
Coffee for the face - recipes for the most effective masks. Peeling with coffee grounds

It turns out that coffee can be used not only as an invigorating drink, but also for the preparation of various masks, peels, scrubs that help improve complexion and restore dull skin to radiance and a healthy glow. Coffee grounds are easy to make at home.

The effect of coffee grounds on the skin

A positive effect on the condition of the skin is due to the composition of coffee grounds. It contains:

  • chlorogenic and linoleic acids;
  • caffeine;
  • antioxidants;
  • carotenoids;
  • polyphenols.

Do not rush to throw the grounds out of the coffee machine. Masks and scrubs based on this component will turn ordinary facial skin care into a real SPA procedure.

As a result of using masks and scrubs based on coffee grounds, the following effect can be achieved:

  1. Increasing the production of collagen and elastin, as a result of which the skin becomes more toned and elastic. Smoothing of superficial wrinkles is also noted.
  2. Skin toning.
  3. Evening out the tone of the face, eliminating the gray tint and yellowness.
  4. Prevention of the development of oncological processes in skin cells.
  5. Protection against adverse effects of external factors: ultraviolet radiation, hot and cold air.
  6. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin.
  7. Acceleration of regeneration processes.
  8. Skin rejuvenation.
  9. Pore ​​cleansing.
  10. Improvement of blood microcirculation.

With regular use of products based on coffee grounds, it is possible to achieve positive results after just a few procedures.

Indications for use

Cosmetics based on coffee grounds are used for:

  • skin prone to developing signs of premature aging;
  • pigmentation;
  • earthy or yellow skin tone;
  • acne, black dots;
  • shallow wrinkles.

In these cases, coffee masks help to effectively eliminate the problem.

Coffee grounds products help to cope with various skin problems


Despite the fact that coffee grounds-based cosmetics help to cope with many problems, they are not recommended for use in the presence of the following conditions:

  • sensitive skin type;
  • allergy to coffee;
  • serious pathologies of the skin;
  • signs of inflammation, open wound surfaces.

In the above conditions, it is better to refuse to use coffee grounds as a cosmetic product, as this can harm your health.

To effectively eliminate skin problems and at the same time not harm it, when using masks, scrubs, peelings with coffee grounds, follow these recommendations:

Important! To maximize the effect of using coffee grounds, you can make a steam bath before applying, this will help open the pores.

Coffee grounds products

Face masks

Use masks according to your skin type.

For dry or normal skin

For oily and combination skin

  1. Take a handful of grapes or 1 small apple and grind until mushy. Mix 2 tablespoons of the resulting mass with 1 tablespoon of ground coffee. Spread the finished product evenly over the face, hold for about 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. After using this product, the skin becomes soft, the pores are cleansed.
  2. Take 2 grams of ground natural coffee, the same amount of orange peel and 1 tablespoon of cosmetic clay. Add a pinch of soda, previously extinguished with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and a small amount of boiled chilled water so that the mask acquires the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture on your face and leave for 20 minutes. After this time, the mask can be removed with a tissue and then washed. This tool allows you to cope with the problem of acne. It fights existing acne, and also prevents the appearance of new ones. It is recommended to use this mask 2-4 times a week.
  3. Mix coffee grounds with low-fat cottage cheese in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mass on the skin of the face, hold for about 25 minutes, and then remove the residue and wash your face. Such a tool has an antibacterial effect, prevents the appearance of acne, cleanses and nourishes the skin well, and eliminates oily sheen.

Making a mask with cosmetic clay and coffee grounds (video)

For mature and aging skin

To improve the complexion and return dull skin to radiance and a healthy glow, you can use the following masks:

Acne mask

To eliminate acne on the face, you can use the following mask. Mix coffee grounds and milk powder in equal parts, add a little rose water to get a medium-weight consistency. Apply the mixture on the skin, wash off the residue after 20 minutes.

Such a tool allows you to noticeably improve the condition of the skin after just a few procedures. You can make a mask 3 times a week.

