
Calvados from apple juice. Calvados recipe at home

Making Calvados at home is an unattainable thing. Like cognac, armagnac or the same tequila, this drink has strict geographical and raw material restrictions, enshrined at the legislative level.

Therefore, Vzboltay will tell you how to make apple or apple-pear brandy at home, whose production technology will be as close as possible to Normandy counterparts.

Further, keep in mind that it is completely unacceptable to cook Calvados according to the red scheme. That is, apple mash for Calvados (as well as apple-pear) should in no case be prepared with cultivated yeast, and also with the addition of sugar. As you understand, this circumstance also does not allow making Calvados from apple pomace (by the way, practical Normans with waste pomace act in a very original way: they dry it and sell it to cosmetics manufacturers). If you, based on the speed and higher productivity of the red scheme, decide to ignore our advice, you will get an ordinary, although not without pleasantness, moonshine from apples. Calvados, on the other hand, is made exclusively from apple juice fermented according to the white scheme, i.e., with natural wild yeast.

And finally, given the unofficial name of the drink - apple cognac - Calvados must be aged in oak barrels for at least two years. Otherwise, at the output you will get the same apple brandy of the moonshine class, though of better quality than the distillate from the pomace.

homemade apple calvados recipe

This simple recipe will allow you to make drinks that are reminiscent of Calvados such as the famous Calvados Pays d'Auge and the slightly less prestigious AOC calvados.

Selection of fruits and preparation of cider. As we already wrote, the wort for Calvados is prepared from pure juice without any third-party additives. In fact, we are talking about non-carbonated cider. At the same time, when estimating the desired amount of the future drink, keep in mind the following ratio: to produce a liter of forty-degree Calvados, it is necessary to overtake 14 liters of cider made from 20 kilograms of apples.

When selecting suitable varieties of apples for Calvados, follow the classic Normandy formula: bittersweet varieties with a slight addition of sweet - 70%, sour varieties - 20%, bitter varieties - 10%. It is very desirable that the apples are small and have a noticeable aroma. At the same time, the fruits must be plucked from the tree, i.e., remain slightly unripe.

Having picked up the desired combination of different varieties of apples, leave the fruits in a warm place for a couple of days for final ripening. Then, by no means washing the fruit (otherwise you will destroy the wild yeast on the peel), chop them and send them under the press; if the amount of work to be done is not particularly large-scale, you can use a regular juicer. Leave the resulting juice in a container covered with gauze, and hold the cake in warm water for a day. Then, squeeze the apple mass, and pour the resulting liquid into the juice; it is important that it does not exceed 20% of the total volume. When the wort begins to ferment, remove the foam from it and place it in a dry, dark place, where it should be under a water seal at a temperature of 22-25°C. After 3-6 months, when the cider finally calms down, carefully remove it from the sediment and send it to distillation.

pear calvados

To be precise, we will talk about the preparation of an apple-pear drink, since pure pear Calvados simply does not exist in nature. In general, the technology of its production does not actually differ from the classical one. However, there are several nuances that we are going to tell you about.

Firstly: apple-pear brandy can only be made within the AOC calvados and Calvados Domfrontais standards, but in both cases a single column distillation is used. Accordingly, if you resort to double distillation, then move somewhat away from the canon.

Secondly: pears used to make a drink are equated with sour apples, so they must be with a noticeable sourness. Thus, when selecting fruits for making apple-pear cider, you can replace 20% of sour apples with the same amount of pears, which is acceptable under the AOC calvados standard, or do a la Calvados Domfrontais standard, replacing sour and some bittersweet apple fruits with pears, which will account for 30 to 50% of the total amount of fruits.

And thirdly: if you want to do everything according to science, prepare separately apple and pear cider, distill them and mix the resulting spirits in the proportion you want.

The recipe at home, and not only it, implies two possibilities. The first is, as in the case of the AOC calvados standard, to carry out a continuous single distillation by means of a vertical column distiller.

