
Potatoes in foil in coals: the best recipes. Potatoes with lard in foil on coals

We continue the theme of food on vacation. Few trips to nature are complete without potatoes. Our recipe is charcoal-wrapped potatoes. It perfectly complements, and most importantly - it is prepared very, very simply.

There are many recipes for cooking potatoes on the coals. The easiest is to put the washed, unpeeled potatoes in the coals, sprinkle with them and bake until tender. Depending on the heat and the size of the potatoes, the cooking time can vary from 15 to 40 minutes.

The degree of readiness is determined by piercing the baked tuber with a knife. Well-baked potatoes break easily.

It turns out a little different than in the previous case, but it is prepared in almost the same way. The only thing is that each potato is wrapped in a sheet of foil.

We wash the potatoes well with a brush and leave the skins to dry completely.

Cut the foil into sheets according to the number of potatoes.

We wrap each potato in foil, well kneading the edges around the tuber.

We bury the potatoes in foil in the coals and leave for 20-30 minutes, after which we remove and evaluate the degree of readiness of one of the tubers. Everything is fine? We catch the rest of the potatoes and distribute them among the picnic participants.

Potatoes with bacon on the coals

You don't need any special preparation for going on a picnic. Salt, herbs, lard and cleanly washed potatoes in their skins. Foil and knife.

Cut the fat into slices; cut the potatoes lengthwise into three or two pieces. On each separate sheet of foil, we fold the potatoes with “sandwiches”, observing the order of the potato slices: a piece of potato, a little salt and spices, a slice of bacon - and repeat the whole sequence again. We close with a slice of potatoes and wrap it well with foil so that the structure does not fall apart during the cooking process.

Such potatoes with bacon in foil on coals are cooked for about 20-30 minutes. If the potatoes are small, the cooking time is reduced.

In the same way, you can cook potatoes with cheese instead of or together with lard.

What to serve with baked potatoes

There are a lot of options for delicious additives to potatoes baked in foil on coals. Here are some ideas that you can implement at home and take with you or cook in the same place, in nature. It can be.

Everyone loves a delicious baked potato, and almost everyone loves barbecue. And if not meat, then from vegetables with smoke, on coals, it has a very special taste. Therefore, if you are not a big fan of meat, but love potatoes, then we suggest you cook baked potatoes on the grill with lightly salted bacon and herbs. We will cook in foil, on skewers. It is not difficult to bake potatoes on the grill, you can use ready-made coals or light a fire from firewood. Such a potato is truly a royal dish: it is ruddy with a delicious crust, crumbly and sugary on the bend.

Honey and soy sauce will enrich the taste and smell of the usual potato, spices will make it sharper, and lard will add oiliness and tenderness. Such an unusual barbecue will replace any meat dish for you, and it will bring much more benefits.

Decide for a start what fat you will take for this recipe. For example, you can take salted or smoked lard, as well as fresh lard. Take small potatoes, you can use both young and mature ones.

You can serve potatoes with bacon as a separate dish or as a side dish for barbecue or baked fish.

Taste Info Second potato dishes


  • young (mature) potatoes 7 pcs.;
  • lightly salted lard (smoked or fresh) 200-300 g;
  • garlic 4 cloves;
  • mayonnaise (sour cream) 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dill or parsley 2-3 sprigs;
  • salt or soy sauce to taste;
  • honey 1.5 tsp;
  • spices to taste;
  • foil.

How to cook baked potatoes with lard on skewers on the grill in foil

Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a clean kitchen sponge, leaving the skins intact. Cut lightly salted lard into slices, about 3 mm thick.

Prepared lard can be left in its original form or slightly enriched and made rich in taste. Place the chopped lard in a deep plate. Add two tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream and chopped dill to the lard.

Stir the lard and add a pinch of ground pepper and honey to give a beautiful shade and enrich the taste.

Pour a few tablespoons of soy sauce over the lard and add a pinch of salt.

Finely chop or squeeze the garlic through a garlic press and send to the fat.

Cut the potatoes into two or three parts in circles, send to the fat and mix. Don't cut too big or it will take a long time to bake.

Thread potato slices in turn with bacon on skewers. Then wrap the potatoes in several layers with foil and immediately go to the already prepared barbecue. Instead of mayonnaise sauce, you can use prepared potatoes with bacon on a skewer and add a few pieces of garlic butter on top. Then wrap the skewer in foil.

Potatoes cannot be cooked on an open fire, only moderate heat coals are used. Bake potatoes in foil, turning occasionally in a circle for 15-20 minutes. The foil will help keep the potato slices from burning and speed up the cooking process.

