
Currant compote - simple recipes for the winter. Quick blackcurrant compote with cinnamon

You can talk about the beneficial qualities of currants for a very long time. It is rich in vitamins B, E and C. It also contains potassium, pectin, phosphorus and iron. In our family, they don’t really like this fresh berry, since it has a rather specific taste, but no one refuses compote. It turns out very fragrant, tasty and incredibly useful.

I want to offer you some very simple recipes for blackcurrant compote, which have been prepared in our family for several generations.

How to cook blackcurrant compote

Inventory: saucepan, 3 liter jar, lid, seaming key.


Step by step cooking

  1. To begin with, we will prepare a jar in which the compote will be stored. Pour boiling water over it or sterilize it in a way convenient for you. From the indicated amount of ingredients, one three-liter jar of compote will be obtained.
  2. We sort out the blackcurrant berries and wash them several times. We spread about 460 g of washed berries in a jar.
  3. In a separate saucepan, bring clean water to a boil. We will need about 2.6 liters of water.
  4. When the water boils, pour currants with boiling water.
  5. We cover the jar with a metal lid and leave for 15 minutes so that the compote is infused.

  6. Add 230-260 g of sugar there. Adjust the amount of sugar to your liking.
  7. Bring the resulting syrup to a boil, and then pour it back into a jar of berries.

  8. We turn over the jar of compote, wrap it in a blanket and leave it to cool completely.

Such blanks can be stored all winter in a dark, cool place.

video recipe

Don't miss the opportunity to see how easy it is to preserve blackcurrants.

Blackcurrant and apple compote

Cooking time– 1 hour 20 minutes.
Servings- 3 to 3 liters.
Calories per 100 g- 60 kcal.
Inventory: saucepan, three-liter jars, sieve, lids, bowls, seaming key.


Step by step cooking

  1. Wash apples and black currants thoroughly. Remove the core of the apples and cut them into medium-sized slices.

    Blackcurrant compote is cooked not only with apples, you can replace them with oranges, raspberries or apricots. You can also add mint or cinnamon.

  2. We set clean jars to sterilize in a way convenient for you: on the stove (steamed), in the oven or microwave.
  3. Pour 8 liters of clean water into a large saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  4. Before putting berries with apples in a jar, they need to be blanched. Put in a sieve 3 stack. currants and 280 g of apples.
  5. When the water boils, lower the sieve into boiling water and blanch the measured portion of berries and apples for about 1 minute.
  6. Then we transfer them to a sterilized vessel. Do the same with the remaining ingredients. From this amount of ingredients, you should get 3 jars with a capacity of 3 liters.
  7. We spread 1.4 kg of sugar in boiling water, mix and cook the syrup for 5-10 minutes. If desired, the amount of sugar can be reduced, but it should be no less than 100 g per 1 liter of water.
  8. Pour the finished syrup into jars and roll them up with a key. We turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket. When they are completely cool, put them in a cold place.

video recipe

Watch the video on how compote is prepared according to this recipe.

Blackcurrant compote will delight all family members with its sweet and sour taste and rich dark purple color. Currant bushes grow in almost every garden and vegetable garden, so making preparations from their berries does not require financial costs, which is important in our time. Only some time will be spent, usually taking about an hour. In addition to compotes, you can make stunning jam, jam, jelly, juice, sauce, jelly, wine and stuffing in pies from blackcurrant.

The benefits of blackcurrant

The plant contains vitamins C, E, B, PP, iron, calcium, zinc, beta-carotenes, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, organic acids and other useful substances that do not disappear during the heat treatment during canning. This fact is appropriate in the preparation of blackcurrant compote for the winter. Also, blackcurrant has all the ingredients that allow it to be stored in jars for a long time without vinegar and lemon additives.

In the currant bush, not only berries are useful, but also leaves, flowers and buds. Due to the high content of vitamin C in the leaves, decoctions are made from them that have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Tinctures from the buds and twigs are used as lotions on the eyes, as well as on areas damaged by eczema and dermatitis. Regular consumption of currant berries makes them antipyretic, sedative, tonic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and tonic. Based on the above beneficial microelements on the body, it is imperative to strengthen the immune system with a glass of compote every morning.

