
Coho salmon, what kind of fish is it, its benefits and harms. Coho salmon: composition, benefits and properties, taste qualities of coho salmon, methods of preparing coho salmon

Coho salmon - "white fish" or "silver salmon", one of the representatives of the so-called red fish. Distinctive features of the species are the scales of a light silvery shade with dark spots on the back and sides. This is a rather large fish, reaching a weight of 14-15 kg and a size of 80-90 cm in length.

Where does coho salmon live?

The range of this rare fish is the northern waters of the Pacific Ocean. In America, the salmon population is much higher; you can catch it from Alaska to California. On the territory of the Russian Federation, coho salmon is found from the coast of Chukotka to Kamchatka and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk; it is less common in Sakhalin, the Kuriles and the Amur.

The average catch on the territory of the Russian Federation is limited to 5-7 thousand tons per year, which is a low figure, and thus increases the value of fish. Catching him is actually not so difficult - coho salmon likes to rise to the surface of the water, takes the bait well, resists for a short time, but very actively. A fisherman unprepared for such a struggle can not only be left without a catch and equipment, but also fall into the water.

Coho salmon spawn most of the year, with the exception of the spring months. It is noteworthy that during this period the fish change color, becoming a dark crimson color. One female is able to reproduce from 1 to 6 thousand fry.

Being predators, juveniles eat fry, insects and eggs. Adults eat smaller fish. Life expectancy is about five years.

Individuals spend most of their lives in rivers.

The chemical composition and benefits of coho salmon

The composition of tender red meat includes such important components for human health as high-quality animal protein, healthy fat (polyunsaturated fatty acids), vitamins A, B, C, E and trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, chromium, calcium, magnesium and others) .

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

Low calorie content (140 kcal per 100 g), combined with a large number of useful inclusions, as well as the absence of small bones, allows you to include this fish:

  • in the children's diet;
  • in the diet of those who follow the figure and lose weight;
  • in a balanced diet of pregnant women and the elderly.

Despite the high usefulness of coho salmon and the absence of contraindications, it should not be consumed in unlimited quantities, especially in case of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Taste and culinary uses

Compared with their “brothers” salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon and other members of the family, coho salmon, according to gourmets, is characterized by the highest taste indicators. This is a very tender, oily and juicy meat, the dishes from which, from the point of view of cooking, are exceptional.

Mass cooking methods - coho salmon:

  • boil;
  • fry;
  • bake;
  • put out;
  • salt;
  • canned and so on.

In terms of taste characteristics, shish kebab from it competes with the already classic lamb, and generally surpasses it in terms of usefulness. Coho salmon baked in foil on the grill is a dish worthy of kings: the most tender meat, covered with a fragrant thin crispy crust.

Breaded steaks, spiced fish roll or fish soup are very tasty and easy to prepare dishes. You can pickle it in one day, using alcohol, salt and sugar, wrap it and place it in the refrigerator. Served appetizer, seasoned with olive oil and onion rings, will disappear in a matter of minutes.

In summary, the only downside to this game fish is its cost and limited supply. You can find coho salmon far from every supermarket, and you will have to pay 1000-1500 rubles per kilogram of this most valuable red fish.

On the shelves of stores, along with salmon, salmon and pink salmon, there is another name for her - coho salmon. What kind of fish it is, where it is found, what is useful for the body and how it is used in cooking, we described in detail in the article presented to your attention.

Where does coho salmon live

Coho salmon is a fish of the salmon family. It lives in fresh waters of rivers, in the Pacific Ocean, along its North American coast, in Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Hokkaido. In length, the fish reaches 1 meter, and weighs 15 kilograms. By the way, such a large coho salmon can only be found in the North American waters of the Pacific Ocean, from California to Alaska.

The named fish has a bright silver color of the scales, which distinguishes it from other members of the group. In America and Japan, coho salmon is called "silver salmon", and in Russia, mentioning it, they used to say. In fact, its meat is red.

Coho salmon is large, with a large head and a wide forehead. This is its main difference from other members of the salmon family. In terms of taste, it resembles pink salmon, salmon and chum salmon.

Nutritional value and calories

This is not just a tasty fish, but also a source of important vitamins, macro- and microelements. Among the vitamins in its composition, one can distinguish: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), PP, A. In addition, its meat contains minerals necessary for the body: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, iron, zinc .

