
Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Russian samovar and tea drinking. Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Russian samovar and tea drinking Riddles about the samovar and tea drinking

Marina Kazankova

« Russian samovar and tea party


Introduce children to the Russian samovar, the history of the origin and appearance samovar in Rus';

Arouse children's interest in traditions Russian people, introduce the ritual of tea drinking.

Summarize children's knowledge of folk traditions.

To cultivate love for the native land, pride in their small homeland.

Develop the ability to see the beauty of the product, form an aesthetic taste.

Activate Dictionary: samovar, painting.

Materials and equipment:

Samovars, illustrations and pictures depicting various samovars, backing track of ditties, riddles, proverbs, physical minutes, cut-out paper cups, pencils, gingerbread cookies, cookies and sweets.

Lesson progress:

Guys, pay attention to the beautiful object that is on the table. Does anyone know what this item is called? (samovar) .

Yes, right! Well done!

In the good old days there was such a custom: in the fall, when the peasants finished all the work in the fields, they gathered at gatherings to look at people and show themselves. And what gatherings without a hot, invigorating tea! tea drinking in Rus' it was a good tradition, and our people drank tea from samovar. Russian people thought that joint tea party maintains love and friendship between family members, strengthens family and friendly ties, and samovar, boiling on the table, creates an atmosphere of comfort, well-being and happiness. And what is - samovar? Samovar - an old Russian invention, for heating water. It is believed that the motherland samovar - the city of Tula. That's why samovar is called Tula. Didali silver samovars, copper, iron, even porcelain. To the samovar was beautiful, its legs, faucets, handles were made in the form of fish, lions, roosters and other animals. Appearance samovars were different, because each master tried to come up with his own, unlike the others samovar. The whole family gathered at the table, on which the samovar, and by Russian traditions drank tea with jam, pies, pancakes…

Let's take a close look samovar and tell you what it consists of, what decorations you saw.

1. Himself samovar stands on legs.

2. It has handles on both sides to rearrange it.

3. The faucet turns left and right to pour water into the cup.

4. Water is poured from the top when you open the lid.

Well done!

Now in our time they make electric or decorative samovars. (showing samovar of our days) .

Guys, let's play a little simple game called "Describe samovar which you like".

(Children compose a short story 3-4 sentences).

Well done!

And now let's have a little rest with you, come out to me.


I am a teapot grumbler, troublemaker, madcap, (children stand with one arm bent, like the spout of a teapot, they hold the other on their belt)

I'm showing you my belly. (tummy puffed up)

I boil tea, bubble and screaming: (stomp with both feet)

"Hey people, I want to drink tea with you" (make invocative movements with the right hand)

Do you guys know what samovar Are there proverbs and sayings? Now I will read it to you, and you listen carefully.

Proverbs and sayings.

The samovar is boiling, will not leave.

You drink tea - you will live up to a hundred years.

We don't miss tea.

Drink tea - enjoy.

Samovar boils - does not order to leave.

Did you like proverbs and sayings? Fine!

And now let me read you ditties about samovar.


We meet everyone with bread and salt, we bring the samovar to the table.

We do not miss tea, we talk about this and that.

Give me a cup of tea, because I love Russian tea.

I don’t drink my soul in tea, pour hot tea!

sit for samovar we are glad for sure,

His sides are burning with a bright solar fire.

-Samovar sings, buzzing, only in appearance he is angry.

Our handsome man lets steam to the ceiling samovar.

Did you like ditties? Fine.

And now, guys, I will give you riddles, and you listen carefully and try to guess.

Four legs, two ears

One nose and belly. (Samovar)

We are in a package of one hundred zeros

We notice with poppy.

Grandma, pour some tea,

Let's eat them for tea. (Baranki)

Sweet Berries Granny

Made something.

And it's enough for us for a year

For tea and compotes. (Jam)

They cook in it

Shchi, compote and porridge

For the whole family

Our big one! (Pot)

Near different girlfriends

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other

And just one toy. (Matryoshka)

Yes, I was made of wood

And then tin

But now I'm made of steel

And the guys from the group

I know better than anyone in the world

I feed them soup. (Spoon)

Small, sweet

The wheel is edible.

I won't eat you alone

I'll share it with all the kids. (Bagel)

Got our dough

To a hot place.

Got - not lost

It became a ruddy bun. (Bake)

I am a helpful bastard.

I am happy to serve everyone.

I am silent as an idol.

And then I sing songs. (Samovar)

Did you like riddles?

Well done guys guessed all the riddles!

And about samovar and pro oven, spoon, matryoshka, well done!

Let's knead the dough and bake cottage cheese for tea!

Come to me!

"We asked for our stove"

We asked our oven, what should we bake today?

We asked the oven, kneaded the dough,

The dough was rolled out with a rolling pin, they were not tired.

Stuffed with cottage cheese and called a pie!

Well, the stove, give the cottage cheese a place.

That's what our guys are great!

Let's invite guests tea party.

Steam above, heat below

Our hisses Russian samovar.

And now, I suggest you decorate the cups for our table.

Come to the tables, there is everything you need for drawing.

Well done! You have beautiful and colorful cups.

You all did a great job today!

They correctly answered questions, guessed riddles, sang ditties well, well done!

And now we invite everyone to the table.

-That's how we live:

We chew gingerbread, drink tea and invite EVERYONE to visit!

