
Potatoes on a Korean grater. raw potato salad

For me, the discovery was the opportunity to grate potatoes on a grater for carrots in Korean, and this method of chopping seemed very interesting. If you further fry potato straws, then you can probably get a portion of appetizing french fries, which will be used as a side dish or as an ingredient in any salad.

To cook potatoes in Korean, you need to prepare the potatoes themselves, garlic, vegetable oil, spices and spices, lemon juice, you can also use soy sauce.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly, cut off the skin.

Grate for Korean carrots.

Shredded potatoes immediately immerse in water.

Then rinse all chopped potatoes in several waters. The water will become noticeably clearer.

Now, perhaps, the most time-consuming process: you need to heat about 4 liters of water, add 1 tsp. salt. Put the potatoes in well-boiling water, and as soon as the water boils again, mark for 1 minute, then quickly remove the potatoes with a strainer or slotted spoon. You can just throw the potatoes in a colander. Potatoes should neither boil nor remain raw. However, it is better to let him, rather, be slightly undercooked than turn into porridge.

Now for the most creative part: add 2 tsp. salt (without a slide), sugar, spices, lemon juice. Rub the garlic on a fine grater, put on top. Now you need to heat the vegetable oil (the most dangerous part of the process). And carefully pour the hot oil in a thin stream over the garlic.

All! Stir, taste, maybe you want to add something.

Put the finished potatoes in Korean in a cold place for several hours. During this time, you can mix it a couple of times for uniform impregnation.

When serving, you can sprinkle Korean-style potatoes with fresh herbs, toasted sesame seeds, and kalinji seeds.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Korean-style potato is another great dish of the national cuisine of Korea. Potatoes, unfortunately, in this country are not as actively used in cooking as among the Slavs, but at the same time they have their place.
We, potato lovers, will certainly like this way of cooking this vegetable. Especially for those who love spicy food. Moreover, potatoes in all forms are good. And in this form, it can become both a side dish and an addition to salads. After all, we often add boiled, fried, baked potatoes to potatoes.
Korean-style potatoes can be combined with foods such as chicken, eggs, fish, seafood, mushrooms, any vegetables and herbs. Such potatoes can be combined with celery, beets, any cabbage, carrots. So you can consider potatoes in Korean as a universal dish that can be both independent and part of it.
In fact, Korean cuisine has similarities with Chinese. All the same spicy spices, rice and vegetables, beans cooked in a special way. Soy sauce is also often used in this cuisine. It replaces salt, and even vinegar.
Diligent and professional chefs know how to perfectly cut vegetables into strips. And different sizes and thicknesses. If you want, they will cut carrots thinly, just like we used to rub them on a special grater. If you want, they will cut any vegetable into cubes, for example, potatoes.
Today I want to talk about potatoes. As we just did not prepare it. And baked, and fried, and boiled. But not everyone tried to cook it in Korean. I propose to improve, and be sure to try a delicious and original Korean potato salad.
Many Korean salads contain vinegar. In this case, we will not use it, but rather replace it with soy sauce. It turns out simple and very tasty. To cook potatoes in Korean, we need several even, beautiful tubers.
In addition to potatoes, we will use only natural spices. If you love red hot peppers, then use it for this salad. However, I used paprika, ground black pepper, garlic and nutmeg. I think it's worth listing all the necessary products in the correct proportions.


- potatoes - 0.5 kg;
- soy sauce - 50 ml;
- ground black pepper - about ½ teaspoon;
- paprika - ½ teaspoon;
- nutmeg - a pinch;
- garlic - 1-2 cloves;
- vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Nicely cut the potatoes into wedges. Wash it twice in cold water. Then lower into boiling water and cook for 1.5-2 minutes. Cooking time depends on the size of the bars. If they are too thin, then we will cook for 1 minute, respectively, if they are thicker, then up to two minutes. We need the bars to remain whole, undercooked.
I took a deep fryer, put chopped potatoes in it, and lowered it all into boiling water. It is very convenient to take out all the potatoes at once, without catching them from the pot of water. We take out the potatoes, let the water drain.

