
Strawberry wine: recipe. Making wine at home

Now any wine can be bought in the store. But the good ones are expensive, and the cheap ones include a lot of unnatural ingredients in the form of dyes and flavors. Therefore, there is nothing better than homemade wine, prepared according to all the rules of winemaking.

It may seem strange to many, but wine is a useful product. It contains the same substances that are rich in raw materials. The only difference is that during fermentation, alcohol is formed in wine, as well as glycerin, succinic and lactic acids.

Wine contains potassium, phosphorus, pectins, sugar. It also contains a small amount of vitamins B1, B6, B12, C, PP.

Wine has antibacterial properties. It has been proven that typhoid and cholera bacteria die in it in the first half hour.

Wine stimulates the appetite, restores strength, increases the body's resistance to disease. But only if you use it in moderation.

At home, wine is made with a small amount of alcohol. To do this, use any fruits and berries: apples, currants, cherries, raspberries, gooseberries, pears, mountain ash, strawberries.

The taste and aroma of wine depends on the quality of the raw materials that were used for it, as well as on how accurately all the rules for its production were observed.

Strawberry wine: the subtleties of cooking

  • Strawberries are not a very good raw material for making wines. Wines from it do not store well and often turn sour. Strawberry juice is difficult to squeeze out and poorly clarified.
  • This berry is not suitable for making dry wine. But it makes a good gentle wine of the liqueur type.
  • Only intensely colored berries should be used.
  • The strength of the wine is affected by the amount of sugar. The more it is, the stronger the drink will be. But you need to take into account the natural sugar that is in the berries. To get a product with a strength of 11 °, you need to take about 200 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice, and for a wine strength of 14-16 ° per 1 liter of juice, 240-290 g of sugar is required.
  • In order for wine to ferment, it must contain approximately 7 g of acid per 1 liter of juice. There are approximately 12 g of acid in a liter of strawberry juice. So, to get one liter of wine, you need to take 0.5 liters of juice and add the same amount of water to it.
  • It is not recommended to wash the raw materials, since “wild yeast” is present on the surface of any berries, which are responsible for fermentation. But this does not apply to strawberries, since they are in contact with the ground, there can be a lot of dirt on them, which, once in the wine, will worsen its quality.
  • Natural yeast for strawberry wine can be replaced with raisins or you can make your own sourdough. Berries are not washed for her.

Starter preparation

The sourdough is stored for no more than 10 days, so start making it shortly before making wine.


  • strawberries - 2 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.


  • Gather ripe berries that are not soiled.
  • Crush unwashed strawberries in a bowl. Pour the resulting puree into a bottle.
  • Add water and sugar.
  • Shake the mixture. Close the bottle with a cotton stopper.
  • Put in a dark place at an air temperature of 22-24 °.
  • After 4 days, the juice will ferment. It will need to be filtered through cheesecloth.

The starter is ready. Dessert wine requires a 3% sourdough starter. That is, for 10 liters of wine you need to take 200-300 ml of sourdough.

Strawberry wine: recipe one


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 0.4 kg;
  • raisins - 30 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare a glass bottle and a stopper with a drain tube in advance. To make more wine, it is enough to proportionally increase the amount of ingredients.
  • Sort out the strawberries. Remove dirty berries, leaves, stalks. Wash in clean water. Let her drain.
  • In an enamel saucepan or plastic bowl, mash the berries until pureed. The meat grinder cannot be used, since its metal parts adversely affect the quality of raw materials.
  • Dissolve sugar in warm water. Combine with pulp (strawberry puree).
  • Pour into a bottle. Add raisins. Instead of raisins, you can use a pre-prepared sourdough, having calculated the proportions. Fill the container 2/3 of the volume so that there is enough space for fermentation. Shake everything well.
  • At a temperature of 22-24 °, the fermentation of the pulp actively continues for 3-5 days.
  • Pour the liquid carefully into a clean bottle. Squeeze the pulp with gauze or put it on a sieve. Pour the juice into a bottle.
  • Close the container with a cork with a special tube, the end of which is lowered into a jar of water. Carbon dioxide will exit the bottle through it, and oxygen will not get inside. If you do not make a drain pipe, then the wine can turn into vinegar.
  • During further fermentation, the temperature in the bottle will rise. So that the yeast does not peroxide, take the container to a cool dark place and leave it until the end of the cycle. After about 20-40 days, carbon dioxide ceases to be released, and the yeast settles to the bottom.
  • Pour the wine carefully into a clean bottle using a siphon or a soft, thin tube. Fill the container to the top so that the cork displaces the wine.
  • Place the bottled wine in the cellar and leave for 4 weeks to clarify. During this time, the precipitate will fall again.
  • Pour the wine back into a clean bottle, and after a month bottle the finished product.

