
Calorie content of vegetables and fruits. Lowest calorie fruits and vegetables

If you are watching a figure, then you must carefully plan your menu and monitor its calorie content. For girls who want to say goodbye to extra pounds, no more than 1300 calories should be consumed per day. Most diets are based on fruits and vegetables. But not all of them are low in calories.

Rating of the most high-calorie fruits and vegetables

Numerous websites dedicated to proper nutrition and diets have a calorie table. Having carefully studied it, you can correctly compose a menu for yourself for every day.

The leader in calories among vegetables is beans. It is very useful, contains a large amount of vitamins, protein and trace elements. But at the same time, there are 330 calories per 100 g of this legume. Eating beans can significantly complicate the fight against excess weight.

Second is potatoes. It has a high glycemic index, so its consumption should be limited. The calorie table indicates that 100 g of potatoes contain 80 calories. This figure can vary greatly depending on the method of cooking. Baked potatoes are allowed to be included in the diet. But from fried - it is better to refuse altogether.

Beware of fruits!

Fruits are an integral part of the diet. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. But during the diet, some of them need to be consumed in limited quantities. The calorie table will help you decide on this list.

The most high-calorie fruit is avocado, which contains a lot of fatty acids. There are 170 calories per 100 g of this fruit.

The high glycemic index and calorie content are all bananas. 100 g of this fruit contains 90 calories. During the diet, you should not completely abandon them, but without fanaticism.

Another “unloved” fruit of nutritionists is grapes. 70 calories fall on 100 grams of it, regardless of the variety.

The lowest calorie vegetables

The minimum amount of calories contained in Beijing cabbage is 12 calories / 100 g. In addition, all vitamins are perfectly preserved in this vegetable throughout the winter. Lysine - perfectly cleanses the blood and removes cholesterol. In general, you lose weight with health benefits.

In second place are cucumbers, 100 g of fruits of which contain 14 kcal. This vegetable is 95% water rich in folic acid, potassium, iodine and various vitamins. The use of cucumbers has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract.

The minimum calorie value is also found in the following vegetables:

  • radish - 19 kcal;
  • tomatoes - 23 kcal;
  • zucchini - 27 kcal;
  • broccoli - 33 kcal;
  • carrots - 35.

The calorie table contains a complete list of all vegetables that you can include in your diet menu.

The lowest calorie fruits and berries

The minimum amount of calories contained in cranberries - 28 per 100 g. This is a storehouse of vitamin C, which protects you from many diseases. Especially cranberries are useful for women.

In second place is sweet and fragrant melon. There are only 33 calories per 100 g. Its fiber improves digestion. Melon is rich in folic acid, which will make your hair shiny, give a beautiful skin color, and strengthen the nervous system.

Grapefruit is in third position. Its 100 g contains only 35 calories. Grapefruit helps to remove excess fluid from the body, accelerates the process of splitting fats and removes toxins from the body.

If you correctly compose your menu and take into account the calorie content of foods, you can achieve the desired result and get rid of excess weight.

It has long been proven that starving yourself for the sake of a figure is harmful and dangerous to health. But few people know that it is also inefficient. Having suffered for a month or even more, of course, you will achieve something, but this effect is not durable. It is worth switching to the usual diet, again introducing flour and fried foods into the diet, as extra pounds will flood in with renewed vigor. Many are wondering what to do in this situation? The answer, obviously, is the same: to be healthy and in good shape, you must always eat right, and not just during the period when you decide to lose those extra pounds. This is not so difficult to do, especially in the summer. Low-calorie fruits and vegetables will help you with this.

Winter food consists mainly of everything that can be found in stores. In summer, the diet improves markedly, even those who do not have a plot of land can also afford fruits, because the price for them falls during the season. In addition, tomatoes grown in the garden are much better than those brought from distant lands. For those who take care of themselves and just want to stay in shape, there are low-calorie fruits and vegetables. The former can be used as an independent harmless dessert or added to other dishes. The second - all the best for salads or side dishes.

Chinese cabbage

If we talk about vegetables, then here the most low-calorie option will be. The main feature is that it can be stored for a long time, while all the useful things are preserved.

