
Coho salmon dietary fish. Kizhuch: what kind of fish is this? How to choose good fish

Salmon are the most valuable commercial fish: the nutritional value of their meat is very high, and it tastes just excellent, and even poems and songs are written about the taste of salmon caviar. It was these properties that became fatal for salmon: their biological diversity began to decline rapidly. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, there were a huge number of salmon in the oceans and seas of the Earth; Today there are few of them, and there are fewer every year.

For example, such a representative of the family as coho fish is distinguished by tender, juicy and fragrant meat: baked coho salmon is considered a delicacy in many expensive restaurants, and coho kebabs and steaks are delicious.

What is this fish

But salmon is not intended by nature only for people to admire their taste. So, for the Indians of North America, these fish have long been considered a symbol of strength and determination, and for the Pacific Ocean ecosystem, they are one of the foundations. The famous Russian geographer and traveler, explorer of Kamchatka, Stepan Krasheninnikov, wrote that in the summer, when salmon go from the sea to spawning grounds, rivers overflow their banks - and this happens for many weeks in a row.

Kizhuch - Pacific salmon, and its size - about a meter long and 14-15 kg in weight, can be called average: after all, in nature there are salmon weighing about 60-80 kg, and even more than 100 kg, although this is already a rarity. The scales of coho salmon sparkle brightly, and therefore in America it is called "silver" or "silver" salmon.

The coho lives in the northern regions of the Pacific Ocean, and we can catch it from the coast of Chukotka to Kamchatka and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Less common is coho salmon in the waters of Sakhalin and the Kuriles, but sometimes individual individuals even enter the Amur - this is a rare success for anglers.

Americans are lucky with coho, as well as with many types of salmon. They can catch it from Alaska to California - there it is more common than off the coast of Russia; By the way, the North American coho salmon surpasses the Kamchatka one in size. Currently, coho salmon can be caught in Kamchatka rivers from June to December: it differs from other salmonids in that it can spawn not only in summer and autumn, but also in winter, and almost until spring.

In general, this salmon is not caught in Russia so much - less than 5 thousand tons per year, but last year, in 2014, Kamchatka fishers set a record by catching more than 12 thousand tons of coho salmon.

Athlete anglers know that the behavior of an adult coho salmon is very similar to that of juveniles: this fish loves to rise to the surface of the water, and therefore catching it is not as difficult as it might seem.

The coho salmon takes bait much more actively than other salmon: even if there are only a few individuals in the river among many other fish, the chance to catch them is very high. In addition, the coho salmon does not resist for long, although very strongly: you need to be prepared for this, otherwise the fisherman can not only lose his tackle, but he himself will end up in the water.

rich composition

With a relatively low calorie content - 140 kcal per 100 grams, coho fish meat has a rich composition: a lot of vitamins, protein, healthy fats and minerals. Vitamins - A, E, C and group B, minerals - potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel.

Just like any salmon, coho salmon can be used in balanced diets, including for weight loss.

Coho salmon is allowed to everyone without exception: it will only benefit small children - there are few small bones in its meat - and pregnant women and the elderly; obesity from it does not threaten anyone, and there is only one contraindication - do not overeat, and do not eat it too often, especially with serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. True, in our conditions, this reminder can be considered redundant: even in fish stores and rich supermarkets, coho salmon is rare, and it is not cheap - about 1000 rubles per kilogram, but in coastal cities you can buy it fresh, paying less, or catch it yourself, going on a special fishing tour.

How to cook delicious

There are a lot of recipes for making tasty and healthy coho salmon. You can cook coho salmon in the same ways as chum salmon, sockeye salmon or chinook salmon: they boil it, fry it, bake it, stew it, salt it, make canned food from it, etc.

They say about coho shish kebab that it is not inferior in taste to meat kebabs. However, gourmets do not agree with this: they assure that it is simply amazing, and better than meat in all respects, and even more useful for sure. It’s hard to disagree with this: after all, lamb is considered the best option for meat for barbecue, but its fats are refractory and difficult to digest - they are generally contraindicated for many people, and PUFAs - polyunsaturated fatty acids that protect our cells from aging and destruction, are not in lamb, while coho salmon meat is very rich in them.