Strawberry wine: recipe two


  • strawberries - 8 kg;
  • sugar - 100-150 g per 1 kg of berries.

Cooking method

  • Sort out the strawberries. Rinse in clean water. Remove the sepals.
  • Transfer the berries to the basin. Remember with your hands to the state of gruel.
  • Transfer the pulp to a ten-liter glass bottle.
  • Put sugar.
  • Tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and put in a warm place for three days. During this time, the pulp will rise to the surface, and the juice will remain in the bottom of the container. Drain the juice into a clean bottle. Close with a stopper with a shutter or a drain pipe lowered into a jar of water. Keep the juice in the bottle until the fermentation stops.
  • Transfer the balloon to a cool room and leave for 30-50 days until the juice clears. Then drain the juice using a thin hose into another glass container and soak for a few more days.
  • Pour the settled wine into bottles, cork and store in a cool place.

Fortified strawberry wine


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 500 ml;
  • water - 500 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the strawberries, remove the leaves and sepals. Rinse in clean water.
  • Transfer to a wide bowl and mash with your hands or a pestle until pureed.
  • Add sugar and hot water.
  • Pour into a bottle. Close with a stopper with a drain tube. Leave in a warm dark place for 5-7 days.
  • Strain the pulp, wring out with gauze. Pour into a clean bottle.
  • Pour in the vodka. To make the wine tasty, use high quality alcoholic products. Shake well. Hold on for another week. Strain.
  • Pour into bottles, cork. Store in a cool place. You can take a sample after a week.

Note to the owner

To get a sweeter wine, before bottling it, syrup is added to it with a small amount of water: 800 g of sugar are taken for 200 g of water. In order not to resume fermentation, the wine is pasteurized.

  • To do this, so much wine is poured into the bottles that there is a free space of 2 cm.
  • Seal with a cork, secure it with twine.
  • Warm up for 20 minutes in water at 65 °.
  • The cork is untied. Outside, the neck of the bottle is covered with sealing wax or tar.

Bottles of wine are stored in a supine position so that the cork does not dry out and remains moist all the time. Then air will not get inside the bottle.

The optimum storage temperature for wine is +8°C.

Before use, the bottle of wine is kept in the same position in which it was stored. The contents are then slowly and carefully poured into the decanter. As soon as even a slight turbidity appears, the bottle is raised. From the decanter, wine is poured into glasses. It is not subject to storage in a carafe, as it quickly oxidizes.

It is not in vain that housewives love the fragrant and tasty berry - strawberries. After all, so many goodies can be prepared from it. But, unfortunately, the season of this delicacy is fleeting, it is for this reason that they try to process it as quickly as possible, making various jams, compotes, juices from it.

Homemade strawberry wine is another type of juicy berry preparation. It is ideal for both treats and as a filling for desserts. Strawberry wine has a magnificent bright red color, a pleasant delicate taste and an unforgettable aroma of fresh berries.

In fact, the wine is prepared quite simply, but the berry is very reluctant to give up its juice - this is precisely what can complicate the task of preparing an alcoholic drink. But by adding some ingredients, the fermentation process can be started without much difficulty.

Consider the best recipes for making strawberry wine. Following them, even an inexperienced hostess can make a drink at home.

Easy Fortified Strawberry Wine Recipe


  • fresh strawberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • hot water - 500 ml;
  • vodka - 500 ml.


After seven days, fortified wine can be consumed.

Recipe for homemade jam wine


  • water - 1 liter;
  • strawberry jam - 1 liter;
  • raisins - 100 grams.


