
Tomato Canape. Simple and tasty canape on skewers on the festive table - photo recipes

The quest has recently turned from one of the main genres of computer games into a real game that requires solving various puzzles and tasks that lead (or not lead) to the logical ending laid down by its creators. At the moment, the most popular games of this kind are all sorts of "exits", which aim to find a door from a closed space.

All of them are similar to one another - "look around the room, move the object, put it in a certain sequence .." and you will have a lesson lasting from 60 to 90 minutes with varying degrees of involvement of a team of 2-5 players.

But isn't it boring?

We offer a series of games for teams of 6-10 people, the main goal of which is ... to prepare lunch or dinner, followed by "gatherings", discussion and, of course, tasting. Although, it is hardly possible to call a "tasting" a full-fledged 3-course dinner prepared by one's own hands under the supervision of professional mentors.

Unlike all other options, we are confident that the teams will succeed and, even if there is an unnecessary pause at some stage, lunch will still happen. Of course, we also have bonuses and penalties, but the most important thing will remain unshakable - there will be food! Delicious, interesting, fun.

Our version will require no less ingenuity and dexterity (and somewhere more), scenario moves are unexpected, and recipes are tested.

Below we list the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

? Why such a long duration of the quest - everywhere no more than 1.5 hours
Culinary quests put one of their tasks in cooking - tasty and interesting. This takes time (usually 1.5 hours). The rest of the time we spend on relaxing with friends, having a friendly lunch or dinner, discussing what we saw.

? Why such a price
Unlike the lion's share of reality quests, the direct costs of which are minimal, cooking quests involve cooking according to the number of participants, which entails costs from buying groceries to washing dishes. Moreover, the number of qualified personnel actively participating in the process (chief trainers) is also greater. And the duration of the event is as much as 3.5 hours

? What is included in the cost of the quest
The cost of the quest includes all necessary costs, such as the cost of food, drinks (water / tea / coffee), handouts, the work of chief trainers, animators, if any. We provide aprons for the duration of the event. Not included (unless otherwise stated) soft drinks, alcohol, buffet snacks

? Can I get a discount
At the moment, discounts for participation in the quest are provided only with discount cards of our club - if at least one participant has such a card, then the discount will be extended to all participants. If there are several cards, the discount will be given to the card with the highest denomination. In the future, we plan to provide discounts of up to 20% to teams that have already completed at least one quest with us.

? Are photography and video shooting allowed at your events?
Yes, photography and video filming is allowed at our events.

? Is it possible to make a quest with those dishes that are interesting to me
Yes, there is such an opportunity for the dishes included in our programs. But the adaptation of the program may take time - usually a week. For dishes that we did not include in the programs, it is better to clarify

? What does "one location", "two locations" mean?
A synonym for the word "location" in this case will be "site". Those. by the words "one location" we mean that the quest takes place in our studio; "two locations" - in the studio and outside

? Is it possible to conduct a quest on our site
Yes, there is such a possibility. But you need to understand that your site must have electricity, water, etc. For each such request, a decision is made separately and, as a rule, requires a visit to inspect the site. After the examination, the final decision is made and adjustments can be made to the cost of the event.

? Why do you try not to conduct more than one quest per day - all other sites conduct several of them
A culinary quest is a rather lengthy event that requires the constant participation of qualified personnel. Additionally, to bring the site to its original state (and the possibility of a new quest), washing of dishes and work areas is usually required. Therefore, we try not to carry out more than one quest per day.

? Can you bring a bottle of wine
Yes, if there are no children and teenagers under the age of 18 in the participants. If there are, unfortunately, we will be forced to refuse you.

? Many reality quests do not guarantee their complete completion. What is the probability of completing the full program (and getting the promised lunch/dinner) in this case
It seems to us that, like any leisure, the quest should bring, first of all, pleasure. Therefore, we guarantee that a group with any level of preparation will cope with the quest. To do this, we attract qualified staff, test our quests for complexity, and select interesting and "uncomplicated" dishes. Moreover, we do not even strive to strictly adhere to the time frame - we want the food to be delicious, and there is enough time for rest. But that doesn't mean we don't keep track of time.

? What is the minimum number of participants in the culinary quest
We recommend a total of at least 6 participants.

