
Kiwi is an exotic treat that is good for the body.

Kiwi is an exotic fruit or not? Of course, in our places it still does not grow, and they bring it from far away lands. But after all, for how many years it has been a frequent guest on the table of a Russian person, its price is low and it is available to almost everyone. But do we know everything about kiwi? What do you know, besides the fact that it vaguely resembles a strawberry? How rich and useful is kiwi, how many calories does it contain, is it suitable for dietary nutrition?

Kiwi is also called the Chinese gooseberry, and, however, the shape and color are the same, except that the size is different. This berry is also rich in vitamin C - it contains a lot of it. It is believed that if you eat just one kiwi a day, you can completely cover the daily requirement of vitamin C.

How many calories in kiwi

At the same time, the calorie content of kiwi is truly dietary! There are only 47 calories per 100 grams of this fruit! From simple mathematical calculations, it can be seen that for weight loss a day you can eat 1.7 kg of kiwi, and in order to simply not get better - all three kilograms!

But a large amount of vitamin C and other substances will not let you just overeat this delicious low-calorie product - already on the second or third berry, the tongue will begin to tingle, and if you continue, it will pinch strongly. Everything should be in moderation.

Also, 100 grams of kiwi has only 0.8 grams of protein, 0.4 grams of fat and 8.1 grams of carbohydrates. That is, kiwi, like all fruits, is a carbohydrate product - consider this when drawing up a balanced diet.

Dietary fiber in the same amount of kiwi contains 3.8 grams, organic acids - 2.5 grams, unsaturated fatty acids - 0.1 grams, saturated fatty acids - also 0.1 grams, mono- and disaccharides - 7.8 grams, starch - 0.3 grams, ash - 0.6 grams and water 83.8 grams. This is the nutritional value of kiwi and you need to know this in order for the fruit to benefit your body.

By the way, kiwi can be eaten not only fresh. This fruit is very popular in dried form, while its beneficial properties remain complete, it can also be consumed in the form of cocktails, mixed with other fruits, juices, milk, yogurt.

Kiwi is great with meat because it contains the enzyme actinidin, which softens the meat fibers, which makes it simply the most tender. Kiwi for meat can be used as a marinade or sauce for a ready-made dish. You can put chopped kiwi on meat baked in the oven - it will turn out perfect, and there will be no smell from the fruit.

Fresh kiwi is saturated with vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, A, C, as well as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, fluorine, boron, iodine, cobalt, molybdenum.

The average weight of 1 kiwi is 75 grams. Thus, the calorie content of kiwi in 1 pc. 36 kcal. 1 piece of fruit contains less than 1 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat and 7.5 g of carbohydrates.

Dried kiwi calories per 100 grams

The calorie content of dried kiwi per 100 grams is 285 kcal. 100 g of the product contains 85 g of carbohydrates, 0.8 g of protein, 0.3 g of fat.

The fruit is saturated with potassium, pectins, catechins, beta-carotene, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, PP, E, C.

Kiwi's benefit

The benefits of kiwi are quite large and are as follows:

  • kiwi pulp contains a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and has an antiviral effect;
  • potassium in the composition of the product helps to normalize blood pressure;
  • due to the saturation of kiwi with fiber, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases;
  • magnesium and potassium in the product are good for the heart and blood vessels;
  • the proteins contained in kiwi normalize brain health;
  • with regular consumption of kiwi, the body's resistance to stress increases;
  • the benefits of kiwi fruit for the prevention of cancer have been proven;
  • doctors advise including kiwi in the diet to prevent rheumatism, urolithiasis, and respiratory diseases;
  • the low calorie content of fresh kiwi per 100 grams and the ability of the product to improve lipid metabolism make the fruit an indispensable element of the diet;
  • kiwi is used as a component of masks for the skin of the face and hands.

Harm kiwi

It should be remembered about the following harm to kiwi:

  • fruit acids in the composition of the product destroy tooth enamel, in rare cases provoke inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines;
  • kiwi should not be combined with dairy products. There is a high probability of facing indigestion;
  • some people have allergic reactions to kiwi, so if itching, skin rashes, diarrhea, vomiting, immediately discard the fruit;
  • the product is contraindicated in gastric and intestinal ulcers, inflammation of the kidneys, gastritis.

Have you ever tried Chinese gooseberries? If the answer is no, we will argue with you, because we are talking about kiwi. The second name of the fruit was due to the fact that the plant takes the form of a vine, which was first discovered in China. The calorie content of kiwi is quite low, and the taste of the product allows you to replace harmful sweets.

