
Cinnamon Chinese and Ceylon difference. Useful properties of cinnamon and contraindications, her photo, description of the use of spices in treatment, cosmetology and recipes

Fragrant cinnamon is one of the highly valued spices that has been used since Biblical times and is valued for its healing properties. The spice is time-tested and has found its use not only as an addition to pastries, second courses and desserts, but also as a remedy for many digestive problems.

For example, I use cinnamon as an effective remedy for flatulence. I do not like to drink pills, and cinnamon is a natural medicine, besides, it helps me fight excess weight.

Difference between Cassia and Ceylon

Store-bought cinnamon is the crushed bark or small sprigs of an evergreen cinnamon tree native to Sri Lanka and southern India.

Among the four main types of cinnamon (which is sold in stores), the two most common are Ceylon and Cassia. But Cassia is the so-called "fake" cinnamon, the bark of a related spicy-aromatic tree, not natural. And it is with it that the shelves of our stores are now clogged.

Ceylon cinnamon is recognized as one of the highest quality and sweetest in taste. It has a lighter brown hue and a rich aroma. In the form of sticks, Ceylon is more fragile and crumbles easily, since only the inner layer of the bark is cut.

Fake cinnamon (Cassia) is darker in appearance, with a reddish tinge. Its smell leaves a bitter tart aftertaste. Cassia tubules are thicker and hard to grind (before putting them in your home coffee grinder, just try to break them into a few pieces to prevent electrical damage).

What to do if the store can not smell and touch the cinnamon directly?

Pay attention to the product packaging. It should indicate the type of plant itself, but if it is missing, you should look at the country of origin. If China, Vietnam or Indonesia are listed as such, you are holding Cassia, if Sri Lanka - Ceylon cinnamon (cinnamomum verum).

Of course, it is advisable to buy spice in the form of sticks and grind it yourself at home. For Ceylon cinnamon, this procedure is absolutely safe.

The cost of Ceylon cinnamon is about 10 times higher than that of Cassia.

How to check the quality of ground cinnamon at home?

You can check the authenticity of cinnamon with iodine. It is necessary to drop a drop of iodine on a small amount of the purchased spice. True cinnamon powder will hardly change its color, while Cassia bark spice powder will take on a dark blue hue.

The difference between natural and fake cinnamon

1. (cinnamon) - light brown
2. (cassia) - red-brown

1. Soft, sweetish
2. Rich, bitter

1. Pleasant, spicy-sweet
2. Sharp, burning-saturated

Stick structure
1.Fragile, easy to crumble
2.Rigid, hard to break

Sediment during brewing
1. Jelly-like, red-brown
2.Resinous, taupe

The benefits and harms of cinnamon

But external differences are not everything! Cassia contains a very high level of coumarin (1200 times higher than allowed) in its composition, which is very harmful to the liver and kidneys, especially when eaten regularly. By the way, rats are successfully poisoned with coumarin (aka rat poison) in Russia, and it’s not at all necessary for an animal to eat it, it’s enough to lick or sniff it.

In addition, scientists have found that real cinnamon has an antimicrobial effect, slows down the growth of fungal and yeast microorganisms, regulates blood sugar levels, improves memory, and promotes the removal of excess salts.

Delicious and no calories Tips for a sweet tooth: how not to gain weight from ice cream. Can it be eaten for breakfast or dinner.

Application and storage

Cinnamon sticks are widely used in cooking and baking. They add a new trend to the flavor of already known and familiar dishes: ice cream, mashed potatoes, salads.

You can brew strong coffee, cover its surface with a thin circle of white ice cream, and put a cinnamon stick in the center, like a mast, and sprinkle with grated chocolate ... there is hardly a person who can resist the temptation to try such a dessert.

You can also use the spice for cosmetic purposes: 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 2 teaspoons of raw honey will make the skin tone lighter and velvety.

Like other spices, cinnamon loses its strength and flavor over time, so it's best to store it in an airtight container, in a cool place, away from sunlight and heat. In the right place, the shelf life should not exceed 5 years for sticks and 3 years for ground powder.

With very rare use, you can safely use a fake spice, but with constant use - only natural Ceylon cinnamon. Do not save on health, it is easy to spend it, but there is nowhere to buy it!

Questions from readers:

  • Why is cinnamon bitter, burning? Is the spice itself sweet? Or was I given a fake?

Almost any natural herb, spice, or spice will taste bitter at high concentrations. Usually for cooking we use a small amount of spice for the whole dish, and here half a spoon per glass of boiling water! Of course, after such a concentration, a bitter aftertaste will remain.

