
Abstract of a drawing lesson for senior and preparatory groups: “Vegetable soup. Drawing on the theme "Favorite vegetable"

Summary of drawing classes for the preparatory group
Theme: "Spring motives"
Purpose: Using the emotional experience of children in the classroom for fine arts. Receptions of non-traditional techniques in drawing.
Tasks: To form in children a warm, reverent attitude to inanimate images of nature, the ability to feel its beauty and perfection. To convey in the drawing a joyful mood associated with the arrival of spring. Learn to blend colors.
Material: album sheets, cotton swabs, watercolor, brushes No. 3, No. 1.
Preliminary work: children's observation of the phenomena of spring nature on walks. Reading poems about spring, looking at illustrations, paintings, postcards.
Lesson progress
1. - Have you noticed, children, what has changed in our office?
- The sun is bright in the morning. It is warm and affectionate. And what is your mood? (joyful, cheerful)
- And why? (spring has come). Children go to the window and observe what color the sky is, what the horizon has become, the snow is darkening in the distance.
- Because there were thawed patches.
- What are thawed patches?
- The snow melts in some places and black spots appear.
- Let's remember how you went to kindergarten in the morning, what you saw or heard something special.
- The sun shines, it warms, puddles appear on the sunny side.
- The trees are budding.
- Birds are chirping (which ones). - Have you noticed what the air has become? It is special, spring, fresh.
- Nature comes to life after the winter cold.
Reading the poem "Spring" by I. Tokmakova.
Spring is coming to us with quick steps,
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
Black thawed patches are visible on the margins.
That's right, spring has very warm feet.
2. Invite the children to draw a picture about spring.
- How can you depict spring in an interesting way?
Execution display:
Moisten the sheet with a cotton swab, then add blue paint to the upper part (the color should blur in spots). We draw the lower part with red paint (the sun rises). Immediately on a damp background we draw branches of a bush. It turns out a blurry image in the picture.
- Early morning, foggy, the air seems to sway warmed by the sun's rays.
Draw the kidneys (white paint) stick with the index finger (smear) .3. Children work on their sheets. Make sure that the children draw a smooth transition of colors.
4. Analysis: children look at their drawings, talk about their impressions. They choose the most successful works than they liked.

Attached files

Target: Arouse interest in children, an emotional response to the proposed topic, a desire to portray vegetables.

Tasks: Continue the formation of skills in depicting oval shapes, conveying their differences from round ones, evenly positioning several objects on a sheet of paper.

Material: Gouache paints, brushes of 2 sizes, jars of water, a palette for mixing paints, an album sheet (A3, A4, models of vegetables to clarify ideas about them, a tray (dish, pan, basket.





The teacher conducts finger gymnastics to attract the attention of children.

Want? Also do this:

That is a palm, and that is a fist.

Children put their hands on the table; press their palms to the table; simultaneously compress two cams; unclench their fingers and press them to the table.

The teacher dresses up as a hostess and reads a poem:

The hostess once came from the market,

The hostess from the market, brought home.

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots,

The teacher takes out one vegetable from the basket and asks the children to help her list the vegetables (all the vegetables are on the tray).

The hostess, meanwhile, took a knife

And with this knife she began to crumble.

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots,

Peas, parsley and beets. Oh!

The teacher takes one vegetable from the tray, and the children list the vegetables in chorus (now the vegetables are on the table).

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth

Potato? Cabbage? Carrot?

Peas? Parsley? Is it beetroot? Oh!

The teacher takes one vegetable from the table and puts it in the pan, and the children list the vegetables in chorus.

caregiver - What do you think, which of these vegetables is more important?(listens to the children's answers).

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pan,

Boiled, boiled in boiling water

Potato, cabbage, carrot,

Peas, parsley, or beets. Oh!

Why is soup called vegetable soup?

Children- Because it was made from vegetables.

Educator- Well, then it turns out that the vegetables argued in vain. Or not?

Children - Yes, in vain (listens to children's answers).

Educator- Would the hostess be able to cook vegetable soup if she did not have these vegetables?

Children: No, I couldn't.

Educator- Of course she couldn't. Then it turns out that the vegetables argued in vain and each of them is the best, tasty and necessary.

Let's plant, grow and pickle our vegetable.

Children - let's go!

Fitness minute:

Planted cabbage in the spring

They dug the hole together

They threw a seed at her

And covered with earth.

Watered for a long time in summer

In the fall they harvested their crops.

Children repeat the movements after the teacher.

- What good fellows we are, look how much cabbage we have collected. And now, so that it does not deteriorate, you need to chop it and pickle it. Everyone prepared their hands.

We chop cabbage, chop.