? What is the maximum number of participants possible
In our studio we can accommodate up to 35 people. More on the field. At the same time, we will adjust the number of working staff.

? If we ordered a quest with a larger number of participants, and for some reason part of the company could not - how will it be paid
If the change in the number of participants took place more than a day before and you informed us about it, then payment is made according to the actual number of participants. If the refusal occurred on the day of the event or you did not inform us, then we have the right to ask you to pay the costs incurred by us for the "refuseniks". As a rule, this is 50% of the cost. If the group suddenly increased and you did not warn us, then it may turn out that there is not enough food for everyone and this is no longer our fault

? Can I take part in a cooking quest if I don't know how to cook at all
Certainly. All dishes are oriented towards cooking by non-professionals with the usual basic skills. And in order for everything to work out, you will be helped and prompted by our chief trainers.

? Do you help other culinary studios to launch this format on their sites
Yes, realizing that quests are a new fashionable format and there is no experience in organizing and conducting culinary quests in Russia, we are ready to help culinary studios in expanding their product line and launching quests on their sites. At the same time, cooperation can be both in the sale / development of scenarios, and setting up a turnkey quest

Canapes are small sandwiches for one or two bites, which are collected in the form of pyramids, where all the ingredients are placed on skewers or toothpicks. They can be served with both bread and vegetables. They are a festive dish, and now they have begun to decorate New Year's tables more and more often.

In many cases, they can be easily prepared from the ingredients you have at home. The most important thing is to correctly assemble that beautiful composition, which not everyone succeeds in. And that's exactly why you need to know the basics of technological processes, those useful tips and tricks of this most delicious and at the same time simple dish.

Today I will tell you and show you wonderful recipes for simple canapes on skewers with step-by-step photos for the festive table. And also to the addition After all, this is just a great idea for any holiday, celebration or feast. So, scroll down, get inspired and cook these mini sandwiches with great pleasure.

Fruit canapes on skewers - step by step photo recipe


  • Black grapes - 1 sprig
  • green grapes - 1 sprig
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • tangerine - 1 pc.
  • kiwi - 1 pc.
  • watermelon - 1/6 part.

Cooking method:

Canapé skewers will play an important role here.

We divide the watermelon into slices, separate the peel, and cut the pulp into small squares, about 3 by 3 cm. Remove all the bones from them.

We clean the mandarin from the skin, separate all the slices and cut each slice into three parts. Of course, if they have seeds, then they must be removed.

Remove the skin from the banana and cut it into thin rounds.

Now we start collecting and for this we need to plant black grapes, tangerine, then green grapes, banana, kiwi and a piece of watermelon on a skewer.

For a change, you can swap black grapes with green places.

Then we put the finished masterpiece on a plate and additionally decorate with fruits.

The recipe for this dish is considered very simple, and the result is very beautiful. Plus, the combination of fresh and varied fruits will give you an exquisite and unique taste.

How to cook canape on skewers for children

Ingredients per serving:

  • A pineapple
  • strawberries - 1 pc.
  • grapes - 3 pcs
  • marshmallow
  • kiwi - 1 pc.
  • pear - 1/3 part
  • puffed rice - 2 tablespoon
  • coconut flakes - 1 tbsp. l
  • chocolate - 1/3 bar

Cooking method:

First of all, we separate the lower part from the pineapple with a knife, after which we cut off the ring, about 2.5 cm thick and peel it.

We divide it into 6 equal cubes, but it is better to remove the core and seeds.

1. We take a strawberry, cut off her ass, put it on a pineapple cube and fasten it with a skewer.

2. For the second, we need two grapes, preferably of different colors, unfortunately I have the same color, well, nothing. We pierce them with a skewer and put them on the second piece of pineapple.

3. We make the third with marshmallows, first we pierce it and put it on a cube.

4. For the fourth, we need to take two marshmallows, first plant one, followed by a peeled kiwi circle, then the second.

5. We do the fifth with a peeled orange slice, in the order as indicated in the photo below.

6. And the sixth with a pear, a strawberry round and a pineapple cube.

Here's what I got.

Canape without bread with sausage and cheese


  • Skewers - 6 pcs
  • salami - 6 slices
  • cucumber - 6 slices
  • olives - 6 pcs
  • cheese - 6 cubes
  • parsley leaves.