You can not use blackcurrant for people with high acidity of the stomach and those who have a tendency to thrombosis.

Quick blackcurrant compote

The blackcurrant compote recipe for the winter provides for 1 - 1.5 hours of your time. To create such a provision, you will need 600 grams of berries, which will be stored in a syrup consisting of 2.7 liters of water and 300 grams of sugar. Such preservation does not provide for the sterilization of a jar of berries, which significantly reduces the cooking time and is boldly called a “quick” recipe.


Berries can not get rid of the stalks. Their presence will not damage the safety of provisions, and the workpiece will have a decorative look.

Blackcurrant and apple compote

Winter blackcurrant drink can be preserved not only in pure form, but also combined with other fruits or berries. Future provisions acquire not only a different branch of taste, but are also intertwined with many additional useful substances. Such a fortified mix can be a compote of apples and blackcurrants. It will go 500 grams of apples and 150 grams of currants. The syrup includes 5 large spoons of sugar and 3 liters of water.


Canned fruits after uncorking the jar do not have to be thrown away. They can be eaten just like that or used as a filling in pies.

Blackcurrant compote with orange

Currant compote will acquire an unusual taste thanks to the addition of citrus. For orange compote, take 1 liter of berries, half an orange and 350 grams of sugar.


Blackcurrant and raspberry compote

Combining two seasonal berries to make a flavored drink is just a great idea. Such a result can be blackcurrant compote and. You need to pick as much blackcurrant as you like on it, it depends on your desire, how concentrated you want to see the compote. The second main component will be 200 grams of raspberries. 1 kilogram of sugar diluted in 1 liter of water will act as a syrup. Also add raspberries to the syrup.


To enhance the taste, you can add sprigs of lemon balm and lemon.

Blackcurrant compote can be combined not only with apples and raspberries. There are many recipes for canning this drink with other ingredients. It can be: strawberries, pears, red currants, mint, lemon, lime and even cucumbers. The cooking steps with other ingredients will be the same as in the recipes above, only the amount will vary according to your taste. Even the amount of sugar is adjustable according to your preference. Bon appetit!

The beneficial properties of blackcurrant have been known for a long time. This is a storehouse of vitamins C, B, E. It is rich in pectins, phosphorus, iron, potassium. The list of usefulness can be continued indefinitely. However, this berry is quite specific in taste, so there are not many fans to eat it in its pure form, but no one will refuse a delicious blackcurrant compote.

Why this compote should be on your table

The unique benefit is explained by the special natural composition of the drink. For its preparation, ripe fragrant berries are used, therefore, the compote is rich in biologically active components, which are much better absorbed by the body compared to artificial analogues from a pharmacy in the form of vitamins and nutritional supplements.

Of course, during the cooking process, a number of useful compounds are lost, since the berries undergo heat treatment, but most of them, compared to other fruits and berries, still remain.

Blackcurrant compote has a rather high content of vitamins A, B, C, E, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, potassium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

The drink normalizes the level of glucose in the blood, which prevents the occurrence of diabetes, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and metabolism.

We offer you some very tasty and healthy recipes.

Quick blackcurrant compote with cinnamon


  • 800 gr. fresh blackcurrants;
  • 200 gr. brown sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon.


  1. Wash the berries thoroughly.
  2. Boil water, add sugar, stir, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Reduce heat, add currants and cinnamon. Boil the compote for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Let the compote brew for 2-3 hours to reveal the taste of currants and the aroma of cinnamon.

Variation with raspberries and lemon balm


  • 800 gr. blackcurrant;
  • 200 gr. raspberries;
  • 1 kg. Sahara;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 2-3 sprigs of lemon balm.