Sprinkle the finished potatoes with a mixture of spices from pepper, paprika and nutmeg. We mix. The potato turns red.

Add chopped garlic to potatoes.

Boil sunflower oil in a small saucepan and pour potatoes with all spices into it.

Did you notice that our Korean style potato recipe does not contain any salt. Its function is performed by soy sauce. Therefore, at the very end of the preparation of this dish, we will add aroma and taste to the potatoes with the help of irreplaceable soy sauce.

Mix everything thoroughly but gently. It is important not to break the potatoes. We take a test.

Cook Korean potatoes with pleasure.

And for lovers of Korean salads, we offer to cook

On occasion, I advise you to cook potatoes in Korean. This recipe will help you. It will not be difficult to make an exotic, nutritious and tasty spicy-spicy dish with a photo step by step. Served as an appetizer or side dish for meat and vegetable dishes, hot or cold. Crispy, spicy and light straws will please both vegetarians and simple lovers of something new and unusual. For piquancy, you can add hot red pepper or grated fresh ginger root.

Helpful Hints

In no case do we use an ordinary grater for chopping potatoes - the taste will be completely different.

Watch carefully for the readiness of the straws during cooking - it should not be overcooked or undercooked.


  • potatoes - 500 g,
  • garlic - 2-3 teeth,
  • salt - 2-3 tsp,
  • sugar - 1 tsp,
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • lemon juice (can be replaced with apple cider vinegar) - 2 tablespoons,
  • seasoning for Korean carrots - 1 tbsp,
  • soy sauce - to taste and desire.

How to cook Korean potatoes

We wash the potato tubers, peel and chop on a grater for Korean carrots.

Immediately fill with water so that the potato straws do not darken.

Rinse several times until the water runs clear. Leave the chopped potatoes in the water.

We heat to a boil about 3 liters of water, add salt 1 tsp. We put potato straws in a container with boiling water, after boiling we detect a minute and quickly pull out the boiled slices with a slotted spoon or pour into a colander, leave for a few minutes to let the water glass, then put it in a deep bowl.

In a bowl with potatoes, add salt (2 tsp without a slide), sugar, spices, soy sauce and lemon juice (or apple cider vinegar). We clean the garlic and rub on a fine grater on top of the spices.

Gently heat the sunflower oil on the stove and pour it over the garlic in a thin stream.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I went to my girlfriend's birthday party. Even from the institute's bench, she easily began to follow the fashionable direction - vegetarianism. At one time, a friend even became addicted to raw food! But, after she got married, she still remained just a vegetarian (her husband adheres to the same direction). So, the festive table was laid according to the preferences of the owners - absolutely without meat. Quite unusual, you will agree. Most of all, one unusual snack caught my attention, I could not even immediately recognize its main ingredient. It was Korean style potatoes. I liked it and so did my husband. I made it at home following a recipe given to me by a friend. The potatoes are hot and spicy at the same time. I advise you to make this appetizer (in exchange or, conversely, in the company of other vegetables in Korean). The real recipe for this dish I have described in detail for you. Be sure to save this one.


- 500 grams of potatoes,
- sugar, salt to taste,
- 1 white onion,
- vinegar to taste (you can use apple or soy),
- 3-4 medium-sized cloves of garlic (it is better to take not Chinese, as it has a less pronounced spicy taste),
- 1 tablespoon ground coriander
- 1-2 teaspoons of ground red pepper,
- 1 teaspoon sesame seeds
- 0.5 cups of vegetable oil.

Step by step recipe with photo:

If you want to get excellent potatoes in Korean, then, first of all, choose the root crop itself. It must be clean and large. Peel the potatoes 2 hours before cooking, rinse under cold water and leave in a bowl of water (this will save the root crop from excess starch).
Then put a pot with 2 liters of filtered water on the fire. While the water is boiling, grate the potatoes on a Korean vegetable grater, rinse again gently and put in a saucepan with lightly salted boiling water for 2 minutes (don't forget to stir constantly).