    • Does mucus form when brewing natural cinnamon?

Yes a little. In Cinnamomum aromaticum (ours - Cassia), the starch content is much higher, therefore, the turbidity of such a drink is much greater. In Cinnamomum zeylonicum (in our natural cinnamon) there is less starch, respectively, and less turbidity. I generally keep quiet about ground cinnamon from store bags. Anything goes in there...

  • I have cinnamon after iodine turned into a chocolate color. This is fine ?

Yes. Cinnamon, when tested with iodine, can change color from light brown to dark chocolate. Cassia, due to the content of a large amount of starch, turns dark blue.

  • I don’t like the taste of cinnamon tea, how can I interrupt the sweetness?

“... Sticks ... powders ... It's a dark matter. Such a heated discussion shows that one must not only have a competent "theory" (and not rumors), but also be an experienced practitioner.

From my experience (I bought ground cinnamon from different packers). In Auchan, for example, Haas sachets say so: “supreme cinnamon” and, it seems, just “cinnamon” (2016). The price and weight varied significantly.

Various initial providers were also written (which is rare!). The packets have been preserved, I will find them, I can publish them. I bought both out of curiosity.

Cinnamon of the "highest quality" has such an aroma that the mere smell lights up the blood and lifts the mood. The other is insipid, dusty, dusty, with a slight hint of cinnamon smell.

Then I didn’t know about the craftsmen-imitators and thought that it was domestic talents that gave out ground oak bark for cinnamon (brown!).

The second iodine test experiment, already with attached photos.

On the silver platter on the right is Haas cinnamon of the "highest" quality, it is light, as if diluted, with a persistent strong smell of cinnamon.

On the left - cinnamon of the firm "Farsis" (still the same famous Mytishchi region, supplier of "colonial goods" of our time). This is a brownish powder of a slightly coarser grinding, the smell is five times weaker (very faintly perceptible), and with a hint of almonds. Perhaps this is the same "coumarin". In my memory, the smell of coumarin remained from the emerald tincture of the fragrant spikelet - you will not forget this!

So, the iodine test only moistened both powders, they darkened (the “highest” quality cinnamon darkened more), but did not turn blue. After half an hour (while I was downloading the photo and writing this comment), the powders dried up, but the moistened “higher” cinnamon turned dark dark brown, and the lower, odorless, returned almost to its original color. Like this."

The inhabitants of ancient Greece called cinnamon "the perfect spice", and they knew a lot about striving for the ideal. In addition to the Greeks, the Egyptians were fans of the spice, including it in the mixture for embalming the bodies of pharaohs departing to another world. In Eastern countries, cinnamon gained popularity as a valuable medicine over 4,000 years ago, while Europeans until the 19th century used it only in cooking and as a sweetener for bitter drugs. The Portuguese who conquered Ceylon liked cinnamon so much that they obliged the local population to pay an annual tribute with it. Today, this spice is a full-fledged component of fragrant dishes and drinks, some medicines, and it is also a gentle, warm and natural room fragrance.

Cinnamon is obtained by cutting off the inner layer of the bark of an evergreen cinnamon growing in Brazil, South. China, India, Indonesia, Egypt, Vietnam, Madagascar, Sumatra, and his homeland is Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

The cut bark is dried, while it is folded into tubes, which are cut into sticks up to 12 cm long. Cinnamon is sold in the form of sticks or ground into powder.

Dried flowers or carnation-like buds of the cinnamon tree are also sometimes found on the market, giving tea and other drinks a clean, delicate aroma.

How to choose cinnamon

What stores call cinnamon isn't always true. The most useful and fragrant types of cinnamon are grown in Ceylon.

Cassia (“Indonesian cinnamon”) is often given as cinnamon, this is the bark of another variety of cinnamon tree cultivated in China and Indonesia, cassia has slightly different properties. To get high-quality cinnamon, shoots of cinnamon 2-3 years old are selected, and the thinnest inner layer of the bark is cut off.

Cassia is prepared from whole pieces of the bark of 7-10 year old trees and quite successfully replaces cinnamon in many cases, but this spice contains 100 times more of a substance harmful to human health - coumarin, which causes headaches and even hepatitis, this substance is used as rat poison . In 1 kg of noble cinnamon, the content of coumarin is about 0.02 g, in cassia - 2 g.

Knowing what kind of cinnamon happens, it will be easy for you to choose a quality spice.