  1. Sort and wash the currants.
  2. Pour currants with boiling water.
  3. Fill a pre-sterilized jar with currants to half, put lemon slices and lemon balm on top.
  4. Prepare the syrup. Put a pot of water on the fire, bring it to a boil. Place sugar and raspberries in a saucepan. Bring the water to a boil again and remove the pot from the heat.
  5. Pour the syrup into the blackcurrant jar. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Drain the water through a special lid or sieve back into the pan. Bring it to a boil and pour water into the berry.
  7. Seal the jar tightly with a lid.
  8. Turn over and let the jar cool.

Frozen blackcurrant compote

In the summer, housewives stock up on fruits and berries for the winter, put them in containers and store them in the freezer in order to please the household with a tasty and healthy drink on a cold and rainy day.

Winter compote from frozen blackcurrant is not inferior in taste and useful qualities to a drink brewed from fresh berries, because with a quick freeze, all the vitamins and minerals that this garden berry is so rich in are preserved in the maximum amount.

Here is such a simple recipe for good health and cheerful spirit, which is available to everyone.

Extra-quick and healthy recipe - prepare compote in 5 minutes


  • frozen blackcurrant - 1 cup;
  • sugar (or substitute) - 0.5 cups;
  • water - 3 liters.

compote preparation frozen black currant

Bring water to a boil, pour frozen blackcurrant and sugar into it. Bring to a boil and turn off. We let it brew for 30 minutes. That's all! We get a very tasty, sweet and rich drink that has retained all its beneficial properties.

Frozen currant compote with apple and mandarin slices


  • 300 gr. frozen currants;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 apple;
  • 180 gr. Sahara;
  • 2-3 slices of tangerine.


  1. Wash the apple, cut it into slices, peel the seeds.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan, add sugar, put a chopped apple and tangerine slices. Boil the compote for 5 minutes.
  3. Add frozen currants. It is not necessary to defrost the berries in advance, otherwise all the juice will flow out of them. Bring the drink to a boil and remove from heat. Cool it at room temperature and serve.

We offer a video recipe for harvesting for the winter - only for lovers of sweets 😉

With mint and cinnamon


  • 500 gr. blackcurrant;
  • 200 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • Dried mint (to taste);
  • Cinnamon (to taste).


  1. Boil mint in boiling water. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan. Pour frozen berries, sugar, mint, cinnamon into it.
  3. Bring the pot to a boil again. Turn off the fire. Let the drink brew for 3-4 hours, strain it through a sieve, pour into a jug.

Is it necessary to make blackcurrant compote for the winter?

How pleasant it is to open a jar of blackcurrant compote in winter and return to summer for a moment. In addition to pleasant nostalgic memories that this drink awakens, it is also worth noting its beneficial properties.

Blackcurrant compote is the only one that retains vitamin C during preservation. This is possible due to the presence of tannins in the berry.

Winter and spring are the most difficult period for the body, when we experience an acute deficiency in vitamins. Fruits and berries on the shelves of supermarkets do not inspire confidence. Some of them look very appetizing, but their naturalness raises many questions.

In order for the fruits to safely reach our latitudes from hot countries, they are stuffed with chemistry, which can hardly be useful, and the products of domestic manufacturers have lost the whole set of beneficial properties over time.

The most “tasty” and healthy way to saturate the body with vital substances is to treat it to blackcurrant compote, which was carefully cooked in the summer.

Do not cook compote in an aluminum pan. The acids contained in the currant react with the metal, the harmful compounds resulting from the reaction enter the finished drink. In addition, during cooking in aluminum dishes, berries lose almost all vitamins and minerals.

Blackcurrant drink recipe for the winter


  • 1 kg of blackcurrant;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 500 gr. Sahara.


  1. Rinse currants thoroughly. Sort out the berries. For canning, it is better to use medium-sized currants, large berries will burst.
  2. Fill a sterilized 3 liter jar halfway with currants.
  3. Pour boiling water into the jar, make sure that the water pours on the berries, and not on the walls of the jar. Let the compote brew for 10 minutes. Sterilize the lids in the remaining water.
  4. Through a sieve or a special lid with holes, drain the water from the jar into a saucepan, put it on fire. Bring it to a boil, add sugar.
  5. Refill the jar with sugar syrup and quickly roll up the lid.
  6. Flip the jar over to check for leaks.
  7. Leave the jar to cool upside down.

