
Smelt large cooking recipes. Smelt dishes: recipes, cooking features and reviews

With the onset of May, the so-called smelt season begins in St. Petersburg. Recipes for smelt dishes are handed down from generation to generation among residents of the city on the Neva: it is fried, dried, marinated, stewed, boiled.

Smelt fish, whose recipes are widely known in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, is very healthy in its composition and easy to cook. The editors found out the most original smelt recipes that will help housewives to please their households with a long-known dish in a new way.

Cooking methods

Traditional smelt, the recipes for which are perfectly known to all residents of the coastal zones of the North and Baltic Seas, is prepared very simply. It, like any small fish, is simply fried in a pan and served with any side dish.

But in such a performance, this very valuable marine product loses its attractiveness in the eyes of consumers. Therefore, over the years, experienced housewives have improved smelt recipes, bringing them to the level of gourmet restaurant dishes.

Today, the secrets and subtleties of cooking the perfect smelt in the oven and in the pan are not studied only by the lazy, since in the spring and summer it becomes the main guest in every home.

Smelt Recipes: Step by Step Instructions

The most traditional dish of fish-cucumber was and remains fried smelt, this process does not even require a special description. The fish is washed, salted, rolled in flour and fried in oil for several minutes on each side.

We have selected recipes for cooking smelt that will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated gourmets.

Fried smelt "Peterski"

Branded smelt is prepared as follows:

  • The fish is washed, cleaned and rubbed with salt.
  • Then the original breading is prepared - part of the corn flour is mixed with breadcrumbs and one egg is beaten separately.
  • Smelt is first dipped in an egg, then in dry breading and fried in a pan for several minutes on both sides.

This recipe for fried smelt can be modified. To do this, instead of dry breading, you should prepare a batter, for which mix the egg with flour to a state of thin sour cream. In this case, the fish meat will have a more tender structure.

Marinated smelt: a recipe with a surprise

St. Petersburg housewives have in their piggy bank a recipe for pickled smelt, which is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for several days and can be a lifesaver in case of a spontaneous visit of guests.

  • Smelt is fried in the traditional St. Petersburg way.
  • Then the marinade is prepared: grate 1 carrot on a coarse grater, cut 2 onions into half rings, pour 0.5 l of water and let it boil.
  • Add salt, sugar, pepper and bay leaf to taste to boiling vegetables, and after 1 minute pour 2 tbsp. vinegar, then turn off the marinade and cool.
  • Pour the fried smelt with the cooled marinade and refrigerate for 12 hours.

Pickled smelt is also widely popular, the recipes of which do not require preliminary frying. To do this, the fish is pre-boiled in ordinary water for 3-5 minutes, after which it is poured with the marinade described above and insisted in a cold place for at least a day.

Smelt in the oven

Smelt, recipes with photos of which are widely presented on the Internet, is very often cooked in the oven. We propose to make a restaurant dish out of this small fish with an interesting presentation, which even a "teapot" can cook. For this you need:

  • Clean, wash and marinate the fish using an onion-lemon marinade (2 tbsp each of onion and lemon juice, salt and pepper).
  • Prepare the filling: peel a few pickled red peppers, rub through a sieve and mix with grated cheese.
  • Put the smelt on a baking sheet, pour over the sauce and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Also, the recipe for smelt in the oven can be complicated to the level of a restaurant dish by making rolls from this fish. Here you will need to separate the fish fillet from the ridge, divide it into two parts, grease the inside with tomato paste mixed with herbs, twist it with a roll, fasten it with a toothpick and put it tightly in a baking dish. When serving, smelt rolls can be supplemented with white sauce (draining oil, flour, milk).

Smelt recipes are quite simple, any housewife can implement them. So feel free to experiment and enjoy the result of your culinary fantasies.

One of the most delicious fish is smelt. It is found in the Baltic Sea. Many fish lovers, not only in our country, but also abroad, eat marinated, salted and dried smelt, and also bake it in the oven or on coals. Many housewives prefer to fry the fish. Before frying smelt, it should be cleaned of scales, and then the insides should be removed.


Fans of this delicious fish are advised to eat it all, with the head and bones, after removing the insides. This measure is necessary, as the fish is bitter if it is not gutted. Initially, you should buy the highest quality product, because the right choice is half the success of cooked dishes.

