
Ground beef sausage recipe. Homemade sausage - the most delicious recipe

As they said from the screen of one of the country's leading channels: "Sausage is a strategically important product!" It seems to me that in our country everyone loves sausage. Me and my family are no exception.

My grandmother taught me how to cook sausage. I know how to cook it from different minced meat, from pieces of meat, with the addition of various ingredients. I present the classic way of making homemade minced meat sausage.

If you are going to cook sausage, you need to understand that almost everything depends on the quality of the meat. I draw your attention to the fact that you can combine any meat at your discretion. I like beef and chicken sausage most of all, but my home-made sausage without pork categorically refuses to eat. Therefore, I will talk about cooking beef and pork sausage.

To cook sausage, you need a casing. I know that many fill artificial casings. I did not try. To be honest, it’s not entirely clear to me why cook sausage in "plastic" intestines, if you can bake sausage bread ?!

I buy guts (aka guts) at the Metro Hypermarket or in the city of Armavir. If you live in Armavir, then I recommend buying them in the meat pavilion, which is opposite the entrance from Lenin Square. If you don’t have a Metro Hypermarket in your city and you don’t live in the city of Armavir), then you will have to search on the Internet, sometimes people unite and order shells in the Rostov region on a specialized site.

So, let's begin...
Rinse the intestines thoroughly before starting work, just do not tear them, after washing, generously lubricate the sausage nozzle with vegetable oil and put on about five to seven meters of the shell on the nozzle.

It is desirable that these be intestines with one "string", otherwise during filling you are tormented to tie them at the very beginning and end of the sausage, and when your hands are minced, it is extremely inconvenient to do this. Sausage is generally better to cook together. Put the threads under your arm, suddenly the shell will tear, you will have the opportunity to tie the shell and not let it break through further.

Cooking minced meat.

and pork fat

with streaks of meat we pass through a meat grinder.

Add onion.

Do not spare the onion and be sure to pass it through a meat grinder. You can put garlic, but remember that you can no longer take such a sausage to work, otherwise it will betray your gastronomic preferences with its aroma))).

Add starch.

Ground coriander.

Ground black pepper.


As for salt, minced meat should taste a little salty. Otherwise, the sausage will turn out fresh.
We beat in two eggs.

Pour in three tablespoons of vodka and mix thoroughly. You can replace vodka with cognac.

We place the minced meat in a meat grinder in a small portion and slowly fill the shells.

During filling, do not try to fill too long "sausage", do "cutting off" more often by twisting the intestines.

This will allow you to bandage the resulting circle as comfortably as possible.
Do not try to fill the shell too much, it may burst. I am an experienced sausage maker))) and sometimes "punctures" happen. If suddenly the shell breaks through, immediately stop the meat grinder and intercept the sausage in a place that is one or two centimeters higher than the breakthrough point and squeeze it, removing all the minced meat. Bandage immediately, you will avoid further rupture of the shell.

After all the intestines are filled, it usually takes me about five to seven meters for the indicated portion of minced meat, it all depends on the diameter of the resulting sausage, it is necessary to lay it in the form of a circle on a plate.

The most difficult thing in cooking sausage, in my opinion, is fixing the circle. It is necessary to fix the sausage so that it takes the shape of a circle. This is necessary for cooking and further frying in a pan. If it is poorly fixed, it will be difficult to get it out of the water and turn it over during frying.

I fix the sausage, as a rule, with ordinary threads. If you have cotton or linen, that's even better!

The fixation of the sausage "snail" begins from the outermost tail of the sausage. I tie a thread on the tail and, moving towards the center, fix all the sausages, tying them into a single circle. I move like a spider, as if I create "rays" from constrictions, so that when I lift it, it would look like a sausage cake.

Please note that the diameter of the sausage should be equal to the diameter of the pan in which the sausage will be cooked and the diameter of the pan in which you will fry it.

When the sausage mugs are all tied up, we begin to PIERC the sausage. Any needle will do, if you don't have a new sewing needle, take a disposable syringe. It is necessary to pierce with sharp movements so as not to tear the shell, namely to pierce. Approximately twenty to thirty punctures per circle. If you do not pierce the shell, then it may burst during the cooking process, and all the work will be lost ...