Peeling with coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are used not only for the preparation of masks, but also for the purpose of peeling. The procedure involves effective cleaning of the surface layers of the epidermis, while any damage is excluded. With the help of such manipulation, it is possible to eliminate excess sebum and dirt particles that clog pores, improve skin color, make it lighter and softer.

The following types of peels are considered the most common:


Preparing a scrub at home is quite simple. Carefully approach the choice of recipe, do not forget to take into account the type of skin and the problem that you intend to fight.

Such coffee scrubs have a good effect:

Scrub from coffee grounds (video)

The fragrant coffee drink can be considered truly universal - it is able to energize and invigorate the body not only from the inside, but also from the outside. And coffee grounds help him in this, which many simply pour out, and in vain. Used as a scrub ingredient, it can be used to cleanse any area of ​​the body: face, arms, legs, as well as to combat cellulite in problem areas.

The purpose of the coffee grounds scrub: use in cosmetology

The scrub is a composition of a special nature, which includes abrasive components that can gently remove dead skin particles and the upper layers of the epithelium without damaging the skin and deeply cleansing it. With regular use of the scrub, you can notice such positive results:

Finding softness and smoothness of the skin;

Improving blood circulation;

Deep cleansing of pores from the accumulation of impurities.

Even after a single use, you can notice how the skin takes on a rested appearance and looks refreshed. After the scrubbing procedure, cosmetic products are able to penetrate much deeper into the epidermis, and decorative cosmetics will lie down more evenly and last longer.

In their appearance, scrubs resemble a creamy texture with the addition of solid particles of different sizes. The most popular abrasive ingredient in cosmetology is sea salt, ground coffee beans, nuts, fruit and berry seeds.

Scrub is usually used after preliminary steaming of the skin and before applying cosmetic masks, creams, lotions.

Coffee ground scrubs have some advantages over similar products:

The appearance of instant results - after the first procedure, positive dynamics is visible;

Safety for the body - you can use such a scrub even during pregnancy;

Prevention of skin diseases – caffeine essentiality reduces the risk of developing skin cancer;

Having an antibacterial effect;

It is an excellent antioxidant;

Coffee grounds are suitable for use as a scrub component on any part of the body, not just on the face;

High efficiency of anti-cellulite scrubs based on thick;

The richness of the composition of active substances that can remove toxins from the body and harmful chemical compounds;

Availability of the product - all coffee lovers will not spend a penny on creating a scrub, since the thick can also be used as a separate scrub product.

Useful properties of scrubs from coffee grounds

To prepare a naturally healthy and natural scrub without harmful impurities and chemical components, you will also need the thick of real, not instant coffee. In addition, it has such useful properties:

1. In the course of numerous studies, it has been found that the thick can have a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

2. The composition of coffee grounds is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids, which make the product the strongest antioxidant. It protects the skin from the problem of photoaging, as well as inflammation and skin diseases.

3. Able to significantly reduce wrinkles, the greatest effect is noticeable in the area around the eyes, where "crow's feet" are most often formed, increase skin tone and elasticity.

4. The stearins included in the composition help retain moisture in the skin cells, as well as maintain the necessary turgor.

5. Thanks to the caffeine and chlorogenic acid included in the composition, coffee grounds are able to return the skin to a healthy appearance, restoring the damaged structure and protecting it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

6. When used externally, caffeine effectively fights swelling and inflammation. At the initial stage, coffee grounds prevent the development of inflammatory processes, improve blood circulation, increasing blood flow to selected areas of the skin, which helps to effectively fight cellulite.

7. Coffee acts as a good exfoliant, and it is this quality that makes the product a suitable ingredient for skin exfoliation.

Numerous useful properties have allowed coffee to become an indispensable component in a number of cosmetic preparations and salon procedures, such as spa therapies, body wraps, professional peels in the fight against cellulite and skin aging.

