
Curry (seasoning) - about the composition, use, benefits and harms. Curry Seasoning: Ingredients, Health Effects of Curry and Benefits of Curry

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Curry is an ancient and traditional spice in Indian cuisine. It is used to flavor meat, vegetables and fish. Today, curry powder is familiar to Western cuisine, and is a mixture of spices mixed in the right proportions. It includes turmeric, coriander, cumin, nutmeg, ginger, black pepper, mustard seeds, chili, and garlic. Sometimes cloves, salt, fenugreek, cardamom and cinnamon are added to the mixture.

curry properties

Curry contains many valuable health-promoting properties. It has an antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent, thus inhibiting the development of infections and preventing bacterial attacks. At the same time, the spice has a carcinogenic effect, which reduces the growth of tumor cells. This spice improves memory and protects against Alzheimer's disease.

Curry has antioxidant properties, so the spice effectively fights free radicals responsible for the aging process. This helps the body fight skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema or acne.

The spice will help a person suffering from severe migraines. It has an analgesic effect due to the presence of salicylic acid. To do this, curry stimulates the production of endorphins, the hormone of happiness.

The Indian spice has been known for years as a proven weight loss aid. Curry increases bile secretion and helps burn fat. Yellow powder improves metabolism and intestinal motility.

benefits of curry

Curry not only adds flavor to our lives. It contains spices that have anti-inflammatory properties that help fight cancer, speed up metabolism and improve digestion.

Blood sugar control

Turmeric, one of the main spices in curry powder, may reduce the risk of diabetes. Curcurmin prevents blood sugar spikes and improves insulin sensitivity.

Cholesterol management

Curry powder can lower cholesterol levels and prevent gallstones due to one of its constituent spices, fenugreek. It also reduces lipid oxidation in the liver.


The spice can help remove toxic heavy metals such as mercury and lead from the body.

Prevention and treatment of cancer

Eating curry on a regular basis may provide cancer-preventive benefits. Curcumin, found in curry, is one of the most widely studied plants in cancer research. It is safe for human consumption and is recommended as an anti-cancer therapy and to prevent cancer recurrence. Curcumin slows down the spread of a wide range of tumor cells.

Protects against Alzheimer's disease

Curcumin is a promising agent in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Helps with digestion

Traditional curry powder is filled with spices that aid the digestive system. Black pepper promotes the secretion of stomach acid and reduces intestinal gases. Bay leaf promotes proper digestion. Cinnamon is an antidote for diarrhea, vomiting and indigestion. Cloves also treat diarrhea and indigestion. Coriander and cumin help relieve stomach pain and treat digestive disorders.

Application of curry

Curry is a spice in Indian cuisine. This spice is particularly well suited to rice, adding a nice yellow color to it (the variety originating in Sri Lanka gives it a dark brown color and a slightly spicier flavor). The secret of this spice's flavor lies in the unique composition of the ingredients. On the basis of this spice, aromatic sauces can also be prepared.

Harm curry

Some people need to be careful before pouring over curry dishes. An increased amount of spices can lead to side effects. This is especially true for patients with breast cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Increased bleeding

Turmeric is a natural blood builder and can increase bleeding when combined with certain medications. It should not be used with anticoagulants (prevent blood clotting) or antiplatelet agents.

Suppresses chemical drugs

In chemotherapy, you also need to carefully use curry. Curcumin may interfere with cyclophosphamide, an immunosuppressant drug used in the treatment of breast cancer.

Stones in the kidneys

A large dose of turmeric can lead to kidney problems. It increases oxalate levels, which raises the risk of kidney stones.

May aggravate gastrointestinal disorders

Curry is not advisable for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases such as stomach ulcers, bile duct obstruction and gallstones.

Curry - calories and properties. The benefits and harms of curry

Calories: 325 kcal.

The energy value of the Curry product (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 12.66 g. (~51 kcal) Fats: 13.81 g. (~124 kcal) Carbohydrates: 58.15 g. (~233 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 16%|38%|72%

Curry properties

How much does Curry cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region400 rub.

Currently, spices and spices have become very popular in our cooking. It is hard to imagine a kitchen without a whole scattering of multi-colored small bags, fragrant with completely different aromas. In Russia, one of the favorite seasonings of housewives is curry - a mixture of different spices. It comes from India and most often it includes such spices as turmeric, cardamom, coriander, ginger, black and red ground pepper.