How to make strawberry wine from compote?

It happens to every housewife that the preparation is not very successful and the lid on the jar of strawberry compote explodes. Do not rush to throw away the product, because from the fermented compote you get a great strawberry wine, which is easy to make at home.


  • granulated sugar - 350 grams;
  • compote - 3 liters;
  • rice cereal - 50 grams.


  1. Pour the compote into a larger container, if there is none, you can take two three-liter jars and divide all the ingredients into two parts.
  2. Add unwashed rice, granulated sugar.
  3. Poke one finger in a medical rubber glove and pull it over the neck of the container. If there is a water seal, then you can use it.
  4. Remove the container with the contents for a month in a warm place.
  5. As soon as the gas stops coming out, the process may end a little earlier or later than the allotted time, strain the drink and bottle it.

Keep strawberry wine for another 2 months in a cool place.

Recipe without water

Due to the fact that there is no water in the recipe, the wine is especially rich and aromatic.


  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 600 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the berries, rinse them, putting them in a colander, let the excess liquid drain.
  2. Transfer the strawberries to a saucepan or any other suitable size container and mash them into a puree. To do this, you can use a potato masher or a fork, a blender.
  3. Mix the berry puree with granulated sugar, put the mixture in a glass container, put a glove with a hole in one finger on the neck. And keep the container warm.
  4. After a week, the puree will exfoliate, and the pulp will float to the surface of the mash. It will need to be removed with a spoon, carefully squeezed through several layers of gauze.
  5. Combine the juice squeezed from the pulp and the remaining liquid in a jar. Put the glove back on, now leaving the container for at least three weeks.
  6. This time is enough for the maturation of young wine.
  7. Strain the drink, pour into bottles. Keep in the refrigerator for another week.

Strawberry wine with sugar syrup


  • granulated sugar - 2 kg;
  • strawberries - 3 kg;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

How to make wine according to this recipe?

  1. Put the washed strawberries in a glass container, shake it.
  2. Make syrup from sugar and water.
  3. Mix the berry mass with sugar syrup, remove for fermentation for a week in a warm place.
  4. Strain the drink, pour it into prepared dry bottles.
  5. Keep in a cold place for another month.

Wine with additives


  • strawberries - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • chopped lemon zest - 30 grams;
  • vanillin - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Sort the berries, mix with sugar, vanilla and lemon zest.
  2. Give the mixture three days to start the fermentation process.
  3. As soon as the mixture begins to ferment, put a water seal on the neck of the jar and put the container in a warm room for three weeks.
  4. Filter the finished wine, store in a cool place.

Thrifty housewives cook jam, compotes, just freeze.

But besides these blanks, you can make strawberry wine at home.

It has a pleasant taste, burgundy-red color and is great for a ladies' company, soaking cake layers, decorating desserts.

The main difficulty in making strawberry wine is getting the juice.

Strawberries are very reluctant to give it away, so it is not always possible to do without adding water and sugar.

Also, some water is used to reduce the acidity of the berry.

Therefore, the proposed recipe for homemade wine includes water.


  • strawberries - 3 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • water - 3 l
  • raisins - 100 g

How to make homemade strawberry wine

1. Mash ripe washed and dried strawberries without sepals with a pusher or blender.

2. Dissolve sugar in warm water.

3. Pour strawberry puree into a glass bottle or jar, add sugar syrup and unwashed raisins. Fill the container no more than ¾ of the volume, otherwise the wort may overflow during fermentation.

Raisins contain natural wine yeast that speeds up fermentation. This ingredient is optional in the preparation of strawberry wine, but it ensures that the liquid ferments.

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4. Bandage the neck with gauze and put the bottle for 5-7 days in a dark place with a temperature of 16 to 25 degrees. To prevent the juice from turning sour and moldy, it is recommended to stir the wort every day with a wooden spoon.

5. When signs of active fermentation appear (foaming, hissing, slight smell of mash), the juice must be drained through a tube, leaving the sediment in the container, and squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth.

6. Combine both fermented liquids in a clean bottle. Install a water seal so that air does not get inside, and carbon dioxide comes out.

