
Calories in Oatmeal. Chemical composition and nutritional value


Nutritional value and chemical composition "Oat flour".

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of the edible part.

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
calories 369 kcal 1684 kcal 21.9% 5.9% 456 g
Squirrels 13 g 76 g 17.1% 4.6% 585 g
Fats 6.8 g 60 g 11.3% 3.1% 882 g
Carbohydrates 64.9 g 211 g 30.8% 8.3% 325 g
Alimentary fiber 4.5 g 20 g 22.5% 6.1% 444 g
Water 9 g 2400 g 0.4% 0.1% 26667 g
Ash 1.8 g ~
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.35 mg 1.5 mg 23.3% 6.3% 429 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.1 mg 1.8 mg 5.6% 1.5% 1800
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 1.5 mg 15 mg 10% 2.7% 1000 g
Vitamin PP, NE 4.3 mg 20 mg 21.5% 5.8% 465 g
Niacin 1 mg ~
Potassium, K 280 mg 2500 mg 11.2% 3% 893 g
Calcium Ca 56 mg 1000 mg 5.6% 1.5% 1786
Magnesium 110 mg 400 mg 27.5% 7.5% 364 g
Sodium, Na 21 mg 1300 mg 1.6% 0.4% 6190 g
Phosphorus, Ph 350 mg 800 mg 43.8% 11.9% 229 g
trace elements
Iron, Fe 3.6 mg 18 mg 20% 5.4% 500 g
digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins 63.5 g ~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 1 g max 100 g
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 1.1 g max 18.7 g

Energy value Oat flour is 369 kcal.

  • Glass 250 ml = 130 gr (479.7 kcal)
  • Glass 200 ml = 110 gr (405.9 kcal)
  • Tablespoon ("with a top" except for liquid products) = 20 gr (73.8 kcal)
  • Teaspoon ("with top" except liquid products) = 6 g (22.1 kcal)

Main source: Skurikhin I.M. etc. Chemical composition of foodstuffs. .

** This table shows the average norms of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms based on your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet application.

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The nutritional value

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Most foods cannot contain the full range of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet the body's needs for vitamins and minerals.

Product calorie analysis


The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

Knowing the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to caloric content, you can understand how a product or diet meets the standards of a healthy diet or the requirements of a particular diet. For example, the US and Russian Departments of Health recommend 10-12% of calories from protein, 30% from fat, and 58-60% from carbohydrates. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake.

If more energy is expended than is supplied, then the body begins to use fat reserves, and body weight decreases.

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Oat flour rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B1 - 23.3%, vitamin PP - 21.5%, potassium - 11.2%, magnesium - 27.5%, phosphorus - 43.8%, iron - 20%

Benefits of Oatmeal

  • Vitamin B1 is part of the most important enzymes of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, providing the body with energy and plastic substances, as well as the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids. The lack of this vitamin leads to serious disorders of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Inadequate vitamin intake is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion involved in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, is involved in the processes of nerve impulses, pressure regulation.
  • Magnesium participates in energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect on membranes, is necessary to maintain calcium, potassium and sodium homeostasis. Lack of magnesium leads to hypomagnesemia, increased risk of developing hypertension, heart disease.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates the acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Iron is a part of proteins of various functions, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons, oxygen, ensures the occurrence of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin deficiency atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, atrophic gastritis.
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A complete guide to the most useful products you can see in the application.

The nutritional value- the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Nutritional value of a food product- a set of properties of a food product, in the presence of which the physiological needs of a person in the necessary substances and energy are satisfied.

vitamins, organic substances needed in small amounts in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. The synthesis of vitamins is usually carried out by plants, not animals. The daily human need for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heating. Many vitamins are unstable and "lost" during cooking or food processing.

Oatmeal may well replace the usual flour with which we are accustomed to baking various dishes. Oat flour is much healthier, and baking with it turns out to be very original in taste. What is its use? What can be made from oatmeal? You will find answers to all questions in this material.

Product Description

Oatmeal comes in many varieties, although all types are made from oats. It can be whole grain flour, which looks like a slightly crushed grain. Such a product retains all the beneficial qualities of whole grains and is great for those who want to get rid of extra pounds and adhere to a healthy diet.

