
We roll crab "Raffaello. Raffaello from crab sticks - recipes with photos

The original table decoration for the holiday, which is affordable, attractive and tasty - crab Raffaello. This dish has long won the hearts of Russian housewives and professional chefs, because cooking it is simple, fast and inexpensive!

How to make Raffaella from crab sticks

cute little onescrab ballsgot its name because of the external resemblance to the favorite delicacy of many - Raffaello. Thanks to the grated egg white, they really look like coconut candy. It is not at all necessary to make them white to decorate a luxurious table. Many housewives prepare balls by rolling them in red shavings of sticks. This is how the original motley red and white appetizer is obtained.

Crab stick balls - recipes with photos

Find the right onecrab sticks rafaello recipeJust. They are similar to each other, only some additional ingredients differ. Choose based on the availability of food in the refrigerator, in any case, the dish will turn out fragrant and tasty. You can add some real coconut flakes to add originality to the appetizer.

Rafaelki with melted cheese and crab sticks

  • Calorie content of the dish: 180-198 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

To prepare neatRaffaello of crab sticks with melted cheese,it takes a little dexterity. For better bonding of the ingredients, it is recommended to use fat mayonnaise or sour cream sauce. If desired, you can decorate the balls with finely chopped greens, grated egg yolk or sesame seeds. With the latter, the main thing is not to overdo it, since sesame has a specific flavor that not everyone likes.


  • crab meat - 100 g;
  • processed cheese Druzhba - 2 pcs.;
  • walnut kernels - 50 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • dill - 2-3 branches;
  • mayonnaise Provencal - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind crab meat, garlic and cheese in a blender or on a grater.
  2. Add mayonnaise to this mass to make a thick mixture. If you overdo it with the sauce, crab raffaelles can fall apart.
  3. Grind the walnut kernels and greens in a clean bowl or mortar.
  4. Roll up neat balls from the mass, roll them in the nut mixture and put them on a wide plate with a pyramid.
  5. Clean for a couple of hours in the cool, then you can serve a snack to the table.

Crab sticks and cheese balls

  • Calorie content of the dish: 245-289 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Before preparing deliciouscrab balls with cheesefor a noisy party, check how your guests feel about spicy snacks. Perhaps some will not like garlic, especially if there are children among the guests. For them, you can prepare similar balls of chocolate, cookies and condensed milk. For an adult company, such an appetizer can also be a godsend.


  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • processed cheese - 50 g;
  • hard-boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 80-100 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • crab meat - 200 g;
  • coconut flakes - for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate egg whites on the smallest grater or chop in a blender. Separately mash the yolks.
  2. Grate cheese, processed cheese and garlic.
  3. Mix all products, season with mayonnaise.
  4. Finely chop crab meat, combine with yolks.
  5. Roll the cheese mixture into balls, roll them in a plate with crab meat, put on a plate.
  6. Sprinkle lightly with coconut flakes on top.

Raffaello salad - recipe with crab sticks

  • Cooking time: 60-80 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8-12 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 305-308 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

From the famous balls you can cook an unusual festiveRaffaello salad with crab sticks. It is perfect for a New Year's table, birthday or a simple party. The salad is prepared simply even for a beginner in cooking, it only takes a little imagination and a creative eye to decorate the dish beautifully before serving. You can use sprigs of dill, parsley, thin green onions or basil for decoration.


  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • crab meat - 250 g;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • garlic - 20 g;
  • pitted olives - 30 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise Provencal - 60-80 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the eggs in advance, freeze the crab meat.
  2. Finely chop them or chop them in a blender.
  3. Grate hard cheese and garlic on the smallest grater to make shavings.
  4. Combine cheese with eggs and garlic, season with mayonnaise.
  5. Take a little mixture into a spoon, form a ball, place an olive inside.
  6. When all the balls are ready, put them on a dish so that there are no gaps left, decorate to taste.
  7. Leave the salad for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator to infuse.