Curry mix goes well with almost any dish. For example, in India, housewives put this spice in meat and fish dishes, vegetables and rice. It is even used in baking and drinks. Moreover, thanks to curry, dishes acquire a beautiful golden hue and an unforgettable aroma.

Vegetable stew, chicken salads, vinaigrette, meatballs, beef stroganoff… our housewives find the most unexpected ways to use this spice. Be sure to add curry to your arsenal of seasonings, you will be amazed at how unsurpassed it will add flavor to your culinary masterpieces! Calorie curry 325 kcal per 100 grams of spice.

benefits of curry

The benefits of curry when eating it are undeniable, since this mixture is simply designed to maintain the correct balance in the work of exclusively all systems of the human body. Curry improves liver function, promotes the process of digestion, removes harmful toxins and toxins.

The benefits of curry as a dietary product are known, since turmeric, which is part of the spice, is the main "enemy" of fat. This is justified by the fact that the curcumin component prevents the growth of adipose tissue, slowing down the metabolism of unwanted cells. And another important feature of this substance is the ability to activate the immune system, as well as destroy proteins that block brain activity and thereby contribute to the development of the terrible Alzheimer's disease.

It should be taken into account the fact that the properties of curry directly depend on the specific composition of this spice. For example, black pepper, which is part of the spice, is useful for diabetes, and cumin and ginger perfectly improve the functioning of the digestive system. It has been established that coriander stimulates appetite and normalizes bile secretion.

In general, if you are not completely satisfied with the composition of the finished spice, which can be found in almost any supermarket, you can cook it yourself by mixing the ingredients you like the most.

Harm curry

The harm of curry can manifest itself in case of individual intolerance to the ingredients that make up its composition. Doctors strongly do not recommend the use of this spice for pregnant women and young children under two years of age.

Summing up, it can be noted that store-bought curry could be called an ideal spice if it were not for the presence of a preservative - monosodium glutamate.

Product proportions. How many grams?

1 teaspoon 3 grams 1 tablespoon 10 grams

The nutritional value

Recently, I often talk about traditional Indian products. And what could be more traditional than curry leaves with a pronounced oriental flavor and aroma. These are the leaves of a tree from the Rut family, which is also called Koenig's murray (Murraya koenigii) or chokeberry murray.

Ayurveda uses not only the leaves, but also the bark and roots of this wonderful tree to treat diabetes, diseases of the stomach and liver, and, of course, for hair care.

From the Indian language "curry" is translated as "sweet neem leaves" (in their appearance they are really similar), and in Spain they are known as "hoja".

In addition to the Indian subcontinent, today the trees from which curry leaves are harvested are cultivated in China, Australia and even Africa. In India, this seasoning is always added to stews and legume dishes.

Nutritional value of curry leaves

Key Nutrients: Dietary fiber, protein, vitamin A and calcium. In small quantities, curry leaves contain B vitamins, iron, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus.

But the main secret of healing power lies in phytochemical compounds (terpenes, terpenols and ketones), which, when the leaves are distilled, "flow" into an essential oil with a similar bright aroma.

Health Benefits of Wonderful Leaves

A piece of advice that you will certainly hear from any practicing herbalist from the East is to chew 1-2 fresh curry leaves every morning, because it is very healthy. You can make spiced yogurt (or buttermilk) with crushed leaves.

Prospects for the treatment of diabetes

Research last year showed that curry leaves contain alkaloids and polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that lower blood sugar and fat levels. For diabetic rats, curry leaves were more effective than Gibenclamide. This was confirmed by the authors of the "Journal of Chinese Medicine", published in the United States.

Natural source of chlorophyll

This is a rich source of chlorophyll, the benefits of which I have dedicated a separate article. In short, chlorophyll is useful for cleansing the blood and liver, accelerates wound healing, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and also energizes.

Antioxidants in curry leaves

One of the earliest publications on the antioxidant properties of curry leaves was published in 2007 in the journal Food Chemical Toxicology. This vegetable raw material has proven its ability to protect the liver and kidneys from oxidation, thereby preventing serious diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Anti-cancer properties

The search for cures for cancer continues, in this regard, curry leaves have become a close object of study. One of the most promising antioxidants, girinimbin, is found in the skin of the leaves.

