
Canned corn benefits and harms. What is the composition of canned corn, and how it is useful and harmful

Canned corn- This is a fairly popular food product. You can buy it in the store and also cook it at home. The grains should be a bright yellow color (see photo) and have a sweet taste.

How to choose and store?

Today, a wide range of canned corn is presented on store shelves, so in order not to buy a low-quality product and not harm the body, you should follow some recommendations:

When closed, canned corn in a can will keep fresh for 2 years, and in glass for 3 years. If you opened a jar, then it costs no more to consume grains within 2 days.

Beneficial features

The benefit of canned corn lies in its chemical composition, since even after heat treatment, useful substances are preserved in the product. The product contains fiber, which cleanses the intestines from decay products. In large quantities, corn grains contain magnesium, which is especially important for the heart muscle and for the aging body. Due to the presence of B vitamins, canned corn acts as an anti-stress agent, improving the functioning of the nervous system.

The composition of the grains includes vitamin E, which prevents sclerosis and improves skin condition. Regular consumption of canned corn reduces the risk of developing heart problems and also reduces the risk of cancer. Unlike fresh grains, canned ones do not cause bloating.

Use in cooking

Canned corn is a popular food item. It is used to prepare salads, appetizers and various side dishes. Canned corn goes well with meat and other vegetables. The grains are also used as a decoration for various dishes.

How to preserve corn at home?

To be sure of the quality of canned corn, you can close it yourself at home. To do this, you need to take corn, 9% vinegar, sugar, salt and water. To begin with, the cobs should be boiled, cleaned and distributed over 0.5 l jars. Add 1 tbsp to each jar. a spoonful of vinegar. Prepare the marinade in a separate container. To do this, it is worth combining water with salt and sugar in the calculation: for 1 liter, 1 dessert spoon of the previously named components. The brine must be brought to a boil, poured into jars and sterilized for half an hour. It remains to roll up and wrap until completely cooled.

Harm of canned corn and contraindications

Canned corn can be harmful to people who have increased blood clotting and an increased risk of thrombosis. It is worth limiting the amount of grains consumed with exacerbation of ulcers and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Everyone knows that corn is called the queen of the fields, and among cereal crops, it takes 3rd place after wheat and rice. And this is no coincidence, because corn not only has a special taste, but also contains many useful substances.

The history of maize grains begins from 4250 BC. e. - they were the main component of the diet of the ancient peoples of the Maya and Aztecs. In Russia, corn appeared in the 17th century, and during this time almost everyone fell in love with it. Today, a wide range of canned corn is presented. It should be noted that even after canning, this amazing product does not lose its nutritional properties. What exactly is the benefit of maize for the human body? Can it be harmful to health? Let's look into these issues.

The composition of canned corn: nutritional value and calorie content

The nutritional composition of maize is surprisingly rich. Just think about it: cereal contains 26 elements of the periodic table! Of course, during processing and canning, corn loses some of its beneficial properties, nevertheless, it still contains a lot of minerals and vitamins, and the content of sodium necessary for the body increases several times.

Vitamins that canned corn contains:

  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system;
  • vitamin E - improves the condition of the skin;
  • B vitamins - normalize metabolism, increase human performance.

Also, canned corn contains a large amount of minerals:

  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • manganese, etc.

A beneficial effect on the human body is exerted by mono- and disaccharides, which are rich in corn. And of course, it is worth dwelling separately on the calorie content of maize grains, because many women who want to lose weight believe that canned corn contains a large amount of calories and is not suitable for a diet.

Indeed, corn is quite high in calories: 100 g of the product contains 67 g of carbohydrates, 10.2 g of protein and 4.7 g of fat. Nevertheless, it is considered a dietary product and can be safely included in the diet. The secret is simple: if canned corn is used as a side dish, that is, to replace some dishes with it, then the product will quite effectively promote weight loss. By the way, corn is a source of proteins and amino acids, so it is ideal for the diet of athletes.

What is the benefit of canned corn?

First of all, canned corn is useful for people with diabetes, as it helps to normalize blood sugar levels. Eating maize grains also has a beneficial effect on almost all vital systems, namely:

  • helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • has diuretic and choleretic properties, so corn is useful for people with hypertension and increased swelling;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol;
  • normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves metabolism in the body.

