
Cutlets from chicken meat fish. Diet chicken cutlets in the oven recipe with photo

TOP 9 favorite kindergarten dishes

1. Lazy cabbage rolls


cabbage 200 g
onion 1 pc
round rice 1/2 cup
boiled meat 200 g
vegetable oil 1 tablespoon


Soak rice in warm water for 15-20 minutes. Sauté the onion until transparent. Add chopped cabbage and simmer covered for 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Then add rice. Pour hot water (or broth) so as to slightly cover the rice, simmer for another 10 minutes. Add minced meat. For tenderness, you can add chopped eggs.

2. Potato casserole with meat


Potatoes 500 g
Eggs 2 pcs.
Butter 60 g
Sour cream 60 g
Meat 300 g
Onion 2 pcs.


We clean the potatoes, boil, drain the broth, dry and knead with a crush. Add eggs, butter, sour cream, salt, pepper to mashed potatoes, mix everything and beat with a mixer. Boil the meat in salted water, pass through a meat grinder. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes and fry in a pan with oil. Add the rolled meat, salt, pepper and fry until tender. Put half the potatoes on a greased baking sheet, level and lay out the minced meat in an even layer. We cover with the second half of the potato, level it, apply a pattern with a spatula. We put a baking sheet with a casserole in an oven preheated to 180 * degrees and bake until golden brown. Cut the finished potato casserole with meat into portions and serve with sour cream or sauce.

3. Goulash with gravy


Beef (pork, chicken, turkey) - 0.5 kg.
Onion - 1 head.
Carrot - 1 piece (you can without it)
Flour - 1 tbsp. l
Volume. paste 1 tsp
You can sour cream - 1 tbsp. l (I have without it)
Bay leaf - 1 pc.
Salt to taste - 0.5 tsp approximately


Cut the meat into small pieces, lightly fry (you can not fry, but immediately add a little boiling water to the meat) and stew along with onions and grated carrots in their own juice over low heat, pouring a little into the saucepan. oils. Then add a small amount of water. Well, let's say a glass of water per pound of meat. Stew until the meat is ready (i.e. until soft). The meat should be lightly covered with broth. 10 minutes before the meat is ready, salt to taste, put a bay leaf - 1 pc. and maybe 3 pcs. peppercorns. Meat is different. Therefore, the cooking time may also be different. But as a rule, about an hour, no less (if it is beef or pork, not chicken).

Readiness is checked with a knife or fork. Then dilute in half a glass of warm water - 1 tsp volume of paste, st. a spoonful of flour and st. a spoonful of sour cream (you can without it, I don’t have it). Mix well in a glass so that there are no lumps. I always do this with a fork. Whisking continuously, pour in the goulash mixture. The goulash will start to thicken before your eyes. Put out a little (5-10 minutes) The meat is ready. If the water boils away during extinguishing, you can add it. And if suddenly the goulash turned out to be too thick, then you can also dilute it with boiling water to the desired density. You can add grated or thinly sliced ​​pickled cucumber 10-15 minutes before the end of the meat stewing. This will add spice to the dish. Garnish with pasta or mashed potatoes

4. Meatballs in sauce


Minced meat - 0.5 kg.
Rice - 1/2 cup
Medium bulb - 1 pc.
1 egg
Salt to taste

Sour cream - 1 tbsp
Flour - 1 tbsp
Tomato paste - 1 tsp
1.5 cups of water


Boil rice until half cooked. Finely chop the onion, mix with minced meat. Add salt to taste.
Mix everything very well. Form small meatballs. Roll them in flour. Put on a frying pan well heated with vegetable oil, preferably not very close to each other, fry on one side for 3-5 minutes. Carefully flip over and fry on the other side. Pour boiling water up to about half the level of meatballs, add salt and leave to stew. Dry the flour in a pan, add sour cream and tomato paste, mix and dilute with the remaining water. Add the sauce to the meatballs and check for salt. Cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes over medium heat.

5. Omelet


Egg (selected) - 5 pcs
Milk - 250 ml
Salt - 0.5 tsp
Butter (for greasing the mold)


Pour milk into a deep bowl. Add eggs and salt. Mix well without whipping! Grease the mold well with butter. Pour the resulting egg-milk mixture into the mold. Fill the form no more than 2/3, as the omelet will rise. And put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Do not open the oven for the first 15-20 minutes. Cut the finished omelet into portions. Put a piece of butter on a hot omelet.

6. Cottage cheese casserole according to GOST


Cottage cheese - 135 g,
semolina or wheat flour - 10g-12g,
sugar - 15g,
eggs - 4g,
margarine - 5g,
crackers - 5g,
sour cream - 5g,
weight of the finished casserole -150g,
sour cream - 30g.


