice and soak in the dye for several hours.


In a decoction of nettle, the shell will acquire a pale green hue. In this case, it is desirable to use eggs only with white shells.

Dried pharmacy nettles are placed in a saucepan along with eggs (one pack is enough for 3-4 liters of water). Even with prolonged boiling (15-20 minutes), the color is still not bright, but a greenish color is still achieved at the exit. You can also dip boiled eggs into the cooled broth and refrigerate overnight.

When used, you will get pink dyes.

To do this, in a small saucepan, mix 3 cups of berries (fresh or frozen) with 2 cups of water. Put on fire. After boiling, cook for another 5 minutes. Pour the liquid without berries into a deep bowl and add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Dip the eggs into the resulting composition for several hours.

Krashenki are ready for Easter!

IN light yellow tone the shell will be stained with carrots.

Grind the raw root crop with a fine grater. Pour the grated root vegetable with cold water (2 medium carrots per 1 liter of water) and put on fire. Let the water boil, then boil for about 30 minutes more. Strain and cool the liquid, then add some vinegar to it.

Immerse pre-cooked eggs in natural dye and keep them there for several hours, or better, the whole night. In the morning, transfer the dyes to paper towels to dry.
The remaining boiled root vegetables can then be used to prepare various dishes, salads or pies.

Did you know? The root crop of carrots is almost 90% water. You can verify this when churning a vegetable in a blender or running it through a juicer.


When dyed in paprika broth, the color of Easter eggs will be intermediate between red and orange(like a red Sicilian orange, only very pale). These difficulties are associated with the capriciousness of orange paint.
In a small saucepan, mix 1 liter of water with 4 tbsp. l. paprika. Let the liquid boil, then cook for another 5 minutes. Pour the liquid into a deep bowl and add 1 large spoonful of vinegar. Place pre-cooked chicken eggs (about 6 pieces) in the resulting composition. In a few hours, the dyes will be ready.

Thanks to the beets, the shell will be painted in various colors. shades of pink, red or burgundy. Immerse 2 large peeled root crops in boiling water (2 liters). After a quarter of an hour, dip the pre-cooked eggs into the same liquid (about 10 pieces; adjust the amount yourself - the dye should completely cover the eggs). So that future dyes do not crack from temperature changes, first hold them in a warm room or warm them in warm water. After 8-10 minutes, remove all the beets from the pan and turn off the burner. Let the eggs rest in the broth for a couple more hours.
You can pour vinegar into the decoction (2-3 tablespoons per 1 liter of liquid), then the color will take better. From time to time, take out the dyes and evaluate the shade. The remaining beets can be boiled and used for food.

Did you know? The heaviest beetroot in the world was grown in Somerset (a county in England) in 2001. The root crop weighed 23.4 kilograms.

Blueberry broth or juice will give a white eggshell a pleasant purple hue. To make a decoction, place about 4 cups of blueberries (frozen or fresh) in a small saucepan, cover with water (2 cups). Let it boil, then cook for another 5 minutes. Strain the liquid from the berries. In the resulting broth, add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, then submerge the eggs in it for a few hours or overnight. The liquid should completely cover future dyes.

Eggs can be colored with blueberries and without boiling the berries. To do this, fresh blueberries need to be mashed with a crush or beat with a mixer. Using gauze or a sieve, squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry. If you are using frozen berries, line the bottom of a deep dish with cheesecloth, sprinkle the blueberries on top and let them thaw.

Squeeze all the juice from the berries into the same bowl. The output should be a little less than a glass of natural juice. In a glass of dye, soak the boiled eggs in turn (about 30 minutes each). Independently adjust the time the eggs are in the dye to get the shade you need in terms of saturation.

Black tea

Color the shell brown tones (from golden to chocolate). Brew strong black tea (about 8 teaspoons of dry tea leaves per 1 liter of boiling water). Infuse the finished tea for about 30 minutes, then strain the liquid. Pour the dye into a deep bowl and add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
Place already boiled eggs (6-7 pieces) in the resulting liquid and leave overnight. Adjust the strength of the tea and coloring time to achieve intense color.

Did you know?The idea to pour boiling water over the leaves of plants arose by pure chance. According to ancient Chinese mythology, in 2737 BC, the legendary emperor of China, Shen Nong, sat under a wild bush (evergreen camellia sinensis) while a servant brought him hot water. A few leaves from the shrub fell into cups of boiling water. drinking a drink,Shen Nong was surprised by its pleasant aroma and taste. From that day on, he instructed the servants to prepare only such a drink for him. Today, after many centuries, more than 2 million cups of tea are drunk in just one second in the world.

Black currant

When using blackcurrant, you can achieve a variety of shades - pale pink to lilac. Black currants can be taken both fresh and defrosted. Berries need to be mashed with a crush or beat with a mixer. Using gauze or a sieve, squeeze the juice out of the gruel. Take so many berries that you get a little less than a glass of natural juice. Dip the pre-cooked eggs one at a time into the glass of dye, holding each for about 30 minutes. At your own discretion, adjust the time the eggs are in the dye (taking into account how bright the color you need).
You can use a simpler method of painting: just rub the already boiled eggs with mashed blackcurrant berries (fresh or thawed). Remove the remaining gruel with a napkin and leave the dye to dry.

Colors the eggs light green color. A large bunch of fresh herbs is enough for 2 liters of water. Wash the greens and dry well. Prepare 10 raw eggs. Wrap each individually with a spinach leaf so that there are no gaps. Secure the sheet with an elastic band or thick thread.
Put the blanks in a saucepan, fill with cold water. Turn on the gas under the pan, let the water boil, then cook for another 12 minutes. Remove the leaves from the eggs, then dip the eggs in cool water. When the broth has completely cooled, dip the dyes into it again and keep them there for several hours - the color will become more intense.