You can use it both as an independent product and as a side dish. For example, cabbage can be steamed and served with fish or turkey breast. This lunch is not only tasty, but also healthy. Since cabbage contains only 12 calories per 100 grams of product, you can afford to eat as much as you are used to. But at the same time, there will be no feeling of oversaturation.


The second place in the list of the most non-caloric was taken by everyone's favorite cucumber (16 kcal / 100 grams). In fact, this is not at all surprising, because this vegetable is almost entirely composed of water. In our country, cucumbers are traditionally eaten fresh. Although it has long been no secret that it can be boiled and even fried. It is best to prepare a salad of fresh cucumber. To do this, you only need a little salt, fresh herbs and olive oil. If that doesn't seem like enough, other low-calorie vegetables go well with cucumber: radishes, tomatoes - all of these make a great snack.

Other vegetables

The top of which is below 40 kcal / 100 grams of zucchini, broccoli, carrots, spinach, sorrel and green beans complete. From this list you can come up with many interesting dishes. In addition, almost every product on the list is very easy to find, especially in the summer. So, it turns out, keeping track of calories does not mean neglecting variety, you just need to approach the menu correctly.

When it comes to healthy sweets, low-calorie fruits and berries come first in terms of usefulness. In addition to the fact that such a dessert is tasty and easy to prepare, it is also very useful, as it contains many vitamins. For greater benefits, fruits should be consumed fresh, without added sugar.


The lowest calorie fruits are citrus fruits. Lemons (29 kcal), grapefruits (42 kcal), tangerines (53 kcal) and oranges (47 kcal). They are also rich in vitamin C. But, it is clear that such fruits are not for everyone. After all, many of them can be allergic.

Therefore, you can turn to pears (57 kcal), apples (50 kcal), peaches (39 kcal). They can be eaten raw or as part of a dish. It's just not worth getting carried away with a special recipe. Remember, an apple is healthy and low in calories by itself. By adding dough and sugar to it, you get a pie.

It is tasty, but at the same time harmful. Firstly, it is flour, and secondly, sugar as a pure substance in abnormal quantities is harmful to health.

High calorie fruits

It is also a mistake to think that any fruit will help you lose weight. Low-calorie fruits do exist, but there are also those whose calorie content is simply deadly. These are grapes (67 kcal), ripe bananas (90 kcal), avocado (160 kcal), mango (67 kcal). With such a set, you can not lose too much. However, in moderation, they are good because they can replace a snack. Taking one banana or two avocado loaves with you is much easier than stocking up a whole container of food. For this reason, it is not worth completely excluding such products from the diet, but it is possible and even necessary to reduce consumption at times.

watermelon and cranberry

Now it’s clear what low-calorie foods are, they are not so long, but there is still a small choice. If you don't like citrus fruits or pears, try turning your attention to berries. Almost all of them are low-calorie, but watermelon is considered the champion in this sense. Like cucumber, it is more than half water and contains only 25 calories per 100 grams of product. The second place is occupied by the marsh berry cranberry. That's just because of its sour taste, it is not liked by many. Very in vain, because there is a huge amount of vitamins in cranberries, but it’s better not to combine it with sugar.

Other low calorie berries

If low-calorie fruits are just a few names, then berries are another matter entirely. Six varieties, including strawberries, blackberries and raspberries, barely reach 40 calories per 100 grams. The most high-calorie berry is cherry. It contains 64 calories, but this is not critical.

In general, we can say that for all those who decide to lose weight, berries are even better than fruits, because the choice is much richer. It’s just that finding good blueberries, for example, is extremely problematic in winter, so this option works well only in summer.


As you can see, it is not so difficult to eat right. Low-calorie fruits, vegetables and berries are not only healthy, but also tasty. So, getting yourself in shape is not so difficult. If you did not manage to reach your goal before the summer, do not despair, because there are three months of the sunny season ahead. The lowest calorie fruits and vegetables available to you, and at the same time the freshest. So just start eating right and increase the intensity of your workouts. After all, when else, if not in summer, can you devote time to your health and well-being?