Testing of this substance in vitro has proven its antitumor properties, it prevents the oxidation and mutation of cells.

For immunocompromised cancer patients, curry leaves also offer antimicrobial protection. They reduce the severity of side effects from taking heavy drugs, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Pain Relieving Properties

Scientists have confirmed the analgesic properties of an extract obtained from curry leaves. It is especially effective in the treatment of inflammatory pain.

Diuretic properties

The product reduces swelling and removes toxic substances from the body due to its diuretic qualities. It also increases perspiration.

Solving problems of the gastrointestinal tract

Plant antioxidants and alkaloids are beneficial for gastrointestinal health. Curry leaf juice mixed with lemon juice and honey is an excellent home remedy for indigestion, ulcers and nausea.

The alkaloid carbazole in curry paste and leaf juice has been shown to be effective in the treatment of diarrhea.

Dried and crushed herbs mixed with fresh buttermilk help with indigestion, and fresh leaves fight dysentery and hemorrhoids.

curry leaves and cholesterol

You can also use this vegetable raw material to lower blood cholesterol levels. Along with turmeric, curry leaves are considered good for the heart.

Antifungal Properties

A paste made from curry leaves has strong antifungal properties. With its help, bruises, fungal skin lesions and rashes are treated. It is enough to chew curry leaves and apply the resulting slurry to the affected area. Fast healing guaranteed.

Vision benefits

It is a good source of carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which is why eating 1-2 curry leaves daily improves eyesight and prevents the development of cataracts.

curry leaves for dementia

Dementia is a common disease among older people. Sweet neem leaf extract improves brain functions (especially memory), fights Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Good news for pregnant women

Morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy is helped by juice or tea made from curry leaves - natural remedies that doctors in India consider safe for the mother and her unborn baby. You can also take a paste with crushed leaves and yogurt.

mosquito horror

It turns out that muraya chokeberry leaves, due to their strong aroma, repel mosquitoes and even kill their larvae. A real nightmare for annoying insects.

curry leaves for healthy hair

So what does this product have to offer your hair? It promotes hair growth, prevents damage and graying, makes them brighter, improves color.

Curry leaves contain a lot of nutrients, and thanks to the antifungal components, they protect the scalp from diseases.

Oriental women have their own secret recipes for making homemade hair care products. One of them is this: curry leaves are boiled in coconut milk, cooled and used as a tonic for dark hair. It is applied every day before going to bed, and washed off in the morning with a mild shampoo. In addition to brightness, shine and nutrition, this tool will give your hair a few more years of youth - it will delay the appearance of gray hair.

The essential oil extracted from curry leaves has the same pleasant aroma as the seasoning. Regular massage of the scalp with this oil is very beneficial for the hair. Curry oil is also used to make soaps and facials.

curry leaves for weight loss

Along with digestive fibers, these leaves contain active ingredients that improve metabolism and prevent obesity.

Studies on obese rats have shown that the herbal extract of murray Koenig reduces the percentage of fat in the bodies of animals and helps to reduce their weight.

For such promising dietary benefits of curry leaves, the special alkaloid mahanimbin is most likely responsible. In a word, the shelf of herbs that promote weight loss has arrived.

Application in cooking

Well-known to lovers of oriental exotics, curry powder contains not only curry leaves, but also coriander, cumin, black pepper and fenugreek.

One reason for the popularity of pure curry powder is that it pairs well with other Indian and Mediterranean spices. In Indian cuisine, it is used to flavor vegetable dishes, all kinds of pickles, yoghurts and chutneys. Before adding seasoning to the finished dish, it is usually fried in ghee or vegetable oil along with chopped onions.

In the southern part of India, rasam soup with curry, tomatoes and Indian date juice (tamarind - read about its beneficial properties here) is popular.

Cambodian soup Maju Krueng is unthinkable without fried and powdered curry leaves.

In Thai cuisine, you can often find the leaves of another plant of the Rut family. Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) or limequat leaves have a similar aroma. I will return to them in one of the following articles.

This herbal product contains a significant amount of oxalic acid. If you don't want to get kidney stones, don't eat too much. But in small doses, curry leaves are harmless.

Today, supermarket shelves are full of various products, including condiments. Everyone chooses according to their taste and color. Each of them has its own characteristics and exquisite taste. Some go well with meat, while others go well with fish. In this article, we will consider curry seasoning, composition, benefits and harm that it can bring to the human body. It came to us from India, therefore it is peculiar in its taste and combination with individual dishes.