Cooking method:

In cooking according to this recipe, we first prepare all the necessary ingredients, wash the cucumber under water, open a jar of olives and cut them in the amount indicated above.

Then we take a skewer or a toothpick and put an olive on it first.

Now comes the parsley leaf.

Cucumber, as well as a sausage, we plant it bending, on both sides.

And it remains only to put on a cube of hard cheese.

Delicious canape with salmon


  • Black bread - 2 slices
  • cream cheese - 50 grams
  • salted salmon - 120 gr
  • red caviar - 2 tbsp. l
  • dill greens - 1 small bunch
  • lemon - 1/2 pc.

Cooking method:

First of all, wash the greens and finely chop them.

Now cut the salmon into thin slices.

Then add the chopped herbs to the cream cheese and mix well.

Cut off the edges of the slices of bread so that even rectangles are obtained.

Now we begin to form canapes and for this you need to coat slices of bread on one side with cream cheese.

Then tightly lay out the slices of red fish.

Again put on top of the cheese.

Then another layer of fish and a final layer of cheese is spread on it.

And cut the resulting sandwiches, each into four canapes.

Where we put a slice of lemon on each, and red caviar on it.

And we fasten them with a skewer or a toothpick to make it look like in the photo below.

This is how a festive appetizer of caviar and salmon turned out.

Eat for health!

How to cook canape with ham


  • Ham - 150 gr
  • hard cheese - 150 gr
  • pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

Cheese cut into small squares.

The ham must be cut into the same pieces as the cheese.

Cucumbers are divided into rounds.

Then we begin to put chopped ingredients on a skewer.

First cheese, then cucumber and ham.

And in this way we collect canapes from all the pieces.

Herring canape (video)

Original snacks on the festive table do not have to be expensive. In this recipe you will see a very good option on how to cook herring canapes. Affordable, delicious and not difficult!

Bon appetit!!!

Sandwiches on skewers are a very convenient and beautiful appetizer of the festive table. These incredibly tasty, tempting and original snacks on skewers will be the highlight of any feast. Today, sandwiches on skewers (canapes) are even a separate section of cooking, which, in terms of the types and complexity of laying out and cutting ingredients, can compete with the preparation of confectionery.

Sandwiches on skewers


  • Bread - to taste
  • Eggs - to taste
  • Caviar - to taste
  • Meat delicacies - To taste

Cooking method:

  1. The first is a very traditional option, but thanks to the presentation it looks really appetizing. A piece of bread should be lightly toasted in a dry frying pan. Put on it a leaf of lettuce and a ham rolled up in an envelope. Top with half a cherry tomato and pierce with a skewer. You can also serve such canapes with cheese, olives, herbs.
  2. Another classic wedding canape recipe is a vegetable mix with cheese. Such an appetizer can be made from cucumber, tomato, olives, small canned corn on the cob. You can use both soft and hard cheese. These are light and low-calorie canapes that are suitable for those who do not eat meat. Read more:
  3. The classic combination of fish and cucumber can be used to prepare unusually beautiful canapés. You can supplement them with a slice of avocado and sprinkle with fresh herbs. Smoked and salted red fish are suitable for such an appetizer.
  4. Red caviar always looks amazing on the festive table. However, it can be served not only on traditional sandwiches, but also in the form of exquisite canapes. Half a quail egg must be filled with butter (it is best to use a confectionery syringe for this) and put caviar on top. You can serve such an appetizer on a piece of fresh cucumber, which perfectly complements the taste of caviar. Such wedding canapes at home can also be served in chicken eggs.
  5. Canapes with chicken, lettuce, bacon and tomato will also be an original serving option. If you add such an appetizer with sauce, you get a variation of the famous Caesar. There are many options on how to make canapes for a wedding, so you can really experiment endlessly.

