
Fireweed honey: useful properties and applications. Healing qualities of honey Ivan tea or fireweed honey

09.11.2016 0

Without exception, all bee products are used in folk medicine. Fireweed honey is unique in its composition and especially valuable, having many useful properties, but there are also contraindications.

Its main component is willow-herb pollen. What it is? This plant with bright pink flowers up to one and a half meters high, is distributed mainly in Altai, the Urals, and Siberia. In the process of processing one kilogram of pollen, bees give out up to 700 kilograms of the finished product.

Main characteristics

This honey is white. So it is made by unique substances that make up:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • flavonoids;
  • enzymes;
  • glucose and fructose;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals.

The color of the product is atypical, while immediately after pumping it is light green or yellowish, and after a few months it is rich white. Buyers who are not familiar with Cypriot honey are wary of it and buy it very rarely.

Fireweed honey has a sweet floral smell and a specific taste with a slight bitterness. Due to the fact that the product is rich in glucose and fructose, it quickly crystallizes, clots and lumps form, and the light green viscous mass turns into bright white. This is also the reason for the high level of calories: 100 grams of honey contains more than 300 kilocalories.

Beneficial features

Fireweed honey, the beneficial properties of which can hardly be overestimated, has found rich application in folk medicine. And here it is important to remember the key rule - this beekeeping product is useful only in moderation. Its use will help:

  • strengthen the protective functions of the body, fill the gap in the immune system, resist various diseases, including cancer;
  • block even the smallest inflammation;
  • cope with any kind of pathogens;
  • restore the gastric mucosa, get rid of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and constipation;
  • cure a cold as soon as possible;
  • strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular system, get rid of insomnia, prevent nervous breakdowns;
  • defeat various skin diseases, acne and damage;
  • improve blood composition by activating the process of hematopoiesis and increasing the level of hemoglobin;
  • relieve painful symptoms in diseases of the urinary tract;
  • improve skin elasticity during bath procedures.

Such an impressive list is due to the fact that the use of honey is allowed externally. In cosmetology, it is a component of anti-aging creams and scrubs.


Fireweed honey, in addition to useful properties, also has contraindications:

  1. Any type of allergy - even a dosed intake can spur or develop a reaction due to the glucose content. It is not recommended to be taken by people who have had an allergy at least once.
  2. Asthmatic diseases - the enzymes that make up the product can provoke an asthmatic attack of suffocation.
  3. Hypertonic disease.
  4. Diabetes due to high glucose levels.
  5. Excess body weight due to the high calorie content of the product.

The unique composition of the product has no contraindications for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding. There are also no age restrictions, except for the age of three.

How to choose real nectar?

Buying fireweed honey, buyers are wondering how to distinguish a fake and not fall for the tricks of scammers. This is quite simple to do, but you need to pay attention to a few nuances.

After pumping out. It has a bright white color and the density of liquid sour cream. The taste of the bee product should be homogeneous, without crispy crystals, with a bitter aftertaste. Otherwise, this is evidence that sugar was used in the feeding of bees.

The consistency of fireweed honey is homogeneous. If you scoop it up with a spoon, then it should drain in a continuous stream, which you will not see with an artificial counterpart.

If the selected product does not have the listed characteristics, then it is not recommended to purchase it.

Video: useful properties and contraindications of fireweed honey.

Methods of reception

The use of natural honey involves compliance with the following rules:

  1. Strict dosing, since Ivan tea is a potent drug.
  2. The use of honey along with medicinal plants will enhance its healing effect. For example, for the treatment of stomach diseases, the product is combined with cudweed, sore throats with sage and plantain, skin diseases with eggs.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to expose honey to high temperatures, heating and melting. These processes will instantly destroy all the beneficial substances that are contained in the product.


There are a number of popular recipes based on fireweed honey:

  • with pancreatitis, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of three tablespoons of honey and two hundred grams of boiling water. Eating before meals will improve its absorption;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach is treated by regularly taking an infusion of two liters of water and a tablespoon of fireweed honey;
  • skin diseases will help to defeat the "elixir" of a couple of glasses of water and three hundred grams of beekeeping product;
  • with painful symptoms of prostatitis, a decoction of a couple of tablespoons of Ivan tea, 50 grams of honey and two glasses of boiling water will help;
  • an infusion of half a liter of vodka, Ivan-tea flowers and honey will help to cope with painful menstruation and manifestations of menopause. Just 25 drops of this substance will help improve the condition in a few days.

