
Doktorskaya gost sausage at home recipe. Recipe and production technology of Soviet boiled sausage

We all have certainly heard about the "Doctor's" sausage, but not many people know the history of this famous product.

The history of "Doctor's" sausage is a reflection of almost the entire Soviet history

The 1930s of the twentieth century were both difficult and joyful for the USSR at the same time. The fratricidal Civil War is over, the national economy is being restored. The unification of individual peasant farms into collective farms has been completed almost throughout the entire territory of the country, and the kulaks have been eliminated as a class. Great construction projects are underway, a powerful industry is being created, which in a decade will allow the country to win the Great War ...

Despite all the great plans, there is not enough meat in the country - the previous difficult years are affecting. And the health of the population must be restored and maintained - the builders of communism must be strong and healthy. Therefore, the idea arises to create a product with a high protein content that could replace meat.

A special role in the creation and development of the food industry in the USSR and in the history of the "Doctor's" sausage will be played by Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan, since 1934 the People's Commissar of the Food Industry of the USSR. It was he who had to create the country's food industry from scratch. Mikoyan chose the United States as a model, where this industry was already quite well developed. Thanks to the borrowing of "industrial" American food, several varieties of sausages and sausages, industrially processed milk, various canned food, ice cream appeared on the tables of Soviet citizens ...

Under the close personal control of Mikoyan, the construction of several large food industry enterprises began in the USSR - for the manufacture of milk, sausages, and canned food.

April 29, 1936 A.I. Mikoyan signed a decree on the start of the production of several varieties of sausages, a special place among which was occupied by a sausage designed to "correct the health of people who had poor health as a result of the Civil War and suffered from the arbitrariness of the tsarist regime." It was assumed that this type of sausage would be intended for those treated in sanatoriums and hospitals.

The recipe for "Doctor's" sausage from the times of the USSR

The formulation of this product was developed by the best specialists of the country, doctors, employees of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry. According to the recipe (GOST 23670-79), 100 kg of sausage should have contained 25 kg of premium beef, 70 kg of semi-fat pork, 3 kg of eggs or melange and 2 kg of cow's milk powder whole or skimmed for 100 kg of sausage. Minced meat for sausage was made from fresh meat and had to go through a double cutting. As seasonings, a minimum of table salt was used; granulated sugar or glucose; ground nutmeg or cardamom, spicy seasonings were excluded.

There is a legend that initially they wanted to give the name “Stalinskaya” to this sausage. However, the authors of the recipe quickly realized that the combination "Stalin's sausage" could be misunderstood by the all-powerful NKVD and came up with a name that remained in history and well reflected the quality and purpose of this product.

Until the 1950s, the recipe and quality of the sausage was unchanged according to the standard. Of course, the sausages produced by different meat processing plants varied. It also depended on the quality of the raw materials supplied to the plant and on the experience of the employees. The sausage of the Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant became an ideal and a model - the metropolitan giant, which supplied the nomenclature in the first place, purchased the most expensive and high-quality raw materials. At the same time, sausage was by no means an integral part of the special ration of representatives of the party and state elite - it could be bought in almost any grocery store.

Interesting, but the cost of "Doctor's" was significantly higher than its retail price. In the shops "Doctor" was sold at 2 rubles 20 kopecks. With this money in the mid-70s, you could buy, for example, 220 boxes of matches, 11 ice creams in a waffle cup, 10 packs of Belomorkanal cigarettes, i.e. the price of this sausage was quite acceptable for ordinary citizens.

Changes in the quality of sausages began only in the 70s and this was due primarily to the difficulties that the continuously reformed agriculture began to experience and, of course, to the drought and crop failure in the early 70s. It was at this time that it was allowed to add up to 2% starch or flour to minced meat.
Cardinal changes in the fate of sausages - like all countries - will begin in the mid-80s. The composition of the feedstock will change, in 1997 a new GOST will appear, in accordance with which the name “doctoral” will turn into a brand.

But still, most of us, coming to the meat department of a supermarket and choosing a sausage, will first of all pay attention to the name "Doctor's" ....

