
Chinese pear - useful properties and varieties of varieties. Chinese pears - varieties and beneficial properties of a low-calorie fruit

» Varieties of pears

Asian, Japanese, Taiwanese, shortbread, Neshi - as soon as they do not call the Chinese pear! This foreign fruit appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, but has already gained popularity due to its pleasant and unusual taste. In addition, the Chinese pear is quite easy to grow, and its fruits have a lot of useful properties.

The modern Chinese pear originates from the Yamanashi pear. The hard and tart fruit was sour and tasteless, it was not in great demand. But thanks to the efforts of Chinese breeders, a new species was bred, devoid of excessive astringency, but at the same time retaining the best taste characteristics.

What does a Chinese pear look like?

The fruits of the Chinese pear are round, dense. Color depends on variety- pears can be either light yellow or even pale greenish, or bronze. The peel is covered with brownish speckles, similar to grains of sand (which is why the pear is called sand pear). The flesh is white, juicy, but firm and crispy.

How to choose a ripe fruit?

For the Chinese pear, the selection criteria are the same as for other varieties of pears: taste, firmness, peel. It is better to choose in the market and not in the off-season, since the market has the opportunity to try the fruit before buying. The taste of a ripe fruit has a slight sourness, the flesh is devoid of lumps, very juicy. The fruit should be firm, but by no means soft. Also, it should not deform under the fingers. A ripe Chinese pear has a smooth skin with speckles, but without dark spots and even more so without traces of mold.

Unripe fruits often arrive on store shelves., and in order for the pear to “ripen”, you need to hold it at room temperature. An unripe Chinese pear can also be placed in a paper bag with an apple or banana - as practice shows, "it ripens faster together." At the same time, it must be remembered that ripe fruits are best stored in the refrigerator, since they will quickly deteriorate in heat, and at low temperatures the shelf life increases from one to three weeks.

About the benefits and harms of this type of pear

Like any vegetable or fruit, the Chinese pear is a source of minerals, vitamins, water and fiber. The high content of vitamin C strengthens the immune system, and calcium is responsible for strengthening teeth, nails and hair. Chinese pear is recommended to eat during pregnancy, since the folic acid in the pulp benefits both the mother and the unborn child.

In addition, the Chinese pear:

  • Improves digestive system;
  • Promotes bone and muscle growth due to the high content of phosphorus;
  • Normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular systems s and prevents the risk of stroke and heart attack;
  • Supports cellular balance and prevents the formation of cancer.

It is also necessary to mention the low calorie content of the Chinese pear: one fruit weighing 200-300 grams has 140 calories. This makes the Chinese pear an ideal part of the diet.

However, a healthy Chinese pear can cause significant harm to the body. except for a few things:

  • Pear cannot be eaten on empty stomach;
  • It is not recommended to consume the fruit along with meat or dairy products.- this will cause severe indigestion;
  • If present individual intolerance on the Chinese pear, it is necessary to abandon its use;

Chinese pear is the only variety that can be consumed with fermented milk products.


Currently, several hundred varieties of Chinese pear are known with different sizes and tastes of fruits, different ripening periods and yields. However, in Russia, with its difficult climatic conditions, less than a dozen varieties have become widespread. Distinctive features of these varieties are undemanding trees to soils, a high degree of productivity and increased frost resistance. In addition, trees are resistant to drought conditions and pests.

The Chinese pear is afraid of the flower beetle.

In Russia, the following varieties of Chinese pears are most often grown:

  • morning freshness
  • Olympic (there are other names: Korean giant or Big Korean)

Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

morning freshness

This is a summer variety - pears can be harvested already in the first half of August. Self fertile. The tree gives the best harvest if the pollinators are varieties of Chinese pear such as Oriental Golden, Bronze or Kieffer. It begins to bear fruit quite quickly - 3-4 years after planting.. The variety is characterized by resistance to fungus and bacterial diseases; in the southern regions it tolerates low temperatures well. The fruits are small round, weighing about 115-180 grams, yellow in color.


Another summer variety, the removable maturity of which falls on the second half of July. The variety is frost-resistant, resistant to pests.

The tree begins to bear fruit in the second year. The fruits of the variety are small - 130-160 grams, but very rich bronze color. The pulp is sweet, juicy.


Despite the fact that the variety is self-pollinating, the neighborhood of other Chinese pears will contribute a lot to an excellent harvest. Autumn variety, harvesting begins in the second half of August.