Then throw the cut into a colander and rinse again with cold boiled water. Transfer the potatoes to a deep bowl, sprinkle with sugar and salt, add vinegar and stir.

Chop garlic and onion. Add coriander, red pepper, sesame seeds, garlic and onion to the potato slices and mix again.

In a saucepan, heat the vegetable oil, pour it into the potatoes with spices.

Mix all of the above ingredients. Send the potato snack to the refrigerator for 1 hour. They are very tasty and

Any snack can become more satisfying if you know what ingredients to add. Korean-style raw potato salad can easily replace a full dinner. The ability of the root crop to absorb many spices makes it infinitely delicious. And most importantly, it's so affordable! We decided to tell you about the five best with potatoes today.

Potato - the line between the East and Europe. Its notes are reminiscent of the liberated Mediterranean, but the products themselves are combined with the piquancy of spices that Asians love so much.

For Korean potato salad you need:

  • 300 grams of young potatoes;
  • 15 grams of Dijon mustard (grained);
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 160 grams of carrots in Korean.


  • 160 grams of greens;
  • 0.5 onion heads;
  • 1 shallot;
  • 45 ml of wine vinegar;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 120 ml olive oil.

Korean potato salad:

  1. Wash the potatoes, you can use an iron dish brush for this. Peel, grate for Korean vegetables.
  2. Wash the chili pepper, remove the seeds and finely chop.
  3. Mix mustard, oil, chili and wine vinegar until smooth. Here you need to add peeled and chopped garlic, which can be passed through a wine press.
  4. Wash shallots and chop. Post to the rest of the dressing. Mix. Add spices.
  5. Drizzle potatoes with butter dressing. Stir and set aside for at least 1 hour to allow the root vegetables to absorb the spices.
  6. Peel the onion and then cut into thin feathers.
  7. Wash greens, remove moisture and cut.
  8. Remove Korean carrots from the marinade.
  9. Mix all the products with potatoes, you can add a little more olive oil and spices. Korean potato salad is ready to serve immediately.

Important: you need to use exactly new potatoes in this salad, as they go well with a similar dressing. This dish is a good substitute for the whole dinner.

Korean potato salad

Incredibly tasty and made from potatoes. It will come in handy in the summer, when you don’t want to weigh yourself down with a capacious lunch and at the same time remain full.

For Korean potato salad you need:

  • 180 grams of canned tuna in oil;
  • 2 small fresh cucumbers;
  • 30 ml of vinegar;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 60 ml of sesame oil;
  • Spices;
  • 1 sweet and sour apple;
  • Greenery.

Korean potato salad:

  1. Wash cucumbers and grate for Korean carrots. Pour the mass with vinegar and add spices. Among them must be a mixture of peppers and paprika. Leave to marinate for 45 minutes.
  2. Wash potatoes, peel, grate and marinate as well.
  3. Wash the apple, remove its core, grate it.
  4. Remove tuna from oil and mash with a fork.
  5. Mix all products together with sesame oil and spices. Put the tuna on top of everything.
  6. Wash greens in water and chop. Sprinkle over salad. The dish is ready to serve immediately.

Tip: vegetables can not be pickled, but then vinegar and spices must be mixed with sesame oil. Add chili flakes or ground red pepper to this.

Korean potato salad with chicken meat

Not the healthiest dish, but incredibly tasty! Crispy potatoes and asks to eat it as soon as possible. This salad is best consumed immediately, as the fries will be soft on the second day.

For a Korean potato salad, you need:

  • 260 grams of fresh cucumbers;
  • 520 grams of potatoes;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Greenery;
  • 2 chicken fillets;
  • 1 onion;
  • Spices;
  • 230 grams of Korean carrots.

