
Grapefruit peel: application, useful properties, recipes. Potato peel - useful properties and uses

Older people, wiser by experience, often say that if you eat an apple a day, you won't need to go to the doctor. This statement is largely justified, since these most useful fruits contain a number of nutrients, vitamins, microelements that support the health of the whole organism. The whole world loves apples not only for their pleasant sweet and sour taste, but also for their nutritional value. Apples are used by chefs in many countries to prepare a wide variety of dishes.

Read also: How useful are apples? 20 scientific facts. The article lists the 20 most beneficial properties for human health. Under what diseases it is especially recommended to use these fruits. Benefits of apples for weight loss. What are the contraindications for use.

Important, that the product is hypoallergenic so it can be given even to small children. Many people eat fruits after peeling them, but is it worth it? Since more benefits are concentrated in the peel than in the pulp itself. There is such a dish as stuffed apples. Eating this dish not only has a positive effect on the health of the body as a whole, but also improves the condition of the skin, slows down its aging. The presence of pectin has a positive effect on the skin. Many scientists claim that baked apples retain absolutely all useful properties after heat treatment. This is the distinguishing feature of the fruit from others.

With long-term storage, they also practically do not lose their usefulness. It is also an ideal food for those who want to lose weight. The substances contained in the fruit are able to bind and remove accumulated toxins, which makes them invaluable for the digestive and excretory systems. Few people know that the peel of an apple - it's a storehouse of nutrients. After learning more about this, you will never peel apples before eating them.

Useful substances in the peel of an apple

A person who peels an apple deprives himself of the lion's share of the entire value of these fruits. Consider what kind of nutrients are contained in the peel of this amazing fruit. If we take the peel of one medium apple as a basis, then we will get such data.

Energy value - 18 kcal. Suitable for those who are on a diet. In addition, in the zest practically no fat. There are no saturated fats, trans fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. The content of cholesterol and sodium was 0 mg. But potassium in the zest is 1%. This is 25 mg in the peel of one medium fruit. Carbohydrates contain a small amount - about 1 g. There are even fewer proteins here. Dietary fiber contains about 4%, and vitamins C and A - 1% each. Other beneficial minerals and vitamins have also been found in small amounts.

Five health benefits of apple peel

It is known that apples contain in their composition almost all vitamins important for humans. But their greatest accumulation is in the peel of the fetus. Most of the vitamins in it A and C. American scientists conducted studies that showed that Of all the vitamin C found in apples, half of them are found in the peel.

  1. Rich in vitamins

    Vitamin A is very important for maintaining visual acuity, as well as for the healthy condition of the skin. And vitamin C is indispensable for maintaining the immune system in proper condition. It is he who helps to fight many ailments, especially colds in the cold season. For skin health, this vitamin also brings a lot of benefits. Vitamin K and folate are found in apple peels. A substance such as choline promotes cell regeneration.

  2. Minerals

    The zest of this fruit is also rich in the most important minerals for the human body. It contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus. In addition, there is sodium, magnesium and zinc. For anemic patients, eating apples with the skin will be especially important, since this fruit contains iron. The element is in a form that allows it to be almost completely absorbed by the body. Due to the high content of this microelement, as well as folic acid, apples are recommended to be consumed regularly by pregnant women. Iron and calcium are also very important for maintaining healthy teeth and bones.

  3. Source of dietary fiber

    In addition, the peel of an apple contains a lot of dietary fiber. They are present in both soluble and insoluble form. The peel contains about 2/3 of the dietary fiber of their total content in the whole apple. The presence of fiber makes the fruit indispensable for those who strive for weight loss. This fiber is digested for a long time, which helps dieters maintain a feeling of satiety for a longer time. There is little fiber in the diet of a modern person, which brings a lot of harm to health. Digestion is not efficient enough, food debris accumulates in the intestines, which subsequently rot and are absorbed by the intestines. This effect has a very negative effect on health. And the use of fiber in sufficient quantities helps to cleanse the intestines of such deposits. In addition, the action of fiber is aimed at the destruction of adipose tissue and strengthening the immune system. If you eat apples with peel regularly, then bowel movements will occur more comfortably. This action contributes to the prevention of diseases of the digestive system, as well as the heart and blood vessels.

  4. Apple peel is an excellent source of antioxidants that humans need. If you are looking for products that will supply your body with flavonoids and phenolic acids, then feel free to opt for apples. Antioxidants are substances that protect the body from pollution. They neutralize destructive molecules called free radicals. The accumulation of such radicals in the body threatens with great health problems. Eating apples regularly will help prevent dangerous diseases such as heart attack and diabetes. The substances contained in this fruit make the walls of blood vessels more elastic.