Bottle for making homemade wine with hydro lock

7. Put in a dark warm place.

8. After 35-45 days, fermentation will end. You can determine this by the water seal, it will stop blowing bubbles, sediment will appear at the bottom of the bottle, and the wort will brighten. Now the young strawberry wine needs to be drained from the sediment through a thin tube and bottled for further storage. Bottles must be sealed with corks.

9. Homemade strawberry wine is not ready yet. He needs to ripen in the cold (8-12 degrees) for at least 65 days. At the same time, but acquires a characteristic taste and amazing aroma.

You should know that in the end you will have a wine with a strength of 16-18 degrees with a shelf life of up to 1.5 years. If this is too much, then you need to increase the volume of water, a maximum of this can be done 2 times.

Then homemade strawberry wine will contain 10-12 degrees, but it will have a shelf life of 6-8 months.

See also:

Once, on a December evening, I put a few spoons of strawberry jam in a bowl, which I cooked back in the berry ripening season, and was not inspired at all by returning the jam to the jar. Frozen berries did cause an attack of inexplicable longing, because strawberries (aka garden strawberries), having thawed, flowed, lost their shape and, in fact, did not much resemble themselves. Then I filled the bowl with either Turkish or Greek strawberries - outwardly similar, of course, to ours, but without taste and smell, and I realized what I was missing. Yes, it was exactly that that was missing - a strong, persistent, fragrant and easily recognizable aroma of strawberries plucked from a bush on a June morning, which is especially acutely perceived on the days of the winter solstice. More precisely, the absence of the sun. Fortunately, there is such a wonderful thing as strawberry wine- the only, perhaps, of all the wines I know, which never once smells of wine. It is fragrant, and even how, with the very desired strawberry aroma! It exudes it like cognac, one has only to warm the glass in the palms and bend over it! It is everywhere, if you decide to walk around the rooms with a glass, occasionally kissing it like a basket full of berries! A fantastic drink, gratefully responsible for smothering a six-month-old internal toad: “Strawberries for wine?! Instead of eating it or making jam?!”

But it's true! Look at these berries (here is a little more than a bucket, that is, about 10 kilograms): well, how can you resist not to eat them? However, taught by experience, I demonstrate them for a different purpose. Strawberries for wine must be carefully sorted. Slightly rumpled berries during the harvest, which, in general, are not so many, are quite suitable for wine. Unlike berries, obviously spoiled or slightly rotten. They are able to ditch the wine in the bud, giving it shades of decay that cannot be corrected. Therefore, when sorting through strawberries, you should be especially careful, good for wine, so that future processes develop in it in the most natural way, you should not wash the berries, and you can not remove the cuttings-tails from them.

And here are the echoes of bitter experience number two in the truest sense of the word. I don’t know what a tiny strawberry seed contains, of which there are millions or a little more in the mass of the collected berries. But when crushing berries in any mechanical way, there is a high risk of crushing strawberry seeds, which then backfires with a slight, but still bitter taste in wine. Therefore, you will have to crush strawberries with your hands, and only with your hands, carefully kneading each berry, turning the harvested crop into a liquid puree - the basis of wine.

There is one important point that distinguishes the preparation of strawberry must from any other fruit and berry. It does not require the addition of water, which is often necessary to reduce the acidity of the juice or flush out the juice from the berry flesh. It does not require the addition of sugar at this stage, as a top dressing for the development of alcoholic yeast (it can be added in a small amount later). That is, according to the ratio of sour and sweet, on which, in fact, any wine is formed, strawberries are a “creature” self-sufficient and balanced. Perhaps it is this circumstance that determines the aroma of the future drink, subtle shades of its taste, its cognac color and amazing resistance to vices, if everything is done correctly.

And the rules at this stage are simple. Strawberries are squeezed into a suitable container - steel or glass. The container is closed on top with a lid so that midges do not climb into the juice (aka must). The juice container itself is for three to four days of rest with an ambient temperature in the range of 18-23 degrees Celsius. After this period, the wort should be disturbed (once every two or three days) several times, stirring it from bottom to top, so that the upper, most active life of alcoholic yeast compensates for their fading life at the bottom, and the yeast themselves take a sip of air.