Many, in pursuit of ideal external forms and weight, begin to adhere to dietary nutrition, almost completely devoting their diet to fruits. I must say, this is a win-win way to get rid of extra pounds. However, even fruits have their nutritional value. Their calorie content, which can be found in the table below, is determined by the content of certain components in them. Let's talk about this in more detail.

What does calorie content depend on?

Fruits are characterized by a different degree of calorie content, which can be found in the table below, depending on the presence of liquid and sugar in them. Eg, Dried fruits contain more calories than fresh fruits. This is due to the loss of moisture during the drying process, which turns them into a source of energy in a concentrated form: just a quarter cup of raisins is equal in calories to a glass of fresh grapes.

The calorie content of fruits subject to freezing or canning also differs. In this case, the nutritional value is determined by the addition of sugar or syrup during the preparation process. Fresh fruits contain the lowest calorie content, as they consist of a large amount of liquid.

High and low calorie fruits

Depending on the degree of calorie content, there are fruits that can contain a minimum and maximum number of calories. Fruits with a minimum calorie content are represented by:

  • Raspberry. In 100 grams of this berry there are 40 kcal. At the same time, the fruits are useful for their composition, which enriches the human body with potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and folic acid. These components help strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, purify the blood, and also positively affect the color of the skin.
  • Watermelon. 100 grams of the largest berry contains 38 kcal. Watermelon is 80% water, which is why it quenches thirst well, helping to cleanse the kidneys, liver, and also normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system. The composition includes folic acid and lycopene, which slows down the aging process.
  • Grapefruit. 100 grams contains 35 kcal. Bitter citrus also cleanses the body of excess water, helps reduce appetite, and also speeds up the process of splitting fats, increasing skin elasticity.
  • Melon. 100 grams contains 33 kcal. Silicon, which is part of the melon, has a positive effect on the nervous system, hair and skin condition.
  • Cranberry. 100 grams of cranberries contain 228 kcal. The berry is a strong antioxidant natural origin. Relieves colds, chronic diseases, iron deficiency. It also effectively relieves headaches.

High calorie can boast:

  • figs
  • avocado
  • grape
  • banana
  • all kinds of dried fruits

Therefore, those who want to lose weight, these products are contraindicated for use. You can make a compote from them, which contains a much smaller amount of calories and will prevent sudden weight gain.

Calorie content of dried fruits

Dried fruits retain all of the calories. 100 grams of the product contains 150-300 kcal. When following a diet, dried fruits are quite useful because they contain glucose, but they should be consumed in small quantities and subject to the complete rejection of sugar: glucose completely replaces it.

Calorie table

To speed up and more effectively lose weight, it is advisable to calculate the amount of calories consumed. The following table will help determine the calorie content of individual fruit products per 100 grams:

Fruits calories Squirrels Carbohydrates Fats
Apricot 45 1 Missing 10
Cranberry 25 0,2 Missing 5
A pineapple 51 0,5 Missing 12
Avocado 200 1,7 20 6
Banana 95 1 0,3 22
Black currant 60 1 Missing 14
Cherries 77 1 Missing 17
Chestnut 211 14 3 42
Lemon 40 1 Missing 9
Clementine 40 0,8 Missing 9
Coconut 371 4 35 10
figs 80 1 Missing 19
Strawberry 36 1 Missing 7
Raspberries 40 1 Missing 8
passion fruit 100 3 Missing 22
Guava 60 0,7 Missing 25
Pomegranate 64 Missing Missing 16
Currant 30 1 Missing 6
Persimmon 63 0,5 Missing 15
Kiwi 53 1,6 0,3 11
Lychee 68 0,7 Missing 16
Mandarin 40 1 Missing 9
Mango 62 0,4 Missing 15
Melon 31 0,5 Missing 6,5
Blackberry 57 1 Missing 12
Blueberry 16 0,5 Missing 2,5
Orange 40 1 Missing 8,9
Papaya 44 0,6 Missing 10
Watermelon 30 0,4 Missing 7
Peach 47 0,5 Missing 11
Pear 61 0,4 Missing 14
Apple 52 0,3 Missing 12
Grape 83 1 1 17
Grapefruit 40 1 Missing 9
Fruit (compote) 100 Missing Missing 25
Avocado (1 pc.) 425 3,6 42 13

And vegetables, because they contain much less calories and fat than meat. However, you should be aware that some exotic fruits may well compete with it in terms of calories, so it will be very difficult to lose weight with their help. At the same time, most people are not even aware of this and continue to use them, simultaneously being surprised at the significant slowdown in the process of losing weight. You can find out the most high-calorie fruit below.