It is best to buy fresh fish offered by anglers. Among the wide variety of small fish shops and large shopping centers, you can find high-quality smelt. Unlike private traders, their fish is frozen. On average, a fish in a store chain costs from 70 to 300 rubles.


Many good housewives have an idea how much to fry smelt, like any other medium-sized fish. Within 10 minutes you can get a wonderful dish that can satisfy the needs of the most demanding lover of seafood. Preparing the fish is easy:

    1. Due to the lack of scales, cleaning can be much faster.
    2. Small specimens are not gutted, it is preferable to take them whole for frying.
  1. If the individual is large, then the insides should be removed, leaving the eggs inside.

You can pre-process the smelt. To do this, coarse salt is taken and diluted in water. Then you can wash the fish with this water to eliminate possible infections.

Smelt contains a large amount of vitamins, macro and microelements, light protein substances. With all this, smelt is a low-calorie product.

in a frying pan

This small fish is usually consumed fried. How to fry smelt in a pan is no secret to anyone. Smelt is often prepared without rolling it in flour beforehand. The washed fish is laid aside for some time (2-3 minutes). You should take a frying pan, and then put it on fire, pouring sunflower oil. After heating, you need to put the fish one by one on a hot surface. The smelt is fried for 4 minutes.

You should wait until it is golden brown on each side. In total, within 10 minutes you get a simple and tasty dish. During the frying period, smelt should be salted, depending on taste preferences.

in the marinade

The processed smelt is laid out on a heated pan with oil poured into it, and then fried until browned. At this time, you should start preparing fresh vegetables for the marinade:

    1. The onion is cut into half rings.
    2. Carrots are taken and rubbed on a coarse grater.
    1. Water is poured into the prepared dishes, brought to a boil. Next, you should take the required amount of salt, sugar, pepper and bay leaf. After boiling for 1 minute, add prepared onions and carrots. Marinade is cooked for 5-6 minutes. Then bay leaves are removed from it, vinegar essence is added and pickled water is brought to a boil again. In the future, the finished marinade should cool slightly.
  1. The finished fish is poured with marinade, which then cools down to the temperature in the room. Then you should put the pan with smelt in the refrigerator, where it marinates for a day.

in flour

To prepare a delicious dish, you can use wheat flour, salt, and spices. You should take a bag, pour the above ingredients into it. Then the prepared smelt is placed in it. After that, the package is twisted and shaken well for 2-3 minutes. This recipe can also be done differently. Pour flour into a plate, then roll the fish.

After the fish is rolled in flour, it is fried. The fish are laid out on the surface of a very hot frying pan, into which oil is poured. You need to fry until a beautiful golden crust appears. The smelt is then turned over and fried on the other side.


To prepare batter, light beer is taken. For batter, you need half a glass of it. Vegetable oil, salt and flour are poured into beer. The resulting substances should be mixed until the mass thickens. Take the fish that are pre-prepared and dip in the resulting batter. Then the smelt is laid out one by one in a pan in which oil is poured. Fry for 2-3 minutes and then turn over to the other side. It is worth watching so that the shade of the batter does not become brownish.

You can also use eggs beaten with pepper and salt as a batter. In the future, flour is poured in one layer on a plate, and the fish are rolled in. Fry small fish until cooked.

They cook fish in an omelet. Tender and juicy meat becomes very tasty. Onions are cut, and then it is added to the half-finished fish. Next, pour in the eggs, previously beaten with a whisk or fork. To properly fry the fish, you should salt it and add spices. Then cover with a lid and steam for 5-7 minutes.


You can also eat stuffed smelt. A fish is taken, cleaned, while it is important not to harm the belly, washed under water.

Eggs are boiled and cut. Mix them with sour cream and pre-cut greens. Then the fish is stuffed with the resulting mixture. Then dip the resulting fish in beaten eggs and breadcrumbs. Lay out in a pan and fry for 2-3 minutes. You can get a delicious meal very quickly.


You can serve the finished fish with white sauce. It is prepared quickly and simply, and then added to smelt. The onion is finely chopped, fried in a pan with vegetable oil. Then melt the butter, then pour in the flour and fry. Pour in milk. During frying, stir all the time so that lumps do not form. Salt the sauce and bring to the point until it thickens.

The prepared smelt is laid out inside the stewpan, adding a little fried onion. Then the parsley falls asleep. Pour in wine (40 ml) and half a liter of water, salt and add spices. Bring to readiness over medium heat. Water the fish just before serving.

