
Cake pops step by step recipe. Cake pops

What are cake pops? The recipe for this unusual English delicacy will be presented below. We will also tell you about how to decorate such a dessert and properly serve it to the table.

Features of cooking cake pops

Everyone should know the recipe for this dessert. This is due to the fact that it is very easy to prepare, and is also ideal for children's parties and various parties.

So what are cake pops? The recipe for this delicacy says that this is a small biscuit cake on a stick. As a rule, it is covered and sprinkled with beautiful and bright confectionery crumbs. At its core, this unusual dessert is a tiny cake stylized as lollipops.

What are the features of making cake pops? The recipe for this delicacy can include any. But most often they use biscuit crumbs or trimmings from vanilla or chocolate cakes for their preparation.

The standard shape of such a cake is a ball. This makes it very similar to the Chupa Chups lollipop. It is also popular among culinary specialists to create biscuit figurines of cartoon characters or various animals that are served for a children's holiday, or a bride and groom for weddings, a heart for gifts to loved ones.

So what do you need to make cake pops? The recipe for this dessert does not require the purchase of overseas products. For its implementation, only simple and affordable ingredients should be prepared.

The main advantages of this delicacy are: originality, economy and ease of preparation.

Cake pops: recipe step by step and composition

There are many different ways to make cakes on a stick. We present the simplest and most accessible method. For its implementation it is necessary to prepare:

  • light sugar - about 150 g;
  • slaked soda (extinguish with kefir or sour cream) - ½ small spoon;
  • large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • vanillin - a small spoon;
  • flour, sifted twice - about 250 g;
  • any vegetable oil - for lubricating dishes;
  • cocoa - 3 large spoons.

Knead the dough

How to implement It is necessary to bake vanilla and chocolate biscuits in the form. To do this, half the sugar is added to the egg yolks and they are thoroughly ground (white-coloured) with a tablespoon. The remaining granulated sugar is added to the proteins, which are immediately whipped with a mixer. Next, both parts of the dough are combined and mixed until a homogeneous light and airy mass is formed.

After the described actions, slaked soda is added to the dough (it should be quenched with kefir or sour cream) and wheat flour sifted several times. The result is a semi-liquid base.

Dividing the dough in half, add vanillin to one half, and cocoa to the other.

How to bake in the oven?

What is important in making cake pops? The recipe for this dessert requires alternate baking of biscuits. First, the silicone mold is lubricated with oil, and then the vanilla part of the base is laid out in it. It is baked in the oven for 45 minutes. Next, the cake is taken out and completely cooled.

As for the chocolate biscuit, it is processed in exactly the same way.

Cream products and preparation

While the vanilla and chocolate cakes are cooling, you should start preparing a delicious cream. For him use:

  • butter - about 150 g;
  • condensed milk - a jar.

After whipping with a mixer, condensed milk is added to it. The output is an airy and very high-calorie cream. It is necessary for the formation of dense and beautiful balls.

Formation process

Once the biscuits have cooled, they are converted into very fine crumbs. Next, put half the cream into the bowl with the base and get a thick mushy mass. If it does not gather into balls, then add a little more condensed milk to it.

Forming cake pops is quite easy. Lubricated hands with butter, take about two small spoons of biscuit. Thanks to simple manipulations, even and neat balls are made from chocolate and vanilla dough. In order for the semi-finished products to grab well, they are sent to the refrigerator for a while.

glaze ingredients

How is cake pop icing made? The recipe for this delicacy involves the use of:

  • dark or milk chocolate - 2 bars;
  • white chocolate - 2 bars;
  • butter - 2 large spoons;
  • fresh milk - about 1 cup.

Glaze preparation

To make not only delicious, but also original cake pops, we decided to use white and dark chocolate. The tiles are individually broken into slices and laid out in different dishes. Next, add a large spoonful of butter and half a glass of milk to them (a little more, at your discretion).

Putting the dishes on a very low fire, its contents are regularly stirred. During the heating process, the chocolate should completely melt and transform into a fragrant white and dark glaze, respectively. It should be used immediately after heat treatment. Otherwise, it will freeze.

How to decorate cakes?

To decorate cake pops, you should show all your creative imagination. In addition to white and chocolate icing, we recommend using various confectionery powders, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, chopped nuts or even candied fruits (at your discretion) to form such an unusual dessert.

After the balls have hardened in the form given to them, beautiful skewers are stuck into them. If you don’t have any, you can use toothpicks or purchase special tools for cake pops.