After all the circles are tied, we lower the sausage into the water. If you get several circles, it's okay, lower them one by one into the water, one on top of the other in turn.

Add bay leaf and salt.

The water should be salty, slightly salty, otherwise the broth will begin to take salt from the sausage itself, which is not acceptable: the sausage will be fresh on the outside, but normally salty on the inside.

After boiling (this is very important, do not skip the boiling process !!!), reduce the heat to a minimum and close the pan with a lid. Cook over low heat with a barely noticeable boiling process for thirty to forty minutes.

After that, we take out all the sausage circles from the pan, put them on plates and cool. It is very important!!! It is not permissible to fry hot sausage, this can lead to the fact that the juice from the sausage will flow out and it will turn into minced meat crackers during frying.

After the sausage has cooled down completely (it will take several hours ... or take it out to the cold, but it’s better not to rush the process so as not to break the rules, this affects the taste of the sausage, it should “ripen”), fry it over medium heat for a heated frying pan with the addition of vegetable (odorless) oil. During frying, I put a few sprigs of rosemary in the pan. Can be baked on a baking sheet in the oven.

Fry on both sides until golden brown.

The sausage can be served hot. Can be cooled.

It tastes very meaty, if this does not suit you very much, you can add more starch or cereals to choose from: buckwheat ground in a coffee grinder or oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder. I like it more with oatmeal, and children like it more with buckwheat.

Bon appetit!
Later I will tell you how to cook chicken sausages.

Cooking time: PT02H30M 2 hours 30 minutes

Approximate cost per serving: 50 rub.

Meat sausage is one of the most popular products. It is eaten for breakfast, used as a snack on the festive table, and it is an ingredient in many dishes.

The store product raises doubts about its quality, so it is best to cook it at home.

Homemade pork sausage - a simple and delicious recipe

To make the sausage fatty and nutritious, but at the same time tender and juicy, pork is taken as its basis.

For sausage, you do not need to buy a huge amount of ingredients; even a beginner can repeat its recipe.

You will need:

  • The pulp of pork meat - 1.5 kg;
  • Thin pork intestines - 5 m;
  • Pork fat - 500 gr;
  • One head of garlic;
  • Cognac - 36 gr;
  • Spices: coriander, thyme, dried basil - all 1/2 tsp each;
  • Salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. The first step is to treat the intestines. If they were in the freezer, they must be thawed, freed from mucus and dirt with a knife, turned inside out and rinsed thoroughly under the tap. It is best to cut the five-meter intestine into several smaller pieces. After treatment, the intestines should be soaked in saline water for 60 minutes. Salt will remove microorganisms and bacteria.
  2. Let's get to the salad. From it you need to cut off the skin and chop into small square pieces. If the pork meat itself has a high percentage of fat content, then use less fat in the recipe.
  3. Pork must be prepared by removing bones or veins. Cut into medium-sized squares. (2^2 cm)
  4. Put lard and meat in a common dish. Sprinkle pepper and all other spices on top.
  5. Process the garlic with a garlic press and add to the mass of meat.
  6. Pour cognac into the base of the sausage. It will give the dish a specific flavor and juiciness. You can do without it.
  7. Now it's time to stuff the guts. With the help of a tablespoon or nozzle from a meat grinder - a long tube, you need to push the meat into the intestine. Don't forget to tie off the end. Don't stuff too tightly.
  8. After the gut is filled with stuffing, tie the other end and put in the freezer for 4 hours for pickling.
  9. The future sausage can be rolled into rings for easy baking. Pierce in several places with a needle to avoid damage to the sausage casing.
  10. Put a pot of 5 liters of water on the fire, wait for it to boil.
  11. Sprinkle salt and put the raw sausage in a saucepan. Cook for 40 - 60 minutes over low heat.
  12. After cooking, the sausage must be sent to the oven. Do not forget to treat the baking sheet with vegetable oil. We put boiled sausage on it.
  13. The oven temperature is 180 degrees. Baking time - 40 minutes. During the baking procedure, you need to turn the intestine with meat several times.
  14. You can use ready-made homemade sausage immediately, or you can use it cold.

chicken sausage

Chicken is a dietary product. So chicken sausage will appeal to people on a diet, those who monitor their health and young children who are just learning to eat regular food.

