
Calorie Pepper sweet red. Chemical composition and nutritional value

We all know how important vegetables are in human nutrition. This cannot be disputed. Bell pepper is one of the healthiest vegetables that everyone should have in their diet. We will talk about it today.

The benefits and calorie content of pepper

The calorie content of Bulgarian pepper is quite small. It has only 27 kcal. In addition to calories, pepper contains vitamin C in large quantities. According to the content of this vitamin, it is second only to blackcurrant and rose hips. But among vegetables it is the absolute leader. Pepper also contains a very rare vitamin P, which helps blood vessels and the heart, as well as the absorption of ascorbic acid. Vitamin P increases the elasticity of blood vessels, and vitamin C cleanses them of cholesterol plaques. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of this “pair”, regular consumption of pepper reduces the risk of stroke by 46%. In addition to calories, pepper in the amount of one piece brings the daily requirement for vitamin C. Most of this substance is concentrated near the stalk, and therefore it must be carefully removed.

Pepper contains B vitamins that improve sleep, mood, hair and skin condition. In addition, it contains potassium, which is good for the heart, iodine, which normalizes metabolism, silicon, which is responsible for strong nails and thick hair.

Due to the low calorie content, pepper can be consumed in large quantities and raw, since most of the enzymes and nutrients are destroyed during heat treatment. Due to the high content of macro- and microelements, pepper is useful for pregnant women. At least a month before pregnancy, fresh pepper should be consumed daily. It is also useful for people who have weakened hair.

Sweet pepper is a close relative of black pepper and hot chili. In addition to calories, peppers contain capsoicin. This substance is responsible for the bitterness and spiciness of pepper. Capsoicin starts digestion, improves appetite.

More recently, scientists have discovered the content in pepper of a substance that reduces the risk of malignant tumors. It is especially abundant in green fruits. In this regard, it is recommended to eat at least one green pepper daily, while not being afraid to get better. The calorie content of green pepper is 27 kcal per 100 g. In addition to calories, pepper contains 1.3 g of protein and 5.3 g of carbohydrates. Also, green pepper is a prophylactic against neuralgia. A special antioxidant was found in its pulp, which prevents inflammation in nerve cells.

In addition to calories, 100 g of bell pepper contains 0.9 g of protein, 0.3 g of fat and 5.2 g of carbohydrates.

Do not forget also that there is a red fruit. The calorie content of sweet red pepper is 26 kcal. In addition to calories, red bell pepper contains 1.3 g of protein and 5.3 g of carbohydrates.

Weight loss and calorie pepper

Due to the low calorie content of bell pepper, it is recommended for weight loss. At the same time, it is not necessary to follow the strictest diets. It is enough to include a little ground paprika in your diet every day. Sweet pepper raises the temperature, while activating metabolic processes. People who consume paprika are not prone to overeating because the substances in pepper block the need for fatty, salty and sweet foods.

Not only due to its low calorie content, pepper is suitable for weight loss, but also due to its nutritional value and excellent taste. Its daily use contributes to weight loss, minimizing the risk of overeating and breakdown. In general, vegetables are ideal for diets, and bell peppers are generally the best option.

Diet recipes with pepper

Finally, I would like to give a few dietary and incredibly tasty recipes with pepper.

The first recipe is chicken rolls with pepper. The calorie content of bell pepper with chicken in this recipe is 92 kcal per 100 g. We wash the three chicken fillets and cut them lengthwise. Beat a little, add salt and seasoning. Now cut the pieces in half lengthwise. We wash the pepper, peel it and cut into strips. Wrap three straws with a strip of chicken meat. It turns out such peculiar rolls, from which a pepper peeps out. The dish will look even more beautiful if you take a multi-colored pepper. To keep the rolls in shape, pierce them with toothpicks. Rolls can be cooked in a double boiler or oven. Cooking time - half an hour.