Coho salmon can be cooked on the grill and in the oven, especially in foil - the dish will be royal, but most housewives love just fried coho fish - it's easy.

How to fry in a pan

And now we will tell you how to fry coho fish deliciously. Prepared fresh or defrosted coho salmon is cut into portioned thin slices - about 2 cm, salted to taste (not much salt is needed), sprinkled with your favorite spices and left on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Before frying fish, oil is prepared: onion and grated carrots are fried in a frying pan until golden brown - the remaining oil is used for frying. Pieces of fish are rolled in breading, dipped in a beaten egg, then again in breading, and fried in hot oil for 5-7 minutes on each side. There should not be a lot of oil: there is enough fat in coho salmon.

Cooking for a couple

A more interesting and much more useful dish may be steamed coho salmon fish roll. The spine is removed from the peeled and gutted coho salmon so as not to damage the fillet along the entire length, and then all remaining bones are removed from the fillet - it is better to take tweezers. The fillets are cut into roughly equal pieces, about 1 cm thick, they are laid on a cling film so that they “come” on top of each other, salted, peppered to taste, sprinkled with finely chopped garlic and grated lemon zest, put pieces of butter on the fish, carefully rolled up rolled and steamed. Coho salmon roll is ready in 15-20 minutes.

Fish ear

It is better to prepare fish soup from freshly caught fish, but in any case, it turns out excellent from fresh coho salmon. Cleaned, gutted, thoroughly washed fish is cut into fairly large pieces, put in boiling water and boiled for 40 minutes over low heat; add diced potatoes, finely chopped onion and carrots, grated on a coarse grater.

Salt, pepper, other spices and bay leaf are added 5-7 minutes before readiness. Before removing from the stove, add finely chopped parsley or dill. The finished ear is infused for about 15-20 minutes. This dish is more like a fish soup, but it turns out very tasty, and besides, it is recommended to always serve coho salmon with vegetables and herbs.

How to pickle coho salmon

And you can pickle coho salmon fish simply and quickly - in just a day, with vodka or alcohol. Alcohol is mixed with salt and sugar to taste; peeled, gutted, washed in running water, the fish is cut into thin slices, coated with the resulting mixture, wrapped in a clean soft cloth (linen or cotton), then in a film and put in the refrigerator. Served with thin onion rings and olive oil.

Benefits for the body

And finally, a few words about the benefits of coho salmon to our health and why people need to eat fish. So, a rich and unique chemical composition, first of all, has a beneficial effect on metabolism, improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, improves brain function and memory, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood and the protective properties of the body. Rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, coho dishes improve the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, eyesight, strengthen teeth and bones. Due to iodine, the functioning of the thyroid gland improves, and chromium helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

Kizhuch belongs to the genus of Pacific salmon. Quite a large fish, its size depends on the habitat.

The largest fish can be found in Asian waters, its length will be more than 80 cm and weight up to 15 kilograms. Smaller fish are found in North America.

It differs from other fish of the salmon family by the silvery-white color of the scales, and we used to call it “white fish” (calorizer). And in America and Japan they call it “white salmon”.

Calorie coho salmon

The calorie content of coho salmon is 140 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition and useful properties of coho salmon

In addition to excellent taste, coho salmon contains a large amount of minerals, such as: fluorine, chromium, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium. Vitamins: PP, E, A.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in the red meat of this fish prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and have a protective effect on the body.

Coho salmon can bring harm to people suffering from liver diseases, with gastritis, as well as with individual intolerance to the product.

The use of coho salmon in cooking

Coho salmon meat is considered the most delicious of all salmon.

From coho salmon you get a terrific shish kebab, not inferior in taste to meat shish kebab (calorizator). This fish is also baked, grilled, fried, added to salads, canned, salted, smoked.

It is good to give such fish to children, since there are almost no small bones in it.

Useful properties of pumpkin

Kizhuch - calorie content and properties. The benefits and harms of kezhuch

Calories: 140 kcal.

