
Chestnuts from dough on boiled yolks. Cookies Chestnuts: recipe with photo

I want to remind you about the old Soviet recipe for homemade cookies "Kyiv Chestnuts". Remember those delicious fluffy brown hedgehogs in waffle crumbs?

I just finished frenziedly sculpting green plasticine wagons with my son in a race. Now you can switch a little.

The products for cooking are all simple and affordable, it’s easy to cook, however, Kiev Chestnuts cookies can adequately decorate any holiday table and will be tastier and safer (especially when it comes to children) than all these unthinkable purchased cakes on improvers with artificial creams .

To make cookies "Kyiv Chestnuts", we need:

  • 4 hard-boiled egg yolks
  • 250 g butter
  • 8 tablespoons (with top) thick sour cream
  • 3-3.5 cups flour
  • 0.5 cup raw shelled sunflower seeds (optional, you can not put)
  • 1 teaspoon soda (without top), quenched with vinegar
  • 6 art. spoons of sugar
  • 6 art. spoons of milk
  • 3 art. spoons of cocoa powder
  • a pinch of salt
  • 300g waffles, cream or lemon

"Kyiv chestnuts", recipe:

Cooking chestnut pimpochki-cookies:

  1. Softened butter is rubbed with boiled yolks and 2 tablespoons of sour cream.
  2. Add quenched soda, seeds, flour, a pinch of salt and knead a pleasant plastic dough.
  3. We cool the dough in the refrigerator for about an hour, after which we divide it into many small neat balls about the size of a walnut.
  4. We put the balls on baking paper or on a greased baking sheet and send them to a hot oven for 15-20 minutes (approximately, maybe less - check the readiness with a match or a wooden toothpick).

Prepare the frosting while the chestnuts are in the oven:

  1. In a small saucepan, combine milk, sugar, cocoa and 6 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream, bring to a boil over low heat and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Three waffles on a fine grater or a fine blender.
  3. Now we take out the finished cookies from the oven, let them cool a little. Then we dip each cookie-ball in the icing, roll it well in waffles and put it on a large flat plate. At the same time, I do not use forks or other devices - it turns out much faster with my hands.

That's all, Kyiv Chestnut cookies are ready. An excellent dessert at a low cost. If you have time and desire, when sculpting cookies, you can roll a piece of chocolate or a whole peeled nut - cashews, almonds or hazelnuts into each ball. You can use crushed walnuts instead of sunflower seeds.

Hope you enjoy my recipe. At your leisure, you can still try to cook no less simple and tasty and also very affordable life things. Hope you find it useful.

Good luck in your kitchen and life.

Best wishes, Maria Nosova.

And another wonderful one from our regular reader Tamara Chesnokova: “I have had the recipe for this cookie for a long time, but at first it seemed time-consuming to me, and then I forgot about it. notebook, I decided that this was a sign - I need to bake "Chestnuts" for the competition. It turned out that making these cookies is quite simple. I present the recipe in the original, in brackets - my changes-comments."


200 g butter or margarine;

6 boiled yolks;

3 art. l. sour cream;

5 st. l. Sahara;

2 tsp vanilla sugar;

2 tsp baking powder or 1 tsp. soda;

200-250 g of flour (this is about 1.5 cups; and I poured 2.5 cups of flour);

100-150 g hazelnuts;

50 g butter;

5 st. l. milk;

3 art. l. cocoa;

200 g sugar.

From the indicated amount of ingredients, 40 pieces are obtained.

Grind boiled yolks with butter.

Add sour cream, mix.

Add sugar and vanilla sugar, mix.

Add baking powder and flour, knead the dough.

Form small cakes from the dough.

Put a nut in the center of each cake (the nuts were previously boiled for 2 minutes in boiling water, then peeled off the brown skin).

Form a ball the size of a walnut.

Grease a baking sheet with oil or cover with baking paper, put the balls, put in the oven.

Bake at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes (baked 30 minutes).

Weld the glaze.