In folk medicine, fireweed honey with royal jelly is also widely used. This substance has a white color and a thick consistency, it serves as a kind of food for bee larvae. Uterine milk can be added to the product only after it begins to crystallize.

The resulting composition has unique healing properties, but its use is possible only after consulting a doctor. This circumstance is due to the fact that royal jelly is the strongest biological stimulant.

We have all heard about linden and acacia honey. But if you are offered fireweed honey, most likely you will ask for its name again. Many have not heard of him. No, he has nothing to do with Cyprus. Fireweed, or Ivan-tea - honey plant of this variety. Hence the name honey.

by color fresh fireweed honey light yellow with a greenish tint. Its pallor gives an unsightly presentation.

Because of this, buyers bypass it, buying amber, rich yellow or dark honey. And absolutely in vain. Often looks are deceiving. Fireweed honey is valuable for its composition.

Candied this variety quickly. Grains similar to snowflakes appear in its structure.

After crystallization, fireweed honey becomes white with a pink tint.. Its clots come across in the form of lumps.

People who bought such honey complain that a fake was purchased, because the result does not match their ideas about a sweet bee product. This consistency of fireweed honey is normal. On the contrary, it indicates that you have purchased a quality natural product.

The taste is gentle, pleasant. Bitterness is absent. How to distinguish a fake?

Unscrupulous sellers do not try to fake it. Rather, buyers wrongly suspect natural fireweed honey that it is a fake. It's all about the color, consistency and stereotyped idea of ​​what natural honey should be like.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

Fireweed honey is high-calorie. 100 g of the product contains 328 kcal.

The composition is as follows:

This bee product contains many minerals:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • sodium.

vitamins are represented by group B (1, 2, 5, 6, 9), as well as PP, H, C.

Beneficial features

The fact that bees extract nectar for honey from the medicinal plant Ivan-chai, speaks not only of usefulness for humans, but of a double benefit, since the unique composition of honey itself has been added to the healing properties of pollen and nectar.

Fireweed honey helps in the treatment of blood diseases, kidneys, liver, in cardiovascular diseases. In addition, honey is indispensable for colds and viral infections, other respiratory diseases. For prevention, it is taken one tablespoon per day. You can - two teaspoons on an empty stomach in the morning, and also in the evening before bedtime.

This variety is valuable. healing properties. Therefore, for wounds, external and internal, it is recommended to use it in the form of compresses and in food. Therefore, honey is not just sweet. Sometimes its useful properties are exaggerated, you can read about contraindications below.

fireweed honey used in medicine, cooking. In cosmetology, it is used in creams and cleansing scrubs. The face after using the masks becomes clean, and the skin is silky.

Honey is not a panacea for all ailments. It helps the body recover, increase immunity, start recovery processes in the body, but it is unlikely to be able to cure an advanced disease.

Contraindications and harm

Due to the high content of carbohydrates and sugar, it not recommended for patients with diabetes.

Under no circumstances should honey be heated., especially - bring it to a boil. Otherwise, it contributes to the appearance of cancer-forming carcinogens.

You should not overeat fireweed honey, because it contains a large amount of sugar and carbohydrates. This contributes to obesity and the appearance of allergies not only to this variety. Therefore, it is better to limit its use for an adult to two tablespoons per day, for a teenager - to one. It should not be given to children under three years of age.

About honey plant Ivan-tea

The honey plant for this variety of honey is a herbaceous medicinal plant - fireweed, or Ivan-tea. It grows along country roads, in meadows, forest edges. Found in temperate climates. Likes northern areas. It is unpretentious to growing conditions.

Blooms from mid-June to mid-August. It is a good honey plant for bees. They are attracted by the smell and a large number of aromatic substances. Up to 60% of honey is obtained from the pollen of this plant.

Storage conditions

Fireweed honey candied quickly, but the useful properties do not disappear. On the contrary, such a change of state in consistency is natural. To avoid souring store it at a positive temperature of 3 - 9 degrees. Air humidity - not higher than 60%. Otherwise, honey in the open state absorbs excess moisture.

When using it it is not allowed to heat honey above 40 degrees Or put it in the freezer. It is possible to save it in the latter case, but as a sweetness, since the unique healing properties are lost. Glassware is preferred for long-term storage, but not plastic or metal.

What are the main diseases treated?

Fireweed honey helps in healing diseases of the prostate, kidneys, liver. But its beneficial effect on the body is not limited to this. It also helps:

  • at skin diseases;
  • improve dream;
  • at neuroses;
  • treatment peptic ulcer;

In acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, periodontal disease, persistent headaches, it is also used. Fireweed honey has clear antibacterial properties..