The next diet recipe is stuffed peppers. The calorie content of peppers stuffed according to this recipe is 79 kcal per 100 g. For cooking, we need one carrot, a glass of rice, 1.3 kg of pepper, 600 g of chicken fillet, 200 g of champignons, one onion, 2 cloves of garlic and greens for decorations. Boil rice until half cooked. Chop garlic, onion, carrot. Cut mushrooms into thin slices. In a bowl, mix rice, vegetables and mushrooms. Salt and pepper to taste, mix thoroughly. Finely chop the chicken, salt. We put it to vegetables and rice and mix. We clean the pepper from the stalk and seeds, pour over with boiling water for softness. We fill the pepper with stuffing and cook in a double boiler for about forty minutes. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. You can fill the dish with sour cream. The calorie content of peppers stuffed with beef or pork increases significantly, so such dishes are not suitable for a diet.

Vegetable casserole. The calorie content of pepper with vegetables in a casserole is 77 kcal per 100 g of product. Cut one zucchini into cubes. We clean two sweet peppers from seeds and stalk and cut into small pieces. 8 champignons cut into thin slices. Cut three tomatoes into cubes. We combine all the vegetables, mix and salt. We send them to a double boiler, sprinkle 200 g of grated Mozzarella on top. Mix everything thoroughly and cook for 35 minutes.

As you can see, bell pepper not only helps to lose weight, but also allows you to create a lot of delicious and healthy dishes. Be healthy and happy!

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Few people know that our favorite pepper is considered the most ancient vegetable on the planet. Researchers believe that it is over 9 thousand years old. The first written mention of it dates back to 1494. In them, the doctor of Columbus mentioned pepper. After the conquest of America, pepper seeds came to European countries: Spain and Portugal. Then the pepper crossed the border of Turkey and from there came to Bulgaria. The merit of Bulgarian breeders is that they managed to breed sweet and large varieties of this vegetable. The low calorie content of pepper allows it to be widely used both in its pure form and for cooking various dishes. Bulgarians are true masters in this area. Pepper occupies a worthy place among the dishes of Bulgarian cuisine. It is used in the most unusual combinations, stewed, fried, boiled and fresh. It was from Bulgaria that pepper spread further: to Ukraine, Moldova and the south of Russia.

Today it is difficult to imagine that several centuries ago our ancestors did not know such a plant as pepper. He is a welcome guest on any table. Salads are made with it, meat is stewed, stuffed, fried, seasoned with soups and sauces are prepared. In addition, peppers are great for canning. At the same time, it retains its beneficial properties and is a source of vitamins in the cold season. The calorie content of pepper is low, which means that you can safely eat it without worrying about your figure. The taste of pepper was appreciated by many, but not everyone knows that in addition to this, pepper is also very good for health.

Composition and useful properties of pepper

The vitamin and mineral composition of pepper is rich. It contains such minerals as iron, sodium, zinc, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, etc. Pepper is one of the leaders in vitamin C content among vegetables. Along with the low calorie content of pepper, this feature allows you to get as much vitamin C as necessary for the body. It must be said that the amount of vitamin C in pepper significantly exceeds even such fruits as lemon and blackcurrant, which are traditionally considered the main sources of this useful substance. In order for the amount of vitamin C in pepper to reach its maximum value, this vegetable must be harvested when it is ripe. The high content of vitamin C does not affect the calories in peppers. Pepper also contains vitamin P, which, in combination with vitamin C, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves the activity of the circulatory system.

In addition to the fact that pepper will not harm the figure, since the calories in bell pepper are minimal, this vegetable is a source of vitamin A, which is important for maintaining hair beauty and visual acuity. Bell pepper also contains B vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and improve mood and returning a positive attitude. Calories in bell pepper should not be considered by those who are prone to depression and suffer from nervous disorders. Eating bell pepper is indicated for people suffering from edema, dermatitis, and diabetes. And pepper is especially valuable for the elderly.

The low calorie content of bell pepper is an argument in favor of using the vegetable in your diet. It must be present in the menu of pregnant women, because during this period the body especially needs vitamins to maintain hair and bones. Pepper will be no less useful for men. The use of pepper will be an excellent prevention of baldness. Those who are afraid that the calorie content of sweet pepper is high, given its name, should know that sugar in this vegetable is much less than in tomatoes or carrots. The calorie content of sweet pepper is only 26 kcal per 100 g. As you can see, this is not a high figure at all, and pepper can easily be classified as a low-calorie food.

