
Kalmyk tea - health benefits and harms. Pressed and tiled Kalmyk tea: composition and features

For many people, making tea is associated with sugar, lemon, bergamot, linden, and a variety of sweets. Kalmyk tea absolutely does not fit into these ideas. The recipe for its preparation includes salt, and in terms of nutritional properties it can be compared with first courses. This article contains information about the benefits of a unique drink, interesting information from its history and, of course, practical tips on how to brew Kalmyk tea. .

Buryat, Mongolian (“Naiman gishuun togoldor tsai”) or Kalmyk tea is brewed on a special, non-fermented leaf with milk and salt. It is also known as Karymsky, Kirghiz or tiled. One of the names, jomba, Pushkin mentioned in his writings.

It is not known exactly when and where exactly it was prepared for the first time, but later it became a favorite drink of Asian nomads. There is a version that jomba was first cooked in Tibet, then the Mongols learned this recipe, and they passed it on to the Kalmyks. It was in the Kalmyk traditions that he received the greatest distribution, for which he acquired such a name. Over time, new details have been added to the jomba recipe, so today there are several cooking methods that include a variety of spices, from bay leaf to cinnamon.

The composition of the drink

Pressed tiles are the best option for welding. It includes black and green varieties, as well as various steppe herbs, such as bergenia, angelica and Ivan tea. Leaves for slab tea harvested in the fall and by this time they become rough, tart, with a touch of natural bitterness. Once harvested, the leaves are dried but not fermented.

Tea briquette may not always be available. An alternative is ready-made Kalmyk tea in bags. At the same time, it is possible to make a base for jomba at home, consisting of a mixture of green leafy and black varieties.

Milk is an important ingredient. During the times of nomads, the type of milk that was at hand at the time of preparation was added . Sheep fat was also present., which in our time can be replaced with butter. We must not forget about a variety of spices, these are bay leaves, cinnamon, black peppercorns, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, spices for meat dishes. Naturally, you will need water for cooking.

Useful properties of jomba

1. Jomba is a nutritious drink. Add to it a couple of slices of fried bread and get a full breakfast.

2. Warms in the cold, improves immunity, prevents the development of colds.

3. Perfectly restores strength, promotes the activation of mental and physical activity.

4. It has a positive effect on the work of the digestive organs and the cardiovascular system.

5. Speeds up metabolism, great for weight loss.

6. Positive effect on lowering blood sugar levels.

7. Jomba is high in potassium, iodine, sodium, nicotinic acid, manganese, fluorine, vitamin B, C, K, PP, antioxidants, tannin and caffeine.

The drink improves the well-being of people suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, digestive disorders, and improper metabolism.

Jomba is an effective hangover treatment. It will help eliminate heartburn, neutralize headaches, improve thought process to cope with the intoxication of the body.

It is also necessary to mention the possible harm. The drink is prohibited for cholelithiasis, impaired kidney function, and late pregnancy.


Jomba is an excellent assistant in breastfeeding. The drink is useful for women who are worried about the lack of milk, as the work of the mammary glands is noticeably enhanced. Mom can breastfeed absolutely calmly, the use of this drink will not negatively affect the health of the child.

Brewing Kalmyk tea

Many are interested in how to brew Kalmyk tea. To begin with, we offer a classic Kalmyk tea recipe. The following products will be needed for cooking:

  • pressed tiles;
  • milk (preferably full fat);
  • water;
  • lamb fat;
  • salt.

You should separate a small piece from the tile and crush it. Usually 50 g of the mixture is used per liter of water. Milk and water are added in equal proportions. Water is poured into the pot, salt is added. The pot is put on fire and the contents are brought to a boil, while it must be stirred.

Before the water boils, it is necessary to saturate the drink with oxygen. Scoop up water with a ladle, lift it over the pot and slowly pour it back. It is necessary to do 30-45 repetitions of this procedure. Boil 5 minutes, then add milk. Boil for 5 minutes and add mutton fat. Leave for another 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to use immediately after preparation.

