
Chinese dish gongbao chicken. Gongbao chicken: recipe, photo, cooking recommendations

Gongbao chicken is a classic Chinese dish. This dish was invented over 150 years ago. Juicy chicken is very popular not only in the Chinese provinces, but also in modern European states. True, so far you can order one only in expensive restaurants. Therefore, we will describe the detailed process of preparing this dish so that everyone can enjoy it.

The Chinese used only the best ingredients to prepare their masterpiece. Therefore, we will use the appropriate quality products:
1. Chicken fillet - three slices
2. Bell pepper - one yellow, one red
3. Roasted peanuts - one hundred grams
4. One hot pepper
5. One cucumber
6. Soy sauce - a few tablespoons
7. Garlic - about four cloves
8. Ginger root - 6 centimeters
9. Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
10. A teaspoon of starch
11. Spices to taste

So, let's get to the fun part! This recipe is not for you to roll in a frying pan, there is a special approach.

Gongbao chicken recipe step by step

Stage 1. Meat preparation.
The most typical way to prepare meat is to marinate it. This recipe is no exception. For the marinade, we need four tablespoons of soy sauce, which must be mixed with two tablespoons of honey and six tablespoons of water. The meat should be cut into cubes of approximately 2 centimeters. It is necessary to water it with half of the resulting marinade. The meat should be marinated for half an hour.

Stage 2. Preparation of the rest of the ingredients.
It is necessary to proceed to this stage during marinating meat. Garlic and ginger must be peeled and finely chopped. Hot pepper must be rid of the seeds, and then also finely chopped. If you do not like spicy dishes, then pepper can be replaced with the most ordinary paprika. Peanuts are also worth peeling. To do this, it is enough to remove all the husk. The queue reached the cucumber and bell pepper. These vegetables must be cut into cubes of approximately two centimeters.

Stage 3. Actually, cooking - how much to cook chicken.
To do this, we need a frying pan with a deep bottom. Pour enough oil into a frying pan and place over medium heat. Cooking should begin when the oil is hot. Throw in hot oil hot pepper, ginger and garlic. These ingredients must be mixed quickly, otherwise they may burn. Next, put the meat in the pan. It needs to be fried until it turns brown. Add prepared vegetables to the resulting dish and begin to simmer. Do this until the pepper is soft.

We take the previously prepared marinade and add starch to it. Thoroughly mixed sauce must be poured into the pan. The fire must be reduced. Cooking continues until the sauce thickens completely. The dish must be served hot. As a side dish, you can use noodles or rice.

Cooking instructions

30 minutes Print

    1. Cut the chicken breast into a cube with a side of about 1.5 centimeters. Mix it with two teaspoons of soy sauce, the same amount of wine, and one teaspoon of starch. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes.
    Crib How to prepare chicken fillet

  • 2. Grind half of the Sichuan pepper in a mortar. Chop the green onion along with the white parts. Mix the green chopped part of the onion with ground Sichuan pepper. Tool Pestle and mortar The pestle and mortar are indispensable in any kitchen. They can be used to prepare fresh spices and seasonings, grind herbs, nuts, and even turn avocados into guacamole paste. It is believed that in this way the products do not lose their original flavors, as happens when using a food processor or other electric kitchen utensils designed for grinding. For effective grinding, the inner surface of the mortar and the working surface of the pestle must be rough. Stupas made of soft sandstone do their job best.

  • 3. In a separate bowl, mix the remaining soy sauce, rice wine and starch, add black vinegar, chili paste and sugar, mix until the starch dissolves.

  • 4. Pour oil into a saucepan and heat over high heat, throw in the remaining whole Sichuan pepper and dried chili, fry until a strong aroma appears for 15 seconds, strain the oil through a sieve.
    Saucepan Tool A stewpan is both a universal and prosaic thing: you can stew, fry, simmer, and whip sauces in it. And there cannot be many stewpans: size and weight matter in different situations.