Pureed cottage cheese is mixed with flour or pre-brewed in water (10 ml per serving) and chilled semolina, eggs, sugar and salt. The prepared mass is spread in a layer of 3-4 cm on a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form. The surface of the mass is leveled and smeared with sour cream, baked in an oven for 20-30 minutes. until a brown crust forms on the surface. On vacation, cut the casserole into square or rectangular pieces and pour over sour cream.

7. Fish casserole


Fish fillet - 300 g
Milk sauce / Milk (0.5 tbsp), flour (1 tsp), plums. oil (1 tsp), salt/
Salt - to taste


Boil the fish fillet in lightly salted water. Cooking time 5-7 minutes after boiling. While the fish is cooking, prepare the milk sauce. The recipe is here. Lubricate the baking dish with butter and lay out a small layer of boiled, ground with a fork, fish. Add the egg to the milk sauce and mix well with a fork or whisk. Pour the fish layer with the resulting sauce, then put another layer of ground fish on top and pour the milk sauce again. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top of the fish and send to a hot oven to bake at 180 degrees. Baking time in different ovens varies from about 15-25 minutes. Ready-made fish casserole can be an independent dish for dinner. Or you can serve it with porridge or vegetables.

8. Potatoes stewed with meat


1 kg beef
1.5-2 kg potatoes
2 large onions
3 carrots
3 art. l. tomato paste (optional)


We cut the meat into pieces of two to three centimeters, trying to free it first from fat, films and tendons. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. We clean the potatoes and cut them a little larger than the meat.
In a cauldron, or a saucepan with thick walls, heat a few tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil. Heat up to smoke. We throw the meat and fry it over high heat. It's okay if the meat starts to let out juice and stew. If the meat sticks to the bottom or walls of the cauldron, don't worry, as it fries, it will fall off by itself.

How to fry - stir, and after when all the meat brightens, throw the onion, mix again, reduce the heat and simmer for about 15 minutes. If there is not much liquid, add a little broth or, if there is no broth, some water. While the meat and onions are stewing, cut the carrots into semicircles, and fry them in vegetable oil. How she changed color - in her cauldron, and instead of carrots in a pan - potatoes. We try to fry the potatoes on all sides until light golden brown. We throw in a cauldron, salt, pepper, mix. If there is not enough liquid, add so that the potatoes are almost covered with water. Cover with a lid and on a small fire for 40-50 minutes.

15 minutes before the end, we throw in three bay leaves, a generous pinch of suneli hops, or any spice that you like, and for piquancy, half a teaspoon of red pepper. Stir gently, cover with a lid and let the remaining 15 minutes simmer over low heat. Close the lid and leave for another 10-15 minutes, brew, soak.

9. Liver soufflé


Salt, to taste
Milk, for soaking bread
Butter, for lubrication
Onion, small size - 1 pc.
White loaf, a couple of pieces
Beef liver - 500 g


We take the liver, wash it and boil it almost until tender. I had a small piece, I cooked for 30 minutes (after boiling). We take the liver out of the water, wash off everything unnecessary and let it cool. Soak the banana slices in milk. We clean the onion. We scroll the liver that has cooled and cut into pieces through a meat grinder, we do the same with onions and soaked bread. In general, this soufflé is prepared in the garden without onions, but I used to add it to enrich the taste. Salt and mix thoroughly. If the stuffing is dry, you can add milk. You can also add butter to make it fatter, I personally never add it. We put everything in a greased form.

We put in the oven and bake at a temperature of 180-200 gr. until the top is browned (about 15-20 minutes).
Grease the top of the finished soufflé with butter. My child loves this soufflé with sauce. Fry the onion over medium heat under the lid, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes. Take 2 tbsp. l. sour cream and 2 tsp. tomato paste, combine in a deep bowl, add 1 tbsp. l. flour. Mix everything thoroughly, add about 300 ml of water, mix everything again and pour it into the onion, while stirring. Bring on fire until thickened. The sauce is ready. You can put a piece of butter on top so that a film does not form.

cutlets- consist of mere advantages: firstly, even the most fastidious family member will not refuse them.

Secondly, if these are homemade cutlets, you know exactly what you are feeding your precious family.

Thirdly, a batch of freshly cooked cutlets can be thrown into the freezer, and when you come home from work tired, you don’t have to stand at the stove for an hour - fry the prepared semi-finished products and build a quick side dish

Meat cutlets are not only tasty, but also a very healthy dish. Meat must be present in the human diet. Especially when it comes to a growing child's body.

Meat protein cannot be replaced by anything, it is vital for development and human life.

Cutlet (from fr. côtelette) - in the original meaning, a cooked piece of meat on a bone: femoral or (mainly) rib and femoral - in a bird, as well as a type of fish fillet. In Russian cuisine, this concept of a cutlet has changed over time, and by now, a cutlet is more often understood as a minced meat dish in the form of a flat cake, as well as a dish of a similar cooking method from other products.