Tea bags

If the process of making tea in tiles seems too long, then brewing jomba in bags will not be difficult. Brewing can be done both at home and in field conditions. The composition of the sachet includes salt, milk powder, cream. After the bag is poured with 250 ml of boiling water, spices are added to it to taste, and the drink is infused for 10 minutes.

Cooking at home

If pressed tiles and bags are not available, you can brew Kalmyk tea at home. Here are some unique recipes.

To do this, you need a quality green Chinese leaf. Recipe for cooking at home:

5. Add salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf, clove buds, nutmeg to taste.

6. Cook again for 7-8 minutes, then cover with a lid, let it brew for 15 minutes.

7. Stir, then scoop up tea with a ladle and slowly drain back 30-45 times.

8. The drink must be filtered and add 30 grams of butter.

There is also the option of making Kalmyk tea based on only black varieties, preferably pressed. The following composition is required:

  • black tea - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • oil - 30 g;
  • salt, black peppercorns, nutmeg and bay leaf - to taste.

Kalmyk tea on lamb ribs:

The drink is poured into bowls, the ribs are served with a fresh side dish of potatoes. You can safely add spices to this dish according to your taste.

Since ancient times, the drink of nomads - Kalmyk tea - has been known. This drink of the steppes, warming in the cold and quenching thirst in the heat, has long become popular all over the world. The original taste was appreciated by many connoisseurs of tea ceremonies. And in the homeland of the drink, every third Saturday in May, Kalmyk Tea Day is celebrated.

The history of the origin of Kalmyk tea

Kalmyk tea is a nutritious drink made from tea leaves with the addition of spices, fat, milk and salt.

There are several legends associated with the origin of this tea. According to one of them, it was invented by a Tibetan Lama so that the monks during the fasting period could maintain their strength. He experimented with brewing time and ingredients for a long time until he got a mixture that resembled thick tea or soup.

The second legend says that for the first time tea was prepared for a religious reformer who fell ill. The doctor said that milk tea would help with illness if taken on an empty stomach for a week. The reformer recovered, since then he recommended that everyone drink a cup of such tea in the morning.

It is not known how much truth is in these legends, most likely that the nomads themselves modified the method of brewing Chinese tea, adapting it to the conditions of their lives. It is difficult to hold a tea ceremony in the steppe, there is always an abundance of milk from camels and mares, so they began to boil tea with milk, add butter for satiety, and spices for taste.

Useful properties of Kalmyk tea

The tea contains manganese, copper, iodine, vitamins K, B1, PP, B2, silicon, potassium, phosphorus and other trace elements.

  • Tea brewed with milk remains not only a nutritious, but also a general strengthening healing drink. It increases the body's resistance, normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system.
  • The drink is used for colds to treat the respiratory system, relieving a strong cough.
  • Tea affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion. In diseases of the gallbladder, it is recommended to drink Kalmyk tea in small doses. In case of poisoning, it helps to restore strength and cleanse the stomach.
  • In terms of nutritional value and density, tea resembles soup; it can be used as an independent dish that can energize for several hours. Despite the fact that the composition of this tea includes oil and milk, it promotes weight loss.
  • During breastfeeding, Kalmyk tea can increase milk production. The only condition is that spices are harmful to the child, so you need to reduce their amount to a minimum.
  • Brewed with milk, the drink copes with a hangover. It can remove alcohol, its decay products from the body, clears thoughts, removes heartburn and nausea.
  • Tea drink perfectly tones, restores vigor, helps to cope with fatigue. It relieves feelings of inner restlessness and insomnia.

Recipes for making Kalmyk tea

Tea leaves for making real national tea are prepared from large coarse tea leaves. They do not undergo fermentation, they are harvested in autumn, dried and pressed into small briquettes. Not everywhere you can buy such tea, so you can take green tea as a basis. Black tea lovers can use it.

Classic recipe

Kalmyk tea - 50 g

Milk (high fat cow or mare) - 800 ml

Water - 200 ml

Black pepper - 10 peas

Salt - 1 tsp

Melted butter or fat - 40 g

To prepare the tea leaves, you need to put in cold water, put on fire. Pour milk into boiling water, add salt, black pepper, crushed in a mortar. Bring the mixture back to a boil. Avoid boiling, keep on low heat for 15 minutes, stirring constantly in a clockwise direction. After removing the tea from the heat, add melted butter, leave for 20 minutes.