A more acceptable second option for us is a double distillation carried out in an ordinary moonshine unit (although, ideally, for the double distillation of drinks of the Calvados Pays d’Auge category, Charente-type copper “cognac” alambicas are used). As a result of the primary distillation, a 25-30 degree raw alcohol is obtained, which is entirely used for re-processing.

The secondary distillation of Calvados involves the separation of the resulting alcohol into fractions. First, 5-8% of the “head” containing highly toxic fusel oils is discarded. Then the “body” is selected, which will become the future Calvados. The starting point for the tail fraction should be the drop in the strength of the output product below the 40 degree mark. Unlike the "head", the "tails" can be stored for later to be added to new cider just before it is distilled.

The middle fraction should be diluted with distilled water to the desired strength (from forty revolutions and above), and then come to grips with the exposure of the resulting alcohol.

Keeping the drink and subsequent cleaning of Calvados at home

The first step in finishing your apple brandy is preparing the Calvados cask (needless to say, the cask must be oak). If you are dealing with a new container, it must be steamed, soaked in cold water, then rinsed with a 20-degree alcohol solution and steamed again. In this way, you will increase the water resistance of the barrel, disinfect it and rid the wood of excess tannins. Then, following the example of the Normandy distillers, the container should be burned from the inside, but this, frankly, is not for everybody.

To turn apple brandy into calvados, it must be in the barrel for at least two years. If you have steel nerves and iron endurance, the term can be extended indefinitely. At the same time, after two years of aging, the distillate should be poured into an older container so that its flavor and aroma bouquet acquires the calm versatility inherent in noble drinks.

The original Calvados has been made in only one of the regions of France, in Normandy, for more than four centuries. This is a distilled cider aged in oak barrels. For a long time it was considered a drink of the poor, but with Remarque's light pen it became popular among representatives of various classes. The secret of its preparation is in the choice of certain varieties of apples grown specifically for this type of strong drink. It is believed that a drink made from other varieties of apples is not Calvados, winemakers call it apple brandy. In fact, Calvados is also an apple brandy, but with a brand name. If you do not chase after the accuracy of the wording, it should be recognized that everyone can make Calvados at home, and how exactly to call it is a secondary issue.

Technology Features

Making apple brandy at home is a task that almost everyone can do, but not an easy one. You should be patient, since this process is lengthy, and also study the intricacies of the technology so that the finished drink resembles real Calvados as much as possible.

  • The quality of the finished calvados will certainly be affected by the quality of the finished raw materials. You should not take rotten apples, hoping that the distillation process lies ahead. At best, a drink made from spoiled fruits will have unpleasant notes, at worst, at the first stage, the raw materials will not ferment, but will rot.
  • Such varieties of apples, which are used in the production of the original Calvados, cannot be found in Russian gardens. A successful combination of different varieties of apples, which must be late varieties, will help you get the right bouquet. This combination is considered optimal: 7 parts bittersweet apples, 2 parts sour fruits and 1 part bitter (tart).
  • Some recipes that can be found on the Internet advise washing and de-seeding apples to make Calvados cider, using pure apple juice without pulp for this purpose. If you follow these recommendations, you will not get Calvados at home. Firstly, you can’t wash apples so that live bacteria that ensure fermentation remain on them. The maximum that can be done with the fruits is to wipe them with a dry cloth to remove dust. Secondly, apple seeds help to give the desired flavor to the future drink, so the fruits should be crushed along with the core and peel.
  • Picking apples for the preparation of alcoholic beverages, including Calvados, is possible only in dry weather, at least a couple of days after the last rain. Otherwise, there may be too little yeast on the surface of the fruit for full fermentation.
  • One of the steps in the preparation of Calvados is the distillation of apple cider. In this case, the quality of the moonshine and distillation conditions matter. So, the drink should not be allowed to heat above 85 degrees, and distillation should also be stopped when the strength of the resulting brandy drops to 30 degrees. The drink should not be subjected to double distillation, as in this case it will completely lose the flavor and aroma notes characteristic of Calvados. The first and last portions of the liquid obtained during distillation (10% each) may contain toxic substances, so they will have to be thrown out.
  • An important requirement in the preparation of Calvados, both in industrial conditions and at home, is its insistence for a long time in oak barrels. If you didn’t manage to get one, you can ennoble the drink as follows:
    • Plane the oak logs to make chips in the form of "chips", while avoiding the oak bark, which will give the drink a bitter aftertaste, into the chips.
    • Pour oak "chips" into the bottom of glass jars.
    • Pour the Calvados into jars.
    • Roll up the jars with metal lids, like compote, and leave for 8-12 months.
    • Open the jars, filter the drink and pour into glass bottles. Seal them, preferably with oak corks.

