
Cupcake from zucchini with sausage. Muffins from zucchini with sausage - an unusual snack! Zucchini muffins with sausage and bacon, cheese, carrots, garlic

We all love homemade cupcakes. But not many housewives prepare such a dessert using a vegetable such as zucchini. Meanwhile, this ingredient gives the culinary product a unique, incomparable taste. And it can be both sweet and savory. It will be delicious not only hot, but also cold. We bring to your attention several interesting options for preparing this culinary product.

Cupcake with cocoa and chocolate

This dessert will easily become a great addition to any tea party. Thanks to the grated zucchini, it creates the feeling that the pastries are soaked in some kind of cream. If you have never tried to cook such a dessert, then be sure to use our recipe. Surely the resulting culinary product will appeal to you, your family members, and guests.


To prepare this dessert, we need products from the following list:

  • 300 grams of zucchini;
  • three eggs;
  • one and a half glasses of sugar;
  • two thirds of a glass of vegetable oil;
  • a little more than two glasses of flour;
  • cocoa - 4 tablespoons;
  • 100 grams of dark chocolate;
  • baking powder for dough and soda - one teaspoon each;
  • a pinch of salt.

From the listed ingredients, we will knead the dough. In addition, to improve the taste of the dessert, you can prepare chocolate icing. This will require 1.5 tablespoons of cocoa powder, half a glass of sugar and sour cream or natural yogurt. We will cook a cake from But for baking, you can use a conventional oven.

Cooking process

First, combine eggs, sugar, butter. Beat with a mixer until the sugar dissolves. Then add cocoa and stir. Then add flour, baking powder and salt. We knead the dough. It should not be too runny, but not thick either. We peel the zucchini, grate it and squeeze out excess moisture from it. Finely chop the chocolate with a knife. We send these ingredients to the dough and mix well. Now you can shift the mass into the bowl of the multicooker, previously lubricated with oil. We turn on the device in the “Baking” mode and cook a zucchini cake with cocoa and chocolate for an hour. Then we let the dessert stand for a while and take it out of the bowl.

Decorate the pastry with chocolate icing. Making it is quite easy. To do this, you need to combine sugar, yogurt and cocoa powder in a saucepan. We put it on the fire and cook until it thickens, not forgetting to stir constantly. Let the icing cool slightly and cover the finished dessert with it. Bon appetit!

Zucchini cake with ham

This pastry will be a great option for a snack or, for example, breakfast. The cake is very easy to make. It will be delicious both hot and cold.


To prepare such a cupcake, we need to take care of the presence in the kitchen of the following ingredients:

  • one zucchini;
  • one Bulgarian pepper;
  • 250 grams of ham;
  • 200 grams of cheese;
  • three eggs;
  • three tablespoons of sour cream and flour;
  • a bag of baking powder;
  • a bunch of dill or parsley;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • salt and black pepper - to taste.


Ham and zucchini, peeled, cut into small cubes. Chop greens and garlic. Cut the pepper first in length, and then into cubes. We rub the cheese on a grater. We mix these ingredients. We only leave a little cheese, which we will use later in order to sprinkle our original zucchini and ham muffin. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sour cream. Salt and pepper. Then add flour with baking powder and mix well. Add a mixture of vegetables and ham. Lubricate with vegetable oil and put the dough into it. Gently level, and sprinkle with the remaining cheese on top. Our cake should be baked at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes. Before serving, the culinary product should be cut into pieces. Bon appetit!

Another delicious zucchini cake recipe

This is ideal for a buffet table, and for a picnic, and for a festive table as an appetizer. To prepare this culinary product, we need the following components:

  • flour - 180 grams;
  • zucchini - 300 grams;
  • 80 ml of milk;
  • 60 ml vegetable oil;
  • a bag of baking powder;
  • two eggs;
  • 30 grams of hard cheese;
  • salt and black pepper - at your discretion;
  • fresh mint leaves and pine nuts - to taste.