Medicinal properties of fireweed honey

It is better to eat it in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. Natural stimulants and enzymes, which are part of the bee product, contribute to the restoration of the human energy potential. He perfectly cleanses and nourishes the skin. After consulting a doctor, it is used for dermatitis.

It cannot be said that fireweed honey is fundamentally different in its composition or useful properties from other varieties. Lovers of this bee product celebrate it soft and delicate taste. Sometimes this variety is called "children's".

All bee products are actively used in human life. Fireweed honey is no exception. This unique product is of great benefit. In terms of useful properties and coloring, it has no equal. Let's figure out what fireweed honey is and why it has earned such popularity.

Fireweed honey - what is it

This variety of honey is extracted from narrow-leaved fireweed (popularly it is also called Ivan-tea), which sprouts in Europe and Asia and looks like a purple-pink flower. In Russia, it is usually found on the territory of coniferous forests in Siberia and the European part of the state. Prefers open spaces, closer to roads, grows on the site of fires.

Cypress exudes a strong, pronounced aroma that attracts with great success. A large amount of pollen is produced from fireweed, so it is an excellent honey plant - with 1 kg, bees can make about 700 gr. honey. It turns out an interesting treat, which is called the Cypriot honey.

fireweed honey

Main characteristics

Once you see this variety of honey, you will not confuse it with anything else. Fresh honey is almost transparent, with a slight shade of green. The consistency resembles sour cream or cream. After 5 months, the color of real honey with Ivan tea becomes completely white. For this, he is popularly called "snow".

Interesting. When heated, fireweed honey, which was white in color, turns yellow.

The product has a pleasant floral aroma and a specific taste, reminiscent of a combination of spicy spices and herbs.

The composition of fireweed honey

Honey is extracted from Ivan tea, which determines what the product consists of:

  • Glucose.
  • Fructose.
  • Enzymes.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Tannins.
  • Tannin.
  • Calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • Vitamins of group B, P, E and PP.
  • Micro, - and macronutrients.

The composition of fireweed honey

Color and nutritional value

Per 100 g of the product account for:

  • Proteins - 0.80 g. - 1% of the daily requirement.
  • Fat - 0.00 g. - 0% of the daily value.
  • Carbohydrates - 81 g. - 30% of the daily value.

Important! Calorie content - 315.33 kcal.

Beneficial features

Ivan tea honey is hard to overestimate. It has a number of useful properties that are used in 2 areas of life:

1. In the treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • Enveloping and bactericidal agent that relieves sore throat and relieves inflammation.
  • Alleviates the symptoms of prostate diseases.
  • Ointment for ulcers, burns and purulent wounds.
  • Cleanses the blood of toxins.
  • Effectively treats flu and colds in combination with pharmaceutical preparations.
  • Helps normalize blood pressure.
  • It has an anticonvulsant effect.
  • Prevents the formation of tumors and malignant cells.
  • With regular use, it contributes to a surge of strength, vigor, a more balanced state.
  • Calms the nervous system.
  • Strengthens and tones the body.

Note! Due to the difference in composition, it happens that people who cannot tolerate honey can take a product from willow tea in small quantities.

  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Helps in the prevention of blood diseases and anemia.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels, making them more elastic.
  • Used for diseases of the digestive system (heartburn, constipation, duodenal disease).
  • Normalizes sleep.

2. In cosmetology:

  • Stimulates the production of collagen, making the skin elastic and eliminating wrinkles.
  • Cleans from sludge.
  • It kills pathogenic fungi and bacteria, therefore it is part of ointments and creams.
  • Improves complexion and body.
  • Helps skin during recovery.
  • Nourishes and strengthens the skin.

How to choose the right Cypriot honey

On a note! The problem of choosing fresh and high-quality honey is acute on the market, especially in cities. For the last 10 years, doctors have been advising to give up honey from Ivan-tea altogether, arguing that at the moment there is no real product on sale.

But for those who know the characteristics of real honey, it is not difficult to distinguish between fresh and natural honey from a fake.

Maturity is the key

  • If honey is scooped up with a spoon, and it quickly starts to drain, then the product is immature, therefore it will not be stored for a long time, less useful.
  • If you drop a drop of honey on a saucer, and the shape is preserved - mature. This will keep for a long time.


