
Korean sesame sauce with what to eat. The fabulous power of sesame sauce

Preparation time 5-7 minutes

Cooking time 3 minutes

Sesame sauce has long been a favorite in our family. However, it is not only very pleasant to the taste, but also quite an expensive product. Therefore, I bring to your attention a recipe that, for sure, will become a lifesaver and save your budget for some goodies for your beloved)))

So, we need:

5-6 tablespoons of mayonnaise (I take from Maxim)

1 tablespoon rice vinegar

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2-3 teaspoons of sugar (I take brown, but white is also fine).

A pinch of Dashida (Korean beef seasoning)

2-3 teaspoons of sesame oil

2 tablespoons of sesame seeds (fry them a little and mash them in a mortar not to flour. To crush the seeds).

Well, everything is ready. Now put everything in a bowl.

It remains to mix with a whisk or fork, but in no case with a mixer!

We send it to the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

Transfer everything to a storage jar.

You do not have to prepare a complex dish - just serve this sauce to the table. It goes well with foods such as rice, fish, seaweed, vegetables.

Bon appetit!

And a bonus salad with sauce, lettuce, bell pepper, green apple, crab and pine nuts)))

Perhaps, not a single traditional Japanese dish today is complete without a universal seasoning - sesame sauce. It has a mild taste and great aroma, goes well with rice, seafood, seaweed. Its nutritional value was appreciated by adherents of a healthy diet - sesame seeds contain a high content of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, essential vitamins and microelements. Sesame-nut sauce is often used in dietetics, in the diet of diabetics. However, those who want to diversify the traditional menu and the taste of familiar dishes are happy to use exotic seasoning.

The traditional ingredients of sesame sauce are Indian oil plant seeds, granulated sugar, corn, beans, eggs, wheat and shiitake mushrooms. Garlic is sometimes added to add spice to the sauce, and sugar is sometimes replaced with "sweet herb" stevia.

In the middle of the last century, in connection with the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japanese scientists began to seriously study the beneficial properties of this plant. It turned out that it has a beneficial effect on the healing of the body. It is thanks to the consumption of stevia in Japan that there are so many centenarians and people with a taut, slender figure.

Thus, if you want to be young and beautiful, include sesame sauce in your diet. Its warm, sour-nutty flavor can bring out the true taste of any dish. Traditional oriental seasoning goes well with European cuisine, pork, beef, vegetables. And one more important advantage - the sauce retains its nutritional properties for a long time, which means that it can be prepared for the future.

Sesame sauce: a recipe for a "long-playing" seasoning

The sauce is quickly prepared (10 minutes) from available products and, at the same time, has an original and refined taste. So, to prepare seasoning for four people, you will need:

  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt and ground pepper;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 2 tbsp. l. water;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 1 tsp sesame and lemon juice.

Cooking technology:

  1. Finely grind sesame seeds in a coffee grinder;
  2. Chop the garlic in a garlic pot, dilute with lemon juice. Add ground sesame seeds, boiled water. The less water, the thicker the sauce will be.
  3. Finely chop the dill, add to the resulting mass.
  4. At the very end, salt and pepper to taste.

Life hack for housewives!

Seasoning gives a wide scope for experimentation. For example, you can give it more spiciness if you add red pepper or garlic, but soy sauce will “give” the seasoning a spicy oriental flavor.

As it turned out, sesame sauce can be prepared in just ten minutes, but it will delight you for a long time. It is estimated that a liter bottle of sauce is consumed on average three months. It depends on the frequency of use and taste preferences.

What happens when you combine soy sauce and sesame oil?

Naturally, the Chinese version of the famous sauce. To prepare it, you need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l. sesame oil and paste;
  • soy sauce (2 tablespoons);
  • peanut;
  • garlic (3 cloves);
  • granulated sugar (1 tsp);
  • a quarter glass of water;
  • bunch of greens.

