
Preserve chopped cucumbers. Sliced ​​cucumbers with carrots for the winter

Today we will learn how to cook chopped cucumbers for the winter. When the fruits of such a famous vegetable grow in our summer cottage, there is immediately concern about its preservation for the winter.

What could be easier, cut the fruits across or even into slices and load them into jars with fragrant spices. If the skin of the vegetable is tough, it can be cut off. Delicious brine will saturate the cells of the plant, as a result, the finished snack is already on the table.

When filling glass jars, it is imperative to observe the weight ratio between filling and vegetables. Store properly in a dry and dark place.

Cucumbers for the winter slices in tomato marinade

Find out a delicious recipe from beautiful cucumber slices that will not leave you indifferent.

Required products:

  • Cucumbers - 2.5 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1.3 kg
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 110 g
  • Oil grows. - 100 g
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Vinegar 8% - 80 ml
  • Onion 4-5 pcs.
  • Output = 8 cans of 0.5 liters.


1. We twist the prepared tomatoes and peppers in a meat grinder.

2. Put the onion cut into small cubes in a large bowl with oil heated there. Fry the onion for 3-5 minutes.

3. Cut off the tips of fresh fruits and prepare chopped cucumbers, cutting each into 4 slices.

4. Add the missed tomatoes and peppers to the fried onions. Mix everything and boil for 15 minutes.

5. Then add salt, sugar, vinegar and boil, stirring, for 5 minutes.

6. Send sliced ​​cucumbers to the tomato marinade.

7. Boil cucumbers until they change color.

8. The cucumber slices have changed their color, which means it's time to arrange them in sterilized jars. Harvesting for the winter in jars is ready.

Chopped cucumbers in garlic sauce

The slices are spicy and very tasty. Try to cook, you will like it.


  • Cucumbers - 4 kg
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Vinegar 9% - 200 ml
  • Sunflower oil - 150 ml
  • Chopped garlic - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Yield - 4 liter jars

Cooking method:

1. For washed fruits, cut off the ends on both sides. The body of the fetus is cut lengthwise into 4 parts.

2. Add to finely chopped garlic: ground black pepper, salt, sugar, vinegar. vegetable oil.

3. We mix everything, the result is garlic sauce.

4. Pour garlic sauce to the cloves in a saucepan.

5. Hand mix sliced ​​​​cucumbers with garlic sauce. We leave the fruits to marinate for 3 hours, stirring every 20 minutes.

6. Now you need to put the slices in sterile jars as tightly as possible. Pour the remaining brine into jars.

7. Put a towel on the bottom of the pan and put the jars covered with lids. Pour cold water so that it covers the jars by 2/3.

8. Put the pot with the jars on the fire. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil and boil for exactly 10 minutes. If you have half-liter jars, then you only need to boil for 5 minutes.

9. Turn off the fire, take out the jars and roll up the lids.

Video on how to cook cucumbers for the winter in mustard sauce

Watch a video on how to prepare sliced ​​​​fruits for the winter.

Ordinary mustard dissolved in cucumber juice along with black pepper gives an original taste.

Cucumber slices with onions for the winter without sterilization

The recipe can be safely called a salad for the winter and eaten with main courses as an additional side dish.

We will need:

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg
  • Onion - 200 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 12 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Vinegar 9% - 12 tbsp. spoons
  • Yield - 2 liter jars


1. Cooking cucumbers sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin circles with a knife. If you have large diameter fruits, then cut the circle into two halves. There is always a way out.

2. Cut the onion into half rings.

3. To the cucumbers laid out in a bowl, add: onion, finely chopped garlic, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar.

4. All the resulting fragrant mass must now be mixed with your hands. We leave the contents of the basin for 3 hours at room temperature so that the cucumbers release the juice.

5. We put the bowl on the fire and, stirring, warm it up. When the marinade boils, reduce the heat and, stirring occasionally, boil the mass for 10-15 minutes. Please note that the circles have changed their color.

6. Turn off the fire and begin to spread the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcucumbers in sterile jars. For convenience, we put the jar on a plate.

7. Squeeze the circles slightly with a spoon so that they lie closer to each other. Pour the marinade on top, close the lid and roll up.

Recipe for cucumbers for the winter with fragrant oil - video

Watch a video on how to cook chopped cucumbers with onions and fragrant oil for the winter. It turns out very tasty when the fruits are with pimples.

At home, preparing for the winter is the responsibility of every housewife. The result is delicious food for winter lunches and dinners.

To prepare preservation from cut cucumbers, you need to pick up fresh cucumbers of the same degree of maturity. Then wash the cucumbers in cold water and let it drain. After that, it is necessary to cut off the stalks from the cucumbers and cut into circles up to 2 centimeters thick, or you can cut them into pieces. There are two ways to cook, one is cooked in an enamel bowl, and then the cucumbers are transferred to a jar. Another way to preserve cucumbers is to put everything directly into a jar at once.

Recipe for 1 canned chopped cucumber

After the cucumbers are cut, they are placed in an enamel pan, salted and mixed well. Cover the pan with a towel and soak for 12 hours. Cut horseradish leaves, garlic and dill into pieces, and onion into slices. Prepare the marinade (brine) according to the recipe: add salt and sugar to a saucepan with water, heat until completely dissolved and boil for two minutes, then filter through thick cheesecloth and then add vinegar and let the entire contents boil again. The next step is to put spices in jars, chopped cucumbers mixed with onions and garlic on top, then pour the prepared hot brine (marinade). Filled jars with chopped cucumbers cover with lids, and sterilize them in a saucepan with water. At the end of the jar, roll it up tightly, put it upside down and cool to room temperature. Now yours are ready to use.