Grocery list:

  • Chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • Milk with a fat content of 1.5% - 0.1 l;
  • One egg;
  • Carrots - 0.1 kg;
  • Three cloves of garlic;
  • Spices to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Make minced meat from chicken meat using a meat grinder. It can be processed in a blender, then the meat mass will turn out to be more homogeneous.
  2. Break the egg into the prepared minced meat, pour the milk, salt and mix everything.
  3. Boil the carrots and chop them into small cubes along with the peeled garlic.
  4. Take special molds for sausages or cardboard packaging from milk, cut off the lid. We put a lot of minced meat in it with the first layer, pour carrots and garlic on top, the third layer is minced meat again. And so on until the box is full.
  5. We do not report the base of the sausage to the top by 1 cm.
  6. We wrap the box with minced meat with cling film.
  7. Pour water into the pan and put it on gas, after the water boils in the pan, we set the box with the future sausage. Water must not get inside the packaging. Cook in this form for 60 minutes with the lid closed.
  8. After cooking, cool the sausage and cut the box. The dish is ready.

beef recipe

Beef is the middle link. With it, the sausage will turn out not too greasy, but not lean either.


  • Beef - 2 kg;
  • Salo - 500 gr;
  • Salt - 0.05 kg;
  • Four cloves of garlic;
  • Ground nutmeg - 5 gr;
  • Spices - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Process the meat by washing it, freeing it from small bones. Cut it into small cubes and pass through a meat grinder with a large grate.
  2. Salo cut even smaller and process through a meat grinder. Combine meat and lard in one bowl.
  3. Add spices to your taste. It can be coriander, basil, ginger or red pepper. Salt the minced meat and put garlic in it.
  4. Mix everything well. If the stuffing seemed dry, you can add a little water or milk.
  5. Process the intestines and stuff them with ground beef. Tie the ends with string.
  6. Put the intestines stuffed with meat for 5 hours in the refrigerator.
  7. After that, you can bake them in the oven, after making holes with a needle along the entire length of the intestines.

Boiled sausage at home

Recipe Ingredients:

  • Pork meat - 1 kg;
  • Salo - 0.3 kg;
  • One egg;
  • One bulb;
  • Two cloves of garlic;
  • Sunflower oil - 17 gr;
  • Spices to taste;
  • Gelatin - 15 gr.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pork must be washed and cleaned of foreign objects: films, small bones and chopped together with garlic and onions using a blender.
  2. Pour the egg into the resulting minced meat, add your spices and gelatin. Mix everything well.
  3. The base of the sausage can be prepared in special molds, pork or beef intestine, or in a baking bag if nothing else was at hand.
  4. Fill the baking bag with minced meat, tie the ends and the middle with a rope.
  5. You can start cooking. Cook for two hours over medium heat.


The liverwurst recipe is very simple. It does not require a lot of expensive products, and the result is an amazing-tasting dish.

Product set:

  • Light - 0.8 kg;
  • Liver - 0.6 kg;
  • Salo - 0.3 kg;
  • Heart - 0.4 kg;
  • Garlic - 2 heads;
  • Onion - 0.4 kg;
  • Cream - 0.3 kg;
  • Spices and salt to taste.

Recipe for homemade sausage in the guts:

  1. The liver should be washed under the tap, the meat of the heart and lungs is cut into pieces and put in a saucepan. Boil for 60 minutes.
  2. Shred the lard with liver and turn through a meat grinder along with pieces of garlic.
  3. You can fry lard with onions in a pan with vegetable oil.
  4. We also process the cooled liver and lungs in a meat grinder.
  5. We combine all the ingredients in minced meat, pour cream on top and pour spices.
  6. We stuff the intestine with prepared minced meat and bind its ends.
  7. We cook 40 minutes. Don't forget to pierce the shell with a needle.

