
Compote, dregs, nonsense - Dmitry Medvedev about political games and accusations against him.

Mud, nonsense and compote. Dmitry Medvedev nevertheless reacted to the investigation of the anti-corruption fund. On Tuesday, the prime minister met with workers from the Tambov Bacon plant in the village of Borshchevka, who, among other things, asked him a question about the FBK film:

Dmitry Medvedev: Who benefits? Beneficial for those who order this kind of stories, materials. These are, as a rule, people who have very specific political goals. Here are all the stories that are filmed. By the way, they charge a lot of money. And moreover, this money, of course, is not collected from the people. There are private sponsors who are behind everything behind this. They are aimed specifically at achieving a very specific political result. Moreover, everything is done in this way, according to the principle of such a compote. They will collect all sorts of different dregs, collect all sorts of nonsense, if it concerns me, about my acquaintances, people about whom I have never heard of at all, about some places where I have been and about some places that I have never heard of either. didn't hear. They collect some papers, photographs, clothes. Provocations, you understand, are the easiest thing to do. But there is experience for this. I already have some experience.

Workers: Hold on.

Dmitry Medvedev: Thanks, yes. Usually I say hold on, but here, they wished me.

FBK Alexei Navalny published a film about Dmitry Medvedev and funds associated with him in early March. A few weeks after that, protests took place in Russia, the largest of which took place in Moscow on Tverskaya. So far, however, Medvedev has preferred not to comment on the investigation. Why did the prime minister still decide to answer?

Konstantin Simonov CEO of the National Energy Security FundOpinion of the General Director of the National Energy Security Fund Konstantin Simonov. “Whenever these kinds of stories come up, accusing a major figure of corruption or something else, this figure has two options for behavior. Always. Either pretend that nothing is happening, or start to react. Both options have pros and cons. And that is why PR people and press secretaries always think for a very long time what to do with this. Because if you start commenting, then you drag yourself into a showdown, you allow yourself to have a dialogue with you. And then they start to drive you, like a mammoth, into information caves and traps. If you don’t notice anything, then anyway this story is unfolding, and everyone pretends that, you see, he is silent, he has nothing to say, which means he partially admits this story, because he is not even able to refute it. Therefore, I do not exclude that Medvedev also chose between strategies, and at some point his entourage began to tell him that he needed to go out and bang the table with his fist and say in the traditional style that this was all behind the scenes, those who are trying rock the boat. Well, in fact, I think this answer is extremely unfortunate, because in reality, if he understood his opponents from this audience, he would understand that just this answer would only provoke them. I do not rule out that there is another explanation. It may even be more logical. That Medvedev went on a definite counteroffensive and the answer, in fact, is not aimed at the Internet audience at all, which “trolls” him. And then, by the way, it becomes clear why he did it in such a style, knowing perfectly well that the Internet audience will only ridicule him for it. Why did this happen? Because he did not answer them. He answered political opponents, hardware opponents, who, in his opinion, could be behind these stories. IN this case, it is not the answer itself that is important, but the rigidity of intonation is important.

The Prime Minister also spoke about the initiator of the protests, Alexei Navalny. He did not say the name of the oppositionist, calling him a "tried character" who sets up young people to achieve "selfish goals." Why did Medvedev react only now, the day after the explosion in St. Petersburg?

Vladimir Slatinov political scientist “Despite the totality of events that have already taken place after the release of the corresponding film, and the events are quite serious, the question for the person involved, the very hero of this film, is still hanging in the air. It is still scattered in space. And I believe that Dmitry Anatolyevich feels with some kind of sixth or some other feeling that wherever, in general, he appears today in public, wherever he speaks, the very fact of his public appearance, public speaking automatically raises appropriate questions. . And as we understand, Dmitry Anatolyevich himself still has this problem in his mind. That is, I generally think that here, to some extent, we are dealing with such a psychology. Both social and personal."

The Navalny Foundation's investigation concerned real estate that could be linked to Dmitry Medvedev. Assets, according to FBK, are issued to several charitable foundations managed by Russian businessmen - relatives and acquaintances of the prime minister.

Speaking on March 4 with the workers of the Tambov Bacon plant, Dmitry Medvedev, unexpectedly for everyone, commented on the FBK investigation published a month ago “He is not Dimon to you” - and managed to find words for this that inspired countless parodies among Internet users.