Raffaello from crab sticks with nuts

  • Cooking time: 30-45 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5-8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 265-287 kcal per 100 g.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

This option Raffaello of crab sticks with walnutsYou'll love it if you don't like garlic. Preparing a snack at home is very simple if you choose the right ingredients. It is better to use hard cheese for balls, it goes better with cream cheese and gives the dish the necessary density. Sour cream can be replaced with mayonnaise, but this option is not suitable for those who follow the figure.


  • frozen crab meat - 120 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • walnuts (or any other) nuts - 60-80 g;
  • cream cheese - 100 g;
  • hard cheese - 120 g;
  • sour cream 20% fat - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate crab meat on a fine grater to get red-white shavings.
  2. Boil the eggs and finely chop them or pass through a meat grinder.
  3. Grind nuts in a blender.
  4. Cheese grate on a fine or medium grater.
  5. Mix all ingredients except nuts, season with sour cream.
  6. With cool hands (so that the dish does not melt) make small balls, roll them in nut dust.

Raffaello with eggs and crab sticks

  • Cooking time: 35-45 minutes.
  • Servings: 5-7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 248-257 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for a holiday, for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Many housewives docrab sticks with eggs, corn and rice as a salad, but sometimes you want something original. Below you will find tips on how to prepare this dish and serve it as a novelty. Your family will not even guess that this is the same salad that has become boring, and the children will be delighted with delicious multi-colored balls.


  • crab meat - 200 g;
  • chicken egg - 2-3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 50 g;
  • boiled rice - 100 g;
  • corn - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Sticks, eggs grate on a fine grater.
  2. Mix them with boiled rice, season with mayonnaise or sour cream.
  3. Grind corn in a blender
  4. Shape into balls with your hands and roll them in the corn kernels.
  5. Place in refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

  • Cooking time: 30-35 minutes.
  • Servings: 5-7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 180-198 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack, for the holiday.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Another way to cookRaffaello of crab sticks with olivesfor creative housewives. The main beauty of the dish is in its presentation. To make your appetizer look spectacular, before serving, make a composition of balls, sliced ​​​​vegetables and greens. Tomatoes and cucumbers cut in the form of flowers, decorated with bunches of dill or parsley, look especially beautiful.


  • pitted olives - 13-14 pieces;
  • soft cheese - 120 g;
  • crab meat - 4-5 pieces;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - for dressing.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the eggs, grate the whites on a fine grater, mash the yolks with a fork in a separate bowl.
  2. Grate sticks and cheese.
  3. Mix them with egg white, season with mayonnaise.
  4. Shape into balls with 1 olive inside.
  5. Roll the buns in the egg yolk.
  6. Lay on a beautiful dish, decorate with herbs and vegetables, leave to brew in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

  • Cooking time: 45-55 minutes.
  • Servings: 7-9 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 236-284 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for a holiday, for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Want to spice up your holiday table? cookRaffaello of crab sticks with almonds. The peculiar bright taste of this nut will give the dish an original aroma and piquant taste. There are two options for making balls with almonds. You can grind it and use it for rolling or hide one kernel inside each bun, as in the recipe with olives.


  • processed cheese - 150 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • mayonnaise - 30 g;
  • roasted almonds - 30 g;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • crab meat - 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. If you plan to use almonds for boning, grind them in a blender.
  2. Grate cheese, garlic and crab meat on a fine grater.
  3. Mix well, season with mayonnaise.
  4. Finely chop the dill, combine it with nuts.
  5. Form balls of cheese and crab sticks, hide a nut inside (if you decide to use it whole).
  6. Roll each bun in dill.
  7. Refrigerate, serve.

Appetizer Raffaello with crab sticks - cooking secrets

cook crab balls Raffaelloany housewife can do it, but to make them perfect, consider the tips below:

  1. Choose from two types of cheese. Hard cheese will give the koloboks the necessary elasticity, and soft or processed cheese will improve the plasticity of the mass and allow you to make perfectly even balls.
  2. If you are using foods that contain a high percentage of moisture in the dish (for example, canned corn), squeeze out the excess juice.
  3. It is better to choose fatter mayonnaise or sour cream for crab balls, so they will keep their shape better.
  4. Use only pitted olives, this saves you time on food preparation.
  5. Do not leave the balls warm immediately after cooking. They need to insist and grab, and the ideal place for this is a balcony or a refrigerator.
  6. To understand if there is enough garlic in a dish, try it immediately after cooking. Remember: after the salad is infused, the garlic will appear stronger.
  7. Do not be afraid to experiment, add greens, fragrant spices, vegetables to the balls. The perfect salad combines flavors: sweet, salty, sour and bitter.
  8. To make the dish more interesting for children, you can divide the boning mixture into two parts. Add red pepper to one, yellow to the other. Leave some of the balls white. Multi-colored koloboks are much more attractive for little kids.