The tree begins to bear fruit early - 2-3 years after planting. Distinctive qualities: frost resistance, resistance to pests. Fruits are bronze-brown, with very dense, but at the same time juicy sweet pulp. The weight of a pear can reach 300 grams.


A fairly popular autumn variety of Chinese pear due to its characteristics - early maturity, resistance to pests and low temperatures. This variety is not afraid of either scab or powdery mildew. The tree begins to bear fruit already in the second year with rounded fruits of a pleasant golden color with small gray specks. The weight of each fruit reaches 160 grams.

The popularity of Chinese pear in Russia is growing rapidly. This environmentally friendly variety wins favor both by its quick adaptation to climatic and soil conditions, and by its wonderful taste and aroma of fruits. If you want to plant a tree that will soon delight you with its fruits, opt for a Chinese pear - you will not regret it!

What is useful Chinese pear

Like all vegetables and fruits, the Chinese pear brings water, fiber, minerals and vitamins to the body. The calorie content of a Chinese pear is only 47 kcal per 100 g. However, if we consider that the average fruit weighs about 300 g, it turns out that the calorie content of one pear will be about 140 units. Even this figure is small for dietary nutrition, so the Chinese pear can be included in the diet for weight loss.

Chinese pear has such useful properties:

The Chinese pear is a useful fruit that will give the body health and strength, unless a person has an individual intolerance. The benefits of the Chinese pear are available to everyone, regardless of the age and health of a person.


Benefits of pears for the health of pregnant women

Harm of pear for health during pregnancy

The use of pears in traditional medicine

Is a pear harmful to the body

Dried pear - benefits and harms

Dried pear is a delicious and healthy dessert that differs in the method of preparation.

Dried in a natural way (in the sun) pear retains all useful substances, its chemical composition remains unchanged, but the energy value of the product increases significantly. If the calorie content of fresh fruits varies within 50 cal, then a dried pear is a complete dessert with an energy value within 250 cal.

Since the chemical composition of fruits does not change, they, like fresh ones, are an excellent healing tool, but they need to be used in smaller quantities. In addition, dried fruits gently cleanse the body of toxins and remove toxins.

Smoked pears can be harmful to health if they contain carcinogens. If you cooked the product yourself, on fruit wood, it can be used as a dessert, but remember that the chemical composition of dried fruit is poorer, many useful components are lost during heat treatment.

As for the combination of dried fruit with other products, there is only one limitation - milk. But dried and smoked pear goes well with other fermented milk products.

Chinese pear - useful properties and contraindications

Thanks to modern market relations that erase the boundaries between countries, a fragrant, tasty guest has appeared in our latitudes - the Chinese pear. Other fruit names are neshi, Japanese, Asian or sand pear.

Initially, the Chinese pear was not in demand because of its hardness and astringency, but thanks to the efforts of breeders, the variety became exclusive in terms of taste - sweet, slightly sour and juicy fruits, with a long shelf life. Chinese pear can be stored in the refrigerator for at least two weeks.

The shape of the fruit is oval, the color is light yellow with a slight greenish tint, small brown spots are not a marriage. This variety is most preferable for winter preparations, since the structure of fruits is preserved during the heat treatment, they do not boil soft. Also, the Chinese pear is useful for patients with diabetes, unlike the Conference variety, it has sourness in its taste, and a small amount of sugars in its composition.

The benefits of Chinese pear

This variety is the least high-calorie of all existing - the energy value of one hundred grams of the product is not more than 47 cal. That is why the Chinese pear is included in the diet. In addition, the fruits have a unique, positive effect on health:

  • the composition of the blood is normalized, the work of the brain is activated, the person feels calm and balanced;
  • improves the condition of bones, hair, teeth and nails;
  • vessels become elastic;
  • the process of synthesis of proteins necessary for the formation of cells is activated;
  • regular consumption of pears is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • pears maintain proper cellular balance, which means that the body resists changes that significantly increase the risk of developing oncological pathologies;
  • metabolic processes improve, and the work of the digestive system is activated.

Ground pear or Jerusalem artichoke - benefits for the body

Chinese pear - calories

Composition and calorie content of pear

Nash is a small rounded fruit that looks like an apple and a pear at the same time. Its taste combines sweetness with a pleasant and piquant sourness. The very low calorie content of the Chinese pear and the content of nutrients in it makes this fruit a valuable nutritional component when dieting.

One average fruit weighs about 200 g. Considering that 100 g of neshi contains only 42 kcal, then the calorie content of 1 piece of pear is 84 kcal. With such a low energy value, the Chinese pear has a rich composition of minerals and vitamins.