Below is the most delicious blackcurrant compote recipe for the winter.

As an avid gardener, of course, I prepare blackcurrant compote for the winter. Today I will share recipes for 3 liter and 1.5 jars, and also tell you a few more interesting recipes, not only for winter, but also for those that we enjoy drinking on hot summer days.

Blackcurrant for the winter compote recipes

  1. For compote, most often I take three-liter jars, but if your family is small, then use one and a half or two-liter jars so that the drink does not stand open for a long time.
  2. I always choose ripe berries, getting green compote spoils the taste, and if they are too overripe, they will quickly lose their shape.
  3. Good advice to novice hostesses, never pick berries for winter harvesting after rain, especially lingering rain, they are quickly saturated with moisture and become tasteless, watery.
  4. There are two options to make any compote for the winter, cook syrup separately and pour berries over it, or simply pour sugar into a jar immediately, and then pour boiling water. The first option is, of course, more reliable.
  5. My mother likes to close all berry blanks with nylon lids, those that need to be brewed with boiling water to take off or put on. If you are also a fan of such lids, then use them once for canning. All the same, plastic absorbs well not only odors, but also various bacteria.
  6. Banks, banks, banks, what to do with them? If the compote is sterilized according to the recipe, then the jars do not need to be sterilized separately, it is enough to rinse with detergent and soda. Recipes without sterilization require a sterile container.
  7. When preparing the berry, do not keep it in water for too long; after washing, let excess drops drain.
  8. For compote, berries can be left on twigs, they look very nice in a jar.

Blackcurrant compote simple recipe

For those who are always in a hurry, I offer the simplest recipe for making compote. Despite its simplicity, it is reliable and always turns out delicious.

We take:

  • Half a kilo of berries
  • Full glass of sugar

How to make blackcurrant compote:

If you really need a quick one at all, then leave the branches along with the berries, just rinse them in a colander and dry them a little. I usually fill the jars by a third of the volume, if you want a richer taste, or there is a limited number of jars, then fill in half, respectively increase the sugar rate.

The jars are easy and quick to sterilize in the microwave, they will not need to be dried. We pour the berry, sugar on top according to the norm and pour boiling water to the top. We wait a few seconds until it spills through the berries and pour more so that the water is up to the very neck.

We immediately roll up the jars, set them upside down and wrap them well, so the sugar will dissolve faster and the berry will give juice.

Blackcurrant recipe for a 3 liter jar

How to calculate the number of berries, sugar and water per 3 liter jar? Everything is very simple. I will give the basic proportions, which you can change according to your taste preferences. You can also make a concentrated compote, which is then diluted with water, this is to save space and packaging.

We will need:

  • Half a kilo of pure berries
  • Glass of faceted sugar

How to close blackcurrant compote for the winter:

Jars are prepared in advance. We wash the berries and fall asleep half a kilo for each jar, this is if the compote is not diluted.

Now we pour ordinary cold water into each jar, cover with a lid with holes for draining and pour the water into the pan. We measured the amount of water needed, we need to add another half a glass so that the jars are filled to the very edges.

We put water on gas, add sugar according to the number of berries and bring the syrup to a boil. Immediately pour into the berries and roll under the lids. Cool under a fur coat until completely cooled.

Blackcurrant compote with apples, recipe with photo - step by step instructions

I present another step-by-step recipe with a photo of currant compote with apples. In the recipe, the number of berries is calculated for three three-liter jars.

We use:

  • For a three liter jar
  • Three glasses of berries
  • Two handfuls of apple slices
  • Three glasses of granulated sugar

Instructions for rolling compote:

Prepare the right amount of berries and apples, rinse the currants, and cut the apples into slices.

We measure out the water, three cans on the shoulders. Pour into a saucepan and boil.