Important! A strong smell of herbs and sweetness is a sign of high quality. Buying honey with a smoke or fermentation flavor should be avoided.


  • Be sure to try the honey before buying. Sellers usually provide samples to buyers. A good product has a very sweet and pleasant taste without caramel, fermentation, acid, chemicals.
  • When choosing, consider the presence of a slight herbal taste.

Color and consistency

  • Check with the seller when the item was assembled. After that, pay attention to the color of fireweed honey. If it is stored for no longer than 1-2 months, then it will be almost transparent, liquid consistency, reminiscent of heavy cream, without viscosity and lumps.
  • If stored for more than 2 months, it begins to crystallize, small grains form, the shade becomes pure white closer to 3 months. If the product is heated, the color will be yellow.
  • It is worth distinguishing fireweed honey from linden honey. The second has a more intense amber hue.

How to choose the right Cypriot honey

How to distinguish fake fireweed honey

In the spring-summer period, it is much more difficult to recognize a fake product:

  • A frozen and candied product never crunches on the teeth. If the honey crunches, then the bees were fed sweet. You should not buy such a product, since it does not have any useful properties.
  • Plasticity will tell you how to distinguish a fake fireweed honey. Thickened honey flows from the spoon in a continuous stream. If it drips or does not drain at all, then there are clear signs of artificial origin by eye.


The product is forbidden to be taken by people with obesity and diabetes. People suffering from diseases of the pancreas, it is better to limit consumption to a minimum. Hypertensive patients should be treated with caution. After taking, a decrease in pressure is often observed, especially with a complex of other herbs.

Asthmatics should avoid any intake of cypress honey, as it can provoke asthma attacks.

Important! Honey should not be given to children under 2 years of age. The product often contains bacteria that the child's body cannot neutralize.

It is also necessary to check for the presence of individual intolerance, allergies to bee products. The chemical composition can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

At high temperatures, fireweed honey can lead to a deterioration in the condition.

Rules for the use of honey from fireweed

Bee products are good for the body, but at the same time they can cause serious harm. To prevent this from happening, you must follow the general rules:

  • The use of honey can become useful only if the proportions are observed and the daily dose is not violated - 50-80 g for adults, children after 6 years - no more than 40 g, up to 6 - 10 g.
  • For maximum effect, it is recommended to monitor the acidity of the stomach. With normal acidity, honey is best taken 30-40 minutes before meals. At reduced - in 15 minutes, dissolving in cold water.

Important! The composition of fireweed honey includes a large amount of fructose and glucose, which can contribute to the appearance of caries.

  • The product should be taken in the morning and evening before meals. Eating with other foods will add a few extra pounds and slow down the digestion process.
  • Taking a spoonful of honey in your mouth, do not write off immediately swallow it. Try the product, hold it for a couple of seconds. The mouth releases beneficial enzymes and antioxidants that aid in the absorption of food and sugary substances.
  • After taking it is recommended to rinse your mouth.

Rules for the use of honey from fireweed

Storage conditions

Fireweed honey quickly crystallizes (for 2 months), but at the same time its beneficial properties are preserved.

To avoid souring, store the product in a refrigerator in a tightly closed vessel at a temperature of 3 to 10 degrees Celsius. Air humidity - not higher than 60%.

If you put the product in the freezer, it will retain its sweetness and taste, but lose its beneficial properties.

Important! In no case should you heat honey, do not add hot liquids to it (over 40 degrees Celsius). At high temperatures, honey produces a carcinogen, loses all useful properties.

Honey retains its beneficial properties for 1 year; it can be stored as a sweet for no more than a year and a half. At room temperature, the shelf life is reduced to 6 months.

Glassware is suitable for long-term storage, plastic or metal dishes are suitable for shorter-term storage.

Fireweed honey is a unique product that is endowed with a mass of useful properties. The main thing is to choose a high-quality natural product and follow all the recommendations written in this article. Then the product will become a real find.

Honey is a very useful natural product created by nature itself. By including honey in your daily diet, you can strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the whole organism.

There is a wide variety of varieties of honey, each of which has its own distinctive healing properties and will be useful for a particular person. Among this whole variety of sweet varieties of honey, fireweed honey, obtained from Ivan tea, should be distinguished.

How is fireweed honey obtained?

Ivan tea has antibacterial and antiviral properties and has long been used in folk medicine to treat various ailments. Among them is the disease of the upper respiratory tract. Not suspecting how useful Ivan tea is, the bees, however, cannot fly past this valuable plant.

