
Sour milk benefits and harm to the body. Yogurt (sour milk) - benefit or harm to the human body? What is more useful: kefir, fermented baked milk or curdled milk

The speed of our life does not always allow us to spend a lot of time on culinary research. Of course, sometimes you want something "such", but quick and easy to prepare.

I suggest you cook a roll of thin pita bread with spicy carrots in Korean. It can be consumed raw, baked a little in the oven or microwave, especially if the recipe includes hard or processed cheese. By the way, it’s not a shame to decorate even a festive table with such a masterpiece. Here are some ideas for you.

Lavash roll with ham, cheese and Korean carrot

Kitchenware: knife, large flat surface, cutting board, spatula or tablespoon for spreading, mat for making rolls (optional), foil.


The subtleties of a successful roll

  • In order for the roll to keep its shape when cutting, it must be rolled up quite tightly. If there is no experience in this matter, use a roll mat.
  • The “far” edge of the pita bread should be free of filling, especially loose stuffing: when folded, it will slowly move away and may fall out of the dough. It is enough to leave 3-4 cm without filling.
  • A liquid spread will allow you to glue this edge of the roll: you need to lubricate the entire sheet with it.
  • Also, so that the filling does not fall out, lay out pieces with a larger area on the “far” edge, for example, circles of ham.

If you really wanted to try this dish, but you didn’t find the basic ingredient in the nearest stores, cook the “Armenian lavash” yourself.

Video of making roll with ham

The video shows step by step the method of forming a roll. Find out how it can be beautifully served to the table.

Are 2 rolls enough for you? Cut 1 sheet of dough in half and form into a small roll. Wrap the remaining pita bread in polyethylene and cook from it for the next meal.

Lavash roll with crab sticks and Korean carrot

Preparation time: 45-50 minutes.
Servings: 3-4.
Kitchenware: 3 small bowls, grater, knife, garlic press, foil, large flat surface, spatula or tablespoon, roll mat (optional)


Cooking sequence

  1. Prepare mayonnaise sauce by mixing 300 g of mayonnaise with 4 cloves of garlic passed through a press in a small bowl.

  2. In another bowl, coarsely grate 2 peeled cucumbers, set aside so that they let the juice flow.

  3. Coarsely grate 250 g crab sticks into a third bowl.

  4. Spread the first sheet of pita bread on a clean surface. Spread half of the mayonnaise sauce over it.

  5. Smooth the grated crab sticks over the sauce.

  6. Cover with the second sheet of dough.

  7. Spread the remaining half of the mayonnaise sauce over it. Lightly squeeze the grated cucumbers with your hands, drain the juice. Spread the cucumbers over the surface of the second sheet.

  8. Spread the Korean carrot on top of the cucumbers.

  9. Roll tightly, wrap in foil and refrigerate 2-3 hours.

Video of making roll with crab sticks

See how to correctly distribute the amount of ingredients stated in the recipe over a sufficiently large surface of the dough. Find out the secret to quickly cooling the roll.

Did you not use all the dough and make a smaller portion? Prepare —chips from pita bread—. If there are guests on the doorstep and you don’t have time to cook, please them with other “lavash snacks” as well.

Lavash shawarma with chicken and Korean carrot

Preparation time: 1 hour.
Servings: 8.
Kitchenware: cutting board, frying pan, knife, 5 small bowls, pastry tongs (optional), gravy boat.


Fatty sour cream50 g
Mayonnaise any50 g
Kefir fat50 g
Garlic1 small tooth
Salt, ground black and red sweet pepper, suneli hopstaste
Chicken fillet400 g
fresh tomatoes2 pcs.
fresh cucumbers2 pcs.
Bulb onions1 big head
Chinese cabbage1/2 fork
Korean carrot200 g
Vegetable refined oil2 tbsp. l.
Thin lavash4 sheets

Cooking sequence

Prepare the Sauce

Sauce making video

Once the sauce is cooked, get down to shawarma.