  1. Potassium - about 250 mg, which more than covers the body's daily need for this mineral. Potassium regulates the water-salt balance, takes an active part in the functioning of the nervous system, stimulates the intestines, is necessary for the urinary system and maintains normal blood pressure.
  2. The content of phosphorus (22 mg), magnesium (16 mg), calcium (8 mg) allows you to enrich the body and balance the work of internal organs and systems while dieting or during active physical exertion.
  3. Vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, C, K, E, choline make neshi a valuable dietary product that can and should be consumed to replenish the body with essential nutrients.

Regular consumption of Chinese pear helps cleanse the intestines, balance the digestive system, improve metabolism, replenish potassium, phosphorus and folic acid (B9). Pear (1 pc. per day) will practically not affect the daily calorie content, but will please you with its delicate taste and enrich the diet.

Pear, its benefits and harms

fragrant pear with wonderful pulp and sweet juice, and striving to flow down the fingers, is an unspoken symbol of summer. The fruits of this plant of the "pink" family are represented by dozens of varieties and come in early, middle and late ripening periods. There are also rare decorative low species of pear bushes, but most often you can find trees up to 30 meters in height, characterized by lush snow-white flowering in May.

It is known for certain that the first varieties were not eaten raw. Historians have not yet come to a consensus regarding the origin of pears - some tend to classify trees as typical mediterranean cultures, others are sure that the birthplace of fruits in Central Asia, others classify it as a "native" of the middle lane and south Russia.

The culture, known for several millennia, remains one of the most beloved to this day.

The chemical composition of fruits

Pears have an amazing composition and simply ooze with vitamins. They found many useful elements:

  • vitamins - PP, K, A, H, E, C, B9, B6, B1, B5, B2;
  • mineral components - calcium, sodium, magnesium, fluorine, selenium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, phosphorus, iodine, rubidium, sulfur, nickel, cobalt, chlorine, silicon, vanadium, boron, molybdenum;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • cellulose;
  • sugars (di- and monosaccharides);
  • organic acids;
  • beta-carotene and carotenoids;
  • pectins;
  • enzymes;
  • starch;
  • ash;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins.

The fruits are made up of 85% from the water and 9% from carbohydrates, which characterizes their rapid assimilation. The nutritional value of a fruit is determined by the following indicators:

  • proteins ~ 0.3 g;
  • fats ~ 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates ~ 10.5 g;
  • pear calorie ~ 48-54 kcal.

In addition to excellent taste and amazing aroma, pear boasts folic acid, from which serotonin, known as "joy hormone" which makes it, in turn, the fruit of happiness. What else is a pear good for?

It has been proven that the fruits of the summer-autumn ripening period have the maximum benefit for the body. So, for example, among the beneficial effects of pears on the human body include the following:

  • increase in hemoglobin levels and prevention of anemia;
  • lowering blood sugar;
  • improvement of hormonal levels and thyroid function;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • increasing the body's ability to prevent the attacks of viral and infectious diseases;
  • improvement of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • removal of toxins, normalization of stool, reduction of putrefactive processes in the intestine;
  • prevention of the development of diseases of the stomach, intestines and digestive organs;
  • a significant improvement in the condition in the early stages of the development of cholecystitis, gastritis, etc .;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • reduction of depressive syndrome;
  • relief from insomnia;
  • prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • restoration of the process of hematopoiesis;
  • strengthening the walls and increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • positive effect on the cardiovascular system and heart.
Pears are an excellent source of energy with a huge positive effect on the body and are suitable for inclusion in the diet of people suffering from diabetes.

Pear for weight loss

Harm and contraindications

Norm of use

Secrets of choosing delicious pears

Pear: health benefits and harms

Wild pears have been cultivated for thousands of years. This fruit tree is distributed on all continents. Today, the main suppliers of pears are China, Italy, America and Italy. In Russia, huge pear plantations are located in the Krasnodar Territory. In terms of popularity, the product is inferior only to the apple tree. Pear puree, juices, and just the fruits themselves often appear in the daily diet, especially in the summer.

Today, not only sweet dishes and desserts are prepared from pears, but even side dishes for meat and poultry. Taste characteristics are determined by the fruit variety. In cosmetology and traditional medicine, an ordinary pear is also used: the health benefits and harms of this fragrant and juicy fruit will be discussed in detail below.

Not only the fruits of the plant, but also the leaves have healing properties. They contain flavonoids and organic acids, which allow the use of green parts of the plant for the preparation of medicinal decoctions and tinctures. Pears are an integral part of the diet. Despite their high sugar content, they promote weight loss and help regulate appetite.