Rules for using coffee grounds scrubs

In order for the effect of the scrub on the skin to be correct and effective, it is necessary to properly prepare the coffee mixture, and certain recommendations will help to do this:

1. You should choose, as an ingredient in a healing scrub, only coffee beans, which will need to be ground into powder. You can also give preference to ready-made ground coffee, but the green drink gives the biggest effect.

2. Coffee should be prepared according to a certain technology, for this you need to pour boiling water over ground green powder and let it boil for several minutes. In this case, do not add sugar or cream to the drink.

3. Ready coffee can be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed preferably dark container for no more than 5 days, the place must also be dry.

4. If the scrub is prepared for the body, then it should be applied after taking a warm shower on wet skin.

5. Scrub with anti-cellulite effect should be used no more than 2 times a week, with dry skin type, procedures should be carried out less often - about 1 time in 10 days.

6. When using a coffee scrub to cleanse the delicate skin of the face, it is necessary to first rub the composition with light movements, and after a while intense, so as not to damage the dermis with hard particles.

7. At the end of the scrubbing procedure, the skin should definitely be lubricated with a nourishing cream to avoid drying out.

8. Do not use scrub on areas of skin with microdamages, acne. People who have an individual intolerance to coffee components should abandon the procedure altogether.

Varieties of coffee grounds scrubs: recipes for any skin type

There are scrub recipes that are considered universal. Only depending on the density of the skin, the degree of grinding of the grains should be chosen; for a thin or sensitive dermis, it is necessary to choose the smallest abrasive particles.

1. The scrub recipe includes coffee grounds and crushed oatmeal flakes. The ingredients must be prepared in equal proportions. If the skin is dry, then you can add a little sour cream to the mixture, and if oily, then natural yogurt without adding flavors. The finished mass must be mixed well, applied to the skin of the face and massaged for several minutes.

2. Scrub for oily skin type contains 2 servings of thick and yogurt and 1 serving of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Wash off the composition from the skin with cool water.

3. Scrub for dry skin is quite easy to prepare. You will need cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content and coffee grounds, which should be 2 times less than the prepared amount of cottage cheese. If the cottage cheese is natural and homemade, then you can use the prepared remedy for sensitive skin. However, owners of this type are often not recommended to carry out procedures, the optimal number is 1-2 times a month. At the same time, the concentration in the composition of coffee grounds should be lower, like 1/3 or 1/4 of the curd. In order for the scrub to simultaneously cleanse, soften and nourish dry skin, you can add a couple of drops of almond oil to the mixture.

4. Coffee body scrub. The easiest way to make showering even more beneficial is to add coffee grounds to your shower gel. The ratio of products should be as follows - 2 pinches of thick go to 1 spoon of gel. This scrub should massage the skin for 8-10 minutes.

5. Nourishing body scrub. In order to diversify the effect of the scrub on the skin and add additional useful functions to the product, it is necessary to diversify its composition. At the same time, the scrub will be able to nourish and cleanse skin areas due to the mixing of honey, vegetable oil, for example, almond or olive, and the coffee mass itself. All products are taken in such proportions 2:1:2, respectively.

6. Cellulite scrub is simple. It is necessary to mix the following components: coffee grounds 2 servings, sea salt 1 serving. To make the scrub more liquid, you can dilute it with sour cream. The skin must be steamed before scrubbing, the massaging procedure lasts from 8-12 minutes, it is not necessary to apply too much effort, so as not to damage the skin.

7. Reinforced anti-cellulite coffee scrub recipe. To increase the effectiveness of the coffee grounds scrub in the fight against orange peel, you can use, in addition to the mass of coffee and sour cream, additional ingredients in the form of essential oils. Only you should choose those that have anti-cellulite properties. The proportions of the main components remain unchanged, as in the previous recipe, if necessary, sour cream can be replaced with shower gel or body milk. When the ingredients are mixed, then at the end you can add 2-3 drops of essential oil. Suitable varieties for this purpose are citrus aromas, needles, cloves, myrrh, rosemary, ginger, rose, geranium, thyme, cinnamon, sandalwood, lavender. A rather large list allows you to choose the most pleasant ether by smell.

