
Chinese snack of cucumber peel.

Have you noticed, when visiting, that one hostess has pickles - pure delight and ecstasy? You easily crunch half a can and look at the rest with lust ... And the other one has quite the opposite: soft, under- or over-salted, with cloudy brine. It’s even a pity for the poor thing that she spent money, time and everything was wasted.

How to get delicious, crispy, spicy cucumbers? You need to choose them correctly - that's half the success. The second half depends on the recipe, but this will be discussed in the next article.

What to look out for

So, you come to the market or to the supermarket. Frankly speaking, it is more difficult to buy the right cucumbers for pickling in the supermarket. Most often, stores sell greenhouse hydroponic vegetables from large greenhouse farms. But what if you get lucky?

Here are several, ideally more than a dozen varieties of cucumbers, differing in size, color and quality of the peel. This is exactly what you should be paying attention to.

I will not name the varieties - as a rule, a city person understands little about them and it costs nothing to deceive his naive question: "Do you have Nezhin?"

But there are signs of the cucumber we need, which we can control with our own sense of smell and touch.

Size does matter

After all, we don’t salt in a barrel, right? Unfortunately, fortunately, but it is so. We have glass jars - 3 liters and less. Under them, we select cucumbers - small, 10-13 centimeters maximum.

And, of course, we look out for and put back the seller of twisted freaks. We don't need such "beauties".

Skin color

The color of the cucumber depends on the variety and age. The younger, the juicier the greens, and vice versa. Yellow, overripe, cucumbers, by no means suitable for canning. They have a rough skin and seeds.

Pimples as a signal

If we liked the color, there are cucumbers of the right size, then we look at ... pimples, or spikes. For those who have not yet penetrated the secrets of cucumber pimples, I tell you: there are black and white thorns.

Cucumbers with tubercles that have black spikes on them are great for our purpose of pickling or pickling in a jar. Folk tradition claims that jars of pickles of this type practically do not explode. Amazing.

White pimples indicate that the cucumber grew from a lettuce variety, most likely in a greenhouse or greenhouse. You can pickle them, but do not expect elasticity and crunch.

peel to bite

Craving crunchy pickles? Then pay attention to the thickness of the peel. If it is thin, then the cucumbers most likely will not crunch, but fruits with a peel that is difficult to pierce with a fingernail are just what you need.

Therefore, I say that choosing cucumbers in the supermarket is difficult - who will let you bite or pierce the peel with impunity? And in the market - please.

You need to try the cucumber yourself: you don’t need vegetables that are bitter to the bone, do you? And this case is checked only by a bite.

Tail with a gun

The elasticity and freshness of the cucumber is checked, among other things, by the elasticity of the tail. If you like the variety, but it’s wildly hot outside and the cucumber is a little wilted (the tail doesn’t “stick out like a gun”), then you can buy it and revive it at home.

Question answer

Should I buy clean, washed cucumbers, or, conversely, with traces of earth?

Most often, sellers wash cucumbers before selling them to give them a beautiful appearance, because their task is to sell. Meanwhile, if the cucumbers were washed before being sold and kept in a closed container for some time, they can quickly turn sour from the inside, which does not guarantee their safety in canned form.

Can yellow cucumbers be preserved?

For canning, do not choose cucumbers with a yellow coating, most likely they did not have enough moisture when watering and they may contain bitterness.

How to revive wilted cucumbers?

If the cucumbers are soft, then, before canning, it is better to hold them longer in cold water (changing the water every two hours). They absorb water and become more elastic. The procedure for soaking cucumbers is also useful because about 15% of nitrates come out of cucumbers.

Soaking time can be from 2 to 10 hours. However, it is also important not to overdo it with soaking, because cucumbers, with long soaking, also begin to deteriorate. It is easy to see this, as soon as white, as if soapy circles appear on the water, the cucumbers should be urgently washed under running water and removed from the water.

You can clean cucumbers in water with a dress brush, it has a soft hairline, which, when cleaned, does not spoil the cucumber skin, but thoroughly cleans dirt from it.