While the water begins to boil, we pour into the sieve what is needed for one jar.

We lower the sieve into boiling water and blanch for about two minutes.

We lay out the blanched berries in jars.

Pour sugar into the water where we blanched. Boil the syrup for five minutes.

Fill jars and roll up lids.

Currant compote with gooseberries

I put less sugar in the currant compote with gooseberries, because the gooseberries themselves are sweet. Some people add only half a glass of sugar per liter jar to such a drink.

We use ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of currant berries
  • Kilo of gooseberries
  • Two-thirds of a glass of sugar for every liter of water

Cooking process:

The gooseberry is a dense berry and we will blanched it a little. We measure the approximate amount of liquid, according to the number of berries. Boil in a wide bowl and lower the berries in a sieve for a couple of minutes. On the same water, we will make syrup, immediately add sugar, and distribute the berries in jars, fill one-third.

Pour the berries with boiling syrup and immediately twist the lids. We turn all the jars upside down and wrap them under a fur coat until they cool completely.

Currant-cherry compote for the winter

I’ll say right away that for my taste, you don’t need to make the compote too saturated with cherries, it will be too tart. The berry also has to be frozen so that it can reach the currant harvest. In general, the drink is very beautiful and fragrant.

We will prepare for a three-liter jar:

  • Seven hundred grams of granulated sugar
  • Two glasses of currants and cherries

Harvesting process:

Berries can be left with twigs, if desired. Clean, without debris, we lay them out in sterile jars and fill them with pre-prepared boiling water. Pour the measured water back into the pan and mix with sugar, after boiling, cook the syrup for about five minutes.

Pour the finished syrup into the berries along the very edges of the cans and immediately roll it up, let it cool slowly under a fur coat upside down.

Black and red currant compote

Those who have ever made redcurrant compote know what kind of berry becomes inconspicuous, as if faded. Mixed with blackcurrant compote will be just a feast for the eyes.

We will prepare the ingredients:

  • For each three-liter jar
  • 3-4 cups of berries
  • One and a half cups of sugar


We sort out the berries and rinse in water, sprinkle them in jars, the proportions are at your discretion. Pour boiling water for fifteen minutes, cover with lids and let stand. Then the water must be drained into the dishes, where we will cook the syrup. Add sugar and cook as usual.

Pour the berries with ready-made syrup up to the very sides of the jar, roll up the lids with pre-boiled lids immediately. We cool under a fur coat during the day.

Assorted compote for the winter

Our assortment is always in great demand. I leave a few jars for the holidays, even berries are eaten, it turns out so delicious.

We will prepare products:

  • Half a kilo of blackcurrant
  • Half a kilo of red currants
  • Half a kilo of raspberries
  • Three large apples
  • Half a kilo of plums or thorns
  • five peaches
  • Three hundred grams of sugar per liter of water

How to cook:

We rinse the berries. We cut the apples into thin pastins, remove the skin from the peaches and cut them into quarters. Wash plums, cut in half and remove pits. Currants are simply sorted and washed.

Plums, apple slices, currants and pieces of peaches in a sieve are dipped in boiling water and blanched for two minutes. Then we distribute everything evenly in jars, sprinkle raspberries on top. We fill the jar by a third with a mixture of fruits and berries.

The water in which the berries were blanched should be measured in advance, how many cans you will have, approximately shoulder-length. We mix it with sugar and boil, pour the assortment with the resulting syrup and roll it under the lids. Cool wrapped until completely cool.

Frozen blackcurrant compote

Frozen blackcurrants can now be found in any kitchen and in any store. Compote from it is prepared indecently simply. In winter, we like to drink such a drink warm.

We use:

  • A glass of frozen berries
  • Half glass of sugar
  • Two liters of plain water

Cooking process:

Boil water and immerse the berries in it, add sugar and boil again. Turn off the stove and leave the compote on it, you can cover it with a towel on top so that it steams better. We let it brew for three hours, then we try.

Blackcurrant compote with mint or lemon balm

Compote with mint, sour, from freshly picked berries will refresh best of all on a hot afternoon. It can also be taken on the road, for example, to nature.