Sandwiches "Monkeys" on skewers


  • White bread - 0.3 pieces
  • Sausages - 2 Pieces
  • Processed cheese - 50 Grams
  • Pickled cucumber - 0.5 pieces
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • Skewers - To taste (according to the number of canapes)

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare food for canapés. It is better to take yesterday's bread to make it easier to cut, but not stale.
  2. Take a round cookie cutter. This will be the basis of the canape, "muzzle"
  3. With the same mold you need to cut hard or processed cheese. Then with a knife we ​​“dissolve” it into plates.
  4. Sausages just cut into rings.
  5. We begin to collect canapes. I put the bread on the board.
  6. Lubricate them with a little mayonnaise. Too much mayonnaise should not be poured, otherwise the cheese will “ride” on the bread.
  7. Next add the cheese slices.
  8. Lay out “muzzles” from whole sausages, and “ears” from halves. Cucumber "adjust" to size and insert. Mayonnaise draw eyes, nose, mouth.
  9. Canapes are ready!
  10. Transfer them to plates, decorate with greens. Insert skewers. From this amount of products, 10 canapes are obtained.

Sandwiches on skewers with ham

A very simple and quick appetizer with a classic combination of ham and cheese, which are perfectly tinted with spicy olives.


  • 200 g ham
  • 200 g hard cheese
  • 10 pieces. pitted olives
  • fresh dill

Step by step preparation:

  1. To beautifully fold this appetizer, we recommend that you purchase ready-made cuts or ask the seller in the supermarket to make it from the selected product. So, cut all the slices of ham and cheese into small portions (try to initially these ingredients were similar in size). In addition, we wash fresh dill and dry it.
  2. Now, on a small meat slice (5 by 3 cm), we put a similar piece of cheese and a modest sprig of pure dill. We fold the future snack into one bend, after which we fix it with a bamboo skewer, on which you need to string one pitted olive. We place all the blanks on a suitable dish and serve.

Sandwiches on skewers with herring

Just a great idea for connoisseurs of such healthy fish as herring! Choose slightly salted herring. It is desirable that it be cooked in oil, since it is such a fish that has a rather delicate texture. Simplicity and delicious taste!


  • Borodino bread
  • butter
  • slightly salted herring
  • fresh cucumbers
  • fresh dill
  • ground black pepper

Step by step preparation:

  1. Borodino bread cut into small thin rectangles. Put the herring on a paper towel to remove excess oil, then cut into slices equal in width to slices of bread. The assembly order of such canapes: Borodino bread with butter - herring - a circle of cucumber - a sprig of dill.
  2. Instead of regular butter, try homemade herring butter. This is another interesting option for making herring canapés. Only in this case, we no longer add pieces of fish, since there will be a bust, and together we put a small ball of herring oil on Borodino bread.

Sandwich with herring on skewers

One of the most common and simple cooking options. It is prepared quickly and easily, and is always eaten instantly. The number of ingredients is taken depending on how many pieces you want to cook.

We will need:

  • herring fillet - 1 - 2 pieces
  • boiled potatoes - 1 - 2 pieces
  • boiled egg - 1 - 2 pcs
  • black bread, better "Borodino"
  • green onions, parsley - for decoration
  • salt - to taste

For refueling:

  • mayonnaise - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • grain mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon


  1. Boil and cool potatoes and eggs in advance.
  2. Then peel them and cut into circles about 0.5 cm thick. Do not take very large potato tubers. It is desirable that their size corresponds in diameter to the size of a chicken egg.
  3. Black bread, it is better to cut the Borodinsky variety into small squares so that their size approximately corresponds to the size of a potato circle. It is better to cut off the crusts.
  4. Fry slices of bread in a pan. You can only dry them on a dry surface. And you can fry in a small amount of butter or olive oil.
  5. Remove skin and bones from herring and cut into small pieces. To make the appetizer look beautiful, try to keep all the pieces looking the same in size and shape.
  6. Prepare the dressing. To do this, mix all the ingredients for it into a homogeneous mass.
  7. All components are ready. Now it remains only to collect them. And here everything is very simple.
  8. Place a slice of potato on a piece of bread. Lightly salt as desired. Then put the egg round. Lubricate it with a small amount of dressing and put a piece of herring on top.
  9. Put on a plate. Decorate with green onion feathers. or parsley. Or both.
  10. Everything, our tasty and simple snack is ready, and it can be served on the table.
  11. Herring with potatoes is a favorite combination of millions of people. And so such an appetizer scatters from the table, like “hot pies”.
  12. And from above, for convenience, you can pierce this whole wonderful design with skewers.