There is a medium grinding flour, which contains a large amount of fiber. And there is a product of fine grinding, which is obtained by completely cleaning the grain from the shell and bran. The result is a product that is quickly absorbed and is great for a variety of pastries and more. Of course, whole grain flour, or, as it is also called, coarse grinding, gets more positive feedback. Because it retains all the beneficial properties of oats.

Composition and energy value

Since this product is natural, such flour contains a large amount of vitamins and useful elements. To verify this, it is enough to study the chemical composition of the product. Oatmeal contains vitamins B, E and PP, as well as amino acids useful for the body, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, essential oils, etc. This type of product contains 369 calories per 100 g. As for BJU product, then oatmeal contains 13 gr. proteins, almost 7 g of fat and more than 64 g of carbohydrates.

Despite the high calorie content, this product still belongs to the diet. And all because it has a high content of fiber and easily digestible proteins.

Glycemic index

For those who monitor their harmony and control weight, it is very important to know the glycemic index of foods. It is also an important factor for diabetics. The GI of oatmeal is 45 units on average. Thus, this flour belongs to products with an average level of GI.

Those people who have been diagnosed with gluten intolerance are concerned about the question - is there gluten in oatmeal? Like most cereals, oats also contain gluten. True, unlike other types of product in this flour, its content is not so high. Oats contain 21% of this complex protein. For comparison, it is 80% in wheat flour.

Benefit and harm

Thanks to numerous useful elements and vitamins, this type of flour, of course, brings great benefits to the body. The product contains two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. The first helps fight diabetes, and the second removes toxins from the body. Also, oatmeal has beneficial properties for the normal functioning of the liver, kidneys and heart. The product helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol, reduces the risk of blood clots, normalizes blood pressure and has a positive effect on strengthening the nervous system. It also helps to quickly and naturally gain muscle mass, for which this cereal product is so appreciated by athletes.

Regular use of such a product helps to improve memory, develops mindfulness and helps to increase efficiency. In addition, thanks to natural antioxidants, this type of flour has a positive effect on the beauty and health of the skin and hair. Due to the fact that this flour does not contain starch, it can be used for weight loss. During some diets, it is quite possible to make simple desserts based on an oat product. Such dishes are healthy and tasty. In addition, this product helps to improve digestion, normalizes bowel function, which together helps to get rid of extra pounds.

As for harm, this product has its own contraindications. It is not recommended to use this type of flour for those who have an allergy or individual intolerance. People whose body does not absorb calcium well are also not recommended to use this cereal product.

The abuse of such flour and products from it can adversely affect health.


Before choosing one or another type of flour, many people think about how they differ from each other, and which type of flour is more useful.

from wheat flour

In order to understand why many people choose oatmeal during diets, it is worthwhile to carefully study the difference between oatmeal and wheat flour. The calorie content of both products is approximately the same, but oatmeal is still considered dietary. And all because the oat product contains valuable protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body. But wheat flour consists of simple carbohydrates, which cannot be of great benefit to the body. In addition, oatmeal contains fiber, which removes toxins and cleanses the body. But the wheat product cannot boast of such a property.

It turns out that oatmeal is much more useful, it is quite possible to replace wheat flour in the event that there are problems with being overweight and not only.

From oatmeal

Often on sale you can find not just oatmeal, but also oatmeal. What is the difference? Initially, oatmeal is made from whole boiled cereals, and then it is ground in a mortar. Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, not only bran shells, but also embryonic shells get into the oatmeal. But flour is made from germ grains. This is the main difference between flour and oatmeal.

How to make at home?

At home, it is quite possible to make flour yourself, which will become the main ingredient for healthy baking. For its manufacture, ordinary oatmeal is quite suitable. Just don't use fast food. You need ordinary cereal, which should be boiled for twenty-five to thirty minutes. You can grind cereal in a food processor or blender. If the house does not have either one or the other type of kitchen appliances, then the most ordinary coffee grinder is quite suitable. As a rule, the entire grinding process takes no more than one minute.

You can independently control the degree of grinding. The main thing is that the flour is homogeneous and there are no large pieces of flakes left in it, otherwise this will negatively affect baking. If large pieces of flakes come across, then you can simply remove them or shake the coffee grinder and continue grinding until smooth.

You can use this flour immediately, or you can store it in a glass container with a tight lid.