In the described fish of the salmon family, there is a lot of protein - 21.6 g per 100 grams of weight, the fat content is 6 g, and carbohydrates are completely absent. The calorie content of coho salmon is 140 kcal. By the way, this indicator is less than that of salmon and salmon, which is especially important for those who adhere to a low-calorie diet.

Useful properties of coho salmon

Coho salmon, like any other, is useful for the human body. Its main plus is in the unique, rich vitamin and mineral composition.

The benefits of this representative of the salmon family for the body are as follows:

  • prevention of heart disease, heart attack and stroke is carried out, due to the content of omega-3 fatty acids in the composition;
  • vessels are strengthened, the formation of fatty plaques on their walls is prevented;
  • skin elasticity and its premature aging are maintained;
  • memory improves, concentration of attention increases, which, in turn, is the prevention of Alzheimer's disease;
  • metabolism, blood circulation and liver function are normalized.

As you can see, coho salmon, the price of which, moreover, is lower than that of salmon or salmon, is an excellent alternative to them. It is no less useful, therefore, for a stable good condition of the body and its normal functioning, it is recommended to eat this fish at least twice a week.

How to choose coho salmon

In order for a coho salmon dish to please with an exquisite taste, it is important to be able to choose the right fish. To do this, it must meet certain criteria:

  1. A good fish should have bright silvery, shiny scales that fit snugly against the meat. And bumps, spots and bruises are the main signs of a bad product.
  2. The fish carcass should be slightly damp and slippery, but not sticky. In this case, even if the price of coho salmon is lower than usual, the purchase should be abandoned.
  3. Before purchasing a whole carcass, it is useful to look into the eyes of the fish - they should not be cloudy.
  4. In the store, fresh coho salmon steaks are always on ice.
  5. When pressed on the meat, it quickly restores its shape. There should not be any holes in it.

The calorie content of fresh coho salmon is 140 kcal per 100 grams. A delicious barbecue is prepared from it, baked on the grill, in the oven, in foil, boiled and salted. At the same time, all the beneficial properties of fish are fully preserved.

How to cook coho salmon in the oven

To keep the maximum amount of useful vitamins and minerals in the dish, nutritionists recommend baking. To do this, you can pre-cut the fish into steaks or cook it whole. According to the latest recipe, it turns out unusually juicy and tender.

To cook coho salmon baked in the oven, you will need:

  • fish carcass, weighing 1.5-2 kg;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt pepper.

Clean the fish from the head and entrails, rinse well, dry with a paper towel. Make small cuts across the ridge every three centimeters. Salt and pepper on all sides. Then put the onion cut into thin half rings on the foil, fish on top of it, and place a slice of lemon and tomato into the cut. Wrap the foil and put the salmon in the oven for 50 minutes. All! Tasty and healthy fish can be served at the table.

Recipe for juicy coho salmon in foil

Fish cooked in foil in its own juice is not only very tasty. This dish is low in calories, so it can be included in the diet, including protein.

How to cook coho salmon by baking it in the oven according to this recipe? First you need to prepare all the ingredients: a couple of steaks 2-3 centimeters thick, salt, pepper, lemon to taste, foil. Further, the sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Rinse fish under running water, pat dry with paper towels.
  2. Salt, pepper to taste, put on a sheet of foil.
  3. Drizzle the steaks with the juice of half a lemon, wrap in foil and marinate for 10 minutes.
  4. At this time, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  5. Send coho salmon in foil to the oven for 40 minutes.

A delicious, healthy and low-calorie dish is ready. Bon appetit!

The calorie content of coho salmon baked in foil is 150 kcal per 100 grams. Due to the high protein content, fish satisfies the feeling of hunger well and is a source of energy necessary for the body.

at home

Kizhucha is not only baked, but also salted. According to this recipe, it turns out to be melting in the mouth and in no way inferior in taste to salmon. To pickle salmon at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg fish fillet with skin;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of olive oil;
  • black pepper to taste.

Rinse coho salmon under cold water and check the absence of bones in the fish. Then dry the fillets with paper towels. Prepare the mixture for salting. To do this, combine salt, sugar and pepper (optional) in one bowl.

Distribute half of the pickling mixture along the bottom of the glass mold. Lay coho salmon on top, skin side down. After that, pour the remaining mixture on the fish and sprinkle with oil. Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for a day.

