
Summary of a lesson on sculpting a cake. Technological map for modeling on the theme of chocolate cake for mother in the middle group

Organization: MBDOU Kindergarten No. 19

Location: Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region

Target: Develop the ability to sculpt a “cake” using a combined method


1. Make it clear that bread is a daily food product; introduce children to a variety of baked goods

2. Introduce literary words on the topic: proverbs, poems.

2.Develop general manual skill and fine motor skills.

3.Remember the methods of modeling (constructive, sculptural, combined, modular).

4. Practice ways to design and decorate an image: leaf, snail, braid, etc.

5.Cultivate a desire to help other people.

6. Develop a desire to share modeling materials with each other, using polite words.

7. Arouse children's interest in the creative design of their work.

8. Encourage them to independently search for decorative techniques.

9. Help select and use familiar sculpting methods (rolling a lump of plasticine between the palms and dividing it into equal parts, flattening, twisting).

10. Continue to develop the ability to work accurately.

11. Cultivate the desire to do something for others.

Vocabulary work:“Pulling”, “pinching”, “folding”, “flattening”, “layered”, “beautiful”, “shape”, “decoration”, “baking”, “please”, “thank you”, “thank you”, “enjoyable” appetite."

Benefits and equipment:“Pastry Chef” doll, cards with images of baked goods, diagrams of step-by-step modeling of a cake, model of a cake, plasticine and boards according to the number of children, stacks, forks 5-6 pcs., player, disc “Ecology 1. Senior group” (Voronkevich) –

melody 1, waste material, materials for artistic creativity, natural material, attributes for the role-playing game “Shop”, “Cafe”

Preliminary work: conversation “Bread is the head of everything”, looking at the sliding folder “What kinds of cakes are there”, modeling “pies”, reading fiction on the topic.

Follow-up work: independent modeling of food products with decoration, individual training in the use of polite words, using the story of “how two little bears quarreled” in personal experience.

NOOD progress:

There's a knock on the door. The cook doll Maria Petrovna appears.

Doll(the teacher speaks in the voice of a doll, playing with it): - Hello, children! Very soon I will open the cafe-bakery “Golden Ear”. But, unfortunately, I don’t have time to bake the cakes in time for the opening. After all, there will be a lot of guests! What should I do?

Educator: - guys, let's help the pastry chef bake cakes! (children's answers - yes, let's) Go to the cafe. Look how many baked goods there are! Name them .(children's answers: bread, loaf, roll, pies, dry bread, cookies, bagels, puff pastries, cheesecake, bun)

Doll: Well, there’s no time to lose, come on in, the dough has already come. (children go to the tables)

Doll: Cakes come in different shapes, tastes, colors, and fillings. Everyone will make their own unique cake.

But before we get to work, we need to stretch our fingers:

We'll take the cream for the cream - palms are turned upward, fingers clench and unclench.

Beat together with sugar - palms down, clench and unclench your fingers.

Add vanillin to them - make a free-flowing movement.

Chocolate and gelatin.

I will eat with pleasure - stroke their belly with their palms.

Chocolate, delicious cream.

It has a layer of sweet jam - palms down, circular motion.

Light white cream on top. – plucking movement.

And the flour in it is of the highest grade, - flowing movement.

The cake turned out delicious. – show a gesture of approval.

Educator: What shapes does the cake come in (children's answers: oval, triangular, round, square, in the shape of a car, a ball, a fixie, a snowman, a clearing, etc.)

To make the base, the dough needs to be kneaded well. Choose the color of the base of the cake and knead it thoroughly in your palms, so the cake will be more magnificent and tastier. ( children take plasticine, choosing the color and quantity themselves). Now let's form the cake. These diagrams will help you. (the teacher shows diagrams of the step-by-step formation of one or another figure from a piece of plasticine)

Dima, what shape will your cake be, Alina, what about yours? ( children's answers - round, square, star-shaped)

Educator draws attention to the pictures “modeling methods”: let’s remember what kind of modeling technique there is. (children’s answers – sculptural, constructive, combined...)

To make the cakes beautiful, we will use a constructive method (focuses on the picture of this technique). Let's remember that with this method of sculpting, the image is created from individual parts, like from parts of a construction set. Think about the image of the future cake, mentally imagine what parts it consists of, and start sculpting.

Children sculpt the base, the teacher turns on a calm melody, against the background of the melody, recites the poem “Loaf”, while helping the children, encouraging:

Here lies the loaf

On my desk.

Black bread on the table -

There is nothing tastier on Earth (Ya. Akim)

Recalls proverbs about bread:

Not a single feast was complete without bread. He always and everywhere enjoys honor and respect. Guests in Rus' were always greeted with bread and salt. They even made up proverbs. Which?( children's answers: “Bread is the head of everything”, “If there is bread, there will be lunch”, “a bad lunch if there is no bread”)

Doll: Well, I see the bases of the cake are ready. While they are cooling, guys, help me bake some pies. (children stand in a circle and repeat after the teacher).