Ham sandwiches on skewers


  • olives
  • ham


  1. We cut into cubes. Ham mode is a very thin layer and rolled up. We string everything on a skewer (or a toothpick), and put an olive (already pitted) in the middle and you're done.
  2. Real minimalism. But how gorgeous. Everything is very small: a piece of black bread, the same piece of ham and gherkins (mini-cucumbers). It is important to lay out all this beautifully and neatly. Butter is smeared on bread, and mayonnaise is dripped on ham
  3. A very original canapé. An apple slice is wrapped in a slice of ham. Again, apples need to be selected not sweet.
  4. Ham stuffed with feta cheese and prunes. Incredibly delicious. Roll up and secure with a toothpick. Topped off with a balsamic bite
  5. There can be many variations here, if you use the idea: vertical ham rolls with filling. It is in this version that inside are arugula leaves and pieces of pickled cucumber. And you can have cheese and cheese pasta and even several types of meat ... There is another European option: a boiled piece of asparagus.
  6. At the heart of the canapes are small puff pastry cookies that are baked specifically for the buffet. The top is buttered with butter or cream cheese, and then how much and what you have. There's ham and sliced ​​gherkins.

Sandwiches with ham and cucumber


  • Ham - 150 Grams
  • Cheese - 150 Grams
  • Pickled cucumber - 3 Pieces


  1. To prepare the dish, you need to prepare skewers for canapes. You can take wooden or plastic.
  2. Cut hard cheese into large pieces.
  3. Cut the ham into the same pieces. The charm and beauty of canapes is that all products are of equal shape or almost equal.
  4. Pickled cucumbers cut into circles. I have small cucumbers. Cut into circles. If yours are large, it will be better to cut them into cubes.
  5. Thread a piece of cheese, ham and cucumber onto each skewer.
  6. So we form all the canapes.
  7. We immediately serve to the table. Such canapés are very tasty, prepared from products that suit your taste and behave perfectly on the festive table. Canapes don't flow.

Sandwiches with spinach on skewers


  • Bread - 8-10 Slices
  • Spinach leaves - 8-10 Pieces
  • Ham - 8-10 Slices
  • Curd Cheese - 100 Grams (Philadelphia cheese is excellent.)


  1. Making canapés is very easy. I think you know the principle well. Choose beautiful sticks for canapes, of course, toothpicks are also suitable, but the dish should not only be tasty, but also beautiful.
  2. Especially the appetizer. I added a photo of my canapés with ham and spinach without chopsticks, before I could take another photo, they ate everything. But this one clearly shows the principle of making canapes with ham and spinach.
  3. First prepare the bread. I took black bread with seeds. Lightly toast the bread in a skillet or toaster.
  4. Brush slices of bread with cream cheese. I advise you to still use Philadelphia cheese. It goes great with spinach!
  5. A spinach leaf will go on top. Don't forget to rinse your spinach well!
  6. And then slices of ham. I garnished my spinach and ham canapés with rosemary sprigs.
  7. I advise you too. Very tasty and looks beautiful.
  8. Spinach is a very healthy green! Especially raw. It has a lot of iron, by the way, it is recommended to vegetarians as a substitute for iron from meat.
  9. In France, spinach is called the king of vegetables! And well deserved. Spinach has antioxidants that prevent cancer.
  10. Such wonderful canapés with ham and spinach will not only decorate your festive table, but will also bring many benefits to your body. Enjoy!

Sandwiches with ham and cheese


  • Cheese - 80 g.
  • Ham - 100 g.
  • Sour cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Black bread - a couple of slices
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp
  • Spinach - 5 leaves


  1. For cooking, we need the following ingredients: smoked meat, cheese, bread, mayonnaise, sour cucumber, herbs.
  2. We take sliced ​​​​bread so that the height of the base is the same, it is more convenient to work with it. Cut out triangles from it.
  3. You can cut out any shape of the snack: circle, square, flower. There are different shapes for cutting that you can buy at any store.
  4. Lubricate each piece of bread with mayonnaise. Instead, you can use: vegetable oil with garlic or spices, any sauce.
  5. We try to cut the ham the same width, but not very thin. Cut out a triangle. I put it on bread.
  6. I have Russian hard cheese, you can choose any one to your taste. We cut it and put it on top of the meat.
  7. Cucumber cut into small pieces and put on top of the meat.
  8. We fasten all the ingredients with a skewer. Decorate with a spinach leaf.
  9. Instead, you can take: green onions, parsley, basil leaf.
  10. We spread the canape with cheese and ham on a dish and serve to the guests.