After the specified time, get the fish, clean it from salt and wrap it in cling film. Store in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. The calorie content of salted coho salmon is 192 kcal per 100 grams.

  1. Do not salt coho salmon in a metal bowl, otherwise the meat will have an unpleasant aftertaste.
  2. Do not rub salt into the fillet, but evenly distribute it on top. Otherwise, the fish may turn out to be too salty.
  3. To reduce the salting time of coho salmon, before cooking it can be cut into thin slices in advance. The proportions for the mixture will remain the same, while it will be possible to eat fish in two hours.

Grilled salmon steak

Grilled salmon is especially tasty. To do this, you need a double-sided grill and a barbecue with coals. To prepare the dish, you need the following ingredients:

  • coho fish;
  • salt pepper;
  • white wine or beer;
  • lemon.

Coho salmon cut into portions, the steak of which should not exceed 2-3 centimeters thick, is salted, peppered on both sides and laid out on a wire rack. Fry should be for 10 minutes, periodically turning over so that the fish does not burn. During cooking, pour wine or beer over the steak, depending on which drink will be served at the table. Grilled fish according to this recipe has an unusual, interesting taste and unique aroma. It is best served with grilled vegetables in the same way.

Now, we hope you know coho salmon (what kind of fish it is and what it is eaten with). So, do not deny yourself the pleasure of trying it. Moreover, the price for it is set lower than for salmon or pink salmon, and the taste of coho salmon is juicier and more tender than other red fish.

Russians began to eat fish frequently in Soviet times. At that time, residents of the European part of the country most often bought pollock or hake. This is due to the low cost of these species. Residents of Siberia and the Far East could afford pink salmon, chum salmon or coho salmon. All of these species belong to the salmon family. Today, residents of a European country very often buy coho fish. Where this fish lives and how useful this fish is, people learned from a school biology course.

Coho salmon lives in many seas of the Pacific Ocean. It can be found along most of the North American coast. Fishing is actively carried out in the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. However, there are restrictions on the catch of this species. This is due to a decrease in the number of individuals due to poaching. Now licenses are issued, but fishing is limited to certain quotas. The species is considered quite expensive, so poachers try to catch it illegally.

View features

Fishermen know that it is quite easy to distinguish coho salmon from other species. Individuals are characterized by an elongated body, a short tail and a rather large head. In addition, coho salmon can be distinguished by beautiful silvery scales. The size of an individual depends greatly on where it lives. So, on the North American coast, the average length of the caught individuals is one meter. The weight of such fish can reach fourteen kilograms. In Russia, coho salmon reaches a length of 70-90 centimeters. The average weight of a caught individual does not exceed five kilograms. As a rule, the life expectancy of representatives of this species does not exceed 5 years.

The spawning period in individuals begins in the third year of life. During this period, males change very much in appearance. A hump appears on their back, and the back is painted in a bright crimson color. The appearance of females of this species practically does not change. An individual chooses for spawning those places where she herself was born. That is why schools of fish have to overcome 600 kilometers to get to fresh rivers. For spawning, females choose quiet and calm places with a smooth bottom. They dig special holes into which they bury their eggs. It is known that after spawning, all individuals die.

Beneficial features

The popularity of red salmon fish is due to its beneficial properties. Scientists claim that people who regularly eat coho salmon will improve their health significantly, including:

  • the level of hemoglobin in the blood will increase;
  • lower cholesterol levels;
  • general immunity will improve;
  • bones will become stronger.

In addition, many scientists note that the inclusion of coho salmon in the diet can be considered as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Coho salmon contains a lot of protein in its composition, so it can be recommended to people who regularly play sports.

100 grams of fish contains 21 grams of protein and 6 grams of fat. It is worth remembering that coho salmon has a rather low calorie content, since it does not exceed 140 calories per 100 grams of the product. Accordingly, people planning to lose weight often include coho salmon in their diet. The benefits and harms were discussed by nutritionists who came to the conclusion that pregnant women and the elderly should not eat this fish in large quantities. This is due to the fact that it contains cholesterol. In addition, coho salmon should be people with liver disease.

Many housewives say that choosing high-quality coho fish is not as easy as it seems. This is due to the fact that most often frozen fish is presented in stores. Be sure to check the expiration date of the product. In addition, the housewives pay attention to the color of the scales. It should be silver in color without damage and dark spots. When choosing a fillet, it is necessary to check the thickness of the ice glaze. If its thickness is more than 2 millimeters, then it is better to refuse the purchase.