Doctor's sausage recipe from 1936 remains a favorite delicacy for many to this day. Dietary sausage includes vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy and fulfilling life.

Ingredients and equipment

  • Beef of the highest grade without veins - 250 g;
  • Pork bold shoulder - 750 g;
  • Ice water - 200 ml;
  • Salt - 10 g;
  • Whole cow's milk - 20 ml;
  • Sugar - 0.5 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc;
  • Seasoning for boiled sausage Doktorskaya - 3 g or spices: ground nutmeg - 1 g, ground cardamom - 0.5 g;


1. Pass the meat through a fine grate 3 times, do not allow the minced meat to heat above 12ºС (cooling in refrigerators after each time).

2. Mix all spices, sugar, egg and add to minced meat.

3. Thoroughly mix the minced meat, stirring the minced meat, pour in ice water and milk.

4. Remove the minced meat in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

5. Beat the minced meat with a blender to a sticky consistency without allowing the minced meat to heat up.

6. Soak the collagen casing in saline solution according to the instructions on the website.

7. Stuff the loaves and put in the refrigerator for a day.

8. After a day, take out the loaves and leave at room temperature for 2 hours.

Heat treatment:

9. We lower it into water at a temperature of 35ºС.

10. Insert a thermometer into one of the doctor's sausages.

11. Gradually raise the temperature of the water to 80ºС and cook until the temperature inside the loaf reaches 70-71ºС.

12. Douse doctor's sausages with an ice shower and put in the refrigerator for further cooling.

Our reality is that the quality of sausages sold in stores suffers greatly. But if you care about your health, have the desire and free time, then you can cook sausage at home. For example, doctor's sausage, so beloved by everyone, is very easy to prepare at home. And most importantly, you can even feed your children with it. Since there are many recipes for doctor's sausage, we will focus primarily on the option of preparing it according to GOST.

The composition of doctor's sausage according to GOST

So, to prepare such a dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • beef pulp - 250 g;
  • bold pork pulp - 700 g;
  • natural milk - 200 g;
  • one egg;
  • sugar - 3 g;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • ground cardamom - 0.5 g.

Minced meat preparation

Beef and pork meat must be passed through a meat grinder twice. The first time with a large mesh, the second with a small one. Add spices (cardamom, sugar, salt) to minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly.

Next, add the egg with milk. Minced beat with a blender. The result is a viscous mass. Most importantly, don't worry about the color of the sausage. After all, you get a natural color (without dyes). We put the prepared mass in the refrigerator and keep it there for about an hour. If you want the homemade doctor's sausage to have a pink color, then you can add high quality vodka or cognac to the minced meat (2 tablespoons).

Preparation of sausage casings

Doctor's sausage requires careful preparation of the casing. At home, you can use both artificial and natural. It must be cut into segments of 25-30 cm. After that, the shells should be washed with warm, slightly salted water and, on one side, tie their ends with cotton twine, retreating from the edge of 2 cm.

An easier option is to use a 30 cm wide baking sleeve.

Sausage stuffing

We fill our shells with minced meat. You can use a special device for this (for example, a meat grinder with the necessary nozzle) for stuffing sausages. Then we form sausages, tightly pressing the shell with our hands.

After that, on the other hand, we tie the shell tightly. In conclusion, you need to carefully examine each sausage and, if large air bubbles are found, gently pierce them with a thin needle.

Sausage cooking

In a saucepan, it is necessary to heat the water to 95 degrees and place the workpieces in it. Doctor's sausage at home is cooked at a temperature of 85-87 degrees for 50 minutes. The main thing to remember is that the water should never boil.

Final stage

At this stage, after cooking, the doctor's sausage is cooled immediately under running water (it will be enough to allocate just a few seconds for this process). Next, the sausage is cooled at room temperature, and then in the refrigerator.

The storage conditions for such a doctor's sausage are quite simple: the temperature should be 4-8 degrees, and as for the period, it must be consumed within 72 hours.