Korean salad with potatoes and chicken meat:

  1. Squeeze the carrots from the marinade, it should be as dry as possible. But do not remove moisture with napkins, as they will also take away the spices.
  2. Inspect the chicken fillet and remove excess veins, then put in boiling water to cook for 25 minutes. Add spices here. When the meat is ready, it needs to cool in the broth. Then pull out and cut into small strips.
  3. Peel the onion from the husk, chop very finely. Then pour boiling water for 10 minutes. After the time has elapsed, drain the water, rinse the onion in cold water. This will take away the bitterness.
  4. Peel the potatoes, then use a Korean carrot grater and grate it. Can be cut into very thin strips.
  5. Heat a large amount of sunflower oil in a deep frying pan and fry potatoes in it in portions.
  6. Wash the cucumber, cut off the ends and cut into strips.
  7. Wash greens in water and chop.
  8. Mix all ingredients with sunflower oil and spices. It is recommended to use a mixture of peppers. The salad is ready to serve immediately.

Important: you need a lot of oil for frying potatoes, it should completely cover it. If possible, use a deep fryer.

Korean potato salad with bacon meat

Men will like this very much. It resembles pleasant evenings by the fire because of its saturation with various smoked products. And all this under the Korean dressing.

For a Korean-style potato salad with bacon meat, you need:

  • 20 grams of cheese;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 150 grams of Korean carrots;
  • 2 slices of bread;
  • Several slices of bacon;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • Spices;
  • 220 grams of smoked sausage;
  • 15 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 150 grams of mayonnaise.

For Korean salad with potatoes and bacon meat:

  1. Wash potatoes, grate. After fry until golden brown in a large amount of oil.
  2. Free the onion from the husk, then cut it into thin half rings.
  3. Cut the bacon into thin strips.
  4. Grate the cheese.
  5. Bread cut into pieces, dry them in the oven. if you want the croutons to be flavorful, then you can pre-grate them with garlic.
  6. Clean the sausage from the packaging and cut into cubes.
  7. Squeeze carrots from excess marinade and shorten the strips.
  8. Mix all products, season with mayonnaise and sprinkle with croutons before serving.

Korean potato salad

Very, very nutritious. One such dish can feed any guest. And it can be easily cooked in the winter, rebuffing the traditional "fur coat".

For Korean salad with potatoes you need:

  • 300 grams of potatoes;
  • 5 grams of sugar;
  • 1 onion;
  • 65 ml of wine vinegar;
  • Spices;
  • 1 salted herring;
  • 1 large sour apple;
  • 125 ml vegetable broth;
  • 280 grams of Korean carrots.

How to assemble Korean potato salad:

  1. First you need to boil the vegetable broth. Ingredients can be very varied and simple: carrots, onions, celery, kohlrabi, etc.
  2. Wash the potatoes, peel, cut into strips and pour over the broth. Let stand until the liquid has cooled. Then take out the potatoes and let them drain.
  3. Squeeze carrots in Korean from the marinade.
  4. Cut the fillet from the herring, wash it and cut into small pieces.
  5. Wash the sour apple, remove its core and grate. The skin can either be left or peeled off - as desired.
  6. Mix all of the above products together.
  7. Add spices and sugar to wine vinegar. Add salt very carefully, as the fish itself is salty. Season the salad with this and remove it for an hour in a cold place.
  8. Peel the onion and cut into small feathers.
  9. Put the salad on a flat dish. Serve immediately.

Tip: if the herring is too salty, it is better to soak it in advance in water or milk. This will remove excess salt. Then simply rinse under running water and cook according to the recipe.

Korean salad with potatoes is a great choice not only for every day, it is always very full of flavors, and it just smells amazingly appetizing! Such dishes will greatly surprise guests who are used to trying traditional snacks from our cuisine. It's time to pamper yourself with wonderful notes of the East right in the kitchen. Bon appetit!