Having received a kind of “Chupa Chups”, the biscuit base is immediately poured over or dipped in chocolate or dark). In this case, it is necessary to ensure that it completely covers the cake. Next, the dessert is immediately decorated with pre-prepared sprinkles. Moreover, one cake pop can be sprinkled with several crumbs at once (for example, powder on one side, and cocoa on the other, etc.).

In order for the finished delicacy to finally freeze, it is placed in a glass or glass with a skewer down. In this form, the dessert is sent to the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes. After a while, the cake will be completely ready.

Recipe for cake pops in silicone mold (lightweight cooking option)

If you do not want to stand at the stove for a long time in the process of preparing such a cake, then we recommend using a simplified method for creating it. To do this, you will need small silicone molds (as for small ones or freezing ice). They are filled ready and then skewers are stuck and baked in the oven.

In this case, you will immediately receive the formed cake pops. All you have to do is dip them in glaze and decorate with confectionery crumbs.

The only disadvantage of this method of making a cake is that it turns out to be less satisfying, since high-calorie condensed cream was not used to create it. Moreover, it is far from always possible to remove the baked products from the mold as a whole and undamaged.

Serving for tea and reviews

Cake pops should be served with tea either on a plate or in glass glasses. Use them without a spoon and other utensils, you need to hold them by the stick.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing an original dessert for a children's holiday. Many housewives who have taken note of this recipe claim that their household members are indescribably delighted at the mere glance of homemade cake pops.

Not everyone has come across the name "cake pops", even if we are talking about professional confectioners. However, this sweet delicacy is suitable for holiday tables like nothing else. The recipe for cake pops is very simple.

Nowadays, not a single celebration is complete without the so-called "sweet table", completely dotted with all sorts of goodies. Cakes, pastries, sweets and cookies - all this is an essential attribute of any well-organized holiday: from a children's party to a magnificent wedding or corporate event in a large company. Most organizers tend to think: “you should not touch what works well” - this means that they are adherents of the classic dessert menu and prefer not to make any changes to it.

To some extent, this position justifies itself - after all, what could be tastier than the same cake or chocolate biscuit. However, many people forget that sweets attract people primarily with their appearance. For example, in a store, after all, no one comes up and takes cupcakes directly from the display case in order to taste each one and choose the best option, in a restaurant, visitors also initially get acquainted with the name and look of the dish using the menu, and only then do order and enjoy your meal. In this regard, the ordinary, no matter how tasty it may be, is unlikely to surprise anyone. But if you give it an unusual shape, and even string it on a stick, like a lollipop, the situation changes radically, and it will be very problematic not to pay attention to such a delicacy, even with all the desire. And this sweet delicacy has a very exotic name - cake pops.

Cake pops: what is it and how to eat it

Hearing such a name, most of the inhabitants, at best, scratch their fingers at their temples in bewilderment - they are quite rare on sale. Needless to say, an uninitiated person will be able to associate it with cooking only thanks to the prefix "cake" familiar to almost everyone, which literally means "cake" or "cake" in English. Indeed, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmaking chocolate candies is relatively fresh, and, oddly enough, it belongs not to the confectioner himself, thanks to whose efforts cake pops first saw the light, but to the popular foreign blogger Angie Dudley. In 2008, in one of the posts on social networks, she proposed a new concept of visual design, while leaving the cooking recipe almost unchanged. The idea was accepted by readers with a bang and received a fairly wide distribution around the world.

Returning to the question of what is cake pops, it can really be called a chocolate cake on a stick covered with icing. However, this is only a classic version of its preparation - what will be the filling and coating depends solely on who will be cooking. An interesting form factor of this confectionery, most of all reminiscent of the famous Chupa-Chups candy, makes it not only original, but even exclusive in its own way.

What are cake pops - types of unusual treats

If we talk about the shape of cake pops, then there is no need to limit ourselves to a round one - this is just a standard look for a product that is easiest to attach to it. How the sweetness will look like in the final version depends solely on the customer’s imagination and the skill of the confectioner: for example, these can be miniature figurines or animal figurines, and from several cake pops made in the form of numbers or letters, you can make a whole inscription that would be very relevant for congratulations. If sweets will decorate the wedding table as a dessert, you can make two cake pops in the form of a bride and groom. For a banquet on the occasion of the anniversary, two such products in the form of numbers are suitable, which will indicate the age of the birthday person. Well, for children, such treats can be made in the form of their favorite cartoon characters or comic book characters. By the way, such sweets will be called accordingly - “molded”, which means “formed” in translation. In culinary terminology, they are usually divided into:

  • Baked ("baked") - cake pops of an ordinary spherical shape, which is attached to them with the help of kitchen equipment.
  • Sliced ​​(“cut”) - to give an original look to such products, it is customary to use cut-out baking dishes.