How to tell real cinnamon from cassia

1. Most often, it is not a high-grade valuable spice that is sold in ground form, but cassia or other low-grade cinnamon. If you need a good spice, check the country of origin: you need to give preference to cinnamon brought from Ceylon, and not from China, Indonesia or Vietnam. It is also not recommended to purchase cinnamon from Germany, the USA, Israel - these states do not have local production, and they do not sell cinnamon from Ceylon.

2. True cinnamon is more expensive, the package may be marked "Cinnamomum zeylonicum". Cassia is sometimes labeled as "Cinnamomum aromaticum".

3. The smell of true cinnamon is softer and nobler - soft, warm, sweet. Cassia smells weaker, but coarser and sweeter.

4. As for the cinnamon sticks, the high-grade noble spice has a delicate, uniform light brown color, the color of cassia is not the same inside and out, and has a reddish brown or gray-brown hue. True cinnamon sticks are always twisted at both ends, forming "ram's horns", cassia sticks may be slightly curved or not twisted at all.

5. The cut of cinnamon is thinner, the thickness of the cuts of the best varieties is comparable to the thickness of a paper sheet. Cinnamon is easily crushed and brittle, while cassia is stronger, thicker (3-10 mm), rougher and breaks into fibers.

6. You can check the quality of the spice at home. To do this, drop iodine on a stick or slide of cinnamon powder - cassia will turn dark blue with this interaction, and true cinnamon will turn slightly blue.

Storing cinnamon

Store the spice in an airtight container at a temperature not exceeding 20°C and relative humidity not exceeding 70%. It is better to buy cinnamon sticks and grind them into powder before use.

Cinnamon shelf life

In sticks, the spice retains its usefulness for 12 months, the optimal shelf life of ground cinnamon is six months.

Useful properties and contraindications of cinnamon

Therapeutic effect

Cinnamon stimulates, invigorates, improves mood, removes depression, restores strength, improves memory, coordination and attentiveness.

It improves the circulation of fluids and thins the blood, lowers cholesterol, cleanses the liver and choleretic system.

Cinnamon is used to strengthen the heart, prevent strokes and heart attacks.

The use of cinnamon relieves a runny nose, cough - dry and with phlegm, removes mucus from the nose, removes congestion and congestion in the sinuses. It can relieve a sore throat, relieve headaches, colds, cure flu and bronchial asthma.

A large amount of cinnamon causes uterine contractions. The spice helps to recover in the postpartum period and increases the flow of milk. This is a traditional Indian remedy for reducing the risk of re-pregnancy immediately after childbirth up to 20 months.

In addition, cinnamon freshens breath, relieves muscle spasms, relieves colic, helps with indigestion, facilitates digestion, removes gas accumulation, and helps to normalize weight. By the way, cinnamon is recommended to be used with those who want to lose weight - the remedy normalizes the digestive tract, calms the nervous system and reduces appetite.

What is useful cinnamon with honey

In combination with honey, cinnamon shows its beneficial qualities to a greater extent. Main -

These components of the flu remedy: 1 tbsp. boiled water should be brewed with 0.5 tsp. with a pinch of black pepper, let it brew, use inside with honey.

For colds, coughs and congestion of the respiratory tract, a mixture of half the volume of cinnamon with 1 volume of honey is taken orally.

For weight loss, it is recommended to drink an infusion of spices with honey on water on an empty stomach, waking up and at night.

By mixing honey with cinnamon in a ratio of 4:1, you get a natural mask for the treatment of skin rashes.


From the use of spices you need to refrain from bleeding, epilepsy, nervous exhaustion and high blood pressure. Cinnamon should not be consumed by pregnant women.


In dishes and drinks put from half to 1 tsp. per 1 kg or 1 liter.

How to use cinnamon

Grinding cinnamon sticks into powder is best just before use: lightly fry them in a dry frying pan, grind them in a coffee grinder or mortar and then put them in dishes and drinks - this way the sticks will crumble better and give more taste and aroma. Another way is to lightly fry the sticks in until the aroma appears.

Grinding cinnamon sticks into powder is best just before use: lightly fry them in a frying pan with or without oil, grind them in a coffee grinder or mortar and then put them in dishes and drinks - this way the sticks will crumble better and give more taste and smell.

Lay cinnamon should be 7-10 minutes before the readiness of a hot dish, for example, buns. In cold, such as salads or curd masses, the spice is placed before serving.