Do I need to trim the tails of cucumbers?

Many housewives, before laying in jars, cut off the tail of cucumbers. Do you know why? It turns out that it is in this part, called the ass, which connects the cucumber to the lash, that contains the largest amount of nitrates. Although many argue on this issue. If cucumbers contain nitrates, then they will definitely be in the peel. And whether or not to cut off the tails of cucumbers is a private matter for everyone. Who likes it better. Many simply prick cucumbers with a fork before canning.

Interest in natural cosmetics from home products is increasing every day. It is not surprising, because they hide a huge potential of minerals, trace elements, vitamins and nutrients. Cucumber remains one of the invariable attributes for high-quality facial care. It cleanses and rejuvenates the skin, refreshes and soothes. Read on to find out how to apply cucumber on your face the right way for great results.

Composition and benefits

Cucumber is considered life-giving moisture for the skin of the face for a reason - 80% of its mass is water. The remaining percentages fall on important vitamins and microelements. Let's dwell on them in more detail:

  • Vitamin A - regulates the water balance in the cells, eliminates the peeling of the epidermis;
  • Vitamin C - actively affects the process of skin renewal, stimulates the formation of new collagen fibers. With ascorbic acid, the tone and elasticity of tissues increase;
  • Vitamin E is the skin's favorite vitamin. It accelerates the rate of regeneration, tightens it;
  • B vitamins - have a comprehensive effect on the epidermis. Thiamine (B1) rejuvenates the skin. Pantothenic acid (B5) eliminates wrinkles. Riboflavin (B2) is responsible for tissue respiration. Pyridoxine (B6) accelerates metabolism. Folic acid (B9) prevents the development of acne;
  • Vitamin K, PP - fight pigmentation, eliminate redness, help whiten the face. The covers after a complex of cucumber procedures look fresh and healthy;
  • Vitamin H - has wound healing properties, reduces the appearance of scars to a minimum;
  • Potassium - retains moisture particles in cells, reduces the risk of early aging, withering of the epidermis;
  • Iodine - contributes to the functioning of cells, strengthens them and activates metabolic processes. The lack of an element affects the general condition of the skin, leads to fatigue, dryness of tissues;
  • Sulfur is an active assistant in matters of skin rejuvenation. It stabilizes the production of collagen in adulthood, restores its former firmness and elasticity.

Cucumber stores most of the trace elements, nutrients, enzymes, organic acids and mineral salts. Without them, the skin looks weakened, lifeless. Cucumber cosmetics for the face are gentle, which is suitable for the sensitive area around the eyes.

What effect to expect

Based on a green vegetable, you can create many tools. Their benefits for the face will be unimaginably high. Cucumber juice refreshes, gently cleanses, tones and intensively moisturizes the epidermis. How effective and necessary cucumbers for the face, you can evaluate for yourself:

  • Regular use of cucumber products allows you to whiten your face. Freckles, age spots become lighter, less noticeable;
  • The cucumber mask is perfect for everyone. It quickly penetrates into the cells, normalizes the acid-base balance;
  • You can use cucumbers for any type of epidermis. Adjust the composition of the mixture with additional ingredients to achieve the best effect. For example, for a fatty type, add egg white, and for a dry type, add homemade sour cream;
  • The high water content in the vegetable instantly solves the problem of dryness, flaking. For owners of dry epidermis, a cucumber mask is a real find, an effective solution to the problem of lack of moisture;
  • Cucumber for the face at home can be used to lighten circles under the eyes. Apply vegetable circles to your eyes - and the issue is resolved;
  • Cucumber cosmetics are ideal for sensitive and problematic skin. It soothes, reduces inflammation and prevents acne. Prepare a cucumber lotion and rub it on problem areas. A cleansing and healing effect awaits you;
  • Such cosmetics are excellent for the prevention of early aging of the epidermis. It will prolong the youthfulness of the skin;
  • For a person prone to increased fat content, the "green" product is also suitable. It normalizes the work of cells and glands. Light protein-cucumber composition will dry the epidermis, give a healthy, natural shine.