If you cook Calvados according to the classical technology, then you will be able to try it not earlier than in a year. If you want to simplify and speed up the process, you can make a drink that imitates Calvados, but in fact it is an apple tincture.

Classic homemade calvados recipe

Composition (for 1.5–1.6 liters of Calvados):

  • apples of bitter-sweet varieties - 14 kg;
  • sour apples - 4 kg;
  • tart apples - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the collected apples, throwing out the rumpled, rotten and wormy ones, carefully wipe the selected fruits with a soft cloth, remove the stalks.
  • Cut the apples, without peeling or removing the seed box from them, into pieces of any size. Pass through a juicer or chop with a meat grinder, food processor.
  • Place the pulp containers in a warm, but not sunny place, covered with a cloth. Leave it to ferment for 24-48 hours. All this time, remove the foam that forms on the surface and mix the apple juice.
  • Squeeze out the juice from the pulp through gauze folded in 4 layers and set it to settle for another day.
  • Drain the juice through a rubber tube into a large bottle, where it will ferment further. Try to exclude the ingress of pulp (sediment) into it.
  • Close the bottle with a water seal or simply put a rubber glove on its neck, having previously pierced one of its fingers.
  • Put the bottle in a room with a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees and wait for the end of fermentation. This process usually takes about two months. A fallen glove will testify to its completion.
  • Pour the resulting cider into an alembic and start distilling. Do not forget about the need to pour out the "heads" and "tails". If the amount of ingredients indicated in this recipe was used, then you need to drain the first and last 0.2 liters, that is, in a faceted glass. The output will be about 1.5 liters of a drink with a strength of 40-45 degrees - it all depends on the quality of the raw materials and the strength of the apple wine used for distillation.
  • Place the distilled apple brandy in an oak barrel or pour it into glass bottles, adding oak shavings to them and closing them with oak stoppers (the first option is preferable). Infuse the drink for at least 8 months (if you have enough patience, you can insist longer - in this case, the drink will turn out to be of better quality). The possibility of reducing the exposure time is not provided by the recipe.
  • Strain the infused drink through cheesecloth folded in several layers twice or thrice. Pour into bottles and cork them. You can store such Calvados for three years, but hardly anyone has the patience to wait so long.

Homemade Calvados oil, prepared according to the classic recipe, differs in its organoleptic qualities from the original drink.

Easy Homemade Apple Calvados Recipe

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • apples - 2 kg;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • water - 0.15 l;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • vanillin - 1 g.

Cooking method:

  • Select unspoiled apples, wash them, wipe them, cut out the core.
  • Cut the apples into small cubes, about a centimeter or a little less.
  • Mix sugar with vanillin, you can use vanilla sugar instead of vanillin, but then you need to take 10 g of it.
  • Wash a three-liter jar well.
  • Pour apples and sugar into it in layers.
  • Mix vodka with water and pour it over apples.
  • Cover the jar with a cloth and place it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Shake the jar from time to time to mix the contents.
  • After 14 days, remove the apple mass from the jar, strain the remaining liquid, passing through gauze folded in several layers.

Such a tincture only imitates the taste and aroma of real Calvados, however, many will like it.