Important! It is better not to use frozen spinach: instead of green, you risk getting an unattractive beige tone.

Video: dyeing Easter eggs with natural dyes

As you can see, natural dyes are simple and harmless. Regardless of which option you choose, the tips you've learned today will help you create some spectacular classic Easter eggs.

Hello dear readers. The event of the Resurrection of Christ is one of the most significant celebrations in the Christian world, celebrated annually. It is also called Easter. On this day, the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus is honored, which is considered a solemn and extremely significant victory of life, which was able to overcome death. Easter belongs to the category of the oldest and most important holidays of the liturgical year. And soon she will come. In 2017, this bright holiday will be celebrated on April 16. One of the traditional attributes and, at the same time, dishes on the Easter table are boiled eggs, which are usually painted (pysanky, painted Easter eggs). Many rituals are associated with them, in which both adults and children take part with pleasure.

But, no less entertaining is the painting of eggs itself. In order to complete it, you need incredible perseverance, concentration and, of course, a certain talent. Not everyone can boast of this.

Yes, not everyone needs the classic ones on the table or in the Easter basket. For most people, simply beautifully decorated (or simply dyed) eggs are enough.

They really create a special atmosphere, mood and perfectly replace Easter eggs. However, there is a potential danger hidden in these Easter decorations/treats that many are not even aware of.

And this is not at all about the dangers of eggs as a product, not about their freshness and so on. Talk about synthetic, very common today, dyes that have an extremely negative impact on the health of those they enter into the body.

And now, attention: there is a more affordable, safer and smarter alternative to the way you color eggs with commercial products of the chemical "food" industry! These are natural dyes for Easter eggs.

How and how to paint eggs for Easter?

On the eve of Easter, many housewives are wondering: how and what is better to paint the testicles. The answer is obvious: what is practically at your fingertips, but what you do not pay attention to because of your ignorance in these matters.

But, today we will correct the situation by telling you: what kind of natural (natural) dyes can you use to quickly and easily color Easter eggs, getting a tasty, healthy, safe for health and very aesthetic product.

Most of these dyes are either already at your disposal or available for purchase at the nearest vegetable store, almost any grocery store.

So, for the purpose of coloring, with brilliant success can be used:

Onion peel.

Turmeric (powder).

Nettle or spinach.

Red cabbage.

Cranberries or beets.

Grape juice.

Strongly brewed black or green tea.



And other products that are quite familiar to us, but have never been used for such purposes before. Well, if you worry and care about your health, as well as the health of your loved ones, then the time has come!

TOP 10 natural dyes for eggs: what to choose, how to use

1. Yellow, brown colors

Onion peel. She, by right, can head this list, as she is almost the most common and affordable ingredient for making excellent natural paint.

Eggs from it are obtained in a color spectrum from light yellow to dark brown. The shade depends on how concentrated the broth will turn out, and also how long you keep the eggs in it.

Yes, it is a decoction of onion peel that is needed for staining.

All this is done as follows: dry onion peel is taken (an arbitrary amount), poured with clean drinking water, placed on a stove (electric or gas), brought to a boil, simmered for about 10-13 minutes, after which the stove is turned off, and the broth is infused for another 15-18 minutes.

The eggs themselves, both with onion broth and other natural dyes, are best treated with hot coloring liquid.

That is, eggs (which were previously boiled) should be placed for 2-4 minutes in onion broth. That is how long it will take for them to get their color.

In chemical dyes, this is done much faster. But who needs blue, red, green fingers and the same tongues?

It is better to spend a little more time, getting a higher quality result by several levels.

Please note: eggs that can be dyed should also preferably be warm (but not hot), however, this is not fundamentally important: they can also be dyed cold. We recommend that you collect the husks to prepare the paint in advance, as this is not a very fast process.

How much husk is needed: you will understand this already on an intuitive level when you color the eggs next year - the second time. For the first time, take 1-2 handfuls of dry husks per 1 liter of water. It is not necessary to crush it.

2. Bright yellow, golden tints

Turmeric (powder). A rich, excellent golden yellow color can be obtained from its concentrated decoction.

If you want to get a light yellow color - take one teaspoon of turmeric, if it is more saturated, dark, concentrated - plus two or three more spoons.

This dose is calculated on the volume of drinking water in 1 liter.

How to prepare the paint: boil a liter of water in an enamel bowl, stir the turmeric in the water, let it stand for 4-5 minutes, dip the eggs in the solution for the same time.

Eggs can also be boiled in turmeric, but be prepared for the fact that the egg white itself, in some places, can also be colored yellow, since the eggshell, during the cooking process, may leak paint.

3. Green color

Nettle will let you get it. You can achieve it with the help of the use of spinach. But, since nettle is one of the most common plants, especially on the eve of Easter, it was she who was mentioned first.

So, how do you make eggs green? A decoction should be prepared. It is prepared in an enamel bowl.

In general, all the paints that we are talking about today must be prepared in such a dish. For 1 liter of water, you need to take an arbitrary amount of coloring matter (in this case, nettle or spinach), pour them with water, boil, leave for about 10 minutes.

Everything, you can paint eggs in a known way. And you can boil a little egg along with nettles or spinach. This will make the color darker.

4. Blue, cyan colors

Cabbage gives them. But, not more familiar to us - white, but red. Ready - boiled, the eggs acquire this color when soaked in the infusion of this cabbage.