We are mashing cabbage, mashing.

We salt cabbage, salt.

We three cabbage, three.

– Something we slowly did everything! Look how much cabbage is left! Let's try again and chop the cabbage even faster.(repeat one more time).

Well done, they did a good job and salted all the cabbage. Now you can sit quietly and relax(children sit in their seats).

Educator- Guys I have a suggestion. Do you want us to cook vegetable soup too?

Children - Yes, we do!

Educator- We have a saucepan, we poured water(shows a pot of water drawn in chalk on the blackboard). But what are we missing?

Children - Vegetables.

Educator- Right vegetables. Let's remember what vegetables we know(listens to children's answers).

Well done! You named a lot of vegetables. But are all the vegetables you listed needed for our vegetable soup?(listens to children's answers).

There are round empty plates on your table. You must draw on them those vegetables that will be needed for our soup. The children of the older group draw any one vegetable on a small plate. And the guys in the preparatory group draw any three vegetables on a large plate. When your vegetables are ready, we will put them in this pot and cook a delicious vegetable soup.

Let's get to work.(Children open the paint, take brushes and start drawing vegetables).

At the end of the lesson, all the drawings are put up on the board, examined, those in which the shape and color of vegetables are most colorfully conveyed are highlighted. All children should be commended for a job well done.

Educator- look guys, how many vegetables we cooked in this soup!


Lesson progress:

1 part.

I'll guess a riddle.

"Spring amuses,

It's cold in summer

Feeds in autumn

Warm in winter."(Tree)

How did you guess it was a tree? (but because it amuses, and nourishes, and warms).

Explain how a tree makes you happy in spring? (green leaves appear)

How does a tree cool in summer? (under the tree in the heat it's cool, shade)

How does the tree nourish in autumn? (fruits ripen on trees: apples, pears)

How do you understand that a tree warms in winter? (the stoves are heated with logs)

2 part.

Who knows where we will start drawing a tree? ( from the trunk)

(on the easel at the teacher - a blank landscape sheet)

Who will show and tell how to draw a trunk?

(showing the child with an explanation: we begin to draw from the crown, with the tip of the brush, because the crown is thin; and downwards the trunk thickens, we go down, gradually press the brush, and at the very bottom we press the brush with full force)

Are the branches all the same? (No, there are big ones and small ones.

Who will show you how to draw big branches?

(showing a child with an explanation: Large branches move away from the trunk, draw without pressing hard on the brush, we will draw 4 or 5 of them in total, they all look up)

You already know how to draw small branches.

(there are a lot of them, they move away from large branches, we draw only with the tip of the brush without pressing at all; the more small branches, the tree will be more spreading and more beautiful)

(show the finished tree)

Guys, today we will draw not a simple tree, but our favorite tree at different times of the year.

Let's remember how trees look at different times of the year.

How will you draw a tree in winter? (the tree is bare, there is snow on the branches, there is also snow on the ground, snow is falling quietly)

How can you draw a tree in spring? (small leaves begin to appear, there are still few of them, there are white clouds in the sky, the sun is shining, there are puddles on the ground, maybe dirt, green grass begins to appear)

What is a tree like in summer? (all green, the sun is shining, the grass is also green, flowers are growing)

How is a tree different in autumn?(the leaves are yellow, orange; the grass is dry, there are clouds in the sky, there are leaf fall)

You have 2 brushes on the tables. Thin brushes - (show me everything) that we will paint with a thin brush? ( tree)

hard brush (show me all the hard brushes)we will draw the season; draw with a dry brush, hold the brush vertically, poke quickly(show the poke on the table). With a hard brush we draw with gouache, we take a little gouache, we make the first few pokes on the draft, the excess paint will be removed there; once you see that the poke is normal, you can start decorating your tree.

(teacher show)

Physical education:

Christmas tree is elegant,

She came to visit us.

New Year's celebration

Brought to the children.

At the top of the Christmas tree("house" above the head)

Asterisk is lit

On thorny branchesstraight arms outstretched)

Tinsel glitters.

The lights are sparkling("lanterns")

The balls are hanging rotate their fists)

Flashlights are swingingwiggle their arms up left and right)

The beads are ringing. (Shake brushes)

Fun under the Christmas treealternate legs)

A round dance is dancing.

Sat down and got to work.

(finished drawing a tree, gymnastics for fingers)

Let your trees dry a little, and we will play with our fingers.

Leaf fall, leaf fall (gently swing your hands up and down)

Leaves fly in the wind.

Here is an aspen leaf flying, (fingers alternately bend, starting with the little finger)

And behind it is a rowan leaf,

The wind drives the maple leaf,

Fits an oak leaf.