"Everything is done according to the principle of compote. They take all kinds of dregs, collect all sorts of nonsense -<...>some papers, photographs, clothes - and then they create such a product and present it."

We still underestimate our prime minister.
I see the news: "Medvedev responded to Navalny's accusations."
I see the text: "Medvedev called the FBK investigation nonsense, pieces of paper and compote."
To me, it's so brilliant. The universal answer to any question. If only the head of government used it more often.
- Dmitry Anatolyevich, what are the government's plans to improve the macroeconomic situation?
- Nonsense, papers and compote!
Well, and so on.

Is this what we were waiting for? "All accusations are compote," Medvedev said. Why not semolina? When there is nothing to say, it is better to observe a quiet hour.

Medvedev had some unhappy childhood. They probably gave him bad compote.
And I, for example, was very fond of compote as a child.
Shame on the computer.

I am a skilled cook
I cook paper compote
from banknotes
for fools and fools

I once asked Dima Lesha:
- Where did you get galoshes from?
Dima did not immediately answer -
Offended and shut up.
And here is his response:
- All nonsense, papers and compote!

"We have gas in our apartment.
And you?"

"Nonsense, papers and compote.

Who, opening his mouth in "Bacon"
He says: - All nonsense, compote?
Give it
Submit it
Do the opposite!

That's right, disabled

Who is this?

And therefore,
That everything is forgiven him
And he lives in a new house,
Not ready for anything.

Medvedev on Navalny's investigation: it's all a DUCK

The commentators were also pleased with where exactly the prime minister spoke.

Medvedev at the Tambov Bacon plant called Navalny's investigation "compote".
"Food, I love you"

Good place name:
"Bacon and compote".

Tambov. Bacon. Every word is wonderful. Well, at least not on Shabbat.

Tambov bacon is your friend

Bacon, of course, is from Tambov, but the character is well-known

The Prime Minister spoke at the Tambov Bacon Factory.
God! They took everything from us - absurdity, postmodernism, farce, guignol, macabre...
What is the job of a playwright? How?

Many immediately assumed that all this was not without reason and that the prime minister was either distracting the public in this way, or digging a political grave for himself.

Dmitry Anatolyevich decided to urgently change the informational agenda and take the fire on himself.

not "change the information agenda", but rather return it to the state before yesterday's terrorist attack. Which is very strange, it should be noted. Why is this?

It seems that Putin forced him to say all this. As punishment.

The case when you part with all your past, speaking at the Tambov Bacon factory.

Now this meme will be in politics: "Tambov bacon". You, Pyotr Ilyich, as a nobleman, have only one way out. You must perform at the Tambov Bacon factory.

Hi, I'm your curator in the Tambov Bacon game.

They say that after Medvedev's visit, the meat-packing plant will be renamed "Tambov backup".

For some, Medvedev is such a modern Khrushchev, like “one of these”, but it seems that he said and did a lot of the right things.
But fate, of course, is different for him.

Versions are being heard again that Medvedev's speech at the Tambov Bacon is an attempt to somehow shift attention from yesterday's tragedy, which many perceive as a failure of the special services, and hence the authorities. The move, of course, is not intentional, but spectacular, as always, when a shaved and refreshed prime minister joins the cause.

And it's not even about the memetic and outright visual clumsiness of Medvedev. The fact is that he is a portrait of Dorian Putin, who takes on all the life tests of the first person, from year to year sacrificing his rating for the sake of maintaining 80% + with the president. After the famous photo shoot from the Arctic, the long-awaited comparison began to sparkle even more vividly.

The fact that on the same day, when the video with Medvedev's commentary appeared on the Web, the prime minister lowered the living wage of Russians by 198 rubles fits well into conspiracy schemes.

Most interesting event the last couple of months - this is an unexpected dementia. astonished the authorities. It seems that they dispersed all competent officials and advisers in general (so that there is enough for duck houses) and now a situation is possible when the prime minister scolds Navalny abusively and on the same day lowers the cost of living in and so poor country. And at the same time, an all-Russian rally of state employees is announced, at which people will be driven by force to support the authorities. The artificial pumping of a revolutionary situation is very curious.

16:16 Medvedev announced "selfish goals of a famous character" in response to allegations of corruption

16:29 Medvedev called terrorist assistants "freaks"

16:34 Medvedev reduced the cost of living

If we ignore the conspiracy theories, Medvedev's answer cannot be considered satisfactory, commentators say.