The more concentrated the infusion, as usual, the richer the color.

You can also adjust the color by soaking the eggs.

Here the principle works: the longer - the darker. So, you need to take a ripe, poured head of red cabbage, finely chop it, sprinkle with four to five tablespoons of ordinary kitchen 9% vinegar, pour water so that the cabbage is completely covered with it, and another 3-4 centimeters from above.

5. Red color

It can be obtained from: beets, onion skins (red onions!), cranberries, raspberries, cherry bark. As already known, the concentration of the color itself will directly proportionally depend on the concentration of the paint and the staining time.

So - in all cases, when using any of the above paints. Beetroot dye: using a juicer, you can get natural juice (only red table beets are needed!). Juice, in the right proportions, is diluted with boiled heated water.

The paint is ready. The red onion husk dye recipe is the same as the white onion husk dye recipe. Only the result will be visually different.

The berries can be used identically to red beets, or simply crushed and mixed with water. But the bark of the cherry needs to be cooked.

It is necessary to take an approximate amount of fresh cherry bark, put it in a bowl, add water by 5-6 centimeters, cook, bringing to a boil, for about 40 minutes.

Color eggs - only in a hot broth. Therefore, if necessary, it will need to be reheated.

6. Lavender shade

It is achieved through the use of juice from red grapes.

At the same time, you can use not only fresh grape juice, but also canned. In order for the eggs to color as they should, they need to be completely soaked in juice for 5 minutes.

The juice must be warm, for this it is heated. To get a barely noticeable delicate shade, the juice can be diluted with boiled water, taking a small amount of it.

7. Brown color with a characteristic reflection

Strongly brewed black tea gives this effect. For lovers of this drink, most likely, everything is clear.

For those who are only remotely familiar with him, the following information will be useful. We make a concentrated (strong) brew.

To do this, for 1 liter of water we take 100 grams of black loose tea. We boil water, pour tea leaves with it, using a special teapot for this (or glass, enameled dishes, if the kettle of the required volume is not available).

We insist 15 minutes. Everything, the paint is ready for use as intended. Dip the eggs in it for 5 minutes.

8. Turquoise shade

Gives color to eggs in weakly concentrated loose green tea brews.

The method of preparing natural paint for Easter eggs, as well as the principle of dyeing them, are identical to the previous one - using black tea.

But already with the receipt of a different color - turquoise. Please note: for this purpose, green loose tea should be chosen, and not its varieties - yellow or white.

9. Chocolate shade

It is given by coffee, any: both natural, in grains, and soluble, for example, sublimated.

How to paint: a strong brew is made, of course - sugar is not needed, already boiled testicles are lowered into this brew (hot) for 2-3 minutes. Everything, the result will please you.

10. Orange color

Differs in special originality and brightness. A brighter orange color gives carrot juice, a slightly dimmer shade, but also very good looking, will help to get the juice of sea buckthorn (its fresh berries).

Carrot juice, like sea buckthorn juice, does not need to be diluted with water. They must be used immediately after pressing. For carrots, you can use a juicer.

For sea buckthorn - the same device (pay attention to the presence of seeds in the berries), or a manual method. Dye the eggs should be about 2-4 minutes.

Easter egg stickers

Sometimes the method of "gluing" the eggs is used, rather than dyeing them. With it, you can also get good results. How aesthetically pleasing it looks - each individual person can judge subjectively. WITH

actually, as well as the appearance of eggs dyed with natural dyes, which are discussed today.

Special stickers for Easter eggs can be purchased at the store, supermarket, market and so on.

The advantage of this method of “decoration” is the quick finishing of eggs. Minus - stickers, very often, do not lag behind the shell when you need to clean the eggs.

In addition, it is not always known what their composition is and whether it is safe, in terms of use, applicable to food products.

Exclusive recipe - original gray color

This recipe is not known to many. It just needs to be tried, as the color turns out to be unusual, unusual and even unique, like for Easter eggs.

The result is a gray color with a bluish tint.

To achieve this effect, fresh blueberries are used, from which the juice is extracted. Sometimes blueberry jam is used, but, let's face it, the effect, although it exists, is not so bright.

Jam just needs to be diluted with boiling water (one tablespoon per glass of water). If you paint eggs in fresh juice, then you need to squeeze it out in any convenient way and soak boiled eggs in them for 1-1.5 minutes, or use a paint brush.

Useful tips for dyeing eggs with natural dyes

They will help to achieve the best effect, applying a minimum of effort to this process. So, attention.

In order for the natural paint to lay on the egg as evenly as possible and better “stick” to the shell, wipe them with cotton wool, kitchen vinegar (9%), or water in which a small amount of soda is dissolved.

To prevent eggs from cracking in water during cooking, do not put them in boiling water. Put them immediately in a bowl, pour cold water and only then put them on fire.

Eggs will cook faster if you hold them at room temperature 1 hour before the process of boiling them.

Eggs will be much better cleaned if, after boiling them, pour boiling water and pour them with cold water, holding them in it for about 10 minutes.

Do eggs burst in boiling water? This will not happen if the water is salted. And even if a small crack forms, the contents will not leak out.

Chic shine to already painted eggs is ensured if, after the paint has completely dried, they are lightly rubbed with olive or sunflower oil.

At Easter, we often wonder how to dye eggs for the holiday at home, what safe dyes to use so that eggs are not dyed in different colors, they are safe for both children and adults. I hope you got an answer to this question.

Here are some simple, but very simple and effective recipes and tips. Use and meet Easter with joy, pleasure and peace. All the best to you!