The birch leaf is spinning.(thumbs twirl)

Watch out puddle! ( wag their finger)

twirled, twirled(twisting brushes)

Went straight into the puddle. (put their hands on the table)

Now prepare gouache and draw the season you like.

Guys, what kind of vegetables do you know? (children's answers) Fruits? (children's answers)

What other fruits do you know? (children's answers)

Where do fruits and vegetables grow? (children's answers)

When are vegetables planted? (children's answers)

When is the fruit harvested? (children's answers)

Who grows vegetables and fruits? (children's answers)

How are plantings taken care of? (Watering, weeding, loosening, etc.)

When the grown-ups harvest, do you guys help out? (children's answers)

Guys, a fairy-tale hero came to visit us ... Who is he, did you find out?

That's right, stranger. He has prepared many games and wants to play them with you.

A game "Wonderful bag"

(1-3 people take riddles out of the bag)

I will make riddles, and when the guys guess, you will get a riddle from the bag, and we will see if the guys guessed correctly.


    A handsome man grew in the garden,

Our green fellow

And in the winter you will find in the bank,

Long, juicy...(cucumber)

    He looks like a red ball,

Only now it does not rush galloping,

Carefree all year round

Grows in warm climates

Sweet and sour citrus!

Hurry up with an answer!

It contains a useful vitamin

The fruit is called...(orange)

    Before we ate it

Everyone had time to cry.


4. Round, ruddy

And grows on a branch

The side is beautiful, scarlet!

The kids love him

Old people and adults

The taste will please everyone

Ripe and juicy…(apple)

5. Guess the riddle as soon as possible

Its taste is like sugar, sweet,

Even if the color is green!

Red can be yellow...

Boxers know everything about her

With her they develop their blow,

Even though she's clumsy...

Let's say in chorus! This… (pear)

6. Pointy-nosed girl

Deep in the dungeon

Dressed in a red dress

Hiding from all people(carrot)

7. Yellow citrus fruit

Grows in sunny countries

Often put in tea -

Everyone knows this fruit!

It is neither sweet nor bitter

If you want to eat a slice,

Know: It tastes sourest!

What is his name?(lemon)

- Well done!

Dunno believes that these items are all vegetables, but what do you think? (children's answers)

- What groups can these objects be divided into?

(for fruits and vegetables)

Name the vegetables ... ( cucumber, onion, carrot), fruits ... (orange, apple, pear, lemon).

Game "Cooks"

Our guest decided to cook borscht, but he forgot what vegetables he needed. Let's help the Unknown. Now we will be cooks for a while, we will cook borscht.

It is necessary to put in a saucepan those vegetables that are used in the preparation of soup (borscht).

- Look closely, what vegetables are included in borscht? ( Carrots, onions, beets, potatoes, cabbage)

Well done, you've done your job.


The sun lifts us up to recharge.

We raise our hands on command ONCE.

And the foliage rustles merrily above them.

We lower our hands on command TWO.

Exercise: draw from memory one vegetable or fruit that you like best.

Execution sequence:

1.Determine the location of the sheet.

2. Step-by-step drawing of a vegetable or fruit. Drawing in pencil.

(ped. drawing: show how you can convey the volume of an object, technological map for drawing)

3. Drawing in color with the transfer of volume.

Individual work with a student:

Giving help.

Again, where do we start?

Guys, what kind of vegetables do you know?(Children's answers) Fruits? (children's answers)

What other fruits do you know?(children's answers)

Where do fruits and vegetables grow?(children's answers)

When are vegetables planted?(children's answers)

When is fruit harvested?(children's answers)

Who grows vegetables and fruits?(children's answers)

- How are plantings taken care of?(Watering, weeding, loosening, etc.)

— When adults harvest, do you guys help?(children's answers)

- Guys, a fairy-tale hero came to visit us ... Who is he, did you find out?

“That’s right, Dunno. He has prepared many games and wants to play them with you.

A game "Wonderful bag"

(1-3 people take riddles out of the bag)

- I will make riddles, and when the guys guess, you will get a riddle from the bag, and we will see if the guys guessed correctly.


  1. A handsome man grew in the garden,

Our green fellow

And in the winter you will find in the bank,

Long, juicy…(cucumber)

  1. He looks like a red ball,

Only now it does not rush galloping,

Carefree all year round

Grows in warm climates

Sweet and sour citrus!

Hurry up with an answer!

It contains a useful vitamin

The fruit is called ... (orange)

  1. Before we ate it

Everyone had time to cry.


4. Round, ruddy

And grows on a branch

The side is beautiful, scarlet!