Prepare the stuffing

  • Heat up a frying pan and add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable refined oil.
  • Cut 400 g of chicken fillet into medium slices and send to fry over medium heat (10-15 minutes). When the fillet is browned, salt it with a pinch of salt.
  • If desired, pepper with ground pepper on the tip of a knife and simmer the meat under the lid for another 5 minutes.
  • While the chicken is cooking, slice 2 tomatoes into thin slices and transfer to the first bowl. Cut 2 fresh cucumbers into strips, transfer to a second bowl.
  • Cut 1 large onion into thin quarter rings, transfer to a third bowl. Finely chop half a fork of Chinese cabbage, transfer to a fourth bowl.
  • In the fifth bowl, put 200 g of Korean carrots.

Decorate shawarma

  1. Spread a sheet of pita bread on a flat, clean surface.

  2. Visually divide it in width into extreme 1/4, middle 1/2 and again extreme 1/4. On the middle 1/2 of the dough, line a quarter of the fried chicken with a 2-inch backing from the edge. Top with a quarter of the sliced ​​tomatoes.

  3. Arrange fresh cucumber slices on the tomatoes.

  4. Next, distribute a quarter of the shredded Chinese cabbage.

  5. Lay out a quarter portion of Korean carrots in the same way. Sprinkle a quarter of the chopped onion on top.

  6. Pour over the ingredients with a quarter of the sauce.

  7. Wrap the dough with an envelope, transfer to a tray.

  8. Do this manipulation with the remaining three sheets of dough.
  9. Heat the finished shawarma for several minutes in a dry frying pan under the lid on both sides.

Shawarma making video

Learn how to properly arrange the filling on a sheet of dough and roll up the shawarma beautifully.

Sometimes spicy and savory dishes come in very handy, especially in express cuisine, where they can simultaneously satisfy your hunger and please yourself with a rich taste.

Lavash with Korean carrots is not quite an ordinary combination, which, however, is liked by many people for its pronounced spicy note and juiciness, because carrots are rubbed on a special grater that keeps its juice inside.

Cooking such an unpretentious treat for the whole family is very simple: we buy a thin flatbread, a pickled orange vegetable and cheese in the store.

Stuffing for pita bread with Korean carrot

This dish is convenient, first of all, because it is easy and quick to prepare, and it can also become a full-fledged snack for strong alcoholic drinks.

Most often, Korean-style pita bread with carrots is cooked and served in portions, wrapping the filling inside the whole cake. But you can build a bigger and thicker pita bread, and then cut it with a sharp and thin knife into beautiful diagonal pieces.

Usually, mayonnaise is added to spicy Asian carrots and cheese - this sauce makes the appetizer juicier and tastier. Of course, this is always the choice of the culinary specialist, but "Your Cook" recommends brushing the dry cake with sauce to make the treat tastier.

And you can see the process of making homemade mayonnaise sauce in the video below.

  • They put anything in such a recipe - it all depends on your personal gastronomic preferences. Very often, fresh herbs are added to the recipe for flavor.
  • You can use a variety of types of cheeses - they are all good in combination with Korean carrots. So take the one that you especially like.
  • In addition to pickled carrots, you can safely wrap fresh juicy vegetables in pita bread, as well as canned pickles and so on.
  • If you are a convinced meat eater, then you can add both spicy and fried chicken to such a pita appetizer with Korean carrots - it will come out very satisfying and appetizing.

Lavash with Korean carrots and cheese: a quick appetizer recipe


  • Lavash thin - 2 sheets + -
  • - 250 g + -
  • - 250 g + -
  • - 4 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 1 bunch + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 1 large fruit + -

How to cook at home with your own hands a delicious appetizer of pita bread and carrots in Korean

This dish is made both general and for each eater separately, but its serving is still more beautiful when the cake with the filling is cut into identical slices.

  • If you use hard cheese for cooking, then it must be grated on a coarse grater.

Suluguni is usually found on sale in the form of long strips, but if they are very large, then it makes sense to disassemble the cheese into smaller fibers: they are easier to chew.