As for cooking recipes, here cake pops are divided into the following types:

  • Traditional ("traditional") - cakes made with cream and biscuit crumbs.
  • Cereal (“cereal”) is a very unusual option that requires unusual ingredients: it uses puffed rice and marshmallows - a mixture of sugar, gelatin diluted in water, syrup and glucose.
  • In the form of cookies ("cookies") - the most ordinary cookies are placed on a stick, before its consistency becomes hard, and its surface is decorated with powder, icing and other goodies.

How to cook cake pops: various recipes and required ingredients

Do not be afraid of the newfangled name and bizarre, at first glance, form - cake pops are prepared almost as easily as the word is pronounced. This is an ordinary pastry, which anyone can cope with cooking - for this you do not need to have special culinary talents, it is enough to stock up on the necessary products, time and patience.

Classic recipe

For cooking you will need:


  • chicken eggs (from 5 pieces, raw);
  • flour (up to 250 g);
  • condensed milk (80-120 ml);
  • baking powder (2-3 teaspoons);
  • icing or melted chocolate;
  • powders and other decorative confectionery items (coconut chips, chopped nuts)


The cooking process itself is as follows: Eggs (without shells) are placed in one container and sugar is poured - these ingredients must be turned into a mixture by beating. Then you need to do the same, but with the addition of flour. Place the resulting dough in a baking dish and place in the oven for 30 minutes. As soon as the biscuit has cooled, it will need to be crushed - the easiest way to do this is with a blender. Condensed milk will need to be added to the resulting consistency until the biscuit turns into a plastic mass. Further, from what happened, you can sculpt balls. To keep them on a stick, their diameter should not exceed 3-5 cm, in other words, it is better to make them the size of a walnut or a plum.

When all the sweets are molded, they will need to be put in the freezer for a while (up to 30 minutes) to allow them to harden. Now each ball can be fixed on a stick, having previously lubricated the tip on which it will be strung with chocolate to ensure a strong attachment. Finally, in melted chocolate, you can gently coat the surface of the balls themselves, and then cover it with powder.

The preparation is almost identical to the classic version, except that instead of ordinary chocolate, white chocolate will have to be pre-melted to a liquid state. To simplify your task, you can use ready-made semi-finished products so as not to knead the dough. As such, you can use an ordinary flour muffin or a chocolate muffin.


  • biscuit cooked;
  • White chocolate;
  • cream cheese (450 g);
  • fruit or berry jam (2-4 tablespoons)


The cooking process is similar to that described earlier (when using a ready-made biscuit, the dough preparation process is not taken into account): balls are molded from a plastic mass of whipped muffin mixed with the rest of the ingredients and covered with white chocolate on top. Also, to give the cake a more refined flavor at the stage of preparing the biscuit, you can additionally use cream cheese and jam.

Video: white chocolate cake pops - composition and preparation:

There are two options for preparing such cakes (cherries will be mentioned as an example for the filling):


  • biscuit cooked;
  • cherry berries;
  • cherry syrup (optional)


The berry is placed inside the cake pops at the stage when it is necessary to sculpt balls from the resulting mixture. Each cupcake is carefully cut into two parts, after which one or more wines are placed in the middle of one of them. Then the halves are reconnected, and the balls are placed in the refrigerator to harden. You can add cherry syrup directly to the dough while kneading it - the effect will be no worse than from real berries. If the dish will be served to an adult audience, liquor can also be used as an analogue of syrup. In the same way, any other berry or fruit slices can be used instead of cherries. Raspberry is very popular as a topping for cake pops - its rich and bright aroma is ideally combined with both icing and all types of chocolate.

Chocolate cake pops

Such an exquisite-looking delicacy can not only be covered with chocolate on the outside, but also have the appropriate taste.


  • biscuit cooked;
  • cocoa powder;
  • chocolate or chocolate icing


The principle of preparing the filling is not too different from the version with berries, which uses syrup - only in the case of chocolate cake pops, instead of it, you will need to add crushed cocoa powder to the dough or just chocolate chips obtained with a grater.