The kids love him

Old people and adults

The taste will please everyone

Ripe and juicy…(apple)

5. Guess the riddle as soon as possible

Its taste is like sugar, sweet,

Even if the color is green!

Red can be yellow...

Boxers know everything about her

With her they develop their blow,

Even though she's clumsy...

Let's say in chorus! This… (pear)

6. Pointy-nosed girl

Deep in the dungeon

Dressed in a red dress

Hiding from all people(carrot)

7. Yellow citrus fruit

Grows in sunny countries

Often put in tea -

Everyone knows this fruit!

It is neither sweet nor bitter

If you want to eat a slice,

Know: It tastes sourest!

What is his name? (lemon)

- Well done!

Dunno believes that these items are all vegetables, but what do you think?(children's answers)

What groups can these objects be divided into?

(for fruits and vegetables)

Name the vegetables...(cucumber, onion, carrot), fruits … (orange, apple, pear, lemon).

Game "Cooks"

- Our guest decided to cook borscht, but he forgot what vegetables he needed. Let's help the Unknown. Now we will be cooks for a while, we will cook borscht.

- It is necessary to put in a saucepan those vegetables that are used in the preparation of soup (borscht).

Look closely, what vegetables are included in borscht?(Carrots, onions, beets, potatoes, cabbage)

- Well done, you did your job.


The sun lifts us up to recharge.

We raise our hands on command ONCE.

And the foliage rustles merrily above them.

We lower our hands on command TWO.

Exercise: draw from memory one vegetable or fruit that you like best.

Execution sequence:

1.Determine the location of the sheet.

2. Step-by-step drawing of a vegetable or fruit. Drawing in pencil.

(ped. drawing: show how you can convey the volume of an object, technological map for drawing)

3. Drawing in color with the transfer of volume.

Individual work with a student:

Giving help.

- Again, where do we start work?

kezhik ondar
Summary of the lesson “Fruits. Drawing on the theme "Favorite fruits"

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the middle group

Subject: Fruits. Drawing on a theme« Favorite fruits»


Get to know the names fruits to learn to describe fruits, compare them, develop logical thinking, form the ability draw with cotton swabs

materials: Picture pictures fruits, vegetables, bowl, plate, individual sheets of paper with contours fruits, cotton buds

Lesson progress:

Today we have class not only very interesting, but also delicious.

I give you a riddle, and you guess:

Ripe, juicy, colorful,

Visible on the shelves!

We are useful products

And they are simply called... (fruits)

Which fruits you know? What vegetables do you know? Where do they grow?

I will show a picture with an image fruit and you can tell if it's soft or hard. Which fruits are round? (Apple, pomegranate, orange, tangerine.) Which fruits similar to triangles (Pear) Which fruits are oval(Apricot, kiwi, plum, banana, lemon.)

A game "Where to put what?"(I invite children to share vegetables and fruits: vegetables in a bowl, fruit in a bowl)

A game "Big small"

You know there are soft hard fruits. There are also big ones and small ones. How small fruits you know? What big fruits you know? Look at the picture and name the small ones and the big ones. fruits.

A game "What's extra?"

Children look at the pictures in each row, name an extra item and explain why it is extra.

Guess what fruit i guessed:

Green, yellow, red, and there are sour, and there are sweet. (Apples)

They grow on a tree, dry dried apricots are called. (Apricots)

When she sings on the branches, she turns blue in the sun. (Plum)

It also grows on trees, and looks like a light bulb. (Pear)

With a red side and hairy, it is very juicy and sweet. (Peach)

Physical education minute: We will cook compote,

You need a lot of fruits,

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear

Put the drain on the sand

We cook, we cook compote,

Let's treat honest people

What can be prepared from fruits?

From fruits make drinks. Juice, compote, lemonade.

From fruits make stuffing for cakes, pies, pastries.

In summer, children and adults enjoy eating popsicles.

More can be cooked fruit salad, fruit yogurt, fruit jelly.

You can buy sweets in stores fruit filling, fruit marmalade.

Your grandmothers and mothers probably know how to make jam from fruits. What is the name of jam from different fruits we'll find out now.

Didactic exercise "Jam from fruits»

From apples they cook ... what kind of jam? Apple.

Plums are boiled ... what kind of jam? Plum.

Pears are cooked ... what kind of jam? Pear.

Peaches are made from ... what kind of jam? Peach.

Apricots are made from ... what kind of jam? Apricot.

Didactic game "Know the Taste"

Children are invited to taste the pieces with their eyes closed. fruits and name these fruits


I give you sheets of paper, you will color fruits


Tasting fruit juice and marmalade. And now I invite you to enjoy fruit marmalade and fruit juice.

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