Apple and pear calvados

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • apples - 1.5 kg;
  • pears - 0.35 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 100 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 0.2 l;
  • vodka - 1 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort apples and pears, wash and dry well.
  • Cut the fruit into 4 pieces, cut out the core with seeds.
  • Cut apples and pears into cubes no larger than a centimeter.
  • Put apples at the bottom of a three-liter jar, pears on top of them.
  • Sprinkle with vanilla sugar, pour vodka.
  • Infuse the drink in a dark place for 10 days. Periodically mix the contents of the jar by shaking it.
  • Remove apples and pears from the jar, strain the remaining liquid.
  • Drain the liquid into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Boil 0.2 liters of water, dissolving sugar in it.
  • Pour the syrup into the boiling pot.
  • Boil the mixture for half an hour over very low heat.
  • Cool the drink to room temperature.
  • Pour into bottles, cork them and store in a cool place.

Such calvados will turn out to be less strong than those prepared using traditional technology, and slightly sweet. This imitation of the original drink will appeal to the ladies.

Home-made Calvados, of course, will differ from the genuine one produced in France, even if you follow the traditional technology. However, this difference will be noticeable only to true connoisseurs of apple brandy. For most of our compatriots, home-cooked Calvados will seem little different from the real thing. Your guests will surely appreciate your efforts.

Apple vodka has been known for a long time, because it has an excellent aroma, and its taste is no worse than that of expensive cognac or whiskey. True connoisseurs of alcohol need to know how to make such a drink at home, so the information below will be your lifesaver.

Calvados - what is it

For a long time, the drink was considered the alcohol of commoners, because only apples are used to make it. When Remarque began to mention Calvados in his works, the situation changed - the elite of society drew attention to the drink. Now Calvados is moonshine from apples well-aged in oak barrels. It is worth noting that only alcohol made in Normandy can be called Calvados, the rest of the apple distillates are imitation tinctures.

Calvados - how to drink and what to eat

It all depends on the aging time of the drink and on its variety. To questions about how to drink and what to eat Calvados, the Normans know the exact answers best of all, because they are the founders and great lovers of this alcohol. So, drinking brandy is recommended taking into account the following rules:

  1. Aged for less than 4 years, brandy has a beneficial effect on digestion, so one serving (50-100 grams) is an excellent option for an aperitif. Also, apple tincture will not hurt in between the change of dishes at the table.
  2. Noble varieties of Calvados from apples, which have a good exposure, should be served as a digestif, even if they are made at home. A thick-bottomed tulip-shaped glass is filled with liquid, which is recommended to be first warmed up in your hands, to enjoy the unique aroma of nectar collected in Norman gardens, and only after that you can start tasting the drink, savoring every drop of it. Alcohol with a strength of more than 50 degrees can be combined with a good cigar.
  3. If you wish, you can mix Calvados with other drinks to get a cocktail. Best of all brandy is combined with tonic.

As for the choice of snacks for the Normandy alcoholic drink, here it is worth highlighting several types of dishes:

  1. The characteristic taste of apple vodka is perfectly revealed in combination with meat dishes made with berry or fruit sauce.
  2. Of the classic snacks for Calvados, wheat bread, fruits, sweet pastries, cheeses, chocolate, ice cream and sweet pastries are distinguished.

How to make Calvados

At home, few people make elite alcohol, because the preparation of Calvados according to the classic recipe is a long and complicated process. Most prefer tinctures that are its imitation: with the addition of vodka, sugar, yeast and even pears. How to cook calvados, which will be like the original? First of all, you need to carefully select apples, taking into account the proportions of application: bittersweet should be 70%, sour - 20%, bitter - 10%.

Many recipes recommend squeezing apple juice and letting it ferment under a water seal, but this judgment is incorrect. In order for the drink to have an extraordinary aroma, calvados mash is made from crushed pulp with skin and apple seeds. After that, they are left for a couple of days to ferment, then the juice is squeezed out of the pulp, and the liquid is left again for another day. Further, the future basis of Calvados is poured into a bottle, the container is closed. The distillation of the resulting mash is carried out in a month, and in order to preserve the aroma, it is better if it is a single one.

Calvados recipe at home

Some lovers of preparing elite alcohol use a simplified method, adding yeast, vanilla sugar, mixing apples with pears. If you want to make a classic Calvados apple brandy at home, then get ready for the fact that the process will take a long time and that it is not at all simple. By following the steps step by step, as the Calvados recipe at home advises, as a result you will have a fragrant delicious brandy.