The zucchini cake, the recipe of which we offer you, is made very simply and quickly. So, within an hour you can cook this delicious pastry. First, wash the zucchini and, if necessary, peel. Then we rub them on a fine grater. Slightly fry chopped vegetables in a pan with vegetable oil. This will help remove excess moisture from them. Lightly salt the zucchini and leave to cool. In a separate bowl, mix eggs, milk and oil. In another bowl, pour dry ingredients - baking powder and flour. There we also add the previously shredded cheese on a fine grater. Pour the dry ingredients into the egg-milk mass. Mix well. Salt a little. Do not forget that the cheese itself is salty, so do not overdo it at this stage. After that, you can add fried zucchini to the dough. Chop the mint leaves with a knife. Then put them into the dough. We mix. Place the dough in a pre-greased baking dish and distribute it evenly. Sprinkle the future zucchini muffin with pine nuts on top. The culinary product will be baked for about 50 minutes at 180 degrees. The finished cake should be cooled slightly, and then removed from the mold. Now you can serve pastries on the table. Bon appetit!

Recipe for zucchini muffins with almonds and rum

Such a culinary product can become not only an excellent dessert for everyday tea drinking - they are not ashamed to treat dear guests. Preparing the dish is quite easy. For this we need the following ingredients:

  • three eggs;
  • zucchini - 180 grams;
  • 90 grams of sugar;
  • vanillin and rum - one tablespoon each;
  • ground almonds - 200 grams;
  • half a spoonful of cinnamon and a little powdered sugar for sprinkling;
  • oil for greasing the baking dish.

First, the vegetables should be washed and peeled. It is best to take young zucchini. In this case, baking will turn out more tender and juicy. Grind vegetables with a fine grater. We squeeze out excess moisture from them. Beat eggs well with sugar and vanilla. Add cinnamon, rum, zucchini and almonds, mix. You should get a mass of a homogeneous consistency. Then the dough will only have to be transferred to a pre-oiled form and sent to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Bake a cupcake from a zucchini should be about half an hour. The cooking time will depend on your oven. Then you should cool the culinary product a little, remove it from the mold and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Now you can drink tea with a delicate, tasty, fragrant and original dessert.

We have offered you several options for making zucchini muffins. We are sure that each of them will appeal to you and your loved ones. However, you should not be limited only to existing recipes. After all, you can always experiment and come up with your own original options for preparing interesting and tasty desserts and snacks. Good luck!

Zucchini should be washed and peeled. Then they need to be crushed. One zucchini needs to be grated on a fine grater. You can do the same with the second, but the cupcakes will turn out tastier if you can feel the pieces of vegetables in them. Therefore, it is better to grate the second zucchini on a coarse grater.

Vegetables should be salted and mixed. After 10 minutes, when they start up the juice, the zucchini must be carefully squeezed out. Even after that, enough liquid will remain in them to knead a good dough.

For taste and aroma, you need to add ground paprika and chopped garlic. Since part of the salt is gone with the squeezed juice, the zucchini must be salted. A little extra pinch will suffice.

Then you should pour in warm milk, vegetable oil and beat in eggs.

Flour must be sifted and mixed with soda or baking powder. Gradually add the dry ingredients into the dough. You should get a viscous mass.

Molds for cupcakes should be generously greased with vegetable oil. After that, they need to be filled by two-thirds with dough.

Bake muffins from zucchini in the oven for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Tired of oatmeal for breakfast? Why not make something light and healthy out of baking, like zucchini muffins, then? First, it won't take long, so you won't have to get up early. Secondly, vegetable muffins can be supplemented with a lot of goodies and usefulness - cheese, pieces of meat fillet, cottage cheese, multi-grain flakes, fresh herbs. We are sure that among the proposed recipes there is an option for your slender figure, and for your gourmet spouse, and for the growing “little girl”.

The subtleties of cooking vegetable baking

Cupcakes, however, like all pastries from zucchini, have a lot of advantages. It's tasty, low in calories, and depending on the ingredients, it can be a light main course, part of an appetizer, and even a sweet dessert.

Of all the vegetables, it is zucchini that is best suited for such experiments. Why?

  • The pulp of young fruits has a loose delicate texture, when baked, the fibers seem to “melt” and are absolutely not felt in the dough.
  • The vegetable has a neutral taste, which is easy to shade in one direction or another with the help of products and spices that are brighter in this regard.
  • Dishes from it belong to the category of "instant cooking", as grated zucchini is baked in a matter of minutes.
  • We must not forget about the dietary properties of the vegetable. And even if some of the vitamins are destroyed during heat treatment, no less valuable minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium) will remain, as well as fiber, with the help of which the body cleanses itself of toxic waste products.