  • 5. Put a wok on high heat, pour a quarter of the oil, put half of the marinated meat and fry without stirring for a minute, then a couple more minutes, stirring actively. Transfer the fried chicken to a clean container, wipe the wok with a paper towel, pour in a quarter of the oil again and fry the remaining chicken in the same way. Transfer to the same container. wok tool The classic Chinese wok is a round steel frying pan that cooks quickly, tossing the contents with the agility of street jugglers. If you really want to cook in a classic wok with a round bottom in an apartment where there is no gas stove, you can buy and build a special burner in the form of a ceramic funnel into the work surface. It costs several times more than the most expensive wok, but it heats both the bottom and the sides. The best choice for those who want to not only fry noodles and vegetables in a wok, but also use it as a deep saucepan is the Le Creuset enameled cast iron wok. This is a versatile kitchen tool. In it, with one force, you can fry vegetables, meat and noodles or cook quick soups, almost like from a bag. The focus of this pot is its shape, which distributes heat in the most advantageous way and allows you to cook with a negligible amount of oil in a negligible number of minutes. At the same time, it is better to fry small amounts of food in a wok so that the food does not spoil and does not boil in a large, clumsy heap.

  • 6. Wipe the wok again with a paper towel, pour in another quarter of the oil and fry the leek cut into thick rings. It should be nicely burnt, but remain crispy, it will take about a minute. Add dried chili peppers that have been fried in oil, peanuts, return the fried chicken, add the remaining oil and move the contents of the wok to the side to add the minced garlic, green onion and ginger, fry them for 15 seconds, then mix with the rest of the contents wok. Add the prepared sauce, stir until the chicken is covered with an even layer of sauce. Stir in the ground Sichuan pepper and green onion mixture and serve immediately.
    Crib How to cut greens

Gongbao chicken is a fragrant national dish of Sichuan cuisine that will appeal to lovers of spicy spicy meat. Gongbao chicken is suitable for a festive table, as well as for everyday dinner, lunch.

Like most Sichuan dishes, this is a spicy dish with a distinct taste. The peculiarity of gongbao is that the delicate taste of meat is in harmony with the sharpness of pepper, while the pieces of chicken melt in your mouth. It is impossible to stop, because you cannot imagine such a soft and juicy chicken fillet. Therefore, take care of yourself, add chili exactly as much as you are strong in spirit, each new piece can bring you to tears.

One recommendation when preparing an Asian dish: measure, weigh, cut and grate all the ingredients ahead of time. And do not forget to put a lot of rice on the boil, it is ideal as a side dish for this dish.

Per 100 grams - 124.7 kcal B / F / U - 16 / 3.5 / 6.7


  • chicken fillet - 2 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sesame oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chili pepper - 6 pcs.;
  • green onion - 1 bunch;
  • ground chili pepper - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.


1. Chicken fillet (2 pcs.) Cut into large pieces 2 centimeters in size.
2. In a cup, mix soy sauce (1 tablespoon), sesame oil (1 tablespoon) and sugar (1 tablespoon). In this case, the ingredients cannot be replaced, because they contain all the subtlety of the dish. Throw chicken cubes in there.
3. Mix the chicken pieces well, cover with a film and put in the refrigerator for the longest possible time - from 1 hour to 12.
4. Finely chop the garlic (3 cloves), hot chili (6 peppers, 5 cm each), and cut the green onions (a bunch, only the white part) into strips 3 centimeters in size. If you are afraid of spiciness, you can replace the chili with sweet pepper.
5. In a hot frying pan, heat a spoonful of olive oil. Add marinated chicken. Fry the pieces in batches so that they have room in the pan.
6. Fry for 4 minutes, turning over. As soon as a good crust appears, remove the chicken to a plate and send the next batch.
7. In the same pan, fry the garlic until the smell appears (40 seconds).
8. Add onion and chili and fry for another 2 minutes. We also send a teaspoon of hot ground pepper (better than cayenne).
9. Add chicken pieces and fry for another 4 minutes.
10. Serve with a large glass of cold water.

Bon appetit!

Gongbao chicken is one of the many popular dishes in Sichuan cuisine. Sichuan is one of the provinces of China, a feature of the cuisine of this region is the spiciness of the dishes. Almost any version of a Chinese dish in Szechuan will be many times spicier.

Gongbao chicken, like other Chinese dishes, is prepared from a minimum of ingredients, and the result is a magnificent fragrant and very tasty dish. In my family, my husband loves this chicken very much, because it turns out to be quite spicy. If you are not a big fan of spicy dishes, put a little chili pepper.

My deviation from the recipe: instead of chicken breast fillet, I used leg fillet, we now have such a fillet on sale. To be honest, with this fillet, the meat turns out to be tastier, it has a little fat on it, which makes the fillet juicy. Now about soy sauce: it should be light and not concentrated. When I was at home, I found just such a one for sale, the dark one never got caught, although I was looking for it.

So, let's start cooking gongbao chicken.

We cut the chicken fillet into medium-sized pieces, not the way meat is usually cut into wok, but larger.