Fresh cucumber for the face is a faithful assistant in the care of the integument. It will cleanse, soothe, heal and restore the face. Be sure to add "green friend" to your diet with other rejuvenation productsto consolidate the success achieved.

Cucumber remedies have no contraindications. But keep in mind, the product must be natural, grown without nitrates. Otherwise, an allergic reaction to chemical inclusions may occur.

Indications for use

Solve skin problems at the first symptoms. Tightening, ignoring redness, rashes, first wrinkles will complicate the situation in the future. This does not mean immediately resorting to surgery. Try to improve facial care, make homemade masks more often from cucumbers, lemon, milk, kefir, cosmetic oils. Make adjustments to your diet and be sure to massage. If you don’t have time to go to a massage specialist, you can master the technique of self-massage. Read more about her.

Use fresh cucumber for the face to address the following shortcomings of the epidermis:

  • Lack of moisture in the cells, peeling;
  • Feeling of tightness;
  • Freckles, age spots;
  • Redness, irritation;
  • Noticeable blue, puffiness under the eyes;
  • Increased fat content of the epidermis;
  • Withering, flabbiness of the skin.

Cucumber for some time is able to eliminate foci of inflammatory acne, acne, but you should not hope to get rid of extensive rashes. He will only provide first aid to the skin, soothe, gently cleanse and prepare for the application of therapeutic compositions.

Cucumber tricks for the face

There are several ways to use cucumber at home. Each of them is important in care, can be used independently of the others. Consider the main methods of using a green vegetable:

  • Washing with cucumber water is a great option for a daily facial cleansing procedure. With it, the skin will always be in good shape, refreshed and filled with mineral elements. Slices of vegetables are dipped in mineral water a few hours before washing. During this time, the liquid will infuse and receive nutritional components from the green product.
  • A rejuvenating, nourishing, cleansing cucumber face mask is an active dope for the epidermis, filled with moisture and microelements. Use vegetable porridge with other nutritious ingredients. To make the mixture easy to apply, add oatmeal, flour, thick sour cream.
  • Cucumber juice is ideal for making lotions, tonics, creams. To get it, you need to grate the vegetable, and squeeze the resulting slurry through cheesecloth.
  • Cosmetic ice - dilute the concentrated cucumber juice with boiled or mineral water, freeze. Wipe your face with it in hot weather - the effect will pleasantly surprise you.
  • Cucumber mugs are an option for the lazy. You don't need to cook anything. Apply chopped circles of vegetables to problem areas. Put the cucumber in the refrigerator beforehand to enhance the tonic, refreshing effect. Cucumber lotions are recommended to be done for 10-15 minutes on the area near the eyes to relieve puffiness, get rid of dark circles.
  • You can just wipe your face with cucumber. Cucumber juice is quickly absorbed, leaves no residue and does not require mandatory rinsing.

Do not use a cucumber mask for damage or dermatological diseases on the face. This threatens to spread the infection and complicate the problem. In extreme cases, apply the product gently, avoiding problem areas.

In order for the lotion, cucumber face mask for wrinkles and other skin problems to work as efficiently as possible, it is recommended to follow the recommendations of cosmetologists:

  1. Cosmetics should include high-quality, natural ingredients.
  2. The ingredients must not cause an allergic reaction. Additionally, conduct a rapid test. Apply a small amount on the wrist and wait 10 minutes.
  3. Please note that you can apply homemade masks only after make-up removal and treatment with a cleansing gel, milk. So, you will get rid of the remnants of cosmetics, dirt and fatty particles.
  4. Rinse cucumber mixtures with clean water.
  5. Use a cucumber chilled in the refrigerator. It tones the skin better.
  6. It is important during the procedure that the face is relaxed. Take a comfortable position, turn on some light music and look forward to a magical transformation.
  7. Stick to the time frame for finding the mask on the face. Holding the mixture for more than 25 minutes is pointless.
  8. After the procedure, use a face cream with a lifting effect for mature skin, and for young girls, limit yourself to a nourishing cream.