Sandwich with sausage on skewers


  • white / black / whole grain bread - 6-8 slices each
  • sausage "Servelat" / "Salami" and so on. – 150 g
  • hard cheese - 150 g
  • olives
  • greenery

Cooking method:

  1. Choose the type of bread for your canapés: classic canapes are made with white bread or loaf, but you can also try it with black rye bread or whole grain bread for healthy eaters.
  2. The selected bread must be cut into thin slices.
  3. In order for the bread slices to keep their shape well and have additional crunchy properties, be sure to dry them in a pan.
  4. You do not need to use oil to fry the bread, just bring it to a light blush.
  5. Cut sausage without casing into thin rings, cheese into thin rectangular plates.
  6. From rectangular cheese slices, using a mold or a regular glass, cut out circles similar in diameter to sausage slices
  7. Now you need to combine circles of cheese and sausages.
  8. Make one straight cut from the center of each matched circle to its edge, as shown in the photo.
  9. Tuck the circles of cheese and sausage into a kind of “bag” and, placing an olive / olive in the center of the resulting bag, pierce the tasty structure with a skewer from top to bottom, stringing not only cheese and sausage on it, but also necessarily “grabbing” the olive along the back edge.
  10. The resulting composition should be tightly fastened and not turn around after a while.
  11. Set skewers with cheese and sausage on slices of bread.
  12. If you want to increase the nutritional value of canapes, grease the bread circles with butter, and only then put the skewers on them.
  13. Decorate with herbs and serve as a small bite-sized appetizer.
  14. Canape with sausage and cheese on skewers are ready!

Sandwich with cheese and sausage

This is the easiest option for making small sandwiches for a buffet table.


  • Boiled sausage - 15 grams;
  • Salami sausage - 15 grams;
  • Hard cheese - 50 grams;
  • Bread for toast - 2 pieces.


  1. Cut the cheese into small cubes, about one and a half centimeters on each side. Cut sausage slices into narrow spirals, about half a centimeter wide.
  2. It is more convenient to do this if you cut without moving the knife edge in a spiral, but fix it and rotate the board, gradually shifting the knife edge to the center of the sausage slice.
  3. You should get a ribbon about seventeen centimeters long. Toast the bread a little in a toaster, cut off the crust and cut into small squares with a side slightly larger than the size of the cheese cubes.
  4. Wrap a ribbon of sausage around a cube of cheese and fix it in the form of a bow. Prepare two types of such blanks using cervelat and boiled sausage spirals. Pierce with a skewer and fix on a square of bread.

Sandwich on skewers with salami


  • Ham
  • Brynza
  • Salami
  • Cucumber
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Black bread
  • Olives, olives
  • Basil and lettuce greens

Step by step preparation:

  1. It is necessary to immediately prepare the ingredients for canapés.
  2. Cut the cucumber and salami into slices.
  3. Cut ham, semi-hard cheese, cheese, crab sticks, bell pepper and black bread into cubes.
  4. You will also need olives, black olives, cherry tomatoes and basil and lettuce greens.
  5. We offer various options for canapes, choose the one you like best.
  6. Put an olive, a lettuce leaf, a piece of cheese and a circle of salami on a skewer. Olives, a leaf of basil, a piece of cheese and a circle of salami.
  7. A piece of bell pepper, ham, crab stick and a circle of fresh cucumber
  8. Crab stick, bell pepper, cheese and a circle of fresh cucumber.
  9. Olives, basil leaf, ham, cheese and fresh cucumber.
  10. From these ingredients, you can come up with many interesting combinations for canapés, here are two more options.
  11. Put cherry tomatoes, ham, lettuce and a slice of fresh bread on a skewer.
    Olives, cherry tomatoes, basil leaves, cheese and a slice of fresh bread.