As already mentioned, canned corn can be safely included in the diet for weight loss.

Who is contraindicated in canned corn?

As such, canned corn does not have any harmful properties. However, like any other product, it has some contraindications for use.

  • if you have poor blood clotting;
  • with obesity;
  • with stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • in case of individual intolerance.

Also, corn should not be included in the diet of people who have low body weight, as it helps reduce appetite. It is better not to give canned corn to small children (up to two or three years). Yes, and we ourselves need to skillfully include this product in the diet, because, despite the almost complete absence of fat in corn, it contains a lot of carbohydrates, and their excessive consumption can, as you know, adversely affect human health. In order for the product to be beneficial, and not harmful, nutrition must be properly balanced and, of course, healthy.

How to choose the right canned corn?

Any product that has valuable nutrients can be harmful to health if it is of poor quality or expired. Therefore, canned corn must be able to choose. Of course, many of us always check the expiration date. But few people pay attention to the date of manufacture. And in vain - this is very important information. If corn was made in winter, and not in early autumn or summer, then this indicates that the grains were not fresh, but restored. That is, they were first dried, then soaked, boiled, and only then canned. Maybe corn canned in this way will not cause harm, but there will be very little benefit from it.

Also of no small importance is the jar in which the corn is preserved. It is advisable to buy the product in a glass jar, not in a tin. So you will see the grains, you can determine whether they are whole, what color they have. By the way, do not forget that an open jar can be stored for no more than two days.

Be sure to ensure that the products are manufactured in accordance with GOST - this should be indicated on the bank, and do not contain GMOs and harmful food additives.

canned corn recipes

It is known that a large number of dishes can be prepared with canned corn. Many use it only for salads, but there are many recipes for both first and second courses.

Canned corn first courses:

  • corn chowder;
  • soup of chicken wings and corn;
  • mexican chicken soup with bananas and vegetables.

Canned corn second courses:

  • jellied carp with shrimp and corn;
  • canned corn cutlets;
  • french chicken and corn potatoes;
  • stew of zucchini and corn;
  • mexican beef;
  • stuffed peppers.

And, of course, we use canned corn in many salads, such as Crab, Bean, March 8, and others. Corn goes well with many foods, so you can experiment and come up with your own recipe.

As you can see, canned corn is very useful for the body. The main thing is to correctly include it in the diet. Cook delicious and healthy meals and be healthy!

All supporters of proper nutrition understand that harm is inevitable when using canned foods. This applies even to initially healthy products, such as corn. Unfortunately, juicy and tender grains spoil very quickly, so you can enjoy them fresh only in certain months.

Freezing does not affect the texture of the elements in the most favorable way, so many chefs still prefer conservation to this option. Practice shows that with the right approach, their negative impact on the body will be minimized, however, you should not count on positive effects either.

Features of the composition of canned corn

According to experts, it even contains more useful substances than canned. During the mandatory stages of processing, grains are deprived of a significant part of their useful properties. The content of minerals and vitamins is no more than 1/5 of the initial data. Despite this, the products still retain some of the substances necessary for the body:

  • and tryptophan in the complex start cleaning the intestinal tract. This has a positive effect on the condition of the mucous membrane, prevents the processes of decomposition and fermentation of food residues.
  • The benefits of canned corn are also manifested in the saturation of tissues with vitamins E, D and group B. These substances have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, normalize blood pressure and sleep, and eliminate the signs of migraine.

Tip: Unused canned corn should be transferred to a glass or porcelain dish and poured over with the brine from the jar. It is strictly forbidden to keep the product directly in the tin, even if it contains brine. This can lead to a deterioration in the taste of the product and its faster deterioration.

The maximum content of nutrients is noted not in the grains of mature products, but in canned young cobs. It can be a dwarf product, and the tops of ordinary products.

Useful properties of canned corn

The maximum concentration of nutrients is concentrated in boiled or steamed grains. Canned corn also contains something, the benefits and harms of which depend on the correct choice of the product.