To make vegetable muffins tender and crumbly, we will share the secrets of their proper preparation.

  1. Zucchini needs a young one, with a thin soft skin, without seeds. In extreme cases, it must be cleaned and the inner fibrous part discarded.
  2. The grated pulp should be left for a few minutes to release the juice, and then squeeze out the excess liquid. If this is not done, the baking inside will be wet. The younger the vegetable, the more water it contains.
  3. They put a little flour in such cupcakes, and semolina is added for the desired consistency. With it, the dough is porous and fluffy.
  4. If you add liquid to the dough, then it is better to use not milk or kefir, but homemade yogurt. It will taste better.
  5. An obligatory component of quick zucchini muffins is baking powder. It is added to dry sifted flour, but not to beaten eggs or milk. So baking will not absorb excess fat.
  6. The dough, flavored with olive oil, is more tender, has a characteristic finely porous (cake) structure.

Do you know how muffins differ from ordinary cupcakes? Firstly, the dough kneading technology - for muffins, liquid and dry components are mixed separately, and only after that they are combined. Secondly, it is customary to add fillers to muffins - fruits, vegetables, chocolate, cheese, nuts. In modern recipes, there is no strict gradation of these types of pastries.

Eyes are afraid, but hands are doing - recipes for zucchini muffins

When you cook zucchini muffins at least a couple of times and understand the technology, you will no longer need a recipe. The composition of this dish is so “free” that each time you can do something new, improvising with what is currently in the refrigerator.

Muffins from Yulia Vysotskaya

The first recipe is from the idol of millions of housewives Yulia Vysotskaya. Muffins on it are light, nutritious, with a well-balanced composition. They have everything the body needs, especially on the eve of the working day - proteins, complex carbohydrates, fiber, the right fats.

We rub a medium-sized zucchini on a coarse grater, discard it in a colander - part of the liquid will go away by itself, if there is too much juice, the pulp can be squeezed out slightly. We shift the "cake" into a bowl and add liquid components to it:

  • lightly beaten eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 80 ml;
  • grated cheese - 80–100 g;
  • olive oil - 50 g.

In another bowl, mix dry ingredients - flour (a little more than half a glass), semolina (2 tablespoons), baking powder (standard bag of 10 g). To this add salt and a little ground pepper.

Combining liquid and dry products, knead the dough. We put it in forms for cupcakes, which we fill 2/3. While fiddling with the dough, put the oven on preheat. The desired temperature is 180–190⁰ C. After 15–20⁰, the kitchen will smell so fragrant that your family will not need any alarm clock. Unusual breakfast is ready!

Cupcakes without flour

If flour products for breakfast are unacceptable for you in principle, you can knead zucchini muffins without bread flour.
We will replace it with a mixture of whole grain (50 g) and almond flour (50 g). Both components can be prepared by yourself by grinding the appropriate amount of cereal flakes and almonds in a blender.

Let's take a zucchini, too, more useful - zucchini. Its flesh is tender, soft, there are practically no seeds, carotene, folic acid, more than in a white-fruited relative. But calories, on the contrary, are less (16 versus 27). For a serving of muffins, one medium fruit is enough.

From other components we take:

  • egg (1 pc.);
  • homemade yogurt or sourdough (60 ml);
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • green onions and cilantro (can be replaced with parsley) - 50 g each;
  • baking powder - 5 g;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • salt, black pepper.

While grated zucchini gives juice, mix eggs, yogurt, butter, half the norm of grated cheese. Add dry ingredients to this mixture, at the end - zucchini and finely chopped greens. Put the dough into greased molds, sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

Diet muffins are baked at 180⁰ С 25΄.

For a hearty breakfast (with chicken fillet)

If you need to feed your spouse breakfast, prepare a more satisfying version of zucchini muffins. What will be needed for this?

Let's start with zucchini. We rub two small zucchini on a grater, add a little to make the juice better. Squeeze out the liquid before sending it to the dough.

A small sweet and juicy carrot will keep him company. We will also rub it. And chop the onion very finely. If you like the aroma of garlic, you can add a clove by squeezing through a press. Of the greens, dill will work best here - take a generous bunch.

