
When to salt cabbage according to the lunar calendar. When is the best time to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar? Recommendations

And for those who have already read, Eratosthenes tells the following amusing version of the transformation of the Artemis confidante into a bear, and then into a constellation. First, he calls her Date, not Callisto. It was Dates that Zeus treacherously took possession of, and Artemis rashly turned her into a bear. Zeus placed the Big Dipper in the sky in memory of an unfortunate misunderstanding. Eratosthenes also adds that when Artemis found out about the innocence of Dates, she placed the second image of the bear - Ursa Minor - opposite the first. Probably the first one would not be boring.

Another version

Perhaps this is one of the nurses of Zeus - the ideological nymph of Crete (that is, the nymph of Mount Ida), and according to the early versions of the myth - the natural bear - Kinosura (or, according to other versions, Melissa.).

At all, Kinosura- another Greek name for Ursa Minor, meaning dog tail. They called Ursa Minor and the Dog Callisto, and Voz, whose driver was Bootes.

Ursa Minor is a small constellation in the Northern Hemisphere, containing 25 visible stars. The seven largest of them form a bucket pattern in the sky, the handle of which is completed by the North Star. Ursa Minor does not go beyond the horizon, so a small bucket, using some landmarks, can be seen at night even with the naked eye.

How to find Ursa Minor - choose the right environment

In order for stargazing to be successful, remember our tips:

  • look for the stars on a clear night so that there are no clouds and stratus clouds in the sky;
  • leave the city, where there are no burning street lamps and luminous windows of houses, but there is a huge dark sky, where you can easily find Ursa Minor;
  • when you start observing, stand so that tall trees or buildings do not block your horizon. The best option is when there are no obstacles at all, that is, the horizon is clear.

How to find Ursa Minor by the North Star

This eminent star is not the brightest in the sky, so it is better to look for it in Ursa Major, the outline of which looks like a giant bucket. The constellation is visible in the sky at night in good weather - in autumn and winter it hangs in the northern part of the sky, in the spring it stands in the east in a vertical position - with the handle down, in summer - in the west, with the handle up.

  • Applying our recommendations, find the Big Dipper in the sky. Mentally connect all the stars with a line - get a bucket with a handle.
  • Pay attention to the bowl, consisting of 4 stars. The extreme of them are the index stars - Dubhe and Merak, they determine the location of the North Star.
  • Connect Merak and Dubhe with an imaginary beam. Extend it up and slightly to the right, a distance five times greater than the segment between these stars. At the end of the line you will see the North Star - the end point of the handle of the small bucket.

If even after such research you cannot fully imagine Ursa Minor, use the following hint.

How to find Ursa Minor - an additional guide

Have you found the North Star, but the little dipper is not visible? In this case, the giant stars of the frontal side of the Ursa Minor bowl, Kokhab and Ferkad, will help.

  • Move your eyes to the left side of the North Star and notice a light circle in an orange halo - this is Kokhab, above it, forming the upper corner of the scoop - Ferkad. These stars go around the North Star and are called the Guardians of the Pole.
  • Take a closer look and you will see 2 more stars that make up the inside corners of the bowl. Combine them with lines and in front of you is a ladle without a handle.
  • Look for two dimly glowing dots-stars between the bowl and the North Star. Close the remaining gaps with straight segments and a small bucket with a handle will come out, facing in the opposite direction from the handle of the Big Dipper.

Although Ursa Minor can be found at any time, it is best seen in the winter sky before sunrise or at the first hour of spring sunset.

If time allows, go to nature to take a break from the bustle of the city, admire the starry scattering of the night sky, think about distant unknown worlds, the light from which does not reach our planet.

Housewives who love sauerkraut, choosing cabbage heads for pickling according to the lunar calendar in 2017, should be aware that tight and strong white heads of cabbage and only late varieties are needed for pickling.

We immediately warn you that it is better not to use Chinese or Dutch varieties of cabbage in pickling, discard them, since they are not at all suitable for pickling.

A large amount of chemicals in the form of nitrates in cabbage will also not have a positive effect on the leaven of cabbage; cabbage grown in this way negatively affects its taste and the very quality of this product valuable to our health. You can be completely confident not in purchased cabbage for pickling, but in the one you yourself, with your own hands, grew in your summer cottage.