On the eve of Holy Easter, believers begin preparing for the festive table: they bake Easter cakes, make curd Easter, and, of course, paint eggs. Since childhood, we have been accustomed to seeing multi-colored eggs on the table - blue, yellow, red, marble, with drawings. Eating them is always tasty and pleasant, even if on other days, there was no particular interest in this product.

AND in 2020, Easter holiday falls on April 19 by calendar. We recommend cooking for this great day, and put colored eggs on a saucer next to it. Before eating, believers usually pray, and then they choose the egg itself, and begin to beat it with the household. Whose egg is stronger and does not crack, he won. This is how the day starts and goes. Greetings, do not forget to say - "Christ is Risen." And in response you will hear - "Truly Risen."

And today, our issue is devoted to one big topic - painting eggs. And to your attention 30 ways. And if you missed it, we recommend reading it!

Our ancestors dyed Easter eggs with natural dyes such as onion skins, cherry tree bark or beets. Now there is a huge selection of food colors. But the natural product is no less in demand. There are a lot of methods and options for coloring and decorating eggs. This article was created in order to combine the most interesting and practical ideas in one.

According to an ancient legend, the block, which closed the tomb of Jesus Christ, was similar in shape to an egg. Behind this stone was hidden a Saint whose life is eternal. In the same way, a new life is hidden behind the shell of an egg ....

There are several variations of the tradition of decorating eggs for Easter. According to one of them, the Myrrh-bearing Mary Magdalene, having come to preach to the Roman emperor, brought him an egg. She was an ardent supporter of Christ and carried the story of his Resurrection. At this gift, the emperor chuckled: “Life is as eternal as this egg is red, not white.” After these words, according to legend, the egg turned red right in the hands of the sovereign.

Among the ancient Romans, the egg was considered a symbol of new life and the Sun. For breakfast, men always ate a baked egg so that the day would be blessed with good luck and success.

Another suggestion is the birth of Emperor Aurelius. The story goes that a chicken belonging to his parents, immediately after the birth of the future ruler, laid a rather interesting testicle. Its color was bright, flecked with red. Witnesses interpreted this as a favorable sign of fate. After this incident, the inhabitants of Ancient Rome started a tradition of exchanging colored eggs as gifts.

There is also an opinion that decorating eggs was practiced long before the birth of Jesus Christ. With the advent of Spring, people celebrated the beginning of warm weather and dyed eggs as a symbol of the sun and eternal life. Then it was believed that the whole world, all living things came from an egg. Since Easter comes precisely at the beginning of spring, this tradition is still kept.

How to dye eggs for easter

It is customary to color eggs on the eve of Easter. We will consider the most popular and interesting ways right now.

1. Onion peel. This is perhaps one of the most common coloring methods. The shell is painted in a pleasant, brownish color. The level of color saturation is regulated by the amount of husk;

2. Coloring with turmeric gives the eggs a bright yellow color;

Sheen shells can be given by rubbing them with sunflower oil after coloring;

3. A decoction of eggs in cranberry juice gives them a rich pink color;

4. Beige color can be achieved by boiling eggs in ground instant coffee;

5. Sprinkled eggs do this: sprinkle wet boiled eggs with rice, wrap with gauze and dip the water with the dye of the desired color;

6. By sticking a stencil with some kind of pattern on the shell, or simply parsley and dill leaves, and then painting them in the same way as described above, you can get eggs with a pattern;

7. If you put a few elastic bands on the eggs and color them, they will turn out to be evenly striped;

8. A beautiful pattern can be made using powdered sugar. Dilute it with water so that the mixture is thick enough and start creating on the shell with a confectionery syringe;

9. Very beautiful Easter eggs are obtained when working with wax. Boil the eggs first. Melt the candle wax and apply the desired pattern to the shell. Then place it in a dye solution (not hot!) and wait for the coloring. Then carefully remove the wax;

10. Zelenka. Bright and very beautiful eggs are obtained by dyeing them in this dye. It is a must have in every first aid kit.

11. Food coloring. Sold in every store. Especially the range increases before Easter.

How to dye eggs with beets

Beets are one of the simplest yet natural ways to color Easter eggs. This can be done in several ways.

  1. Place boiled eggs in a bowl with 100% beetroot juice. Willingness to determine by saturated color. If it takes 2-3 hours, they will be pink. If they stay in a bowl all night, they are bright burgundy;
  2. Peel the beets, grate fresh and pour a little water. Add 1 tsp here. vinegar and put on fire for 15 minutes. Place already boiled eggs in a hot solution and keep in it for at least 1 hour;
  3. A very best option is to boil the eggs together with the beets at the same time. So you get bright dyes and beets for salad;
  4. Grate the raw beets into a pulp and rub the boiled eggs with it. Let them stay in this state longer - so the color will turn out more saturated.

By wrapping eggs with green leaves before painting or sticking an interesting stencil, you will get original eggs.

How to dye eggs in onion skins

The basic principle of dyeing Easter eggs in onion skins is simple. To do this, onion peel is poured with boiling water and boiled for about 3 hours. Then add salt and dip the eggs into the onion water. Cook for 8-10 minutes and then dry them on a towel.

Eggs, before being sent to the pan, must be heated to room temperature, otherwise the likelihood that the shell will crack is very high. Therefore, 1-2 hours before the procedure, they must be taken out of the refrigerator.

To achieve the marble effect of staining with onion peel, it is necessary to mix it dry with small pieces of paper. Roll a raw, wet egg in them and place in a gauze bag. Further coloring is described above.

And by placing raw testicles in unnecessary lace stockings, you can get a very beautiful drawing.