Pears and their health benefits

The value of pears is explained by their amazing taste and healing qualities. The fruit pulp contains a variety of mineral compounds, vitamins, dietary fiber and monosaccharides, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fresh fruits are recommended for the prevention of beriberi. The fruits contain a lot of potassium, which makes it possible to rank the pear among the best products for normalizing the activity of the nervous system and heart. Although other foods contain potassium in large quantities.

The benefits and harms of pears for human health are explained by their special chemical composition. The same components can both heal and harm health. That is why pear should be consumed in reasonable quantities.

The calorie content of a pear depends on the variety. Dietary are pears of the "Ya" variety grown in China. Their calorie content does not exceed 45 kcal per 100 g. It is preferable to use fresh fruits, so you can save the maximum benefit of the product. Pears contribute to rapid satiety, fill the stomach, relieve hunger, and have a positive effect on brain function. Eating fresh pears is recommended during periods of high mental stress.

Other useful properties of the product include:

  • improves blood composition - the pulp of the fruit contains useful substances, including folic acid, which is necessary for the normalization of hematopoietic functions. The product stimulates the processing of cholesterol and prevents thrombosis;
  • stabilizes the emotional state - a pear can be called a natural antidepressant. It has a positive effect on the central nervous system, eliminates anxiety, anxiety, improves sleep, helps to cope with emotional swings;
  • strengthens bones - pear contains calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for strengthening bones, tooth enamel and nails. People with increased bone fragility should include a pear in their daily diet. It can even replace special vitamins for bone strength;
  • improves metabolism - pear juice contains substances that stimulate metabolic processes. Pear promotes the production of gastric juice, stimulates intestinal motility;
  • regulates digestion - surprisingly, but pears can be recommended for both diarrhea and constipation. The fixing properties of the pear are due to the high content of tannins. True, pears will not be able to lead to constipation, but they will help with diarrhea. But with difficult bowel movements, you should eat half a large pear daily or eat a small ripe fruit shortly before going to the toilet. Pectins and fiber contained in fruits will help improve digestion and relieve chronic constipation;
  • improves the functioning of the pancreas - in moderation, the pear will be useful for restoring the natural functions of the pancreas. The composition of the product includes fructose, for the processing of which a large amount of insulin is not required;
  • reduces the risk of developing prostatitis - the fruit contains an antibiotic of natural origin - arbutin. It protects the prostate gland, helps to cope with inflammation, and has a positive effect on reproductive functions. A decoction of fruits and leaves should be taken by all men over 40 years of age as a preventive measure.

The product also has a positive effect on the kidneys, promotes their cleansing and healing. Numerous pear-based recipes for coughs and colds are known. A decoction of leaves and pear juice are used in cosmetology. With their help, dermatitis, skin rashes and acne are treated. Pear compote is also an excellent delicacy. The natural antioxidants contained in the pear promote cell regeneration and prevent age-related skin changes. Pear pulp masks have a lifting effect, deeply nourish and refresh the skin.

Chinese pear is the common name for dozens of varieties of this fruit tree common in Asia. There are other terms as well. You can get confused if you don’t know that “neshi, sand, Chinese, Japanese” are synonyms for the name of a group of oriental pears.

At the heart of all varieties are forest pears, on the improvement of the qualities of which people have worked for centuries. As a result, sweet, juicy, devoid of astringency fruits were obtained. Their shape is round, the pulp is dense, white, granular. The color of the peel, covered with small spots, is different - light yellow, bronze, red.

Chinese pear is a vigorous tree, lives up to 50 years. The height depends on the variety: some of them are below 4 m, others are above ten.

All varieties of Chinese pears have much in common:

  • partial self-fertility (during pollination, the fruits grow larger and smoother);
  • autumn ripening;
  • large decorative leaves;
  • high yield (often annual);
  • early fruiting (2nd year).

The Asian pear is moving up quickly. With the onset of fruiting, growth is inhibited, but the yield increases every year.

Removed from the tree:

  • after 5 years - 60–80 kg;
  • after 30 years - up to 200 kg;
  • sometimes - up to 500 kg.

Chinese pears are cultivated not only in Asia. They have long migrated to Europe, Australia, America. In Russia, this fruit tree brings crops only in the southern regions. Therefore, where winters are cold, hybrids of Asian varieties are planted with European or Far Eastern varieties. For example, Druzhba pears survive in frosts down to -35 degrees, preserving not only shoots, but also fruit buds.