The FBK film was about Medvedev's dachas and vineyards, and his answer was about compote, nonsense and immature minds. So they showed the truth. Otherwise, one could simply say "this is not mine" and sue for libel.

From Medvedev's recent comments on Navalny's accusations, it is clear that the last leader Russian state, who voluntarily recognized that he had significant assets, was Tsar Nicholas II

In two months and 17 million views of the film about the palaces and vineyards of Dimon, one cannot squeeze out at least some sane explanation for the press and society, except for this shameful "compote" - well, it's just not worth a penny not only living in the country people, but also the media, the journalistic community and what in the ordinary world is called society. This shows what billions of kilometers, what parsecs separate us from them. Well then don't complain.

34 days later, Medvedev responded with a 408-word comment. Prepared 12 words a day

Dmitry Medvedev for the first time, after 17 million views of a film about him, commented on the accusations in this film. Medvedev called all these accusations "compote", in which some buildings, plots, some different people. Navalny called "a famous character." Silence 2 put on did not look convincing. The reference to the fact that Navalny is on trial is also not convincing. To call it compote is also not strong. But what should Medvedev do? Not to give a report to Navalny on all the indicated objects? But what is needed is a clear public response to a film that has been watched by more than 10 million people. No link to compote.

You know what hashtag should be here.

He would not have responded at all had it not been for public pressure. I would just remain silent, as if nothing had happened. But I had to ... It looks pathetic. If Navalny slandered the second person in the country, sue, defend your good name. But there would be something to protect. When there is nothing, excuses sound like in kindergarten.

Reporting on the visits of the first persons of the Russian Federation "to the places" is always a song. Medvedik at the Tambov Bacon factory and at the Tambov experimental school, where he played with all the toys as usual, is a separate story. In the report of the First Channel, it is especially funny that Medvedev was surrounded by many people there, but they gave a voice, with sound, to one single worker (she is in the first picture), who passionately asked the prime minister:
Who benefits from this and how do you react to it?
Well, Medvedyushko understood it correctly and immediately started up with political information to the workers of "Tambov Bacon" about compote, about dregs, nonsense, pieces of paper and "some kind of clothes." She probably then asked her foreman: what was it? And what did I ask him about, at least tell me?!

It is also noted on the Web that Dmitry Medvedev did not mention in his comment either the authors of the investigation or the specific claims that are made against him.

A fine story is now on the evening news on One. They showed the whole answer of Nedimon to the question of the sympathetic butchers of Tambov Bacon LLC. And neither in the eyeliner, nor in the answer, not once does the name "Navalny" sound, but in general, not even a word hints at what kind of "attacks" are.

New abstraction (in fact, the old one):

“It is beneficial for those (WHO?) who orders this kind of (WHAT?) plots, materials. These are, as a rule, people (WHAT?) who have very specific political goals (WHAT?). Naturally, they are trying to show that the government is behaving badly, and they are better than the rest. In other words, these are all the stories (WHAT?) that are filmed - by the way, they are filmed for a lot of money, and moreover, this money is collected, of course, not from the people, but there are sponsors, private, who are all behind this (WHAT? ), - they are aimed precisely at achieving a very specific political result (WHAT?)”.

A real look and something, a non-existent prime minister.

We must pay tribute: Dimon contained so many amazing things in one small statement that it is necessary to consider the possibility of a unique and outstanding structure of the brain, a new type of modern politician. Of course, even V.I. Lenin tested the use of aggressive abracadabra in communication with the population, because if a person is simply lying, then he at least has an understanding of where the truth is, and at what stage he himself alters it. In turn, the interpreter may know that the politician knows, and the politician in turn may know that the listener knows about him, and here there is a kind of intellectual duel.

However, the Soviet government raised a population of such a special mental gradation, when the communication of Tambov butchers with the Leningrad swindler-Chekist turns into a session of an exceptional level of nonsense, and no one understands anything at all, but everyone disperses as if satisfied.

Although the sediment remains the same for both, otherwise they would not be such dull and gloomy compote eccentrics.

Many found it amusing that Dmitry Medvedev pressed on the "political goals" of the authors of the investigation.

According to Dmitry Medvedev, it was collected “according to the principle of compote”. He noted that Navalny talked about those people whose names he did not even know.