Marble way of dyeing eggs for Easter

The more beautiful eggs for Easter, the happier and more successful life will be! So says the old belief. One of the most original ways of painting is the marble effect. It can be achieved in two main ways.

Onion peel and greens

You will need:

  1. Onion peel;
  2. Zelenka;
  3. Dishes with water;
  4. Stainless steel saucepan;
  5. Zelenka - 1 bottle;
  6. Threads;
  7. Gauze.

Grind the husk. If it is dry, then you can crush it with your hands. If fresh, then it is better to use scissors. Moisten a fresh egg and roll in it.

Make a gauze single-layer bag and put an egg in it. You can add more peels. Fasten with threads. If the husk has moved out in places, it needs to be corrected.

Place the bags in a pot of water. Add a couple of tablespoons of salt. Pour in the greens and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat. Ready eggs free from gauze and husks, rinse under the tap and dry on a towel.

Food colorings

You will need:

  1. hard-boiled eggs;
  2. Vinegar;
  3. Sunflower oil;
  4. Dyes;
  5. Water.

Dilute a bag of dye in 300 g of hot water and add 1 tbsp of vinegar here. Pour the liquid into a free dish so that the egg can completely dip into it.

Add 1st.l. oil and stir. Immerse the egg in the solution and twist until patterns begin to appear on it. Then take it out and dry it on a paper towel.

Coloring eggs for Easter with a lace pattern

On Easter, every housewife wants her eggs to be the most beautiful and unusual. There are a lot of ways to surprise guests today. For example, lace patterns on eggshells look extremely unusual and appropriate. And making them is very easy.

To do this, you will need lace stockings that have become unusable. For a pattern around the entire diameter of the shell, place the egg in a bag of stockings. Then paint in the usual and convenient way for you.

You can also make a strip of material and fasten it around the egg. After dyeing, only the middle part of it will be covered with lace.

How to color eggs with beautiful drawings

Decorating eggs for Easter is a very interesting and useful activity. This can be done even with children. It's great when, on the eve of one of the brightest holidays, the whole family is gathered for such a wonderful deed.

1. Wax. Melt the wax of the candle and, while it is hot, apply the design of your choice to the shell. As soon as it hardens, place the egg in a warm dye solution for a certain time. Next, the wax must be carefully removed.

2. Using sticky paper and rubber bands, you can make a very beautiful drawing on an eggshell. Just wrap the egg in the desired sequence and paint it in the usual way. Then the auxiliary items must be removed. The place under them will not be painted, which will create a picture.

3. Leaves of fresh greens. For this fit and parsley, and dill. Choose a beautiful leaf and attach it to the shell. Place it in a gauze bag and tie it tightly. Make sure that the sheet does not move out of the intended place. Color the egg. You can do the procedure on an already painted testicle. This will make it even brighter.

4. Hand-painted. To do this, you can use any paint. Including nail polish. Choose a picture yourself, whether it's Khokhloma, flowers or funny emoticons.

5. A lighter, but no less beautiful option - ready-made films with a pattern for eggs. You can buy them at any grocery store. They are usually sold in strips. You must first cut according to the pattern, and then dip into each egg. Now they need to be placed in hot water for a couple of seconds so that the edges shrink. And voila - beauty on your table.

There are many types of such films. Starting from religious themes, ending with cartoon characters.

How to dye eggs with natural dyes

Natural is always the best. Taking care of our relatives and friends, we often tend to favor natural ingredients and dyes. So it is with painting eggs. Sometimes, looking at a colorful plate with Easter eggs, one cannot at all believe that such a rich color was achieved, for example, from turmeric. In fact, natural dyes also fulfill their mission very responsibly.

1.Tea or coffee. A rich brown color can be obtained by boiling eggs in 300 ml of strong drink.

For color durability and brightness, do not forget to add vinegar to each type of coloring with natural dyes.

2. By soaking boiled eggs in red grape juice, you will get a delicate lavender color.

3. Onion peel, as we already know, gives the shell a brown color. We discussed the methods of coloring with this ingredient above.

4. Boil violet flowers in hot water and leave the eggs in this liquid overnight. It turns out a nice blue color.

5. Yellow color can be obtained from a decoction of birch leaves. Just in these spring days, the leaves have just blossomed.

6. A strong decoction of blueberries, currants, elderberries or raspberries will give the shell the appropriate color. Eggs also need to be placed in liquid overnight.

7. Golden color gives turmeric. To do this, add 3-4 tablespoons of spices to a pot of water and bring to a boil. Leave boiled eggs here for a long time.

Options for decorating and painting eggs with natural dyes

Despite the fact that modern industry works in good faith, natural dyes are always a priority. Their only drawback is that they take a little more time to prepare the coloring solution. But the result is always excellent.

Sometimes, during cooking, the shell can crack and the paint gets inside. This will not have a very good effect on the use of the product in food. And natural ingredients are not only not harmful, but, on the contrary, are useful.

Save this photo for yourself and you will always know which dye gives this or that color.

Colored eggs can be decorated with a pattern of a thick solution of water and powdered sugar. The drawing can be applied with a toothpick or you can purchase a special kit for creativity in the store. And add a coloring pigment to the composition, the pattern can be diversified with bright colors.

You can draw on the shell with felt-tip pens. The drawing is bright and beautiful. So that it does not wear off when touched, grease the egg after drawing the pattern with sunflower oil.

Choose napkins with a beautiful pattern, cut it out and stick it on a wet egg.

And a real Faberge egg can be made from improvised means - rhinestones, sequins, confectionery sprinkles and ... cereals. It is better to attach them to a homemade paste.