The composition and calorie content of the fruit

The fruits of the Chinese pear weigh 200–300 g. Sweet, with a slight pleasant sourness, they contain almost all the useful substances necessary for the human body.

The Chinese pear contains (per 100 g):

  • carbohydrates - 7.05 g;
  • fats - 0.23 g;
  • proteins - 0.4–0.5 g;
  • dietary fiber - 3-4 g;
  • vitamins (C, A, K, E);
  • minerals (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper, potassium and others).

The calorie content of the Chinese pear is low - less than 50 kcal.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the Chinese pear is that, subject to the requirements for safety, it easily tolerates transportation.

In addition, she:

  • unpretentious to the climate (excluding frosty);
  • easily adapts to new conditions during transplantation;
  • undemanding to the soil;
  • not afraid of drought;
  • resistant to pests;
  • has unique nutritional properties.


  • in the middle lane may not bear fruit;
  • some varieties after ripening are stored for no more than a week.

Ripe fruits are easily damaged peel.


In Europe, Ukraine, Russia, less than ten of the entire variety of Asian pear varieties are grown. All of them are productive, resistant to diseases and frosts.

Pear Nashy

Fruits for 4-5 years. The fruit looks like an apple.

  • height - from 3 m;
  • fruits - yellow, weighing up to 200 g;
  • ripening period - autumn.

The variety is zoned for the middle lane.

morning freshness

Self fertile variety. Fruits for 3-4 years:

  • height - up to 4 m;
  • fruits are yellow, round, weighing 100–200 g;

Pears are very tasty, they are stored for no more than a month.


Fruits in the second year:

  • pears - bronze-colored, crispy, rounded, weighing 130–170 g;
  • ripening period - the end of July.

Ripe pears have a very short shelf life.


The variety is self-pollinating. Fruits for 2-3 years:

  • pears - bronze-brown, with hard flesh, very sweet, juicy, weighing up to 300 g;
  • ripening period - the end of August.

Stored until December.


Early maturing, partially self-fertile variety. Fruiting in the second year:

  • pears - golden, rounded, weighing 160 g;
  • ripening period - autumn.

Pears are tasty, fragrant, firmly attached to the branches. Keep until January.

crystal pear

The variety is not afraid of temperature changes, calorie content is extremely low.

  • fruits - light, firm, weighing 160 g;
  • ripening period - autumn.

Landing and care

The Chinese pear is propagated by grafting. For rootstock take:

  • forest,
  • birch,
  • late
  • Ussuri pear.

Irga and black mountain ash are excellent: the flexibility of these plants allows you to bend the tree to cover it from frost before winter. Irga helps the pear even if the soil is calcareous, gravel, groundwater is close.

Planted at a height of 1 meter. Escape take the strongest. It should be borne in mind that unrelated vaccinations are unstable, so they are repeated after two years throughout the life of the tree.

When buying seedlings, look to:

  • the tree was one or two years old;
  • trunk - durable;
  • branches - no breakage;
  • roots are flexible.

A Chinese pear is suitable for a site where the soil:

  • saturated with nutrients;
  • loose;
  • non-clay.

You can plant a Chinese pear in spring or autumn. A landing pit with a depth and diameter of at least 60 cm is prepared for six months. A nutrient mixture is placed at the bottom - humus, superphosphate and potassium chloride. If the land on the site is rich in phosphorus, copper, nitrogen, magnesium and other substances, the planting pit is not additionally fertilized.

An Asian pear on a vigorous rootstock needs a lot of space to grow, so each tree is allocated an area of ​​​​5 m2. If a dwarf rootstock is used, 4 m2 of space is required.

Place for landing choose:

  • on the south side;
  • well lit;
  • away from shaded areas;
  • on a hill (cold moist air collects in the lowlands).

If these conditions are not taken into account, the yield will fall, the taste of the fruit will begin to deteriorate, the skin will become pale.

Before planting, the damaged parts of the tree are cut out with a sharp tool, the seedling is soaked in water for 1-2 days.

A peg is stuck at the bottom of the pit, the roots are straightened along the prepared mound at the bottom. When planting, make sure that the root neck remains 6 cm above the surface. The soil is carefully compacted, the seedling is tied up.

The Asian pear does not require frequent watering: damp soil will cause root rot. But the drying of the earth will have a bad effect on the plant. The grower must ensure that the soil remains evenly moist. Moreover, water is not poured onto the ground near the trunk, drip irrigation is preferable.

Further care consists in removing weeds, loosening, mulching the soil.