If you take into account all the wishes of specialists, then you can count on the following results from the use of products:

  1. The tone of the body increases, apathy disappears and the severity of signs of depression decreases.
  2. The level of sugar in the blood normalizes, the amount of bile produced decreases.
  3. There is a cleansing of the liver and kidneys, harmful cholesterol is removed from the blood.
  4. The processes of blood clotting improve, the functionality of the brain increases.
  5. Immunity is strengthened, the body is rejuvenated at all levels.

But when losing weight, the inclusion of canned corn in the diet is not recommended. This preparation, regardless of quality, will lead to fluid retention in the body, which will slow down the removal of extra pounds. The calorie content of the product is also significant, so you should not count on the active breakdown of fats.

Harm of canned corn

As with all canned foods, processed corn is harmful in two ways:

  1. When buying an initially low-quality product or violating the conditions for its storage.
  2. When the product is abused, trying to use it as a main dish.

So, expired corn can cause severe food poisoning. And, having eaten several tablespoons of the product in one go, you can provoke a slight indigestion. Regular use of conservation in large volumes can lead to a stable disruption of the food processing process and the development of food allergies. Do not forget about the presence of various food additives in canned corn. Even conditionally safe substances can turn into poison under the influence of certain factors.

Rules for choosing canned corn

When buying a product, many housewives are guided by its cost. In fact, if you want the benefits of canned corn to be maximum with minimal danger, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • It is better to buy blanks in glass containers. This will allow you to evaluate the appearance and quality of the grains, the transparency of the brine, the presence of sediment and various impurities. The corn itself should not be a bright color, a yellow tint indicates a significant age of the cobs from which the elements were collected. It is better to buy milky corn.
  • If the can is tin, it should not have streaks or dents. The first factor ensures that the integrity of the package is not violated. The second minimizes the risk that the metal has been damaged and reacted with substances in the brine.
  • The bank needs to be shaken. If liquid overflow is heard, this indicates the presence of air in the container, due to which the product may deteriorate even when closed. Well, when such manipulation does not give any results.
  • Of course, the expiration dates on the container are of great importance. They must not exceed 2 years. It is still not worth buying products whose shelf life expires within the next 6 months.

In general, the benefits of canned corn are quite controversial, even if you harvest it yourself, at home. Vitamins are destroyed in any case during processing, and minerals can be converted into forms that adversely affect the body. In favor of grains harvested in this way, says the preservation of their texture and softness. And many people like the taste of such products even more than that of a fresh or boiled product. There is another important point - the preservative ceases to be a universal ingredient, it is combined only with natural products, and it is better not to combine it with pickles and semi-finished products.

Corn belongs to an ancient cereal crop, which began to be grown quite a long time ago in Peru, Mexico. Interestingly, the Mayans and Aztecs believed that corn is a sacred plant. Then the cereal was delivered to Europe, they became interested in him in Spain. At first, it was used there as an ornamental plant, but after a while they managed to figure out what was what and introduced grains into the diet. Thanks to the Portuguese, they learned about the cereal in China, Indonesia, India, and Asian countries. Today, in the summer, many people like to eat boiled corn, and at other times of the year they buy canned. How useful is it? Can the product harm?

Composition and calories

How many calories are in corn? At least 340 kcal. This is one of the nutritious cereals, it contains a lot of protein, fats, vegetable carbohydrates, as well as such useful components as dietary fiber, starch, vitamin A, B, E. The product is rich in iodine, boron, copper, manganese, nickel, chromium, selenium.

Especially useful are corn waste, which contains glutamic acid, which is necessary for the functioning of the heart and brain. Corn helps to get rid of:

  • Psychosis.
  • Muscular dystrophy.
  • epilepsy.
  • depression.

Corn contains selenium, which is why it is recommended to use it as a prophylactic against oncology. The product slows down aging, so it should be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Did you know that there is a lot of unsaturated fatty acid in it? When using oil, you can cleanse the vessels of cholesterol deposits, improve cells and tissues. It is not for nothing that where corn is considered a traditional product, people do not suffer from heart and vascular diseases so much.

If you regularly use corn, you can improve complexion, hair structure, whiten, heal, strengthen teeth. Pay attention to Hispanics, they practically do not go to the dentist, because they eat a lot of corn.