Cooking methods

Experienced chefs know that many healthy and tasty dishes can be prepared from coho salmon. For people who plan to lose weight, it is best to bake it in the oven or steam without adding complex oil sauces. If the hostess wants to surprise the guests, she buys coho salmon in the store. How to cook this fish, women learn from magazines with recipes. The easiest way is to just salt the fish. For salting you need to purchase:

  • coho salmon;
  • salt and spices;
  • dill;
  • lemon.

It is necessary to separate the fillet from the bones and cut into large slices. Next, you need to chop the dill and mix it with salt and spices. Roll the fish pieces in this mixture and place in a glass container. Then you need to sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and refrigerate. The dish will be ready to eat in a day.

Also among housewives, coho salmon baked under cheese in the oven is very popular.. To prepare this dish, you should buy coho salmon steaks, sour cream and greens. You will also need salt and spices. Rinse the fish well and pat dry with paper towels. Then the pieces need to be salted and put on a baking sheet. Mix sour cream with herbs and pour fish with this mixture. Bake the fish for twenty minutes.

When it comes to healthy and wholesome food, one cannot help but think of seafood in general and fish in particular. Salmon has always been highly valued, but among them coho salmon stood out especially - this fish is just a storehouse of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. Coho salmon meat has an unsurpassed taste, is easily digestible and benefits everyone without exception. It is not surprising that the fishing of this representative of the water element has long been considered a profitable occupation. Now its commercial value is small - the population has become small.

Where does coho fish live and how is it useful

Coho salmon is found in rivers and lakes along the Asian coast of the Pacific Ocean from Anadyr to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Small populations live on Hokkaido and Sakhalin. Distributed throughout the North American coast, it can be caught in California and Alaska. Kizhuch has scales of a silvery hue, therefore, the Russians called it “white fish”, and its name in Japanese is silver salmon. This fish lives up to five years, at the age of about 4 years it becomes sexually mature. It spawns in rivers, where it lives most of its life. It prefers to winter in the sea or ocean. Kizhuch, which is found on the territory of Russia, grows up to 80-90 cm and reaches a weight of no more than 7 kg. Its North American counterpart is larger - its length is more than a meter, and the weight of especially large individuals is 14 kg or more.

Coho salmon prefer to spawn in the same place where it was born. To do this, he has to overcome the path length of 500-700 km. During spawning, the color of the scales becomes dark crimson.

The really high content of micro- and macroelements in coho salmon meat makes it especially valuable. Useful properties of coho salmon are:

  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • regeneration of bone tissue, and consequently, prevention of osteochondrosis, osteitis and other bone diseases;
  • positive effect on the nervous system and excellent emotional state.

Consumption of "silver salmon" improves vision, prevents baldness, helps to avoid thyroid pathologies and helps to remove harmful substances from the body. In America, products were tested for environmental safety and numerous studies that determined the "utility factor" for humans - coho salmon entered the top six products.

Chemical composition and caloric content of coho salmon

There is no fish in the meat, so the energy value is low - only 140 kilocalories per hundred grams of the product. Fat - 6 gr, - 21 gr, water - 72 gr. The composition also includes 1.1 g and ash - 1.2 g. Cholesterol content - 55 mg.

The product is rich vitamins.

Taste qualities of coho salmon and its use in cooking and for weight loss

Kizhuch is a product that can be introduced into various diets, including carbohydrate free diets for weight loss. The low fat content and the complete absence of carbohydrates will allow you to satisfy even a heroic appetite without gaining excess weight. But when compiling diets, experts prefer to include other types of salmon in them. Not because they are more useful, but because they are cheaper. Sockeye salmon, for example, also contains a large amount of vitamins and elements necessary for the body, but costs an order of magnitude less. Nevertheless, nutritionists recommend including coho salmon dishes in the diet - they are very tasty and absolutely harmless if you arrange a “fish day” once or twice a month. Kizhuch is useful for pregnant women and children. There are no small bones in it, it is digested quickly enough.

You can use the meat of "white fish" in any form - boiled, salted, fried, steamed, smoked and even cheese. Stroganina made from coho salmon is a real delicacy, and those who have tried shish kebab from this fish speak of it with admiration.