Many Kalmyks do not strain tea, drinking it together with tea leaves, believing that it is healthier this way. Some put mutton fat instead of butter. You can experiment with spices.

black tea recipe

Large-leaf black tea - 1 tbsp. l.

Full fat milk - 1 cup

Pure water - 1 glass

Salt - to taste

Butter - 20 g

Ground black pepper - 1 tsp.

Preparation: boil water together with tea leaves, keep the mixture on low heat for seven minutes, then add milk. Add spices and salt to the drink, mix, cook for another 10 minutes. Put oil and remove from heat. After five minutes, strain and pour into bowls.

green tea recipe

Leaf green tea - 30 g

Milk - 500 ml

Water - 500 ml

Bay leaf - 3 pcs.

Salt - to taste

Black pepper - 10 peas

Melted butter - 40 g

Pour green tea into boiling water, then pour in separately boiled milk. After boiling, reduce heat and add spices. Cook for 10 minutes while stirring. Remove from heat, add melted butter, let stand for 6 minutes. Strain.

Recipe with a mixture of green and black tea

Leaf green tea - 1 tbsp. l.

Black tea - 1 tbsp. l.

Milk - 1000 ml

Butter - 30 g

Pepper mix - to taste

Salt - 1 tsp

Nutmeg - on the tip of a knife

Carnation - 2 pcs.

Milk needs to be heated, pour tea leaves into it, mix. Slowly bring to a boil, add spices and salt. Cook for 15 minutes, not letting it boil, strain, put butter.

It is worth noting that many cannot drink tea without sugar. But the original recipe does not contain any cinnamon or sugar. Nomads perceived this tea not as a drink, but as food, it should be spicy, salty and spicy.

Interesting information about Kalmyk tea

Another name for Kalmyk tea is Jomba. Important guests are sure to be greeted with a bowl of such tea. It is present at the wake, at all wedding ceremonies, it is used as a religious offering. In Kalmykia, by whether a woman knows how to cook jomba, the ability to run a household is assessed.

Kalmyk tea should only be stirred clockwise. This symbolizes the movement of the sun across the sky. At a meal, tea is served first to the senior guest at the table.

Jomba is not brewed, it is boiled in a spacious pot like a soup. To get the best taste, the drink needs to be smeared, i.e. enriched with oxygen. To do this, you need to scoop up a ladle of tea, raise it higher and pour it back into the pan in a thin stream. Such movements must be made according to rules 189 at various stages of preparation.

Instead of slab Kalmyk tea, which is almost impossible to purchase, you can prepare a mixture yourself from herbs sold in a pharmacy. To do this, you need to take angelica, bergenia, cinquefoil, calamus root. These 4 ingredients of Kalmyk tea will make an excellent composition, smelling of steppe and wind.

You need to drink Kalmyk tea hot, especially if mutton fat is added to it, which quickly hardens. Jomba is served in bowls. This tea is served with traditional bortsok - fried pieces of yeast dough. Sometimes cracklings are added to the mixture, using as an independent dish.

Kalmyk tea is more than just tea – this drink with a rich history has faithfully served the Asian nomadic peoples for thousands of years, and now its benefits have been proven by modern scientists. with milk, salt and butter, it will warm you in cold weather, cool you down in hot weather, and in combination with a couple of pieces of homemade bread, it will serve as a full breakfast or lunch. So what is the secret of Kalmyk tea?

There are various versions of how tea with milk became the "signature" drink of the Asian peoples. An ancient legend tells how the Tibetan religious leader Tsongkhava fell seriously ill and turned to a famous healer. He prescribed him the only medicine - an unusual tea on an empty stomach - and promised complete healing on the 7th day. A week later, Tsongkhava got out of bed and ordered all the believers that day to light the lamp and prepare magic tea, later called jomba.