Do not use these recipes and any others in case of damage to the skin.

More than 400 million cups of coffee are drunk every day around the world. At the same time, most of the waste from it is thrown into the trash, while they can be reused. Coffee grounds are a valuable organic raw material that has many useful properties. It's good for skin and hair, helps fight bad odors and garden pests, and replaces many household home care products.

Plant fertilizer

Coffee grounds make an excellent fertilizer for plants. It is especially suitable for fruit trees and flowers: roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, hydrangeas and camellias. Coffee adds acidity to the soil and repels pests. The grounds can be added to compost or water to water plants. If you mix carrot seeds with boiled coffee before sowing, they will germinate faster, and the fruits themselves will be sweeter and more nutritious.

Deodorant for hands and refrigerator

The rich aroma of coffee can eliminate unpleasant odors. For example, wet coffee grounds can be used to wipe your hands after cooking with onions or garlic. And dry boiled coffee is perfect for deodorizing the refrigerator. You need to pour the thick into a glass jar and put it on one of the shelves. The coffee will eliminate any unpleasant odors inside the chamber and will replace the soda that is usually used for this purpose.

Garden pest repeller

The coffee smell is unpleasant for some animals and insects. This is useful in the garden to scare away various pests from flower beds and beds - for example, cats from a neighboring plot. To do this, you need to mix coffee grounds with orange peel and distribute the resulting powder around plants that suffer from excessive attention from intruders. Coffee grounds also repel slugs and snails that eat garden crops. It can be used in the fight against ants, falling asleep thick anthills growing on the site.

Flea Remedy

Air freshener

Coffee grounds can be added to a flower vase. It will organically fit into the overall composition, becoming a natural decorative filler, and will also act as an air freshener that can be used in the bathroom, toilet or living room. Water cannot be added to such a flower arrangement, and therefore it is better to use dried flowers for it. For example, lavender, which is more fragrant when dried than fresh.

Anti-cellulite mask

Caffeine improves blood circulation and removes excess fluid from the body. Thanks to this property, it is useful in the fight against cellulite. For a healing mask, you need to mix coffee grounds with olive oil, wine or ginger oil. Then apply the resulting mass to the problem areas of the body and massage them in a circular motion with a brush or sponge. The procedure must be repeated once or twice a week. With the help of a coffee mask, you can save a lot of money on visiting the spa, where a similar massage course will cost 10-15 thousand rubles.

Dishwashing powder

Due to its rough structure, coffee grounds perfectly wipe off dried dirt and food residues. It can be used to wash pots and pans instead of baking soda and household chemicals, which are dangerous for people and the environment.

Mask against hair loss

With the help of coffee grounds, you can massage the scalp. It strengthens the hair roots and promotes their growth. The procedure should be carried out before washing the head, taking a little ground coffee and gently rubbing it into the skin moistened with water. After 10-15 minutes, the mask can be washed off. Over time, the hair will gain strength and stop falling out. A coffee mask is not recommended for blondes, as coffee is a natural dye and can give the hair a dark shade.

Hair dye

Strongly brewed coffee can be used as a dye for dark hair - both natural and dyed. In the case of the former, it makes the color more saturated and deep, in the case of the latter, it retains the shade of the pigment that was used in dyeing. Coffee grounds are also recommended to be added to henna. This gives the hair a darker, coppery hue that looks nobler than red.

To better fix the color, it is recommended to add freshly brewed coffee grounds to the hair conditioner, apply it to the entire length and leave it under a bath cap for 15-20 minutes. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly. In addition, boiled coffee can be added to shampoos. Another option is to rinse your hair with a chilled decoction of strong coffee.

Dye for eggs, paper and fabrics

Coffee perfectly colors not only hair, but also fabrics. With it, you can age paper and make natural dye for Easter eggs. The final color will depend on the concentration of the solution: the more coffee grounds you add to the water while boiling, the richer the shade will be. To make a dye, you need to boil the coffee, decant it and cool the resulting infusion.