Dry-cured chicken sausage at home

This recipe does not involve boiling or baking in the oven. But patience is needed here, as you will have to wait about two weeks for the sausage.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • Pork intestines - 0.4 m;
  • Two cloves of garlic;
  • Coriander - 8 gr;
  • Black pepper - 0.5 gr;
  • Nitrite salt - 4 gr.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Cut the chicken into thin slices.
  2. Add the pepper, salt and coriander to the bowl with the chicken pieces.
  3. Mix everything and knead the minced meat.
  4. Process the intestines in the manner described above and place the meat in them, tie the resulting sausage with a ring and put in the freezer for 2 hours.
  5. The turn of drying has come. For this purpose, within three days it is necessary to hang the product in a well-ventilated area. The temperature is 15 degrees Celsius. It is best to freeze overnight in the refrigerator.
  6. Over the next two weeks, the sausage should constantly hang in the fresh air.

Sausage without intestines - in foil

A quarter of the time in the preparation of homemade sausage is the preparation of the intestines. This is an unpleasant and painstaking task. But you can do without the cherv.

What you will need:

  • Pork meat - 1 kg;
  • Salo - 0.2 kg;
  • Four chicken eggs;
  • Six cloves of garlic;
  • Salt to taste;
  • spices;
  • Foil for baking;
  • Starch - 40 gr.


  1. Meat with lard should be washed and cut into small squares.
  2. Break the eggs into a separate bowl and beat, adding starch, salt, pepper, chopped garlic and other spices to them little by little.
  3. Mix everything well, making sure that no lumps form.
  4. Make minced meat, put it on the foil and roll it up, tightly bending the edges of the foil.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and insert the baking sheet with the sausage. Baking time - 1 hour.
  6. Release the already prepared sausage from the film and cut into slices.

Proper homemade sausage for children

The children's body is very fragile, so spices or garlic are not added to the food for babies.

If the pork is too fatty, and you prefer diet foods, you can add lean beef to the main meat.

Product set:

  • Pork meat - 1 kg;
  • Beef meat - 1 kg;
  • Garlic three cloves;
  • Water;
  • Intestines;
  • Spices and salt to taste.

How to make sausage at home:

Cut pork and beef into small pieces. Mix the minced meat with finely chopped garlic, salt and spices. If the meat mass is too thick - pour two tablespoons of water. After that, we deal with tripe. We place the minced meat in the cleaned intestines and bake in the oven.

Classic homemade sausage requires meat, lard, garlic, salt, pepper and other spices, as well as clean intestines. However, as practice has shown, it is quite possible to do without the latter.

Meat and bacon is better to take on the market. You can also find intestines there. If you're lucky, it's already processed and ready to use. It will only be necessary to rinse and soak them in water for 20 minutes. After that, it is necessary to inspect their inside well and, if necessary, remove all unnecessary.

You need to stuff the intestines with minced meat using a meat grinder and a special nozzle. It can be found in the kitchen aisles of most grocery stores. However, you can also use an ordinary plastic bottle, on the neck of which you will need to put a gut.

Before filling with minced meat, tie the end of the intestine with a strong knot. Make sure that the sausages are filled evenly, without voids.

Filling too tightly can cause the shell to burst during heat treatment, so stick to the sweet spot.

When the bowel is full, remove it from the nozzle and tie it tightly. After that, make several punctures with a needle so that steam comes out of the sausage during cooking.

Homemade sausage can be boiled, fried and stewed.

1. Homemade sausage without casing

  • 1 kg of pork;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 tablespoons of dry cream;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • ground pepper, dried herbs - to taste.


Rinse the pork and grind with a meat grinder, blender or food processor until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Add garlic, dry cream, salt, sugar to the mass. Mix everything and scroll the resulting minced meat again.

Break the egg into minced meat, add ground pepper to taste.

Knead the resulting mass well with your hands, like dough.

Spread parchment paper on the table and put the minced meat on it, forming a loaf. Its length should correspond to the size of your pan: the sausage should fit completely in the container.