Homemade doctor's sausage, recipe No. 2

Since sausage can be cooked not only according to GOST, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipe, which requires the use of minced pork. It may be similar to "Amateur" or "Doctor's", but the chopping of bacon affects this quality. For example, to get the “Amateur” sausage, not twisted, but cut into pieces bacon is added to the minced meat.

The composition of doctor's sausage according to recipe No. 2 will be as follows:

The list of ingredients has been clarified, now you can proceed directly to the cooking process. So, first we prepare the stuffing. We thoroughly wash the meat, cut off all the films, veins and cut into pieces. Grind the pork with a blender along with garlic and onions to make a creamy mass. Another option for chopping meat is to use a meat grinder. And if you want to get a ham doctor's sausage, then you can add larger pieces of pork (chicken) to the minced meat.

Then add the egg, mix well. Pour spices: black pepper, semolina, nutmeg, salt, gelatin and sunflower oil. And again, mix everything to evenly distribute the added ingredients.

If there is no special form for ham, then we use a baking sleeve. Or there is another original way - to use a box of juice or milk as a form. After all, homemade sausage can be cooked without a special device.

We put the minced meat in a bag (sleeve), roll it up and tighten it in several places with a rope (string), so that the sausage becomes constricted.

You need to cook it for 2 hours after boiling over low heat. The water should boil slightly. And you need such an amount of water that the bag with minced meat is completely covered.

Consider another option for making homemade sausage according to this recipe. It can be cooked in a slow cooker. To do this, in the evening we put a bag of minced meat in a slow cooker. Turn on the "Stew" or "Soup" mode. Set the time to 1 hour. And until the morning the pan will work in heating mode. Most importantly, before cooking, the minced meat in the sleeve must be poured with boiling water. And in the morning we take out the finished sausage from the multicooker and cool it. When it has cooled to room temperature, it should be placed in the refrigerator for five hours (and even better all night). After that, you can treat the household with a delicious doctor's sausage.

If you want the doctor’s boiled sausage to be a pleasant pink color, then you can add a natural dye to it, which is the juice of raw beets, and alcohol (cognac, alcohol, vodka), or rather a few of its spoons, will fix this effect.

Other cooking options

According to recipe No. 2, doctor's sausage can be prepared by baking in the oven. The only thing is that the sleeve with minced meat needs to be additionally wrapped with special foil. First, keep the sausage in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees, then lower it to 150 degrees and bake in foil for 30 minutes, after which we remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes. But before the last 10 minutes, pour some water into the mold.

We would like to note that no matter how you cook boiled sausage at home, it will be much tastier than store-bought, and most importantly, it will be much healthier for you and your entire family. Therefore, you should not spare either time or effort to preserve the health of your loved ones. After all, you can't buy it for any amount of money.

"Doctor's" sausage for many years was one of the symbols of the well-being of the Soviet family. Queues lined up behind it, it was added to the Olivier salad, beloved by everyone, the recipe for hodgepodge was unthinkable without Doctor's, sandwiches with this sausage flaunted in obkom buffets.

How did this truly legendary sausage variety come about?

Just what the doctor ordered

The exact date of the birth of the Doctor's sausage (GOST 23670) is well known. This is April 29, 1936, it was then that, by order of the people's commissar of the food industry, Anastas Mikoyan, its mass production began. The sausage recipe was developed by the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry, and was distinguished by a low fat content, despite the fact that the sausage contained a lot of protein.

The reason for the start of production of such a product was a sharp deterioration in the health status of the country's population. After the abolition of the NEP policy and collectivization, a famine began in the country, which affected entire regions. Lack of food, starvation - all this led to outbreaks of various diseases.

In the early thirties, Anastas Mikoyan visited the United States, where he also visited Chicago meat processing plants. Returning to the USSR, Mikoyan initiated the creation of the First Moscow Sausage Factory, which now bears the name of Mikoyan. It was here that the production of sausages began, intended, as was said in the documents of that time, for the dietary nutrition of people with somatic signs of the consequences of prolonged starvation - “... patients with poor health as a result of the Civil War and tsarist despotism.” The wording, of course, is somewhat crafty, but the sausage recipe is quite honest, containing only natural products of the highest quality.