Fried smelt is a good snack. Before the dish is served on the table, it is decorated with lettuce, tomato, lemon, greens, pre-cut. Usually smelt is eaten with baked potatoes.

This small and nimble fish has its admirers when skillfully cooked. Her lovers know many original recipes from smelt fish. But today we will cook smelt in simpler ways. Then the fish will not lose its taste and useful properties. Reviews of the recipes for cooking this fish provided below are always only good. That is why these recipes have been passed down through several generations.

Smelt preparation

Before you cook fish according to different recipes, smelt must be pre-processed. It must be washed and cleaned of scales and offal. If the fish is small, then some chefs advise cooking it completely.

We fry smelt

Fried smelt recipes are very popular. We offer a classic version. It is light enough, and you will soon be able to enjoy fragrant fish. Products needed for making fried smelt recipe:

  • cleaned fish;
  • a couple of eggs - for batter;
  • salted flour - 1-2 cups.

Batter for fish: beat the eggs in a bowl, add a little salt and season with pepper.

And now let's start frying:

  1. Pour salted flour onto a dish or other suitable container. We will roll the fish in flour. Therefore, take something that has a size slightly larger than the length of the fish. This will make the process easier for you.
  2. Pour vegetable oil without aroma into a thick-walled pan and heat it over medium heat. As soon as the oil in the pan warms up, reduce the heat and proceed to fill the pan with fish.
  3. First, dip each carcass in the egg mixture, then roll on a dish in flour. Dip in the pan and cook over medium heat on both sides. We fry until the fish is covered with a golden, appetizing crust.
  4. The pan does not need to be closed, otherwise the batter will get wet and turn into a sticky, unpleasant mass.
  5. Smelt fried according to this recipe in a pan should be laid on a flat large dish and eaten hot. Then you can appreciate the taste of fish fillet in a crispy batter.

If you have corn flour and you actively use it in the kitchen, then the following recipe is for you.

Smelt in corn batter

  • We prepare the fish (wash, clean).
  • Salt the fish (you can rub it on all sides with fine salt).
  • Whisk a couple of eggs.
  • Combine cornmeal and breadcrumbs in a bowl.

The technology for preparing smelt according to this recipe:

  1. Dip the fish in eggs and, without delay, in a mixture of flour and breadcrumbs.
  2. We send to a hot frying pan with oil.
  3. Fry as usual - until golden brown on both sides.

Oven smelt recipe

Instead of a frying pan, you can use the oven. The oven is convenient and fast. And the smelt baked in it will turn out tender, fragrant and more dietary.

Put the oven to warm up, and in the meantime, prepare the fish according to standard technology. Washed and peeled smelt should be dipped in batter from a beaten egg. Then roll each fish well in salted flour. Pour vegetable (or butter) oil into a non-stick form so that it covers the bottom. We will lay our fish on top of this oil. To save space on a baking sheet, put the fish "jack". Around the fish, you can spread the circles of tomatoes and sprinkle them with herbs. If the batter in which you dipped the fish is not all over, then you can pour it directly onto a baking sheet on top of the laid smelt. Bake the dish for 40 minutes.

with potatoes

The next recipe for smelt in the oven will be fish with vegetables.

Products needed:

  • smelt;
  • new potatoes;
  • salt, bay leaf;
  • 2 onions;
  • sour cream product - 200 grams;
  • tomato sauce (optional) - 50 grams;
  • seasonings for fish;
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • flour or breadcrumbs - about a glass.

Cooking technology:

  1. Process the fish, wipe with salt.
  2. Prepare egg batter according to the above recipe.
  3. Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a brush. Young specimens may not be cleaned. And if the potato is not young, then be sure to peel it off. Small potatoes are perfect for this smelt with vegetables recipe. If the potatoes are medium-sized or large, then it is better to cut them into halves and quarters. Let the prepared potatoes wait their turn in clean water (so as not to darken).
  4. And we'll take care of the bow. It needs to be cleaned and chopped into half rings.
  5. Pour oil into a non-stick pan so that it covers the bottom of the pan.
  6. Beat the eggs in a deep bowl and, dipping the smelt into them, dip the fish on both sides in flour.
  7. Now is the time to send it to the baking sheet. When all the fish is in shape, put the potatoes and onion half rings where there is room.
  8. Sprinkle the contents of the baking sheet with salt, season with seasonings for fish. Don't forget the bay leaf.
  9. And now, the smelt is beautifully laid in a mold and is waiting only when it is poured with sour cream sauce.
  10. For the sauce, you need to mix all the sour cream with tomato or ketchup. If it gets thick, dilute with water. When the filling acquires "fluidity" with this sour cream-tomato sauce, you need to pour the whole smelt with potatoes and onions. Sprinkle salt again if necessary. Send the baking sheet to a well-heated oven for an hour. After this time, a tender and fragrant fish dish with sauce and vegetables will be on your table.