  • We wash the tomato under cold water, divide the fruit into two halves and remove the hard “middle” of the red tomato.
  • We chop the vegetable into longitudinal, not too small pieces. We drain the excess juice so that it does not soak the pita bread.
  • We wash a bunch of greens thoroughly under a tap, shake off excess liquid, cut off the stems of the plant. Coarsely chop the succulent leaves.
  • We spread the pita leaf on the working surface, on top of it, a little at an angle and a little lower, lay the second one (for strength).
  • Lubricate the pita bread with mayonnaise and pepper the sauce on top. You can put mayonnaise in the filling itself, but this way the appetizer will come out tastier and juicier.
  • We lay out the Korean carrot on top, trying to do it carefully and not forgetting that the edges of the cake on both sides should remain free.
  • Put chopped tomatoes on top of carrots. Here, if desired, a lightly salted cucumber can also come up.
  • We also send our cheese (brine suluguni or grated hard cheese) to the filling. Sprinkle all this on top with greenfinch.
  • We wrap the pita bread carefully and slowly, trying to make the bundle tighter.

But do not overdo it, because too dense will simply tear when frying or slicing.

  • We heat the pan over low heat and put our pita bread in it, first on one side, then on the other.
  • Fry it without oil, preferably 2 minutes on each side: one minute without a lid and one under it.

  • We take out the heated and browned pita bread from the pan and put it on a dish. Cut into bite-sized pieces with a very sharp knife.

By the way, such an appetizer may well be offered to home or guests and cold - it remains juicy and tasty at any temperature.

Lavash rolls with melted cheese and Korean carrots


  • Lavash thin - 2 pcs.;
  • Green cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • Korean spicy carrot - 250 g;
  • Processed cheese - 250 g;
  • Fresh parsley - 1 bunch.

How to make a quick roll of pita bread and spicy carrots at home: a step-by-step recipe

  1. We randomly chop the Korean-style carrot with a knife to make short pieces out of it, which will look prettier in our pita bread roll.
  2. We wash the cucumber under the tap, cut off the “caps” from the juicy vegetable and cut into long thin strips.
  3. Rinse parsley leaves under cold running water, shake off moisture and chop coarsely with a knife.
  4. Grind the melted cheese as finely as it comes out: three on a fine grater or use another kitchen grinder.
  5. We sprinkle our fragrant fresh greens on top of it, also covering the entire pita bread with it, without departing from any edges.
  6. We spread the Asian fresh flatbread on the countertop, sprinkle it with generously grated processed cheese, and try to cover the entire surface of the pita bread with it.
  7. We lay out the Korean carrot on top, trying to retreat from both side edges of the cake by about 4-5 centimeters.
  8. We lay out our cucumber in vertical stripes, retreating about 5 centimeters from the previous green strip.
  9. We twist the pita bread, simply folding it into a tube so that a tight bundle comes out. Here we have a long snack roll.
  10. Now we need to cut this roll. With a sharp blade, cut the cake with the filling into pieces of the same thickness.
  11. We lay the slices on a dish with the inside up, so that it comes out beautifully and festively. From above, you can sprinkle a treat with the same fresh parsley.

An excellent snack at any time of the year and in any situation will be a pita roll with Korean carrots, which every housewife can cook. The main ingredients are: thin pita bread, Korean-style carrots (you can buy in a store or make it yourself), cheese (melted or soft), egg, mayonnaise (store, farm or homemade).

The secondary ingredients for the filling depend on your preference. It can be:

  • garlic;
  • greenery;
  • meat products (sausage, chicken, ham).

If you don’t want to buy ready-made pita bread, Korean-style carrots and mayonnaise in the store, you can make them at home. The number of products in grams is approximate. If the mass of the ingredient is not indicated, then you need to decide on the amount at your discretion.