The energy value of the coho salmon product (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 21.6 g. (~ 86 kcal) Fats: 6 g. (~54 kcal) Carbohydrates: g. (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 62%|39%|0%

Kizhuch: properties

How much does coho salmon cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region 1200 rub.

Coho salmon is a fish that belongs to the genus of salmon of the Pacific Ocean. The sizes of coho salmon are quite large, in some cases the fish can reach about 90 centimeters, and the maximum weight is about 14-15 kilograms. A distinctive feature of the coho salmon, thanks to which they stand out among their family, is the silvery shade of the scales, it was this factor that gave rise to the second name of this fish in Japan and America: "silver salmon", and in Russia some time ago it was called "white fish". Depending on where exactly coho salmon lives, there are various types of it, the main difference of which is their parameters. For example, the maximum length of coho salmon found in Asian waters is 88 centimeters, but in North America you can also find half a meter coho salmon.

The coho salmon has several features by which you will always recognize them - a thick and large head, on which a rather wide forehead stands out, and the height of the caudal peduncle is also greater than that of ordinary fish. Among all the fish that belong to the salmon family, coho salmon has won the fame of a fish that has the best taste. The meat of this fish, naturally, is red, it is distinguished by tenderness and juiciness much greater than, for example, pink salmon. It is thanks to its meat that coho salmon has become very popular in the culinary arts, coho baked in foil is a dish that is found in almost all restaurants that serve fish dishes.

The benefits of coho salmon

The benefits of coho salmon are known all over the world and today this fish is very popular in various restaurants, baked coho salmon dishes are especially popular, but it is also added to salads, fried in a breaded pan and served in most cases with vegetables. The beneficial properties of coho salmon are due to the content in it of a large number of minerals, micro- and macroelements, as well as useful substances, without which the body's work will be disrupted. Red fish contains useful omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a protective effect on the human body, prevent the appearance and development of various diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

The calorie content of coho salmon is quite low, so many nutritionists advise their patients to regularly, but in moderation, use the meat of this fish, since it has a beneficial effect on the body, while not causing obesity. There are practically no small bones in coho salmon, and besides, its meat has excellent taste, so mothers can safely offer this fish to their children, once they have tried it, they will no longer be able to refuse it. The beneficial properties of coho salmon also contributed to the spread of this fish in dietary and baby food, and doctors say that the benefits of coho salmon are the same for everyone.

Harm coho salmon

The harm of coho salmon applies to those people who suffer from serious liver diseases, as well as from gastritis, as well as pregnant women are not recommended to consume red oily fish in large quantities.

Product proportions. How many grams?

in 1 piece 9000 grams

The nutritional value

They catch coho fish in the Pacific Ocean, and it belongs to the salmon family. The fish is quite large in size and periodically its length can reach up to 90 centimeters, and the maximum weight is up to 15 kilograms. She has one interesting difference from all other fish from her family. She has silvery scales, for which in some countries she was nicknamed “silver salmon”, and in Russia many people like to call her “white fish”.

Fish coho salmon: useful properties

It contains a lot of trace elements and vitamins, without which the stomach will not work properly. It contains a lot of fatty acids, which help in the fight against many diseases that are associated with the cardiovascular system. Coho salmon helps not only in the fight against these diseases, but also can prevent them.

For those who are on a diet, it is very useful to eat this fish, as it is quite low in calories. Thus, it saturates the body with the necessary vitamins that are lost during severe diets and also does not cause obesity.

Another plus in this fish is the absence of small bones, as well as its taste. Therefore, many mothers prefer to give coho salmon to young children who, having tried this fish once, would not exchange it for anything. This fish is very useful and therefore nutritionists add it to baby and diet food.

Fish coho salmon: how to cook?

Coho salmon is very popular in many countries of the world and is very popular in restaurants in baked form, but it can also be added to salads.

There are many recipes for cooking Kizhuch fish, it can be very tasty pickled, fried, or cooked in the oven.

The recipe for cooking coho fish in the oven

For this, it is not necessary to use fresh fish, you can also frozen it. You will also need two tomatoes, a couple of lemons and pepper and salt to taste.