If you nevertheless purchased cabbage for sourdough in a vegetable store or on a collective farm market, then before using it (preparing for salting), you should clean it from the top leaves, which are usually dirty and lethargic.

You can taste the cabbage before buying. If the cabbage is bitter, then this is a bad sign, it is better not to salt and ferment such cabbage with such a taste in 2017, it is not suitable for sourdough.

To begin with, consider the basic rules for "cooking" sauerkraut. There are several of them, and all of them are mandatory for use:

  1. Cabbage varieties are best taken late.
  2. Heads of cabbage should be dense.
  3. The stumps must be cut out.
  4. Shred the vegetable into very thin strips.
  5. They ferment it only on the growing moon.
  6. To make the cabbage crispy, horseradish leaves are added to it.
  7. If you do not like table vinegar, you can replace it with apple or aspirin, or lemon juice.
  8. As for the amount of salt needed, everything is very simple - compact the chopped vegetable in a jar and apply salt over its entire area, this will be enough.
  9. Do not use iodized salt, otherwise the cabbage will not taste good.

Our grandmothers did not use lunar calendars. But their salting has always been successful. What's the secret? They just knew that it was possible to salt cabbage or cucumbers in barrels for the winter on the growing moon.

We have the opportunity to use the lunar calendar, so let's write out all the auspicious days of October 2017 according to the lunar calendar.

Not all varieties of cabbage are suitable for pickling. In order for it to give a quality product when fermented, the vegetable must have a sufficient content of sugars. In this case, the process of lactic acid fermentation will be most successful. This condition is met by varieties that ripen in the middle and late periods.

Late-ripening varieties are also not all suitable for fermentation. Many late varieties of this vegetable are intended for winter storage. Immediately after harvest, such cabbage contains few sugars, its leaves are not juicy enough, so high-quality fermentation cannot be obtained from it. But after a couple of months of storage, it is already quite suitable for these purposes, as it manages to accumulate the sugar necessary for fermentation.

The best varieties for salting are domestic: Nadezhda, Belorusskaya, Slava, Gift, Kharkov winter, Moscow late. Especially good is sauerkraut, made from old domestic varieties of Slava and Belorusskaya.

Suitability for pickling is easy to determine by appearance and taste. The head of cabbage should be almost white, the leaves are juicy and sweet.

The first time from varieties that are planted specifically for fermentation. A few months later, when the first batch is over, ferment some of the heads of cabbage left for storage. So, cabbage will not peroxide and will always be of high quality.

Mid-season varieties of this vegetable begin to ripen in September, according to the portal Rosregistr. It is possible to ferment cabbage during these periods if there is a cold place to store the product. By the end of October, late varieties are completely ready for use.

For fermentation, heads of cabbage, slightly seized by a light frost, are more suitable. It will not be stored fresh for a long time, but it will pick up more sugars, which is very important for fermentation.

In order for sauerkraut to be truly tasty and crispy, have useful properties and be stored until spring, it is very important to observe the correct time for pickling. Our ancestors knew this, so they cooked the vegetable only on the growing moon and on certain days. The fifth and sixth days of the lunar calendar are most suitable for this.

The sign of the zodiac under which this day is located is also very important. The days when the Moon passes the signs of Cancer, Pisces and especially Virgo are absolutely not suitable for pickling. The most suitable days are Aries, Sagittarius, Taurus. But the most delicious is cabbage fermented in Capricorn.

It is believed that the Moon affects the quality and duration of storage of sauerkraut. There are complex calculations for the phases of the Moon and the signs of the Zodiac. And here Lunar calendars come to the aid of hostesses. Let's look at the dates in two of them.

When to ferment cabbage in October 2017: October 27 is the best day to ferment cabbage
In October 2017, dates from October 22 to October 27 are considered favorable days for sauerkraut, and October 27 is the best day!

In November, you can also ferment cabbage, and it is better to do this from November 1 to 3, from November 21 to 23 and from November 29 to 30. And the most favorable time for this is November 22!

In the month of December we will ferment from the 26th to the 29th.