The sweet warm taste and aroma of cinnamon allows you to put it in a wide range of dishes, including jams and jams, compotes and kissels, liqueurs, punches, coffee, tea and chocolate drinks, sweet pilafs, jellies, mousses, pies, curd pastes. The spice is great for salads made from carrots, cabbage, corn, cucumbers, spinach, quince, pears, vegetable side dishes and marinades, for example, with zucchini, tomatoes, red peppers.

Cinnamon perfectly emphasizes the taste of apples, balancing the natural sourness inherent in their taste in pies, salads, and baking. The aroma and taste of spices are perfectly combined with citrus fruits such as tangerines, lemon, orange, creating a holiday mood.

Cinnamon with kefir

Kefir, being a nutritious diet, is perfect for fasting days. By adding cinnamon to it - half a teaspoon per glass - you make this drink more beneficial for digestion and promote weight loss. Kefir with cinnamon is great for fasting days or as a snack.

In cooking and folk medicine, cinnamon and cassia are constantly used. They have unique taste and medicinal qualities. However, even modern housewives, hardened by television and the Internet, do not always determine the difference between these two representatives of oriental spices. How not to get lost in search of the best option? Are there significant differences between them?

In fact, cassia is also cinnamon, but its least useful and tasty variety. The spice is obtained by cutting the inner thin layer of bark from the shoots of an evergreen tree called Cinnamon. Cinnamon bark is dried and rolled into tubes, then cut and crushed. In shops and markets, consumers can choose either straws or powder.

The first option is considered more preferable - it retains aroma and taste longer, has a rich chemical composition and, for this reason, is successfully used in traditional medicine. The powder may already be old, in the crushed form the spice loses its consumer qualities very quickly, plus the type of cinnamon in the powder is difficult to determine.

So, the most common types of spices on our shelves:

  • natural Ceylon cinnamon from Sri Lanka or Western India, Cinnamomum zeylanicyn, which is usually called "cinnamon";
  • "fake", cheap cinnamon or cassia, Cinnamomum aromaticum from China, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Ceylon spice is considered to be of higher quality, because it uses the inner valuable layer of young shoots up to 3 years of age, and for cassia, the entire bark is cut off from old shoots aged 7-10 years. The “fake” spice contains a lot of fragrant, but toxic coumarin, popularly nicknamed “rat poison”, which is harmful to children and not very useful for adults.

Therefore, cassia can be dangerous if eaten in significant dosages, and spices are often used in the preparation of cookies or buns, eaten quickly and in large quantities by babies. Moms should know how to choose the right cinnamon so that homemade treats do no harm to anyone.

Differences in the types of spices are no less significant if you want to make a tincture, rubbing, or just drink a cup of hot milk with spices at night for a cold.

Real and not real spice

How to understand the difference between cinnamon and cassia when buying? Probably, often each of us bought spice powder in the store. Manufacturers do not always indicate what the raw materials were, so take the spice in the form of tubes in specialized stores.

  • The structure of real Ceylon cinnamon sticks is multi-layered, it resembles a roll of paper towels in miniature, in a soft brown hue.
  • Real cinnamon breaks and crumbles like shortbread cookies, has a delicate aroma and taste.
  • The cassia tube looks like a ram's horn, it has few layers inside, the color is rich brown, the texture is rough, there may be growths, the walls are thick. Smell and taste with unpleasant bitterness, sharp.
  • The price of real cinnamon is three to four times higher than that of cassia.
  • In general, Ceylon cinnamon has a more natural look, smell and taste, while cassia has these parameters reminiscent of artificial ones.

If you don’t have to choose, the product is already on your shelf, and you want to determine the quality of the spice in powder, then a medical assistant will help you with wounds and suppuration. Dissolve a little powder in water and drop ordinary iodine there. The solution turned blue or black - in front of you is cassia. Color brown - natural spice. Another way is to brew the powder with boiling water. A quality product will not cloud the water too much, but cassia will make the water very cloudy, because the starch content in it is higher than in natural cinnamon.

Is cassia useful

Cassia is mostly scolded, and objectively, in large doses and regular use, it has more harmful than positive effects on the body. However, some peoples use the “fake” cinnamon to treat a variety of ailments. For example, in Chinese folk medicine, it is used to treat malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract with a tendency to constipation, glaucoma, swelling, and headaches. Cassia improves blood flow and disinfects, so it is brewed and washed with infusion of wounds, eyes with conjunctivitis, skin with eczema and acne.