Video: Rafaelki with crab sticks

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

You can cook a lot of snacks from cheese and crab sticks: salads, sandwiches, canapes, tartlets. But today we will focus on the original appetizer - cheese balls with crab sticks. This type of snack is suitable for any holiday, and all your guests will be surprised by the original serving of crab sticks and cheese. Since these products are always popular and many love them very much, do not be surprised if in the first 30 minutes of the feast all the balls disappear from the table. They are simply eaten and asked for more. Therefore, in such a case, I have a spare portion in the refrigerator, which you can always add to the table. When the table is full of snacks, the evening passes cheerfully, with mood and provocatively. The more beautifully you cook the dishes, the better the mood of the guests will be. The recipe with step-by-step photos of this amazing appetizer I described in detail for you. Be sure to try these.

Required products:

- 100 grams of cheese (melted or hard),
- 50-70 grams of crab sticks,
- 2 pcs. chicken eggs,
- 2-3 cloves of garlic,
- 2 tables. l. mayonnaise,
- salt, pepper to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We rub the cheese on a small grater. I liked the melted cream cheese, which has a delicate structure and a pleasant taste. Such cheese is similar in softness to butter, so balls from such cheese will roll just perfectly. You can of course take hard cheese, but so that the balls do not fall apart, you will have to add a little more mayonnaise. Choose your cheese. Most often, I cook such an appetizer from processed cheese, although I practiced hard cheese a couple of times, which was also delicious.

Crab sticks are also three on a grater, but to make them easier to rub, we slightly freeze them.

Squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic to the crab-cheese mass so that the appetizer comes out spicy and spicy.

We cook hard-boiled chicken eggs, then cool, peel and three through a fine grater to the bulk. Eggs will add volume to the appetizer, but will not overwhelm the taste.

Lightly salt the appetizer, you can pepper a little, add mayonnaise so that the balls form well.

Mix well and the mass is ready for modeling.

Form balls with clean hands and place on a plate. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the recipe, which describes in detail.

Delicious and attractive appetizers are served at the table. Cheese balls with crab sticks are not only quick to prepare, but also quickly eaten. Bon Appetite!

Cheese balls with crab sticks are a great idea for any table (holiday and everyday). When you want some originality, and in stock only the most common products and limited cooking time.


  • Cheese, hard - 250 gr.
  • Sticks - 200 (large pack).
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Greens and olives of your choice.


  1. Put boiled eggs, cool, rub on a smaller grater. Grate the cheese.
  2. In stale and too dry cheese, I advise you to add a little processed cheese, 50 grams, no more.
  3. Mince the garlic with a garlic press.
  4. Mix the prepared ingredients, add mayonnaise - you should get a homogeneous mass.
  5. Rub your sticks. It is more convenient to do if they are frozen.
  6. Stir a third of the sticks into the salad. But I do not always add, I like it better without them.
  7. Then proceed as follows: roll a ball out of the mass and dip it in grated crab crumbs.
  8. Send the balls to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  9. I wrote in the ingredients that, if desired, olives and herbs can be added to the appetizer. Finely chop the greens and mix into the salad before forming a ball.

Olives are a little different. They need to be put in the middle of the ball. Take a little salad with a spoon (put on the palm of your hand). Put an olive in the center and make a ball. Then roll in chopped sticks and arrange beautifully on a platter.

Cheese balls with crab sticks


  • Processed cheese - 100 g
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 30 g
  • Crab sticks - 70 g
  • Fresh dill - several branches
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.