Video: how to cook chocolate cake pops - cooking tips:

By the way, it’s better to decorate such pastries with just the same filling that contrasts in taste with chocolate - a sprinkle of nuts or waffles is suitable for this. To give an original appearance, instead of chocolate, such cake pops can be covered with icing, choosing the right color for it.

To make delicious cake pops, you don’t have to mess around with kneading the dough at all - you can go the simpler way using other ingredients and a slightly different cooking method:


  • ordinary cookies (one pack will be enough);
  • whipped cream;
  • flavored sauces;
  • condensed milk


The biscuits are crushed or mixed in a blender until a crumbly mixture is formed. For thickening, you can use whipped cream, flavored sauces, condensed milk, or even thick sour cream. Just as in the case of the classic version, balls are molded from the resulting consistency and placed in the freezer to cool, after which they are coated.

Cake pops as a New Year's treat

New Year is one of the brightest holidays that was, remains and will be such at all times and for all categories of people, regardless of gender and age. On this day, it is customary to pleasantly surprise relatives and friends - and a delicious and originally designed cake pop is the best fit for this. And if the taste in this case will depend solely on the culinary skills of the person who will be baking, then for decoration you can show a bit of imagination in order to fully convey the festive atmosphere.

The first and most common option is New Year's patterns. They are made very simply: on top of the chocolate that covers the surface of the balls, with the help of white icing, drawings of snowflakes or fairy-tale characters of the corresponding theme are applied. And there are a great many such examples, the originality of the final version depends solely on the chef.

The second method is no less original - with its help, each cake pop can be turned into a small snowy mound. To do this, you just need to sprinkle it on top with crushed chips resembling snowflakes. You can use multi-colored sprinkles to give brightness and a "star" effect.

Cake pops can be immediately made in the form of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas deer, snowmen, etc. So they can become not only a hearty treat, but also a real decoration of the New Year's table.

Various options for decorating cake pops

In fact, making this treat look unique is much easier than it might seem at first glance. In addition to this, you can diversify its taste properties by slightly changing the ingredient set used for coating. In the end, it is not necessary to be guided by standard recipes down to the smallest detail - for example, instead of nuts and coconut flakes, you can use crushed candies or finely chopped pieces of berries and fruits.

Many ordinary cakes and pastries use fruit slices, berries and icing swirls on top of the cake as a decorative element. For cake pops, this idea is just as relevant - the main thing, at the same time, is to place the “decoration” on the surface before the delicacy completely hardens.

Do not forget about the form factor - after all, cake pops can be made in the form of anything, for which there is only much imagination.

Cake pops cannot be called a new word in the culinary world or some special delicacy - it is almost the same as the more familiar cakes, pastries and cookies. However, thanks to an interesting design and the idea of ​​​​fastening on a stick, they managed to separate them into a separate segment of sweet treats.

These delicacies are suitable for any holiday and will be able to please all lovers of sweets. Well, anyone who has the appropriate desire and the necessary products will cope with cooking. All this once again proves that the main recipe for cake pops consists of only two “ingredients”, which, as a rule, are not customary to mix with each other - simplicity and originality.

Video: how to cook cake pops:

A dessert that is impossible not to love. Dessert that everyone likes without exception, but especially children. The one about which you want to say "cute". One that will dilute any sweet table with its playfulness and presentation. Easy to prepare, but requires a little skill. Cake pop.
Cake pops is a fairly young dessert. In its form, it appeared only in 2008, thanks to the inventive Angie Dudley. It was she who proposed the idea of ​​a small cake on a stick, poured with icing. Since then, cake pops has been one of the confectionery bestsellers. Literally from English, cakepops translates as "cake on a stick" and is an analogue of the well-known Soviet "potato" under a layer of chocolate icing. Cake pops are perhaps one of the easiest desserts to make. Even a child can cook it. But in order to make cake pops perfect, you need a little more knowledge and skills. Let's take a closer look.

To make cake pops you will need:

Any biscuit;
ready-made cream based on mascarpone or cream cheese;
chocolate glaze;
fat-soluble dyes;
paper or wooden tubes.

The first step to a great cake pop is the base. For the base, you can take any (absolutely any) biscuit. If nothing comes to mind, then you can use any biscuit from the previous article about cupcakes. Or with a basic almond biscuit recipe:

4 eggs;
120 gr. Sahara;
60 gr. flour;
60 gr. almond flour.