Take cabbage for sourdough should be strong. The best option is a vegetable cut immediately after a slight frost. The starter itself is best done at a time when the Moon is in Aries, Sagittarius or Leo. At this time, it is possible to harvest a white vegetable in large volumes.

During cooking, to make the cabbage even tastier, you can add beets, lingonberries, apples, plums and cranberries, various herbs and spices to it. And you need to cook it only in a good mood, otherwise it will be bitter.

In November, cabbage is best salted at the end of the month.

Both October and November include enough days on which you can safely pickle cabbage.

This is a very important point, because the use of summer varieties does not give a good result.

In other words, buy autumn middle and late varieties of cabbage. The owners of garden plots have the opportunity to plant the desired varieties in the garden. Buyers in the bazaar have to take the word of the sellers.

Watch carefully so that the vegetables are not rotten. The head of cabbage should be dense to the touch, and not frozen. Loose specimens are not suitable for salting.

For proper cutting, use special knives or graters, the Rosregistr website reports. With their help, you will finely chop the cabbage, it will ferment perfectly, and it will look appetizing. The thinner you cut it, the better.

The classic recipe does not involve any additives. Many lovers can add the following additives for a variety of taste.

  • Apples - thinly sliced
  • cranberries
  • Beets
  • lingonberry
  • Prunes
  • Red bell pepper

The main thing is not to overdo it, everything should be in moderation. I told you about the secrets of salting and cooking. You just have to use them in practice and please your family with yummy.

The lunar calendar of conservation, pickles and other types of preparations for the winter in 2017 will allow you to determine the good days to make a healthy and tasty sunset.

Any housewife tries to make a lot of preparations for the winter if a good harvest is grown. In the cold season, when there are few fresh vegetables and fruits, it is so nice to open a jar of preservation and enjoy the unique taste of candied berries and other fruits, as well as pickles, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and other vegetables.

  • But before you make harvesting garden fruits, you need to carefully study the recipe and take into account other nuances.
  • Experienced housewives also take into account the lunar phases during the preparation of conservation. After all, it has long been known that the moon has an impact on humans, animals, the growth of trees and plants.
  • Under the authority of this planet is the movement of water on Earth, for example, the ebbs and flows in reservoirs. Accordingly, how well the preservation, which we also prepare with the help of water, will be stored depends on the passage of the Moon through the sky or according to the signs of the Zodiac.
  • Follow the advice of the lunar table so that your blanks are stored all winter without damage

Remember: Digging up vegetables for storage, as well as salting and preserving them, is not allowed during the full moon. At this time, a high probability of reproduction of various bacteria.

If you listen to lunar biorhythms, then you need to know the following:

  • During the full moon, fluid stagnation also occurs. Preservation made during this period may deteriorate, and harvested vegetables will not be stored for a long time.
  • Pickles and jams should not be done when the Moon passes through such zodiac signs: Pisces and Cancer
  • A good period for marinades and jams is the Moon in Aries and Leo
  • Digging up potatoes and garlic for consumption in the near future is possible on the growing moon. At this time, many useful substances accumulate in the fruits.
  • If the harvest is designed for long-term storage, then you need to dig potatoes and garlic on the waning moon. The intensity of bacteria weakens as the Moon passes the Earth's eternal satellite in the waning phase passes through Aries, Capricorn and Leo
  • It is not worth harvesting when the Moon passes in the constellations of Virgo and Pisces, as well as on a full moon.

Important: On days that are not indicated in the lunar table for conservation, it is better to refrain from harvesting. But you can make pickles for storage in the refrigerator and use them within 2-4 weeks.

Month of 2017



pleasant period for jams and pickles

A good period for digging up "young" vegetables - potatoes and garlic

(for food within 1-2 weeks)