In accordance with GOST, for 100 kg of sausage it was supposed to take 25 kilograms of top quality beef, 70 kilograms of lean pork, 3 kilograms of fresh chicken eggs, 2 liters of milk, salt, sugar, nutmeg or cardamom. The shelf life of this sausage was 72 hours.

It turned out to be a great dietary product, very tasty, fragrant and healthy. Its task - to restore the strength of a person with poor health - this sausage performed remarkably. She was prescribed as a medical nutrition by doctors, which is why she received the name "Doctor's".

Doctorate? No, "ham-chopped"

During the period of Soviet power, such an anecdote was walking in the academic environment. Two candidates of sciences meet, one drags a bag in which something heavy lies. "Doctoral?" - respectfully asks his friend, meaning, of course, scientific work. “No, “chopped ham!”” - the first one answers, meaning a sausage grade lower than “Doctor's”.

The anecdote quite accurately reflects the realities of that time. This sausage was not easy to find in stores, and it acquired the status of a scarce product. They struggled with the deficit in a simple Soviet way: by simplifying the recipe.

People of the older generation remember that back in the 70s, the old people grumbled, cutting into slices a loaf of sausage bought with great difficulty: “Is this the Doctor's? That used to be "Doctor's"! And this is nonsense, not sausage. And they were right, because the classic recipe for dietary sausage, which remained unchanged until the end of the 50s, then began to degrade. The number of livestock in the USSR turned out to be not as large as we would like. In addition, they began to feed the pigs with the waste of the fishing industry, because of which the meat acquired an unpleasant smell and taste. Gradually, flour, melange instead of eggs, and powdered milk instead of whole milk were allowed to be added to the Doctor’s. By 1979, pork skin, egg powder and starch were also allowed. The loaf began to be wrapped in cellophane. The reputation of the product, beloved by generations of Soviet people, was dealt a final blow. "Doctor's" sausage was equal in quality to other sausages that sometimes appeared in Soviet stores, such as "Tea", "Language" and the same one, "Ham-chopped".

Why Doctor's? Because I ate - and to the doctor!

Nowadays, GOSTs of the Soviet era have been safely forgotten. The Doctorskaya brand is exploited by all and sundry, producing sausages with a monstrous content of flavor and aroma enhancers, acidity regulators, antioxidants, stabilizers, emulsifiers and color fixatives. At the same time, many enterprises produce products on the basis of specifications - technical conditions that allow the production of a product without meat at all, based on soy and corragenes. Corragenes are called thickeners, food imitators. It's a red seaweed powder. It is poured with meat broth, mixed and allowed to harden. It turns out "almost real" minced meat. Nevertheless, even today there are enterprises that produce goods strictly in accordance with GOST. At the same time, it must be remembered that GOST 2011 allows the use of flour, starch, sodium nitrite in the Doctor's sausage recipe, and dry substitutes instead of natural eggs and milk.

The current "Doctor" is no longer the dietary product that was developed in 1936 for Mikoyan's enterprise. Therefore, apparently, a joke was born: “Why is the sausage called “Doctor's”? Because I ate - and to the doctor!

"Doctor's" sausage was a must in almost every refrigerator. The New Year's table could not do without it ...

Soviet brand "Doctor" sausage. Like before?

Now such an amount of sausage that my classmate used would alert any mother, but then nothing, and the girl grew up healthy and slender, by the way, we are still friends. That's why so? Previously, everyone ate, but now they prefer not to give to children.
But most manufacturers recall the taste of the Soviet product and hint in advertising that it is their sausage that is the right one, such as once, made according to GOST. The state standard, by the way, provides for the use of 30 percent of meat for boiled sausage. But!
“It used to have only 4 ingredients and a maximum of 5 additives (salt, sugar, cardamom and nutmeg, as well as sodium nitrite, which prevented the sausage from turning a deathly gray color). Now, according to the law, you can put almost everything. At the same time, the composition on the packaging might not have changed, ”these are the words of a meat production technologist.
Look at the iconography and decide for yourself whether there is meat in the doctor's room.