Dish recipes

By replacing wheat flour with oatmeal, you can bake diet and low-calorie muffins or pancakes. We have some interesting recipes that will help you diversify your daily menu.

Let's start with a recipe for delicious pancakes. To begin with, we heat four hundred milliliters of natural milk. You don't need to heat up the milk. Then add two tablespoons of any honey there and completely dissolve it in milk. Add two raw eggs, a little salt and a teaspoon of baking powder. After that, add one hundred and fifty grams of pre-melted and cooled butter and two hundred and sixty grams of oatmeal. Butter in equal proportions can be replaced with sunflower oil. We mix all the ingredients, prepare the batter and bake our pancakes in a hot pan.

For lovers of sweet cupcakes called "muffins", we have a proven recipe. Mix two hundred grams of oatmeal with two teaspoons of baking powder, mix and set aside for now. We take two ripe bananas of medium size and turn them into puree. Overripe fruits are perfect here. Add one hundred grams of melted butter, two raw eggs and seventy grams of sugar to the fruit puree. Beat everything thoroughly and gradually introduce flour. The dough should not be very thick. We fill them with molds and bake for twenty to twenty-five minutes at 180 ° C.

And here is another recipe for delicious homemade cookies that will appeal to both adults and children. We take a glass of oatmeal, a quarter cup of oatmeal (regular, not instant), one hundred grams of butter, two to three tablespoons of sugar, two eggs and a teaspoon of baking powder. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy. Then add cereal and melted butter. Mix everything thoroughly and gradually add the remaining ingredient until a thick dough is obtained. If desired, you can add a little raisins, nuts or candied fruits. We spread the dough with a wet spoon on baking paper, bake until tender at 180 ° C.

For more information on how to make oatmeal at home, see the following video.


About flour:

White bread flour is the most convenient for any kind of baking and is used the most in basic bread recipes. White flour is made from wheat grain that has been stripped of the outer bran. "Bread" flour is the highest quality flour, which is most suitable for a bread machine, as it contains a large amount of gluten, which makes the dough elastic, and with the help of yeast, the bread is airy.

Wholemeal bread flour is used in many recipes. This flour is made from wheat grain, it is coarser than regular white flour, it has more flavor and more nutrients. Since this flour contains more bran, the bread is coarser, heavier. For any bread machine, it is best to use a mixture of white bread flour with wholemeal flour, then the bread turns out tastier.

Gray bread flour has a finer texture than wholemeal flour because some of the bran has been removed. As a wholemeal flour, it is best used in a mixture with white bread flour when baking.

Malt or grain flour is made from wheat, barley and other cereals. Grains of cereals are specially germinated, after which they are dried and processed into flour. Malt contains vitamins, minerals and nutrients that help speed up the fermentation process in the dough, improve the taste and color of the dough. Bread with the addition of malt flour (malt) does not go stale as quickly as wheat. However, a high content of malt flour can spoil the baked bread - it will become sticky and underbaked. Malt flour bread has a sweeter taste and a slight nutty flavor.

Rye flour is formed by grinding rye. It is rich in vitamins, fiber, zinc, manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium. It is low in gluten, so it must be mixed with white flour.

Bread made from rye flour turns out dark, dense, tasty, although more sticky, and it may seem that the crumb of rye bread is not baked.

Rye flour comes in four varieties:

pecked - this is the finest grinding;

seeded is the highest grade of rye flour, it has a light shade and fine grinding, is rich in vitamins, and baking from it is useful when dieting.

peeled - contains small parts of the grain shell, the most popular among housewives, bread from it has an elastic porous crumb.

wallpaper - this is the most useful, contains a large amount of bran, fiber and large particles of grains.

Flour with spelled, obtained from a special variety of wheat - spelled (spelt). From it, the bread turns out delicious with a slight nutty flavor. It is richer and richer in nutrients than rye flour bread.

Cornmeal is made from corn kernels and is either fine or coarse. It is desirable to add it when baking bread, but you need to use it little by little, because there is little gluten.

Millet flour is obtained by grinding millet. Eggs must be added to the dough made from millet flour, as it contains very little gluten. Millet flour is rarely used for baking bread, and only in combination with other types of flour, which makes the bread crumb very tasty.