The fish must be cleaned of scales, cut off the gills and also get rid of the offal, after which it must be thoroughly rinsed under water. Next, you need to cut the fish on both sides, and then grate with salt and pepper. Now you need to do the rest of the ingredients, the tomato and lemon need to be cut into thin circles, and then put into the prepared cuts.

After that, you need to put our fish on a baking sheet, which was previously greased with vegetable oil and put in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. It must be baked for 40 minutes and in the end you will get a delicious dish.

How to fry coho fish?

To do this, you need to take already gutted fish and cut it into fairly thick steaks. We don't need the head and tail. They can be sent to the ear or given to the cat). Salt and pepper the steaks, if desired, you can add spices that you consider necessary.

It is desirable that you have a double-sided grill, with its help it is very easy to turn the fish. You need to fry for 10 minutes, the fish cooks very quickly.

If desired, during frying, the fish can be periodically poured with wine or beer, in which case it will turn out much juicier. If you wake up to pour beer, then the fish will turn out with a well-fried crust. If you use wine, the meat will turn out very juicy with a peculiar aftertaste.

There are a lot of recipes for cooking this fish and you can choose the one that suits your taste. If you are on a diet, you will get a delicious steamed dish, the main thing is not to forget about ingredients such as pepper and lemon.

Something else on the topic:

Coho salmon: composition, benefits and properties, taste qualities of coho salmon, methods of preparing coho salmon

coho salmon(Oncorhynchus kisutch) belongs to the genus Pacific Far Eastern salmon of the salmon family.

Coho salmon is a rather large fish, reaching a length of 98 cm and a mass of 14 kg. Coho salmon is clearly distinguished from other moose fish by the bright silver color of the scales, which is why the Americans and Japanese call it “silver salmon”, and we once called it “white fish”.

Description of coho salmon

The coho salmon has a large thick head with a wide forehead, it has a very high short caudal peduncle. These features contribute to the fact that coho salmon is easily distinguished from chinook salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon and red salmon. In the sea and when entering the river, the scales of coho salmon are shiny and silvery, the upper part of the head and back are greenish, sometimes with a bluish tint. Above the lateral line, on the sides of the body, on the upper part of the head, on the back and on top of the lobe of the caudal fin, there are irregularly shaped black spots, which are much larger and brighter than in Sims.

The range and habitation of coho salmon

Along the Asian coast, coho lives from the Anadyr River along the Kamchatka coast to the rivers flowing into the northwestern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Sometimes coho salmon can be found in Hokkaido and eastern Sakhalin. This fish is also distributed along the North American Pacific coast, where it lives from California (Sacramento River) to Alaska.

North American coho salmon is larger than that found in Asian territory. Asian representatives of this species reach a maximum length of 88 cm and a mass of not more than 6.8 kg. Puberty in coho salmon occurs by 3-4 years of age. Premature early maturation of males living in fresh waters is noted.

Coho salmon enters the rivers from the end of June until December. Kamchadals distinguish between autumn, winter and summer coho salmon. Autumn coho salmon spawns in November-December, winter - December-February, and summer coho salmon spawns in September-October. In the lakes, coho salmon spawning does not occur.

Males and females during the spawning period acquire a dark crimson color. The bulk of young animals roll into the sea in the 2nd year of life, sometimes this happens in the 3rd and even 4th year. Juveniles of coho salmon in fresh water bodies feed on chironomid larvae and adult insects; they can also eat fry and salmon eggs. In the sea, this fish feeds on smaller representatives of fish, such as herring. Sexually mature adults, as well as all salmon fish, entering the rivers completely stop feeding. The sea period in the life of coho salmon lasts approximately 1.5 years. The migratory coho salmon hibernates in the ocean.

In some places, for example, in Sarannye Lakes (Bering Island), on Lake Boiler near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and on lakes in the Magadan Region, coho salmon form a residential form that constitutes independent populations. This residential form reaches sexual maturity in the fourth year of its life.

The female coho salmon spawns on average about 5 thousand eggs, her fecundity ranges from 1.2 to 6.3 thousand.