How the Tibetan reformer was able to transfer the tea recipe to the Kalmyks, one can only guess - historians assure that the Mongolian nomads borrowed the tea itself from the ancient Chinese, during the period of close contacts between the two peoples. The Chinese, the keepers of tea culture, did not even think about adding milk to green tea. And the Mongols added - and milk, and fat, and salt, and sometimes flour - and got a nutritious and healing drink. Mongolian tea quickly became a favorite drink of many Mongolian nomadic tribes, then conquered the peoples of Siberia, Central Asia, southern Russia and even the North Caucasus, and each culture brought something different to the recipe for making the famous tea. But this tea received the greatest love from the Kalmyks - it is no coincidence that today it is known in the world primarily as Kalmyk tea.

Kalmyk tea: composition and benefits

The secret of the benefits of such an unusual drink as Kalmyk tea is the composition. First of all, Kalmyk tea is, therefore, it retains all the beneficial substances that green tea has long been famous for: invigorating caffeine, healing tannins, catechins, keepers of youth and health, and much more.

Due to the complex composition (milk, butter and salt), Kalmyk tea contains a lot of potassium, fluorine and iodine, manganese and sodium, a rich complex of vitamins - K, C, PP - nicotinic acid, group B.

Milk and tea seem to be made for each other, which is why Kalmyk tea has been so popular for centuries. Whole milk is not always well absorbed by the body, especially in adults, while green tea facilitates absorption, so Kalmyk tea can be safely recommended to people of all ages. In turn, milk softens the harmful effects of caffeine and other alkaloids in tea. And this is especially important, because for classic Kalmyk tea, old tea leaves are usually collected, without even subjecting them to fermentation, which makes the drink very strong.

Moreover, milk and tea, reacting, form a special nutritional complex of fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. And to this is added natural cholesterol in the composition of butter, which nourishes the brain, a complex of vitamins A, D and B, so necessary for our bones, skin, hair and eyes.

So, Kalmyk tea - useful properties of the drink:

  • increases lactation in nursing mothers;
  • stimulates metabolism and removes extra pounds: feel free to drink Kalmyk tea if you are watching your figure: nutritious tea in the morning will make you forget about hunger for long hours;
  • perfectly tones, activates mental activity and relieves overwork;
  • has the ability to regulate the level of sugar in the body: Kalmyk tea is an ideal choice for those suffering from diabetes;
  • fights diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • useful for the digestive system: treats poisoning, indigestion, reduces gas formation;
  • and saves from colds.

The beneficial properties of Kalmyk tea are also enhanced by the spices that are traditionally added there: for example, it turns Kalmyk tea into a real anti-cold cocktail: it kills bacteria, treats a sore throat, relieves fever. increases immunity, treats rheumatism and strengthens the nervous system. Kalmyk tea with black pepper helps to improve the functioning of the intestines, cleanses blood vessels and acts as an expectorant. By the way, spices improve the beneficial properties of not only Kalmyk tea, but also another Asian drink - which we recently wrote about.

Kalmyk tea - the benefits and harms of this drink have not been disputed for a long time: the healing properties of tea have been known for centuries, while the harm of Kalmyk tea is due only to individual intolerance. So, if you have lactose intolerance, Kalmyk tea is banned. Tea with milk or butter is also not recommended in the later stages of cholelithiasis: it is believed that strong Kalmyk tea can cause stones to move.

Kalmyk tea: how to cook

Making Kalmyk tea is an ancient art; for centuries, each nation had its own recipe, with different nuances and features.

So, putting butter in a drink is a rather late, “lightweight” option - initially Kalmyks added mutton fat to their tea. The drink of the ancient Mongols was even more nutritious - tea, milk, fried pieces of fat tail and mutton bone marrow ... The Adygs also liked to add horse sorrel to tea for taste, aroma and fight against scurvy, as well as the mysterious lebeshchay - apparently.

Moreover, ancient Kalmyk recipes advised to boil tea for a very long time, until only half of the water remained in the cauldron, and then steep the tea all night. The next morning it turned out to be a powerful energy drink, an ideal drink for nomads, but a modern person would hardly withstand such a shake-up for the heart and blood vessels ...