Marinating smelt

In addition to frying and baking, you can pickle smelt. The recipe is very easy and quick to prepare:

  1. The smelt needs to be cleaned and washed.
  2. Cut small onions into rings.
  3. The fish must be placed in a glass or enamel bowl.
  4. In another bowl, prepare the marinade. For the marinade, mix a glass of water (boiled) with 6% table vinegar (3 large spoons). Add some salt and a few peppercorns to this solution. If you prefer the sweet taste of the marinade, add a teaspoon of sugar to the solution.
  5. We fill the small smelt with onion rings and, adding a bay leaf, pour the marinade for 10 hours. After this time, you can enjoy a fragrant snack.

Marinated fish, which is stored in the refrigerator for several days

And here is another interesting recipe for pickling smelt:

Prepared fish is fried in batter with breadcrumbs and cornmeal. Then it is placed in a deep bowl. Dishes can be made of glass or ceramics. And in an enamel saucepan prepare the marinade:

  1. Grate carrots of any fraction.
  2. Chop the onion into half rings.
  3. Pour vegetables with water (0.5 liters), boil.
  4. When the water with vegetables begins to boil, it's time to add a quarter teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar to it. Laurel leaf and peppercorns - to taste.
  5. Let the marinade boil for about half a minute and add 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar.
  6. Take the marinade off the stove and let it cool. When the solution reaches room temperature, pour it over the fried smelt, which was placed in a container.
  7. Now dishes with fish in the marinade can be put in the refrigerator for 13 or more hours.

Such a fish is good when a "guests on the doorstep" situation arises. You, as a good hostess, always have something to serve dear guests to the table. Bon appetit!

Smelt is a wonderful independent dish that will surely appeal to all family members, especially males. You can serve it simply with vegetables, or you can cook any side dish. Baked smelt goes well with rice, especially if the fish was cooked in sauce.

Baked or fried potatoes are ideal for smelt. You can make this fish and mashed potatoes, here it’s already as you like. But smelt is usually not served with pasta, buckwheat or other cereals. Although here it all depends on the preferences of the household and the hostess herself.


  • Smelt (fresh)- 1 kg
  • Lemon- 1/2 piece
  • Vegetable oil- 3 tbsp
  • Spices: salt, black pepper, herbs
  • How to cook smelt in the oven

    1. Clean the fish, removing the head and giblets.

    2 . Drizzle with oil and juice from half a lemon.

    Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

    4 . Lay a sheet of foil on a baking sheet. Lay the fish on top.

    Sprinkle with dried herbs. If the greens are fresh, then sprinkle the already prepared smelt on it.

    Cover with another sheet of foil and send to an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees.

    . After 25 minutes, remove the baking sheet, remove the top layer of foil (neatly, hot!). Send the fish to the oven for another 5 minutes.

    Delicious smelt in the oven is ready

    Bon appetit!

    Those who have been to St. Petersburg at least once at the end of April will remember for the rest of their lives the smell of fresh cucumbers rushing from everywhere and posters of all formats with the inscriptions “Fresh smelt”. Well, to watch all this and not try this wonderful fish is just blasphemy.

    What is a snout

    Snetok is the second name of the inhabitant of the Gulf of Finland, the Neva and other rivers of the Leningrad region. This fish in appearance resembles a sprat. Its size varies greatly. By the way, the price of St. Petersburg delicacies also depends on this.

    Smelt meat is tender and quite fatty, but not very high in calories, only about 100 kcal per 100 g. Smelt is rich in a wide variety of substances useful for our body - amino acids, minerals and, of course, vitamins A, B, D and all others .

    Features of preparation

    There are a thousand ways to cook smelt. But whichever one is chosen, the fish must first be prepared. You should start with the cleansing of scales. You can do this with an ordinary knife, but it is more convenient to use a special grater. In this case, the scales will not scatter all over the neighborhood. When this cleaning is completed, the fish must be washed under running water and only after that proceed with gutting.