Although the number of coho salmon is not too large, it is considered a valuable commercial fish.

Useful composition of coho meat

Coho salmon has red, incredibly tasty meat, which contains vitamins B1, B2, as well as trace elements and minerals important for the human body, such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, chlorine, molybdenum, phosphorus, nickel, fluorine, zinc, sodium, chromium.

Coho salmon meat in moderation is good for everyone, even children and the elderly. There are practically no small bones in coho salmon, and the meat is so tender that children really like it. Coho salmon meat contains fat in the amount of 6.1 to 9.5%, and its calorie content is 140 kcal.

Contraindications to the use of coho salmon

Fatty red fish, such as coho salmon, is not recommended for gastritis, serious liver disorders, and should not be consumed in large quantities during pregnancy.

Taste qualities of coho salmon

Among other salmon, coho salmon is considered to be the owner of the best taste qualities. Its meat is much more tender and fatty than pink salmon meat, due to which it is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes, it is especially good in baked form, therefore it is an important dish on the menu of many restaurants.

Coho salmon caviar is also very tasty and similar to sockeye salmon caviar, it is just as small - only about 4 mm in diameter and the same color. And although it is easy to confuse coho and sockeye caviar outwardly, the taste of coho salmon caviar is better - it does not have a bitter aftertaste.

Methods for preparing coho salmon

The coho shish kebab is especially tasty, so those who once tried this dish forever give preference to it, refusing meat kebab. Coho salmon steaks are also unusually good. In general, both fried and baked coho salmon is very good, and if it is properly grilled, then the dish turns out to be simply royal: with a crispy crust and juicy fragrant pulp that melts in your mouth.

In cooking, coho salmon is also used for the manufacture of canned food, it is boiled, salted, smoked, fried, baked.

Grilled salmon steak

To prepare this dish, you need to cut the fish into steaks across the body, 2-3 centimeters thick. Do not rush to throw away the tail and head, as they will make an excellent ear. Steaks need to be peppered and salted, seasoned with the spices that you use in cooking fish.

When finished cooking, place the steaks on a grill grate, preferably a double-sided one, so that the steaks can be clamped on both sides and easily turned over. Steaks are cooked no more than ten minutes. It is important to remember that seafood cooks quickly enough, so during the cooking process, steaks must be constantly turned over, pouring wine or beer over them. One secret: it is recommended to water the fish with the drink that will be served at the table. An interesting effect is obtained when using beer, as it gets between the fibers of the fish, bakes, giving the dish a taste of fried bread and tastes like fish in batter. Baking on the outside of the steak, the beer forms an appetizing crust, which allows the beer to boil inside the coho meat, so that the steak will turn out not only perfectly fried, but also tender and juicy.

What kind of fish is coho salmon? This question is asked by most people who got into the supermarket, because they hear completely different types of river and sea inhabitants. Much more familiar are flounder, pollock, cod, herring, trout. Should you expand the range of fish on your dining table? How does the body perceive coho salmon, how tasty is it to cook?

The benefits of coho fish for the body

This inhabitant of the oceans belongs to the genus Lososevs and, for the external similarity with their main representative, was called the “silver salmon”, which determines the color of the scales - very bright, radiant, light gray. This also gave him the name "white fish", but do not be deceived - he has nothing to do with really white (sturgeon, pollock, etc.) fish. Its meat is red, in taste it is similar to trout meat and significantly outperforms relatives like chum salmon or pink salmon, which seem very dry against its background.

  • A large head, a small tail but with a high caudal peduncle, a large carcass that can weigh under 10-12 kg: these are the main characteristics of any type of coho fish. The total length from head to tail ranges from 90-150 cm, depending on the region of habitat.

If we talk about the taste qualities that have already been briefly touched upon, it should be noted that coho salmon in a positive sense stands out from all Salmon. Despite the fact that not every Russian is still aware of it due to the low availability of the product (in terms of its availability in the assortment of most average stores), it has gained popularity and fame as a fish with especially tender meat.