Decorating eggs depends on your flight of fancy. Tell us how you decorated Easter eggs in the past? What secrets and ways do you have? Your experience is very important to us.

Beautiful way to paint eggs

Eggs with a stunningly beautiful pattern are obtained by dyeing them in silk fabric.

This will require:

  1. Actually, eggs;
  2. A quarter cup of vinegar;
  3. Pieces of fabric with a beautiful pattern, 100% silk;
  4. Pieces of white cloth;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Vegetable oil;
  7. Paper towel;
  8. Pot for cooking;
  9. Egg bands.

Cut the white and silk fabric into squares so that the egg and the edges can fit there, while it could be pulled off. Wet the silk patches, wrap an egg in each and fasten the corners. Now wrap it again in the same way, only in white bags (you can use old sheets as them).

Place the bags in a pot of water and add vinegar to the same. Turn on the fire and cook after boiling on a minimum heat for half an hour. Carefully remove the eggs from the pan and lay on a paper towel. Once they have cooled, you can unfold them and admire the result.

How to decorate eggs for Easter and serve beautifully

Setting the Easter table is a very pleasant and important ritual. Invariably, Easter cakes and colored eggs are at the head. You can serve them for every taste.

Kulich, lined with krashenki in a circle, not only saves space on the table, but also beautifully combines the main dishes of this holiday.

The Easter Bunny that settled on your table will not only decorate it, but will also be a symbolic sign of this holiday.

A nest for krashenok can be made from a wicker basket and ordinary straw. A simple and uncomplicated solution will perfectly complement the Easter atmosphere.

By tying each egg with a decorative ribbon in a contrasting color, you will get such beauty.

And these most delicate Easter eggs will simply amaze the guests of your house. Not only the inside is edible, but also the decorations of the shell. Just roll the eggs in granulated sugar and decorate with cream roses using a pastry syringe.

Marble way of painting eggs. Option 1

There are two main ways to marble eggs. We have considered them above. However, guided by them, you can also consider a few more options. For example, dyeing with onion peel and rice.


  1. Some rice;
  2. Onion peel;
  3. Dyes of the desired shade;
  4. Gauze;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Threads.

Pour water over rice. In the meantime, chop the onion peel with your hands or scissors. It also needs to be filled with water. Cut gauze into squares 18*18 cm. Roll each egg in the husks and grits and place in a gauze bag. Fasten the edges with threads. Immerse the eggs in a pot of water and boil for half an hour.

Then prepare the dye solution. You can use dyes that are sold in stores. The instruction, as a rule, is always indicated on the packaging. Place the eggs in the cooled paint for a few minutes. Then take them out and unfold the gauze.

How to dye eggs marbled. Option 2

The second method involves the use of food coloring, vinegar and vegetable oil. Boil the eggs in salted water until the yolk is hard. Only after cooking you need to start painting. Dilute the dye in a bowl of water according to package directions. The dishes must be chosen wide so that the egg can be freely placed and moved in it.

Drop a few drops of vegetable oil into a dish with a coloring solution so that oil bubbles form on the surface. It is they who determine the presence of a marble pattern. Place the egg in a container and twist in such a way that it “collects” beautiful patterns from oil drops. Now you need to wipe it with a napkin and the beauty is ready!

Decoupage with napkins

Decoupage is a great way to decorate various things and gifts without spending a lot of time on it. To decoupage Easter eggs with napkins, you only need boiled eggs, beautiful paper napkins, scissors, a brush and a paste.

From napkins, cut out the patterns drawn on it along the contour. You can also cut out a piece around it, this is called the patchwork method. Now prepare the paste. To do this, dilute 2 tbsp. water in 50 milliliters of water. Then heat the solution in the microwave for about 15 seconds, periodically opening the oven and stirring the paste.

Put pieces of napkins on the eggs and coat with paste on top. Leave them on a flat surface for half an hour to dry the glue.

How to paint eggs with nail polish

For this you will need:

  1. Several bottles of nail polish in different colors;
  2. A bowl of water;
  3. Toothpicks;
  4. Nail polish remover;
  5. And, of course, eggs.

Boil the eggs in boiling salted water. In a separate bowl with water, drop nail polish of several colors at once. With a toothpick or other thin object, connect all the colors, making stains on them.

Immerse the egg in water with varnish and turn it so that the paint captures the entire surface of the shell.

Lay the painted eggs on a flat surface and wait for the varnish to dry completely. Nail polish remover will help you get rid of its marks on your hands.

Grate the dyes with vegetable oil for a bright shine.

Beautiful egg stickers

On the eve of Easter, store shelves are full of an assortment of stickers for Easter eggs. Their variety is so great that it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. These stickers are very easy to use. Even kids can handle it, of course, under the supervision of adults. Eggs are better to choose the same size, then boil them until cooked. Before that, you can paint them with any dye, but this is not necessary.

Stickers must be cut along the line. Then each of them must be carefully put on the eggs. Separately, put a saucepan of water on the fire so that it is hot. Dip each egg in turn into the water. To do this, you can use a deep ladle. The edges of the sticker from boiling water immediately curl up, acquiring the shape of an egg.

The easiest option is regular egg stickers. Just paint the testicles in the usual way and decorate them with a cute sticker. They are also sold in supermarkets.

Egg coloring has its own history. Initially, our believing ancestors painted them red - the color of the blood of Jesus Christ. Over time, more and more new colors began to be used. Christ's Sunday was considered the most important holiday of the year, so the preparation for it was very intense and interesting. People developed new ways of painting and decorating.