How to choose

In order not to buy a low-quality product, you need to pay attention to best before date. Frozen fish should be stored for no more than two weeks. The scales of fresh fish retain their characteristic luster, they should not be damaged and dark fragments. The eyes of coho salmon should not be cloudy, with a film. The fillet is elastic, pinkish in color, without spots. And, of course, the smell - if it is strong, then the product is “not the first freshness”.

Storage features

Store fish in the refrigerator at 3-6 degrees below zero, no more than a week.

Harm and contraindications

The only downside to this product is the rather large amount cholesterol. Therefore, it is contraindicated in people suffering from gastritis or liver disease.

Coho salmon is a very healthy, nutritious and tasty product. He rarely comes across on the shelves, but it's worth it to spend time looking for him. There are many recipes for cooking coho salmon. What do you know? I would love to try new dishes and learn unusual ways of preparing them.

Kizhuch belongs to the genus of Pacific salmon. Quite a large fish, its size depends on the habitat.

The largest fish can be found in Asian waters, its length will be more than 80 cm and weight up to 15 kilograms. Smaller fish are found in North America.

It differs from other fish of the salmon family by the silvery-white color of the scales, and we used to call it “white fish” (calorizer). And in America and Japan they call it “white salmon”.

Calorie coho salmon

The calorie content of coho salmon is 140 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition and useful properties of coho salmon

In addition to excellent taste, coho salmon contains a large amount of minerals, such as: fluorine, chromium, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium. Vitamins: PP, E, A.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in the red meat of this fish prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and have a protective effect on the body.

Coho salmon can bring harm to people suffering from liver diseases, with gastritis, as well as with individual intolerance to the product.

The use of coho salmon in cooking

Coho salmon meat is considered the most delicious of all salmon.

From coho salmon you get a terrific shish kebab, not inferior in taste to meat shish kebab (calorizator). This fish is also baked, grilled, fried, added to salads, canned, salted, smoked.

It is good to give such fish to children, since there are almost no small bones in it.

Useful properties of pumpkin

Kizhuch - calorie content and properties. The benefits and harms of kezhuch

Calories: 140 kcal.

The energy value of the coho salmon product (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 21.6 g. (~ 86 kcal) Fats: 6 g. (~54 kcal) Carbohydrates: g. (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 62%|39%|0%

Kizhuch: properties

How much does coho salmon cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region 1200 rub.

Coho salmon is a fish that belongs to the genus of salmon of the Pacific Ocean. The sizes of coho salmon are quite large, in some cases the fish can reach about 90 centimeters, and the maximum weight is about 14-15 kilograms. A distinctive feature of the coho salmon, thanks to which they stand out among their family, is the silvery shade of the scales, it was this factor that gave rise to the second name of this fish in Japan and America: "silver salmon", and in Russia some time ago it was called "white fish". Depending on where exactly coho salmon lives, there are various types of it, the main difference of which is their parameters. For example, the maximum length of coho salmon found in Asian waters is 88 centimeters, but in North America you can also find half a meter coho salmon.

The coho salmon has several features by which you will always recognize them - a thick and large head, on which a rather wide forehead stands out, and the height of the caudal peduncle is also greater than that of ordinary fish. Among all the fish that belong to the salmon family, coho salmon has won the fame of a fish that has the best taste. The meat of this fish, naturally, is red, it is distinguished by tenderness and juiciness much greater than, for example, pink salmon. It is thanks to its meat that coho salmon has become very popular in the culinary arts, coho baked in foil is a dish that is found in almost all restaurants that serve fish dishes.

The benefits of coho salmon

The benefits of coho salmon are known all over the world and today this fish is very popular in various restaurants, baked coho salmon dishes are especially popular, but it is also added to salads, fried in a breaded pan and served in most cases with vegetables. The beneficial properties of coho salmon are due to the content in it of a large number of minerals, micro- and macroelements, as well as useful substances, without which the body's work will be disrupted. Red fish contains useful omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a protective effect on the human body, prevent the appearance and development of various diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

The calorie content of coho salmon is quite low, so many nutritionists advise their patients to regularly, but in moderation, use the meat of this fish, since it has a beneficial effect on the body, while not causing obesity. There are practically no small bones in coho salmon, and besides, its meat has excellent taste, so mothers can safely offer this fish to their children, once they have tried it, they will no longer be able to refuse it. The beneficial properties of coho salmon also contributed to the spread of this fish in dietary and baby food, and doctors say that the benefits of coho salmon are the same for everyone.