5. Kanistel

Kanistel is an angiosperm dicotyledonous plant belonging to the heathers and belonging to the Sapota family. As a rule, the fruits grow on an evergreen tree, which, under good conditions, can grow up to 30 meters in height, in which case the trunk can reach 1 meter in width. Also, a sticky latex is constantly released on the surface of the tree and its fruits, often used as a substitute for rubber.

Canistela fruits can be either round, oval, or ovoid, without a sharp top. The following fruit parameters can be distinguished:

  • length varies from 7 to 12 centimeters;
  • in width, the fruits can reach from 5 to 7 cm;
  • the number of calories in one fruit can reach 139, which makes it very dense and satisfying.

Unripe fruits have a greenish skin color, inside are sticky and hard. In mature ones, the peel becomes lemon-yellowish or pale orange. Inside, the canistelle contains a yellow, firm and mealy pulp, which has the smell of a baked potato. Because of this, this fruit is very popular in the culinary field of Southern Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador, moreover, these countries are its homeland. The pulp is often used to make marinade, various jams and custards.

Durian includes about 30 plant species belonging to the Malvaceae family. 9 of them are edible, and only 4 are relatively popular among consumers. Basically, durian grows in the tropics of Southeast Asia, where it is of great value among the locals. Durian fruits are completely unpredictable in shape and can be either ovoid, triangular, or relatively rounded. In addition, they are completely covered with sharp spines and have a very hard shell to protect the unripe fruit from wild animals. Moreover, durian fruits have an incomparable smell, which seriously complicates its use in cooking, since many tools are required to cut and clean up the resulting waste. In general, the following characteristics can be distinguished:

The main popularity of durian was brought by its legendary taste, it also contains a huge amount of important vitamins (A, B, C), supplemented by folic acid, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. With regular use of the fruit, you can seriously restore the body in case of a lack of any vitamins.

Aki is a small fruit tree belonging to the Sapindaceae family. It is the "national" fruit of Jamaica, but its real homeland is in West Africa. Under favorable conditions, the tree reaches 12 meters in height. Interestingly, before full ripening, ackee fruits are very poisonous and are not suitable for consumption until they open naturally. You can only eat the pulp that surrounds the seeds, the rest of the parts are usually not touched. The taste is reminiscent of a walnut. Fruit characteristics:

The pulp of the fruit can be eaten raw, however in Jamaica it is usually boiled and cooked with fish. In Africa, ackee is often added to soup or simply fried in oil. Also, green fruits are often used as soap. Another area in which aki fruits are sometimes used is fishing. It is enough just to mash the fruit, and as a result it becomes a poison for many fish, which makes it easier to catch them.

Avocado is one of the important fruit crops, since the scope of this tree is quite wide. The shape of the fruit is spherical, pear-shaped and ellipsoidal. In total, more than 400 different varieties of avocados are known, and they vary greatly in size and can be both small and quite large. Avocado is very valuable for people suffering from diabetes, because this fruit is high in calories and low in carbohydrates. The following features of this fruit can be distinguished:

Avocado peel and seeds contain an extremely dangerous toxin - persin, which is considered poisonous to humans and deadly to large animals.

Tamarind is a plant from the legume family. It is a tropical tree whose homeland is eastern. Under good environmental conditions, tamarind can grow up to 20 meters in height. The fruit is a brownish pod consisting of a pericarp, as well as dense seeds, these are sometimes cut to speed up ripening. You can describe the fruits of tamarind like this:

Tamarind is often used as a spice and also as an important ingredient in some sauces. This is the most high-calorie fruit among all. It is sometimes used as a laxative, particularly for children. Tamarind tincture can provide some relief and refreshment for a person suffering from a fever.