After about two weeks (from the day when the strawberry wine is started), the vigorously fermenting must can be left completely at rest for a day. Usually the pressure of carbon dioxide is such that a dense cap of pulp is formed on top of the wort - strawberry lumps pushed out by gases from the seething juice. If this cap is not pulled, then there is a chance to remove it from the juice with a slotted spoon or spatula to the maximum, transferring it to a sieve. Remove, let’s say, in a “dehydrated” form, so that, on the one hand, you don’t grab “excess” juice, on the other, you spend less effort and time squeezing the pulp. Bearing in mind the previous experience, for example, I don’t even keep in mind the use of any press for squeezing or something similar in the variant with strawberry wine, which I advise you. Otherwise, the damaged grains of berries in the finished wine will backfire. Although maybe not. But I wouldn't risk it.

The removed pulp is best placed on a sieve, under which some container, such as a pot or bowl, is covered with a clean napkin and left for several hours so that the juice "stuck" in it drains by gravity. There is a more time-consuming method, but no less effective, if you put the pulp in a canvas bag and hang it over the pan. The choice, in general, is yours. In any case, the juice that has come down after a few hours should be poured into a suitable jar ...

... and send the main portion of the juice to it with the remains of the pulp, which could not be extracted.

Put the jar under a water seal for further fermentation for another 8-10 days. You can see, for example, how to make a simple water seal. As for the use of rubber gloves as a closure, in my opinion, this is akin to marinating meat in mayonnaise. That is, the action is meaningless and destructive for products, if surrogate mayonnaises can be called products at all.

After the agreed 8-10 days (maybe a little earlier, maybe a little later, because wine is not two-minute soft-boiled eggs, where accuracy is needed), the water seal can be removed and the accessible, that is, “dehydrated”, part of the pulp can be fished out of the jar, squeezing it slightly .

Then - strain all the future wine through a fine sieve to cut off the remnants of the pulp from it.

Straining is a painstaking process if there is a desire to extract the juice from the pulp as much as possible. However, if you strain the juice in small batches, being careful, it's just a matter of time. The main thing is to pour the strained juice into a container of a suitable volume and put it under a water seal again. Thus, a start is given to the main or, as it is also called, quiet, bottom fermentation of wine, which can last a month, or two, or three, depending on the speed of the metamorphoses taking place in the wine. But this does not mean, of course, that all this time you need to wait for something with folded hands.

About a week to ten days after the start of the main fermentation, the wine will need to be drained from the sediment, usually quite impressive. This is done in a primitive way, using a one and a half meter thin hose or tube.

It is poured into another clean container, of course, only juice, and in such a way as not to grab the sediment, or grab it to a minimum. Therefore, the end of the tube or hose facing the sediment should be controlled when pouring juice. The poured juice again goes under the water seal - until the next filtration, which, as a rule, is carried out in descending order, if we keep in mind the frequency. Roughly speaking, in a week, then in ten days, then in two weeks. As the drink clarifies, that is, it becomes transparent, the sediment falls less and less, which, of course, does not mean at all that it does not need to be removed. Wine left on the lees, especially at home and especially for a long time, is always a risk that something will go wrong later or that the result will not be as planned.

But the change in the color of strawberry wine, when thick pink tones are replaced by red ones (and this is noticeable after about a month of the main fermentation), is a kind of equator of the started process, when, in addition to filtration, it is useful to do other procedures that are useful for the drink.

For example, from time to time, when the wine is once again filtered, it can be carried out by pouring it from one container to another using a tube - so that the stream is thinner and "more authentic". On the one hand, ventilation stimulates further fermentation of wine, on the other hand, it makes it more resistant to diseases, and on the third hand, it helps to correct minor mistakes and tricks that arise along the way. In a word, in the overwhelming majority of cases, winemakers air the wine, and this is justified.