The next muffin filler is chicken fillet. You need 200 grams of meat, cut it into small (1 × 1 cm) cubes.

To prepare the dough, in addition to these products, you will need:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream 20% - 4 tbsp. spoons with a slide;
  • flour and semolina - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking powder - 5 g;
  • cheese - 100 g.

Combine vegetables with meat, sour cream, lightly beaten eggs. Pour in dry ingredients. Don't forget to salt and pepper to taste. Fill 2/3 of the molds with dough, sprinkle with finely grated hard cheese on top.

Baking time - 30–40΄ (t 180⁰С).

With sour cream, these muffins are a real treat!

Cottage cheese and zucchini duet

This cupcake recipe successfully combines the refreshing taste of zucchini and delicate creamy - homemade cottage cheese and butter. And in terms of useful components, this is a good balance of products.

For a young medium-sized zucchini will go:

  • homemade fatty cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter (as an alternative, you can take olive oil) - 100 g;
  • a small bunch of dill.

We also need ¾ cups of flour, which we combine with semolina (2 tablespoons) and baking powder (5 g).

From the proposed products, knead a soft dough. Bake in muffin molds 25–30΄ (t 180⁰С).

If you understand the essence of the technology, then you can improvise indefinitely, changing the fillers “like gloves”. In addition to the products mentioned, ham, soft cheese such as Almetta, sweet peppers, as well as raisins, cinnamon, and coriander work well in unsweetened muffins. Cook and make your own recipes.


  • fresh zucchini - 600 g;
  • sausage - 200 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • kefir - 100 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 180 g;
  • sunflower oil - 80 ml (4 tablespoons);
  • soda - 0.5 tsp. spoons;
  • greenery;
  • spices;
  • salt.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Output - 16 pcs.

At the height of the zucchini season, many owners of vegetable gardens and summer cottages are thinking about what else to cook from zucchini so that the harvested crop does not disappear. We advise you to pay attention to the original zucchini muffins, the recipe with a photo, step by step of which is set out below. You can cook them quite simply and quickly, as they say, in haste. The spicy taste of these vegetable muffins with zucchini is given by the addition of cheese and sausage. Therefore, even those who are not too fond of zucchini dishes will be happy to try such unusual muffins.

How to cook muffins from zucchini with sausage - a recipe with a photo step by step

First you need to check if all the products listed in the ingredients are available. For zucchini muffins with sausage and cheese, boiled or semi-smoked sausage, ham or sausages are suitable. It is desirable to take zucchini young, with a thin skin. Sunflower oil is better to use refined. Of the spices, curry seasoning or a mixture of ground peppers, turmeric, coriander is well suited.

First you need to wash and clean the zucchini. If they are young, then the skin can not be peeled. If more mature vegetables are used, then it is advisable not only to remove the skin from them, but also to clear the seeds. Then grate the zucchini on a coarse grater, salt them a little and leave them to let the juice flow.

In the meantime, you can prepare the rest of the ingredients. Sausage should be cut into small cubes, and hard cheese should be rubbed onto a coarse grater. Wash greens well, pat dry and finely chop.

Now you can start preparing the dough for zucchini-cheese muffins with sausage. To this end, you need to beat the eggs, then add sunflower oil, kefir to them and mix everything. Add soda. Sift the flour and, gradually adding it to the dough, mix everything thoroughly. The dough will be quite thick.

In the container with the dough, you need to put the previously prepared cheese, sausage and greens. Grated zucchini must be carefully squeezed out and also added to the dough.

Then you need to mix everything well, then light the oven and set the temperature in it to 180 degrees. Fill muffin tins with zucchini dough, slightly not reporting to the edge of the mold.

Place the molds in the preheated oven and bake the cupcakes for 30-35 minutes. Then turn off the fire, but do not immediately remove the cupcakes, but leave them in the oven for another 10 minutes. After that, the finished products can be removed from the oven, and when they have cooled down a bit, from the molds. Zucchini muffins with cheese and sausage harmonize very well with fresh vegetables.

Help yourself! We wish you all bon appetit!

Zucchini cake is an incredibly tender, tasty, dietary snack.

Such pastries can be served for breakfast, dinner, take with you on the road.

Choosing a recipe!