A little about the composition of the seasoning

Curry is made up of several spices. Their interesting combination provides her popularity to this day. Thanks to the use of spices, you can make the dish not only exquisite, but also tasty. The composition of curry seasoning is very diverse.

The main part of it is turmeric. In addition to it, there are also such constituent components as coriander and cayenne pepper. It also contains fenugreek. These spices are the basis of seasoning. Other components may also be added to them. For example, to give an interesting taste and aroma, you can additionally add bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, black pepper.

Curry seasoning: useful properties

One of its advantages is that the combination of various spices gives an interesting chemical composition. You can talk a lot about curry seasoning, its benefits for the body. For example, turmeric helps improve brain performance, and also provides good help in the fight against tumors. Improving the composition of the blood is also one of the beneficial properties of the seasoning.

Coriander has a choleretic effect. It also improves the functioning of the digestive system. If you regularly use curry seasoning as part of various dishes, you can achieve normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood environment.

In addition, it is great for people who want to lose weight. The components that make up the seasoning prevent the formation of adipose tissue, and also remove excess water from the body.

If you add cumin to its composition, then the protective functions of the body will increase. Speaking about curry seasoning, the benefits and harms to humans, we can say that the first is much more. But, of course, everything should be consumed in moderation. Zira, if it is part of the composition, will help remove toxins. And this spice effect is very valuable. Since there are a lot of harmful products at present. Ginger, in turn, will improve blood circulation. It will also help you deal with constipation. Much can be said about curry seasoning, benefits and harms. But she has more positive characteristics. You will see this by reading the rest of the article.

Thus, each constituent component is rich in "useful things" for the human body. Which option to add spices to choose, the person decides. Because it depends on the taste of your dish.

Where is curry used?

This seasoning refers to Someone uses it in all dishes. But it goes best with rice. It will give the product a yellowish color, and some varieties of pungent taste. The peculiarity of curry is that it has a different composition of spices. In addition, it can also be used in the preparation of various sauces. They will be fragrant and distinctive.

The spice blend works well with chicken salads. You can also add curry to both meat dishes and pasta with meatballs.

Curry (seasoning): properties

Spices, which are the main components, help strengthen the human body, which regularly uses them in dishes. Curry seasoning is characterized by anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal effects. She is also excellent at fighting cancer. Namely, it helps to reduce the growth of such cells. Curry has beneficial properties such as improving memory and protecting against Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, the spice has an antioxidant effect. Thus, it slows down the aging process. If you regularly eat curry dishes, then eczema and psoriasis will not be terrible.

Salicylic acid in the composition of the seasoning gives an analgesic effect. Therefore, you can forget about migraines. The spice also stimulates the production of endorphins. In this case, you will not remember sadness.

Curry has repeatedly helped people who would like to lose those extra pounds. Due to its unique composition, fat in the human body is burned, and bile secretion increases. And it also improves digestion.

What is the harm

Some people shouldn't eat a lot of spices. This time, talking about curry seasoning, benefits and harms, let's focus on the second point. The use of excessive amounts of spices can lead to side effects and consequences. The risk group includes people with diseases of the blood vessels and breast cancer.

Turmeric, along with its beneficial properties, helps to increase bleeding along with medications.

During chemotherapy, curcumin interferes with an immunosuppressant used in the treatment of breast cancer.

Also, curry should not be consumed by people who have kidney problems. Because turmeric increases oxalate levels. It is he who increases the risk of kidney stones.

Thus, in curry seasoning, the benefits and harms are not in equal proportions. Of course, despite the harm of the spice, it has much more advantages.

How should spices be selected and stored?

At the moment when you buy curry, pay attention to its constituent components. The main requirement for the seasoning is that the content contains the main 4 components that were listed above.

You can also focus on the smell when choosing a spice. It must be saturated. The color of the seasoning, despite what its shelf life is, should have a bright color. The spice that has a dull hue should not be taken. Also, the curry must be dry.

Seasoning is stored in a closed container in a dark place. It should not be exposed to sunlight. In the event that one of the constituent components is cumin, the shelf life of the seasoning will be exactly one year. After the curry will get a bitter taste. Self-prepared spice is stored for about two months.

How to make seasoning at home?