“They take all sorts of different dregs there, collect all sorts of nonsense about me, if it concerns me, about my acquaintances and about people whom I have never heard of at all. About some places I've been. Some places I've never heard of either. They collect some papers, photographs, clothes there. Then they create such a product and present it,” the prime minister said in an interview with TASS.

Dmitry Medvedev emphasized separately that the product of Alexei Navalny turned out to be quite solid, although it is rather difficult to understand it. Most likely, the prime minister added, they paid well for this investigation.

Video: good cat

When asked by a correspondent about who could be behind the investigation of the oppositionist, Dmitry Medvedev said that attacking the government is beneficial only to those who "have certain political goals."

“They are trying to show that the government is behaving badly, and they are better than everyone else. Everything would be fine if there was not a very definite story behind it. The story is about getting people out into the street and achieving their political goals,” Medvedev summed up.

The Prime Minister made the statement during a visit to the Tambov Bacon plant, which, together with his quotes, caused an ironic reaction from social media users.

It should be noted that earlier there were no comments from Dmitry Medvedev himself regarding the scandalous investigation. The Kremlin stepped forward. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the government did not have time to get acquainted with the FBK materials in detail, but they saw the media reports.

“This is not the first example of the work of this famous convicted citizen. There is nothing to add to what was said by the press secretary of the Prime Minister,” Dmitry Peskov added.

Recall . Alexei Navalny's investigation stated that Dmitry Medvedev was the owner of a "secret empire". As stated in the material, Medvedev, through a network of non-profit foundations, owns huge plots of land in elite areas, yachts, apartments in old mansions, agricultural complexes and wineries in Russia and abroad. According to the FBK, all this property was bought with bribes from oligarchs and loans from state banks, and it is managed by Medvedev's confidants, his friends and fellow students.

After the publication of this material, a large-scale anti-corruption campaign swept across the country. Young people took to the streets of the cities with slogans and posters against Dmitry Medvedev and his luxurious estates. Alexei Navalny himself, the organizer of the anti-corruption rally in Moscow, was fined 20,000 rubles for an unsanctioned rally and arrested for 15 days.

At the same time, Dmitry Medvedev admitted a few days later that on March 26, the day of the processions, he went skiing.

The prime minister's reaction was not unexpected, experts say. Only it is not aimed at the Internet audience - her words of the head of government will only provoke. Who is Medvedev's response intended for, and why did it sound right now?

Dmitry Medvedev. Photo: Alexander Astafiev / TASS

Mud, nonsense and compote. Dmitry Medvedev nevertheless reacted to the investigation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation. On Tuesday, the prime minister met with workers from the Tambov Bacon plant in the village of Borshchevka, who, among other things, asked him a question about the FBK film:

Dmitry Medvedev: Who benefits? Beneficial for those who order this kind of stories, materials. These are, as a rule, people who have very specific political goals. Here are all the stories that are filmed. By the way, they charge a lot of money. And moreover, this money, of course, is not collected from the people. There are private sponsors who are behind everything behind this. They are aimed specifically at achieving a very specific political result. Moreover, everything is done in this way, according to the principle of such a compote. They will collect all sorts of different dregs, collect all sorts of nonsense, if it concerns me, about my acquaintances, people about whom I have never heard of at all, about some places where I have been and about some places that I have never heard of either. didn't hear. They collect some papers, photographs, clothes. Provocations, you understand, are the easiest thing to do. But there is experience for this. I already have some experience.

Workers: Hold on.

Dmitry Medvedev: Thanks, yes. Usually I say hold on, but here, they wished me.

FBK Alexei Navalny published a film about Dmitry Medvedev and funds associated with him in early March. A few weeks after that, protests took place in Russia, the largest of which took place in Moscow on Tverskaya. So far, however, Medvedev has preferred not to comment on the investigation. Why did the prime minister still decide to answer?