Now - about what was said at the beginning - about sugar, the addition of which at the stage of preparing the wort was not necessary due to the good percentage of this product in strawberries. Actually, if the task is to prepare table wine, sugar is required quite a bit - 50-70 grams per liter of juice. Moreover, this amount of sugar is not introduced at once, but, as it were, divided into two or three portions and added every time after the next wine filtration. It is better to start this procedure when the "own" strawberry sugar is almost already fermented - that is, in the taste shades of wine, if you take a sample from it, sour tones strongly prevail. To do this, a measured portion of sugar should be dissolved in a small amount of slightly warmed wine ...

... pour the solution into the main wine and mix well, repeating this procedure two or three times after the next filtration.

Almost at the finish line, when the wine has become transparent and not only sediment, but even a slight coating does not fall on the bottom of the container, the sweet component of the wine can always be corrected by sweetening it, which, of course, is carried out in a special way (this can be seen, for example, in the recipe red currant wine). But this is already a matter of taste and the scope of the winemaker's own decisions. The main thing to remember is that strawberry wine is a restless wine. In the sense that it can ferment indefinitely. That is why it should not be sealed tightly in bottles, even if there are no signs of fermentation.

However, this does not mean that he is unprepared. Young strawberry wine is a bright thing. In all senses. Especially in a dank time, when summer smells and sounds seem completely out of place.

Posted by author

Surely your strawberries have also passed away ... Don't worry, you can make homemade strawberry wine according to this recipe at any time of the year from frozen berries. As a last resort, use it next year, right? Fragrant, sweet, pleasant and very tasty wine made from fragrant strawberries is a paradise for lovers of liqueurs and other dessert alcoholic drinks.

To make homemade wine from strawberries, you only need berries and sugar. The essence of the preparation of such a drink can be summarized in a nutshell: strawberries are combined with sugar, crushed, fermented, filtered, fermented again under a water seal (under a rubber glove), filtered if desired, bottled, infused if possible, consumed. I can’t call myself an expert in this matter, but I’ll tell you in detail what and how I personally do to make delicious homemade strawberry wine.


Cooking step by step with photos:

Berries for this recipe are suitable for absolutely any condition: small or large, elastic or crumpled. The main thing is not rotten. We sort through the strawberries and mine. To do this, we collect cold water in a large container, put berries in it and let them swim for just a minute - this way the sand will sink to the bottom. Gently mix the strawberries with your hands, then remove and transfer to a colander. It is important not to remove the stalks until the berries are clean. Otherwise, strawberries will absorb a large amount of water and become sour.

We remove the stalks and put the clean berries in a suitable container. The weight of strawberries (1 kilogram) is indicated in the already prepared form.

And now with a crush or directly with our hands we knead the berries with sugar until the strawberries let the juice go. Why not grind everything, for example, with an immersion blender? I will say: when you filter the puree, the homogeneous mass will clog the sieve. As a result, the process will turn out to be long and unpleasant. But strain such a heterogeneous porridge quickly and easily.

Pour the sweet strawberry mass into a suitable jar (just wash it well). I took a three-liter one, since there was no smaller volume at hand (I would take a 2-liter one).

We close the jar with gauze (3-4 layers) and tighten with an elastic band or thread. Thus, strawberries will be able to breathe, and annoying midges and other insects will not get into the jar. We leave the future strawberry wine to ferment in a warm and dark place for 5-7 days.

On the second day, the first signs of fermentation should appear: you will smell the mash and characteristic hiss. For a week, we take out the jar every day and actively mix the contents with a wooden spoon or spatula. Or maybe by hand. This is necessary to prevent the possible occurrence of mold.

After a week, the contents of the jar must be filtered, for which we cover the sieve with 2-3 layers of gauze and pour strawberry mash into it. We squeeze the gauze thoroughly with our hands, so that as a result a rather dry cake remains in it.

The next step is to make a water seal or use a rubber glove. We quickly made a water seal on our own, using a new tube from a dropper (you can buy it for a penny without any problems at any pharmacy). The essence of such a device is as follows: we put a rubber lid on a jar with future wine, in which we make a small hole along the diameter of the tube. We insert a tube into this hole (I additionally glued it with a plaster to make it airtight) so that the tube captures air, not liquid. That is, this tube does not go down, but descends literally a centimeter into the jar. The other end of the tube is lowered into the second jar of plain water. Thus, during fermentation, all gases will be released into the water.