Recipe for 2 canned chopped cucumbers

As it was said earlier, the next step after the cucumbers were cut, spices, garlic, onions, greens and cooked cucumbers on top should also be placed on the bottom of the jar. Then fill the jars with hot brine prepared according to the same recipe and add 1 tablespoon of acetic acid. Carry out the sterilization procedure for jars of cucumbers and also turn them upside down until completely cooled. According to this recipe, they are more tender and with a small dose of salt. They can be used as a ready-made salad on the table, with the addition of additional spices at your discretion. And also they are a good addition to the meat product and as a cold appetizer.

These two ways in which you can cook are quite simple and not difficult. In winter, they will be simply necessary for preparing various dishes using them. They will never be redundant.

When already even, “one to one” cucumbers are pickled, fermented and pickled for the winter, try to prepare a few more jars of the original salad. The proposed recipe is good because absolutely any cucumbers are suitable for it - large, small, not very even, overgrown. This is especially true when the cucumber season is coming to an end - the last vegetables are already few and besides, they are all different. It is from such fruits that we advise you to make a blank.

Pickled cucumbers with onions and butter for the winter, prepared according to this recipe, are suitable both for eating on their own with fried or crushed potatoes, and as an ingredient in other salads or additions to sandwiches.

Cucumbers for this preparation are cut into rings, onions into half rings, seasonings and oil are added. Chopped vegetables are left to marinate for a while, while they release juice, there is more liquid and, as a rule, additional water is no longer required. Pickled cucumber circles with onions are very fragrant and crispy. Garlic can also be added to this recipe if desired, in which case the appetizer will turn out to be more spicy.

Taste Info Cucumbers for the winter


  • cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • onion - 600 g;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • red and black ground pepper - 2 pinches each;
  • refined vegetable oil - 70 ml;
  • table vinegar (9%) - 80 ml.

How to cook sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcucumbers with onions in oil for the winter

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, let them drain and cut into slices. Choose the thickness of the cut at your discretion, but do not make it too thin or thick, approximately 0.5 cm. If your fruits are very large, you can cut them in half first, and then chop them in semicircles. Put the chopped cucumbers in a large deep saucepan or bowl, so that later you can conveniently mix them.

Peel the onions, wash and chop into rings or half rings. Transfer to cucumbers.

Add salt and granulated sugar to the vegetables, two types of ground pepper (depending on how much you like spicy, you can reduce or increase the amount of pepper to your liking).

Pour in cold vegetable oil with vinegar and gently mix all the ingredients so that the spices evenly cover each vegetable piece.

Cover the bowl with a lid and leave at room temperature for two hours.

Over time, the cucumbers will release a lot of juice, which will be used as a marinade. Arrange the cucumbers with onions in pre-prepared clean and dry jars, try to compact the vegetables more tightly. Fill to the top with marinade, cover with lids and pasteurize for 15 minutes in any way convenient for you (in a pot of boiling water, in a microwave or in an oven).

Cork pasteurized blanks with lids (they must also be heat-treated), wrap with a warm blanket and leave in this state until completely cooled. When the cucumbers have cooled, store them in the cellar.

  • Cucumber salad with onions and butter for the winter will turn out even tastier and more aromatic if you add fresh dill to it. It will need to be chopped and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Do not spare dill, take bigger bunches, because there is so much taste, smell and benefit in it.
  • It happens that chopped cucumbers are laid out in jars, and there is not enough marinade for pouring. This is most likely due to the fact that the vegetables were not packed very tightly. In such a situation, you will have to cook the marinade separately. Pour 1 liter of water into the pan, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt, bring to a boil, while stirring constantly to dissolve the grains. As soon as the liquid starts to boil, pour it into jars.
  • The recipe uses refined vegetable oil. If you have nothing against odorous oil, then you can just as well take unrefined oil.

Salted sliced ​​cucumbers are a juicy and tasty snack for any side dish, creating sauces or salads, serving with baked meat or poultry, fish. Many people prefer this particular variant of cucumber sourdough, as it is the fastest - cucumbers will be ready after 1.5-2 days! The taste of the appetizer will not yield to the store version, but you will definitely know that there are no prohibited ingredients in its composition. Prepare a deep container in advance, rinse it with water and soda and rinse thoroughly. Do not forget to purchase a bouquet for pickling cucumbers: dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves, cherries and currants, oak.


You will need for a 2 liter jar:

  • 1.2-1.3 kg of fresh cucumbers
  • 1 bouquet for pickling
  • 700 ml cold water
  • 3 art. l. salt
  • 10 black peppercorns
  • 0.5 tsp mustard seeds (dry)
  • 4-5 garlic cloves


1. Medium or large-sized cucumbers are fermented in this way, because they do not salt out from the inside even after 10 days of languishing in brine. Therefore, we will purchase medium cucumbers and wash each of them in water, carefully washing off the spikes on the surface of the vegetables. Cut into 4 parts and place the cut in a deep bowl.

2. Wash the leaves of oak, cherry, currant or horseradish, put on the bottom of the jar.

3. Then we will place the chopped cucumbers in the jar, trying to spread them as close as possible to each other.

4. Peel the garlic cloves from the husk and rinse. Put in a jar with dill umbrellas.

5. Dissolve salt in cold water and add mustard seeds and black peppercorns to it. Neither cloves nor vinegar are added to the brine!

6. Pour the brine into the jar up to the shoulders, leaving room for fermentation. Place the jar in a deep bowl so that the liquid that spills over the edges during fermentation falls into the bowl, and not on the table. Leave it like this at room temperature for 2 days. At the same time, we will not cover the container with a lid! Shake the jar once a day to release carbon dioxide bubbles.