Cinnamon and cassia are similar in composition, action, and appearance, but it is much preferable if you are using the spice as a medicine or adding it to your meals often, to buy only the real kind. This is a more expensive, but high-quality and useful option for you and your loved ones.

The article discusses cinnamon. You will learn how cinnamon grows and where to buy the fragrant spice. We will tell you how to take the spice to treat colds, lower blood sugar levels, and normalize blood pressure. Following our advice, you will learn how to prepare skin and hair masks based on it at home.

Ceylon cinnamon is an evergreen tree of the Laurel family (lat. Lauraceae). The Latin name is Cinnamomum verum. Cinnamon, or cinnamon, is the dried part of the bark used as a seasoning.

Ceylon cinnamon, as this tree is also called, grows in Western India and on the island of Sri Lanka. The plant prefers humid tropical and subtropical climates.

For the production of this spice, only the inner layer of the bark of young shoots is used. They are dried in the sun, then rolled into tubes. The spice has a characteristic smell.

How to distinguish cinnamon from cassia

This spice is often confused with cassia. This tree is cultivated in Indonesia, China and Vietnam. A spice similar to cinnamon is obtained from the bark of seven-year-old trees. For its production, the whole bark is used, so the tubes at the exit are thicker.

The light one on the left is cinnamon, the dark one on the right is cassia.

This spice has a delicate aroma, sweetish, slightly burning taste. The thickness of the dried bark is 1-2 mm. The spice has a rich composition, which provides a high therapeutic effect.

Cassia is less fragrant, has a sharper taste. The wall thickness of the tube is from 3 to 10 mm. A characteristic feature of the Chinese spice is graininess at the break and a reddish-brown color, which is why it is called red cinnamon. When infused, the real spice does not form mucus.

How to distinguish a fake

Distinctive features of this spice:

  • appearance - sticks of this spice are tightly twisted, they look like papyrus;
  • structure - spicy sticks are thin, fragile, unlike cassia;
  • color - the real spice has a light brown color, cassia is darker, to reddish brown;
  • price - Ceylon spice is much more expensive than a fake;
  • marking - for natural cinnamon: Cinnamomum zeylonicum, for cassia: Cinnamomum aromaticum.

Useful properties and contraindications of spices

The benefits of spices and possible harm to health lie in its composition. It contains coumarin, which, in case of overdose, causes severe headaches, dizziness, and malfunctions of the liver. If the norm of consumption of spices is not observed, strong nervous excitement is observed. Doctors recommend consuming no more than ½ teaspoon per day.

Since ancient times, it has been used in medicine as a medicine for colds, hypertension and diabetes. It has been widely used in cooking and perfumery for its unusual pleasant aroma.

This famous spice has a characteristic aroma that uplifts the mood, has antidepressant properties. It stimulates the production of the hormone of joy, normalizes brain activity.

The spice is useful in diabetes. Its regular use reduces blood sugar levels, promotes cell renewal, and rejuvenates the body. It is more commonly used in type 2 diabetes.

The spice is used for hypertension. It normalizes blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels. Cinnamon helps to recover from a stroke, eliminates trembling in the limbs.

The spice is good for the gastrointestinal tract. It normalizes digestion, improves appetite, removes bad cholesterol.

Recipes with spices are used for weight loss. It improves metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, breaks down fat, preventing its deposition.

Cinnamon with honey effectively helps with colds, flu, SARS. The tool has an antibacterial effect, eliminates the symptoms of the disease, but it is not recommended for use at high body temperature.

Who benefits from the spice

The benefits of spices are of equal importance for men and women. The pleasant aroma is used as an aphrodisiac. It enhances attraction, uplifting, energizing.

Despite the large number of useful properties, the spice has a number of restrictions for use. The spice is not safe for women in early pregnancy. It causes uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage.

The spice is useful for school-age children. It helps to increase concentration and brain activity. With regular use of spices, memory improves and fatigue decreases.

It is also beneficial for older people to include the spice in their diet. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, cleanses blood vessels, strengthens them and cleanses the blood of bad cholesterol and high glucose levels. Spice is used to prevent thrombosis, heart attacks and strokes.

For more information about the beneficial properties of spices, see the following video:

Contraindications to the use of spices:

  • high body temperature;
  • low blood clotting;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • individual intolerance.

How to take cinnamon

As we have already said, it is necessary to monitor the rate of consumption of spices. For example, for a preschooler, 4 cinnamon cookies can provoke side effects in the form of dizziness and abdominal pain. For a school-age child, this dose is 6 pieces, and for an adult - 8.