    Smelt can vary greatly in size from one to the other. There are fish weighing no more than 100 g, and there are all 300-350. But regardless of weight, it is imperative to gut the fish before heat treatment. Otherwise, the finished dish may be slightly bitter, which will significantly spoil its taste.

    It makes no sense to describe the gutting process, since most housewives, at least once in their lives, had to free the fish from the insides. It is worth paying attention only to the fact that smelt often gets caught in nets with caviar. Do not throw away this product. Smelt caviar is even healthier than the fish itself. The fish freed from the internal organs must also be thoroughly rinsed with cold water.

    Smelt is served to the table in almost any form: fried, boiled, stewed, marinated and, of course, baked. Here is the last method of preparing smelt and will be discussed below. Why about baking? Yes, it’s just that in this form, smelt is tastier and much healthier than fried, since additional fats are used in minimal quantities for its preparation.

    There are many ways to bake smelt in the oven. Of course, you can just leave the prepared fish on a baking sheet and put it in the oven. But it is difficult to call such an option cooking. It is much more interesting to bake a smelt, for example, in foil. Although the previous method can also be used, you just have to improve it a little.

    Smelt baked with flour

    This is the easiest way to bake fresh smelt. To serve such a dish to the table, you will need to take about a kilogram of Neva fish, about 6 tablespoons of flour, salt and various spices, as well as a little lemon juice.

    In this case, you can do the same as with any other fish.

    In a separate bowl, mix flour with salt and spices. Thoroughly roll each prepared smelt in the resulting mixture and put on a baking sheet, which was previously greased with vegetable oil.

    Drizzle freshly squeezed lemon juice on top of the fish. Put the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and leave for 20-25 minutes.

    Smelt baked in foil, recipe 1

    To prepare smelt in this way, you need to take the fish itself (about 1 kg), 2-3 onions (preferably blue or white), soy sauce in the amount of 2 tablespoons, juice of half a lemon, vegetable oil, salt and spices to taste.

    Cut the onion into half rings and put in a deep bowl, put the prepared smelt there, pour in the spices and pour in the soy sauce. Gently mix the contents of the bowl with your hands so that the spices are evenly distributed over all the fish.

    Line a baking sheet with a piece of foil twice as large. Lightly grease the foil with vegetable oil and put the smelt on it. Spreading the fish is best alternating with the head or tail forward. So they will fit more on the baking sheet. Onions should also be laid out along with the fish.

    Sprinkle the smelt with lemon juice, cover with the rest of the foil and put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. You need to bake the fish for 20 minutes, after which it should be carefully opened by unscrewing the top of the foil and left in the oven for another 10 minutes. During this time, it will have time to brown enough.

    After that, the smelt can be immediately served to the table, as an independent dish, or together with any side dish - potatoes or rice.

    Smelt baked in foil, recipe 2

    In this way, it is better to bake smelt not on a baking sheet, but in a rectangular tray. To do this, you need to prepare a kilogram of smelt, two onions, 100 grams of butter, 2 tablespoons of flour, 100-150 ml of cream, 100 ml of water, 50 ml of white table wine, spices, salt and herbs at the discretion of the hostess.

    Grate the smelt with a mixture of salt and your favorite spices and leave for 7-10 minutes. Chop the onion into half rings, fry in butter and put in a foil-lined form. Put the fish on top, sprinkle with flour, pour in the cream, water and wine. Cover the form with foil and put in the oven, as in the first version for 20 minutes. Then also the foil on top must be removed and brought to a golden brown for 10 minutes. The temperature in the oven should be kept around 200°C.

    The finished smelt should be put out of the mold on a flat dish and pour over the remaining sauce at the bottom.

    Smelt baked with sour cream

    It will take a little more time to cook smelt in this way. Although, given the fact that it takes so much to clean the fish, it can hardly be considered a dish that takes too long to prepare. True, products for such a lunch / dinner will also need a little more. Specifically, you will have to buy:

    • kilogram of smelt;
    • flour;
    • egg;
    • breadcrumbs;
    • oil (100 grams of butter and a little vegetable for frying);
    • onion and garlic;
    • cream (50 ml);
    • 200 g sour cream;
    • salt and spices.

    Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry in vegetable oil. When the onion turns golden, add cream, sour cream and butter to the pan. Salt the mixture, season with spices and when it boils, remove from heat. Pass the cooled sauce through a blender to get a homogeneous mass.

    Roll the prepared smelt first in flour, then dip in a beaten egg and roll again, but in breadcrumbs. Put the fish in a greased metal baking dish and put in the oven for 15 minutes. The oven must be preheated to 180°C.

    After the specified time, pour the sauce into the mold and bake for another 10-15 minutes. Put the finished fish on a dish, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with herbs.

    Smelt baked with cheese

    For this cooking option, smelt is best suited for a small fish. You need to take it from about a kilogram. In addition, you need to prepare semi-hard cheese, such as Russian, Poshekhonsky or Dutch, salt, pepper, adjika, a small onion and lemon juice (about 2 tablespoons).

    Peel the onion and rub on the smallest grater. Pour lemon juice into the bowl and mix well. Grate cheese on a large shredder and mix with adjika.

    Spread each smelt with onion mixture, salt, pepper, put on a baking sheet and cover with cheese-adzhik mixture. Smelt should be baked at a temperature of 200 ° C. Baking time - 20-25 minutes.

    Video "Smelt dried in the oven"

    Smelt is a fish with a specific taste, juicy meat and soft bones. Who would refuse such a fried fish with a crispy crust? At the same time, smelt can also be baked, marinated or smoked.

    Smelt is a small ray-finned fish of the Smelt family. Such a fish is called cucumber, since its smell cannot be distinguished from the aroma of a green vegetable. In our country, everyone knows smelt, and in St. Petersburg they even hold a holiday dedicated to this small fish.

    What is a smelt fish? In appearance, it is somewhat reminiscent of a dace, it has small translucent scales, but a large mouth with small sharp teeth. Even with a small length (from 10 to 14 cm) and low weight (up to 350 grams), this waterfowl is a real predator that preys on small fish, eats caviar and crustaceans. In food, smelt is not picky, so it can be successfully bred on an industrial scale.

    It is rather difficult to answer the question where smelt is found, since it is common throughout the country. But she feels especially carefree in the reservoirs located in the central part of Russia.

    What is useful for the human body

    Smelt is a useful product for the health of any person. It contains a lot of protein and minerals necessary for the formation and strength of bones. It also contains nickel and potassium, as well as other useful elements that contribute to the normal functioning of the whole organism. The meat of this fish contains vitamins of group B, which are necessary for normal metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system, plus vitamin A, which is important for the health of the visual organs and collagen production.

    In cooking, a wide variety of fish dishes are prepared from smelt. It can be smoked, cooked in dried form, dried. But given its fat content, it tastes best when baked and fried. Smelt aspic and first courses come out no less tasty.

    How delicious to fry in a pan

    Many housewives fell in love with smelt because there are practically no problems with such fish in terms of cleaning and gutting. Her scales are small, nothing needs to be cut off, since such a fish must be eaten whole with bones and a head.

    The only thing that is required is to remove the insides so that the fried smelt fish does not taste bitter.

    Cooking method:

    1. We wash the smelt and put it in a colander so that all the water is drained from it.
    2. Next, put the fish in a tight bag, add salt, pepper, a little paprika, thyme leaves and flour.
    3. Seal the package and shake. This method will allow all the breading to remain on the fish during the frying process.
    4. Fry the carcasses in hot oil until golden brown.

    Recipe for baking in the oven

    Smelt meat contains a large amount of healthy fats, and in order to preserve all the benefits of fish, and increase the taste and aroma, it should be baked in the oven. If you do not know how to cook smelt fish in the oven, we offer a simple recipe.


    • ½ kg of smelt;
    • lemon - half;
    • bay leaves;
    • allspice peas;
    • dried parsley;
    • salt, oil.

    Cooking method:

    1. Place the smelt in a bowl, season with salt, sprinkle with dried parsley and pour over with citrus juice.
    2. Spread a few bay leaves over the foil and pour over them with lemon juice. Put the smelt, wrap and bake for 25 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
    3. 10 minutes before cooking, the foil can be slightly opened so that the fish is covered with a delicious crust.

    Smelt fish soup

    Many fish soup is called fish soup, however, it is not at all. A real ear is a rich broth made from fresh fish, a minimum of vegetables and one very important ingredient, without which an ear is not an ear. But what is this secret, you will learn in the following recipe.