Wrap the minced meat in parchment and tie tightly with ropes. You should end up with something like candy. If you tie loosely, then the fat will flow out and the sausage will be dry.

Wrap the resulting "candy" in foil, holding the tails well. From the remaining minced meat, make the same sausages.

Pour water into a saucepan and place sausages in it. The sausage must be completely in the water, so you need to put oppression on it. For this role, a regular plate is suitable.

Cook over low heat for 1.5 hours. Remove the cooked sausage from the water and leave to cool to room temperature without unwrapping.

The next day, remove the parchment and foil and roll the sausage in herbs. Choose dry aromatic herbs such as oregano, rosemary, parsley, and dill.

Homemade sausage is stored in parchment for 2 weeks. It can be eaten both cold and hot, after frying.


  • 1 kg of fatty pork neck;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • ground black pepper and other spices - to taste;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • small intestines.


Cut the neck into very small pieces: this way the taste of the sausage will be thinner than when using a meat grinder. Salt, pepper, add your favorite spices (for example, zira, cardamom, suneli hops), finely chopped garlic and chopped bay leaves. Mix well, cover with a plate and put in the refrigerator for a day. Then add some water and stir again. Ideal minced meat should be juicy and viscous to the touch.

Fill the intestines with minced meat and tie them up. Put the resulting sausages into boiling water and cook over medium heat for 5-7 minutes. Remove them from boiling water, pat dry and let cool. After sausages, you can bake for 40 minutes in the oven at 200 ° C or fry until tender for 30 minutes.

3. Chicken sausage


  • 1 ½ kg chicken fillet;
  • 200 g of lard;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • ground pepper, paprika, coriander, nutmeg - to taste;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 ml of milk or cream;
  • small intestines.


Rinse and dry the lard and chicken meat, and then pass it through a meat grinder with a large sieve. Add salt, spices and finely chopped garlic. Stir.

Pour in some cream or milk. The amount varies depending on the meat: the main thing is that the mass is not liquid, but not too dry. Mix well and leave the minced meat for 10-15 minutes.

Fill the sausages with minced meat and put in the refrigerator for several hours, or better - at night. After the sausage, fry until golden brown or bake in an oven preheated to 170 ° C for an hour.


  • 500 g of liver;
  • 250 g of lard;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2 large onions;
  • salt, pepper and other spices - to taste;
  • 1 tablespoon of starch;
  • 3-4 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of semolina;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • small intestines.


For sausage, you can take any: pork, beef, chicken. Rinse it and remove the film. Cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder along with lard and garlic.

Finely chop the onion and fry in a pan. Add onion, salt, pepper and your favorite spices, starch, eggs and semolina to the minced meat. Mix thoroughly, add milk and mix again.

Fill the pre-prepared intestines with minced meat. Boil the sausage for 40 minutes over medium heat. Or bake it for 40 minutes in the oven at 200 ° C: this way it will turn out especially tasty.


  • 1 glass of buckwheat;
  • 500 g pork fillet;
  • 300 g of fat;
  • ½ tablespoon of salt;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • intestines.


Rinse the buckwheat and set aside. Rinse the meat and fat and cut into small pieces. Mix meat, lard, buckwheat, salt, pepper, finely chopped garlic in a deep bowl. Make sausages with the help of intestines, nozzles and a meat grinder.

Bring the water to a boil, dip the sausage into it and cook for 30-35 minutes.

Sausages can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Fry until golden brown before using.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Perhaps I do not know a single person who would not like homemade sausage. But at the same time, many housewives consider this dish rather complicated, time-consuming and do not cook it. Well, today's recipe will dispel this myth - you yourself will see that there is nothing supernatural in cooking homemade sausage, perhaps it will be more difficult to cook some kind of multi-layered cake. Homemade sausage can be made from any meat: pork, beef,. But in our family they love homemade pork and beef sausage, in natural intestines - this is the tastiest, in our opinion. I have specially prepared a recipe for you with a photo so that you can see how easy it is to prepare this dish. I prefer to buy meat and intestines in the market, from a butcher friend, but these ingredients can be bought in the supermarket.