For diabetes

The spice is especially useful in type 2 diabetes, when additional insulin is not needed. According to research by American scientists, spice reduces blood sugar levels by 25-30%. There are no special instructions for the use of spices. It is necessary not to exceed the daily allowance. Fragrant powder is added to main dishes, sauces, desserts. Often it is combined with coffee, tea and other drinks.

From pressure

The spice is used to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It lowers blood pressure and strengthens blood vessels. The spice is consumed by combining with kefir, tea, honey and in its pure form, brewing it with water. Drinks are drunk 2-3 times a day, taking into account the daily intake of spices. Treatment course - up to 2 weeks.

From a cold

With colds, a combination of spices with honey helps.


  1. Honey - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Cinnamon - ½ teaspoon.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Take the resulting mixture on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon.

Result: The tool relieves sore throat, has an antimicrobial effect, strengthens the immune system. The recipe is used for sore throat, bronchitis, SARS.

Cinnamon for weight loss

The spice is used for weight loss. With its help, low-calorie dishes and drinks are prepared that improve metabolism, break down fat, and provide satiety for a long time.

The spice is used externally. Cinnamon oil is added to anti-cellulite creams, baths, body wraps.

Kefir with cinnamon for weight loss

Spice with kefir is an effective means for losing weight without starvation. This cocktail improves metabolism, prevents the deposition of fat, dulls the feeling of hunger.

A nutritious drink can partially replace the main meal. Reviews of dietitians say that people who replaced dinner with a drink or consumed it an hour after eating lose weight most effectively.


  1. Cinnamon powder - 1 teaspoon.
  2. Kefir - 250 ml.
  3. Ground ginger - ⅓ teaspoon
  4. Red pepper - on the tip of a knife.

How to cook: Beat kefir with a blender, add dry ingredients, mix until smooth.

How to use: Drink 1 glass of shake 20-30 minutes before meals. Food portions should be reduced. The recipe is not suitable for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Result: The drink leaves a feeling of satiety for a long time, promotes weight loss. The first results are noticeable after a week of use. For a month, she loses 4 kg of excess weight.

Cinnamon with honey for weight loss

Cinnamon infusion with honey


  1. Cinnamon - 3 gr.
  2. Lemon - ½ pc.
  3. Ginger - 10 gr.
  4. Honey - 15 ml.
  5. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Cool boiled water to 50 degrees, add ginger and cinnamon, mix. Cover with a lid, warm with a towel, let it brew for half an hour. Squeeze out the lemon juice, mix with honey, add to the infusion.

How to use: Take on an empty stomach ½ cup.

Result: Reviews of those who have lost weight say that the infusion retains a feeling of satiety for a long time. The first results are noticeable after a week of application.

Water with cinnamon and honey

To prepare a drink with cinnamon and honey, water is used, with a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. Under the action of a higher temperature, the beekeeping product loses its beneficial properties. Reviews of losing weight say that the drink helps to get rid of extra pounds in a short time.


  1. Water - 250 ml.
  2. Cinnamon - 7 gr.
  3. Honey - 20 gr.

How to cook: Boil water, cool a little, add spice. Cover with a lid, leave for at least 30 minutes. Put honey in a warm liquid, stir.

How to use: Take ½ cup 2 times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, half an hour before bedtime. The course of admission is from 2 to 8 weeks.

Result: The drink normalizes digestion, removes toxins from the body, and prevents the deposition of fat.

Cinnamon for the face

Cinnamon is often used in cosmetology - added to face masks. The spice stimulates blood circulation, improves cell nutrition, and saturates them with vitamins. After the procedure, the skin may slightly redden. The reaction is fast.

The spice rejuvenates, tightens, cleanses the skin of the face. The rich composition improves the general condition of the epidermis, making it more elastic and radiant. The spice has an antibacterial effect, so masks based on it are used for problem skin.

Acne mask


  1. Lemon juice - 5 ml.
  2. Honey - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Cinnamon - 10 gr.

How to cook: Pound honey with cinnamon until smooth, add lemon juice, mix.

How to use: Apply the mask on previously cleansed face for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, wash with warm water. The tool can be used every 2-3 days.

Result: The mask effectively eliminates pimples, acne, acne. Disinfects the skin, making it soft and supple.

Body Cinnamon

Cinnamon is useful not only for the skin of the face, but also for the body. It disinfects, heals, nourishes, moisturizes, tightens the epidermis. The spice is added to masks, scrubs and mixtures for cellulite wraps.