Rice flour is gluten-free and low in fat, sodium and fiber.

It is used in baking products for the diet of allergy sufferers, with diseases of the intestines, blood vessels and heart.

Barley flour has a delicate, sweetish taste, soft bread is obtained from it. It is very high in gluten, so it must be mixed with white flour for baking bread.

Gluten-free flour usually consists of a mixture of starch and some kind of gluten-free flour, such as potato, rice, pea, or soy. Some contain vegetable fiber, which is added to make the bread brown. Gluten-free flour can be purchased at major supermarkets. For bread machines, only those types of flour that were specially created for them are suitable. Regular gluten-free flour will not work.

How many calories are in flour?

The calorie content of flour depends on the type. The type of final processing for the calorie content of the product is also an important criterion. The finer the flour, the more calories.

Flour calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

Product Calories in kcal
wheat flour calories 342,0
wheat flour 1 grade 331,0
wheat flour 2 grades 324,0
premium wheat flour 334,0
whole wheat flour 298,0
dietary oatmeal calories 369,0
dietary cornmeal calories 330,0
dietary rice flour calories 371,0
rye flour calorie content 304,0
Flaxseed flour calories 412,0
calories in buckwheat flour 367,0
calories in wholemeal soy flour 385,0

And the nutritional value of flour, different varieties, is this:

Flour nutritional value table (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

Product Squirrels, c. Fats, gr. Carbohydrate gr.
wheat flour 9,2 1,2 74,9
wheat flour 1 grade 10,6 1,3 67,6
wheat flour 2 grades 11,7 1,8 63,7
premium wheat flour 10,3 1,1 68,9
whole wheat flour 11,5 2,2 55,8
dietary oatmeal flour 13,0 6,8 64,9
dietary corn flour 7,2 1,5 70,2
dietary rice flour 7,4 0,6 82,0
seeded rye flour 6,9 1,4 67,3
linseed flour 36,0 10,0 20,0
dietary buckwheat flour 13,6 1,2 73,7
whole soy flour 36,5 18,6 17,9

Recipe? Recipe!

What can be prepared from flour, say from buckwheat?

By the way, buckwheat flour not only has a delicate nutty taste, but is also very easy to digest and good for the body. It is rich in carbohydrates, all eight essential amino acids and almost all B vitamins. Buckwheat strengthens capillaries, is very useful for the intestines, especially for constipation. In addition, it is known for its cholesterol-lowering properties, helps with osteoarthritis, with diseases of the abdominal cavity. Buckwheat flour is grayish brown in color and has a slightly bitter taste.

Buckwheat pancakes:


800 g of buckwheat flour, 1 liter of milk, 25 g of butter, 25 g of yeast, 2 eggs, 100 g of vegetable oil, 5 g of sugar, 3 g of salt.

Cooking method

Pour 2/3 parts of warm milk into a deep bowl, dilute the yeast in it, add flour, mashed yolks and butter. Knead the dough, cover it with a napkin and put it in a warm place so that it rises.

When the dough is suitable, put sugar, salt into it, pour over the remaining hot milk, beat, add whipped proteins, put again in a warm place to rise.

Picking up the dough with a large spoon or ladle, bake pancakes in a hot, oiled pan.

Stack the finished pancakes on a plate. Buckwheat pancakes can be served with butter and sour cream.

Adherents of healthy eating have brought a number of new products to the market. Among them are exotic superfoods, less popular vegetables and various types of healthy flour. Oatmeal has gained particular popularity - its properties are as close as possible to wheat flour, and its delicate and balanced taste does not shift the focus of familiar dishes.

But is oatmeal so useful, according to nutritionists, who is forbidden to use the ingredient and which is better - make oatmeal powder at home or buy it at the nearest supermarket?

What you need to know about oats

It is a genus of annual herbaceous plants that belong to the grass family. Of the whole genus, oats are especially distinguished - it is this crop that is cultivated on an industrial scale and used as a fodder / food plant.

There are 22 varieties of oats in total. They grow in the temperate countries of the Old World. All members of the genus, except for Avena sativa or oat seed, are considered noxious weeds that poison the soil and interfere with the normal development of other flora.

Botanical description

The folded leaves of the plant hang from long chiseled stems, which also form inflorescences. The inflorescence is a miniature panicle, which consists of large, barely hanging spikelets.