The best masks for beauty and youth

Cucumber mask is considered universal, suitable for everyone without the risk of deterioration of the skin. She acts so gently that everyone will like it. Dryness, wrinkles, sagging or wilting of the epidermis - all this is subject to simple cucumber compositions.

For cleansing and whitening

To qualitatively clean, refresh and whiten your face, use a green product. A cleansing cucumber mask is prepared according to recipes:

  • Mix 1 tsp. lemon juice with 2 tbsp. cucumber puree. The mixture is ready for application. After 20 minutes, wash off the product with water, apply the main face cream.
  • Add 2 tbsp to the cucumber puree. crushed oatmeal and unsweetened yogurt. Apply the thick mixture on your face and wash off after 15 minutes.
  • Many natural blondes, red-haired girls are tormented by bright freckles, hyperpigmentation on the face. You can get rid of them, give the face of sophistication of Italian women with a honey-cucumber mixture. It will take 1 tbsp. vegetable puree and 1 tsp. liquid honey. Hold the nutrient mixture for 20-25 minutes.

From excessive fat

Protein and low-fat yogurt will help to slightly dry the surface of the face, soothe and get rid of an unpleasant greasy sheen. How to combine them correctly with cucumbers, the following recipes will tell you:

  • The combination of a green vegetable with protein can normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Prepare the juice from the cucumber, and beat the protein. Mix the ingredients in a 1:2 ratio. Spread the mixture on your face for 20 minutes.
  • For whom it is difficult to prepare cucumber juice, another recipe is useful. It includes the grated pulp of half a cucumber, 1 tsp. whole milk and 1 tbsp. yogurt without additives. Apply the mass on the problem surface. After 15-20 minutes, you will be pleased with clean, without greasy shine of the skin. Regularly using the product, the production of sebaceous glands will decrease, and the condition of the epidermis will normalize.

For the area around the eyes

Get rid of fatigue, swelling, "crow's feet" in the eye area will help mashed cucumbers with parsley. Mix 2 tbsp. green puree and 1 tsp. finely chopped greens. Apply the mixture on the problem area for 15 minutes. Rinse with water and moisturize with eye cream.

For intense hydration

Cucumbers are famous for a large proportion of moisture in their composition. They will gladly pass it on to your skin. Use the classic recipes for moisturizing the epidermis:

  • Make a puree mixture from the chilled cucumber. Apply it on the face. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  • Sour cream and cucumber mixture will also help get rid of excessive dryness of the epidermis. To prepare it, mix 2 tsp. homemade, fat sour cream, mashed potatoes of one cucumber. Spread the product evenly over the face, leave for 20 minutes. Wash off the residue with cool herbal tea or water.

For rejuvenation

To smooth fine wrinkles, tighten the contours, refresh the skin, prepare a multi-component mask. To cook it, you will need 2 tbsp. cucumber puree, 1 tbsp. mashed parsley, cottage cheese and whole milk. Supplement the nutrient mixture with 1 tsp. olive oil . Apply the mask for 20-25 minutes. After a while, wash off the mixture, apply a tightening face cream.


Surprisingly, cucumbers have roots of Indian origin. Even in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, this vegetable was given a special place of honor at the festive table. To date, juicy cucumber is widespread, and not only in nutrition. It is successfully used in cosmetology, for the preparation of drinks and as a remedy.

Cucumber, the benefit of which lies in its chemical composition, is 95% water. With its help, it is easy to quench your thirst, it retains a certain proportion of useful substances. The remaining pulp is rich in B, PP, A vitamins, and also contains iodine, iron, ascorbic acid, magnesium, aluminum, chlorine, silver and other useful substances. It is worth noting that the cucumber has the greatest value, the benefits of which were formed when grown in open ground. Their greenhouse counterparts have less active medicinal properties.