Apple vodka

  • Preparation time: 6 months.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 256 kcal.
  • Purpose: drink.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: difficult.

Popular in Normandy, a strong alcoholic drink has a rich pleasant taste and excellent aroma. The presented traditional recipe for apple calvados at home will help everyone get a product that is almost the same as natural. It is worth noting that for the preparation of apple vodka, you can use the ideal composition, when sweet and bitter apples are taken in 4 parts, and sour - 2 parts.


  • bitter apples - 1 part;
  • sour apples - 2 parts;
  • bittersweet apples - 7 parts;
  • sweet apples - 7 parts.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, it is important to remember that fruits do not need to be washed, because you will kill the wild yeast that is on their peel. Cut the sorted apples into cubes, send under a press or put in a juicer. Put the apple mass to infuse for a day at room temperature, covering the container with gauze. It is recommended to leave a place in the container, because during vigorous fermentation, foam and pulp will be released on the surface.
  2. Remove the resulting foam, squeeze the juice, pour it into a container where fermentation will continue.
  3. Make a water seal. A rubber glove can also be used for these purposes: it must be put on the neck, then one “finger” should be pierced with a needle.
  4. Rearrange the dishes in a dark pantry. Cider is formed from juice at a temperature of 18-27 degrees. Signs that the cider is ready: the liquid has brightened, and sediment is visible at the bottom.
  5. Ready young cider is drained, filtered so that the taste of future vodka is not spoiled by sediment. Place the cider in the still.
  6. Using a moonshine still, drive the distillate out of the cider. The output during the first distillation into fractions does not need to be divided, because it is necessary to select the entire product before the drop in the strength in the stream, the strength of which will be below 30 degrees. Alcoholometer to measure the strength of the moonshine.
  7. Dilute the first batch of Calvados with clean water so that the strength of the liquid becomes 18-20 degrees.
  8. Distill the product a second time, selecting a purified 40-degree moonshine. Separate and discard about 12% (first dose) of the liquid, because this product is only suitable for technical use. After distillation, strong pure moonshine should remain, the strength of which ranges from 70 to 80 degrees.
  9. Go to the last step: pour the distillate into an oak barrel or glass container for further infusion. In advance, place the oak pegs treated with water and alcohol in the dishes.
  10. Alcohol obtained at home from apples, diluted with water to a strength of 40 degrees.
  11. Close jars tightly with lids or roll up.
  12. Remove Calvados in a cool dark place until ripe. The period of infusion of apple vodka is from six months to a year.
  13. Ready Calvados is filtered, bottled, corked and put in a permanent storage place.

To make apple brandy at home, you need to be patient right away, because the drink will have the perfect taste 2 years after infusion, but the result will amaze you with its strength and aroma. You can make Calvados with your own hands, but you need to strictly follow the technology for preparing alcohol, and you should also pay attention to such points:

  1. The oak pegs described in the classic recipe should be sawn from the middle part of the tree trunk and have a diameter in the range of 25-35 cm. It is necessary to make bars of 5x10 cm in size from wood, pour them with bubbling water for 10 minutes. Then the pegs need to be held for another 20 minutes, but already filling them with cold water. After all the actions taken, drain the water and dry the tree.
  2. From the bars you can still make chips. The aroma of Calvados will be more pronounced if the chips are heated in a pan without oil.
  3. Wood must contain tannins - so homemade Calvados will have a bitter taste characteristic of the original alcohol, but shavings, bark or sawdust are not suitable for distilling homemade tincture, because there are too many substances in them.
  4. Calvados at home from apples can be prepared with or without sugar, but it is not recommended to add yeast: the wild ones that are on the peel of the fruit are quite enough.

Video: Apple vodka

Calvados is the original name of an alcoholic drink made from apples, which is produced in Normandy.

All other options are apple brandy.

Homemade Calvados according to the classic recipe is quite difficult to cook.

If a simplified recipe for Calvados from apples is used at home, then the drink is prepared very quickly.

In any case, a bottle of homemade alcohol will cost less than a bottle from an alcohol market.