These spikelets develop 2-3 flowers. They are compressed on the sides by plant protective scales. At the top, an ovary is formed, from which feathery stigmas depart.

The fruit of the plant is a grain. It is tightly wrapped in leathery floral scales and provided with a longitudinal groove.

It is grains that are used for industrial food purposes, processed and eaten.

Useful properties of cereal

Oats are considered ancient cereals. This list also includes amaranth, quinoa and teff. How do ancient grains differ from modern ones? First of all - features of the structure. Ancient cultures have not been subjected to hybridization or genetic modification. They have come down to us almost in their original form and are no different from the same oats and amaranth that grew a thousand years ago.

Another advantage is the nutrient composition. 100 grams of whole oats contain 17 grams of protein and 11 grams of dietary fiber. For comparison, modern rice contains 3 grams of protein and 0.4 grams of dietary fiber. Oats expend more energy on absorption, provide the body with long-term satiety and enrich with a much larger amount of beneficial vitamins / nutrients.

Oats are the best option for a nutritious breakfast

Nutritionists have assured us that breakfast sets the tone for a whole day of nutrition. If the morning meal is not set, then it will be difficult to harmonize the metabolism during the day. For those who prefer carbohydrate breakfasts, it is best to pay attention to whole oats. It will help you avoid overeating, reduce cravings for unhealthy sweets and energize slow carbohydrates for the whole day.

The protein contained in grains helps the body start the regeneration process, carbohydrates synthesize energy potential, and fat supports the vital activity of body cells. The vitamins and minerals that oats abound in will improve your metabolic processes, so you can move better, think more rationally, and have a much more productive day.


The composition of oats includes soluble fiber - the coarse part of the plant, which performs the functions of a prebiotic. The body cannot fully absorb and process fiber. After ingestion, the substance takes on the texture of a liquid gel and is evenly distributed throughout the body. Do you really think that's good? Yes. Fiber stabilizes the intestinal microflora and suppresses inflammatory infectious processes. It creates additional protection for tissues and mucous membranes, which improves their functioning and reduces the risk of infection to a minimum.

Nutritionists have proven that fiber contributes to harmonious weight loss. Daily consumption of 14 grams of the substance helps to subdue appetite and reduce calorie intake by 10%.

Other benefits of fiber:

  • controls the level of glucose in the blood;
  • acts as a prophylactic against breast cancer and colon cancer;
  • minimizes acne and heals post-acne by harmonizing the internal microflora;
  • maintains long-term satiety, which prevents the body from "breaking" into harmful snacks;
  • regulates the functionality of the intestines and saves from problems with irregular stools;
  • reduces the level of so-called "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Low glycemic index

The glycemic index is the body's response to the intake of pure glucose (sugar). The higher the GI, the faster and more intense the jumps in sugar, which has an adverse effect on the body.

The GI of oats is enough to provide the body with an impressive energy potential and prevent sharp jumps in blood glucose.

Only unpeeled oats have a low glycemic index. Instant oatmeal or processed porridge, on the other hand, have a high GI and minimal health benefits.

Possible harm to oats

The whole grain ancient cereal has its drawbacks. They are insignificant and inferior to the benefits, but every consumer should be aware of the possible risks.

An abundance of starch

Almost all whole grains contain a high concentration of starch. That is why portions of oats need to be controlled. The optimal portion for men is 150 grams, for women - 100 grams. If you are engaged in intense physical or intellectual activity, then the consumption of oats can be increased.

Why regulate starch concentration? Its abundance increases the secretion of insulin, which is fraught with a sharp increase in body fat and the development of inflammatory processes.

high calorie content

The calorie content of ancient cereals is much higher than that of modern ones. Consider this during cooking and reduce the usual portion by 15-30%. Even a small bowl of oats will provide far more benefits in terms of calories, fiber, and nutrients than twice the amount of rice, corn, or wheat.


Originally, oats did not contain gluten. The causative agent of inflammatory processes appeared in it gradually during the development and cultivation of culture. How did the infection happen? Lots of oats may have been planted next to fields of wheat, which contains gluten. During the joint development of plants, cross-infection occurred. Moreover, gluten can be stored in the soil and transferred to subsequent crops. Joint industrial processing in the same facilities also contributes to gluten contamination.

