
Potato pizza: step by step recipe. potato pizza

This page shows you how to make potato pizza without using dough. It is, in fact, a large potato pancake Rösti - a simple potato dish that is prepared in Switzerland. Topped with onions, tomatoes and cheese, this potato pizza is pan fried for 16 minutes.

Ingredients for potato pizza

The recipe for potato-based pizza involves the use of a minimum amount of products that can be found in almost any kitchen. For the potato base you will need:
- 800 grams of potatoes or 7-8 medium potatoes;
- 2-3 chicken eggs (you can not add them);
- 2 tablespoons flour or potato starch;
- 1 teaspoon salt;
- 0.25 teaspoon black pepper;
- 0.25 teaspoon red sweet pepper;
- 0.25 teaspoon dried garlic(can be replaced with a small clove of garlic, grated on a fine grater).

To fry the potato base you will need:
- 4-5 tablespoons vegetable oil(better than peeled rapeseed).

Suitable pizza toppings:
- 1 medium onion;
- 1 medium tomato;
- 60-100 grams of hard cheese.

How is potato pizza cooked in a pan? Recipe with photo step by step

It will take about 10 minutes to prepare all the pizza ingredients. To fry the potato base - 8 minutes on one side and the same on the other. That is, cooking Rösti pizza will take about half an hour. First you need to peel the potatoes, wash them and grate them on a coarse grater.

Then, two chicken eggs should be broken into the potato mass, add flour, salt, pepper and garlic and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. It will be the base of the potato pizza.

When the potato mass is ready, you need to heat the pan, pour 4-5 tablespoons of vegetable oil on its bottom and, after a couple of minutes, put grated potatoes with on the bottom of the pan. The mass must be leveled with a spoon or wooden spatula so that it is a neat potato dish.

Pretty fast cooking potato pizza in a pan. A step-by-step recipe instructs to fry it for 8 minutes over low heat. And then, using a plate or other pan, turning the potato base over, fry it again for 8 minutes over low heat, but already under the lid.

While one side of the pizza is fried, you need to peel, wash and cut into very thin half rings the middle onion. In addition, you need to wash and cut the tomato into thin slices.

After the potato base is turned over to the other side, place the onions and tomatoes on the fried surface, lightly season them with salt and black pepper, sprinkle with cheese or put cheese slices on top. Then you need to cover the pan with a lid, leaving the pizza to fry over low heat for 8 minutes.

It should be noted that this, in fact, a giant potato pancake will burn on the outside and remain raw inside if you use a low-quality pan. Usually when preparing this potato pizza, aluminum pans that are too thin fail. Rösti cooks best with KitchenAid brand pans, which have a super-strong non-stick coating and are made of stainless steel.

How to make vegan potato pizza?

People who have given up eating animal products are looking for appropriate recipes. To make life easier for them, this part of the article explains how to replace the ingredients needed to make Rösti.

Eggs can be discarded and not added to the potato mass. It will still adhere perfectly if you use flour or potato starch. Cheese substitutes made from vegetable ingredients are already sold in every major supermarket. Any of them can be used.

Pizza or Rosti?

If you don't feel like cooking pizza, but like the simple and delicious Swiss side dish Rösti, you just need to fry the mass of potatoes and seasonings for the same time as indicated on this page, but without using the lid. Rösti can be cooked not high, but thin. In this case, it will turn out crispy.

Note to the owner

1. The higher the layer of potato base, the longer it may take to fry it. Plus, you need a lid.

2. The more flour or potato starch was added to the grated potatoes, the more sticky the potato layer will be.

3. If you pour a lot of oil into the pan, the potato base will become very greasy and unpleasant in taste.

4. To make a large Rösti pancake complete, it is better to choose a high-quality frying pan, grease it with oil and fry the potato mass over low heat.

5. Do not turn on a strong fire when cooking potato pizza in a pan. In this case, the mass, consisting of grated potatoes, will burn, and in the middle will remain raw and sticky.

6. You can fry the potato base on both sides in a pan, then put any filling and cheese on it and send it to the oven for 10-15 minutes, preheating the latter to 180 ° C.

6. You can omit flour, starch and eggs from the potato mass if you want to make a simple potato base. If there is a lot of starch in potatoes, then in grated fried form it will remain one whole potato dish.

Did you know that tasty, hearty and very unusual pizza can be made not from dough, but from potatoes? Yes, it is from him! The best part is that it is prepared very quickly, but in no way inferior to the traditional one. But how exactly to cook potato pizza, we will now consider!

Potato based pizza


  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • mushrooms (preferably champignons) - 130 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons.


So, we take several large potatoes, peel them and rub them on a fine grater or grind them in a blender. Add mayonnaise, eggs, salt and pepper to taste. Three cheese on a coarse grater and add half to the potato mass. Mix everything well and put it in the pan. Carefully distribute the mass in an even layer and send it to the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes.

This time we will prepare the filling. We cut the mushrooms into small slices, the tomatoes into small cubes, and the onion into half rings. Mix vegetables and add finely chopped parsley, season with mayonnaise and salt. We spread the vegetable mixture on the finished potato cake, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and send it back to the oven for about 40 minutes. As you can see, the recipe for making potato pizza is quite simple and does not take much time and effort!