  1. In order to grind the products, I used a fine grater. So, I rubbed the processed cheese first (I took cheese with a creamy taste). I finely chopped juicy thick-skinned Bulgarian pepper (in combination with cheese and crab sticks it turns out very tasty, so pepper is just right here).
  2. Then grated hard cheese. She put on a grater crab sticks. Finely chopped fresh dill. Slightly salted, added mayonnaise, mixed. Do not add a lot of mayonnaise at once, the cheese-crab "mince" should be quite tight so that the balls mold well and keep their shape. With wet hands, form small balls.
  3. Laid out on a plate. That's all, a simple and tasty snack - cheese balls with crab sticks - is ready!
  4. It is better to eat them immediately - fresh. If they are prepared in advance, then after you have formed them, it is better to immediately put them in the refrigerator, in the compartment with 0 ° C, so that they do not lose their shape.

Cheese balls with crabs


  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • mayonnaise for dressing.


  1. Finely chop the salmon.
  2. Roll in finely chopped dill.
  3. Delicious, I recommend!

Snack "Cheese balls with crab sticks"


  • Crab sticks - 200 Grams
  • Egg - 4 Pieces
  • Hard cheese - 50 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 2 Art. spoons
  • Garlic - 2 Cloves
  • Cucumber - to taste


  1. I boil and peel the eggs, then rub them on a fine grater, grind hard cheese on a fine grater into a separate bowl, rub the crab sticks too.
  2. In a bowl I put boiled eggs, chopped cheese and half of the crab sticks. I chop the garlic cloves on a fine grater and add to the main mass, season with mayonnaise and mix.
  3. I form small balls, roll them in the second half of the crab sticks.
  4. I spread the appetizer on a plate, serve with fresh cucumbers.

Crab balls with cheese

Here is a simple recipe for making crab balls with cheese. Everything is very simple: boil hard-boiled eggs, cool and grate on a fine grater, also finely rub the crab sticks and cheese. Mix all the ingredients with mayonnaise, adding chopped garlic. From the resulting mass we form balls. Have a nice day!


  • Crab sticks - 200 Grams
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams
  • Eggs - 2 Pieces
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • mayonnaise - to taste


  1. Hard boil eggs. Next, they need to cool and grate on a fine grater.
  2. Crab sticks also grate on a fine grater.
  3. Finely grate the cheese.
  4. We combine cheese, crab sticks, eggs and garlic passed through a press in a salad bowl.
  5. Add mayonnaise and mix everything until a homogeneous thick mass.
  6. We form balls, sprinkle them with the remaining “crab shavings” and serve.

crab balls

These balls are baked in the oven. They are served after cooling with any suitable sauce, as well as warm with a side dish of vegetables. It is better to use crab meat, in extreme cases it can be replaced with high-quality crab sticks. Get a delicious and unusual dish.


  • Eggs - 1 Piece
  • Greek yogurt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Spices - 2 teaspoons
  • Dried parsley - 2 teaspoons
  • Mustard - 0.5 teaspoons
  • Bread - 2 Slices
  • Crab Meat - 450 Grams


  1. In a large bowl, beat the chicken egg, add Greek yogurt, mustard, spices, dried parsley.
  2. Mix everything well with a fork until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Cut slices of bread into small pieces or crumble.
  4. Add crab meat, bread to the egg mixture and mix everything well.
  5. Send the balls to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes, bake with the door ajar.
  6. Transfer the balls to a plate and serve.

Raffaello with crab sticks and cheese

A great option for a quick and light snack, which is perfect for a buffet table and a festive table. Thanks to the successful combination of flavors, the dish is truly original. Olives, walnuts and garlic add spice to the dish. I recommend trying the recipe at home!


  • Hard cheese - 200 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 3-4 Art. spoons
  • Garlic - 1-3 Cloves
  • Crab sticks - 4-6 Pieces
  • Pitted olives - 200 grams
  • Walnuts - 50-70 Grams


  1. We begin the preparation of the dish by boiling hard-boiled eggs and rubbing them with hard cheese on a grater. We also rub the crab sticks on a fine grater. We stuff each olive with a walnut.
  2. We pass the garlic through a garlic press, mix with cheese, eggs and mayonnaise. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. We form a cake from the cheese-garlic mass, put an olive in the center, form a ball.
  4. Roll the balls in crumbs from crab sticks, send them to the refrigerator and then serve. The dish is ready.