CEO of the National Energy Security Fund“Whenever these kinds of stories come up, accusing a major figure of corruption or something else, this figure has two options for behavior. Always. Either pretend that nothing is happening, or start to react. Both options have pros and cons. And that is why PR people and press secretaries always think for a very long time what to do with this. Because if you start commenting, then you drag yourself into a showdown, you allow yourself to have a dialogue with you. And then they start to drive you, like a mammoth, into information caves and traps. If you don’t notice anything, then anyway this story is unfolding, and everyone pretends that, you see, he is silent, he has nothing to say, which means he partially admits this story, because he is not even able to refute it. Therefore, I do not exclude that Medvedev also chose between strategies, and at some point his entourage began to tell him that he needed to go out and bang the table with his fist and say in the traditional style that this was all behind the scenes, those who are trying rock the boat. Well, in fact, I think this answer is extremely unfortunate, because in reality, if he understood his opponents from this audience, he would understand that just this answer would only provoke them. I do not rule out that there is another explanation. It may even be more logical. That Medvedev went on a definite counteroffensive and the answer, in fact, is not aimed at the Internet audience at all, which “trolls” him. And then, by the way, it becomes clear why he did it in such a style, knowing perfectly well that the Internet audience will only ridicule him for it. Why did this happen? Because he did not answer them. He answered political opponents, hardware opponents, who, in his opinion, could be behind these stories. In this case, it is not the answer itself that is important, but the rigidity of intonation is important.

The Prime Minister also spoke about the initiator of the protests, Alexei Navalny. He did not say the name of the oppositionist, calling him a "tried character" who sets up young people to achieve "selfish goals." Why did Medvedev react only now, the day after the explosion in St. Petersburg?

Political scientist “Despite the totality of events that have already taken place after the release of the corresponding film, and the events are quite serious, the question for the person involved, the very hero of this film, is still hanging in the air. It is still scattered in space. And I believe that Dmitry Anatolyevich feels with some kind of sixth or some other feeling that wherever, in general, he appears today in public, wherever he speaks, the very fact of his public appearance, public speaking automatically raises appropriate questions. . And as we understand, Dmitry Anatolyevich himself still has this problem in his mind. That is, I generally think that here, to some extent, we are dealing with such a psychology. Both social and personal."

The Navalny Foundation's investigation concerned real estate that could be linked to Dmitry Medvedev. Assets, according to FBK, are issued to several charitable foundations managed by Russian businessmen - relatives and acquaintances of the prime minister.

Speaking on March 4 with the workers of the Tambov Bacon plant, Dmitry Medvedev, unexpectedly for everyone, commented on the FBK investigation published a month ago “He is not Dimon to you” - and managed to find words for this that inspired countless parodies among Internet users.

"Everything is done according to the principle of compote. They take all kinds of dregs, collect all sorts of nonsense–​ <...>some papers, photographs, clothes,–​and then they create such a product and present it."

We still underestimate our prime minister.
I see the news: "Medvedev responded to Navalny's accusations."
I see the text: "Medvedev called the FBK investigation nonsense, pieces of paper and compote."
To me, it's so brilliant. The universal answer to any question. If only the head of government used it more often.

–​Dmitry Anatolyevich, what are the government's plans to improve the macroeconomic situation?
–​Nonsense, papers and compote!
Well, and so on.

Is this what we were waiting for? "All accusations–​compote",–​Medvedev said. Why not semolina? When there's nothing to say–​it is better to observe a quiet hour.

Medvedev had some unhappy childhood. They probably gave him bad compote.
And I, for example, was very fond of compote as a child.
Shame on the computer.

I am a skilled cook
I cook paper compote
from banknotes
for fools and fools

I once asked Dima Lesha:
–​Where do you get galoshes from?
Dima didn't answer right away.
Offended and shut up.
And here is his response:

–​All nonsense, papers and compote!

"We have gas in our apartment.
And you?"

"Nonsense, papers and compote.

Who, opening his mouth in "Bacon"
–​All nonsense, compote?
Give it
Submit it
Do the opposite!

That's right, disabled

Who is this?

And therefore,
That everything is forgiven him
And he lives in a new house,
Not ready for anything.

Medvedev on Navalny's investigation: it's all a DUCK

The commentators were also pleased with where exactly the Russian prime minister spoke.

Medvedev at the Tambov Bacon plant called Navalny's investigation "compote".
"Food, I love you"

Good place name:
"Bacon and compote".

Tambov. Bacon. Every word is wonderful. Well, at least not on Shabbat.

Tambov bacon is your friend

Bacon, of course, Tambov, but the character–​famous

The Prime Minister spoke at the Tambov Bacon Factory.
God! They took everything from us
–​absurdity, postmodernism, farce, guignol, macabre...
What is the job of a playwright? How?