    • smelt - 12 pcs.;
    • bulb;
    • carrot;
    • two tubers of potatoes;
    • parsley root and celery;
    • leek;
    • salt pepper.
    • greenery.

    In the preparation of a real fish soup, two important ingredients are used - this is vodka with herbs and a burning birch torch.

    Cooking method:

    1. Chop fresh dill, green onion and parsley. Mix the greens in a bowl and pour 40 ml of vodka into it. We insist the composition during the entire process of preparing the fish soup.
    2. Next, prepare the vegetables: cut the potatoes into cubes, carrots into slices, and just finely chop the onion.
    3. We put all the vegetables and roots in a saucepan, put it on the stove and as soon as the water boils, throw in the bay leaf. Behind him immediately send salt, black pepper and a little nutmeg. Cook vegetables until soft.
    4. Now we put the prepared smelt without scales and entrails. Heads can be left. Cook the soup for five minutes, no more.
    5. Now pour in vodka with greens, set fire to the splinter and extinguish it right in the ear. We cover the finished dish with a lid and let it brew well.

    marinated fish

    Smelt is a very tasty fish. And especially fried. But if a larger individual comes across, then it can be marinated.


    • a kilo of fresh smelt;
    • mustard seeds;
    • a spoonful of sugar;
    • allspice, cloves;
    • Bay leaf;
    • salt, oil;
    • dill.

    How to cook smelt fish in a marinade:

    1. Pour a liter of water into the pan, pour sugar, salt and all spices, with the exception of dill. We put the container on the fire, cook its contents for 10 minutes and at the very end of the process add chopped dill.
    2. Cool the brine and mix with two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
    3. We put the gutted smelt carcasses in any dish, fill them with brine and put them in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

    Stuffed smelt

    If you come across large smelt carcasses, then do not rush to fry them in an ordinary pan, but use our recipe.

    Deep-fried stuffed smelt is very fragrant and tasty.


    • large smelt - 12 pcs.;
    • five glasses of crushed crackers;
    • three tablespoons of flour;
    • three lemons;
    • 70 ml of tomato paste;
    • parsley;
    • three eggs;
    • mushrooms.

    Cooking method:

    1. The first step is to clean the smelt, make a neat incision in the middle of the back and pull out the dorsal bone.
    2. Then salt the carcasses, sprinkle with lemon juice and send to a cool place.
    3. In a small bowl, mix the tomato sauce with chopped herbs, a spoonful of sunflower oil and chopped champignons. We also remove this composition in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
    4. After this time, we stuff the fish with the prepared filling and sew it up with threads. We dip the carcasses first in beaten eggs, then roll in breading and dip in deep fat for 15 minutes.
    5. We put the finished smelt on a napkin, and as soon as excess fat leaves the fish, we take out the threads from it and put it on a beautiful dish. Garnish with parsley sprigs and lemon wedges.

    Dried fish at home

    Perhaps every fisherman knows how to dry fish. But how to dry it correctly is already a question. Especially since there are several good methods for preparing dried smelt.

    The first cooking method In the brine:

    1. Pour water into the container and throw the peeled potato tuber. Pour salt (300 g per kilo of fish) and stir until the potatoes are on the surface.
    2. For piquancy, soy sauce can be used in brine (for 1 liter of water, approximately 25 ml of seasoning).
    3. We immerse the fish in the marinade, put oppression on top (weight from 3 to 5 kg).
    4. The time of salting will depend on the size of the fish. As a rule, it takes from 6 to 8 hours, and 30 minutes before the end of the process, you need to pour a spoonful of vinegar into the fish.
    5. We take out the carcasses and wash them twice. Once in ordinary water, and the second in water with added sugar. We string the smelt on a strong thread and hang it up.

    The second cooking method Dry salting:

    1. We put the smelt in layers in a container, and sprinkle each with coarse salt (a spoonful per kilo of fish).
    2. We cover the workpiece and leave for a day.
    3. Then we wash the fish, string it and hang it in the same way.

    The third method of preparation. Quick salting:

    1. We put the fish in a container and sprinkle with salt so that it turns out a salty “fur coat”. We leave the workpiece for 8 hours.
    2. Then we lay it out on paper, on which the juice will drain along with excess salt, and leave it for another five hours.
    3. We do not wash the fish, but immediately hang it behind the head. According to anglers, this method will help smelt not lose its fat.