In folk medicine, the juicy vegetable is used as a diuretic. It perfectly supports the heart muscle, lowers blood pressure. Atherosclerotic, hypotensive, tonic, antispasmodic, laxative - whatever you call a cucumber, its benefits to the body are invaluable. That is why it is recommended for consumption by many people for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Regular consumption of cucumbers helps to cleanse the joints and remove toxins from the body. With its help, they treat the type, flatulence, destroy the putrefactive microflora in the intestines, gastric secretions.

Tartronic acid, which cucumber contains, is beneficial and lack of excess weight. It prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fat cells. This wonderful vegetable fits perfectly into any diet. It can be used as the main product for

Cucumbers have a supportive effect in the treatment of thyroid diseases. The antipyretic property of a green vegetable is due to its diaphoretic effect on the body.

Don't know what to cook with cucumbers? Most often they are used fresh and in salads. They are also salted, marinated or used as part of summer cold soups: okroshka, beetroot, etc. It is worth noting that they are still of great benefit to the body fresh.

“Cucumbers: benefits and harms,” this statement will seem strange to someone, because if everything is clear with benefits, then is there really any harm from eating cucumbers ?! This is more of a warning, reminiscent of the simple truth that everything is useful within the normal range. Excessive consumption of cucumber fruits can also provoke diarrhea. Persons with diseases of the digestive system, accompanied by high acidity, it is desirable to exclude cucumbers from the diet. The earliest fruits contain a lot of nitrates, which accumulate in the process of feeding the fruits. In this regard, it is recommended to peel the fruit part of cucumbers. Their tips also need to be removed, because. It is here that the bulk of harmful substances are concentrated.

Before preparing a salad or eating a whole vegetable or fruit, we usually take out a knife and, out of habit, begin to peel them, but is this really necessary or are there foods that are better consumed in their original form? In fact, many vegetables and fruits not only can, but should be eaten with the peel in order to preserve all the beneficial properties that they contain. Here are 7 super-healthy foods that are best eaten with the skin on.


For some dishes, we have to peel eggplants from their fleshy skin, and this is absolutely not worth doing if we want to preserve a unique phytonutrient called nasunin - a powerful antioxidant that has become almost the calling card of eggplants. The fact is that nasunin protects cell membranes from damage, and our body from premature aging. Well, maybe it’s better to bake eggplants on coals in a peel?


Do you like potato dishes, then peeling it is akin to hard labor for you? Great news: nutritionists advise to spare both yourself and the potato - do not separate it from the peel. It turns out that according to research, 20% of the nutrients (like B vitamins and trace elements) that we would like to find in our mashed potatoes are found in its skin. You should also look for all the fiber that is useful for everyone and everyone.


Let's be honest: we don't always peel cucumbers, but sometimes when the skin is too rough and tough, we have to remove it. And now we will know that it is absolutely not worth doing this! The fact is that it is in the peel of a cucumber that contains a large amount of immunostimulating antioxidants and fiber, which prevents constipation and maintains a healthy gastrointestinal tract.

Sweet potato

A rare southern guest for our supermarkets, however, if you were lucky enough to get it and you are already thinking about how it would be better to enjoy it, we advise you to choose the option with roasting in a peel. It is with this method of preparation, unlike boiling, that we retain most of the vitamin C, potassium and beta-carotene that the sweet potato hid from us in its peel.


Research shows that there is no reason to peel carrots. This, on the contrary, will only reduce its benefits for our body, since almost all the antioxidants of carrots are concentrated in the peel or directly under it. In order to prepare carrots for cooking, just rinse them thoroughly from the ground under running water and rub them with a brush.


This root vegetable, sometimes referred to as the white carrot, has a savory, slightly spicy taste. But in some ways it will be appropriate to draw an analogy with carrots - it is in the parsnip skin area that contains a lot of nutrients (for example, folic acid and manganese), so it is best to leave it in the peel for cooking.


We peel apples from the valuable skin most often because it can seem too tough to digest. However, it is in these apple peels that fiber is valuable for our digestion, which gives a feeling of satiety and gently stimulates intestinal motility. Apple skins are also rich in quercetin, vitamin C, and triterpenoids, compounds that can protect against cancer.