Add flour ( movement of hands from top to bottom),

break eggs (claps),

add sugar, salt ( fold your fingers into pinches, stroke your fingertips, imitation - “salt”),

knead the dough ( clenching, unclenching of hands),

making pies( claps).

Preparing the filling :

We chop and chop cabbage ( arms are outstretched, palms are tense, fingers are extended together, we represent knives)

We three, three cabbage (shaking hands)

We salt the cabbage, salt it (imitation “salt”, exercise “pinch”)

We mash the cabbage, we mash (clench, unclench fists)

The filling is ready, let's make pies ( claps). And we send them to the oven ( squats with outstretched arms - exercise "Baking sheet")

Educator:The pies are ready, let's treat each other to a pie (children turn to each other: Alena, try my pie! - Thank you, Katya, very tasty pie. Varya, please treat me to your pie? Eat, for your health, Dima, bon appetit)

It's time for us to decorate our wonderful cakes, go to the culinary tables.

We will decorate cakes in various ways: “pulling”, “pinching”, “bending”. The base is a cylinder (an elongated “sausage”). Guys, here is a technological map, ( draws attention to the magnetic board, where the production of certain decorations for the cake is sketched step by step: curls, roses, snails, mesh, candles, figurines). Each young pastry chef chooses the design himself.

Not all children have stacks, forks, watermelon seeds, or glitter on their tables.

The teacher shows a sample of how to address each other: - Dima, please share your stack. – Varya, please give us some sparkles . (children conduct a dialogue, share, using polite words: thank you, please, thank you). Children carry out their ideas and decorate cakes. The teacher also decorates his cake.

The doll “walks” through the rows, prompts, helps, praises, and admires. Having finished their work, the children put the cake on the “display window” (a specially prepared table). Maria Petrovna rejoices and thanks the children.

Educator: ohh, how difficult it is to bake pies and cakes (addresses the children). Zlata, what worked best for you? Maxim, what was difficult when making the cake? Dima, did you have any difficulties during registration?

Educator: I suggest you admire the cakes. All the cook guys did it!

The cooks whispered to me
It's time to bring the cake!
So they baked and tried,
We couldn't cope for three nights,
A hundred kilos of flour went away,
Cream, berries, dried apricots,
Got it from supplies
Apples, pears and pineapples,
Fresh pot of honey
A bag of granulated sugar
Hazelnut and chocolate
And everything that was needed.
The cooks worked hard
We shout hurray to the cooks! (Petukhova.T)

Doll: We learned how to bake cakes! And selling them is not an easy job either! My store opens, and the children turn into sellers. (offers the role-playing game “Shop “Kolos””, and offers children who do not want to be a seller to draw a new sign for the store, or to be a buyer). The children's further actions take the form of an Educational Event.


  1. I.A. Lykova. We sculpted, we played M.: KARAPUZ - DIDACTICS, 2011.
  2. Volchkova, V. N. Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten. Cognitive development. Educational manual / V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova. - M.: Lakotsenin S.S., 2017.

Continue to introduce children to plasticine and its properties.

Objectives: Learn to roll balls, flatten them with your fingers and connect them together.

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“OOD lesson (modeling) “Holiday cake””

OOD lesson (sculpting)

« Birthday cake»

Target: Continue to introduce children to plasticine and its properties.

Tasks: Learn to roll balls, flatten them with your fingers and connect them together.

Develop the plot and game concept.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

The desire to prepare a treat with your own hands.

Material: Soft plasticine in different colors (red, blue, yellow). Cardboard plates for each child. Board for working with plasticine, demonstration picture showing « Cake» , toy dog "Filya".

Progress of the lesson: A surprise moment. Children are sitting on the carpet.

There is a knock on the door. A dog comes in "Filya". He is sad. There is a knock on the door. A dog comes in "Filya".

Filya: - Hello guys.

Educator: - Hello Phil. Why are you so sad?

Filya: - Today is my birthday, I was preparing a cake to treat everyone, but it didn’t work out.

Educator: - Don’t be upset Filya, the kids and I will try to help you. Guys, let's prepare a cake for Fili?

Children: -Yes!

Educator:- Let’s please our Phil and inflate his balloons.

Breathing exercises. Sedentary.

Children pretend that a balloon is constantly filling up air:

Slowly raise your arms up and puff out your cheeks. But the ball “burst” (clap hands).

Practical part.

Now guys, let's all get up and make a cake for Fili.

Children go and sit at tables where there are cardboard plates and three pieces of plasticine of different colors.

Educator: - Look, Phil, what kind of cakes the guys made.

Filya: - Very beautiful. Thank you.