- 1 kg of pork pulp;
- 1 kg of beef pulp;
- 2 tablespoons of salt (not at all a slide);
- 0.5 teaspoon of bay leaf powder;
- 1 teaspoon (incomplete) black ground pepper;
- 8-10 cloves of garlic (to taste);
- 0.5 l of water;
- 2 - 2.5 m prepared intestines.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Pork intestines (even if you bought already prepared ones) are thoroughly washed, turned inside out and washed again. You can additionally scrape the intestines with the back of the knife, remove mucus from the intestines - the thinner and cleaner the intestines, the more appetizing the sausage will look. We lower the prepared intestines into water so that they do not dry out.

Fresh meat is best suited for homemade sausage, that is, not from the freezer. It can be any part of the pulp. Be sure to take pork fat, with lard - so that the sausage is not dry. Rinse the meat with cold water and pat dry with paper towels. We carefully remove the veins, cartilage - we must not allow them to get into the sausage. Finely chop the meat: the size of the pieces is about half the nail on the little finger. This, of course, takes a lot of time, but it makes the sausage especially tasty. If you do not have enough time, you can not cut the meat, but pass it through a meat grinder with a large grate. To facilitate cutting, you can freeze the meat a little.

But it is better to cut the fat from beef - not everyone likes frozen beef fat. Beef is also either cut or twisted through a meat grinder.

Put the chopped pork and beef in a large bowl, add the spices indicated in the ingredients. We clean the garlic from the husk, pass it through a press and add it to the meat.

Mix everything thoroughly so that the spices are evenly distributed. Add water and mix thoroughly so that the water is absorbed (this is done so that the sausage is juicy).

To fill the intestines with prepared minced meat, it is very convenient to use a meat grinder if it has a special nozzle - the process is fast and does not require any effort. Remove the knife and grate from the meat grinder and insert the nozzle. You can also fill the intestines manually by adapting a cut plastic bottle for this (leave 7-8 cm from the neck of the bottle, and cut off the rest). This process is more laborious, but, in principle, not so terrible. We stretch the casing on the end of the nozzle, leaving the end about 30 cm long free. We turn on the meat grinder - and the sausage starts automatically. We just have to correct the filled part of the gut-shell, laying it out in rings.

It is important not to stuff the minced meat tightly into the casing, otherwise the sausage may burst during cooking. To remove excess air, we prick the sausage with a needle or a toothpick - about every 4-5 cm. This is also done to prevent the sausage from cracking. We securely tie the ends of the sausage with the ends of the casing itself (we tie it 3-4 times so that they do not come undone). You can tie the ends with a cotton thread folded 2-3 times. In this case, be sure to make sure that the thread is free from synthetic fibers - they will melt during frying and the sausage will untie.

If during the filling of the shell we find a hole in it, cut the shell in this place and securely tie it. We will get not 1 long sausage, but several, but shorter. In order for the sausage to have a rich taste, the minced meat must be ripened. Therefore, the stuffed sausages are placed in a bowl, tightened with cling film and placed in the refrigerator. Sausage aged in the refrigerator for 10 - 12 hours will have the most intense taste. The minimum exposure time for minced meat is 4-5 hours.

We fry the sausage either in the oven or on the grill, laying it on the grate. In the oven, sausage is cooked at 180-200 degrees for 50-60 minutes. We stand it on the coals for 15-20 minutes on each side, until it acquires a beautiful brownish color.

Homemade sausage can also be baked and fried in a pan, but on the grill, the sausage is the most delicious.
For more information on how to fry sausage over a fire, see

Do you know how to cook homemade sausages in the gut? The recipe (implemented in a meat grinder) of the products mentioned, we will describe in detail a little further. It should be noted that making such sausages is not very difficult. Moreover, at the exit you will definitely get a very tasty and high-calorie dish that can be consumed with a side dish, with vegetables, and just like that, with a piece of bread.

How to make homemade sausages in the gut: recipe (in a meat grinder)

Beef sausages are very tender and tasty. But, before proceeding with their formation, it is necessary to purchase all the ingredients. For the dish we need:

  • beef as young and soft as possible - about 1 kg;
  • fine table salt - about 20 g;
  • freshly ground black pepper - a few pinches;

Preparing the natural skin

How to properly process the shell to cook delicious in the gut? The recipe (in a meat grinder the meat dish turns out to be more tender) of these products recommends purchasing a beef product.