Scrub with cinnamon


  1. Milk - 4 tablespoons.
  2. Oatmeal - 3 tablespoons.
  3. Cinnamon - 5 gr.
  4. Almond oil - 5 ml.

How to cook: Pour hot milk over oatmeal, cover, leave for 7-10 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir.

How to use: Apply the scrub to the skin with massage movements, spread evenly over the body. Pay special attention to problem areas.

Result: Scrub eliminates fat deposits, enhances blood circulation, cleanses the skin of dead cells.

Cinnamon for hair

The spice is used not only for the skin, but also for the hair. It is added to ready-made cosmetics or homemade masks for curls. The spice strengthens and restores the hair structure, prevents hair loss.

Cinnamon hair masks

Thanks to its rich composition, cinnamon-based masks are suitable for all types of hair. The spice is combined with aloe to reduce the oiliness of the scalp. A mixture of spices with vegetable oils is suitable for dry type.

Hair Growth Mask


  1. Bulb - 1 pc.
  2. Garlic - 4 cloves.
  3. Honey - 15 ml.
  4. Cinnamon - 10 gr.

How to cook: Rub the onion with garlic on a grater or use a blender, combine with the rest of the ingredients, mix.

How to use: Apply the mask to the hair roots, warm with a towel and keep for half an hour. After the procedure, wash your hair twice with shampoo.

Result: The mask enhances blood circulation of the scalp, stimulates hair growth.

Revitalizing mask


  1. Cinnamon - 3 tablespoons.
  2. Macadamia oil - 5 ml.
  3. Coconut oil - 5 ml.
  4. Honey - 3 tablespoons.

How to cook: Melt coconut oil, add honey, spice, macadamia oil, mix.

How to use: Apply the mask to dry hair, cover with a film, insulate with a towel. After half an hour, wash off the mixture with warm water and shampoo.

Result: The mask moisturizes and smoothes the hair, gives it shine.

Lightening hair with cinnamon

The spice is used to lighten curls, for this purpose it is added to shampoos, conditioners and masks. Means are distributed along the entire length, avoiding the scalp and basal region. Regular use of the spice makes hair 1-2 tones lighter. Below are reviews of its use for lightening hair.

Elena, 25 years old

I have had dark hair all my life. I wanted to change the image, but I didn’t want to resort to store paints. I read on the Internet that cinnamon and honey lighten curls. Every 2-3 days I made masks based on it. The result was not long in coming! The photo shows my hair before and after the procedure of lightening with cinnamon.

Maria, 39 years old

With age, the hair color began to fade, a friend advised me to make a mask based on cinnamon. After its application, the curls became more elastic, acquired a healthy shine, became lighter by a couple of tones.

Can pregnant women take cinnamon

The spice is useful for the body of the expectant mother, if there are no pathologies during pregnancy. The spice improves immunity, has an antiseptic effect and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Despite this, it should not be consumed in the early stages, as the spice can provoke uterine contractions.

During breastfeeding, cinnamon should be consumed 4 months after childbirth. It is necessary to introduce spice into the diet with HB very carefully so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the baby.

Where to buy cinnamon

Real Ceylon spice is available at the grocery store and most supermarkets. The spice can be ordered in the online store. The packaging of natural cinnamon should be labeled Cinnamomum zeylonicum and the country of origin is Sri Lanka.

Price 100 gr. Ceylon spice in sticks is about 600 rubles. Ground spice costs 1000 rubles for the same weight.

You can buy essential cinnamon oil in most pharmacies. The cost of 10 ml of the product is 100 rubles.

What to remember

  1. Cinnamon is widely used in folk medicine, cooking and perfumery.
  2. The spice strengthens the immune system, lowers blood sugar, removes cholesterol, toxins and toxins.
  3. The spice is used for skin and hair care.

Cinnamon known to mankind for a huge amount of time, since biblical times. The main suppliers of spices are India and Sri Lanka. Two types of cinnamon are very popular: Cassia (Chinese) and Ceylon. The first option is fake cinnamon, which is the bark of a related tree. The second option is high-quality sweet-tasting cinnamon.

Cinnamon is obtained in this way: first, the bark is removed from the tree only during the rainy season. Then it is crushed and get cinnamon sticks.

How to choose and store?