Considering the Chinese gooseberry, its benefits should be noted. Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, the combined effect of which has a positive effect on the body. One piece a day, and you will normalize blood pressure and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Many people who have tried this exotic fruit at least once in their lives are wondering how many calories are in kiwi? It is so delicious that you can not notice how the whole bag of fruit has disappeared. However, no matter how low the energy value of kiwi would be, and it is only 47-48 kcal / 100 grams, you should not get carried away.

The same mass accounts for about 8.1-10.3 g of carbohydrates, 0.4-0.6 g of fat and 0.8-1.0 g of protein. In addition, the fruit contains 3.8 grams of soluble dietary fiber, which binds to cholesterol and prevents it from penetrating through the intestinal walls. Almost 89 g of the reduced mass are water.

But few people consider servings of kiwi 100 grams each. One piece or two - these are the usual volumes. Weight 1 piece is approximately 60-85 grams. This amount will deliver only 29-41 kcal to the body, which is practically not displayed on the daily diet. We advise you to focus on kiwi in the winter, because just one piece will enrich the body with a shock dose of vitamin C. In this indicator, the fruit is superior to oranges.

The product can be consumed not only fresh. Very tasty candied fruits are made from it, but their energy value is quite high. There are 320 kcal per 100 grams of processed fruit. Such kiwi should be consumed extremely rarely, as manufacturers often process it with chemical additives. Candied fruits are usually cut into slices. Without harm to the figure, you can eat 1-2 pcs.

The calorie content of kiwi in dry form breaks records at all. The energy value of 100 grams of the product increases to 355 kcal due to the evaporation of water. But it is impossible to eat a lot of them - the fruits become too sweet and nutritious. In the absence of fresh fruit, eat a couple of slices, and you will replenish the supply of valuable substances.

Useful properties of kiwi

Total 1 pc. per day, and your body will have more vitamins A, B, C, magnesium, potassium, tannic acid and enzymes. You will notice that you are less likely to get sick, as kiwi strengthens the immune system.

In addition, the following properties of Chinese gooseberries can be distinguished:

  • it reduces the excitability of the nervous system;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • prevents the occurrence of blood clots;
  • stimulates the production of collagen, resulting in improved skin condition;
  • prevents the occurrence of kidney stones and rheumatism;
  • helps to fight excess weight, as it satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Scientists even note its antitumor properties, but for this, the fruit must be eaten every day for many years. In addition, the fruits will remove toxins from the body and strengthen the body as a whole. In order not to harm the body, eat 1-2 pieces per day, or a maximum of 200 grams of kiwi.

How to eat kiwi

Many people are accustomed to peeling this fruit from the skin and cutting it into slices. Then they eat the treat with a fork, skewer, or simply with their hands. There is a much easier way - cut the fruit in half and collect the pulp with a spoon. If you need to quickly peel a kiwi, first cut off its “butt”, and then cut the skin along the fruit in a circle. Then just hook the skin with a teaspoon and carefully remove it. This makes it very easy to peel both soft and hard fruits.

Try to combine kiwi with meat - the dish will turn out to be very tender and spicy. Fruit salads, vitamin smoothies, various cocktails, kebabs and other delicious desserts are prepared from fruits. One caveat - it is better not to combine this product with milk.

Lose weight with kiwi

There are many diets and fasting days, which are based on the use of this fruit. However, this kind of food should be short-term and ideally should not exceed one or two days. For a day you need to eat about 10 fruits. Of these, you will get about 450 kcal.

In addition, it is necessary to eat fish, lean meat, cottage cheese and other fruits. If you are allergic to Chinese gooseberries, this diet is contraindicated. Also, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and high acidity, you should not lean on this fruit. Sometimes it even leads to loose stools.


Dietary properties of kiwi:

This "overseas guest", having appeared on store shelves, quickly gained popularity in the countries of the former USSR. “Chinese gooseberry”, as kiwi is also called, is valued for its excellent taste and peculiar, but pleasant aroma. Of course, lovers of this fruit cannot but be interested in the calorie content of kiwi.

The number of calories in kiwi is primarily of interest to those who would like to lose weight or are just used to taking care of themselves and calculating the nutritional value of products. It is known that the calorie content of kiwi is low. In addition, these fruits are considered a valuable dietary product. Why? What are the benefits of kiwi? We will talk about this further.