Prepare the meat marinade. To do this, mix sesame oil, brown sugar and light soy sauce. I would not recommend you to replace these products with analogues. The secret of this dish is in the marinade.

We spread the chicken fillet in the marinade and mix the meat with the marinade well with our hands so that each piece is in the marinade. Cover the bowl with cling film and send the meat to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

IMPORTANT: If you leave the meat to marinate overnight, then you will not need to fry it for a long time, because the marinade will make the meat very tender.

Fry the marinated meat in a wok pan in vegetable oil in small portions so that the meat is in one layer. Fry for 4-5 minutes on each side.

Peel the garlic and chop finely, cut the chili pepper into thin rings, cut the green onion with the white part into pieces 3-4 cm.

After all the meat is fried, put the vegetables in the WOK pan and quickly fry them for 2-3 minutes until soft.

We return the fried meat to the pan to the vegetables and pour in the remaining marinade. Add cayenne pepper and adjust if necessary. Cook the chicken, stirring, for another 10 minutes.

Ready chicken gongbao is served with boiled rice and fresh vegetables.

Chicken meat is incredibly juicy, tender and fragrant! Bon appetit!

Gongbao chicken is one of the traditional dishes of common Chinese cuisine, a classic dish originating from the Western Chinese province of Sichuan (possibly the Russian spelling is “gong-bao”, since the Chinese spelling of the word is from 2 hieroglyphs; in English kungpao chicken). The dish has a bright and spicy taste, which is a characteristic feature of Sichuan traditional food culture.

The authorship of the invention of the recipe for cooking gongbao chicken with peanuts belongs to a certain Ding Baozhen, a high-ranking official from Shandong Province, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. This talented cook came up with the idea of ​​cooking chicken with peanuts. When Ding Baozhen served as the governor and then vicegerent of Sichuan, he modified the taste of his favorite dish, slightly changing it to suit Sichuan eating habits, making it more colorful and spicy. Nowadays, the wonderful gongbao chicken dish is popular all over the world, of course, in different regions and countries, the original recipe is rethought and prepared using local methods and products.

Gongbao chicken is made from fried chicken fillet pieces with peanuts and red hot peppers. By the way, you can use other nuts, too, will be delicious.

How to cook gongbao - chicken with peanuts and vegetables in Chinese?

We tried to find the simplest recipe and adapt it to our conditions and familiar products.


  • chicken fillet (meat from the breast and thighs) - about 500 g;
  • fried well-calcined peanuts - about 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • fresh ginger - 1 small root;
  • sweet pepper - 1-2 pcs. (dark green is better, but yellow, orange or red can be used);
  • hot red pepper;
  • ground coriander;
  • corn starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • high-quality soy sauce - 4 tablespoons;
  • shaoxing rice wine or mirin - 2 tablespoons;
  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • sesame oil;
  • peanut butter or other vegetable or chicken fat, melted;
  • greens for decoration (cilantro, parsley, basil, lemongrass).


Let's marinate the meat first. cut into medium-sized cubes or rectangular bars (as an option, short strips).

We put the meat in a container suitable in volume, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch, 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce and rice wine. Mix thoroughly and send to a cool place for at least half an hour, but no more than 2 hours.

We're preparing the sauce. Mix the remaining starch, brown sugar, sesame oil. Add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of water.

We grate the ginger, chop the hot pepper (if it is fresh), add the crushed one, push the garlic. Pour all this into the sauce and let it brew, then strain.

Cooking in a wok or deep frying pan. The meat should be fried in small batches, the pieces should not be crowded or take a larger pan. Heat the oil and fry the chicken pieces over medium-high heat, stirring frequently with a spatula and shaking the pan, for about 5-8 minutes. Add sweet pepper, cut into short strips. Fry everything together for another 3-5 minutes, turning over with a spatula.

Add well-calcined peanuts and sauce separately in advance. We cook everything together on a lower heat, stirring. We bring it to the caramelization stage: this is when the meat begins to shine slightly and acquires a beautiful and deep dark golden brown hue (do not miss this moment, otherwise it will burn, it will be tasteless and unhealthy).

We spread the finished gongbao chicken on a common dish or in portioned containers. You can sprinkle everything with lemon or lime juice. Decorate with greens. Separately, be sure to serve boiled rice, you can rice noodles. It is also good to serve dishes with fresh vegetables (salads), fruits, rice wine, dark beer and/or stronger authentic drinks from the Pan-Asian region.