If you choose cinnamon sticks, then give preference to options no more than 7 mm thick and about 10 cm long. Their surface should be rough. High-quality cinnamon has an excellent dressing, that is, it should not have spots, cracks and other damage (see photo). The edges of the cinnamon sticks should be evenly cut and curled. Ceylon cinnamon is more pale brown in color and has a powerful aroma. The distinguishing features of this variety include its fragility, since it is extracted from the inner layer of the bark. Cassia cinnamon has a darker color with a red tint. Its smell has a pronounced bitter note. This spice has thicker sticks that are very poorly crushed.

If you buy cinnamon in a package, be sure to look at the name of the plant or the country of origin. Remember that Ceylon comes to us only from India and Sri Lanka. Also pay attention to the price, high-quality cinnamon is much more expensive than its counterpart.

Keep in mind that cinnamon, like other spices, loses its flavor and aroma over time. Put the sticks in an airtight container, which is sent to a cool place away from direct sunlight. In this case, cinnamon will remain fresh for 5 years. Ground spice will keep fresh for 3 years.

Beneficial features

The benefits of cinnamon have been proven through experiments. Scientists have proven that the spice has the ability to normalize blood sugar levels, which is important for people with diabetes. Do not forget about the allowable measure, for diabetics it is 1 teaspoon per day. Cinnamon contains calcium and dietary fiber, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, which helps reduce the risk of developing heart problems.

Doctors recommend using cinnamon for women, as it reduces pain during menstruation. It has been proven that dishes containing spices are digested in the stomach much faster and easier. It is recommended to include cinnamon in your diet for people with flatulence, as it eliminates excess gases.

The spice is an excellent prevention for getting rid of headaches and migraines. It improves blood circulation, which increases the supply of oxygen to the cells. Use of cinnamon for cooking is recommended for people who are prone to problems with the urinary system.

It has been experimentally proven that the spice has the ability to stimulate brain activity. Cinnamon helps to normalize blood cholesterol levels, which in turn reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis. The spice also cleanses the liver and gallbladder.

Use in cosmetology

Not many people know that the beneficial properties of cinnamon can be used for cosmetic purposes. Remember that spices must be used in cosmetics strictly according to the prescription, as exaggeration of the norm can lead to serious problems. Cinnamon has the ability to improve complexion as well as blood circulation and cell turnover. These properties of spices determine its use as a rejuvenating agent. Cinnamon is a component of masks that help to cope with flabbiness and lethargy of the skin. The spice has a regenerating effect, so it can be used to remove scars and spots that remain after acne and blackheads. With the spice, you can prepare a cleansing tonic, a tightening mask, etc. Watch your feelings, if you feel burning or other discomfort, immediately wash off the cosmetics and do not use it again.

Use cinnamon in cosmetics for hair care. Due to the fact that the spice increases the blood circulation of the scalp, the hair becomes strong and grows better. It is also worth noting that cinnamon is an effective remedy in the fight against cellulite. Use the spice for body wraps and massages.

Cinnamon benefits and treatment

Cinnamon is used in a variety of recipes that will help to cope with various problems. The spice helps to get rid of the symptoms of a cold, or rather a cough. The spice has antibacterial and antiviral effects. Cinnamon can be used to treat not only internal but also external infections.

The spice has the ability to get rid of bad breath, as it has an antibacterial property. To maintain fresh breath throughout the day, it is recommended to rinse your mouth daily with a solution of honey and cinnamon.

The spice helps to cope with cough, as it acts as an expectorant. Cinnamon acts as an anesthetic, with its help you can cope with antispasmodic, toothache and other pain. Cinnamon extract has the ability to kill or reduce the growth of the development of a large number of bacteria.

Use in cooking

Cinnamon is a popular spice that is used in recipes for a variety of dishes. It goes well with apples, pears and chocolate. Many people like to add spice to coffee. Cinnamon is an excellent flavoring for various drinks, marinades, sauces, pastries and desserts. The spice is used to improve the taste of fruit salads, curd products, etc. Many people like to add cinnamon to milk soups, pancakes and pancakes. Also spice can diversify the taste of meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

Harm of cinnamon and contraindications

Harm cinnamon can bring in the presence of individual intolerance to the product. It is not recommended to abuse the spice, as it will irritate the gastric mucosa. Refusing cinnamon or reducing its consumption to a minimum is for people with ulcers, as well as with increased intestinal sensitivity. It is worth controlling the amount of cinnamon consumed in the presence of heart problems and increased blood pressure.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid spice from the diet, as it provokes uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage. Cinnamon contains toxic coumarin, which in large quantities is bad for the liver and kidneys. It is not recommended to use spice in the treatment of drugs.
