
Carbonate - cooking recipe. Pork chop baked in the "sleeve"

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  • Juicy fragrant pork carbonate, cooked on your own, will be an excellent substitute for sausage. It can be baked in various ways - in any case, the result exceeds all expectations. Pork carbonate recipes are presented in our selection.

    The classic recipe for roasting pork carbonate on a baking sheet

    Ingredients: 630-730 g of carbonate, spices for meat, 6-7 garlic cloves, 0.5 teaspoon of coarse salt, 2 large tablespoons of olive oil.

    1. The meat is washed, dried with paper napkins, after which it gets rid of films and excess fat.
    2. Next, the tenderloin is fried whole in a pan without oil. An appetizing crust should appear on the surface of the meat.
    3. When the pork has cooled, it can be covered with an aromatic mixture. For the latter, chopped garlic, olive oil, salt, and selected spices are mixed. The resulting mass of meat is covered on all sides.
    4. The prepared piece is tightly wrapped in foil and placed on a baking sheet.

    It is baked for a little less than an hour at 200-210 degrees. It is worth taking a sample only after the dish has completely cooled.

    How to cook meat in the sleeve?

    Ingredients: a little more than a kilogram of meat, 3-4 large tablespoons of olive oil, coarse salt, a large spoonful of pork seasoning, 5-7 cloves of garlic.

    1. On a piece of the “correct” carbonate, on one side there must be an impressive white fat layer. Cross-shaped incisions are applied to it.
    2. For marinade, garlic is chopped in any convenient way. You can just crush it in a mortar. Oil is poured here, salt and the selected mixture of spices are added. Great if it contains marjoram, paprika, thyme, oregano.
    3. After mixing, the fragrant marinade should brew for several minutes. Next, rub the meat well on all sides. Pork in the marinade is left warm for about half an hour.
    4. Then a piece of meat is fried without oil from all sides to a crust.
    5. The workpiece is placed in a sleeve with holes made with a toothpick.

    The meat is baked for 90-120 minutes at medium temperature.

    • 700 gr. pork chop;
    • 5-6 garlic cloves;
    • 1-2 tbsp olive oils;
    • 0.5 p.p. salt;
    • 1 tsp spice mixes for pork.
    • Preparation time: 00:10
    • Cooking time: 01:00
    • Servings: 10
    • Complexity: light


    Pork chop in the oven in foil turns out to be very fragrant, juicy, tasty. This meat can be served both hot and cold. Roast pork can be used for a meat plate or for making sandwiches.

    1. The recipe for cooking carbonade in the oven in foil is very simple. First, take a piece of meat, rinse it, dry it thoroughly. With a sharp knife, we clean the surface of excess fat from the hymen.

      It is still better to leave a little fat, as in this case the meat will turn out to be more tender and juicy.

    2. We heat a large dry frying pan over a fire. We spread the carbonade there, fry it on all sides until a beautiful golden brown. This operation is called sealing. It allows most of the meat juices to remain inside the piece rather than run to the bottom of the mold.
    3. Preparing marinade for meat. Mix olive oil with salt and spices. With the resulting composition, carefully rub the cooled tenderloin on all sides. Put the meat on the foil.

      In order for the heat to be distributed inside the meat and it to bake faster and more evenly, put the pork on the shiny side of the foil.

    4. We clean the garlic, cut it into thin slices. We cover the entire surface of the meat with them.
    5. Wrap the pork tightly in foil, put it on a refractory form. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, bake the meat for about an hour. The readiness of the dish can be checked by making a deep incision. If clear juice stands out, then the carbonade in foil is ready. Turn off the heat, cool the carbonade without taking it out of the oven. Then the meat will turn out even more juicy and tasty.

    Pork is a very tasty and tender meat. Pork is fatty, so it is best to bake it in the oven rather than fry it. To preserve the juiciness of the pulp, it is usually baked, wrapped in foil or placed in a culinary sleeve. In this article, we will look at recipes with photos of both cooking methods.

    The recipe in the bag allows the pork chop to remain juicy and tasty, even if all the fat is cut off from the meat. Therefore, carbonade turns out to be dietary, but at the same time tasty, fragrant and no less juicy.

    Servings Per Container: 6.

    Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes.

    Calorie content: 229 kcal per 100 gr.


    • 1.5 kg carbrnade;
    • 3 laurels;
    • 100 ml of plain water;
    • 7 peas of allspice;
    • 0.5 tsp each curry, suneli hops, ground black pepper and salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. The recipe in the package is distinguished by the speed, simplicity of the whole process: nothing gets dirty, does not splatter. After cooking the meat, the package is simply thrown away.
    2. First, prepare the pork, cut off absolutely all the fat from the spit. We wash, dry, rub a piece of pork with a mixture of spices. We leave the meat to soak in flavors for 5-10 minutes.
    3. We cut off the desired segment of the culinary sleeve, fasten one edge with a clip. We place the carbonade inside, lay out the leaves of lavrushka with peas of allspice on top, and also pour some water. Now we tie the second side of the package. Place seam side up on a baking sheet to allow steam to escape through the perforated seam.