To make your own curry, you will need ingredients such as coriander and turmeric seeds, cumin, chili, mustard and garlic, salt, cloves, cinnamon and fenugreek. All components are placed in a pan and fried until brown. The taste of an almost finished spice should be saturated. After the prepared mixture is sent to the coffee grinder and crushed. A stupa is also suitable in the absence of appropriate equipment.

Thus, in this article, having considered the curry seasoning, the benefits and harms to the human body, we can say with confidence that it is not only a spice, but also a good health tool.

Curry is a mixture of several different spices. The spice appeared in India and from there it spread to other territories. Curry comes to store shelves in the form of a dry powder, which is colored yellow, green, red or ocher (see photo). Thus, powdered spice can look different. Interestingly, the curry leaves themselves, which directly influenced the name of the spice, may not be used in the mixture, since the plant grows exclusively in India. The taste and color of the spice is directly dependent on the composition.

The main 4 ingredients of curry:

  1. Turmeric root. The spice is 1/4 of the total amount. It is used in official and traditional medicine. This ingredient gives curry a sharp taste and unique aroma.
  2. Chopped coriander. The amount can be from 30 to 50% of the total weight of the spice. Thanks to this ingredient, curry gets piquancy and sweet-spicy taste.
  3. Fenugreek. The spice is the powder of the plant's beans. Curry contains no more than 10%. Gives the ingredient a bittersweet flavor and a nutty flavor to the curry.
  4. Red cayenne pepper. This ingredient occupies approximately 6% of the total mass.

Other curry ingredients may vary depending on the country of origin, such as cardamom, pepper, ginger, salt, cinnamon, garlic, and many others.

If you have the opportunity, it is best to cook your own curry. To do this, you just need to buy all the necessary ingredients and grind them with a coffee grinder or mortar.

How to choose and store?

When choosing a curry, pay attention to the composition, give preference to more acceptable options for you. The main thing is that the seasoning contains the above 4 ingredients. The smell of a quality spice should be rich. The color of a good curry, regardless of shelf life, should be vibrant. It is not recommended to buy a faded spice. The curry mixture must be dry.

Curry should be stored in an airtight container away from direct sunlight. If cumin is part of the spice, then it should not be stored for more than a year, as the spice will become bitter.

Cooked curry mixture at home is stored for no more than two months.

Beneficial features

The benefits of curry are due to the use of various spices that have a unique chemical composition. For example, thanks to the addition of turmeric, brain activity improves, and the spice helps the body fight cancer. It also improves blood composition, which is important for patients with anemia.

Coriander, which is also part of curry, improves the functioning of the digestive system, and it also has a choleretic property. The spice helps in normalizing the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Curry is considered an ideal seasoning for people who want to get rid of extra pounds or who are watching their figure. The components of the spice resist the formation of adipose tissue, remove excess fluid from the body, which is the cause of swelling and cellulite. Curry improves the functioning of the digestive system and the metabolic rate.

Due to the presence of cumin, the protective functions of the body increase, which helps to better cope with the negative effects of viruses, infections and other negative factors.

If the composition of the spice includes zira, curry has the ability to remove toxins and toxins.

In the presence of ginger, the spice helps to cope with constipation and improve blood circulation.

Use in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of curry are also used in cosmetics. The spice is used for the industrial manufacture of various masks that help narrow pores and reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat. It has a curry and whitening effect, which allows you to cope with freckles and pigment spots. The cream, which includes curry, helps to increase the protective layer against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

The spice can also be used in cosmetics used in hair care. Such products promote hair growth and increase the nutrition of the bulbs. With regular use, the risk of baldness and graying of hair is reduced.

Use in cooking

Curry is used in cooking not only to add additional flavor and aroma characteristics, but also to disinfect the ingredients of the dish. The spice is part of various sauces, dressings and marinades. Perfectly complements curry taste of meat, fish, as well as a variety of second and first courses. Also, many consider this spice to be an excellent addition to stewed vegetables.

Curry can be called a universal seasoning that can improve the taste of drinks, cold and hot dishes, and even desserts.

Given the beautiful color, the spice is used during the manufacture of cheese and alcoholic beverages.

Curry harm and contraindications

Curry can harm pregnant and breastfeeding women. It should also be taken into account that individual intolerance to the components of curry may occur, and therefore, in the presence of any allergic reaction, the consumption of curry for food is contraindicated. Since the spice has the ability to reduce blood clotting, it is not recommended to use it before operations. Also, curry should not be combined with certain medications, for example, with aspirin and anticoagulants. You should be careful about the use of spices in the presence of problems with the gallbladder.