Sandwich with sausage and cheese


  • Boiled sausage - 50 g
  • Dutch cheese - 50 g
  • Fresh cucumber - 0.5 pcs.
  • Bread - 50 g
  • Parsley greens - 1 sprig

Cooking method:

  1. Tiny sandwiches, impaled on skewers, can be put into your mouth without taking a bite. It is an indispensable appetizer for buffets, receptions and banquets.
  2. In fact, you can take anything for such snacks - sweet peppers, salted fish, olives and black olives, pieces of fruit, ham and much more, but we have the simplest canapes with sausage and cheese. For freshness, add cucumber and parsley leaves.
  3. To prepare sausage and cheese canapes on skewers, take the products from the list. How much food to take depends on the number of eaters and your desire, so I indicated an arbitrary mass.
  4. Cut bread, cheese and sausage about 1 centimeter thick. I cut the cucumber diagonally to increase the area. I have special cutouts that greatly reduce the cooking time for these little snacks.
  5. We cut out with a cutting shape, picking up bread, cheese, sausage and cucumber in turn. If there are no cuttings, then you will have to wield a knife, cutting out squares, triangles or rhombuses.
  6. We put the cut out canapes on skewers.
  7. We cut out such canapes of various shapes as needed for a treat.
  8. We serve canape with sausage and cheese to the table, decorating with herbs. While waiting for an invitation to the table, guests can have a bite to eat.

Sandwiches on a festive table on skewers

Step by step preparation:

  1. Bread can be combined with sausage and cucumber, or you can add a cube of cheese.
  2. A more complex sandwich: first you need to thinly slice the smoked sausage, and put on the ring horizontally. Add cheese or potatoes in uniforms, decorate with herbs on top.
  3. The herring recipe is simple but very popular. This appetizer has been a classic for all time. Previously, herring was served on the table in glassware, on top was a layer of onion, poured with oil. Now this is less relevant. In the photo you see very original recipes. Decorate the herring with figs, or sprinkle with coriander. With brown bread, the combination will turn out to be very ordinary, it will resemble the French style. Read more:
  4. Now let's move on to another variety of canapes - with rolls. In the photo you see a toasted ham with a pâté inside. We attach a bun to the bottom of the skewer
  5. Recipe again with bacon. Cheese is placed on top of the fried meat, which spreads over the meat during the frying process. It looks very appetizing, looks good with lettuce leaves. If you wish, you can add anything inside - from sesame seeds to various fruits
  6. A simple but original recipe - cheese in ham. Cut the meat in such a way that you can wrap the cheese a couple of times. Garnish with a small sprig of parsley.
  7. The option is not simple, but original. The combination of cheese, raspberries, tomato and pita bread makes this canapé an unusual spicy taste. The ingredients are reminiscent of an Italian canape.
  8. First you need to boil the cabbage leaves, then wrap the ham in them. Be sure to grease the ham with mayonnaise, as the cabbage will be tasteless.
  9. Beautiful canape with radish, cucumber and bread. Pick up cucumbers and radishes of the same diameter, and cut the bread to the desired size.
  10. The final recipe is also sweet. In the photo you can see the biscuit. It must be cut into small cubes and dipped in chocolate. This decision will be a great end to the holiday.
  11. Check out some more creative recipes here. They are also very unusual - each will be very tasty. The last 2 delicacy canapés, not everyone will make them, but they are insanely delicious and look great.

Not a single festive table or buffet is complete without these beautifully decorated small and beautiful appetizers. About canapes, recipes with photos are simple and delicious, which you can cook yourself at home, today I will tell you on the pages of this site. Of course, there are many options for decorating these beautiful little sandwiches that are served at the table at the very beginning of the feast. And it is very important to take into account not only the quality of the products from which you make small snacks, but also a beautiful presentation and design.


  • - white bread (loaf) 100 g
  • - red fish 100 g
  • - 5 olives
  • - soft cheese 50 g
  • - dill 5 sprigs
  • - fresh cucumber 1 piece


Perhaps one of the most delicious fish appetizers is canape with salmon. To prepare them, you must first cut the crusts from the loaf and cut it into squares. Spread soft cream cheese on each square of a loaf. To do this, you can take Philadelphia cheese, mascarpone or any other processed soft cheese. Cut the cucumber obliquely into oval-shaped pieces and place them on top of the soft cheese. Cut red fish (salmon, trout) into thin slices with a slicer, roll up in the form of a rose and put on a cucumber. Place small sprigs of dill beautifully on top of red fish. Then chop the olives on skewers or toothpicks and pierce the finished canapes with red fish with them. You can prepare such canapes for a buffet table or any other celebration. Canape with olives and red fish will decorate any table, be it a birthday or a wedding.