Calorie content of cooked sweet peppers

Sweet bell pepper is usually consumed not only fresh. The calorie content of fresh pepper is low, but after cooking, this figure may vary. Many people like to eat fried peppers. This dish is easy to prepare and has a wonderful taste. Regardless of whether other vegetables are used, or pepper is used as an independent dish, it retains its taste and useful qualities. The calorie content of fried bell pepper will be 106 kcal per 100 g. As you can see, the calorie content of pepper prepared in this way cannot be called low. This is a medium calorie dish. And yet, it may well enter the diet of those who follow the figure. Caution should be observed for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases and who do not tolerate fried foods.

By the way, you can replace high-calorie fried peppers with baked peppers. The taste of baked pepper is no worse, and the calories in bell pepper prepared in this way will be much less. For example, a common pepper snack, which includes roasted peppers, vegetable oil and balsamic vinegar, contains only 46 kcal per 100 g. This is a wonderful low-calorie and, of course, healthy dish that will appeal to many, especially those who carefully counts calories in peppers. But the calorie content of stuffed peppers will already depend on the ingredients that make up the stuffing.

red pepper calories

Bell peppers come in a variety of colors. Calories in red pepper in this case are no different from calories in green or yellow peppers. However, red bell pepper should not be confused with hot red pepper. This is a completely different variety, differing in its taste characteristics and composition from sweet pepper. The calorie content of hot red pepper exceeds the calorie content of bell pepper. It has almost twice the calories. The calorie content of red chili pepper is 40 kcal per 100 g. However, do not be afraid of this. It is unlikely that anyone can consume hot peppers in large quantities, and the point is not in the calorie content of pepper, but in its hot taste. Most often it is used as a seasoning for dishes and it does not need much at all. A feature of hot pepper is the content in it of a special substance - capsiicin. It absorbs substance P, a neuropeptide that conducts pain impulses through the nerves. Thus, hot pepper is a natural pain reliever, the truth is, how much you need to use it in order not to feel pain, and whether it will be good for the digestive system.

It is an annual herbaceous vegetable crop, the use of which is widespread in cooking. It was brought to Europe and the East from America. The fruits of the plant can be of different colors: red, green, yellow and others. They also differ in shape. In vegetable nutrition, bell pepper is in the first place. The calorie content of the product varies from 25 to 30 kcal.

Beneficial features

Many people do not think about the value of this vegetable, but it is very high. Firstly, this product contains practically no sugar, which makes it dietary beneficial. Secondly, a large amount of minerals helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of anemia. Among these trace elements, it is worth highlighting potassium, iron, sodium, iodine, magnesium and phosphorus.

Pepper contains a complex of vitamins B, which helps to restore the activity of the cerebral cortex. Thanks to group B, a person gets tired less, endures stressful situations more easily, and falls asleep faster. In addition, these vitamins are indispensable in the prevention of skin diseases, edema and diabetes.

Vitamin A is abundant in green and yellow peppers. That is why these varieties are especially indicated for children and adolescents. Group A is necessary for a young organism for normal development.

Harm and contraindications

The advantages of bell pepper can be listed for a long time, but it is worth remembering that excessive consumption of the product has a negative effect on the body. Vitamin C is included in the chemical composition of the vegetable in large quantities. As you know, ascorbic acid is a serious irritant for the stomach, so frequent eating of sweet peppers is strictly contraindicated for people with a disease such as an ulcer.

There is an opinion that this product is recommended for patients with heart, kidney and liver problems. However, such a judgment is not always justified. Bulgarian pepper in any quantity is contraindicated in coronary disease, tachycardia, hemorrhoids, hypertension, epilepsy, colitis, and problems with the liver and kidneys. It turns out that the product is allowed to be included in the diet only for healthy people, otherwise it can harm.

When peppers are baked, additional acid is produced in them, which is bad for the oral cavity. The most useful way to cook a vegetable is boiling.

Calorie content and composition: red pepper

This product has the highest vitamin value among all other varieties. The content of vitamin C in it is greater than in the same lemon. In 100 g of red pepper there is about 200 mg of this substance, although the daily human norm is up to 100 mg. It is worth noting that this vitamin helps to normalize the functioning of the respiratory system, and in combination with beta-carotene, it helps prevent the development of cancer cells. Also, red pepper in moderation is recommended for patients with indigestion.