Admirers of Oriental cuisine know that the sophistication and unique taste of the presented dishes is based on the correct use of spices. Among them, a special place is occupied by curry seasoning, this mixture consists of harmoniously selected spices that can emphasize the taste of a vegetable, fish or meat dish.

In India, this seasoning is prepared just before serving, this approach allows you to preserve the freshness and unsurpassed aroma of the ingredients.

Curry spice composition

What is this spice mix made of? The composition must include:

  • Red and black pepper.
  • Turmeric.
  • Ginger.
  • Coriander.

In the future, it all depends on the taste preferences of the manufacturer, often used:

  • Carnation.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Cardamom.
  • Cumin.
  • Fenugreek.
  • Fennel.
  • Garlic.
  • Caraway.

If you are going to buy the mixture in the supermarket, be sure to study the ingredients. Avoid spices with potato starch, salt, or flavor enhancer.

Curry seasoning

To date, this spicy powder has several varieties, depending on the country of origin:

  • Eastern European - sharp and rough taste and aroma, since the main emphasis is on pepper.
  • Western European - delicate taste and simple aroma, the basis is turmeric.
  • Middle East - turmeric, pepper, coriander and fenugreek are taken as the basis, exquisite aroma and unsurpassed taste.
  • South Asian is the leader in terms of the number of components. The spice has a rich taste and smell.

The cost of seasoning depends on the ingredients.

The benefits and harms of curry seasoning

The benefits of using spices in recipes:

  • Protects against cancer.
  • British scientists have proven that the mixture is able to support cancer patients during the rest period between chemotherapy courses. The powder destroys atypical cells.
  • Stimulates the immune system.
  • Turmeric has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • A mixture of spices is recognized as the best antioxidant.
  • Taking the powder 2-3 times a week protects against dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Improves liver function.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Allows you to get rid of extra pounds by activating metabolism.
  • Coriander allows you to normalize the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Helps get rid of a hangover.
  • It has an antibacterial effect on the body. Recommended for use during seasonal colds.

It is worth noting that the use of spices can also harm the body:

  • During chemotherapy, it can block the effects of certain drugs.
  • It is forbidden for women in position, since the effect on the fetus has not been studied.
  • Children under 2 years of age do not have the enzymes to process the spicy powder.
  • Contraindicated in people who suffer from gastritis and peptic ulcer.

magic spice

Many are interested, but what does curry look like? Full spice is a homemade product, which is a powder with a specific smell, consisting of 15 spices.


  • According to the sharpness, soft and burning are distinguished.
  • Color - dark and light.
  • Diverse industry use.

The website site presents photos of this fragrant powder.

Application: for what dishes?

For which dishes is spice the best choice? Let's figure out where to add the mixture, and what flavors it will give. Seasoning from spices is used in combination with:

  • Meat. Gives a sharp taste and spicy aroma. It can be added during the pickling process or after cooking.
  • The second dishes are porridge and stew.
  • Drinks and cocktails - filled with bright taste and unforgettable aroma.

Where to add seasoning?

Since the seasoning came into our lives from India, it is ideally combined with rice, naan flatbread, steamed idli donuts, chicken, dosa pancakes and chanti sauce.

There are several variations of the curry dish:

  • Pasandra - during the creation of this masterpiece, lamb marinated in natural yogurt is used. In the cooking process, cream and tomato juice are used to soften the taste.
  • Palak is a green sauce. This rich dish calls for fenugreek, spinach, and mustard to make.
  • Korma is a chic recipe that is chicken or goat meat in coconut milk with nuts, cardamom and cayenne pepper.
  • Tika masala - chicken pieces in sweet and sour sauce (cream and tomatoes) with the addition of masala spice.
  • Balti is a medium spicy sauce with pepper and coriander. Combine with cakes.

What can be replaced?

Many are interested in: what can be replaced with curry powder? Some cooks answer that there is no analogue, but you can use the sauce. This product has a sharper and sharper taste, while the beneficial properties are much lower.

The best option is to create preparations of a mixture of spices and store them in a dry place protected from ultraviolet rays. Homemade seasoning in a tightly closed jar is stored for up to 4 months.