One question always remains - how to make cutlets exceptionally tasty?

Delicious minced meat cutlets

Tricks for cooking delicious meatballs

  1. There are several such culinary secrets, depending on which cutlets are made, you can use one or part of them:
  2. In order for the cutlets to turn out not tough, the best homemade minced meat for them will be a mixture of beef and pork meat. Beef in this case is worth taking more than pork.
  3. If there is no minced pork, then for juiciness, you can add a small piece of lard to the minced beef, skipping it in a meat grinder. Also, lard is suitable for minced meat from elk or wild boar, making it much more tender and tastier.
  4. For the same purpose, so that the meatballs come out more magnificent, it does not hurt to add a small potato, missed in a meat grinder, and a pinch of soda (on the tip of a knife) to the minced meat.
  5. A piece of loaf soaked in milk and ground or mashed in minced meat will improve the structure and friability.
  6. And of course, you must not forget to add eggs and onions to the minced meat. The first - so that the cutlets do not fall apart. The second is for juiciness and taste.
  7. The last trick used by skilled hostesses is not to add any ingredient, but in a special beating of minced meat. When the minced meat is ready, a large lump is made from it, and then this ball of minced meat must be lifted in your hands and sharply lowered back into the bowl. And repeat this way several times. At the same time, minced meat gives juice and cutlets are especially delicate in taste.

Prepare minced meat for cutlets yourself!!!

If we compare prices in the markets for a kilogram of meat and for a kilogram of minced meat, it turns out that a kilo of the latter costs, as a rule, half as much. Although, it would seem, it should be the other way around: the cost of minced meat should include the price of meat plus processing costs.

“Why is minced meat cheaper than a kilogram of meat? But we do not grind clean meat, but pieces, trimmings, weathered slices, various skins ... "

Meatball Recipe Example

In order to cook meatballs, you will need:

  • Meat (beef and pork), in a ratio of approximately 500 to 300 grams.
  • A couple of eggs.
  • Medium bulb.
  • A few pieces from a stale loaf, milk.
  • Salt and spices to taste.
  • Flour or breadcrumbs for breading. But crackers are better.

Cooking meatballs:

  1. We skip the meat for minced meat through a meat grinder, and if you skip the meat twice, this will only improve the taste of the cutlets, eliminating the stiffness of the meat.
  2. Finely chop the onion or also grind it together with the meat.
  3. The loaf is soaked in milk, slightly squeezed and passed through a meat grinder, but if desired, you can simply knead it with your hands, mixing it well into the minced meat.
  4. The egg breaks and interferes with the total mass.
  5. You can also add a little water to the minced meat and, if desired: a little vegetable oil, ground potatoes. Salt and spice are placed at the end and the minced meat is thoroughly mixed again.
  6. Next, cutlets are formed and rolled in flour or breadcrumbs.

This is where the wisdom ends.

It remains only to fry the cutlets in a preheated pan or steam them and you can serve them on the table. Delight yourself and loved ones with delicious, tender and juicy meat cutlets.

Fish cutlets

Fish - an excellent dietary product, very useful and making it possible to cook delicious dishes. The protein of fish pulp supplies the human body with the necessary trace elements and amino acids. That's why minced fish cutlets are simply a must in the diet of both a child and an adult!

Such cutlets are prepared for a couple, by frying, you can cook them in a slow cooker. The advantage of minced fish cutlets is that, compared to a meat dish, fish ones are cooked much faster.

A small minus can be the specific dryness of minced meat prepared from certain types of fish (for example, pollock), and the dullness of taste. But dealing with this is not at all a problem! It is enough for the hostess to use a few small tricks during cooking and the cutlets will literally melt in your mouth.

How to cook?

There are many recipes, here is one of them:

  • you need to take about 600 - 800 gr. haddock or cod meat separated from the bones (or sea bass, from which cutlets are especially tasty); In principle, the fish can be any.
  • 2 eggs;
  • a large onion (the onion should be white, not red);
  • several pieces of dried loaf;
  • salt, spices, breadcrumbs.

Cooking our meatballs:

Minced meat is made with a blender or using a meat grinder, after which chopped onions, spices, an egg and a loaf passed through a meat grinder are introduced.

In doing so, it applies a couple of secrets for tenderness of the finished dish and saturation of taste:

  1. Minced meat must be beaten off! That is, raise and lower with force into the dishes in which it is cooked. This will contribute to the appearance of juice and softness of the finished cutlets.
  2. A loaf in milk or water should not be soaked! Otherwise, the stuffing will become too liquid and blurry.