And now, today, we have many variants of this symbolic action. In addition, talented housewives come up with something new year after year. Perhaps you have a couple of aces up your sleeve? We will be very happy if you share them with us.

Happy Easter to you!

This spring, after looking at photos of Easter eggs dyed with natural dyes, I chose ten different products to test how it works. After experimenting with everything from oak bark to red wine, I figured out which ingredients make great colors and which ones I won't use again. You will find them in the article along with the recipes that I used to color eggs.

The problem with Internet sources is that you can never be 100% sure by following someone's advice. This is great for describing what happens when you dye eggs with natural dyes. Spinach leaves promised a pleasant green color, but it turned out to be a dirty gray, so gloomy that I didn’t even want to take a picture. We conclude that spinach is good on the table, but there is no dye from it. A similar situation happened with beets and paprika, but more on that later.

Our kitchen is full of natural dyes for eggs. These are ordinary vegetables, such as red cabbage, beets or carrots, and bulk vegetables, such as coffee and tea, and various spices. They have a nice color scheme and I love that some of the shades come out pastel and blend in nicely and turn boring white eggs into a delicate Easter decor.

I remember, while I was living with my parents, already at the beginning of winter, a special bag or box for onion peel appeared in the drawer under the sink. Before Easter, the container with the husk was removed, as was the huge pot, in which several dozen eggs were pushed for about an hour. Now this method seems boring to me, and the color is not quite mine. So I decided to look for shades that I would like to see on my Easter table.

Today I will tell you how to color eggs with turmeric, paprika, red cabbage, coffee, hibiscus tea, wine, nettle leaves, coffee, oak bark and beets. Children will especially enjoy experimenting with colors. Let yourself and them do some Easter decorating.

Benefits for coloring eggs for Easter

Below you will find 10 tricks that help you understand how dyeing eggs with natural dyes works.

  1. Before dyeing, wash the eggs in water or wipe them with vinegar to clean and degrease. So the paint will lie more evenly.
  2. Before boiling, take the eggs out of the refrigerator and let them warm up to room temperature so they don't burst.
  3. If you color cooked eggs, immediately after boiling fill them with cold water. Temperature shock contributes to easier cleaning, and the cooled shell absorbs the pigment better.
  4. When dyeing eggs with natural dyes, be sure to add a few tablespoons of vinegar, which will ensure the fixing of the paint on the shell.
  5. If you want the effect of uneven coloring, leave the ingredients (grated beets, chopped cabbage) in the pan along with the eggs.
  6. Use a white pencil to draw patterns on the shell before dyeing. It can be flowers, geometric shapes or inscriptions. The shaded part will remain light. The same effect can be achieved by wrapping the egg with a thread.
  7. The longer the eggs remain in the dye, the more saturated color.
  8. To remove sediment from natural egg dye, strain it through cheesecloth.
  9. Usually, darker color obtained by boiling eggs in dye. Lighter shades gives soaking in the finished composition.
  10. As a final touch, gently dry the eggs after dyeing with a cloth or paper towel and rub with sunflower oil.

Below are the results of my many hours of experimentation. Natural dyes can give unexpected results, so please don't be surprised if your color differs from mine.

How to dye Easter eggs with turmeric

Turmeric gives white eggshells a pleasant sunny yellow tint. To get it, boil water, add turmeric powder to it at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of water and a little vinegar. Bring to a boil, dip the eggs in the dye and cook for about 30 minutes.

Turmeric does not completely dissolve, and small grains remain in the water, so the eggs need to be stirred to evenly distribute the paint.

I liked this method - good color, given quite quickly and easily.

Red cabbage dye

Depending on how rich the shade you want to get, you will need one or two heads of cabbage. red cabbage you need to cut, pour 3 glasses of water and add 6 tablespoons of vinegar. Cover with a lid and leave in the refrigerator overnight for the cabbage to let the juice out.

The next day, drain the liquid into a separate container and place the boiled eggs there. Leave for another day for coloring. Despite the fact that red cabbage gives a rich pink juice, the eggs turn out sky blue.

The method is not the fastest and not the cheapest, but the color is one of my favorites.

How to color eggs with paprika

To color the eggs paprika, pour a glass of water into the pan, add 4 tablespoons of seasoning and cook for 30 minutes. After that, we put the eggs in the broth and leave it overnight.

They promised a brick shade. I have a hard time identifying this color. It's kind of a super light orange.

Beet coloring

To color eggs with beets, I rubbed 2 things, poured 3 glasses of water, added 3 tablespoons of vinegar and set to boil with eggs for 40 minutes. As a result, I got some nasty brown color. If you also find this color nasty brown, don't do it.

I think I should have just soaked the cooked eggs overnight in beetroot juice with vinegar. Maybe pink?

How to color Easter eggs with coffee

Everything is simple here. Need to brew very strong instant coffee: 2-3 tablespoons of powder per 200 grams of boiling water. Add a little vinegar, lower the eggs and cook for about 5 minutes. White eggs take on a chocolate hue. Nice, but not my favorite color.

Coloring eggs for Easter with hibiscus tea

It can also be used as a natural dye for eggs. hibiscus tea. First, boil the tea leaves for 10-15 minutes so that the broth acquires a dark red color, and then boil the eggs in it. When you take them out of the decoction, magic will happen, and they will gradually turn from pink to lilac.

I had high hopes for hibiscus as a source of soft pink, but no. Although, lilac is also not bad. I love the streaks that the petals leave.

Oak bark for dyeing eggs

I think this is such a brutal way to dye eggs. Your girlfriend asks you: How did you paint eggs for Easter? And you are all so airy and soaring: Oak bark!