Cooking technology:

  1. Grind peanuts with a blender. Finely chop the greens with garlic.
  2. Mix the ingredients with sesame oil and paste, add granulated sugar, grind the mixture.
  3. Add boiled water.

Sesame oil sauce is especially good in combination with fried meat and stewed vegetables.

Soy-sesame sauce with clams: a unique taste of the exotic

Do you want to surprise your loved ones and friends with an unusual dish of Asian cuisine? Try making clam sauce. For this you will need:

  • 1 kg of bivalves;
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt;
  • feathery onion;
  • 1 st. l. ground ginger;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sesame oil;
  • 1 tsp sherry (semi-dry);
  • 4 tbsp. l. classic soy sauce.

Cooking technology:

  1. Boil clams in salted boiled water. After the shells open, you need to drain the water and separate the valves.
  2. For sauce: mix sesame oil, ginger, finely chopped onion with soy sauce. Lemon juice and rice vinegar can be added if desired.
  3. Pour in the sherry, stir. Fill each sink with the mixture. An exquisite dish - tasty, healthy and easy to prepare.

What salad to cook with sesame sauce?

For gourmets. Fans of oriental cuisine will surely appreciate the author's recipe for making a salad based on chicken breast, celery and peanuts from the chef. Despite the fact that it is very satisfying, it can also be served as a cold snack.

For cooking, you need to take 250 g of chicken breast, 150 g of celery, 10 g of cilantro and carrots, 30 g of sesame paste and oil, 50 g of soy sauce, 7 g of sesame seeds, 12 g of peanuts.

Cooking technology:

  1. Peel celery, hold in boiling water, cool. Cut the ingredients into strips, grind the peanuts.
  2. Boiled breast - cut.
  3. Mix poultry with vegetables.
  4. Prepare the sauce from a mixture of sesame paste, oil and soy sauce. Do not forget to salt, add granulated sugar to taste.
  5. Greens and sesame seeds to use as a decoration.

For a beautiful figure.

Fitness lovers know for sure: it’s not at all necessary to go on a variety of diets, it’s important to just include more greens and sesame sauce in your diet, and you can also learn vitamin green salad.

This will require spinach and sorrel, which are usually mixed with cilantro, dill, parsley, watercress and other favorite herbs. You can add some finely chopped cucumber. Usually, the greens are not cut, but torn by hand, mixed and poured over with sesame sauce.

Layhack for housewives!

For a green salad, you can make a sauce with both white sesame and gray. Before grinding, soak the seeds for 1.5-2 hours. The seasoning will turn out white, like sour cream, or with a grayish tint, but this will not affect the taste.

Sesame sauce: what is oriental seasoning eaten with?

Sesame sauce is universal, goes well with almost all dishes, and its various variations can surprise even the most demanding gourmets. So, supplemented with nuts, cream and cheese, it will perfectly emphasize the taste of spaghetti. In the "company" with avocado - goes well with vegetable salads, fish, sandwiches. The sauce with the addition of pomegranate seeds and walnuts will set off the taste of stewed chicken.

Sesame sauce with the addition of tomato and garlic will perfectly reveal the taste of white fish. This sauce is considered dietary, it takes 7 minutes to prepare, and it is stored for a week!

Sesame sauce for sushi and rolls

Sesame sauce is also good for sushi, which gives integrity to all components of the Japanese dish. For cooking, you will need vinegar (3 tablespoons), soy sauce (2 tablespoons), sesame seeds (2 tablespoons), sweet rice wine - mirin (1 tablespoon).

Cooking technology:

  1. Roast the sesame seeds until golden brown.
  2. Mix the rest of the ingredients with soy sauce, add sesame seeds.
  3. Serve with sushi and rolls.

Life hacks for housewives!

Sesame sauce is called the spice of youth and beauty. For men, it helps to "build up" muscle mass, for women - to maintain overall tone. Thanks to vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties, you will look young and attractive!

When shopping for sesame seeds, be sure to try the seeds. Over time, they become rancid and of poor quality.