The question is a riddle. We three have 10 rubles for a gift. decided to buy a samovar for 30 rubles. the seller gave the boy 5 rubles, and the one given by the author Yergey Nechaev the best answer is Logic puzzles: Lost ruble
Three travelers wandered into an inn, ate well, paid the hostess 30 rubles. and move on. Some time after they left, the hostess discovered that she had taken too much from the travelers. Being an honest woman, she kept 25 rubles for herself. , and 5 rubles. gave the boy and ordered him to catch up with the travelers and give them the money. The boy ran fast and soon caught up with the travelers. How do they share 5 rubles. for three persons? They each took 1 rub. , and 2 rubles. left the boy for his speed.
Thus, they first paid 10 rubles for lunch. , but for 1 rub. received back, therefore, they paid: 9 × 3 = 27 rubles. Yes 2 rub. remained with the boy: 27+2=29. But in the beginning it was 30 rubles. ? Where did 1 rub. ?
The ruble didn't go anywhere. Unfortunately, this is a simple and brazen deception. Travelers really paid 27 rubles. But that's all, no 30 rubles. not anymore! Of these 27 rubles. the hostess took 25 rubles. and 2 rubles. left with the boy. On what basis to these 27 rubles. add 2 more. ? Where are they taken from? Where are they? Both the hostess's money and the boy's money have already been counted - they are in the paid 27 rubles. And these 2 rubles. designed to mislead you.
Source(s): That's right, the riddle sounds like this...
Everything else is already alterations - grandmothers, grandfathers, samovars, cigarette cases ...

Answer from theosophy[newbie]
The riddle has not lost its importance in the field of education and upbringing of children of school and preschool age in our impetuous age. Solving riddles with a trick is a great method for developing children's thinking.
A very original riddle about 10 rubles will not only make you concentrate on finding the right answer, but will also amuse you. The correct answer lies on the surface, but over the logic of the calculation, you will have to "break your head" a little.
Let's say I took 100 rubles from you. Went to the store and lost them. Met a friend. I took 50 rubles from him. I bought 2 chocolates for 10. I have 30 rubles left. I gave them to you. And he owed 70. And a friend 50. Total 120. Plus I have 2 chocolates. Total 140! Where is 10 rubles?
answer: The solution to the riddle lies in the cunning of the last addition. The fact is that in order to determine the total amount of debt, we need to add to the remaining amount of the debt its paid part, instead of the cost of two chocolates
Riddles are a treasure trove, a gold mine with information about what surrounds us everywhere. They contain data on moral and moral ideals, experience and folk wisdom. Psychologists, teachers and educators note the positive impact of riddles on the development of the psyche and the formation of personality in children. Together with the riddle, the child makes new discoveries, such questions develop the mind and thinking, instill various values.
Many logic puzzles are very conducive to the development of mathematical thinking. As an example, we can cite the well-known riddle about the ruble, the answer to which you will find here:
Three travelers went to the inn, ate, paid the hostess 30 rubles and went on. After they left, the hostess discovered that she had taken too much: their dinner should have cost not 30, but 25 rubles. She took 5 rubles from the cash desk, gave it to the boy and ordered him to catch up with the travelers and give the money back.
The boy caught up with them and gave 5 rubles. But 5 was not divisible by three, and the men decided to take a ruble per brother, and gave the remaining 2 rubles to the boy for diligence.
Thus, each of the travelers first paid 10 rubles for lunch, but then they received 1 ruble back, for a total of 9x3 = 27 rubles. They gave 2 rubles to the boy. Total: 27 + 2 = 29 rubles.
Where did one ruble go?
The error is hidden in the calculations, or rather in their sequence (adding 2 to 27 is not correct, if you look). The correct way to count is:
An aunt and a boy received 27 rubles for lunch (25 and 2, respectively), travelers received 3 rubles. Total: 25+2+3=30.
Or, if it’s clearer this way: 27 (that’s how much the men paid in total) + = 30
The veiled form of the riddle makes the child guess, compare facts, highlight the necessary information, discarding everything else. Logical riddles are built on the similarity or difference of phenomena, situations, objects, which makes the child look for similarities and connections between what (or who) surrounds him. The answer is unclear and abstract in the question, several signs are given, but it is necessary to understand what they are talking about and what they describe in this particular situation. The riddle about 10 rubles is suitable for older children, school age, but an adult will not immediately "give out" the correct answer, thinking over the logic of the calculation.

And he makes noise and grumbles
Boil water in an instant
After all, it consists of coals,
And tea is ready for everyone here.
The faucet on the side opens
Pours boiling water.

There is a golden eccentric on the table,
Tea spills and so and so.
He's always hot, he's always big
It stands in the summer, stands in the winter. (Samovar)

If you come in cold in winter, playing with children, then this golden boy who breathes steam will always pour you the most delicious tea, which will make you warm, because hot water always flows from his belly.

Wow, what a pouch is worth,
plus wide sides
The nose is visible slightly sticking out,
There is water from a spring.
Next to him is his family:
Cups, spoons, friend - honey
Come visit kids
He will pour you all tea.

He has water pouring in his sides,
It's so warm in the middle.
There are always people around him
He just gives boiling water.
He does not eat anything, but only drinks,
And how it boils - everything is with him.
And he is fizzy, and water is pouring,
……… he is called!

My good friend is just a master in tea business: In the evening he will treat his whole family with his tea. And how hot and strong he is: Not only children love him. The whole family will drink tea,
And thank you all to him.

Mystery. If you want to drink tea with dryers, he will always be your assistant, because only he will boil some water and brew the most delicious tea and pour it into a mug for you.

You can only hear him at home - round, big. He hisses in the kitchen and stands on the table - beckoning and waiting for his guest to pour him hot tea from his round golden belly.

The big-nosed Fomka, as always, has his hands on his hips. The crowbar will boil the water And how the sun will shine.

He is plump and important, Hands on the sides,
Golden legs on four sides. And how it will rustle and boil
Everyone runs to the table
He is hot and big
Tea will pour and warm you up.

Other riddles:

Picture Samovar

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