
Potatoes in a bag for baking in the oven: recipes for a hearty "rustic" dish. How to cook potatoes in a roasting bag with a golden crust

We bring to your attention an easy way to cook potatoes - potatoes in a bag for baking in the oven. This dish is perfect for both a regular dinner and a festive feast. I have described a step-by-step recipe for a quick and tasty dish for you in detail. See how to cook.


- potatoes - 5-6 pcs.,
- spices for potatoes - 0.25 tsp,
- fine table salt - 0.25 tsp,
- garlic - 1 clove.,
- vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp.

Important information.

The dish is prepared within 1 hour.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. First of all, mix table salt and seasonings for potatoes.
Tip: White, black and red pepper are suitable as spices for potatoes; paprika, basil, marjoram, turmeric, coriander, thyme, dried parsley and dill.

2. Next, pass the peeled garlic through a press.

3. After that, add vegetable oil to the garlic gruel with spices.
Tip: Unusual taste will add olive oil or melted butter.

4. Peel the potatoes, wash with running water, cut into large slices.
Tip: You can also add additional ingredients: onions, carrots, zucchini.
Tip: When choosing potatoes, you should pay attention to the absence of green color in the tuber, soft areas. The best option is medium root crops without black eyes.

5. In the next step, pour the potatoes with the seasoned garlic mixture. Mix thoroughly.
Tip: You can fill the potatoes with cream or other various sauces. This will give you an amazing taste.

6. Take a baking bag, put the potatoes there, close tightly with clamps. We put on a baking sheet in a preheated oven to a temperature mark of 180-200 degrees. We will bake potatoes for 15-20 minutes.
Tip: In order for the potatoes to get a golden crust, you should cut the bag 5 minutes before cooking.
Tip: You can check the dish for readiness by chopping potatoes with a knife or fork.
Tip: The baking time may increase if the root crop is large. I also want to draw your attention to .

7. At the final stage, we take out the potatoes from the bag, put them on a plate. Serve hot in addition to meat treats, fresh vegetables, homemade pickles.
Bon appetit everyone!

The size of the tuber should be medium, it is inconvenient to work with small or large ones. After picking potatoes, rinse thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels.

For washing, you can use a fine metal mesh. It helps to remove impurities from the skin without injuring it.

Cut the washed tubers into 4-6 slices. Transfer to a bowl.

Add spices. If something in the recipe is confusing, change it. For example, paprika with red pepper, if you want to add a noticeable sharpness to the finished dish.

Grind the garlic on a fine grater or push through a press. Add to wedges and mix well. For those who do not like strong odors, garlic can be omitted.

Pour in vegetable oil and mix again. Let it sit at room temperature for at least half an hour. The optimal time is one hour. During this time, the potatoes are completely saturated with the aroma of spices and garlic.

Transfer the potatoes to the bag along with the secreted juice and oil, and then tie it up.

Turn on the heating of the oven, setting the temperature to 200-220 degrees. Bake potatoes for no more than 40 minutes.

When the set time has passed, the appetizing aroma of spices and garlic will already soar in the kitchen. Slightly open the cabinet door and evaluate the degree of readiness of the dish. To do this, lightly press on any one slice, if the pulp falls inward, then the dish is ready. If you want fried potatoes, then 20 minutes after cooking, cut the top of the package and wrap it around the edges. In 10 minutes, the slices will be well browned, especially if you put a baking sheet in the upper heating zone.

To prevent the potatoes from burning on the top tier of the oven, sprinkle them lightly with vegetable oil.

Serve the cooked potatoes in a bag hot.

For satiety and juiciness, put a tablespoon of sour cream in a dish or season to taste with mayonnaise, ketchup, tomato or soy sauce.

As an accompaniment, prepare a salad of fresh or pickled vegetables. Quick salted cucumbers are perfect.

Young potatoes go especially well with fresh garden herbs - parsley, dill, green onions. Sprinkle chopped herbs on top of the slices, they will enhance the aroma and awaken the appetite of all households.

Want to cook potatoes, but are you tired of fried and mashed potatoes? Then potatoes in a bag for baking in the oven are what you need! In addition to the wonderful taste, this dish has other advantages: it is very easy to prepare, after it there are no mountains of dirty greasy dishes left; it is very satisfying, and you need nothing at all for it! Delight loved ones with delicious potatoes, and yourself with free time!

For this recipe in the oven, we need very few ingredients, but what a magical result! Real jam!

So we need:

  • Potatoes - 10 pcs;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Fresh greens;
  • Salt, spices - to taste.

Wash and clean potatoes. We need all the pieces to be the same size, so we leave the small tubers as they are, and cut the large ones. We pierce each potato in 2-3 places with a toothpick.

TIP: For a festive table, it is better to choose tubers of the same size - this way they will look more beautiful and appetizing.