In addition, during cooking, you can use more some helpful tips:

  1. For example, if the minced meat is dry, then a couple of pieces of bacon added to the meat grinder will save the situation.
  2. And for friability, improving the structure, many cooks recommend using rice - add quite a bit of boiled meat to the finished minced meat.

So, knowing some of the features of cooking, it’s not at all difficult to please a family or guests with a fragrant, certainly healthy and delicate dish!

Recipe for delicious and healthy chicken cutlets with vegetables and cheese

The taste of these meatballs is very spicy and unusual.

We will need:

  • chicken fillet
  • vegetable marrow
  • bell pepper
  • egg
  • flour
  • With ol, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

Let's cook:

  1. All ingredients are taken in approximately equal amounts.
  2. Cut the chicken fillet, bell pepper and zucchini into small pieces, grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  3. Knead minced chicken, vegetables, cheese, flour and eggs. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Form cutlets from minced meat and fry in vegetable oil on both sides.

Serve ready cutlets with garnish and vegetables.

Basic principles of cooking meatballs. Video.

How to make cutlets juicy? Master class from chef Ilya Lazerson. Video.

Bon appetit!

Mixed minced meat cutlets are much tastier, all housewives know this. And if you mix minced chicken with fish, they become very juicy and soft. This is a great option for those who do not like fish in its usual form. If you do not reveal the secret to your family, then they will not even guess what you have prepared such yummy from.

For cooking we need

  1. fillet of any large fish (you can take pike perch, hake or notothenia), in which there are not very many bones,
  2. half chicken fillet (you can take half the breast),
  3. bulb,
  4. a piece of bread or loaf,
  5. some milk,
  6. egg,
  7. crackers.

First of all, we soak 3 pieces of a long loaf or unsweetened rolls in a small amount of milk and set it aside. We separate the fish fillet from the bones (even if small bones remain, it's okay - they will grind). If you bought a breast, then we also separate the pulp from the bones.

We pass fish and chicken meat through a meat grinder,

Grind or finely chop the onion. Squeeze the bun from the milk and add to the minced meat. If it turned out to be liquid, you can add a little breadcrumbs and let them swell.

We put salt in the minced meat to taste, any spices, you can add half a teaspoon of mustard or soy sauce (then you will need much less salt). Put the egg and mix everything thoroughly.

Pour the breadcrumbs into a bowl. We form small cutlets and roll them on all sides in breadcrumbs.

Unusual cutlets with meat and fish sent Irina Kryukova from Saransk(38 years)

“It was in the late 80s. One day, on March 8, it turned out that my parents were working, and there was no one to cook a festive dinner. And I really wanted to cook something tasty for my mother that day, but as if on purpose in the refrigerator it was also almost empty. Soon my father came home from work - tired and hungry. Finished what my mother had cooked, lay down on the sofa and immersed himself in reading the newspaper.

I understand that mom will have nothing to eat and began to pester her father so that he would start preparing dinner. He said that he was going to the store for sausage and, and I would have to cook dinner myself, since it was already big.

At that time I was in my 14th year. Of course, I knew how to cook, but I didn’t know what to cook today. In the refrigerator there were only eggs, 2 small frozen fish and a piece of pork. In stores in those years, and even on a holiday, it was useless to look for something more. And when dad, returning home, said that there was no sausage, I was not surprised. But do not "feed" the same mother with tea and sweets!

Together with my father, we began to think about what could be prepared from our meager set of products. There is not enough fish for frying, there is not enough meat for cutlets, and the pork is too fatty.

Then I suggested making cutlets from fish and meat. The father thought and agreed. “Who knows, maybe it will be delicious!”. He went into the kitchen to peel mashed potatoes, and I busied myself making burgers with all the ingredients we had in the house. I wanted to make more of them so that everyone had enough.
When my mother came home, she asked from the threshold: “What is it that smells so delicious here?”.

And when she entered the kitchen, a real festive dinner awaited her, consisting of ruddy cutlets with mashed potatoes and tea with sweets. Having tried one cutlet of meat and fish, my mother at first did not believe that it was I who made them. But then my father stood up for me and said that only I prepared them - from beginning to end. I myself did not expect then that the first meatballs I created would turn out to be so tasty! I was so glad that my parents liked my cooking.

After that dinner, my mother made such fish and meat cutlets herself more than once, we really liked them! Now I often cook them, though already for my family.
I don’t know the exact proportions, I always do it by eye and taste. But I can describe the approximate number of products."

My sincere love for fried and mullet for some reason does not prevent me from being contemptuous of fish cakes. Intrigued by the flattering reviews of the household of our reader, I decided to take a chance and fry fish and meat cutlets. I don’t regret the experiment at all, I liked the taste of cutlets. Thank you, the surprise was clearly a success, and really interesting!