We know about different dishes: boiled, fried. Some use it in the form of popcorn, cereal, bread, tortillas. Especially popular is canned corn, which can be bought at any time of the year.

Can't give up fatty, high-calorie foods, do you abuse alcohol? Add corn to your menu. With this product, you can reduce the negative impact of fried, alcoholic, fatty foods. Grains can be added to soup, salad, side dishes.

Homeopaths offer various medicines based on corn. The most commonly used cobs, grains, stigmas. Drugs can be cured:

  • Hepatitis.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Nephritis.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Cholecystitis.

Is canned corn healthy?

The product is no less useful than fresh. During canning, all useful properties are preserved, more than in beans. It is best to preserve fresh seeds, they are distinguished by medicinal and nutritional qualities. You can use the product alone or combine it with vegetables, meat.

The main thing is to choose the right product, because there are many unscrupulous manufacturers. First of all, look at the date of manufacture, ask about the expiration date. If corn is released in winter, and not in summer, in autumn, then it is clear that the product is stale - reconstituted seeds were used for it, which were dried, soaked, and then canned.

Many manufacturers simplify the technology: they buy products in large volumes, then they begin to lay them out in jars. At the same time, the rules and certain norms are not always observed.

Attention! Summer corn is of high quality. Just make sure that the date is embossed, not pasted. Many manufacturers like to constantly change it, printing something on the label that does not correspond to reality.

Some manufacturers offer corn in glass jars. Of course, in such banks, the grain is better visible, but the filling in them is cloudy, has a milky tint. Despite this, carefully consider the grains, what color, shape they have, if there are any spots on them, various defects. The grains should be uniform in color, while they may be white or bright yellow.

It should be borne in mind that in cans the product can be stored for about 2 years, and in glass only 3 years. To find out about the quality of the product, it is enough to try it several times. The main thing is that the composition does not contain water, sugar, salt. Buy corn, which is made according to GOST. An opened jar should not be stored for more than two days.


Effective and fast is the corn diet, which makes it possible to lose about 5 kg of excess weight.

First day: eat corn (400 grams), divide the meal into 4 times, add an apple, tomato, carrot, pepper, cucumber, onion, greens to the menu. You can eat vegetables separately or as a salad - just do not add sour cream, mayonnaise.

Second day: repeat the menu.

The third day: a serving of corn is reduced by 200 grams, necessarily divided into 4 meals. You can add some fruits, vegetables, mushrooms (no more than 150 grams).

Fourth day: you need to eat everything the same as in the third.

So, canned corn is one of the best foods for diet food, only if you buy quality. In this case, you should not save, give preference only to proven products. If possible, in the summer, buy yourself fresh heads of corn and boil them. Despite all the benefits, you should not get carried away with the product, always remember the measure. In large quantities, corn can clog the stomach, lead to bloating, increased gas formation, exacerbation of various chronic ailments. Be careful with your diet!

Sweet canned corn is ready to eat and serves as a semi-finished product for a variety of dishes. It is tasty and healthy, keeps the body normal and helps to get rid of many diseases.

How the composition and nutritional value explain the benefits of canned corn

Surprisingly, clear wild-growing predecessors of corn have not yet been discovered, and if a person stops caring for this plant, corn will never survive, will not bear fruit without his support.

Corn is the leader among cereals along with wheat and rice, all its parts are used - if not for food, then for livestock feed, for fertilizers, for the needs of the paper and pharmaceutical industries.

Corn played a decisive role in the development of America, supporting the settlers with high yields and unpretentiousness.

Flour is made from it and bread, pies and cookies are baked. Prepare alcoholic drinks. Porridge is cooked from cereals. From the grains prepare the first, second courses, snacks and desserts (for example, popcorn).

And a huge amount of it is allowed for canned food. In this form, it seems to many to be tastier than boiled, and in terms of nutritional value, although it is inferior to steamed, it is not critical.

Moderate energy value, coupled with excellent digestible proteins, an abundance of amino acids and the so-called "slow" carbohydrates that provide the body with energy, and not an increase in centimeters in problem areas - all this makes canned corn an excellent product for a healthy diet.

And it fully compensates for such a disadvantage as a low protein content.