To do this, bring the butter, sugar, cocoa and milk to a boil and boil until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Chop the remaining nuts.

Dip the finished cookies in warm icing (I dipped only the top of the cookies, maybe that's why about a third of the icing remained).

Then roll in nuts. You can also roll cookies in waffle crumbs or coconut flakes (I used coconut flakes).

The cookies turned out delicious and delicious! I will do more!

The packaging idea is simple - sweets. The wrapper was made of packaging cellophane for flowers, the backing was made of white cardboard, tied and fastened with bows of satin ribbons.

Step 1: Prepare the base for the test.

First we need to boil hard-boiled eggs. I agree, this is a bit unusual for cookies, but this is the highlight of our cookies, they are magical! We separate the jelly from the proteins and rub the yolks with a slightly soft oil with a spoon or spatula. A little later, here we add sour cream, sugar and vanillin. Mix everything thoroughly so that the mass becomes homogeneous and the sugar dissolves.

Step 2: Knead the dough.

In the resulting mass, we carefully, in small portions, add flour and baking powder. Knead the dough thoroughly until it stops sticking to your hands. As soon as it stops - the dough is ready!

Step 3: Form the cakes.

Now we pinch off small pieces from the dough, so that the ball rolled from these pieces is no larger than a walnut. We form a cake from a ball.

Step 4: Prepare the filling.

Now the fun part! In the center of our cake, I put a peeled hazelnut. BUT! You can put any other! Perfect, for example, peanuts or cashews, and if the fantasy plays out, then you can put a piece of dried fruit.

Step 5: Shaping.

Well, now we form a ball from our cakes with dough, carefully, so that the nut is inside the dough. You can roll it between your palms so that the ball gets a more even surface. Now grease a baking sheet with oil or cover with baking paper. Put our balls on a baking sheet not too close to each other so that they do not stick together while they are baked. We will bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Step 6: Make the frosting.

While the cookies are in the oven, we will prepare the frosting. To do this, take butter, sugar, cocoa and milk, mix them and bring to a boil. All this time icing need to stir continuously. As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, our glaze will be ready. Take it off the fire and let it cool down a bit.

Step 7: Prepare the Breading.

Grind the remaining nuts with a blender or grater.

Step 8: Coat the cookies with icing.

While the icing is warm, alternately dip our “chestnuts” into it so that all the cookies are covered with chocolate. Remember: frosting cools down quickly!

Step 10: Serve cookies.

Cookies can be served with milk or hot tea and lemon. An unusual type of cookie will decorate your table and can serve as the main delicacy for dessert! Bon appetit!

After making the cookies, the egg whites were left unused. They can be stuffed with some pate and also served at the table.

- "Chestnuts" are unpretentious in storage, do not deteriorate and do not dry out, so they are easy to transport.

So that the glaze does not harden too quickly in the saucepan, you can periodically put it on a steam bath.

Daughter chose some dessert recipes for her DR. Including a recipe for cookies (for some reason called a cake - this is my first surprise) "Chestnuts" from a magazine. When I looked at the recipe, I said that some points cause me very strong doubts. The daughter (well, the child!) declared that they would not print anything in the magazine. So, my friends ... They will print, how they will print! Therefore, it can be dangerous to blindly trust such magazines to housewives without experience. Bake - it will turn out disgusting. And that's all - the mood is spoiled, otherwise they will blame their own hands. And the point is not at all in crooked hands, but in an incorrect recipe. I don't know what's wrong here.

For example, I want to write an original recipe for you, and then my comments and corrections:

1.5 cups flour

1 cup of sugar

150 g margarine

3 art. spoons of sour cream

0.5 teaspoon of soda

1 can of boiled condensed milk

butter for baking

Melt margarine.

Grind sugar with yolks.

Combine everything, add sour cream and mix.

Mix flour with baking soda and add to mixture. Knead the dough.

Roll dough balls. Grease a baking sheet with butter, put the balls.

Bake at 180 C until golden brown.

Coat the balls with boiled condensed milk.