Preparation of the main filling

Before making lavash rolls, you should prepare the filling in a separate plate (for one standard sheet of lavash):

  1. Hard boil one egg, then cool it. Peeled protein and yolk cut into small pieces with a knife or grate on a coarse grater. Pour into a bowl.
  2. Grate soft or semi-hard cheese on a fine grater. If you bought processed cheese, then chop with a knife. Send to the plate with the egg.
  3. Pour about 50-60 grams of Korean carrots into a plate with cheese and an egg. Mix thoroughly. It is recommended to chop the carrots a little if the straws are very long.
  4. Add mayonnaise and mix everything again.

Add salt and pepper to taste. Before doing this, try the "minced meat", as carrots already have them.

The recipe for pita roll with Korean carrots is quite simple if all the ingredients have already been bought and chopped in advance. In this case, you should simply combine them in one container and stir. But if you want everything to be as natural and healthy as possible, then you will have to allocate an additional few hours for cooking. Let's look at how you can cook Korean-style carrots, mayonnaise and pita bread yourself.

Korean carrot

Choose a thick, but not very long carrot, take a special Korean-style carrot grater (if you don’t have it, then cut it thinly into strips) and grate it into a separate container. For one pita roll, it is enough to grate about 50-60 grams of raw vegetable. Then sweeten with ½ teaspoon sugar and sea salt (at the tip of the teaspoon). Add 9% vinegar (1 teaspoon) at the very end. Next, stir the resulting mixture with your hand. Send carrots to the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

For pita roll with Korean carrots, it is not necessary to make a popular filling of mushrooms, squid or soy meat, just an orange vegetable is enough. Remove the carrots from the refrigerator after 20 minutes. Use red and black ground pepper (¼ teaspoon each), stir. At the end, vegetable oil (3 teaspoons) is added, and everything is mixed again. Let the finished salad stand in the refrigerator for another 2-3 hours.

Mayonnaise at home

If you have a mixer or immersion blender, the cooking process will go much faster. Take one raw egg, vegetable oil (or milk) with a volume of about 100 ml, if desired, you can add a little mustard powder, salt and sugar. Combine all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend on high speed until thick. It is very important that the yolk, when broken, hit the bottom of the bowl intact.

Thick mayonnaise can be used almost immediately for pita bread roll with Korean carrots.

Thin lavash

To make thin pita bread yourself, you need to take the required amount of flour (about 100-150 grams), a little hot water (so much so that the flour turns into a semi-thick slurry) and a little bit of salt. All this is mixed up. Then the dough is kneaded by hand. When it is ready, it should be put in a container, covered with a towel. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.

Then, using a rolling pin, pieces of dough are rolled out in a thin layer and fried in a pan on both sides (1 minute on each side). The frying process is similar to baking pancakes, only without greasing the pan with oil.

Ready cakes should be sprinkled from the spray bottle and cover the stack with a towel. In this case, it is recommended to make a roll of pita bread, cheese, Korean carrots immediately so that the finished cakes do not dry out.

Lavash should be put on a flat surface, then the filling is applied with a spoon. It should be evenly distributed over the surface. Then the roll is made.

Additional stuffing

Now consider what is the additional filling. It all depends on what you and your loved ones, guests like. You can cook one roll with chicken, another with garlic, and make the third mixed.

It does not make sense to consider each recipe for pita roll with Korean carrots separately, since you can add anything to a container with an egg, carrots, cheese and mayonnaise. Only the cooking options may differ.

For example, if the chicken fillet is raw, it should be boiled, then chopped. And only after that add to the main filling. Smoked sausage, ham or sausages are finely chopped with a knife and are also added to the egg, cheese and Korean carrots.

As for garlic, you need to choose 1-2 small cloves (more if you wish), peel, chop in a garlic maker and add to the mixture.

Simple and tasteful

Remember that the compatibility of the ingredients must be respected, and the appetizer must also have an exquisite taste from harmoniously combined products.

You can use it as just a separate food, or with tea, compote, juice.

In order for the roll to be well soaked, it is advisable to send the finished product to the refrigerator for several hours. With long-term storage, it can deteriorate, so that this does not happen, after the meal, the rest must be removed in a cold place. It is recommended to eat no more than a couple of days in advance, and ideally in one sitting soon after preparation.

Everyone will like pita bread rolls and Korean carrot fillings, but it all depends on the additional ingredients.