From the composition of kiwi (per 100 g of the product), proteins should be noted - less than 2 g, carbohydrates - about 15 g, and fats - less than 1 g, as well as disaccharides. Despite the fact that kiwi fruits are small in size, they contain a large amount of ascorbic acid - vitamin C. According to the content of this vitamin, kiwi is twice ahead of oranges.

Vitamins from group B (B2, B1, B6, B3, B9), vitamins A, P, K - all this contains kiwi. Of the mineral composition of this fruit, it is worth noting components such as iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc. Perhaps one of the most important features of kiwi fruit is its high potassium content. This chemical element determines the benefits of the fruit in certain forms of hypertension and lack of iodine in the body.

Eating only 1 kiwi fruit per day, you thereby give the body a daily amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). This, along with everything else, is a good prevention of colds, increases the body's resistance to any pathogenic infections, reduces the likelihood of hemorrhages and normalizes pressure, makes the walls of blood vessels stronger. And if you, unfortunately, have already caught a cold, then eating kiwi contributes to a speedy recovery.

There is another very important property for which kiwi is valued - this fruit reduces the excitability of the nervous system. Kiwi prevents the formation of blood clots, serves to prevent early graying of hair, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which, as you know, is necessary for skin elasticity and firmness. This fruit is useful for kidney stones, rheumatism, caries and certain types of pain.

Among other things, kiwi, if necessary, will help eliminate discomfort, such as heaviness in the stomach, belching or heartburn.

How many calories are in kiwi?

Kiwi is a fruit that with full confidence can be called indispensable for diets - it satisfies the feeling of hunger well, but its energy value is small.

The calorie content of fresh kiwi is:

48 kcal per 100 grams of product

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) fresh kiwi in gr. per 100 grams:

Proteins - 1.0

Fats - 0.6

carbohydrates - 10.3

Therefore, its fruits are great for fasting days, for diets aimed at combating excess weight.

And what is the calorie content of kiwi prepared in different ways? But this one:

Kiwi calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of kiwi prepared in different ways is as follows:

Kiwi nutritional value table, per 100 grams of product:

Recipe? Recipe!

What can be prepared from this fruit at home? Here is one of the recipes:

Kiwi cocktail:


  • Kiwi - 1 piece
  • Lemon - 2 pieces
  • Parsley - 7 stalks
  • Fresh mint - 6 stems

Peel and cut into 4-5 pieces of kiwi and put in a blender bowl. You can leave a slice for decoration. There we will also send two thin rings of lemon (along with the zest) and parsley (we cut off the tails). We sort the mint into leaves, send the leaves to the kiwi, and the stems to the trash. Add honey if desired. Add water and grind everything into a puree. Pour into a glass, decorate and enjoy. We drink right away. And the low calorie content of kiwi, combined with its beneficial properties, will only benefit your body.

What is useful kiwi for weight loss?

Regular consumption of kiwi can strengthen the nervous system, increase hemoglobin and immune defenses, significantly reduce the risk of blood clots, normalize metabolism, remove cholesterol, toxins and toxins from the body. In addition to all this, burn body fat due to the large amount of ascorbic acid in the composition, so many nutritionists recommend eating kiwi instead of dessert after a hearty meal, which will protect a person from excessive heaviness in the stomach, and food will be digested faster.

The energy value of the fruit is no more than 40 kcal per 100 g, and the amount of carbohydrates does not exceed 9%. I would also like to note that its fruits contain a unique enzyme - actinidin, which is able to encourage the breakdown of proteins and improve digestion.

That is why kiwi is recommended to be used as a product that can fight extra pounds. Why you need to eat 1 - 2 pcs. half an hour before every major meal. Also, this fruit is great for small snacks.

If you seriously decide to go on a diet with kiwi, then first of all you should be examined by your doctor, since for this period your stomach should work without interruption. You can also use one-day fasting days. To carry it out, you will need 1 kg of fruit, which you will need to eat during the day for 5-6 sets.

For breakfast, you can treat yourself to fruit salads, the main ingredients of which are apples, grapefruits, oatmeal, sprouted wheat grains and, of course, kiwi. The beneficial properties of such a morning meal will increase several times if the salad is seasoned with kefir or low-calorie yogurt;

For a second breakfast or lunch, the following cocktail set of parsley, lemon, mint, kiwi and non-carbonated mineral water is suitable. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in a blender;

At night, you can drink a drink consisting of kefir, kiwi, cut into pieces, mint leaves and lemon juice.