Gluten should be avoided in patients with celiac disease and an acquired/congenital allergy to the substance. The manufacturer must notify the presence of gluten on the packaging. To fully verify the absence / presence of a substance - check the composition.

The chemical composition of oatmeal

How to make oatmeal

The only downside to even the highest quality industrial oatmeal is bitterness. It appears spontaneously and lubricates the overall picture of the dish with a completely unnecessary accent. To get rid of bitterness, you can cook flour yourself. It only takes 2 ingredients: a food processor or blender and whole grain oats.

Calculate the amount of cereal using a simple formula: after processing, you will receive only ¾ of the original volume of oats. Pour the required amount of cereal into a food processor / blender bowl and grind the contents to the desired structure. The color of the resulting oatmeal will resemble whole wheat flour.

What if there is no blender or kitchen machine? You can scroll oats through a conventional meat grinder. The main thing is to install a sharp knife, then swing the handle back and forth until the desired result is obtained. The disadvantage of this method is the size of the fractions. Oat flour will bear little resemblance to flour, so it may be difficult to cook it further.

You can also make oatmeal by hand with a mortar and pestle, but it will take a colossal amount of time. Another option is to grind the cereal yourself. Pour the grains into the bag, let air out of it, close it tightly and lay it on a flat surface. With a rolling pin, begin to roll out the contents of the package until the grain collapses.

Thoroughly mix the finished product and place in a tightly closed container. Homemade oatmeal can be stored for several months, avoiding contact with liquids and ultraviolet radiation.

Features of the gastronomic use of flour

The composition of oatmeal includes an order of magnitude less gluten (compared to white wheat), so you need to try to make it "grab". To improve the texture of the dish, you can add more liquids or thickeners like banana or egg. Combining several varieties of flour will also help. Oat flour pairs well with corn, whole grain wheat, barley, and rice. The proportions can be varied according to circumstances, but it is best to add an equal amount of all types of flour.

How to choose oats for oatmeal

Not only the taste of dishes, but also your health depends on the quality of the selected oats. Avoid ready-made dry granola, muesli, and instant oatmeal. Such oats have undergone a long heat treatment - their shell has been destroyed, which contains the lion's dose of useful composition.

To find quality oats - read the composition. The only line that is allowed in the composition is whole grain cereals. If stabilizers, flavors, added sugars, and preservatives are listed next to oats, you should choose the healthier option.

You also need to pay attention to the packaging. Cereals or flour should be stored in an airtight container to prevent rancidity of fats. Choose organic products and be healthy!

Oatmeal retains the benefits of the original cereal. Excellent pastries, jelly, pancakes, muffins are prepared from it. This product is also indispensable in cosmetology.


The calorie content of oatmeal is 369 kcal per 100 g of product.

The nutritional value:

  • Proteins - 13 g
  • Fat - 6.8 g
  • Carbohydrates - 64.9 g

Like cereal, oatmeal is high in calories and nutritious, but it is also a dietary product. This is because it contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. The first reduces the level of sugar, and the second normalizes the intestinal microflora, removes toxins, poisons and toxins.

Composition and useful properties

The rich beneficial properties of oatmeal are due to its chemical composition. The product contains:


  • B1, B2, B6, B9


  • phosphorus - 350 mg
  • potassium - 280 mg
  • calcium - 56 mg
  • sodium - 21 mg
  • sulfur - 81 mg
  • magnesium - 110 mg

trace elements

  • zinc - 1.09 mg
  • iron - 3.6 mg
  • copper - 370 mcg
  • manganese - 0.76 mcg
  • fluorine - 90 mcg

On the basis of oats, various preparations are prepared for the treatment of the liver, although the use of cereals and its derivatives in its pure form also improves the functioning of internal organs.

Oatmeal-based dishes can be consumed even during the strictest diet and fasting. With oatmeal jelly or pastries, the body receives all the necessary trace elements.

The amino acid composition of oatmeal is close to that of human muscle protein. Therefore, oat products are recommended for athletes to build muscle mass, as well as for children from an early age for full development.

These same amino acids contribute to the production of serotonin, the so-called “hormone of happiness”.

In addition, oats contain a complex of vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the entire body, increasing tone.