To prepare canapes with caviar, you will need white bread, red caviar, butter and curly parsley. Carefully squeeze circles of the same shape from white bread and spread them with butter on top. Then put red caviar on top of the oil and decorate the canape with red caviar with a sprig of curly parsley. There are not so many options for canapes with red caviar. Such canapes go well with avocados, olives and boiled eggs. Dill works well as a green garnish. And if you serve red caviar in Russian, then you must definitely bake pancakes.

If you are serving snacks with avocado canapés, then first you need to grind the avocado pulp to a mashed state, sprinkle with lemon juice, mix, and then lay on a toast of bread. Put red caviar, a sprig of dill on top of the avocado and serve with a decorative skewer. Instead of bread, you can use boiled egg halves as the basis for canapés. They need to be filled with avocado pulp, put red caviar, and on top put circles of olives, cut across. Canape with black caviar can also be made on bread, smearing it first with soft cream cheese, and then laying half a quail egg on it, on top of which black caviar and a sprig of dill are laid out.

Canape with herring should be made on gray bread. Someone likes to grease a piece of gray bread with butter and lay herring fillets on top. But I think it would be more useful to spread soft curd cheese on bread, and put a piece of herring on top. On top of the herring, you can put a sprig of dill. Then prick an olive with a skewer and pierce ready-made canapés with herring with it. If you do not know how to make beetroot canapés, then the video below shows the most useful way to make canapés on skewers with beetroot and herring.

Another way to make beautiful little snacks is to make shrimp canapés. Quail eggs are more than ever suitable for such canapés. White bread must be cut into cubes and dried a little in the oven. Then spread each slice of bread with soft cream cheese. Cut the quail eggs in half and put on the slices of bread smeared with cheese, yolk down. Then you need to take a skewer and string a small shrimp on it, then a small cherry tomato and pierce half an egg with bread with it. Canape with cherry tomatoes and shrimp will always look spectacular and appetizing.

To prepare beautiful canapes, you can use a small culinary ring for squeezing out of bread, cheese, ham and other products of the same shape circles. You can cut squares of the same shape with a knife yourself, or you can do this with the help of special molds for canapes. At what forms for canapes can be in the form of an asterisk, heart, sun and other forms. You can buy a set for canapés in a specialized store or on the Internet. The canapé set will help you make the most beautiful and original canapé sandwiches for your holiday table.

Canape with sausage can be prepared with the addition of mustard and mayonnaise. On small pieces of white bread we spread mixed mayonnaise with mustard in a ratio of 3 to 1. Then lay a lettuce leaf on top.
Thinly cut the boiled sausage (can be doctor's) and fold it several times. We prick an olive on a skewer, then half a cherry tomato and stick bread with sausage. You can also cook ham canapes. In this case, instead of a tomato, you can use a slice of fresh cucumber. And instead of an olive, half a quail egg or a cap of a pickled small mushroom, as well as dill. Meat products such as ham, sausage, boiled pork go well with cheese and any hard yellow cheese can be used in this canapé recipe, cut into cubes.

Cheese canapes are universal snacks that are always used to prepare a buffet table. Types of cheese canapes can be divided into those made in the sweet version with fruit, and those made in the salty version with meat products. Blue cheese recipes on skewers will look beautiful in this canapé. Since cheese goes well with grapes, canapes with grapes and cheese are suitable for an aperitif for any celebration. They are super easy to make and always delicious! Cubes of hard yellow cheese or blue cheese are chopped onto skewers alternately with grapes and served on a beautiful dish.

If you want to cook canapes for children, then they must be prepared in the form of some fairy-tale characters or animals. Children's canapes can be made in the form of ladybugs, bees, hedgehogs from olives and other animals. It all depends on your imagination and skill. It's good when your child makes such fruit canapes himself. This develops a child's creative imagination, which will positively affect his creative abilities in the future. Moreover, fruit canapes are easy to make yourself. To do this, you need to take different juicy ripe fresh fruits, molds for squeezing canapés, skewers and a minimum of your time and patience.

If you do not have molds for making canapes, then you can use an ordinary disposable plastic syringe. To do this, you need to cut off the part where the needle is stuck, and leave it in mind for the tubes with the piston. Stringing fruit canapes on skewers with a syringe is very convenient and the fruits are the same round shape.