Harm coho salmon

The harm of coho salmon applies to those people who suffer from serious liver diseases, as well as from gastritis, as well as pregnant women are not recommended to consume red oily fish in large quantities.

Product proportions. How many grams?

in 1 piece 9000 grams

The nutritional value

They catch coho fish in the Pacific Ocean, and it belongs to the salmon family. The fish is quite large in size and periodically its length can reach up to 90 centimeters, and the maximum weight is up to 15 kilograms. She has one interesting difference from all other fish from her family. She has silvery scales, for which in some countries she was nicknamed “silver salmon”, and in Russia many people like to call her “white fish”.

Fish coho salmon: useful properties

It contains a lot of trace elements and vitamins, without which the stomach will not work properly. It contains a lot of fatty acids, which help in the fight against many diseases that are associated with the cardiovascular system. Coho salmon helps not only in the fight against these diseases, but also can prevent them.

For those who are on a diet, it is very useful to eat this fish, as it is quite low in calories. Thus, it saturates the body with the necessary vitamins that are lost during severe diets and also does not cause obesity.

Another plus in this fish is the absence of small bones, as well as its taste. Therefore, many mothers prefer to give coho salmon to young children who, having tried this fish once, would not exchange it for anything. This fish is very useful and therefore nutritionists add it to baby and diet food.

Fish coho salmon: how to cook?

Coho salmon is very popular in many countries of the world and is very popular in restaurants in baked form, but it can also be added to salads.

There are many recipes for cooking Kizhuch fish, it can be very tasty pickled, fried, or cooked in the oven.

The recipe for cooking coho fish in the oven

For this, it is not necessary to use fresh fish, you can also frozen it. You will also need two tomatoes, a couple of lemons and pepper and salt to taste.

The fish must be cleaned of scales, cut off the gills and also get rid of the offal, after which it must be thoroughly rinsed under water. Next, you need to cut the fish on both sides, and then grate with salt and pepper. Now you need to do the rest of the ingredients, the tomato and lemon need to be cut into thin circles, and then put into the prepared cuts.

After that, you need to put our fish on a baking sheet, which was previously greased with vegetable oil and put in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. It must be baked for 40 minutes and in the end you will get a delicious dish.

How to fry coho fish?

To do this, you need to take already gutted fish and cut it into fairly thick steaks. We don't need the head and tail. They can be sent to the ear or given to the cat). Salt and pepper the steaks, if desired, you can add spices that you consider necessary.

It is desirable that you have a double-sided grill, with its help it is very easy to turn the fish. You need to fry for 10 minutes, the fish cooks very quickly.

If desired, during frying, the fish can be periodically poured with wine or beer, in which case it will turn out much juicier. If you wake up to pour beer, then the fish will turn out with a well-done crust. If you use wine, the meat will turn out very juicy with a peculiar aftertaste.

There are a lot of recipes for cooking this fish and you can choose the one that suits your taste. If you are on a diet, you will get a delicious steamed dish, the main thing is not to forget about ingredients such as pepper and lemon.

Something else on the topic:

Coho salmon: composition, benefits and properties, taste qualities of coho salmon, methods of preparing coho salmon

coho salmon(Oncorhynchus kisutch) belongs to the genus Pacific Far Eastern salmon of the salmon family.

Coho salmon is a rather large fish, reaching a length of 98 cm and a mass of 14 kg. Coho salmon is clearly distinguished from other moose fish by the bright silver color of the scales, which is why the Americans and Japanese call it “silver salmon”, and we once called it “white fish”.

Description of coho salmon

The coho salmon has a large thick head with a wide forehead, it has a very high short caudal peduncle. These features contribute to the fact that coho salmon is easily distinguished from chinook salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon and red salmon. In the sea and when entering the river, the scales of coho salmon are shiny and silvery, the upper part of the head and back are greenish, sometimes with a bluish tint. Above the lateral line, on the sides of the body, on the upper part of the head, on the back and on top of the lobe of the caudal fin, there are irregularly shaped black spots, which are much larger and brighter than in Sims.