How to make oatmeal at home

On sale there is oatmeal ready-to-eat, but it is easy to cook it yourself. For the manufacture of flour, oatmeal, whole or crushed grains, as well as oat bran are suitable. Prepared products must be ground in a blender or coffee grinder. The longer the beans are processed, the finer the grind will be.

It often happens that even freshly ground oatmeal is a little bitter. This is normal, since a slight bitterness is inherent in this cereal and products from it by nature. After heat treatment, the bitterness goes away. So, flour made from instant oatmeal is not bitter at all.

Sometimes a rancid taste can be in an old product. In this case, it is better not to use flour.

Knowing how to make oatmeal on your own, you can easily prepare a lot of healthy, nutritious and tasty dishes from a healing product. Not every modern housewife knows what to cook from oatmeal, but since ancient times oats have been used in cooking in almost all countries of the Old and New Worlds.

What can be made from oatmeal

Oats contain little gluten (gluten), so oatmeal baking is loose and crumbly. However, it is rarely used in its pure form.

In baking, a mixture of wheat and oat flour is used in a ratio of 3: 1. Some recipes use oatmeal combined with flaxseed.

The addition of oatmeal to baking makes the finished products more airy, lighter, and the dough will not stick to the surface. The addition of this product gives baked goods a delicate, subtle flavor of nuts.

oatmeal jelly

The drink has long been consumed in fasting, when dairy and meat products were banned. And oats gave energy and strength for work.

Now oatmeal jelly is prescribed to people weakened after illnesses so that recovery goes faster. Regular use of jelly helps to improve digestion, improve the stomach and intestines.

At home, you can cook it on a regular stove.


  • Water - 1.5 l;
  • Oatmeal - 4 tbsp full;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Berries (any: cherries, currants, strawberries, etc.) - 300-400 g.

Cooking sequence:

  • Wash the berries. Go through. Remove seeds and stems.
  • Boil 1.3 liters of water with sugar and add berries. The amount of sugar may vary depending on taste preferences, but the syrup for jelly should be slightly sweeter than for compote. Boil for 5 minutes until the berries are soft. Ready compote can be filtered so that the berries do not come across in it. The fruits can be crushed and poured back into the syrup.
  • For taste, you can add cinnamon or vanilla, lemon zest and other additives.
  • Stir oatmeal in a glass of water so that there are no lumps. Pour in a thin stream into a saucepan with ready-made compote, stirring constantly.
  • Bring to a boil and turn off. Kissel should cool gradually, in natural conditions. While the jelly has not cooled down, it is better not to mix it.
  • Serve with berries, ice cream, fruit pieces.

Oatmeal juices

Everyone knows oatmeal cookies, but oatmeal cookies? It is worth trying to cook them according to the original recipe.

Dough Ingredients:

  • Butter - 85 g;
  • Sugar - 50 - 100 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc;
  • Sour cream - 50 g;
  • Oat bran flour - 95 g;
  • Wheat flour - 130 g;
  • Baking powder - 10 g.

For filling:

  • Cottage cheese - 350 g;
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • A handful of raisins.


  • It's better to start with the filling. To do this, mix cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream, add berries.
  • Grind sugar with butter.
  • Beat the egg, add sour cream, mix well.
  • How to make oatmeal is already known. Mix the amount indicated in the recipe with wheat flour and add the prepared mixture, knead. The dough will be soft and hold its shape well.
  • Divide the dough into 15 pieces. The size depends on the wishes of the hostess. You can make it bigger, you can make it smaller.
  • Roll out each piece into a 5mm thick circle.
  • Put the filling just below the center of the cake. Fold the cake in half without pinching the edges.
  • Place on a baking sheet and brush with egg.
  • Baking will take about 20 minutes at 180°C.

Serve with tea, cocoa, coffee. This is a great breakfast and healthy dessert.

Oatmeal in cosmetology

In addition to high nutritional value, oats have useful cosmetic properties. Oatmeal is good for the skin of the face, neck and hands. As part of the mask, it is both a gentle abrasive and a component that nourishes and moisturizes the skin. And the effect is noticeable immediately. A homemade oatmeal mask can compete in effectiveness with expensive cosmetic products.

You can also try it as a hair cosmetic in the fight against excessive oiliness, seborrhea and split ends.