Of the other beneficial substances contained in this product, lycopene should be distinguished, which catalyzes the creation of new cells. Among other things, red pepper contains vitamins B1 and B2, sucrose, nitrogenous compounds, essential oils, potassium, phosphorus, iron, silicon and other trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs and human systems.

From the point of view of nutrition, this vegetable is very useful, as it has a minimum calorie content. Bulgarian red pepper contains only 28 kcal (100 g). The ratio of nutrients in the product: proteins - 1.3 g, carbohydrates - 5.3 g, fats - 0 g. It is worth noting that the calorie content of Bulgarian red pepper is slightly higher than that of other varieties.

The composition of the vegetable includes other acids, such as folic and nicotinic. In the summer, the percentage of essential oils increases (up to 1.25%), as well as the amount of carbohydrates (up to 7.2 g). Unlike yellow varieties, there are no fats in green pepper, and proteins are kept at the level of 1.2 g. The most concentrated useful substances are phosphorus and calcium.

The main advantage of this variety is its low calorie content. Bulgarian green pepper contains only 25.8 kcal. In the summer, the energy value increases to 26 kcal. It is recommended to use it raw, although bitterness may be felt a little.

When buying canned vegetables, you should also pay attention to the calorie content. Bulgarian green pepper in rolled form should not have an energy value exceeding 80 kcal per 100 g. It is not recommended to eat this vegetable fried, as it negatively affects the gastric mucosa.

Bulgarian pepper in nutrition

Few people know that this product is almost 90% liquid. In addition, peppers are extremely low in protein and fat. Therefore, this vegetable can be included without hesitation in a permanent diet for weight loss. Bulgarian pepper, the calorie content of which does not exceed 30 kcal, can be used as a side dish or mixed with other products. It can be eaten fresh even in express diets, in which it replaces a sweet dessert.

It is not recommended to introduce lecho or stewed peppers into the diet. For these dishes, ingredients that are harmful to the body, such as salt and oil, are used. Also, do not use pickled bell peppers. Its calorie content can be up to 70 kcal.

Bulgarian pepper in medicine

Many doctors advise their patients to eat more vegetable products. This applies primarily to Bulgarian pepper, as it contains many vitamins and minerals.

No wonder this product is included in many patches and ointments that help relieve attacks of sciatica, neuralgia and arthritis. Also, bell pepper or its concentrated powder is prescribed to patients for the treatment of blood clots.

Recently, drug manufacturers have begun to isolate some useful trace elements from this vegetable, in order to then include them in drugs that lower cholesterol and remove carcinogens.

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to its skin. It should not be damaged or stained.

If the pepper's tail began to dry out, then it became unsuitable for a diet.

Vegetables should only be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

By the word "pepper" we mean both spicy seasoning, sweet paprika and red chili. In this article, we will discuss the calorie content of bell pepper. The history of this type of sweet paprika originates in America. The fruits of ripe paprika have a bright color: red, yellow, orange. When unripe, the vegetable is green. It is at this stage of development that it is ideal for canning. Sweet pepper is widely used in cooking. Many people love it in the form of a salad, and as a second course, and as part of soups. The question of the calorie content of pepper is faced by those who are trying to get rid of extra pounds or just keep their figure.

Calories in pepper and its chemical composition

Pepper belongs to vegetables. Peppers are low in calories. Calories in bell peppers are the least in raw form. There are only 28 kilocalories per 100 grams of sweet pepper. Sweet paprika salads are on the menu of many diets. This is due not only to the small number of calories in peppers. In addition, this vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Before cooking and even when cooked, the product is a good source of B vitamins, nicotinic acid, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, retinol, folic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. Peppers also contain a lot of useful vegetable fiber, which helps fight excess appetite and normalizes bowel function. There are few calories in bell pepper, but it is still a valuable food product. Of course, most of all in the composition of the vegetable is water (92%), but there is also vegetable protein (1.4%), and carbohydrates (6%), and even oils (0.4%).