  5. Apple peel and cancer prevention

    Scientists from the State of Illinois conducted a study, as a result of which the content of triterpenoid in apple peels was revealed. This compound is indispensable in the fight against the formation of cancer cells. Eating apples reduces the risk of colon, liver, and breast cancer.

What else is useful?

Millions of people around the world start their morning with an orange or orange juice, because it contains a lot of vitamins and is one of the healthiest fruits.


But we, without hesitation, completely undeservedly send the peel of an orange to the trash can. "So simple!" will tell you how to make a lot of useful things from the peels of oranges, tangerines, limes and lemons, from cleaning agent to body scrub.

orange peel

As it turned out, the peel of oranges and other citrus fruits contains the substance D-limonene, or limonene (up to 90% in essential oils), which has a pleasant smell and is successfully used to clean, degrease and disinfect various surfaces.

citrus peel also have antibacterial properties. It kills bacteria and mold and helps remove soap scum and mineral deposits.

Clean with citrus peels

citrus vinegar

Vinegar can clean many impurities, but not everyone likes its specific smell. To enhance the cleaning properties of vinegar and get rid of the smell, orange peels will help.

Put citrus peels in a jar, fill them with vinegar, close and leave for a week. After that, pour the resulting citrus vinegar into a spray bottle and use as an all-purpose cleaner.

No divorce

Add lemon peels to the dishwasher and soap streaks will no longer appear on your glasses and glass plates.

We clean the microwave

Place the orange peel in a bowl and cover with a glass of water. Put in the microwave for 7 minutes to the maximum, after which it remains only to wipe it with a cloth from the inside. You can also use lemon to clean the oven.

mineral deposits

To clean mineral deposits in the bathroom, you will need lemon peel. Sprinkle some salt on it and use it as a wall and shower door scrub.


Cleaning the cutting board

To sanitize the board you cut food on, put some salt on it and rub it with citrus peel. After that, wash the board and wipe dry.

Cooking with citrus peels

The essential oils that oranges are rich in have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The use of orange peels will be beneficial for overweight people, as citrus essential oils neutralize excess cholesterol.

The main supply of ascorbic acid falls on the skins, and not on the pulp of the orange. This allows us to talk about the immune-strengthening and antioxidant effects on the body. Tea-infused orange peels show a warming and anti-cold effect.

How to save crusts
To prepare the zest for future use, you can remove it from several fruits and freeze it in an ice cube container. Each cube will have a serving of about two scoops of zest, so it's handy to use. You can dry the rinds in the oven and then store in a jar or grind into a powder and add to smoothies and homemade vitamin blends.

citrus seasoning
You can dry the lemon peels, grind them into a powder, mix with salt and black pepper and use as a savory seasoning.

fragrant tea

Classic black tea will benefit from the orange peel flavor. A little more cloves, and you get an exclusive drink.

Cosmetics from citrus peels

If you have oily skin, orange peel is a good prophylactic for you. Peel applications make the skin soft and smooth, more balanced and reduce oiliness.


The oils in oranges have a sedative effect, so they can be safely used for soothing and relaxing baths and inhalations for insomnia and nervous exhaustion.

Body Scrub

You will need 3/4 cup of granulated sugar, 4 tablespoons of almond oil, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and the peel of one orange. Grate the orange peels on a very fine grater, mix them with sugar, and then add the oil. The resulting mixture can be used as a natural body scrub.


Means for cleaning and whitening teeth

Add ground peel powder to your toothpaste, or simply rub your teeth with the inside of a fresh orange peel. This will strengthen your teeth and help remove yellow plaque. Practitioners of this method claim that it is completely safe and does not affect the sensitivity of the teeth.

Citrus peels for the home, for the family

orange candle

To create it, you will need an orange, olive oil and a knife. Remove the skin from the orange, while trying not to damage its “tail”, because it will be the wick. Then pour oil inside the crust, soak the wick well with oil and set it on fire.

Home freshener

Take two orange peels, 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, ground cloves, and 3 cinnamon sticks. Fill a pot with water and two tablespoons of vinegar, add the rest of the ingredients, bring to a boil and cook until the mixture begins to give off aroma. The advantages of such a natural freshener are obvious: it is cheap, natural and helps not only to spread a pleasant aroma, but also to humidify the air.