  • In spring, ammonium nitrate is added to the soil - 20 g per 1 m2.
  • In the autumn after harvest every 3 years - organic fertilizers.
  • In the second year, weak branches are cut out, leaving 4 even ones at the same distance from each other.
  • In the future, in early spring, small, damaged and branches growing inside the crown are removed.

Harvesting begins when the fruits become sweet, soft, and their skin changes color from green to yellow or red. Gather carefully: without throwing, without damaging the peel, carefully laying in a maximum of 3 rows. Often, each fruit is wrapped separately.

As soon as the fruits are ripe, they need to be eaten. The fact is that, having become soft, they are easily damaged. Therefore, in the store they should be in the refrigerator in individual packaging.

When buying, make sure that:

  • the peel was smooth, without scratches and large dark spots;
  • pulp - dense, not rumpled under the hands;
  • mold was missing.

Both the smell and taste of fruits will be much brighter if they are kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours before eating.

If, nevertheless, some of the fruits are not fully ripe, they are kept indoors at +20 degrees. If the temperature is above +30 degrees, the fruits will ripen, but will not be tasty enough. And in order to preserve sweet fruits for as long as possible, the temperature in the place of detention should not be higher than +15 degrees.

Diseases and pests

The Chinese pear is practically not afraid of many diseases of fruit trees: scab, fungi, rust. Therefore, regular treatment with chemicals is not required.

The tree suffers from the flower beetle. Prevention:

  • cleaning the trunk from damaged bark;
  • whitewashing boles;
  • burning fallen leaves;
  • glue traps on trunks.

To destroy beetles, insecticides are used: Intavir, Kinmiks and preparations of a similar action, using them in accordance with the instructions.

The Chinese pear cannot be planted near the juniper, since the fungus that this plant often suffers from is contagious for it. In some cases, diseased spores can be carried up to 2 km.

The benefits and harms of Chinese pear

Chinese pear is recognized by nutritionists as an indispensable product for those who want to lose weight, who care about their health. Moreover, these Asian varieties (the only ones of all types) are compatible with fermented milk products.

How few calories are in a Chinese pear, so many useful substances in it:

  1. Ascorbic acid improves immunity.
  2. Essential oils provide a diuretic effect.
  3. Antioxidants slow down the aging process.
  4. Vitamin PP improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels.
  5. Vitamins of group B improve the functioning of the nervous system, E, K - balance the hormonal balance, fight skin aging, stop the development of atherosclerosis.

Chinese pears help treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including enteritis.

Fiber facilitates the digestion of food, inhibits the formation of stones. Fiber cleans the intestines, so it acts as a laxative.

Thanks to potassium, all muscles work better, including the heart. The pressure normalizes, the vessels function well, blood clots do not form.

Phosphorus helps convert fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy. Folic acid plays a role in the creation of new cells.

Eating these varieties helps to cope with a cough:

  • dry and with phlegm;
  • with chronic bronchitis;
  • with a sore throat;
  • with tuberculosis.

The fruits are useful in liver diseases, including hepatitis and the consequences of alcohol consumption.

There is research evidence that the juice relieves alcohol intoxication, so it is good to use it after a hangover. The Chinese pear has the same cleansing effect for smokers and lovers of smoked meats.

In diabetes, eating raw Chinese pears is beneficial as it lowers cholesterol levels.

Chinese scientists tested the assumption that the pear has a curative effect on cancer. Experiments on mice have shown that drinking warm pear juice suppresses uncontrolled cell division. This juice helps to remove carcinogens, toxins, salts of heavy metals from the body.

Juicy fruits are useful for both children and the elderly, in particular women in menopause. In addition, they prevent the development of breast cancer.

During pregnancy, it is advisable to eat 2-3 juicy fruits daily - this will provide the body with everything necessary for the development of the fetus.

Chinese pear seeds are expelled from the intestines of worms.

Whether this fruit will bring benefit or harm depends on the fulfillment of simple requirements. Chinese pear:

  • you can not eat on an empty stomach, as well as with milk and meat;
  • it is desirable to peel (worse digested, may contain chemical residues);
  • do not eat unripe: this causes disorder of the stool.

For older people, it is better to eat a Chinese pear either completely ripe or baked.
Basically, the pear is eaten raw. But you can make compote, juice, jam, jam out of it. In this form, it is used as a confectionery raw material. Asian pears boiled in syrup are eaten as a hot dessert. They are good in fruit salad. Spicy pear sauce goes well with meat.

The pear, which is called Chinese, Asian, sand, Taiwanese, appeared thanks to the efforts of breeders from the Middle Kingdom.