Rafaelki with cheese and crab meat

Here is a simple recipe for making rafaelok from cheese. For the filling, mix grated cheese with mayonnaise and crushed garlic. Form balls by inserting an olive (with almonds inside) in the center. Close up the balls and roll them in grated crab sticks. Lay the cabbage leaves nicely, place the cheese balls on them and serve. Good luck!


  • Hard cheese - 500 grams
  • Crab Meat - 200 Grams
  • Mayonnaise - 200 Grams
  • Pitted Olives - To taste (1/3 of a jar)
  • Almonds - 30 Grams
  • Chinese cabbage - 6 Pieces
  • Garlic - 5 Cloves


  1. Crab sticks and hard cheese rub on a fine grater.
  2. Mix mayonnaise with cheese and crushed garlic.
  3. Insert an almond into each olive.
  4. Form balls from the cheese mass, insert the olive with almonds inside, seal securely.
  5. Roll the finished rafaelki in grated crab sticks, then place on the cabbage leaves.

Cheese balls with crab sticks


  • 200 g frozen crab sticks (or crab meat);
  • 200 g of processed cheese (which is rubbed);
  • 50-100 g lightly salted salmon (optional);
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • mayonnaise for dressing.


  1. Freeze the melted cheese a little to make it easier to grate. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Grate crab sticks on a coarse grater.
  3. Finely chop the salmon.
  4. Put crab sticks, cheese, salmon, garlic passed through a press into a bowl, mix with mayonnaise.
  5. Put beautifully our cheese balls with crab sticks on a dish and you can immediately serve. Delicious, we recommend!

Cheese balls with garlic


  • 250 grams of hard or processed cheese;
  • 5 boiled chicken eggs;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 grams of frozen crab sticks;
  • 1 small fresh cucumber;
  • 200 grams of slightly salted red fish;
  • light sesame;
  • a mixture of white and black sesame seeds;
  • raw carrot;
  • quarters of walnuts;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • greens (dill or cilantro);
  • Sun-dried tomatoes;
  • pitted olives;
  • ground sweet red pepper;
  • pita.

Cooking method:

  1. To begin with, we need to prepare the basis of the festive snack. To do this, grate hard cheese and eggs on a fine grater. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press. Some housewives use processed cheese, but I prefer hard cheeses.
  2. Salt, pepper to your taste, dilute with mayonnaise and knead. (Mayonnaise must be added so that the consistency of the mixture is suitable for sculpting balls).
    We divide the cheese-garlic mass into 5 parts.
  3. Pour 2/3 of the grated crab sticks into the first plate and add a spoonful of mayonnaise. We mix everything thoroughly. (Leave the remaining crab sticks for breading). Form into balls with wet hands. They can be anything in size: I like small ones, so I use one teaspoon of mass. Balls with such a filling can be decorated with chicken yolk grated on a fine grater or rolled in crab breading.
  4. We clean the cucumber from the peel, chop it into small cubes and add to the cheese mass. Then cut the red fish into small cubes. Similarly, we form cheese balls, and in the middle we hide a small piece of salted fish.
  5. We bread the finished balls separately in each type of sesame.
    Raw carrots need to be grated and mixed with cheese. We stuff such balls with a quarter of a walnut. For decoration, we use pre-roasted and ground nuts.
    Then, to the cheese with eggs, add very finely chopped fish and green onions and half a spoonful of mayonnaise.
  6. We use greens for decoration. To prepare the fifth version of the festive snack: add chopped sun-dried tomatoes to the base. We hide an olive in the middle of each ball and bread in paprika.
    Cut pita bread into squares and dry them in a pan. Get crispy chips for a festive serving of our breaded cheese balls.
  7. I recommend serving this appetizer on the festive table cold. It turns out beautifully when you spread different types of cheese balls on a large dish in strips, and decorate the edges with crispy pita chips and fresh dill sprigs. Here you can experiment as you like, as long as your imagination is enough. Be sure to try to cook such a festive snack on the table, you will not regret it.