Peel and mince the garlic. Wash and finely chop the greens. All this is mixed with oil, salt and season with spices. This is our sauce. We put the potatoes in the bag, pour the sauce and, holding the edges of the bag, shake it vigorously so that each potato is in spices. We pierce the package 3-4 times in different places.

Bake in the oven for about an hour at 200 degrees. We check readiness with a fork or knife directly through the package. When the potatoes are soft, we take out the dish and wait 10 minutes. Then we take it out, which is ideal for any meat.

Vegetables with potatoes

You can diversify the dish in a very simple way - add something to it, for example, vegetables and mushrooms! This will turn out a very tasty and interesting dish, which will especially appeal to the taste of a cold winter. We need to prepare:

Wash all the vegetables, if necessary, clean and chop: potatoes in medium cubes, carrots in rings, onions in half rings, tomatoes in slices, garlic on a fine grater. Mushrooms wash and cut, only if they are large. It is better to take small ones so that they remain whole. We put everything in a bag, salt, season with spices and oil.

Holding the edges, shake until everything is mixed. We bake in the oven for about an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. Serve both as a side dish and as an independent dish. Decorate with herbs before serving.

Potato with meat

Immediately kill two birds with one stone, that means in a bag for baking in the oven! It's not much more difficult than just baking potatoes, but you won't have to spend time and effort on separate cooking of meat. So, we will need:

My potatoes and meat, remove the skin from the tubers and cut everything into small cubes. We clean the onion and chop it into half rings. We put everything in the bag, salt and pepper, and then, closing the edges with our hands, shake the bag so that everything is well mixed. Do not forget to pierce the package. Then we send our workpiece to the oven for about an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Potatoes baked in a bag are served hot as a separate dish or with pickles, tomatoes, meat, and fish. An economical simple recipe accessible even to novice cooks. It will take a little over an hour to cook in the oven. Use only baking bags (sleeves), they can withstand temperatures up to 220-230°C and do not emit harmful substances.


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • parsley, dill - 1 bunch each;
  • salt - to taste.

Vegetable oil is replaced with sour cream, cream or even water.

Potato recipe in a bag

1. Wash, peel, cut potatoes into pieces of the same size (young potatoes can not be peeled).

2. Pierce each potato with a fork or toothpick in several places so that it bakes evenly.

3. Rinse dill and parsley, dry, finely chop.

4. Pour vegetable oil into a bowl, add herbs and salt, squeeze out the garlic. Mix.

5. Drizzle the potatoes with the sauce made in the previous step. Withstand 10-25 minutes.

6. Transfer the sauce-soaked potatoes to a baking bag. Pinch or tie (there should be air inside). Make a couple of holes with a needle over the entire surface so that the package does not burst when heated.

7. Preheat the oven to 200°C, place the bag of potatoes on a baking sheet and place in the oven.

8. Bake until cooked for 40-60 minutes, depending on the size of the tubers. To check, pierce the largest potato with a fork or knife through the bag.

9. Turn off the oven, open the bag, but do not remove the potatoes for another 10-12 minutes.

10. Put the finished dish on a plate.

Delicious baked potatoes in a bag

A simple and very tasty dish from available products will decorate your table. Golden fragrant potatoes everyone will like!


for 4 servings. Cooking time 1 hour 30 minutes

  • Potato - 1 kg;
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • Greens (dill, basil) - a small bunch;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Hard cheese - 70 g;
  • Seasonings (optional, dried basil, Italian or Provence herbs, pepper) - to taste as you like;
  • Bag (or sleeve) for baking.

All. what is required for the recipe: potatoes, garlic, butter, herbs, cheese, salt, spices

How to cook

  • Prepare everything: chop the garlic, mix with seasonings and salt (1 tsp). Peel potatoes, pat dry with paper towels, cut into slices and place in a bowl. Add garlic mixture, mix well. Taste and adjust if necessary.
  • Assemble the package: put the potatoes in a baking bag, pour vegetable oil into it. Tie the bag and place on a baking sheet, spread the potatoes evenly over the bag. Pierce the top of the bag in several places (to release steam).
  • bake: Preheat the oven to 200°C. Then put a baking sheet with a bag in it and bake 40 minutes. Then - cut the bag with scissors (on top) and leave to bake for about another 20 minutes so that the potatoes are browned (try, if soft - ready, if not, then darken a little more in the oven).

Put the finished potatoes on a dish and sprinkle with a mixture of chopped herbs and grated cheese.

Ready-made potatoes baked in a bag with garlic. Very tasty, fragrant, grated cheese is melting on it, hot.

Spices. garlic and salt for dressing potatoes
We cut potatoes
Add butter to potatoes

Potatoes in a bag with garlic on a baking sheet
At the end, the bag is cut open so that the potatoes are reddened.
Chopped greens and cheese - topping for finished potatoes

Delicious potatoes ready!