To ensure its suitability for consumption, the natural casing must be tested before cooking sausages. To do this, cut a small piece from the intestines, put it in boiling water and cook for ten minutes. Over time, the offal is tasted. If you do not feel extraneous tastes and odors, then the shell can be safely used for its intended purpose. However, before that, it is thoroughly washed inside and out, soaked in cold water for 30 minutes and cut into pieces 1 to 1.5 meters long (maybe a little less).

Cooking ground beef

What is in the gut? A recipe implemented in a meat grinder may involve the use of different components. We decided to cook such products from beef. It is thoroughly washed in cool water, removing all unnecessary streaks. Then the meat product is cut into pieces and twisted in a meat grinder along with an onion head. Also chopped lard is added to the minced meat. If the beef was very fatty, then the last ingredient is not used.

After the minced meat is ready, grated cloves of garlic are added to it, as well as chopped pepper. If desired, a couple of large spoons of drinking water can be poured into the product. In this case, the minced meat will turn out more juicy and tender.

Stuffing the beef casing with minced meat

Now you know what ingredients you can use to make delicious homemade sausages in the gut. How to fill a natural shell, we also told. But in order for you to get the most delicious dish, you should also tell about how to properly stuff the gut.

After mixing the minced meat, the finished beef casing is put on a meat grinder using a special nozzle lubricated with oil (stretched like a stocking). The beef is then passed through the opening of the cooking device again. In this case, the natural shell will gradually fill up. It should not be stuffed very tightly with minced meat.

To make the sausage beautiful and even, it is recommended to periodically twist the intestine. When the shell is full, its ends are tightly tied (with a knot or with the help of threads).

By the way, so that the intestine does not burst during heat treatment, it is recommended to pierce it with a pin in several places.

Bake the dish in the oven

What to do after homemade sausages are formed in the gut? How to cook this dish in the oven? There is nothing difficult in the process of heat treatment of homemade sausages. To do this, they are placed on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and then sent to an oven preheated to 190 degrees. After 32-38 minutes, the cooking device is turned off and left closed for another 10 minutes. During this time, the sausages will be cooked, they will become very juicy and tasty.

How to serve?

If you serve homemade sausages in the gut with potatoes, this will be the best option for lunch. However, it should be noted that some housewives prefer to use such products with fresh vegetables and herbs, as well as with a small piece of bread and some kind of sauce.

The most delicious homemade sausages in the gut: a recipe

In a meat grinder, this dish turns out to be very tender and tasty. If you want to get coarser products, then we suggest not twisting the meat product, but only finely chop it.

So, to prepare delicious homemade sausages, we need:

  • elk as young and soft as possible - about 1 kg;
  • table salt - about 17 g;
  • natural casing (preferably beef) - 2.7 m;
  • fresh garlic cloves - a couple of pieces;
  • pork fat - use at discretion;
  • drinking water - 40 ml;
  • ground red pepper - a few pinches;
  • sweet paprika - a few pinches;
  • onion large bitter - 1 head.

Cooking process

Homemade sausages in the gut of elk are coarser than beef products. However, most housewives prepare just such products for their husbands. After all, they are more satisfying and nutritious.

So how to cook homemade sausages in the gut? The recipe (the name of this dish sounds like kupaty) of these products does not require the use of any expensive ingredients. What's more, it takes a little time to prepare the dish.

Young and fresh elk is thoroughly washed, all veins are removed, and then finely chopped with a sharp knife. Onions and lard are chopped in exactly the same way. Having received a homogeneous chopped minced meat, it is salted, seasoned with sweet paprika and red ground pepper.

Stuffing a natural shell with elk should be done in exactly the same way as it was presented in the first recipe. As for heat treatment, homemade sausages can be baked, fried, and even boiled. In any case, they will turn out very juicy and tasty. It is desirable to serve such products to the table along with a side dish.