Ivan-chai is an excellent honey plant that attracts bees with its sweet aroma. The bees collect nectar, from which excellent, fragrant fireweed honey is obtained. Since honey from Ivan Chai does not look quite like ordinary honey, few people prefer it.

How to distinguish a fake?

Often, medicine does not equate honey from Ivan Chai with real varieties of honey and tries to convince others that they are dealing with a cheap substitute that is better not to eat. Naive people believe this belief and choose other varieties of honey, but real connoisseurs buy fireweed honey.

Fireweed honey is similar in density to cream and has a slightly yellowish-green color. It crystallizes quickly, so you can find clots in it that look like grains or snowflakes. During crystallization, the honey takes on a lighter shade, which confuses people, and they begin to think that they are artificial honey.

In search of high-quality and real honey, people often buy a beautiful-looking, but useless and fake product, which contains dyes and other "wonderful" additives, due to which such honey has a homogeneous mass. There is no benefit from such artificially created honey, a person can even get poisoned or get a strong allergic reaction, but real fireweed honey rarely causes this type of irritation. Very often, real fireweed honey helps the human body adapt to a variety of foods, increasing the body's resistance to external factors.

What fireweed honey looks like, you can see from the following video. Those who know English well will be able to learn a lot of interesting things.

Beneficial features

Fireweed honey has been known for a long time. Even our ancestors knew that honey has the same beneficial properties as the plant itself. Probably because of this, any kind of honey is in demand by people. Scientists have recently become interested in the valuable properties of honey, but they are already putting forward some hypotheses.

The healing properties of fireweed honey are still being studied by scientists, however, it has already found its application in the cosmetic industry. It is used in the production of scrubs, creams that make human skin velvety and silky. You can find a lot of amazing information in the recipes of our ancestors. For example, people smeared themselves with honey in a bath, then washed it off well with water, and the body regained a healthy, young and toned appearance. Having appreciated the beneficial properties of honey, they began to use it in the production of cosmetics in order to help us people maintain beauty and youth with the help of natural products and components.

Honey is also used to treat skin diseases, although many people do not believe this, but studies have confirmed the effectiveness of such treatment. Fireweed honey is used in the treatment of various skin diseases (boils, rashes), it kills pathogens, cleanses the skin, and the disease recedes.

Of course, with the help of honey alone you cannot cure the disease, and before using it in treatment, you need to consult a doctor. Fireweed honey is very effective and useful, but it is not a cure for all diseases.

Fireweed honey (the use and properties of which are still the subject of discussion) is used in the treatment of diseases of internal organs. The range of effects of this amazing product is so wide and varied that some gullible people believe in its magical power.

The healing properties of fireweed honey are sometimes exaggerated, however, this honey can be used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. It is necessary to dissolve one spoonful of honey in a glass of warm boiled water and then drink it on an empty stomach. This delicious medicine will cleanse the intestines, kill disease-causing microbes and significantly reduce acidity. Thanks to these features, fireweed honey is an excellent additional remedy in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity.

Fireweed honey has a variety of healing properties, cardiologists and therapists use it in their medical practice. Honey strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves heart function and normalizes blood pressure. Honey helps with insomnia. Before you go to bed, eat some honey, drink warm water and a restful sleep is guaranteed. Honey will also help people who have a nervous breakdown.

Try not to dilute honey in hot water, as it will lose its healing properties.


Do not use Ivan tea honey for people with allergies to bee products.

Acquaintance of children with honey from willow-tea is better to postpone until 6 years.

Remember the healing properties of fireweed. As with any plant with medicinal properties, overdose can have side effects.

"Magic" honey from Ivan tea

We all want to believe in a miracle that will burst into our lives. For one person, a miracle is an unexpected meeting, for another, fireweed honey can become a miracle, which will easily and naturally give health, vigor and vitality. Having eaten a little honey before going to bed, a person will calm down, relax and sleep well. Thus, fireweed honey is an excellent product that will make your life more calm, comfortable and beautiful.

Fireweed honey has a transparent texture with a green tint and is pleasant to the taste.

Crystallized honey has a white color and is similar in shape to snow crystals, cream or lard. When heated, honey turns yellow with a possible green tint.

Medicinal properties

Fireweed honey is used in the treatment of inflammation of the respiratory tract, as a sedative for insomnia, as well as in the treatment of purulent wounds. In the treatment of infected wounds and ulcers, an ointment of fireweed honey is used. It has a bactericidal effect, since fireweed honey selectively affects pathogenic organisms. In addition, honey increases the flow of blood to the wounded surface and the outflow of lymph, as a result of which pus comes out of the wound and it heals.