Editorial Board

Sellers of oranges, in order for these fruits to be stored better, can spray them with various chemicals. Therefore, it is very important to wash the crusts thoroughly with soap or soda before using them.

Behind every skin

juicy fruit is hiding, but what is hidden in the fruit peel itself: vitamins, minerals and a whole storehouse of everything useful.


Peach skins often end up in the trash because not everyone likes them. Well, those who throw away the peach peel leave themselves without potassium and vitamin A, which help to moisturize the skin and return it to a healthy look. Peach peel stimulates the immune system, detoxifies the body, protects the eyes from cataracts, and reduces the risk of cancer, arthritis, and cardiovascular disease.

Well, if you still couldn’t bring yourself to eat a peach peel, make a skin peel out of it: sprinkle the inside with sugar and gently wipe your face with it.


Lemon peel contains citric acid, so it's great for polishing copper, brass, and other non-ferrous metals. Cooking in the microwave for 10 minutes a few pieces of lemon peel in a bowl with a little water, you will save the microwave, and at the same time the entire kitchen, from an unpleasant smell.

There is also the use of lemon peel in cooking: lemon peel put in a bottle of vodka will give it a pleasant aroma; added to baking with soda, will make it more magnificent; and drowned in a bottle of olive oil, it will “revive” the old oil and give it a delicate lemon aroma.


The antioxidants contained in the orange peel are 20 times stronger than in the fruit itself or in its juice, they help to significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels.

If you can't bring yourself to eat oranges with the peel on, try sprinkling the grated peel on baked goods, cheese, or mixing it with any jam. If you're juicing your own orange juice, put some of the peel in your juicer to mix it into the juice.


Banana peels are good for more than just slipping on them. She can wipe the leaves of indoor plants - this will not only polish them, but also serve as a kind of fertilizer. You can also polish shoes with a banana peel, just do not forget to wipe the shoes with a soft cloth afterwards.

Banana peel helps to heal minor scratches and bruises faster, and by applying it to a mosquito bite, you will get rid of itching.

The antioxidants found in the banana peel are beneficial to health. Therefore, boil the peel for 10 minutes, and then drink the resulting “compote” or squeeze the juice out of it in a juicer.


By throwing away the pear peel, you send a whole storehouse of vitamins and nutrients to the bin, which are much more in the peel than in the pulp of the pear. So you have to eat a pear with a peel.


But not only fruit peel is useful. Vegetables can also boast useful "clothes", for example, potatoes. The peel of one potato the size of a fist contains half the daily requirement of potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and vitamin C. It is not necessary to eat the peel raw, just boil the potatoes “in their uniforms”.

In addition, potato peel will get rid of gray hair. To do this, you need to boil the cleaning for about 30 minutes, cool the resulting broth and rinse your hair after washing. After a few treatments, you will notice that the gray hair has noticeably darkened.

Ever since childhood, we have all been told that an orange is a citrus product that contains a large amount of useful vitamin C. But few people know that in the peel of such a fruit there are quite more useful substances and vitamin groups that can benefit the human body. And also information that if you eat orange and orange peel daily, you will be more likely to reduce the risk of cancer. Very few people have such information. To understand the full benefits of this product, scientists have identified the entire composition of the orange peel, and identified many advantages and disadvantages.


In an orange, it is customary to consume only the pulp inside, but in the peel itself, which everyone throws out, there are even more useful substances. For example, it contains groups of vitamins C, E, B, P, A. As well as many minerals: copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, sodium and others. At the same time, the peel also contains many fatty acids. One hundred grams of the crust contains Omega-3, linoleic acid, stearic, omega-6 and many other useful substances.


If you need to take antibiotics according to a doctor's prescription, then they can be replaced with natural ones. Orange peel has exactly those acids from which such tablets are made. Of course, it is best to use a natural product than to use chemistry, which is not always beneficial for the human body.

Orange peel can remove excess cholesterol and harmful substances from the body that are present in the vessels.

Also, the product is able to increase the vigor and vigor of a person. The fact is that with the help of many vitamins, orange peel has a good effect on the nervous system and can improve the emotional and psychological state of a person.

Orange peel helps to improve the metabolic process. For example, during a metabolic disorder, there may be unpleasant ailments in the form of nausea and heartburn. In such cases, it is enough to use an orange peel in small quantities and the metabolism is normalized.

If you make a powder from the peel of an orange, then it can help to cope with problems and diseases of the respiratory tract. A popular use of this is for asthma or bronchitis. Thus, the product is able to facilitate the transfer of the disease and cure the person, partially or completely.