Potato dough pizza


For test:

  • flour - 350 g;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • rosemary - to taste;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - to taste.

For filling:

  • smoked sausage - 100 g;
  • ham - 100 g;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • milk - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • egg - 2 pcs.


First, let's prepare the potato dough for pizza. To do this, take the yeast and fill it with warm water, add sugar and stir well. We clean the potatoes, boil them in salted water and mash them into a puree. Pour a little flour into a deep bowl, add potatoes, yeast and knead an elastic, smooth, non-sticky dough. We put rosemary, marjoram to taste and leave the finished potato dough for about an hour.

In the meantime, we make the filling. Ham and sausage cut into small cubes. Three processed cheese on a coarse grater. Add milk, eggs, salt to taste and beat everything well. Then we spread the risen dough in an even layer on the pan and lift it around the edges, forming the sides. Spread the prepared filling on top, sprinkle with cheese grated on a coarse grater and send for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 ° C.

Pizza with mashed potatoes

If after dinner you have some mashed potatoes left, and you do not know what to do with it, then this recipe will help you with this.



Add the eggs to the mashed potatoes, mix well and spread it in an even layer on a greased frying pan. We coat the potatoes with ketchup or tomato paste on top and then randomly lay out the diced sausage, tomatoes, and top everything with grated cheese. Cover the pan with a lid, put it on the stove and cook until all the cheese is melted. Then open the lid, let the potato pizza cool down a bit, cut into portions and serve with hot tea or cold drinks.

We wash the potatoes and peel them. Rinse the potatoes and rub on a coarse grater.

Immediately add sour cream and mix - it will not allow the potatoes to darken.

Add eggs, salt, pepper and mix.

Now it's time for the pain.

Mix the potato mass thoroughly so that all the ingredients are evenly distributed.

We spread the potato mass on a well-heated pan with vegetable oil and level it over the entire pan (a layer 1-1.5 cm thick is obtained).

Cover the pan with a lid and fry over low heat (slightly above the minimum) for 10 minutes. During this time, the underside of the potato will seize, become golden in color.

Then carefully flip the potato "pancake".

While preparing the potato base for pizza, let's get on with the filling. Remove the casing from the sausage and sausage and cut into slices. We rub the cheese on a large grater. We wash the tomatoes, dry them and cut into rings or slices.

Grease the top, fried part of the potato with tomato paste.

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We spread about half of the grated cheese, level it. Then lay out the sausage, sausages and tomatoes. Sprinkle the top of the pizza evenly with the remaining cheese. Sprinkle a little Provencal herbs or other seasoning of your choice on top.

Cover the pan with a lid again and fry over low heat for another 10 minutes, until the cheese is completely melted.

We immediately transfer the finished pizza from the pan to a plate or dish and serve it to the table. Decorate potato pizza with herbs to taste.

Bon appetit!

Pizza or potato pie? Decide for yourself, but in any case it is very tasty!

You will need:

600-650 grams of peeled raw potatoes
1 tablespoon sour cream 15% fat
1 egg
1-2 tablespoons fresh chopped dill
2 tablespoons vegetable oil for frying
salt and spices to taste

2-3 tablespoons of tomato paste
150-200 grams of meat (sausages, ham, etc.)
200-300 grams of grated cheese
1-2 tomatoes for decoration

How to cook:

1. Three peeled potatoes on a coarse grater. We beat in the egg, add sour cream and dill, as well as ground black pepper, dried garlic and salt. Mix thoroughly.

2. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, not forgetting to grease the sides as well. Lay out a layer of potatoes, pressing it down. Fry for about 15 minutes over medium heat.

3. Next, you need to turn over our base. It is necessary to make sure that the base is on parchment, which is necessary in order to quickly and easily transfer the pizza to the plate. Spread the potato dough with tomato paste.

4. On top of the tomato paste we put a mute grated cheese, then the meat - the stewed beef “disassembled” into small pieces. You can use sausage, ham, boiled fish and any other meat or fish stuffing.

5. Sprinkle the pizza generously with grated cheese and decorate with tomato slices, ground black pepper. Cover with a lid and cook for about 25 minutes over medium heat. Then you can remove the lid and hold the pizza on the fire for a little more if excess moisture is visible around the edges. We take out the pizza on a large plate along with parchment, which is torn in half and pulled out in different directions from under the bottom.

Bon appetit!

Step 1. Peel the potatoes and wash thoroughly. Then we rub on a fine grater. After that, we filter the resulting slurry through a sieve - let the excess liquid drain.

Step 2 Grate the cheese, send it to the potato mass. Here we add flour, eggs and spices. We mix everything thoroughly.

Step 3 We prepare the baking dish - for this we grease it with butter. Transfer the potato mixture to this bowl. Then we send the form to the oven preheated to 220 degrees.

Step 4 We bake the pancake until a beautiful golden color. Then pull out the form and put the stuffing on the potato base. That is, corn, slices of ham and you can think of something else. Top it all with grated cheese.

Step 5 Put the mold back into the oven. And cook the pizza until the cheese is melted. Before serving, cut the dish into pieces. Serve with ketchup or garlic sauce. Happy eating.