We use:

  • Three glasses of berries
  • Two sprigs of fresh mint
  • Two liters of raw water
  • glass of sugar

How to cook compote:

Rinse the berries and remove debris. Dip them in boiling water, add sugar and put mint. We are waiting for the boil under the lid. Boil for about three minutes and turn off, let it brew in the heat. Such a compote can be rolled up for the winter.

Currant compote with cinnamon and lemon

Such a spice as cinnamon always enhances the taste of the berry, gives an incredible aroma to the drink, ennobles it.

We use:

  • Three cups of ripe berries
  • two liters of water
  • cinnamon stick
  • half a lemon
  • One and a half cups of sugar

Cooking process:

We put the water on the fire, immediately after boiling we throw cinnamon and add sugar, after five minutes of rapid boiling we lay the berries. We wait until it boils again and count five minutes. At the end, throw in the lemon slices and turn it off. Cover the saucepan with a towel and let it stand for a couple of hours, then you can drink.

Blackcurrant compote with ginger root

Currant compote with ginger is a real ambulance for colds. It is easy to prepare from both fresh and frozen berries.

We take:

  • For two liters of ordinary water
  • Three glasses of currant
  • A glass of granulated sugar
  • Piece of ginger root

How to cook:

We clean the ginger root from the skin and cut into patches, pour boiling water and boil for five minutes, you can immediately add sugar to it. After we fall asleep the berries, once again we wait for the boil and boil again.

Compote of currants and cranberries for the winter

A very healthy, sour compote is obtained from blackcurrant with cranberries. You can also add red currants if you like. See according to your family's taste.

We will need:

  • Two glasses of fresh currants
  • glass of cranberries
  • A glass of granulated sugar

Cooking process:

These proportions are for a three-liter jar. We measure in advance approximately the required amount of water, I always pour it over the shoulders of the jar. We put the water to boil. While sorting and washing the berries, put them in a sieve and let them blanch in boiling water for about two to three minutes.

We distribute the berries in jars, and pour sugar into the same water and prepare the syrup. Boiling immediately pour the berries to the very edges of the cans and roll under the lids. We cool in a wrapped form.

Today's preparation is a delicious homemade blackcurrant compote. According to this recipe, I prepare a currant drink for the winter without sterilization. Just a little of your efforts and a wonderful preparation will delight you in the cold with its summer aroma and taste.

Its charm lies in its simplicity, and a detailed step-by-step recipe with a photo will reveal all the subtleties and nuances of cooking as much as possible.

You will need:

  • 250-300 gr of blackcurrant;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 250-300 gr sugar.

These ingredients are needed to prepare a 3 liter jar of delicious compote.

How to cook blackcurrant compote for the winter without sterilization

So, let's get down to the task at hand!

The jar must be thoroughly washed and. I personally . I put my jar wet and put it in a preheated oven upside down on a wire rack. After 15-20 minutes, turn off the fire. And I'm waiting for the jar to cool down a bit. After that, it can be removed from the oven.

At this time, my currants, let it dry. Twigs and leaves that fell on the berries during the collection, we do not need. We delete them. Pour currants into a jar.

Add 250-300 g of granulated sugar to boiled water. We stir. We are waiting for the sugar to dissolve and the water to boil again. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes.

Pour some syrup into a jar of currants. This is necessary so that the jar warms up gradually and does not crack.

Be sure to prepare a lid for seaming. It needs to be washed and boiled for 5 minutes.

Then, add the remaining syrup to the jar and cover with a lid, after which, roll up.

As you can see, this simple recipe for blackcurrant compote for the winter does not require much effort. After all, it remains only to turn the jar on the lid and wrap it with a blanket. A day later, blackcurrant compote can be taken out and put aside for storage.

The color of the drink over time will turn out to be rich and beautiful, the taste is sweet with a slight sourness. You can store it both in the basement and at room temperature. I hope you enjoy my easy blackcurrant compote recipe!