Many immediately assumed that all this was not without reason and that the prime minister was either distracting the public in this way, or digging a political grave for himself.

Dmitry Anatolyevich decided to urgently change the informational agenda and take the fire on himself.

Not "change the information agenda", but rather return it to the state before yesterday's terrorist attack. Which is very strange, it should be noted. Why is this?

It seems that Putin forced him to say all this. As punishment.

The case when you part with all your past, speaking at the Tambov Bacon factory.

Now this meme will be in politics: "Tambov bacon". You, Pyotr Ilyich, as a nobleman, have only one way out. You must perform at the Tambov Bacon factory.

Hi, I'm your curator in the Tambov Bacon game.

They say that after Medvedev's visit, the meat-packing plant will be renamed "Tambov backup".

Medvedev for some–​this is such a modern Khrushchev, like “one of these”, but it seems that he said and did a lot of the right things.
But fate, of course, is different for him.

There are again versions that Medvedev's speech at the Tambov Bacon–​an attempt to somehow divert attention from yesterday's tragedy, which many perceive as a failure of the special services, and hence the authorities. The move, of course, is not intentional, but spectacular, as always, when a shaved and refreshed prime minister joins the cause.

The fact is that he is a portrait of Dorian Putin, who takes on all the life tests of the first person, from year to year sacrificing his rating for the sake of maintaining 80% + with the president

And it's not even about the memetic and outright visual clumsiness of Medvedev. The point is that he–​a portrait of Dorian Putin, who takes on all the life tests of the first person, from year to year sacrificing his rating for the sake of maintaining 80% + with the president. After the famous photo shoot from the Arctic, the long-awaited comparison began to sparkle even more vividly.

The fact that on the same day, when the video with Medvedev's commentary appeared on the Web, the prime minister lowered the living wage of Russians by 198 rubles fits well into conspiracy schemes.

The most interesting event of the last couple of months–​it is an unexpected dementia that struck the authorities. It seems that they dispersed all competent officials and advisers in general (to have enough for duck houses), and now a situation is possible when the prime minister scolds Navalny abusively and on the same day lowers the cost of living in an already poor country. And at the same time, an all-Russian rally of state employees is announced, at which people will be driven by force to support the authorities. The artificial pumping of a revolutionary situation is very curious.

16:16 Medvedev announced "selfish goals of a famous character" in response to allegations of corruption

16:29 Medvedev called terrorist assistants "freaks"

16:34 Medvedev reduced the cost of living

If we ignore the conspiracy theories, Medvedev's answer cannot be considered satisfactory, commentators say.

The FBK film was about Medvedev's dachas and vineyards, and his answer was about compote, nonsense and immature minds. So they showed the truth. Otherwise, one could simply say "this is not mine" and sue for libel.

The last head of the Russian state, who voluntarily acknowledged that he had significant assets, was Tsar Nicholas II.

From Medvedev's recent comments on Navalny's allegations, it is clear that the last head of the Russian state to voluntarily admit to having significant assets was Tsar Nicholas II.

In two months and 17 million views of the film about the palaces and vineyards of Dimon, one cannot squeeze out at least some sane explanation for the press and society, except for this shameful "compote" - well, it's just not worth a penny not only living in the country people, but also the media, the journalistic community and what in the ordinary world is called society. This shows what billions of kilometers, what parsecs separate us from them. Well then don't complain.

34 days later, Medvedev responded with a 408-word comment. Prepared 12 words a day

34 days later, Medvedev responded with a 408-word comment. Prepared 12 words a day

Dmitry Medvedev for the first time, after 17 million views of a film about him, commented on the accusations in this film. Medvedev called all these accusations "compote", in which some buildings, plots, and some different people are collected in a heap that are not related to him. Navalny called "a famous character." Silence 2 put on did not look convincing. The reference to the fact that Navalny is on trial is also not convincing. To call it compote is also not strong. But what should Medvedev do? Not to give a report to Navalny on all the indicated objects? But what is needed is a clear public response to a film that has been watched by more than 10 million people. No link to compote.

You know what hashtag should be here.

He would not have responded at all had it not been for public pressure. I would just remain silent, as if nothing had happened. But I had to ... It looks pathetic. If Navalny slandered the second person in the country, sue, defend your good name. But there would be something to protect. When there is nothing, excuses sound like in kindergarten.