Divide the eggs into yolks and whites. Add half of the sugar to the yolks, beat with a mixer until a light creamy texture. Whisk the egg whites with dry fat-free whisks at medium speed. When the mass turns into a voluminous foam, pour in the remaining sugar in small portions and continue to beat. Continue beating egg whites until stiff peaks. After the yolk and protein masses are ready, combine them, gently mixing with a silicone spatula. Add dry ingredients (almond and wheat flour) to the mixture and knead a light, homogeneous dough for a biscuit. The finished dough can be baked on a baking sheet covered with parchment or a silicone mat. We simply transfer the biscuit to a baking sheet and level it with a spatula. Bake at 200 degrees for about 5 minutes.

We send the finished, cooled biscuit to a food processor and grind into crumbs. Add cream to biscuit crumbs. The cream can also be absolutely anything: ganache, creamy, cheese ... You can find recipes for basic creams in the previous article about cupcake creams. In addition to cream, any suitable flavoring and coloring can be added to the cake pop mass. We chose Isabella grape flavor and added a few drops of purple gel color.

When preparing biscuit mass for cake pops, special attention should be paid to its consistency. Depending on the chosen biscuit, you may need a different amount of cream. Most often, the ratio of biscuit crumbs and cream is 1: 1. That is, if we took 100 gr. biscuit crumbs we need about 100 gr. finished cream. How do you know if the mass is ready for further work? Checking this is very simple: roll up a small ball and press on it. If you see that a crack has formed on the surface, then you need to add a little more cream. If the surface remains even, and at the same time the biscuit mass is elastic, but not liquid, it holds any shape well, then you can proceed to the next step.

From the finished biscuit mass, we need to form balls. The weight of each ball is about 30-35 gr. Roll up pieces of mass equal in weight and lay them out on a flat surface. Melt a small amount of chocolate icing, dip the tip of a stick into it and place it in each cake pop. Do not be too zealous and pierce blanks for pops through and through. We just need to fix the balls on a stick for further work. Put the blanks in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes.

Attention! If you overcool the blanks, the glaze may crack during coating. If the blanks are too warm and soft, they can easily slip off the sticks when glazing.

Let's prepare the chocolate. For cake pops, it is most convenient to stop at chocolate icing: it is more difficult to overheat, it quickly hardens and lays down in a thin but confident layer. Melt the white chocolate icing. Our favorite method: heat with a hair dryer in pulsed mode. We turn on the hot air at intervals of 10-15 seconds, direct it to the chocolate icing, mix every time after heating. When all the pieces have melted well, the chocolate has become fluid and homogeneous, add a drop of fat-soluble dye to it and mix. Do not even try to add ordinary coloring to chocolate without the corresponding mark "oil" or "chocolate". Basic Chemistry: Water and fat are not best friends. Anyway, any chocolate and product containing cocoa BUTTER cannot, under any circumstances, be mixed with liquid or gel coloring, which contain water.

If you are tired of a uniform color and want something new, then you can not stir the dye in chocolate to a uniform shade, but only make light color stains. We chose FoodColors for chocolate in Carmine Red, dyed the bulk of the chocolate a light pink, and added a few more bright drops.

We will get blanks for cake pops from the refrigerator. Let's prepare a glass with sugar - we will install pops that have not yet frozen into it. Immerse the workpiece in melted, liquid chocolate. We dip completely, there should not be a single uncovered part. Hold the stick at a 45 degree angle and slowly and continuously turn it until the excess chocolate drips off. The chocolate should drip right at the base of the dessert, this is the only way you can achieve an even, smooth surface.
We set the cake pops in a glass with sugar or in a specialized stand and leave until solidified. After 5-7 minutes, when the chocolate icing becomes hard and strong, the cake pops are ready.

And if you are still thinking about whether to cook cake pops or not, then we will tempt you with a delicious cut as a bonus. Juicy, soft biscuit, a thin layer of chocolate... and away from all thoughts!

With love, Tortomaster team and Maria Sukhomlina.

As I said, the toppings for cake pops can be different. In principle, you can use any biscuit that you know how and like to cook. Cream - too, but the main thing is that it be strong. Therefore, a cream with a high oil content (or, for example, also beloved by many butter with condensed milk) or dense is well suited. In addition, you can add ground nuts, coconut, waffle crumbs or puffed rice. Well, or something else that you come up with yourself :)

And I decided to make simple but delicious cake pops: from chocolate biscuit and ganache on milk chocolate. In my family, this uncomplicated combination is at a premium :) I make ganache in a ratio of 1.5: 1 (chocolate-cream).