Balls with crab sticks

Crabmeat snack (or sticks) is very popular. Cheese balls with crab sticks are easy to prepare, the ingredients are available, and they look just perfect on the table. Very tasty, try it!


  • 200 g frozen crab sticks (or crab meat);
  • 200 g of processed cheese (which is rubbed);
  • 50-100 g lightly salted salmon (optional);
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • mayonnaise for dressing.


  1. Freeze the melted cheese a little to make it easier to grate. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Grate crab sticks on a coarse grater.
  3. Finely chop the salmon.
  4. Put crab sticks, cheese, salmon, garlic passed through a press into a bowl, mix with mayonnaise.
  5. Add some chopped dill. Stir. Roll into small balls with wet hands.

Cheese balls with crab sticks

Crab sticks have long been popular as an appetizer or part of any meal. Sometimes crab meat is used, which can be an alternative for this festive dish. The recipe is simple, the appetizer looks original and tastes just delicious!


  • frozen sticks or crab meat (200 grams);
  • a pack of processed cheese;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • a little garlic;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking process:

  1. Grate the processed cheese, after holding it in the refrigerator to make it easier to grate. Crab sticks are also rubbed on a grater or finely chopped into strips.
  2. All prepared products, including garlic squeezed through a garlic press, are mixed with mayonnaise. Chopped dill is added to this mass and everything is mixed again.
  3. Small balls are rolled with wet hands and laid out on a beautiful plate, which can be immediately put on the festive table.
  4. It turns out delicious and beautiful!

Cheese balls with crab sticks

Crabmeat snack (or sticks) is very popular. Cheese balls with crab sticks are easy to prepare, the ingredients are available, and they look just perfect on the table. Very tasty, try it


  • 200 g frozen crab sticks (or crab meat);
  • 200 g of processed cheese (which is rubbed);
  • 50-100 g lightly salted salmon (optional);
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • mayonnaise for dressing.


  1. Freeze the melted cheese a little to make it easier to grate. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Grate crab sticks on a coarse grater.
  3. Finely chop the salmon.
  4. Put crab sticks, cheese, salmon, garlic passed through a press into a bowl, mix with mayonnaise.
  5. Add some chopped dill. Mix.
  6. Roll into small balls with wet hands.
  7. Put beautifully our cheese balls with crab sticks on a dish and you can immediately serve.
  8. Delicious, I recommend

Cheese balls with crab sticks


  • 200 g frozen crab sticks (or crab meat);
  • 200 g of processed cheese (which is rubbed);
  • 50-100 g lightly salted salmon (optional);
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • mayonnaise for dressing.


  1. Freeze the melted cheese a little to make it easier to grate. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Grate crab sticks on a coarse grater.
  3. Finely chop the salmon.
  4. Put crab sticks, cheese, salmon, garlic passed through a press into a bowl, mix with mayonnaise.
  5. Add some chopped dill. Stir. Roll into small balls with wet hands.
  6. Put beautifully our cheese balls with crab sticks on a dish and you can immediately serve.

Cheese crab balls

Delicious and beautiful appetizer for the festive table, which is always in great demand. In fact, this is a cheese salad with crab sticks in a convenient form for 1 bite. Balls can be prepared in advance - they lie in the refrigerator for a day, and then they will be swept off the table!


  • Crab sticks - 350 g;
  • Hard boiled eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Hard cheese - 200 g;
  • Processed cheese - 2 pieces (90-100 g each cheese);
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Dill - 2 sprigs; Mayonnaise - 1-2 tablespoons; Olives or pitted olives - optional (15-20 pieces). You can almonds (pre-soak it in boiling water to soften).