Korean-style carrot in itself is a wonderful snack, but it also occupies a very worthy place in many dishes. For example, pita rolls - their filling can be the most diverse, including Korean carrots. It turns out an appetizer of pita bread with Korean carrots with an interesting and spicy taste that your guests and family will certainly enjoy.

Preparing such pita bread with Korean carrots is quite easy and does not take long. You just have to make a list of products and cook this delicious pita stuffed with Korean carrots, ham and cheese. By the way, it turns out very economically and inexpensively, so I recommend it wholeheartedly!


  • 2 sheets of pita bread;
  • 100 g of ham;
  • 100 g of carrots in Korean;
  • 50 g of hard cheese;
  • 3-4 tsp mayonnaise;
  • greenery for decoration.


Lavash we need sheet, thin, preferably rectangular or square. Sometimes thin round or oval pita breads are sold, but they are not very suitable for rolls, they need to be cut off. For the roll, we need 2 sheets of pita bread of the same size.

Let's deal with the filling for the pita roll - cut the ham into small cubes.

We rub hard cheese on a grater - medium or large.

We also cut carrots in Korean - so that the pieces of carrots are not so long.

Lubricate the first sheet of pita bread with mayonnaise (we use half of the total amount of sauce). We distribute the mayonnaise over the pita bread with a table knife or the back of a teaspoon - it is more convenient to apply the sauce as evenly as possible.

On top of the pita bread with mayonnaise, spread the chopped carrots in Korean.

Lubricate the second sheet of pita bread with the remaining mayonnaise and place it on the first sheet (with Korean carrots).

Put grated cheese and ham cubes on the second sheet of pita bread. The filling should be placed evenly on the pita bread.

We roll the pita bread into a tight roll. We do this carefully so that the filling does not fall out of the roll, and the pita itself does not accidentally tear.

We wrap the roll of pita bread with Korean-style carrots in cling film or foil and hide in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes. During this time, the roll will be soaked properly. This is the minimum time the lavash is in the refrigerator, but you can leave it there longer if you wish. If I make such a roll for guests, then most often I wrap it in the morning, and in the evening, before serving, I take it out of the refrigerator and cut it.

By the way, about cutting. It is best to do this with a large and sharp knife so that the cut is even, not torn. The optimal thickness of the roll rings is 1-1.5 cm. So it will not be too thin (and will not fall apart when cut), and not too thick (and it will be convenient to eat).

A plastic sheet of lavash is an endless field for culinary experiments, and a lavash roll with Korean carrots is a bright and original cold appetizer.

Spicy spicy carrot "noodles" are perfectly complemented by long sliced ​​sticks of boiled meat or sausage. The filling needs to be fastened with some kind of sauce - mayonnaise, ketchup or a mixture of them - but you do not need to overload the product with it so that the thin cake does not break through. It must be tightly rolled up, secured with cling film, and put in the refrigerator for an hour. Do not divide the roll into small pieces, otherwise there is a risk of losing the filling.


  • lavash 30 × 40 cm - 1 pc.
  • Korean carrot - 150 g
  • sausage - 150 g
  • mayonnaise - 60 ml
  • dill - 5 sprigs
  • parsley - 5 sprigs


1. From sausages, boiled, smoked and even dry-cured sausages are perfect. Cut it into small pieces of small size. You can also replace the sausage with finely chopped boiled chicken.

2. Rinse and dry the spicy greens (parsley and dill in our recipe). Tear off the leaves and chop finely.

3. Lubricate pita bread with mayonnaise or fat sour cream mixed with grated garlic. The specified amount of mayonnaise (sour cream) can be changed to your taste, you don’t need to add a lot so that the layer does not soften and tear.

4. Sprinkle chopped greens all over the layer.

5. Evenly distribute Korean carrots on a layer of greens.

6. Add chopped sausage.

7. Gently roll into a tight roll. Wrap with cling film. Place in the refrigerator for about 20-30 minutes. If there is no cling film, a plastic bag is perfect.