Otherwise, you can wrap several potatoes with bacon in several layers of foil and bury them in coals. Also cook for 15 minutes. Potatoes in coals in foil are a wonderful, fragrant and satisfying dish.

teaser network

Use a knife or fork to pierce the potatoes through the foil. If the knife easily enters the tuber, then you can expand it. Because of the foil, the potatoes turn out to be faded, now bring them on the grill until golden brown, for about 10 more minutes. Baked potatoes on skewers on the grill should turn out to be a bright golden color with a golden crust.

Advice: in nature, you can also use and fry delicious potatoes there.

Serve baked potatoes with bacon on skewers or put on a large plate. Fresh herbs or chopped tomatoes and cucumbers can complement the serving of potatoes.

Our barbecue of potatoes with bacon on the coals is ready, serve hot, piping hot. Of the sauces for such a dish, ketchup, mayonnaise or sour cream sauce with garlic and dill is suitable.

When the meat for the barbecue ends, it's the turn of the potatoes. After all, potatoes baked on coals are delicious on their own.

To bake potatoes, you need to have enough ash and coals, and for this the fire must burn for at least an hour, or even more. Therefore, they usually cook it after meat and in the evening, with songs accompanied by a guitar.

You can cook potatoes on the coals and with different additives to your taste. Stuff with onions, mushrooms, cheese. But first, we will tell you how to bake potatoes on charcoal correctly.

1. Make a fire, let the wood burn to red coals with small flames. Coals after barbecue or with the last portion of meat are also suitable.

2. Rake a hole in the center of the fire or barbecue almost to the very ground (bottom) and pour potatoes into it. Sprinkle charcoal on top of potatoes.

3. Cook for 15-20 minutes. The readiness of a potato can be determined only by pulling it out one root crop and breaking it or piercing it with a knife.

If the potato breaks, then it is ready. Someone likes undercooked, it is also delicious. Now you need to clean it, salt it and eat it.

How to bake potatoes on coals with stuffing

1. While the potatoes are baking according to the recipe above, we will make the filling. It can be varied:

  • oil with herbs
  • fried mushrooms with onions

The classic filling for baked potatoes is butter with herbs and grated cheese. Garlic can be added to cheese.

2. Finely chop the dill and mix it with butter, mash thoroughly with a fork and mix. Once the potatoes are ready, take them out of the fire.

3. On each potato with a sharp knife, we do not completely make a longitudinal incision and slightly push both halves of the potato apart.

4. Mash the potato pulp with a small spoon and add a little butter mixed with dill. Sprinkle with cheese and combine baked potato halves.

5. Put the potatoes back into the fire for 1-3 minutes.

How to bake potatoes on a fire in foil

To bake potatoes with cheese on coals, you will need the following ingredients:

  • potatoes - 10 pcs.
  • cheese - 200 g
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste

How delicious to bake potatoes on the coals:

1. Peeled potatoes cut in half, put a slice of cheese on each half, squeeze a little garlic through a garlic press, salt, pepper and wrap in foil.

2. Bury potatoes in foil in hot coals and ashes of a burned-out fire for 20-30 minutes.

Potatoes on the grill are a great side dish for meat, and with fresh vegetables and herbs, they are also good. Moreover, it does not require special culinary skills from you. Then, not a single feast in nature will be complete without a delicious grilled dish.

Recipe in the grid

At that moment, when you are just lighting the coals for the main meat dish, setting the table and cutting greens, the feeling of hunger can remind you of itself. Then fried on the grill will come to the rescue. They cook it while the coals are not yet suitable for frying meat and a light runs through them. While you cook, you will have time to prepare a delicious sauce for her.

We do not give the exact number of products, it all depends on hunger. Therefore, cook "by eye", balance the taste according to preferences and then you will be satisfied.

We will need:

  • new potatoes;
  • vegetable oil for lubrication;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream;
  • garlic cloves;
  • any fresh herbs;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the potatoes using the rough side of a dishwashing sponge or brush. Dry and cut into circles 1.5-2 cm thick.
  2. Place on a wire rack and brush generously with vegetable oil. Salt and pepper on both sides.
  3. Roast over hot coals for 15 minutes on each side, until the vegetable has a delicious roasted color. Readiness to check is easy - ready-made are easily pierced with a fork.
  4. Make a sauce. Squeeze garlic into sour cream or mayonnaise. Add chopped herbs and spices. Stir and let sit for a bit.
  5. Remove potatoes and serve with sauce.