I made the chocolate ganache ahead of time. It is desirable to do it the night before or at least a few hours before the intended use. However, for cake pops, this is not as important as in other cases of using ganache, but it is easier to roll the balls when the ganache stands a little and becomes denser.

We take 350 g of cream 33%. We put them in a saucepan. We put on the stove, bring to a boil, but do not boil!

In a large bowl we throw 525 g of milk chocolate broken into pieces.

Pour hot cream over chocolate.

Mix well! At first it will be like this...

…then the chocolate and cream will begin to combine.

And you get a glossy and beautiful mass.

Small lumps in it? Nothing - get rid of them with a blender.

Fluid, fragrant, delicious!

Now you need to cover the ganache with a film and cool at least a little.

Let's make a biscuit!

I also made the chocolate biscuit. This is a simple biscuit, similar to the one I described in the recipe, but with the replacement of part of the flour with cocoa powder. For cake pops, it took me 556 g of biscuit. So, we take 5 eggs, 130 g of flour, 150 sugar and 20 g of cocoa powder, and this amount is definitely enough for us! How to cook - see step by step in the ombre cake recipe, but in general - this is a classic, and if you are baking, you probably already know this process by heart :)

I took my biscuit out of the freezer. Yes, it’s possible :) I let it thaw (it happens quite quickly). Freezing does not affect the structure, appearance, or taste of a classic biscuit.

We break it into pieces and place it in the bowl of a blender (combine) - we need to get a biscuit crumb. You can also use a regular grater.

Here's what we get.

Grind the whole biscuit and pour the crumbs into the same bowl where the ganache is already located.

We mix. First with a spatula.

This will be quite difficult to do. The mass is dense.

And then hands.

I don't use gloves, I just wash my hands well as I cook for myself and my family. To order, such things, I think, are made with gloves.

The correct consistency of the “dough” is very important. Look, it is very dense, like sand. If you are making cake pops with a different composition, keep in mind that the consistency should be about the same, and adjust the amount of products accordingly.

We roll balls! We adjust the size ourselves, you can weigh it on the scales so that they turn out to be the same and it’s just absolutely beautiful! Rolling them so that they are even is not so easy, I must say, you have to try! :) I, of course, are not ideal, but they will do!

Now VERY IMPORTANT! The blanks must be transferred to the freezer and cool well. I would even say freeze a little. Minimum 20-30 minutes. The cream should set well. If you don't, or don't cool enough, your cakes will fall off the sticks, they won't be able to be dipped into the icing without falling off, they will leave crumbs in the icing, they will roll on a stick - in general, it will be completely impossible to work. !

Blanks in this form can even be frozen in ice. But then you need to let them move away a little, but exactly until the moment that the wand can enter the ball.


Melt some white chocolate.

We take a wand. I use special plastic ones for cake pops.

Dip the tip into the chocolate.

We take a frozen ball and insert a stick into it.

We transfer the future cake pop into a glass of a suitable size or insert it into a piece of foam plastic (I have foam plastic in which I made holes in advance). Honestly, Styrofoam is much more comfortable than cups, which can cause cake pops to fall out of and are very difficult to size. It is better to think over this moment in advance and make a convenient stand to make it easier for you to work.

Here is our glorious team :)

...make chocolate icing!

Hurry up! It's important that your cake pops stay cold while you prepare the frosting and decorations! It is fashionable to put them in the refrigerator or freezer. One of my biggest mistakes was just that I was fussing with shooting and some other things, and as a result, my cake pops were completely unbelted: I dipped them into the icing, and they turned on a stick, fell off it, dirty Chocolate spoiled my mood. Don't do this: don't let them relax! :)

So let's take white chocolate. I repeat: there must be quite a lot of it! It took me about 665 g for this number of cake pops. Of course, you will have it, but this is the technology: the balls should be easily completely immersed in the icing. Chocolate consumption, however, will be different for everyone, because it largely depends on the shape of the bowl into which you pour the icing: the deeper and narrower it is, the less chocolate you will need. In my photo - not the most convenient bowl for this case. More convenient - and more economical, which is important! - use a glass at all! :)

We melt it to a fluid state. I do this in the microwave in pulses, heat for 15-20 seconds, turn over and heat again. It is important not to overheat it, otherwise it will curl up.

I always tint with a fat-soluble dye (in stores they write: “For chocolate”!)