As for the impact on the body, like any fish, coho salmon is an excellent source of protein, which is much easier to digest than from cattle meat. At the same time, there are significantly more useful vitamins with minerals and various microelements, the lack of which primarily affects the female body:

  • Healthy fats are the beauty of the skin, hair, nails, the stable functioning of the endocrine and reproductive systems, the good condition of the vessels, and the absence of heart problems.
  • Frequent introduction of coho salmon fish into the diet helps to build a protective shell around all organs on which tumors can form, i.e. prevention of oncological diseases.
  • The high content of B vitamins helps to strengthen the nervous system, resist fatigue, chronic sleep deprivation, improve concentration, and also affects metabolic processes.
  • Coho salmon also has a positive effect on vision, the immune system, the musculoskeletal system, the chemical composition of the blood (this is especially important for anemia), due to the presence in its composition of phosphorus, sodium, fluorine, potassium, sodium, retinol, chlorine, magnesium, niacin acid .

Red salmon fish is considered a dietary product, despite the fact that the calorie content of a 100-gram piece is 140 kcal, in which there are 21.6 g of protein, only 6 g of fat and no carbohydrates. And due to the fact that there are almost no small bones in the meat, cooked coho salmon is not forbidden even to small children.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite the incredible degree of benefits of coho fish, the harm from its use can also be felt if you do not know some of the nuances. In particular, during pregnancy, doctors advise limiting the presence of any red fish in the diet as much as possible, especially in smoked and salted form. However, a small piece of coho salmon can help stop toxicosis due to the high content of vitamin B6, although chum salmon "distinguished" here is much stronger. And in the second trimester, the fat contained in all Salmon can be very useful for the expectant mother.

Doctors put forward serious contraindications to the use of coho salmon fish mainly to persons with:

  • gastritis;
  • liver diseases in the acute stage.

The rest can include coho salmon in your diet fearlessly, however, if you have not tried it before and did not eat red fish at all, start with a small portion, because. it is impossible to exclude an individual negative reaction from the digestive system. This is especially important for children, whose menu is just beginning to expand.

Coho fish: consumer reviews

If we talk about the real perception of this product by an average person, then, like professionals, ordinary consumers also often focus on the pleasant softness of meat. The only disadvantage that is often mentioned is that the product is only available in large hypermarkets. But at its cost, coho salmon is significantly cheaper than salmon, with which it is compared, which makes this fish more affordable for most consumers.

  • Karina: Once I took coho salmon almost at random, when neither trout nor salmon could be found. The taste is good, but the dryness of the meat did not delight. True, it turned out that this is solved by frying the pieces in batter, but I bake more often, so this nuance does not please me. The fish itself is good, even my daughter (7 years old) likes it.
  • Tatiana: I often buy frozen salmon steaks in hypermarkets, because salmon today is not too attractive with a price tag. With a difference of almost 2 times, coho salmon does not lose to him at all in taste - also tender meat, low calorie content. The fish turns out very tasty in a double boiler and oven, I have not tried to fry. Fresh is more tender, frozen seems drier, but in general they are about the same.

It should also be noted that the red caviar of this fish is also popular. Moreover, according to consumers, it differs from chum salmon or pink salmon caviar - the color is closer to scarlet-orange, the eggs are smaller, there is no bitterness at all, which children like. It is stored longer because the shell is very dense. At the same time, the amount of useful substances in it is so high that coho salmon caviar is valued above others.

How to choose a good fish?

In order to get only benefit from a food product and not experience any negative consequences associated with its use, you need to choose it correctly. With regard to fish, the freshness factor is of particular importance, since, as in stale meat, pathogenic microbes begin to multiply in it, the vigorous activity of which can ultimately lead a person to both intoxication and the appearance of helminths in his body. Be sure to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • When buying steaks, take those that lie directly on the ice, and not on top of each other or on a generally clean counter surface: this way the chance of getting fresh fish becomes higher. This rule applies not only to coho salmon.
  • If you try to put pressure on the cut fish with your finger (it is advisable to do this in a store, be sure to wear disposable gloves), the deformed place should return to its original shape relatively quickly. Those. the hole you create with pressure rises back into a flat surface. If this does not happen, do not buy fish - it has probably been thawed and frozen more than once.
  • Do you want to take a whole carcass? Examine your eyes carefully - they should not have a cloudy film.
  • Carefully examine the scales: light, shiny, slightly moist, but without stickiness, the parts fit exactly to each other - this is a description of the scales of a healthy fresh fish. The presence of any stains, especially blood, as well as changes in the relief indicates poor quality of the product.