  1. Grind everything into a salad mass: chopsticks, cheese, egg whites (without yolks) and garlic, chop on a fine grater or pass through a meat grinder (you can grind in a blender).
  2. Tear off the dill leaves from the stems and finely chop (we only need the tender parts of the greens). Add to salad dressing. Mix. Sprinkling: just mash the egg yolks with a fork (it is for sprinkling the balls, put it aside separately). Season salad mass with mayonnaise (1 tablespoon).
  3. If the salad mass is a little dry, then add another spoonful of mayonnaise. And, if necessary, add salt to taste. Roll into balls the size of a walnut. Inside each ball, you can put an olive or an olive (but this is not necessary, the balls are already delicious, but everyone will be surprised!).
  4. Sprinkle the finished balls with yolk. Put in a container or on a dish, cover with a lid or cling film. And refrigerate for 30 minutes. Serve balls with greens or on lettuce leaves!

Rafaelki with melted cheese and crab sticks

Purpose: for a snack. Cuisine: Russian. Difficulty of preparation: easy. To cook neat Raffaello from crab sticks with melted cheese, you need a little skill. For better bonding of the ingredients, it is recommended to use fat mayonnaise or sour cream sauce. If desired, you can decorate the balls with finely chopped greens, grated egg yolk or sesame seeds.


  • crab meat - 100 g;
  • processed cheese
  • Friendship - 2 pcs.;
  • walnut kernels - 50 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • dill - 2-3 branches;
  • mayonnaise Provencal - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind crab meat, garlic and cheese in a blender or on a grater. Add mayonnaise to this mass to make a thick mixture. If you overdo it with the sauce, crab raffaelles can fall apart.
  2. Grind the walnut kernels and greens in a clean bowl or mortar. Roll up neat balls from the mass, roll them in the nut mixture and put them on a wide plate with a pyramid.
  3. Clean for a couple of hours in the cool, then you can serve a snack to the table.

Cheese balls with crab sticks


  • 200 g frozen crab sticks;
  • 200 g of processed cheese (which is rubbed);
  • 50-100 g lightly salted salmon (optional);
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • mayonnaise for dressing.


  1. Freeze the melted cheese a little to make it easier to grate. Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Grate crab sticks on a coarse grater.
  2. Finely chop the salmon. Put crab sticks, cheese, salmon, garlic passed through a press into a bowl, mix with mayonnaise. Read more:
  3. Add some chopped dill. Stir. Roll into small balls with wet hands.
  4. Put beautifully our cheese balls with crab sticks on a dish and you can immediately serve.

Delicious balls with crab sticks

Crabmeat snack (or sticks) is very popular. Cheese balls with crab sticks are easy to prepare, the ingredients are available, and they look just perfect on the table. Very tasty, try it!


  • 200 g frozen crab sticks (or crab meat);
  • 200 g of processed cheese (which is rubbed);
  • 50-100 g lightly salted salmon (optional);
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • mayonnaise for dressing.


  1. Freeze the melted cheese a little to make it easier to grate. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Grate crab sticks on a coarse grater.
  3. Finely chop the salmon.
  4. Put crab sticks, cheese, salmon, garlic passed through a press into a bowl, mix with mayonnaise.
  5. Add some chopped dill. Stir. Roll into small balls with wet hands.

Crab balls with cheese and garlic are a great option for a buffet or ceremonial table. They do not require much time and special culinary skills to prepare them.

You can please your guests at the festive table with an original cheese appetizer. Today I offer you a recipe for crab balls with cheese and garlic. This is a cold appetizer, which is formed from cheese mass with crab sticks into neat balls. The originality of the balls will add multi-colored breading from various ingredients.

Taste Info Buffet snacks

Ingredients for two servings:

  • Hard cheese 80-100 g;
  • Processed cheese 1 item;
  • Boiled eggs 2 pcs.;
  • A pinch of salt and black pepper;
  • Mayonnaise (sour cream) 2 tsp;
  • Smoked ham 50 g;
  • Crab sticks 70 g;
  • Sesame 4 tbsp. l.;
  • dill bunch.

How to cook crab balls with cheese and garlic

For cheese balls, you need cheese. You can use several types of cheese for more flavor. For example, it can be a piece of hard cheese (Radomer or Maasdam), and high-quality processed cheese.

Immediately cut off a small piece (40 g) from hard cheese, you will need it for breading the balls. Grate the rest of the cheese on a fine grater and send to a bowl. Then pass the peeled boiled eggs through a fine grater, combine with cheese.