The sauce can be made from pomace and milk, which are obtained from sesame seeds.

Seasoning based on sesame is served at the table for crudite - raw or lightly boiled vegetables, cut into neat pieces.

Sesame sauce can be used to make any other seasoning, so try different variations and share them with your family and friends.

In the tales of a thousand and one nights » Ali Baba entered the treasure cave with the help of a spell: « Sesame, open up! » . « Sesame » - This is sesame, and it is considered a product of longevity, especially when it is mashed to a paste. Unfortunately, most often it is used only for decorating buns or in salads, while sesame sauce has all the same properties as whole grains. And on its basis, pastes are prepared, used instead of butter for sandwiches. It is good as a seasoning for meat, fish and legumes. In a word, with such a sauce, cooking something will be much easier and the result will be better. Most often, we make a sauce with white sesame seeds, although there are other options in Japan.

Beneficial features

This plant has many interesting properties. After all, sesame itself is rich in vitamin E, it contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the Omega complex, vitamins B, C, A, a lot of trace elements and much more.

It is necessary for men to improve the functioning of sexual function, for women it helps to regulate hormonal levels, it is useful during pregnancy. Sesame helps to normalize metabolism. And besides, it's just delicious.

How to cook

The sauce is good because it does not need to be cooked, and many recipes will appeal to vegetarians and those who prefer a raw food diet.

First of all, you need to grind the sesame itself. This can be done in a blender or in a coffee grinder - you should get an almost homogeneous mixture. There are a lot of essential oils in sesame - the mixture will come out mushy. Sesame flour is sometimes found on sale, it is also suitable for cooking.

The sesame sauce recipe allows the seeds to be lightly toasted before they are crushed. This is done in a not very hot frying pan without adding fat, it should be fried for 3-4 minutes.

There are several recipes for making a base sauce, to which, if desired, other ingredients are added, for example, lightly crushed walnuts.

The sauce can be prepared from sesame paste, which was made in advance. To do this, ground sesame seeds are simply mixed with a small amount of water to make a homogeneous mass. Pasta can be refrigerated for up to two weeks. It can also be used in place of butter.

Recipe 1

You will need:

  • 100 g kefir
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 100 g mayonnaise
  • lemon juice (to taste)
  • salt (to taste)
  • 1 st. sesame
  • garlic clove


  1. In a blender, beat kefir, sour cream and mayonnaise
  2. Grind sesame seeds, add it to the resulting mass and beat again
  3. Crush the garlic into the sauce, add lemon juice, salt
  4. Mix again and pour into a saucepan.

If desired, finely chopped greens can be added to this sauce.

The sauce will keep in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

It is used as a seasoning for meat, fish, legumes, it is great as a dressing for salads. With such « sesame » even the most everyday and boring salad will become a festive dressing; it can be served with pancakes.

The sauce is very high-calorie - 530 kcal per 100 grams, 55 grams of fat, 3 grams of protein and 10 grams of carbohydrates.

Calorie content can be significantly reduced if you use only kefir, without adding mayonnaise and sour cream, but this sauce will turn out to be less tasty.

Recipe 2

Ingredients for 10 servings:

  • Sunflower oil - 150 ml
  • Sesame - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 2 tsp
  • Water - 70 ml
  • Salt (to taste) - 2 g


  1. Blend all ingredients except sesame seeds in a blender.
  2. Grind sesame seeds until flour is obtained
  3. Add the sesame seeds to the butter and beat well again until the sauce begins to thicken.

This recipe allows for the use of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice instead of balsamic vinegar.

Instead of sunflower, you can take olive oil.

Sesame sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks, it can be dressed with salads, it is great for sushi.

Nutritional value per 100 grams

  • Calories: 552.2 kcal
  • Proteins: 9.6 g
  • Fat: 52.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 7.6 g

Cook with sesame seeds, let everything be tasty for you.

Bon appetit!