Then you can boil eggs and tissues in it. The first for 10 minutes, the second - half an hour. Textiles are best pre-soaked in water and not squeezed out at the end so that they are evenly dyed. It is enough to hold the paper in coffee broth for several minutes, and then dry it.

Covering scratches on furniture

The coloring properties of coffee can be useful in another matter - masking scratches and scuffs on wooden furniture. To do this, you need to prepare a rich coffee solution from the boiled grounds, dip a cotton pad into it and rub the natural dye into the scratch until it merges with the rest of the furniture surface. This recipe only works with dark furniture.

Sidewalk Slip Remedy

Unlike salt, which is dangerous for the environment and the shoes of citizens, coffee grounds are absolutely harmless to the environment. At the same time, it can become a worthy alternative to chemicals that are used in winter to combat slippery ice. In addition, natural raw materials attract the sun's rays and speed up the process of snow melting.

Scrub for body and face

Coffee grounds are great for a natural scrub. You need to add a little olive oil to it, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin well. In addition, the oil will make the texture of the scrub more delicate and soft, without impairing its exfoliating properties. Coffee scrub is also recommended before going to the beach or in the solarium. Thanks to him, the tan lies more evenly.

Mask against puffiness of the eyes

From ground coffee, you can make a nourishing face mask if you add two tablespoons of cocoa, one tablespoon of honey and three tablespoons of milk or yogurt to two tablespoons of coffee grounds. The resulting mass should be applied to the face, gently massaging the skin, and left for 15-20 minutes until the mixture dries. The coffee mask tightens pores, reduces facial redness and removes excess oil from the skin, making it matte and supple. In addition, coffee removes puffiness and swelling under the eyes, and honey and milk moisturize the skin well.

natural lifting

Another mask with coffee will replace an expensive cosmetic lifting in a beauty salon. For her, it is necessary to mix a quarter cup of coffee grounds with one egg white and apply the resulting mass on the face with massaging movements. After the mask dries, you can safely wash it off. A similar procedure in the spa will cost several thousand rubles.

Useful properties of coffee.

Coffee is very beneficial for our body. Thanks to the linoleic acid found in coffee, the aging process slows down and our skin becomes more elastic. According to this indicator, even fruits and oils of vegetable origin are inferior to it. Coffee tones the skin, protects against ultraviolet rays, and also has anti-inflammatory properties. It is a source of antioxidants, strengthens blood vessels and thereby reduces varicose veins, helps in the fight against excess weight and cellulite. Caffeine helps to reduce puffiness and improve blood circulation.

According to the research results of German scientists, caffeine - hair loss remedy. If you constantly rub the thick natural ground coffee into the scalp, you can soon restore the hair structure. Coffee also has the property of coloring hair, so it can be used to give hair darker shades of shine and richer color.

How many cups of coffee is good to drink a day?

1-3 cups of coffee per day are considered beneficial.

When preparing all recipes, only ground coffee is used, instant coffee is not used for these purposes.
It must be used without added sugar.

Fight cellulite with coffee.

Coffee helps to improve blood circulation and thus it helps fat cells break down faster.

Coffee scrubs against cellulite.

1. Apply warm coffee grounds to problem areas and rub in with massage movements. After applying the scrub, wrap with a film and wait 30 minutes. After this time, wash off the mixture with water. Scrub can be used every 3-4 days.

2. To three tablespoons of coffee grounds, add 3 tablespoons of salt (preferably sea or coarse, you can use sugar instead of salt), add half a teaspoon of olive oil. For a pleasant smell, you can add a little cinnamon or aromatic oils to the scrub. Mix everything and rub it on the skin with cellulite for 5-10 minutes. To improve the result, before applying the scrub, steam the skin by lying in a warm bath.

Coffee compress for puffy eyelids.