Add a spoonful of mayonnaise, a pinch of salt and black pepper to the resulting mass. Stir the cheese mass with a fork, if desired, you can add garlic.

Cut the smoked ham into cubes.

With moistened hands, form small balls of cheese mass, inside which place the ham. The balls will come with filling.

Transfer the cheese balls to a clean plate, then cover with cling film and refrigerate.

In the meantime, prepare all the ingredients for rolling the balls. A handful of sesame seeds must be dried in a dry frying pan. Sesame after that will turn out crispy with a pronounced aroma and taste.

Roll a few cheese balls in the cooled sesame seeds. Grate crab sticks on a fine grater, and roll balls in this mass. Also, balls can be rolled in grated cheese, chopped dill. If you want to make orange balls, then you will need turmeric or ground fenugreek. Ground paprika will add a red tint to the cheese balls. You can also roll the balls in grated nuts or coconut flakes.

Send the finished cheese balls to a beautiful serving surface (board, plate).

Insert multi-colored skewers into balls, now the appetizer is ready to serve, but I recommend insisting it 30-40 minutes before in the refrigerator.

Breadings for balls of crab sticks with cheese are chosen any:

  • Finely grated egg white or yolk. Egg white can be held in beet or spinach juice, after which it will change its color.
  • Breadcrumbs with beet juice. Crackers are mixed with juice and fried in a dry frying pan until they are dry.

Other variations:

  • Instead of ham, boiled chopped chicken breast or walnut kernels are placed in the dish, if desired.
  • You can reduce the calorie content of snacks by replacing mayonnaise with yogurt with a fat content of 1%.
  • This appetizer can be made hot. To do this, you will need to mold a ball from the above ingredients, but use flour or breadcrumbs as a breading. Then the balls are dipped in hot sunflower oil and fried until golden brown. After frying, they are laid out on a paper towel in order to drain excess fat.

Most likely you already know the taste of salad with melted cheese, garlic and mayonnaise. Its originality is to the liking of almost any guest. This dish is called "squirrel salad" with garlic. But to make the cheese appetizer look original, they began to make cheese balls with crab sticks, which in their appearance resemble Raffaello sweets. This delicate appetizer is very easy to prepare according to our recipe, especially if you look at the details of the step-by-step photos.

Step by step recipe with photos - cheese balls with crab sticks

Ingredients for 15 cheese balls:

  • Processed cheese - 2.5 pcs.;
  • Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt - 1 pc.;
  • Table mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Crab shelves - 3 pcs.

1. From previous recipes, you already know from cottage cheese. Therefore, you understand that processed cheese is the same cottage cheese. And it is obvious that an appetizer can be prepared from ordinary cottage cheese in the same way.
But processed cheese comes out much more tender and refined.
So, it is important to hard-boil the eggs. To do this, boil them for 10 minutes, adding salt to the water so that the shell does not burst. After that, cool the ingredient in ice water and clean.
You don't need to use a grater to grind. After all, before rubbing the cheese, it must first be sent to the freezer, and this is an extra chore. Use a garlic press to crush both the melted cheese and the eggs.

2. Peel and mince the garlic using the same garlic press. In this step, the mass can be salted and mixed with mayonnaise. The consistency of the salad should not be liquid. Like the potato layer in the recipe.
Advice: do not add all the mayonnaise at once. After all, there are very soft processed cheeses, and by adding one spoon, you will understand that the mass is ready. The mass should be molded, not spread.

3. In the meantime, crab sticks should be in the freezer. At the moment when you roll the cheese mass balls, you should immediately rub the frozen crab sticks on a fine grater.

So, first, separate a small part from the cheese mass with a teaspoon to make a ball and dip it into shavings from crab sticks. With the same spoon, turn the cheese over several times so that the crab shavings stick on all sides. Then take the mass in your hands and roll up a clear, beautiful ball. Roll the same ball again in crab shavings so that it sticks well to the cheese.

Cheese balls with crab sticks prepared according to this recipe will keep their shape well and keep it even for several days. Store such an appetizer in the refrigerator for no more than three days.