Looking at this recipe, I immediately told my daughter that if you melt the margarine, mix everything and add 1.5 cups of flour, you get a WASTE DOUGH!!! You can roll balls out of dough only with the help of a magic wand. What will be laid out on a baking sheet (even with the help of a magic wand) will merge into one cake during baking.

And now imagine that we still baked balls. It is proposed to coat them with condensed milk. Well presented? Then, if you eat balls smeared with condensed milk, do not forget to put a bowl of water next to it to constantly wash your hands, face and table. Well, it’s impossible to take a ball smeared with condensed milk in your hands so as not to get stuck! And what is the pleasure in this process? ..

What I did after that:

1. I didn’t drown margarine, but took it softened at room temperature, because. melted margarine requires more flour.

2. It took flour (attention!) a little more than FOUR glasses! But not 1.5. And only by putting so much flour, I was able to roll the balls. You don’t need to add a lot of flour either - the cookies will turn out to be harsh. The dough should be soft, very plastic, slightly sticky to the palms.

3. Before baking, the dough was sent to the refrigerator for an hour. This will then prevent it from spreading quickly when baking. It will have time to "grab" and retain its shape.

4. Then I rolled the balls and put them in a preheated oven. The color of the finished cookie should be pale golden; if brought to a brownish color, it will be hard.

5. I covered the cooled cookies with chocolate icing and sprinkled with coconut flakes (optional).

Now here's what you need! Delicious frosted cookies!

    • cooking time
    • 60 minutes
    • servings
  • If you are a fan of homemade baking, in particular, you are not indifferent to the liver, then this homemade cookies on boiled yolks "Chestnuts" you will definitely be pleased with its taste. Delicate crumbly dough in tandem with chocolate and nuts is perfect as a dessert on the festive table or for home tea drinking.

    Shortbread Ingredients:

    Glaze Ingredients:

    Ingredients for filling and decoration of shortbread cookies:

    Pour sugar into a deep bowl. Put the boiled yolks separated from the whites.

    Mix the yolks with sugar thoroughly with a fork. Add sour cream after that. At this point in the preparation of the dough, you can add more vanillin or vanilla sugar for extra flavor.

    Stir with a spoon. Add melted margarine.

    Pour table vinegar into a teaspoon of soda.

    Add to egg mixture with sour cream. Mix everything well again. Pour in the wheat flour.

    Knead shortbread dough.

    Unlike other types of shortbread dough, this dough does not need to be refrigerated to cool. Throw "drunk" cherries in a colander.

    Sprinkle the table with flour. Roll the dough into small, even balls.

    Flatten them with your hands. Place a cherry in the center of each tortilla.

    Roll the cookie cutters into balls with your hands. Sprinkle the baking sheet with wheat flour. Invest Cookies "Chestnuts". Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180C. Place the cookie sheet in the hot oven on the middle shelf.

    Bake the liver on egg yolks until golden brown. It will take no more than 15 minutes for the cookies to be covered with a golden crust, and inside remain soft and crumbly. Place the finished cookies in a bowl. While it is cooling, you can start preparing the glaze and sprinkles. Pour sugar and cocoa powder into a deep, preferably tin non-stick bowl.

    Pour in the milk. Mix all products. Put in a water bath. Cook, stirring, for about 5 minutes. Then add the diced butter.

    You can also replace it with margarine, only in this case its amount should double. Bring chocolate fudge to a boil.

    Remove from stove.

    Dip each ball on all sides in the prepared still warm chocolate icing. Place the cookie balls on a plate so that they do not touch each other.

    Do not chop the walnut kernels too finely with a knife.

    Roll the chocolate-coated shortbread cookie balls in the hazelnut crumbs. If you do not have nuts on hand, you can use waffle crumbs or coconut flakes instead. Such cookies "Chestnuts", a step by step recipe with a photo, which we examined, even after 3-4 days does not become solid. You can store it for more than a week in a plastic bag. Enjoy your meal. Try to cook bagels from shortcrust pastry in jam as well.