Muffins from zucchini with sausage - general principles of cooking

For muffins, it is not necessary to use young zucchini. You can also take a mature vegetable, but you will have to remove the skin from it, the seeds are removed. Then the zucchini is crushed. The easiest way to do this is to use a grater. The chips are thrown into a bowl, add the rest of the ingredients.

What is put in the dough:

Various vegetables;


Sausage is added to the already prepared and mixed dough. The product is cut into strips, cubes, any other pieces. If it is boiled, then you can use a grater, but a large one is better. Sausage is boiled, smoked, dry-cured, semi-smoked. All types of product are suitable for cupcakes. There are recipes with ham, bacon, chicken, sausages.

Forms for snack cupcakes usually use metal or silicone. In any case, it is desirable to grease the vessel from the inside with butter. It will contribute to the appearance of a golden crust on the sides of the products. If there are no portion forms, then you can use one large dish, for example, for baking cakes or a frying pan without a handle.

Zucchini muffins with smoked sausage

The recipe for simple zucchini muffins with sausage, which must certainly be smoked. In this case, the baking will turn out incredibly fragrant.


100 g of sausage;

300 g zucchini;

70 g flour;

4 g of ripper;


1. Three large zucchini, transfer to a bowl convenient for kneading dough.

2. Break the eggs into another bowl, put salt, pepper, you can add a little dry or fresh, but finely chopped greens.

3. Beat the eggs for a minute until light foam.

4. Pour over the grated vegetables.

5. Next you need to pour out the flour, add the ripper. Stir the dough until smooth.

6. The sausage is cut into small cubes up to 5 millimeters, laid out in the already prepared dough. The mass is stirred.

7. Now you need to distribute the dough into molds. The cupcakes will rise a little during the baking process, so do not fill the mold to the top.

8. We send to bake. At a temperature of 190 degrees, cupcakes will cook for about 25 minutes. The exact time depends on the juiciness of the zucchini.

Zucchini muffins with sausage and cheese

The recipe for amazing muffins from zucchini with sausage, which also comes with a little cheese. It is better to use hard varieties. You can add any spices you like to the dough.


300 g zucchini;

Flour 70 g;

100 g of sausage;

140 g of cheese;

1 tsp ripper;

4-5 sprigs of dill;

Pepper, sweet paprika, salt.


1. If the zucchini is small, with a thin skin, then we simply wash it and rub it. We drop into a bowl.

2. We also rub the cheese, you can immediately add it to the zucchini.

3. Cut the sausage into small cubes. Add to future dough.

4. Next we throw dill greens, chopped finely.

5. We break the eggs, pour the ripper, immediately mixed with flour.

6. Mix the dough thoroughly, add pepper or other spices to your liking. Salt at the very end so that the zucchini does not let out a lot of liquid. Add a third of a teaspoon.

7. Put the mixed dough into greased molds for standard cupcakes.

8. Put in the oven at 200 degrees. Snack cakes are baked for 15-20 minutes.

Diet zucchini muffins with sausage and cottage cheese

A variant of diet muffins, in which boiled sausage without bacon is added. You can use dairy or any other sausages. The fat content of cottage cheese is optional.


200 g of cottage cheese;

150 g of sausage;

250 g zucchini;

An incomplete glass of flour;

1 tsp ripper;

Oil for molds;

Dill, garlic to taste.


1. Immediately rub the zucchini, sprinkle with salt, leave for the preparation of the remaining ingredients.

2. Break the eggs into a bowl, dip the whisk, beat for a minute.

3. We spread a pack of cottage cheese to the eggs, beat together. If the product is dry and with grains, then it is better to first rub it through a sieve or punch it with a combine.

4. Add salted zucchini to the eggs and cottage cheese, which should have already released the juice.

5. Now we put all the other spices, herbs and garlic, we do it to your taste.

6. Pour the ripper.

7. Add flour, achieving the desired consistency. The dough should be viscous, not liquid and not thick, as for making pancakes.

8. Cut sausage into cubes or rub. Mix with dough.

9. Pour the mass into smeared molds, do not make the containers full.

10. Cottage cheese muffins with zucchini are baked for 40-50 minutes. We put and cook at a temperature of 180.

Zucchini muffins with sausage and cornmeal

The recipe for very appetizing snack muffins, which are prepared with the addition of corn flour. The crumb turns out very beautiful, bright color. Some cheese is also added to these cupcakes, but you can replace the dough without it.