And the drink itself will taste better.

Homemade Apple Calvados Recipe - General Cooking Principles

The original technology for preparing Calvados is as follows:

Get cider (fermented apple juice, low alcohol drink);

Distill the distillate (that is, get moonshine from apple juice);

Withstand moonshine (insist in an oak barrel);

Filter out Calvados.

The only ingredient for real Calvados is apples. The higher their quality, the more delicious and high-quality homemade alcohol will turn out. It is better to select September apples - juicy, sweet, fully ripe, without the slightest sign of spoilage.

The first homemade apple calvados recipe below allows you to get an almost original drink (if you have a real oak barrel and the ability to accurately measure the alcohol content in the semi-finished product and the finished product). This is a classic version, which is quite difficult to reproduce.

However, there are simpler recipes for calvados from apples at home. It turns out the way and not quite original, but quite tasty and varied drinks that can be put on the festive table without embarrassment. Experimental imitation drinks can be made from a combination of apples and sweet and sour pears.

Classic homemade apple calvados recipe

The traditional drink has a delicious aroma and a pleasant rich taste. Thanks to this recipe for calvados from apples at home, you can get a product that is almost identical to the original. Ingredients (traditional or ideal composition), choose at your discretion.


First composition (traditional):

Seven pieces of sweet and bittersweet apples;

Two parts of sour apples;

One part of bitter apples.

Second composition (ideal):

Four pieces of sweet apples;

Four parts of bitter apples;

Two pieces of sour apples.

Cooking method:

Squeeze juice from apples, trying to completely get rid of the pulp.

Juice during the day should be settled at room temperature.

Carefully remove the resulting foam and pour into a fermentation container.

Make a water seal or just put a rubber glove on the neck (do not forget to pierce one “finger” with a needle).

For fermentation, rearrange the container in a dark pantry until you get cider. The optimum temperature is from 18 to 27 degrees.

The cider is ready when the herd liquid is lighter, there is sediment at the bottom, and the glove has completely deflated (or the airlock has stopped bubbling).

Drain the young cider, be sure to filter it so that there are no traces of sediment in the liquid (it will spoil the taste).

Pour the cider into a still.

With the help of a moonshine still, drive out the distillate from the cider, measure the strength of the moonshine with an alcohol meter.

Dilute the first batch of moonshine with clean water. The resulting liquid should have a strength of 18 to 20 degrees.

Distill moonshine again, selecting purified moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees. Discard the first dose (about 12 percent). It is an unfit for consumption, unhealthy product, the only use of which is for technical purposes).

After distillation, pure moonshine with a strength of 70 to 80 degrees should remain.

If there is no oak barrel for further infusion, pour the distillate into a glass container. Pre-lower the processed oak pegs inside.

Dilute apple alcohol with cold water so that the drink has a strength of 40 degrees.

Seal jars hermetically with iron lids or close with very tight lids.

Remove Calvados in a cool pantry for final maturation. The term of infusion is from six months to one year.

Filter, bottle, seal tightly and store.

Recipe for calvados from apples on vodka

An easy way to get a Calvados-like drink is to simply infuse apples with vodka. The main thing is to choose high-quality vodka that will not spoil the taste and emphasize the bright apple flavor. The drink will have a strength of about 32-35 degrees.


Two kilograms of apples;

A liter of quality vodka;

Two hundred grams of sugar;

Ten grams of vanilla sugar;

150 ml of water.

Cooking method:

Washed apples are completely cleaned of partitions and seeds, cut into small cubes.

Put in a glass jar, add vanilla sugar and mix.

Pour vodka over apples.

Close the lid tightly and send to infuse in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks.

Strain the contents of the jar, squeeze the apples through a gauze filter.

Combine the norm of sugar and water and boil for five minutes (remove the foam).

Cool the resulting sugar syrup and pour it into the tincture of apples on vodka. Mix.

Pour Calvados into bottles, cork and refrigerate.

The tincture is stored for three years.

Recipe for Calvados from apples and pears on moonshine

An unusual recipe for calvados from apples at home involves the use of pears. The drink is very good for making alcoholic cocktails.