Before applying the compress, apply a moisturizer to the eyelid area. After the cream has been absorbed, make a compress. Brew freshly ground coffee and cool. Put cotton swabs soaked in coffee on your eyelids and wait 20 minutes.

Beauty recipes for dark coffee hair.

Coffee tends to color hair, so recipes with its use recommend using it only on dark hair.

Coffee lotion to add shine to dark hair. Brew one tablespoon with the top of freshly ground coffee with boiling water (about 5 liters). Let it brew for 20 minutes, strain and rinse it with clean, damp hair.

Coffee mask for strengthening hair. Brew 1 tbsp boiling water 1 tsp. ground coffee. Let it brew for 5 min. Add half a teaspoon of castor oil to it, 2 tbsp. cognac, 2 yolks. Stir the resulting mixture well. Apply the mask to clean damp hair and hold for 10 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with shampoo.

Facial scrubs and coffee masks.

1. The most simple and widely used coffee scrub. Mix coffee grounds and candied honey in a 1:1 ratio. Can be used for both face and body.

2. Coffee masks for dry skin:
- mix ground coffee with fatty cottage cheese in a ratio of 1: 1, massage your face with this mixture for a couple of minutes, leave it on your face for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.
- to a teaspoon of ground coffee, add a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tsp. Sahara. Mix everything, massage your face with this mixture and hold for 10 minutes. After this time, rinse with water.
- mix 2 teaspoons of ground coffee and the same amount of sour cream, add 1 tsp. olive oil. Keep the mask for 10 minutes. and then rinse with water.

3. Coffee scrub masks for oily skin.
- Mix coffee grounds with two teaspoons of yogurt, kefir, curdled milk or whey. Massage the skin for a couple of minutes and hold for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with water.
- in a tablespoon of ground coffee, add 2 tbsp. grated apple. Apply to face and after 10 minutes. rinse with water. Suitable for combination skin.

4. Coffee scrub masks for all skin types.
- mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with coffee grounds after drinking coffee and massage your face for a couple of minutes.
- Brew yourself freshly ground natural coffee and add sugar and milk to it (but not condensed milk!). Drink it and massage your face with the remaining thick at the bottom of the cup.
- mix ground coffee and rice flour in a ratio of 1: 1 and massage your face.

5. Coffee scrub for combination skin.
Grind the eggshell into flour and add to the coffee grounds in a ratio of 1:1. Add some milk so that the scrub takes on the consistency of a cream. Use the resulting mixture as a regular facial scrub.

6. Coffee masks for refreshing tired skin.
- coffee grounds after drinking coffee, mix with 1 tablespoon without top of ground walnut. Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.
- brewed natural coffee, which should be strong, mix in equal proportions with zucchini juice. Soak a cotton pad with the mixture and wipe your face.
- To give the skin freshness, freeze ice cubes from brewed coffee and wipe your face with them.

7. A coffee mask to give a tan shade.
Freshly ground coffee (coffee should be very finely ground) dilute with a little water to achieve a thick consistency. Apply the resulting mixture on the face for 10 minutes. Wash off with water.

8. Anti-wrinkle coffee mask.
Add strong cold coffee to 3 teaspoons of rye flour until you get a thick consistency. Add egg yolk to this mixture, mix and apply on face for 15 minutes. Wash off with water.

9. Coffee mask for aging skin with a tightening effect.
Add a teaspoon of sour cream, a teaspoon of honey, a whole raw egg to the cooled coffee grounds. Mix everything and apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water.

We hope that we were able to describe to you the beneficial properties of coffee and described the recipes for coffee masks and scrubs that will help make your appearance beautiful and well-groomed.

In modern cosmetology, the use of coffee in the form of skin masks has become popular. A lot has been said about the beneficial properties of this amazing product - it not only invigorates in the form of a drink, but also has a miraculous effect on the skin. So, coffee grounds for the face are actively used in the form of scrubs for the face and body, as well as in the form of an anti-cellulite agent.