So, to get a brown tint, add 2 tablespoons of the bark to a glass of water and boil the eggs in this mixture for about 20 minutes. Oak bark is sold in a pharmacy and is inexpensive. And if it remains, it can be poured into flowers as drainage.

The most interesting thing is that the oak bark gave the color of ordinary brown eggs. And if there is no difference, then this method can be skipped.

How to color eggs with blueberries

I used frozen blueberries from the store. From the berries you must first prepare a decoction. Pour 50 grams of blueberries with 2 cups of water, add a few tablespoons of vinegar, bring to a boil and leave on fire for another 5-10 minutes. Pour boiled eggs with the resulting juice for a period of several minutes to several hours. Depends on what shade you want to get.

I kept the egg in blueberry juice for 30 minutes and got such a blue-black tint. My husband liked this color, we leave it.

Nettle staining

Pour 2 cups of water into the pan, add 6-8 tablespoons of dried nettle and boil the eggs in this composition for about 30 minutes.

It turned out a strange dirty color, almost like spinach staining. If you bring it up to the light, you catch the shade of a dried-up swamp. They promised green, probably for this you still need fresh nettle leaves.

Boil eggs in wine

We always have leftover wine after the holidays, and since we buy it mainly for guests and don't drink ourselves, I decided to use the leftover merlot to color the eggs. To do this, I just boiled eggs in wine. You can dilute it with water.

It turned out quite a rich burgundy color.

In general, I liked the process of dyeing eggs with natural dyes, and what happened. But still, I do not lose hope of achieving a pleasant pink or delicate green hue.

Tell me, have you tried something similar? How do you color eggs for Easter?

We will certainly make three or four eggs traditionally brown-red - in memory of the shed Blood of Christ. But to cook two dozen in onion peel, you see, it's boring! In yellow, eggs are advised to be dyed with saffron, and you need a lot of it. In green - a huge amount of spinach. Other ideas also require an abnormal cost of funds or time. Just get a grasp: a glass of coffee, peels of 2 kg of oranges, a glass of raw beet juice ... Purchased dyes solve the problem for one or two. However...

Egg food coloring: E, E, E and more E

"Easter Set", "Krashenka», "Magic brilliance», "Decoration"- the names are countless, the price is cheap, almost no time is required. Another manufacturer will indicate on the packaging the chemical composition, including various "E". And most write simply: food coloring. Sometimes sugar or salt is added to it. But do not lose vigilance! Thus, you can reduce the concentration of paint, but make it edible - no. Let's take a closer look at the "E-shki", which are commonly used in Easter colors.

E100(curcumin) and E140(chlorophyll) - additives that give respectively red and turquoise color - are harmless and in the full sense of the word food. But this is just a spoonful of honey in a barrel of tar.

Red color of different shades give E122, E124 And E128. E122 (azorubine or carmoisine) is an azo dye used in Russia, but banned in some countries. People who are sensitive to aspirin should avoid it. E124 cannot be used in our food industry. Just like E128, recognized by the European Commission as hazardous to health due to the content of carcinogenic aniline in it.

yellow dye E102- tartrazine - has a tarnished reputation both in Russia and in other countries.

Yellow, green and blue gives E132- synthetic indigo carmine, which provokes suffocation in asthmatics, and serious exacerbations in allergy sufferers up to Quincke's edema. Capable of the same feats E133, "blue brilliant FCF".

"Green" additive E142, banned in Canada, Norway and Japan, can cause severe allergies through direct contact.

In fairness, it must be said that "cold" organic dyes are mentioned on the Internet, seemingly harmless. But in stores and church shops no one heard about them.

The main troubles that synthetic food coloring can introduce us to are:

    Increased excitability, children's hyperactivity;

    Violation of concentration, problems at school;

    Sudden mood swings;

    Dysbacteriosis, allergy.

Reasonable chemical protection

So, is it worth dyeing eggs with synthetic dyes or not? It seems that all the prohibitions apply specifically to food - but the shell is not food! Well, the egg burst, well, the protein under the crack turned blue or green - so throw it away. And the rest can be eaten ... However through the shell and film inside the egg, any synthetic evil spirits can easily penetrate. Even if the protein remains white, this does not guarantee the absence of any benzoate, sulfite or nitrite in it. It turns out that eating such eggs is unsafe. Throw away? Why not, we take out the old Christmas tree to the trash. But a consecrated egg can be thrown away by an atheist. If, as a result of the traditional Easter exchange, it gets to a believer, he will eat the shrine along with all the "stuffing", and this will remain on your conscience.

For ourselves, we draw the following conclusion: it is possible to reasonably combine natural dyes, purchased harmless and even harmful synthetic ones, but the latter are only for beauty! And you need to try to track the fate of each unreliable egg. Do not give to a child. Do not give allergies. And, perhaps, not to consecrate in the company of "onion" and saffron counterparts.

DIY dyes

    Draw a pattern on a boiled egg with a wax pencil and boil (soak) in a coloring solution according to the instructions. The pattern will remain white.

    Roll the wet egg in a mixture of crushed onion (golden and red) and garlic husks. Tie tightly in a piece of gauze or broken tights and boil in blue (green) dye. The shell will become marble.

    You can roll the egg in rice and tie it with gauze or wrap it with clerical rubber (you don’t need to tie it anymore). After cooking in the dye, white spots and stripes will remain under the rice and rubber bands.

    Beat raw egg white into a thick foam, put in a cone from a quarter of a milk package, tie tightly and cut off the tip. Draw patterns like cream on a cake: you can use white on a painted shell, or you can tint the protein and apply it to a white egg - it’s also beautiful.