As for canned food, it is difficult to guess the actual state of coho fish here: in addition to the main parameter - swelling of the can - there is no way to check how fish pieces look and taste if the container is opaque. For this reason, the purchase of canned food is always a kind of lottery for the consumer.

How to cook coho fish?

Arriving at a restaurant, you will most likely find coho salmon baked in foil in its menu - this is one of the main ways of preparing this product, which allows you to maximize the taste of meat and preserve its juiciness. On the shelves you can find fish in any condition - from canned to salted and smoked, but experts still advise buying frozen or fresh and cooking it yourself. What is the best thing to do with her?

  • In addition to classically baked steaks or a whole carcass, you can make delicious fish kebabs, rolls, cook soup, and prepare interesting cold snacks.

However, before studying recipes with coho fish, you need to take into account a few nuances of this product, which professionals willingly share:

  • Alcoholic marinade for this fish is not the best idea, as it kills its individual taste.
  • Try not to overdo it with flavorings: coho salmon is best complemented by garlic and herbs, as well as soy sauce. Dried rosemary is a good spice.
  • Do you want to cook coho salmon very quickly? Use the "grill" mode - this will allow you to get a delicious dish in 10-12 minutes.
  • You need to fry coho salmon in breading so that it does not lose its juiciness. Flour with salt is ideal, in which the pieces are rolled. They turn them over very quickly, literally every 1.5-2 minutes.
  • Never send frozen coho salmon to the oven / frying pan without defrosting it. Be sure to keep the fish on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator until it regains its usual flexibility.

Since, as already mentioned, the most successful option for cooking coho fish is to bake it, professionals recommend recipes of this type to get acquainted with this product. For example, soft pieces in a ginger marinade that can be served with boiled rice.


  • coho salmon - 450 g;
  • ginger root - 4 cm;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • rice vinegar - 50 ml;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 tsp;
  • sesame.


  1. Finely grate a piece of ginger root, pour rice vinegar and soy sauce - this will be the marinade.
  2. Dip the chopped pieces of gutted and washed fish there, let stand for half an hour or an hour. If possible, put in the cold, be sure to tighten the container with cling film.
  3. Salt the pieces, sprinkle with olive oil. Bread in sesame or sprinkle with it - depends on your taste preferences.
  4. Put coho salmon on foil, bake at 190 degrees for 20 minutes. If desired, after you can quickly fry each piece or give it a crust on the "grill" mode.

coho salmon belongs to the genus Pacific salmon, stands out among others for its impressive size - up to 1 meter in length, weighing up to 15 kg. It is often referred to as "silver salmon" and "white fish" for its distinctive silver coloration. If you are not particularly versed in the types of fish, take note of the following facts:
- it is easy to distinguish coho salmon from salmon, chum salmon and pink salmon by the head - it is quite large, with a wide forehead;
- coho salmon have a characteristic high stalk on the tail;
- bluish or greenish tint of scales along the ridge.

The meat of this fish is tender and juicy, has excellent taste and pleasant aroma. Not surprisingly, dishes made from coho salmon are considered delicacies. In addition, you can experiment with this product: it is suitable for salting, marinating, baking, frying and smoking. Connoisseurs of delicious food note that coho kebab is in no way inferior to meat kebab, and steaks from this fish can compete with any other dishes.

The benefits of coho salmon

Almost all B vitamins, calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, nickel, zinc, fluorine, molybdenum and other useful (necessary for the normal functioning of the human body) microelements are contained in sufficient quantities in the red meat of coho salmon. Therefore, it is recommended for children, the elderly and pregnant women.

Harm and contraindications

People with liver problems and gastritis should be wary of eating coho salmon meat. In too large quantities, this fish should not be consumed by pregnant women.