The range and habitation of coho salmon

Along the Asian coast, coho lives from the Anadyr River along the Kamchatka coast to the rivers flowing into the northwestern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Sometimes coho salmon can be found in Hokkaido and eastern Sakhalin. This fish is also distributed along the North American Pacific coast, where it lives from California (Sacramento River) to Alaska.

North American coho salmon is larger than that found in Asian territory. Asian representatives of this species reach a maximum length of 88 cm and a mass of not more than 6.8 kg. Puberty in coho salmon occurs by 3-4 years of age. Premature early maturation of males living in fresh waters is noted.

Coho salmon enters the rivers from the end of June until December. Kamchadals distinguish between autumn, winter and summer coho salmon. Autumn coho salmon spawns in November-December, winter - December-February, and summer coho salmon spawns in September-October. In the lakes, coho salmon spawning does not occur.

Males and females during the spawning period acquire a dark crimson color. The bulk of young animals roll into the sea in the 2nd year of life, sometimes this happens in the 3rd and even 4th year. Juveniles of coho salmon in fresh water bodies feed on chironomid larvae and adult insects; they can also eat fry and salmon eggs. In the sea, this fish feeds on smaller representatives of fish, such as herring. Sexually mature adults, as well as all salmon fish, entering the rivers completely stop feeding. The sea period in the life of coho salmon lasts approximately 1.5 years. The migratory coho salmon hibernates in the ocean.

In some places, for example, in Sarannye Lakes (Bering Island), on Lake Boiler near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and on lakes in the Magadan Region, coho salmon form a residential form that constitutes independent populations. This residential form reaches sexual maturity in the fourth year of its life.

The female coho salmon spawns on average about 5 thousand eggs, her fecundity ranges from 1.2 to 6.3 thousand.

Although the number of coho salmon is not too large, it is considered a valuable commercial fish.

Useful composition of coho meat

Coho salmon has red, incredibly tasty meat, which contains vitamins B1, B2, as well as trace elements and minerals important for the human body, such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, chlorine, molybdenum, phosphorus, nickel, fluorine, zinc, sodium, chromium.

Coho salmon meat in moderation is good for everyone, even children and the elderly. There are practically no small bones in coho salmon, and the meat is so tender that children really like it. Coho salmon meat contains fat in the amount of 6.1 to 9.5%, and its calorie content is 140 kcal.

Contraindications to the use of coho salmon

Fatty red fish, such as coho salmon, is not recommended for gastritis, serious liver disorders, and should not be consumed in large quantities during pregnancy.

Taste qualities of coho salmon

Among other salmon, coho salmon is considered to be the owner of the best taste qualities. Its meat is much more tender and fatty than pink salmon meat, due to which it is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes, it is especially good in baked form, therefore it is an important dish on the menu of many restaurants.

Coho salmon caviar is also very tasty and similar to sockeye salmon caviar, it is just as small - only about 4 mm in diameter and the same color. And although it is easy to confuse coho and sockeye caviar outwardly, the taste of coho salmon caviar is better - it does not have a bitter aftertaste.

Methods for preparing coho salmon

The coho shish kebab is especially tasty, so those who once tried this dish forever give preference to it, refusing meat kebab. Coho salmon steaks are also unusually good. In general, both fried and baked coho salmon is very good, and if it is properly grilled, then the dish turns out to be simply royal: with a crispy crust and juicy fragrant pulp that melts in your mouth.

In cooking, coho salmon is also used for the manufacture of canned food, it is boiled, salted, smoked, fried, baked.

Grilled salmon steak

To prepare this dish, you need to cut the fish into steaks across the body, 2-3 centimeters thick. Do not rush to throw away the tail and head, as they will make an excellent ear. Steaks need to be peppered and salted, seasoned with the spices that you use in cooking fish.

When finished cooking, place the steaks on a grill grate, preferably a double-sided one, so that the steaks can be clamped on both sides and easily turned over. Steaks are cooked no more than ten minutes. It is important to remember that seafood cooks quickly enough, so during the cooking process, steaks must be constantly turned over, pouring wine or beer over them. One secret: it is recommended to water the fish with the drink that will be served at the table. An interesting effect is obtained when using beer, as it gets between the fibers of the fish, bakes, giving the dish a taste of fried bread and tastes like fish in batter. Baking on the outside of the steak, the beer forms an appetizing crust, which allows the beer to boil inside the coho meat, so that the steak will turn out not only perfectly fried, but also tender and juicy.