For what diseases to apply



Wounds and ulcers of the skin and mucous membranes

Add a tablespoon of dried cudweed herb (forest immortelle) to a glass of hot water, hold for 10-15 minutes in a water bath, then cool, strain and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey.

This composition is used for washing wounds and ulcers.

stomach ulcer

Add 1 tablespoon of dried cudweed herb (forest immortelle) to a glass of hot water, hold for 10-15 minutes in a water bath, then cool, strain and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey.

Drink 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture 30 minutes before meals.

Non-healing or long-healing wounds and ulcers

Pour 50 grams of eucalyptus leaves with 0.5 liters of hot water, hold for 10-15 minutes in a water bath, cool, strain and mix with 2 tablespoons of fireweed honey.

Use the potion in the form of lotions and baths.

Sore throat

Mix 1 part lungwort, 1 part plantain, 1 part sage and ½ part wormwood. Pour 1 tablespoon of this dry mixture into 200 ml of hot water, leave for 2 hours, mix with 2 tablespoons of fireweed honey.

Drink 0.5 cups of the mixture 3 times a day before meals.


Mix 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 raw egg yolks, 1 teaspoon of fireweed honey and 1 teaspoon of crushed licorice root.

1 teaspoon every hour during the day. Drink with a decoction of St. John's wort.

Honey is a useful natural product that is used both for treatment and simply as an additional supplement to There are known methods of treating various diseases using this nutritious and healing agent, and there are various types of it, each of which has its own characteristics and specifics of use. For example, fireweed honey (whose benefits are numerous) is known as a remedy for a number of ailments, and is often prescribed as a healing supplement.

Properties and uses of fireweed honey

Fireweed honey (the beneficial properties of this product have been known for a long time) got its name due to the fact that it is obtained from the nectar of a plant called fireweed or Ivan tea in another way. This plant is a grass with narrow leaves and purple flowers, it is widespread in the non-black earth zone, it can grow in dense thickets in forest regions, along roads and canals.

It can be noted that phytotherapists and other specialists in this field in many cases of treating complex diseases use fireweed honey. Useful properties of this healing agent can be represented in the following list:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • restoring and boosting immunity;
  • enveloping.

This is used to get rid of the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the lungs, throat and nose;
  • with wounds, ulcers and other skin lesions;
  • diseases of the stomach;
  • nervous disorders.

Healing recipes with honey

Fireweed honey (useful properties discussed above) is often used in combination with decoctions of herbs, for example, the following remedy is prescribed for angina. It is necessary to prepare a decoction from the composition of such herbs: lungwort, plantain and sage in one part, and wormwood - half a part, this mixture (1 spoon) is poured with boiled hot water (200 ml). It should be insisted for about 2 hours, add 2 tablespoons of honey to the resulting drink. Take half a glass each time before meals.

For wounds and ulcerative skin lesions, it is recommended to make lotions and baths from infusion of eucalyptus leaves (50 g) in hot water (0.5 l). This solution should be kept in a water bath for about 15 minutes, then strain and add 2 large spoons of honey.

For the treatment of stomach ulcers, you can use a decoction (1 teaspoon of herbs per glass of water), which must be infused in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Add a spoonful of honey to the filtered liquid, take 2 large spoons half an hour before meals.

How to choose honey?

In order to find out how to distinguish fireweed honey from other types or from a falsified product, you can use the following information:

  1. Real honey, collected from fireweed flowers, is transparent with a barely noticeable green tint. Its crystallization occurs slowly, and when heated, this product acquires a yellow color.
  2. A high-quality mature product does not foam, and if you dip a spoon into honey and twist it, the mass should wind up in the form of a ribbon.
  3. The presence of impurities in honey can be determined using reagents. So, whether there is chalk in the product, you can find out by sprinkling the surface of the mass with acid (citric or acetic). In the case of a reaction (formation of foam), it can be argued that calcium is present in the composition of the product.
  4. You can find out if honey has been diluted with sugar by doing a little experiment. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of honey in boiled or distilled water (1: 2) and carefully examine it for sediment and impurities. Then you can add diluted (a few drops), while the turbidity of the solution confirms the presence of sucrose in the composition of honey.

Fireweed honey (product photo is given in the article) has excellent healing properties. Using this product, various diseases can be healed, and at the same time, it is recommended to be used as a nutritional supplement to the diet.