Many, in pursuit of ideal external forms and weight, begin to adhere to dietary nutrition, almost completely devoting their diet to fruits. I must say, this is a win-win way to get rid of extra pounds. However, even fruits have their nutritional value. Their calorie content, which can be found in the table below, is determined by the content of certain components in them. Let's talk about this in more detail.

What does calorie content depend on?

Fruits are characterized by a different degree of calorie content, which can be found in the table below, depending on the presence of liquid and sugar in them. Eg, Dried fruits contain more calories than fresh fruits. This is due to the loss of moisture during the drying process, which turns them into a source of energy in a concentrated form: just a quarter cup of raisins is equal in calories to a glass of fresh grapes.

The calorie content of fruits subject to freezing or canning also differs. In this case, the nutritional value is determined by the addition of sugar or syrup during the preparation process. Fresh fruits contain the lowest calorie content, as they consist of a large amount of liquid.

High and low calorie fruits

Depending on the degree of calorie content, there are fruits that can contain a minimum and maximum number of calories. Fruits with a minimum calorie content are represented by:

  • Raspberry. In 100 grams of this berry there are 40 kcal. At the same time, the fruits are useful for their composition, which enriches the human body with potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and folic acid. These components help strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, purify the blood, and also positively affect the color of the skin.
  • Watermelon. 100 grams of the largest berry contains 38 kcal. Watermelon is 80% water, which is why it quenches thirst well, helping to cleanse the kidneys, liver, and also normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system. The composition includes folic acid and lycopene, which slows down the aging process.
  • Grapefruit. 100 grams contains 35 kcal. Bitter citrus also cleanses the body of excess water, helps reduce appetite, and also speeds up the process of splitting fats, increasing skin elasticity.
  • Melon. 100 grams contains 33 kcal. Silicon, which is part of the melon, has a positive effect on the nervous system, hair and skin condition.
  • Cranberry. 100 grams of cranberries contain 228 kcal. The berry is a strong antioxidant natural origin. Relieves colds, chronic diseases, iron deficiency. It also effectively relieves headaches.

High calorie can boast:

  • figs
  • avocado
  • grape
  • banana
  • all kinds of dried fruits

Therefore, those who want to lose weight, these products are contraindicated for use. You can make a compote from them, which contains a much smaller amount of calories and will prevent sudden weight gain.

Calorie content of dried fruits

Dried fruits retain all of the calories. 100 grams of the product contains 150-300 kcal. When following a diet, dried fruits are quite useful because they contain glucose, but they should be consumed in small quantities and subject to the complete rejection of sugar: glucose completely replaces it.

Calorie table

To speed up and more effectively lose weight, it is advisable to calculate the amount of calories consumed. The following table will help determine the calorie content of individual fruit products per 100 grams:

Fruits calories Squirrels Carbohydrates Fats
Apricot 45 1 Missing 10
Cranberry 25 0,2 Missing 5
A pineapple 51 0,5 Missing 12
Avocado 200 1,7 20 6
Banana 95 1 0,3 22
Black currant 60 1 Missing 14
Cherries 77 1 Missing 17
Chestnut 211 14 3 42
Lemon 40 1 Missing 9
Clementine 40 0,8 Missing 9
Coconut 371 4 35 10
figs 80 1 Missing 19
Strawberry 36 1 Missing 7
Raspberries 40 1 Missing 8
passion fruit 100 3 Missing 22
Guava 60 0,7 Missing 25
Pomegranate 64 Missing Missing 16
Currant 30 1 Missing 6
Persimmon 63 0,5 Missing 15
Kiwi 53 1,6 0,3 11
Lychee 68 0,7 Missing 16
Mandarin 40 1 Missing 9
Mango 62 0,4 Missing 15
Melon 31 0,5 Missing 6,5
Blackberry 57 1 Missing 12
Blueberry 16 0,5 Missing 2,5
Orange 40 1 Missing 8,9
Papaya 44 0,6 Missing 10
Watermelon 30 0,4 Missing 7
Peach 47 0,5 Missing 11
Pear 61 0,4 Missing 14
Apple 52 0,3 Missing 12
Grape 83 1 1 17
Grapefruit 40 1 Missing 9
Fruit (compote) 100 Missing Missing 25
Avocado (1 pc.) 425 3,6 42 13