Recipe with lard in foil

The presence of fat in the dish is embarrassing - most likely you have not eaten such a dish. Make it for testing, one bite, and it will win you over!

It is impossible to give exact ratios of products. It all depends on preferences. And the recipe is so simple that you can even involve children in cooking. Wash, chop - that's the whole science ... However, it's better to string it on a skewer yourself.

We will need:

  • potato;
  • lard - you can use both salted and raw;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. If your potatoes are young, then peeling them is not necessary. Rinse and cut into thin circles, about 0.5 cm each. If you cook from last year's vegetable, then remove the skin.
  2. Cut the salo into thin slices. If you keep it in the freezer, it will be easier and more convenient to cut. The pieces should match the size of the potato wedges.
  3. Fold potatoes and bacon in turn on the board in a pyramid and pierce with a skewer. This method of attachment will relieve injured fingers.
  4. If you used salted lard, then you do not need to add salt. If you took fresh fat, then salt on a skewer.
  5. Wrap everything in foil, close the ends so that the melted lard does not flow onto the coals.
  6. Cook on the grill for about 20-25 minutes, and when you have no strength left to endure the magnificent aroma, remove.
  7. Unfold the foil and put the skewers on the fire for a little more so that the potatoes are browned and the fat turns into greaves.
  8. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Recipe with lard

You can cook the dish according to the recipe more complicated. Although the difference in cooking is ridiculous, the taste is different from the first method. It's all about the sauce. For such kebabs, it is better to use young potatoes. It does not need to be peeled and the tubers will not be too large.

We will need:

  • small potatoes - 10-15 pieces;
  • lard - salted or smoked is suitable - 150 gr;
  • soy sauce - 30 gr;
  • spicy adjika - 50 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Wash potatoes. Cut in half or quarters. If it is very small, about the size of a walnut, then leave it whole.
  2. Cut the lard into smaller potato slices.
  3. String on skewers, alternating.
  4. Mix adjika and sauce in a cup, coat the skewers.
  5. We did not include salt in the composition of the dish, because the lard and sauce are salty, but if you wish, you can bring the dish to your taste.
  6. Put the skewers on the grill and fry until cooked.

Charcoal recipe

This recipe is good to use when all the meats and main courses are eaten and the party is not over. Baking potatoes on the grill is worth it if you want to remember your childhood, laugh and look at the faces of friends stained with ashes. Burning and smoldering coals are suitable for cooking. With the number of ingredients, again, decide for yourself.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 40 min

You arrived with a company in nature and decided to have a picnic. Here, of course, meat is already marinated, a barbecue with coals is prepared.
From childhood, for many, baked potatoes on coals are a delicious dish. Today I offer a variation on the theme of baked potatoes, which is great for a side dish for, or just as an independent dish.
For such potatoes, you only need potatoes, lard and greens. Do not forget to take a roll of foil from home, without it you will not get baked potatoes in foil at the stake.

Preparation time: 20 minutes.
Baking time: 20 minutes

- potato,
- fat or undercuts,
- any spicy herbs,
- salt,
- butter 50 g,
- sour cream or mayonnaise for serving.

How to cook with a photo step by step

To bake potatoes on a fire, take a piece (250-300 g) of fat or undercut. It can be fresh fat or lightly salted, or smoked. Cut the fat into small plates.

In a clean container, combine finely chopped spicy herbs, softened butter and salt. In my case, I used dill, cilantro, stalks of young garlic. With a fork, thoroughly mash the mixture in a container, add hot pepper to taste.

Wash the potatoes with a sponge, and then make cross-shaped indentations on each tuber with a knife. Try to cut the potatoes as little as possible, but as deeply as possible. Because of this, the oil with herbs and the rendered fat were well soaked inside.
It is desirable that the sizes of the potatoes are the same, so the baking time for all will be the same.

Put a fragrant mixture on each potato and add a piece of lard on top.

Wrap the stuffed potatoes in several layers of foil. Move the gray coals without an open fire along the edges of the brazier and place the rolls of potatoes there. Cover the top of the potatoes with charcoal and mince for 15 minutes.

On top of the potatoes, you can bake fish or meat at this time, if the heat is enough for this. Remove one potato and pierce with a fork to determine how soft it is. Take out the finished potatoes in a container, do not unfold until serving.

As a sauce, you can pour sour cream or mayonnaise over baked potatoes in foil on a fire.

Sincerely, Elbi.
Can be cooked at home