According to various sources, China is the birthplace of kiwi. It is also called "Chinese gooseberry" or "monkey peach". And this fruit received an unusual affectionate name in New Zealand, due to its resemblance to a small kiwi bird, the emblem of this country.

Until quite recently, we knew almost nothing about kiwi. And he is not very impressive with his furry appearance. But as soon as it is cleaned and cut, we are pleasantly surprised by its unusual aroma, tenderness and cheerful coloring. Today, kiwi fruit is very popular not only for its taste, but also for its healing qualities. And many women successfully use kiwi for weight loss.

Useful properties of kiwi

Kiwi is by far the most important custodian of vitamin C, which is so necessary for every person. It also contains a large amount of potassium, which protects our cardiovascular system, iodine, which is responsible for the stability of the immune system. Eating kiwi every day reduces the risk of blood clots. Kiwi contains a large amount of folic acid, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins E and D. Kiwi juice increases mental and physical activity, has properties that inhibit tumor formation, being a good antioxidant.

Kiwi has another very curious property. It burns fat very well. And so nutritionists recommend using kiwi for weight loss. Indeed, in our time, when we all strive for excellence, a toned figure is an indicator of our success. According to reviews, kiwi for weight loss makes it easy to get rid of extra pounds of body weight and at the same time not harm your health.

Kiwi calories

How many calories are in kiwi - this question, of course, occupies everyone who wants to maintain the harmony of their figure. We hasten to reassure you. You can safely eat this miracle fruit, because. kiwi calorie content is only 47 kcal per 100 g of food, i.e. eating one medium kiwi fruit, you consume only 47 kcal.

Dried kiwi has a much higher calorie content and is already 355 kcal. Therefore, for weight loss, kiwi is used exclusively fresh.

Fresh kiwi fruits are widely used in cooking as additions to desserts for those who want to lose weight, but at the same time eat different yummy.

Diet with kiwi

Let's talk about a diet based on the use of kiwi for weight loss. The basis of this diet is the consumption of at least 10 fruits of this wonderful product per day. We have already answered the question of how many calories are in kiwi. Therefore, this fruit can be included in the daily menu without fear of increasing its total calorie content.

The main serving of kiwi should be consumed in the middle of the day, i.e. at lunch. This is about 4 - 5 fruits. Divide the rest between breakfast and dinner. In this case, it is preferable to prepare a diet salad with kiwi in the evening.

It is good for a diet with kiwi to include cottage cheese, fresh vegetables, kefir, fish, cheese and chicken meat, low-fat varieties in the menu. Follow this diet for two weeks and then gradually return to your regular diet. You can repeat this diet no earlier than two months later. Using this diet, you will lose 4-5 kilograms.

People who used kiwi for weight loss leave mostly positive reviews. They often report that with the help of fresh fruits of this amazing fruit, they have lost up to 5-6 kilograms of weight. They also talk about their methods of cooking dishes using kiwi - salads, cereals, fruit mixtures. Some complain that it was not possible to immediately lose all excess weight. But we must not forget that any diet is not a panacea for problems. And for effective weight loss, you should combine it with sports.

Kiwi Slimming Cocktail

It is now popular to make various cocktails. They are made from just about anything. They are tasty, nutritious and do not burden the stomach.

Here are a few recipes for making easy kiwi slimming cocktails:

  • To prepare a kiwi milkshake, you will need 2 medium-sized kiwi fruits, 1 banana, 200 ml of milk, vanilla - 1 sachet, 2 tablespoons of vanilla and caramel ice cream. Don't worry, there aren't many calories. Mix everything in a blender, and the cocktail is ready.
  • A cold green kiwi slimming smoothie will perfectly refresh you in the summer. It's easy to prepare. We take 5 pieces of kiwi, 3 sprigs of celery, 1 banana or orange, 2 glasses of water, an ice cube, mix everything in a blender, and then drink with pleasure.
  • A very light kiwi mint cocktail is quite simple. Grind kiwi, mix with kefir and add mint. All in the mixer - and bon appetit.

Contraindications to the use of kiwi

The low calorie content of kiwi and the high concentration of nutrients in it has an excellent tonic effect on the body. Kiwi, kiwi juice can be consumed by both adults and children. But there are certain limitations. You can not eat kiwi for people prone to allergies, as well as suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Remember this.

We advise everyone who wants to lose weight without compromising health to include kiwi in their diet.