Orange peel is also rich in essential oils. This means that during a cold or other inflammatory processes, such a product will help cure the body.

During fasting days for the liver, you can use orange zest. It has a very good effect on cleansing and gives lightness to the whole body.

In cosmetology, orange peel has found wide application. Often you can buy a mask in the store and see exactly this product in the composition. Due to its composition and many vitamin complexes, orange peel helps the skin get rid of problems, it also rejuvenates the face.

If you use orange peel in small doses daily, you can forget about swelling forever.


Excessive consumption of a citrus product can lead to an excess of vitamin C in the body. This usually manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction on the skin. It is especially dangerous to give such a product to very young children. Their body is not yet able to absorb too much of this vitamin, so diathesis can be ensured.
In the same way, an orange and its rind can cause allergies in people who are unable to digest citrus products. If this is manifested, then it is better to get rid of the use of both internal and external.

Potatoes are one of the most delicious foods known all over the world. This product is eaten in all forms, however, in most cases, they get rid of the peel, and it contains just a huge supply of nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Medicine has long used potato peel extract in the production of biologically active food supplements.


The appearance of the potato peel looks far from appetizing, but it contains dietary fiber (polysaccharides), which make up 50% of all potatoes. The skin also contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, useful to the body. The main components of the potato, which were paid attention only at the end of the 20th century.

Potato skin treatment

If we talk about traditional medicine, then potato peel plays an important role in it. Decoctions, various teas are made with it.

Useful properties of potato peel:

  1. It normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, perfectly removes toxins from the body, and also prevents the absorption of cholesterol and fats by the intestinal walls, actively prevents the occurrence of colic and constipation, and effectively reduces the formation of cancer of the stomach and large intestine.
  2. Potassium found in potato peels helps the body treat indigestion.
  3. Protect the liver from harmful effects. This conclusion was reached only recently after experiments with animals.
  4. At home, the peel can be used as a soothing remedy for burns. To do this, you just need to attach the peel to the affected area and bandage it.
  5. It has a pronounced antimicrobial effect due to caffeic acid.
  6. Potato peel tea helps with heart and vascular problems by lowering blood pressure thanks to a newly discovered dietary fiber.
  7. Potato peels are rich in antioxidants that prevent cancer, heart attacks, and early aging.
  8. This product is great for diet food. It contains substances that retain fluid in the body, thereby reducing appetite and having a cleansing effect on the intestines.
  9. A decoction of potato peels helps to remove kidney stones. This is one of the popular traditional medicine recipes.
  10. For people with type 2 diabetes, potato skins are helpful in lowering blood glucose levels.

What is the harm of potato peel?

  1. The harm of potato peel for the human body lies in a special compound - solanine. It is found in tubers and causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract and nerves.
  2. Of particular danger is green potatoes and sprouted ones, since the skin in this case is toxic. It is strictly forbidden to use such flower beds as a treatment, because all the most harmful substances are contained in the skin.
  3. The next health threat is pesticide-treated potatoes.

In order not to get poisoned by the peel, either buy organic potatoes or grow them yourself - this is both physical activity and benefits for the body.

Folk recipes with potato peel

  1. Patients suffering from hypertension can prepare a special tea drink from the cleanings. To do this, boil them for five minutes, then use one glass three times a day.
  2. If there are problems with the respiratory system, then you need to boil the potatoes together with the peel and mash it, then put a spoonful of vegetable oil and a few drops of iodine there. All this must be stirred and the resulting mixture applied in the form of a compress to the chest, covering it with something warm on top. When the compress cools down, remove it. It is recommended to do the procedure before going to bed.
  3. To remove toxins and toxins from the body, it is recommended to drink water from under the potatoes, boiled in their skins. If you drink such a decoction in the morning before eating, it will help in the fight against arthritis.
  4. With colds, inhalation of potato vapors helps. You need to boil the potato peel and add a few cloves of garlic to it. After that, it is necessary to breathe over the container with the contents for about ten minutes. You can repeat the procedure twice a day until recovery.
  5. With frostbite, a compress of boiled potatoes in their skins is excellent. It is cooled to a temperature that can be maintained, kneaded and applied to the frostbitten area. When the potatoes cool down, the compress is removed.

Summing up, it can be noted that potato peel is a source of vitamins and nutrients, and before throwing it away next time, think about it - what if it comes in handy?

Video: useful properties of potato peel