Calorie bell pepper after cooking

The source of calories in stuffed peppers is primarily not the vegetable itself, but the filling and vegetable oil. Mince may be different. It all depends on your taste. You can make mushroom stuffing. Vegetarians will love this recipe. For this, onions, carrots, champignons, greens are used. The calorie content of pepper in one serving (100 grams) in this case will be only 89 kilocalories. If you like meat dishes, then make minced pork or beef. For the filling, in addition to meat, use onions, rice, herbs. In this case, the calorie content of pepper in one serving will be about 180 kilocalories.

Baked bell peppers are another delicious and popular dish. According to the recipe, paprika pieces are baked in the oven with onions and herbs. To improve the taste, the hot dish is sprinkled with grated cheese. The calorie content of pepper in this dish is about 105 kilocalories.

If you want something a little more original, then try making bell pepper and chicken cutlets. The calorie content of pepper in this case will be 124 kilocalories per 100 grams. Minced chicken, finely chopped pepper, one egg, two tablespoons of flour are mixed in a deep dish. From the resulting mass, small cutlets are formed and fried. The dish is served hot with herbs.

The benefits and harms of bell pepper

Despite the excellent taste, the composition rich in vitamins and microelements, the low calorie content of pepper, this product and dishes from it are not useful for everyone. With caution, pepper dishes should be eaten by patients with gastritis, peptic ulcer, hemorrhoids, colitis. It is shown to eat sweet peppers for people with overweight, arterial hypertension, diabetes, insomnia and depression. There are so few calories in pepper that it can be included in the diet for any diet for weight loss.

Bulgarian sweet pepper should always be at hand for any housewife, because with the addition of it to any dish, it will become not only tasty and colorful, but also useful. No wonder this vegetable is called the "storehouse of vitamins." We can not only buy Bulgarian pepper on store shelves, but also grow it ourselves, which will be even much better. Your garden is always a storehouse of vitamins, and confidence in the freshness and quality of vegetables. The versatility of this colorful product will allow you to add it to soups and salads, as well as make a unique pepper garnish by adding meat.

Let's analyze the topic of bell pepper and find out if it is actually useful.

Speaking of calories, for starters, we need to know how many calories are in bell pepper initially? This is important, because we need to know about each component of the dish separately in order to determine the useful properties later and if we need to exclude or add something else.

For example, if you look at how many calories are in green bell pepper, then we have the smallest amount, only 20 (we consider the calorie content of each product based on 100 grams of product). Not every housewife knows that peppers of different colors have different nutritional values. It's hard to say why, but it's a fact. Going further, 31 is the number of calories in red bell pepper, we see a difference of 11 calories, and we can say that for the same product this is a significant difference. Next we will find out how many calories are in yellow pepper, and there are 27 kcal in it. Between green and red, yellow is the golden mean.

We found out how many calories are in fresh bell pepper. Now let's dive into its preparation.

Let's start with the simplest, we will fry the bell pepper, and see how many calories there are in the fried bell pepper. As you know, when we fry foods in a pan, they lose their nutritional value. But the fruits of sweet pepper, even processed ones, retain their large amount of vitamin C. This is due to the fact that sweet bell pepper is a variety artificially bred from hot capsicum and there is very little spicy in its composition.

If we bake the pepper, then the same number of calories in the baked bell pepper will remain as in the fresh one, and, as we have already said, it will not lose its beneficial properties at all.

Since we have touched on the topic of hot pepper, let's talk about it. Hot peppers also contain vitamins A, B and C. In addition, it is described as a remedy for insomnia and, oddly enough. But it does release endorphins. And 40 kcal - that's how many calories a chili pepper has. More than sweet, because it contains fatty oils.

So, we talked about how many calories are in one pepper and we can conclude that both Bulgarian sweet and hot peppers carry many useful substances:

  • organic acids
  • mineral salts
  • starch
  • Fiber
  • Vitamins A, B, C, P, E, K.

The downside of this product is only that its shelf life is short. Even when stored in a cold place, pepper very soon begins to wither and lose its properties.

The only thing we missed is how many calories are in salted peppers, and in conclusion we will find out that as well. 25 kcal - that's how much salted pepper carries. But it is worth noting that this is not the most healthy dish. Therefore, it is better to eat pepper in the types mentioned above and preserve all its beneficial properties.