Speaking of corn, it is worth dwelling in more detail on its two complex carbohydrates:

Fiber stimulates the intestines, cleanses it of decay products and serves as food for probiotics, among the functions of which are the maintenance of microflora and the production of substances that prevent food allergic reactions. Since maize dietary fibers belong to a partially fermentable group, they help lower blood cholesterol levels;

Starch is one of the best types of "fuel" for the body, converted into glucose. Part of it immediately enters the blood, part - in the form of glycogen is deposited in reserve, mainly in the liver, from where it is released when the blood sugar level drops below normal. Corn starch is also involved in the formation of organic acids.

Corn contains B vitamins (B2, B5, B9 and B6 contain the most) necessary for a healthy nervous system - from resistance to stress, to proper sleep and memorization, assimilation and analysis of new information.

Vitamin E is known as an antioxidant that can prolong youth and improve facial skin, and serve as protection against the negative manifestations of modern ecology. But it is also in demand for cell respiration and the process of their reproduction (on which the regenerative abilities of the body depend), protein processing, and is required for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

In addition, corn contains vitamins C, K and PP.

Of a number of trace elements, which include potassium, manganese, phosphorus and selenium, the highest content in corn is magnesium, widely known for its beneficial properties for the cardiovascular system. But in addition, it is useful for the following:

blood supply to the kidneys and excretion of uric acid;

building bones and tooth enamel;

prevention of osteoporosis;

better absorption of vitamin D.

What are the Benefits of Canned Corn?

To improve metabolism, it is enough to eat just a few tablespoons of canned corn a week and do it regularly.

Corn helps not to feel heaviness in the stomach and nausea after fatty foods, and also does not suffer from a hangover after a glass of wine at dinner.

By itself, it does not effectively increase hemoglobin, but, being a side dish to the same red meat, liver, it promotes the absorption of iron, so it can be recommended both for anemia itself and for the prevention of anemia.

In addition, regular consumption of canned corn contributes to:

prevention of sclerosis;

strengthening of immunity;

a surge of vitality and a feeling of tone throughout the body;

Cleansing the liver

Improving twilight vision and reducing eye fatigue during specific loads on them (for example, being behind a bright monitor in the dark, reading while lying down).

It is worth noting the benefits of canned corn for the respiratory system. Not only does it strengthen them, corn also helps them adapt to adverse conditions.

These include, for example, a trip to the mountains, where there is less and less oxygen with the elevation change. Or being in a city whose air is saturated with substances that impede their work. Or intense physical activity, at least running, in which breathing is easily confused, which is unacceptable to benefit from this activity.

In the field of women's health, corn can strengthen the body to stress during pregnancy and relieve symptoms, reduce the risk of complications during menopause.

How to choose in the store to eat canned corn with benefits

Canned grains, parts of the cobs of ordinary plants and whole cobs of dwarf varieties of corn. Usually yellow corn gets into the container, less often - its exotic varieties with black or red grains. Their useful properties are equivalent.

According to GOST and the unwritten rules of good manufacturers, for the preparation of canned corn, in addition to itself, the most modest composition is quite simple - water, salt and sugar. That's all that should be listed on the label.

The best quality is the product produced in summer or autumn. If the winter month is indicated on the package, it means that these were dried corn grains that were soaked in water, boiled and then preserved.

Corn not used immediately should be transferred to glass, ceramic or plastic containers and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.

Harm of canned corn

The delayed harm of canned corn with its excessive use is manifested in the fact that it is possible to slow down the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

If there are too many low-quality grains, for example, made from dry raw materials, this can provoke harm from canned corn through fluid retention in the body, and as a result, the occurrence or increase in puffiness.

Unlike boiled cobs, canned corn is not capable of causing bloating, but with a tendency to flatulence, it is not recommended to use it mixed with products that provoke this disorder, for example, legumes.

Ulcers, colitis and other inflammatory disease processes in the stomach or intestines;

thrombophlebitis or thrombosis (corn can increase blood clotting);

Severe emaciation and underweight, especially as a result of psychosomatic disorders (eg anorexia). The fact is that in some people, corn in the process of an individual reaction can cause a decrease in appetite.