It turns out that now only such sausage can be called doctoral))):

The history of "Doctor" sausage is a reflection of almost the entire Soviet history with its kinks and complexities.

The 1930s of the twentieth century were both difficult and joyful for the USSR at the same time. The fratricidal Civil War is over, the national economy is being restored. The unification of individual peasant farms into collective farms has been completed almost throughout the entire territory of the country, and the kulaks have been eliminated as a class. Great construction projects are underway, a powerful industry is being created, which in a decade will allow the country to win the Great War ...
Despite all the great plans, there is not enough meat in the country - the previous difficult years are affecting. And the health of the population must be restored and maintained - the builders of communism must be strong and healthy. Therefore, the idea arises to create a product with a high protein content that could replace meat.
A special role in the creation and development of the food industry in the USSR and in the history of the "Doctor's" sausage will be played by Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan, since 1934 the People's Commissar of the Food Industry of the USSR. It was he who had to create the country's food industry from scratch. Mikoyan chose the United States as a model, where this industry was already quite well developed. Thanks to the borrowing of "industrial" American food, several varieties of sausages and sausages, industrially processed milk, various canned food, ice cream appeared on the tables of Soviet citizens ...
Under the close personal control of Mikoyan, the construction of several large food industry enterprises began in the USSR - for the manufacture of milk, sausages, and canned food.
April 29, 1936 A.I. Mikoyan signed a decree on the start of the production of several varieties of sausages, a special place among which was occupied by a sausage designed to "correct the health of people who had poor health as a result of the Civil War and suffered from the arbitrariness of the tsarist regime." It was assumed that this type of sausage would be intended for those treated in sanatoriums and hospitals.

The formulation of this product was developed by the best specialists of the country, doctors, employees of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry. According to the recipe (GOST 23670-79), 100 kg of sausage should have contained 25 kg of premium beef, 70 kg of semi-fat pork, 3 kg of eggs or melange and 2 kg of cow's milk powder whole or skimmed for 100 kg of sausage. Minced meat for sausage was made from fresh meat and had to go through a double cutting. As seasonings, a minimum of table salt was used; granulated sugar or glucose; ground nutmeg or cardamom, spicy seasonings were excluded.
There is a legend that initially they wanted to give the name “Stalinskaya” to this sausage. However, the authors of the recipe quickly realized that the combination "Stalin's sausage" could be misunderstood by the all-powerful NKVD and came up with a name that remained in history and well reflected the quality and purpose of this product.
Until the 1950s, the recipe and quality of the sausage was unchanged according to the standard. Of course, the sausages produced by different meat processing plants varied. It also depended on the quality of the raw materials supplied to the plant and on the experience of the employees. The sausage of the Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant became an ideal and a model - the metropolitan giant, which supplied the nomenclature in the first place, purchased the most expensive and high-quality raw materials. At the same time, sausage was by no means an integral part of the special ration of representatives of the party and state elite - it could be bought in almost any grocery store.
Interestingly, the cost of "Doctor's" was significantly higher than its retail price. In the shops "Doctor" was sold at 2 rubles 20 kopecks. With this money in the mid-70s, you could buy, for example, 220 boxes of matches, 11 ice creams in a waffle cup, 10 packs of Belomorkanal cigarettes, i.e. the price of this sausage was quite acceptable for ordinary citizens.
Changes in the quality of sausages began only in the 70s and this was due primarily to the difficulties that the continuously reformed agriculture began to experience and, of course, to the drought and crop failure in the early 70s. It was at this time that it was allowed to add up to 2% starch or flour to minced meat.
Cardinal changes in the fate of sausages - like all countries - will begin in the mid-80s. The composition of the feedstock will change, in 1997 a new GOST will appear, in accordance with which the name “doctoral” will turn into a brand.
But still, most of us, coming to the meat department of a supermarket and choosing a sausage, will first of all pay attention to the name "Doctor's" ....