2 small zucchini;

150 g of sausage;

60 g wheat flour;

100 g corn flour;

0.5 tsp soda;

70 g of cheese;

Spices, oil.


1. Rub the zucchini. You can use zucchini, they also make pastries.

2. We break the eggs into a separate bowl, throw any spices that you plan to put into the dough to them. Immediately add a third teaspoon of salt. If the sausage is salty, then you can put a little less.

3. Beat the eggs with spices, pour over the zucchini.

4. Finely grate the cheese, if you will add it.

5. Now it's the flour's turn. If there is no corn flour, then grind the cereal for porridge, sift. Pour both types of flour into the dough.

6. Soda must be extinguished with acetic acid. Send to the general mass.

7. Cut the sausage. If it is boiled and without fat, then you can grate it, but only with large chips.

8. We combine the sausage with the dough, stir.

9. We shift into forms, set to bake.

10. Cupcakes will be cooked for half an hour, the temperature is 180 degrees.

Muffins from zucchini with sausage on dough with semolina

A variant of cupcakes that are prepared with semolina. Baking is more loose, airy. Flour is also added, but in a small amount. Any sausage, you can take ham.


250 g zucchini;

100 g of sausage;

4 spoons of semolina;

2 tablespoons of flour;

1 clove of garlic;

1 pinch of ripper;

Salt and pepper;

A little parsley, dill.


1. Salt the zucchini, grated with large shavings, let the vegetables let the juice in until the vegetables are released.

2. Add eggs, spices, a clove of garlic, pre-chopped.

3. Put flour with semolina, add a pinch of baking cultivator. The mass must be stirred, left for fifteen minutes. The cereal should swell.

4. Cut the sausage into small cubes, lay in the finished dough.

5. It remains to arrange everything in molds, bake in the oven until cooked. This will take about half an hour. Cooking at 180 degrees.

Zucchini muffins with sausage, bacon and garlic

The option is far from dietary muffins, but amazingly tasty, juicy. You can take smoked or salted bacon for them, you won’t need much of it. The recipe includes garlic, you can take fresh or dry powder.


100 g of sausage;

70 g bacon;

250 g zucchini;

80 g flour;

garlic clove, herbs;

0.5 tsp ripper;

1 spoon of sour cream.


1. Cut the bacon into very small cubes. You can first hold it in the freezer, it will be easier.

2. We also cut the sausage into cubes, send it to a bowl with bacon.

3. Rub the zucchini, chop the garlic, herbs.

4. Add eggs with a ripper to the vegetables, pour flour with spices, throw in sour cream, stir.

5. We shift the bacon with sausage, the dough is ready!

6. Distribute into portion molds.

7. Bake cupcakes for half an hour at 180. If necessary, you can add time.

Zucchini muffins with sausage, carrots and onions

Variant of carrot cupcakes with zucchini and onions. Finished products are very bright, appetizing, you can use any sausage for them.


150 g carrots;

200 g zucchini;

50 g of onion;

150 g of sausage;

120 g flour.


1. We rub carrots and zucchini. You can use a combine. Throw everything in a large bowl at once.

2. Add eggs.

3. Finely chop the onion, you can also add garlic. Transfer to dough.

4. Pour spices, flour, stir. Do not forget to add a ripper to make the cupcakes soft.

5. We cut the sausage, you can make small straws.

6. Stir the dough, distribute it over greased forms.

7. Set to bake. The temperature is around 190 degrees, the time is about 35-40 minutes.

The muffins will be ruddy and crispy if the molds are sprinkled with semolina after greasing. You can also use breadcrumbs, but they must always be white.

You can cook cupcakes not only with ordinary zucchini, but also zucchini. They behave perfectly in the dough, combined with sausage and pastries are very tender.

Snack pastries will turn out even tastier if you use bacon, smoked breast or chicken legs, ham and other products instead of sausage. You can add raw minced meat directly to the dough.

Would you like to make a cupcake with filling? Do not add sausage to the total mass. Cut the product into cubes, put each piece in the center of the mold, bake in the usual way.

Cupcakes can be baked not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker. True, in this case, only one will turn out, but it is large. The "Baking" mode is used. Usually a full cycle of 50-60 minutes is enough.