Based on a wild-growing plant with a tart, sour taste called Neshi (Nashi, Yamashi), they managed to create modern varieties that are unpretentious to climatic conditions, good transportability, pleasant, unusual taste characteristics, rich in vitamins and minerals. Today, Chinese pears are grown not only in Asia, but also in Italy, Spain, Australia, France, Chile and New Zealand, California and Oregon.

Varieties and their features

In most Russian regions with a "harsh" and unpredictable climate, several varieties of Asian pear are also successfully cultivated today, which are quite unpretentious in care, high-yielding, frost-resistant.


The value of the variety is that it does not need pollinators (bees growing in the neighborhood of related trees), it is not susceptible to fungal diseases, scab. The crop yields for 2-3 years, the collection of fruits begins in August and continues until mid-autumn. Hosu ​​pears have an unusual bronze-brown color, sweet taste (contain up to 12% sugar), dense juicy flesh.


The most early-ripening variety, also not afraid of harsh winters, diseases or pests. The first fruits can be harvested two years after planting the tree. Kosu are distinguished by bronze-brown skin, juiciness, sweet taste.


A self-fertile variety popular with Russian gardeners, characterized by precocity (a tree can please the harvest already in the second year after planting). Perfectly adapts to the climate and soil characteristics, resistant to scab, powdery mildew. The taste is sweet and sour, the pulp is very dense. Fruits are stored in a cool room for several months.

morning freshness

Winter-hardy variety, characterized by active growth, resistance to fungi. Juicy, crispy, round fruits (weighing up to 170 gr.) Ripe in summer.

crystal pear

The variety has gained popularity due to its excellent yield and resistance to temperature extremes, scab, and fungi. Fruits with hard pulp, light yellow taste with borax dots ripen in autumn. A distinctive feature is its low calorie content, which allows the use of this variety in the diet.

Gardeners may be interested in the fact that 500 years ago in Japan, it was customary to plant Asian pears in the corners of the site or near the gate in order to drive away evil spirits, evil spirits, and protect the house from enemies.

Tips from a Chinese doctor and a recipe for pear and ginger to protect against colds:


Almost all varieties of Chinese pear are “champions” in terms of the lowest calorie content. On average, 100 gr. the pulp of a ripe fruit contains only 42-45 kcal (5% of the daily dietary intake).

This product, according to research published in 2009 in the European Journal of Nutrition, was included in the honorary list of the most useful on our planet. People who follow the figure can safely afford a full serving of this product, one Chinese pear on average contains almost a third less calories than a medium-sized sweet and sour apple.

Asian pears are almost free of fat (trans fat, saturated fat) as well as cholesterol. But their pulp is full of fiber, which allows you to quickly get enough and forget about the feeling of hunger for a while, and this is very important for people on a diet.

However, keep in mind that 100 g of dried pears contain about 270 kcal.

Beneficial features

The Chinese pear has gained popularity not only due to its low calorie content, but also because it contains a huge amount of useful micro and macro elements, vitamins, and fiber.

Nasha fruits are an excellent source of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. Potassium dilates blood vessels, which means it lowers blood pressure, which eases the load on the entire cardiovascular system, prevents the appearance of blood clots.

Consumption of pears, and Chinese in particular, helps prevent atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes. In addition, potassium ensures the balance of fluids in cells and organs. With a deficiency of this macronutrient, many body functions slow down, which negatively affects a person’s well-being.

Without calcium, another macronutrient that Nasha fruits are rich in, it is impossible to imagine healthy teeth and bones, beautiful, strong hair, skin and nails.

Chinese pears contain a lot of antioxidants, vitamins A and C, flavonoids that can effectively fight free radicals that lead to the mutation of healthy cells into cancer cells. Antioxidants have anti-carcinogenic properties, so pears prevent the occurrence of various types of cancer, including colon and rectal, breast, prostate and lung cancer.

Vitamin C contained in the Chinese pear is good for the immune system, stimulates the production of white cells, and prevents diseases such as seasonal colds and flu.

In traditional Chinese medicine, Neshi fruit is used for detoxification, ease of urination, thinning of phlegm, and treatment of constipation. Since ancient times, Chinese herbalists have used Nash to treat laryngitis, coughs, and sore throats. They advise patients in season to eat at least 1-2 pears daily to replenish the body's supply of macronutrients, vitamins, and other minerals.

Chinese women know the secret of how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. To do this, it is enough to hold the pulp of an Asian pear on the skin for 10-15 minutes.