What is the use of such masks? The thing is that coffee perfectly tones the epidermis, as well as:

  • eliminates puffiness
  • smoothes wrinkles
  • moisturizes
  • gives skin shine and radiance
  • protects against UV rays

Coffee grounds for the face in the form of masks or scrubs are used for the face, body and hair.

What is a coffee peeling procedure?

This type of peeling belongs to the mechanical one, since it acts on the upper layers with the help of abrasive particles. The essence of this procedure is simple: grains of cooked grains gently and gently exfoliate dead particles, thereby releasing clogged pores and allowing the dermis to “breathe”. Moreover, coffee grounds for the face are a great option to combat cellulite.

Speaking in detail, it is worth noting that the main component that effectively affects the skin is caffeine. This substance not only invigorates the central nervous system, but also perfectly fights varicose veins and challenges the hated "orange" peels. In other words, caffeine stimulates blood flow, it prevents cellulite and varicose veins from appearing. The mechanism for applying such a mask is massage movements, which also helps prevent the appearance of fatty deposits.
Caffeine has a number of other benefits for the skin:

  • Keeps her youthful
  • Neutralizes the undesirable effects of radicals on the dermis (which is the root cause of cell aging)
  • Helps to eliminate the stratum corneum
  • Prevents aging of the epidermis

Coffee grounds for the face: the procedure and contraindications

For this procedure, only crushed grains are used, possibly with additives. Remember that each remedy has its own contraindications, coffee is no exception:

  • Malignant formations
  • allergic reactions
  • Acne and inflammation on the face
  • Infectious and skin diseases
  • Pregnancy and lactation

If you like to treat yourself to this invigorating drink, then after drinking it, you can take coffee grounds for the face as the basis of the mask. Remember that when using the product, the grains must be finely ground so as not to harm the upper layers.

There are a lot of options for masks today. The most popular are compounds of coffee grounds with honey or dairy products, as well as with vegetable oils, soaps and even shower gels. To a greater extent, many prefer the use of exclusively natural products.

Recipes for masks based on natural ingredients

Scrub from coffee and cottage cheese
This emulsion is ideal for those who have dry and normal skin:

  • Stir the coffee grounds in equal proportions with the curd
  • Apply in small parts to the steamed dermis
  • Massage composition
  • Leave it for fifteen minutes
  • Wash off with a little water

Lifting scrub for dull skin
This mask is very easy to prepare.

  • Grab a cup of coffee
  • Add 1 tsp. honey and the same amount of sour cream
  • Combine one raw egg with the mixture
  • stir
  • Apply to a pre-cleansed and warmed face
  • Take a lying position
  • Leave the scrub on for twenty minutes.
  • wash away

After the procedure, the skin will be cleansed and become more firm and elastic.

Coffee scrub with fruit juice (for oily dermis)
If you have oily skin, then pay attention to the presented mask:

  • You will need coffee grounds for your face
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice or grated apple
  • stir
  • Apply warm to the face with massage movements
  • Leave for 30 minutes
  • wash away

This emulsion can be applied no more than twice a week, so as not to overdry the upper layers. It perfectly cleanses and whitens the face, removes inflammation and tightens pores.

Coffee peeling with oatmeal
Beauticians recommend this mask for all types of dermis:

  • Mix oatmeal flakes crushed in a coffee grinder with 1 tsp. honey
  • You can add 3 tbsp. sour cream (for dry skin)
  • Apply to the face with gentle movements, massaging the skin
  • Leave for eighteen to twenty minutes
  • Rinse off (warm water only)

If you want to have luxurious, well-groomed and velvety skin, coffee grounds for the face will help you, which has become a real discovery in the field of traditional medicine and modern cosmetology. Thanks to this scrub, facial care has become easier, more convenient and easier. In addition, you do not need to spend money on expensive drugs and visit a beauty salon every time. The presented composition will gently and quickly free the pores from impurities, restore elasticity and healthy color to the skin, and also stop the aging process!