a pleasant period for harvesting potatoes and garlic for long-term storage


a pleasant period for harvesting potatoes and garlic

January 5, 6, 13, 14 3, 4, 11, 12, 30, 31
February 1, 2, 10 7-9, 11, 26, 27
March 1, 9, 10, 28, 29 7, 8, 12, 26, 27
April 5, 6, 24, 25 3, 4, 11, 22, 23, 30
May 2-4, 22, 23, 30, 31 1, 11, 19-21, 28, 29 1-4, 7-10, 26-31 14-16, 22, 23 5, 6, 11, 19-21
June 18, 19, 26, 27 9, 16, 17, 24, 25 3-8, 25-27, 30 11, 12, 18, 19 1, 2, 9, 16, 17, 28, 29
July 15, 16, 23-25 9, 13, 14, 21, 22 1-8, 24, 25, 28-31 15, 16, 23 9, 13, 14, 26, 27
August 11-13, 20, 21 7, 9, 10, 18, 19 1-6, 24-31 11-13, 20, 21 7, 9, 10, 22, 23
September 8, 9, 16, 17 5-7, 14, 15 1-5, 21-30 8, 9 5-7, 18-20
October 6, 13-15 3-5, 11, 12, 30, 31
November 1-3, 10, 11, 29, 30 4, 8, 9, 26-28
December 7, 8, 26, 27 3, 5, 6, 24, 25

Now it is worth considering in detail the favorable and unfavorable dates for preserving and storing vegetables for storage by months.

In January, housewives do not prepare conservation, as preparations were made in summer and autumn. This month you can make jam from apples that have spoiled a little in the basement.

Also in January, housewives pickle cabbage if most of the cooked pickles have already been eaten. At this time, potatoes and garlic are not harvested, since they have already been stored for storage since autumn.

Important: In the cold month of January, we only enjoy pre-prepared preservation and pickles.

February - conservation stocks are already running out, and you want something fresh. But before the appearance of new vegetables, a lot of time must still pass, so we continue to salt the cabbage.

It is still cold in March, but the snow is already melting. You can go out into the garden to examine the condition of the site after the winter, because soon you will need to plant vegetables and seedlings, plant potatoes and garlic.

Important: At this time, the owners of private houses sort out vegetables and fruits. Spoiled fruits are thrown away, and good ones are suitable for pickling, for example, cabbage or apples (you can make pickled apples in a barrel).

In April, the owners of garden and garden plots plant potatoes and garlic. Also at this time, seedlings are being planted with might and main, so that vegetables and fruits can be grown in a timely manner for canning them for the coming winter.

In April, you can ferment greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes. Cabbage at this time is already bad and tough, so it should only be used for cooking the first course.

In May, housewives ferment the first ground cucumbers. Tomatoes are still greenhouse, so they need to be eaten fresh, or you can add salt, for example, on the festive table. Housewives make jam from strawberries.

Important: This month, many gardeners are already digging up the first potatoes that were planted in March. But it is only suitable for eating for 2-3 weeks. For long-term storage, such tubers are not laid.

Auspicious days for cooking jam, canning, pickling, digging garlic in June 2017

June is the beginning of summer, but preparations for the winter are still far away. Vegetables are only suitable for eating for a few weeks, but fruits (apricots, cherries, cherries) can be made into jam.

Favorable days for cooking jam, canning, pickling, digging garlic in June 2017:

Depending on the region, gardeners start digging up the garlic and laying it to dry for storage later. At the end of the month, potatoes are also dug up for laying in the basement. The hostess' jam is made from peaches, prunes, cherry plums and other fruits.

In August, the conservation of vegetables is in full swing, and you can also pickle eggplants, squash, zucchini, tomatoes and watermelons for the winter. Stick to the lunar table so that the preparations turn out tasty and healthy.

September is still a warm month, although autumn has already arrived. Gardeners dig up the last vegetables for long-term storage, and make jam from quince, apples, pears and other fruits. At this time, you can still pickle cucumbers and tomatoes.

In October, vegetables grow in the garden only in the greenhouse, but they are not stored for storage, but are used for food for one week. Jam is also not boiled, since all the fruits have departed, only apples and in some places quince remain.

Important: This month, you can still preserve tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and peppers, which were removed from the beds in September.

November - the first frosts appear. All vegetables and fruits are stored in the basement. There are ready-made preserves and pickles on the shelves. Who did not have time, you can pickle cabbage and make pickling from other vegetables.

New Years is soon! I want to please my household with something tasty, so the housewives get various preservation and pickles on the festive table. Nobody is doing the sunset this month, but you can salt the cabbage.

Dig up vegetable crops, harvest fruits and make preserves and pickles by the moon. This will help to achieve excellent tasting food, and make it nutritious for you and your household.

Video: How to get early potatoes?