Educator: - Now don’t rush into the circle, stand quickly.

The guys and I will go and sing a loaf of bread for you.

Children stand in a circle, hold hands and dance in a circle "Loaf".

Filya: - Thank you very much guys, you made me happy, but it’s time for me to leave. Goodbye.

Zoya Muzer

Subject: « Berry cake» .

Equipment: salt dough of several colors, plasticine in red, purple, black, plasticine boards, cocktail tubes, caps and aprons (per child). Sweets Fairy costume for teacher, magic lollipop wand, box with lid, doll, beautiful plate, presentation "Profession confectioner", music recording "Metamorphosis".


Teach children to choose the content of their work based on available materials and tools. Foster independence and activity.

Strengthen the ability to convey form berries using a variety of techniques sculpting.

Develop fine motor skills and imagination.

Activate cognitive activity.

GCD move:

Surprise moment: V group A teacher comes in dressed as the Fairy of Sweets.

Fairy: Hello, boys and girls! I am the Fairy of Sweets! Do you like sweets? (Yes). What are your favorite treats? (children's answers). Guys, do you know who makes sweets for us? (children's answers)

Presentation "Profession confectioner"

Fairy: Just remember, guys, that you can’t eat too many sweets! Who knows why? (children's answers)

Fairy: And when do you have a lot of sweets? On which holiday? (children's answers) What is the most important sweet at a birthday party? (children's answers).

Fairy: It’s Tanya’s doll’s birthday today! But she doesn't have a holiday cake! Can we help her? (Yes) What we can do? (children's answers).

Fairy: But in order to "bake" festive cake, we need to turn into little confectioners! Do you agree? (Yes)

Fairy: Then repeat the magic words after me!

Fizminutka « Cake»

We knead for cake dough

(knead imaginary dough with hands)

And whip up a fluffy cream

(Imitate whisking,

So that there is the cake is big and delicious

(They show a large circle with their hands, stroke their belly,

So that everyone likes him!

(Stretch your arms forward, palms in fists, thumb up).

The fairy brings in the box to the music of transformation.

Fairy: Guys, what's in this box? Let's get a look? Open the box!

Children open the box and see aprons and caps.

Fairy: What it is? (this is a pastry chef's uniform)

Fairy: Put on your caps and aprons and take your jobs in the pastry shop!

Fairy: How are we going "bake" our cake, Of what? (from dough, plasticine)

Which cake we will"bake"? (strawberry, chocolate, fruit, etc.). Then take a suitable piece of dough for yourself, I’ll take the strawberry one.

Fairy: How will we sculpt cake? What shape will the cakes be? (the teacher draws the children’s attention to cake image) (children's answers).

The teacher summarizes the children’s answers and shows different flattening techniques (flatten between palms, flatten on board, roll out with rolling pin).

Fairy: What wonderful cakes we made! (Check the neatest ones). Now let's put our cakes together into one beautiful one cake!

The children come up and lay down "Corzhi" on top of each other on a plate.

Fairy: How can we decorate our cake? (children's answers). And I know that the Tanya doll loves blackberries and raspberries most of all. Can we decorate berry cake? (Yes) Let's stretch our fingers then.

Finger gymnastics « Berries»

From a branch I remove the berries, (The fingers are relaxed, hanging down. With the fingers of the other hand, stroke each finger from the base to the very tip, as if removing an imaginary berry.).

And I collect it in a basket. (Cup both palms in front of you.). There will be a full basket, (Cover one palm, folded into a boat, with another also folded palm.).

I'll try a little. (One folded palm imitates a basket, the other hand

I'll eat a little more

(Get imaginary berries and put them in your mouth.)

The path to home will be easy! (Imitating legs, average and index fingers on both hands "run away" as far as possible).

The teacher shows pictures with image of raspberries and blackberries.

Fairy: What will we sculpt from? berries? (from plasticine). What color plasticine do we need? (red, purple, black). Take yourself a piece of plasticine of the color you need.

Fairy: Look at the raspberries. What shape is it? Take a closer look, what's special about raspberries? (it consists of small balls). How can you make a raspberry? (make small balls first).

The teacher shows techniques sculpting raspberries. When the berries are ready, the fairy offers to decorate berry cake. Children decorate.

Fairy: What a beautiful we got the cake! (Tag the most diligent guys). But something on our There's not enough cake? What should be at the holiday birthday cake(candles). Let's figure out what we can make candles from? (cocktail straws).

Fairy: And now it’s time to congratulate our birthday girl!

Children carry cake for doll. They congratulate her on her birthday and blow out the candles with her.

Fairy: Guys, doll Tanya is interested in knowing why you are wearing such beautiful caps and aprons? (because we turned into confectioners) Who are confectioners? (children's answers). Where do confectioners work? (children's answers).

Fairy: Guys, I am the Fairy of Sweets and I can’t leave you without something sweet!