Seven hundred grams of sweet and bitter apples;

Three hundred grams of sour apples;

Four hundred grams of pears;

One liter of good moonshine;

Glass of water;

Half a glass of granulated sugar;

Half a cup of vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

Clean dried and peeled apples and pears cut into cubes.

Put apple slices into a three-liter, then pear slices.

Add vanilla sugar and moonshine.

Cover the neck with a piece of gauze and leave to ferment in a dark pantry for three weeks.

Stir the contents of the jar daily or shake it.

Strain the drink through a gauze filter.

Pour apple-pear moonshine into a saucepan and send to the stove, turning on a slow fire.

Pour water into sugar, mix, heat until dissolved.

Add warm syrup to the contents of the pan and simmer on the stove for half an hour.

Pour cooled Calvados into bottles.

Recipe for calvados from apples with yeast

Housewives often try to supplement and improve the classic recipe for apple calvados at home. The indicated amount of ingredients can be varied.


Fifteen kilograms of apples;

Ten liters of filtered water;

Two kilograms of sugar;

Fifty grams of yeast.

Cooking method:

Peel apples and scroll through a meat grinder.

Pour a liter of water into sugar and dissolve.

Pour syrup into applesauce.

Add yeast, pre-dissolving them in a small amount of water.

Pour everything into a glass container for fermentation, put a medical glove with a pierced finger on the neck of the bottle and put it in a dark place for ten days.

Stir the mixture every day.

When they are peppered to go down, distill moonshine from the wort.

Pour into bottles with oak chips, cork.

Raisin Calvados Recipe

A drink made from apple cider on raisins has a pleasant taste. This homemade apple calvados recipe is a bit like the previous ones and allows you to get an excellent drink option. The cider obtained at the first stage of fermentation can be drunk as an independent low-alcohol drink.


Three kilograms of sweet and sour apples;

Six hundred milliliters of water;

Six hundred grams of sugar;

Fifty grams of raisins.

Cooking method:

Grate prepared apples.

Place the pulp in portions in a glass container, sprinkling with sugar and raisins.

Pour warm water at room temperature.

Close the neck with a glove and put it away for fermentation in a dark pantry for ten days.

Filter. If the cider is to be used on its own, bottle and refrigerate.

For further preparation of Calvados, overtake the cider through a moonshine still, insist on oak chips.

Store in a cool place.

homemade cider apple calvados recipe

There is a great homemade apple calvados recipe that allows you to recycle your cider. If there is a lot of sparkling drink resembling champagne, and there is a moonshine still at home, it is worth preparing a festive version of homemade alcohol.


Ten liters of homemade cider (ABV 6 percent);

Ten kilograms of fermented apple pomace;

filtered water;

oak chips;

A tablespoon of honey (or sugar).

Cooking method:

Squeeze apple pomace, strain and pour into bottles.

Leave for fermentation for five days in the heat.

Pour cider and fermented cake into the moonshine still.

Drain the first portion of alcohol (about 200 ml). It has a lot of fusel oils.

The resulting moonshine with a strength of about 40 degrees is again driven through the apparatus. You will get moonshine twice as strong.

Pour oak chips into glass jars.

Fill the shavings with moonshine.

Shake and leave warm for a day (in the room or in the kitchen).

Strain the Calvados.

Add sugar or honey (optional).

Pour into bottles, cork and put in the freezer for several hours.

Remove and send to a cupboard or refrigerator for storage.

Homemade Apple Calvados Recipe - Tricks and Tips

    Oak pegs for the classic recipe should be sawn from the middle of the trunk with a diameter of 25 to 35 centimeters. The wood needs to be sawn into bars 5 * 10 cm, pour boiling water for ten minutes. Drain the water, pour the pegs with cold water for twenty minutes. Then drain the water, dry the tree.

    Sawdust, shavings, bark are not suitable: they contain few tannins that give Calvados a characteristic bitterness.

    The sticks can be cut into chips. To give the drink a more pronounced flavor, heat the wood chips in a dry frying pan.