In contact with

tahini is a thick paste made from ground sesame seeds, it is added to many dishes, for example, falafel or fried meat, in addition, it serves as the basis of many sauces.

Tahini is well known in the cuisine of Israel (where it is called "tkhina"), Greece and Cyprus - Cypriot tahini patties "tahino pita" are especially popular during Lent.

1 tablespoon contains 85 calories, 7.2 g of fat, 3.2 g of carbohydrates, 2.6 g of protein. It is an excellent source of healthy fatty acids: per serving you have 60.1 mg omega-3 and 3.4 mg omega-6.

Your body can't make these vital nutrients, so make sure you include them in your diet to promote heart and brain health.

There is also a small amount of calcium, iron, copper and phosphorus - minerals that provide strength to bones and teeth, cleanse the kidneys (especially if you take antacids and diuretics), strengthen blood vessels, promote the production of red blood cells, give energy, prevent anemia.

Another important component of tahini is thiamine or vitamin B1.. Each serving contains 16 % daily intake of this nutrient. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, muscles and digestion. Thiamine deficiency can cause complications of heart and gastrointestinal diseases.

Tahini is not eaten by itself, it is added to various dishes. Often olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, ground cumin seeds, red pepper, parsley are added to tahini and used as a gravy or simply served with pita or bread. Tahini can also be mixed in equal proportions with any thick jam, spread on bread or crackers.

Sesame sauce for chicken


soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons

sugar - 1 teaspoon

green onion - 1 tbsp. spoon

vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon

red pepper - 0.33 tsp

Tahini paste - 2 tbsp. spoons

In a separate bowl, mix all the ingredients, reserving a little green onion for decoration. Pour the resulting sauce over the chicken, garnish with green onions, sprinkle with white sesame seeds and serve.

Fish in sesame sauce

Ingredients for 6 servings:

perca or tsipura-1 pc

salt - 3 teaspoons

olive oil - 1 cup

finely chopped onion - 3 pieces

sweet pepper finely chopped - 1 pc.

chopped walnut - 100 g

parsley finely chopped - 3 tbsp. spoons

pomegranate seeds - 3 tbsp. spoons

black pepper - twice on the tip of a knife

garlic - 3 cloves

Tahini paste - 100 g

lemon juice - 0.5 cup

Grate the fish outside and inside 2 tsp. salt. Pour 0.2 cups of olive oil into a refractory mold, put fish in it, pour 0.2 cups of oil and let stand for 15 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Lightly brown the onion in the rest of the oil, add sweet peppers and walnuts and fry everything for 5 minutes. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of parsley and 2 tbsp. l. pomegranate seeds, salt and pepper. Stuff the fish with this mixture and close the abdominal incision. Bake in the oven for 40 - 50 minutes. For the sauce, grind the garlic and mix it with tahini paste, 0.5 cups of water, lemon juice and salt. Sprinkle the fish with parsley and pomegranate seeds or grapes.

Eggplant in tahini sauce


eggplant - 2 pcs.

lemon juice (optional) - from 2 lemons.

Tahini paste - 1/4 cup

garlic - 3 cloves

white balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.

parsley - 2 tbsp. l.

Grill eggplant until tender, 15 minutes, turning constantly. After that, while the eggplant has not cooled down, remove the skin. Using a blender, puree the eggplant pulp, then add the Tahini paste, lemon juice, vinegar and garlic to it. Serve with olive oil, parsley and red pepper.

Cookies with Tahini Paste


Tahini paste - 1 cup

sugar - 1 cup

flour - 2 2/3 cups

baking powder - 1 pack

butter or margarine - 200 g

Soften the butter, rub the butter and sugar with a spoon, add the rest of the products and knead the dough. The dough is similar to plasticine. Make balls the size of a walnut from the dough, put them on a baking sheet covered with paper, without pressing down. Bake at 160 C for about 20 minutes, cookies should be beige. During the baking process, the cookies spread a little and crack. After baking, carefully transfer the cookies - at first they are very fragile.