Says magic words “Confetto, marshmallows, chocolate, marmalado! Boom!" and takes out a bag of sweets from the box.

Fairy: Well, I have to go! Goodbye!

Publications on the topic:

Quarterly planning of visual activities in the second junior group. Drawing and sculpting Visual arts are one of the most interesting activities for preschool children. Drawing and sculpting are favorite forms of art.

Summary of visual activities in the first junior group (modeling) “Sun” Objectives: to develop children’s ability to smear plasticine on cardboard using pressing movements of the index finger; to cultivate interest in work.

Summary of educational activities for children of the middle group in visual activities (drawing) “Vegetables” Goals and objectives. Social and communicative development. in the process of experimental activities with paints: -development of communication and interaction.

Abstract of the GCD on artistic and visual activities in the middle group “Frosty patterns” Goal: to introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique - thread printing, to expand their understanding of nature in winter. Objectives: Educational:.

Abstract of educational activities on visual activities (for children of the middle group) “Multi-colored butterflies” Program content: Expand knowledge.

Summary of GCD for sculpting “Birthday Cake”

Integration of educational areas:“Artistic creativity”, “Reading fiction”


1. Educational: strengthen sculpting skills in different ways: rolling, pulling, smoothing, flattening.

2. Developmental: develop auditory and visual attention.

3. Speech: generalize knowledge on the topic “Food”

4. Educational: to cultivate an emotional response to the results of creative activity.

Progress of the lesson:

    Guys, remind me what we are talking about this week - children's answers.

    Clarification of the names and what some food products are made from (leading questions)

    Today I want to talk about a product that is made from…..listen to the riddle and guess what it’s about.

On holiday I will come to everyone,

I'm big and sweet.

I have nuts, cream,

Cream, chocolates. (Cake)

    Well done, you guessed it. Now I want to see your imagination in sculpting a cake. I invite each of you to make the most delicious, mouth-watering cake.

    I invite you to work. First, let's determine the sequence of sculpting the cake. We look at a book with a sequence of work, and pronounce each action in speech.

    Independent work - individual approach to children (showing modeling techniques, hints)

    Sedentary game “Clap and Stomp”

Expected result: children should distinguish between foods that do and do not need cooking; be able to quickly respond to a signal.

Goals: develop reaction speed, memory, motor activity; foster honesty while following the rules of the game. The teacher tells the children that he wants to check how attentive they are and how well they know food.

Teacher. If I name a food that does not need to be cooked, you will raise your hands and clap your hands, and if I name a food that needs cooking, you will sit down. Be careful! Anyone who makes a mistake will pay a forfeit, which he will then win back. The teacher uses a trial move, reinforcing the rules. Then the game starts.

    Independent work - individual approach to children

    Outcome of the lesson (discussion of works, or individual description, solution to a problem situation to present your work, design of an exhibition)

    Help the teacher in putting things in order in the workplace.

Nadya Meshkova

Target: teach children to sculpt cake by presentation;

roll a lump of plasticine between your palms into a ball;

improve the ability to flatten a ball;

coordinate and synchronize the work of both hands;

develop imagination and general manual skill;

develop the ability to plan work to implement a plan, anticipate the result and achieve it, and, if necessary, make adjustments to the original plan;

cultivate independence;

Day birth, day birth

Everyone is always waiting impatiently

And of course, on the day birth

The cake must be baked!

First, the children looked at the picture showing cake. We discussed what it would be like cake, with or without a layer. For whom will the ovens be baked? The guys decided to sculpt cake with layer. We discussed the manufacturing sequence cake and got to work. Children's imagination is developed, therefore cake They turned out different and beautiful.

Publications on the topic:

Our kindergarten is celebrating a themed week called “Herbs and Insects.” Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​the earthworm and its adaptation.

Class on object modeling in the second junior group “Birthday Treats” Lesson in junior group II Artistic and aesthetic development. Subject modeling. Topic: “Birthday Treats” Teacher: Strugovshchikova.

Goals: Educational: - To form children’s ideas about indoor plants. - Consolidate and expand ideas about indoor plants.

Integrated lesson in the middle group “Treat for Grandma” Integrated lesson in the middle group “Treats for grandma” Educational area: Topic of the lesson: “Treats for grandma” Purpose of the lesson:.

Lesson summary (modeling) in the middle group “Amanita-handsome!” Goal: to teach children to sculpt mushrooms in a constructive way from two parts. Objectives: Educational: continue to teach the techniques of rolling out plasticine.

Goal: to teach children to create applicative images of vegetables, develop the skill of working with scissors, develop fine motor skills, accuracy.

Objectives: Educational: 1. Formation of the concept of "spring"; 2. Clarification and expansion of the dictionary gender topic: willow Developmental: 1. Develop the ability to depict.