The Nashi pear contains a lot of fiber, pectins, so it is among the products indispensable for the smooth functioning of the digestive system.

Harvested for future use, dried, dried fruits are rich in iron. Doctors recommend decoctions, compotes from this dried fruit to patients who need rehabilitation after severe operations involving blood loss.


  • The fruit is not eaten on an empty stomach, because bloating and heartburn are likely. Pears are not washed down with milk, they are not consumed simultaneously with meat - digestion worsens.
  • Elderly people are recommended lightly baked or very soft sleepy fruits.
  • Pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding babies are not forbidden to eat a Chinese pear. It is only recommended to peel off the peel, on which there may be residues of chemicals and fertilizers.
  • We must not forget about individual intolerance to pears.

Remember, pears are a strong diuretic, so they should not be consumed before bedtime, a long journey.

How to choose a ripe fruit?

Chinese pears continue to ripen after being harvested. Therefore, those that are sold in stores are so carefully packed - each fruit is wrapped in a net and stored in a separate cell. Before buying, check if there are any dents on the fruits. Brown (but not black!) Dots are allowed only on the skin of the Crystal Pear variety.

Chinese pears can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three months. But, keep in mind that they absorb foreign odors, so make sure that the purchased fruits do not absorb unwanted odors.

Before eating, pears should be removed from the refrigerator in advance (3-5 hours in advance) to enjoy their full taste.

Application in cooking

Among the culinary recipes that use the Chinese pear, salads are in the first place. It is dense, juicy, pleasantly crunchy, not darker after cutting, which is important for the aesthetics of the finished dish.

asian salad


  • daikon (medium size)
  • 1 st. mayonnaise spoon,
  • 1 teaspoon grainy mustard.


  1. Peeled daikon and pear are cut into strips using a potato peeler or a grater with large holes.
  2. Mayonnaise and mustard are mixed.
  3. The resulting mixture is seasoned with salad. You can sprinkle with black pepper.

In Asia, and now in Europe, side dishes of their Chinese pear are popular with fish and meat dishes. But you can cook and unusual food.

Beef Tartare with Asian Pear (Yukhoe)


  • 250 g of fresh selected beef (do not waste time here, as the meat according to this recipe is not subjected to heat treatment);
  • 1 Nash pear
  • 10 g of ginger root?
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • a few finely chopped green onions
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 4 quail eggs.


  1. The meat, having been cleaned of films and tendons, is cut into small pieces to make it look like minced meat. You can’t use a meat grinder, as the structure of beef and taste change.
  2. Crush garlic with a press, add onion, soy sauce, sesame oil. Add the resulting mixture to the meat and mix. Form flat cutlets (4 pcs.)
  3. Divide the Nash into 4 parts, remove the core and cut a recess in each quarter with a teaspoon - an egg stand.
  4. Quail eggs should be broken in the center, put the yolk in half of the shell and how much protein will fit. Put a quarter of the pear on the "cutlet" and put the egg in the hole on top.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the seasonal sales of the fresh crop of Nasha pears begin in December and continue until March.

In contact with

Thanks to the development of economic relations between countries, people got the opportunity to enjoy exotic fruits grown in other territories. The fruits of the Chinese pear hit the shelves of stores in other countries not so long ago, but during this time they managed to gain their fans. But the benefits and harms of the Chinese pear are still known only to a small number of people. Chinese pear has other names: neshi, Asian, Japanese or sand pear. The progenitor of the Chinese pear is the Yamanashi pear. This variety was not loved because of its astringency and hardness. However, Chinese breeders were able to develop a variety based on Yamanashi that retained the best taste and got rid of the shortcomings.

There are several dozen types of Chinese pear. In appearance, they all look like a rounded pear. Fruit color: light yellow, sometimes with a greenish tint. The peel of the fruit is covered with small brownish spots.

All varieties of pears have a juicy and sweet taste with a slight sourness. At the same time, the white pulp is quite dense, which is appreciated by many buyers.

What is useful Chinese pear

Like all vegetables and, the Chinese pear brings water, fiber, minerals and vitamins to the body. The calorie content of a Chinese pear is only 47 kcal per 100 g. However, if we consider that the average fruit weighs about 300 g, it turns out that the calorie content of one pear will be about 140 units. Even this figure is small for dietary nutrition, so the Chinese pear can be included in the diet for weight loss.

Chinese pear has such useful properties:

The Chinese pear is a useful fruit that will give the body health and strength, unless a person has an individual intolerance. The benefits of Chinese are available to everyone, regardless of the age and health of a person.