      If the sleeve is one-piece, then in its upper part we make a couple of punctures with a toothpick so that the bag does not burst from the steam accumulated inside.

    4. We place the meat in a bag in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for an hour.
    5. Baked carbonade - recipe in a bag, take out of the oven, cool a little, serve, cut into thin slices.

    Pork chop is also baked with various vegetables. The most common option is pork baked in the oven with potatoes. The dish is tender, tasty, very satisfying, so it is suitable for a festive lunch or an ordinary dinner. So, let's begin to take a closer look at the recipe for cooking juicy carbonade in the oven.

    Servings: 8.

    Cooking time: 1 hour.

    Calorie content: 266 kcal per 100 gr.


    • 1 kg of pork chop;
    • 2 onions;
    • 5-6 potato tubers;
    • 150 gr. Dutch cheese;
    • 50 gr. ketchup;
    • 0.5 st. mayonnaise;
    • 1.5 tsp table salt;
    • A little ground pepper, oregano, dried herbs.

    Cooking method:

    1. My pork, cut into centimeter-thick medallions. We beat off each part with a culinary mallet on both sides.
    2. Separately mix mayonnaise, ketchup, spices with herbs. We mix everything thoroughly, place the pork in the resulting sauce, carefully smearing each piece with it. We tighten the container with meat with cling film, put it to marinate in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
    3. In the meantime, carefully wash the potato tubers with a brush. Boil them until cooked in uniform. It is very important not to overcook the potatoes, because it will still bake.
    4. Lubricate the refractory form with sides with mayonnaise. Put the pieces of marinated pork on the bottom, freeing the meat from excess marinade.
    5. We clean the onions, rinse them, cut them into small cubes. Sprinkle the meat with chopped onion.
    6. We clean the boiled cooled potatoes, cut into circles, put them on top of the meat with onions. Sprinkle the top with coarsely grated hard cheese. Additionally, the surface of the dish can be greased with the remnants of the marinade.
    7. We bake the dish in the oven with potatoes at 200 degrees for about 40-50 minutes. Serve hot as a complete meal. Bon appetit everyone!


    Pork carbonate is a very tasty product that is incredibly tender and juicy. For the first time they began to cook it in France on coals, but over time the technology has become simpler, now it is baked in a conventional oven. But at the same time, various spices and marinades are still abundantly used, they give unforgettable taste sensations. Baking pork carb in the oven is a lot easier than it looks, but finding the right meat is much more difficult.

    How to choose the right meat

    The choice of meat is now simply huge, but to find a really high-quality loin, you will need to try. There are several basic rules that you need to follow when buying:

    By following these simple rules and choosing the right meat, you are already halfway done making a delicious meal.

    How to bake carbonate in the oven: a recipe

    This recipe is very simple and unpretentious. It is ideal for people who do not want to stand in the kitchen for a long time, but at the same time like to eat delicious food.

    Ingredients for 1 kg of meat:

    • mayonnaise - 80 g;
    • Dijon mustard - 30 g;
    • soy sauce - 30 g;
    • rosemary;
    • thyme;
    • coriander;
    • salt;
    • ground pepper.


    Following the step-by-step instructions, you will know for sure how to bake carbonate in the oven so that it is tasty and juicy:

    Now you know how to bake carbonate in the oven without spending a lot of time and effort. Carefully monitor the heat treatment process and do not be afraid that 50 minutes spent in the oven will not be enough for a kilogram of meat. This is completely enough so that it is not raw, but not overdried.

    Improved oven baked carb recipe in foil

    This recipe is more complex and requires already certain culinary skills. But do not worry, if you follow the recommendations, then everything will turn out at the highest level. In this case, a sufficiently large amount of spices is used, which will give the carbonate an incredible aroma and taste.

    For 1 kg of meat, you will need a few cloves of garlic (depending on how much you like this smell), but no more than four. Two apples, 2-3 peas and the same amount of regular black. You also need to take 1 tablespoon of mustard, salt and 3 bay leaves. From spices we will use suneli hops, coriander, cumin, thyme. You will need a few more tablespoons of olive oil (can be replaced with regular vegetable oil).

    Preparation of carbonate

    When all the products are collected, we start cooking:

    The recipes contain classic versions of spices, you can safely experiment and add paprika, basil, cumin, curry, oregano, saffron, barberry. All of them are harmoniously combined with each other, and therefore the carbonate will turn out to be very fragrant.

    Meat should only be placed in a preheated oven, otherwise a lot of liquid will come out of it in the first minutes of cooking. If you leave the loin in the oven for too long, it will become dry and difficult to chew. If you have a cooking thermometer, you can measure the internal temperature of the meat, it should be within 78 degrees.

    Now you know how to bake carbonate in the oven so that it is tasty and juicy. Do not be afraid to experiment, because this is what modern cooking is all about.

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