But the main tradition that has survived to this day is to use slab green tea to make a drink. In ancient times, this method of transporting tea was the most convenient: it is much better to carry bricks of tea leaves and stems with you than bags of loose tea. Today, pressed tea remains the lot of adherents of classical recipes and those who do not like to hurry. Many modern people prefer to prepare Kalmyk tea based on ordinary green tea: this allows you not to waste time crushing the tiles, and you can also brew tea right in the cup, for 1-2 servings.

Kalmyk tea recipe for regular loose tea:

Pour tea leaves into a half-liter tea cup: 2 times more than usual. Pour boiling water over two-thirds, insist 3-4 minutes. Then add hot milk, put a piece of butter, a pinch or 2-3 peas of black pepper, salt. For those who like tea richer, it is recommended to pour the tea leaves immediately with boiling milk.

And how to brew Kalmyk slab tea? There is no perfect recipe here - you can always bring something of your own to different ways of making tea.

So, Kalmyk tea - how to prepare it according to the traditional recipe?

Grind brick tea, fill it with water (at the rate of 50 g per liter of water), bring to a boil. We add milk - twice as much as water, if desired, spices - a couple of clove buds - and salt. Boil for 5-15 minutes (depending on the volume of liquid), then filter, and squeeze the tea itself. Pour into mugs, each - no more than a teaspoon of butter. Usually such tea was drunk with butter dough croutons.

This recipe also has options - you can add not milk, but cream (a little less than water), before pouring into cups, tea is often infused for 10-15 minutes.

Try Kalmyk tea - by changing the amount of tea leaves, adding milk or cream, combining different spices, you will definitely fall in love with this unusual tea and milk broth. The drink of the ancient nomads, the tonic Kalmyk tea, came in handy in the modern metropolis with its frantic rhythm, giving us strength, vivacity and saturating with energy.

Kalmyk tea is a dish of the national cuisine of the peoples of Kalmykia, Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan, who until the 20th century preferred a nomadic lifestyle. It is still not entirely clear whether this is a drink or a soup. It is made from pressed green long leaf tea with the addition of salt, milk, animal fats. Often, medicinal herbs and spices are used as additional ingredients. Other names: Mongolian, Kyrgyz, jomba or jamba. The color of the liquid is saturated dark, brown or milky brown, the taste without seasonings is tart, salty. After swallowing, there is a feeling of a film on the oral mucosa. Despite the fact that there are many recipes for making Kalmyk tea, the drink has not won much popularity due to its specific consistency.

How is Kalmyk tea made?

The main ingredient of the dish is brew. It is made to order, for this a mixture of lower and upper tea leaves, side shoots and buds is used. The dense structure is achieved due to the abundant release of resins during pressing.

Note! The difference between tile Kalmyk tea and ordinary tea is the absence of fermentation of the feedstock.

To save a little, they often purchase crumbly, slightly dried raw materials for self-pressing. In this case, salt is added at the stage of making tiles.

Some small businesses have improved the technology and soak the leaves in milk, then dry them in ovens with the oven door open, or under the sun. Such pressed Kalmyk tea is much more convenient to brew - you can take it with you on trips and enjoy a taste similar to the original without adding additional ingredients.

Important! It is impossible to get a completely real product only with the help of brewing. The drink needs to be boiled down.

Composition and calorie content of Kalmyk tea

The nutritional value of the product depends on the amount of milk, animal fats and other components.

Calorie content of classic Kalmyk tea - 429 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 2 g;
  • Fats - 33 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 31 g.

The amount of dietary fiber and ash substances depends on the quality of the feedstock.

The composition of Kalmyk tea includes:

  1. Caffeine - stimulates the brain, heart muscle, but inhibits the activity of the vagus nerve.
  2. Tannin - gives a tart taste and has a calming effect.
  3. Catechins are natural immunomodulators with antimicrobial activity.
  4. Phenolic compounds - stimulate appetite, irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, stimulate the release of food enzymes.
  5. Potassium - stabilizes the functions of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, normalizes the heart rhythm.
  6. Fluorine - improves immunity and removes antioxidants and salts of heavy metals from the body.
  7. Iodine - accelerates metabolic processes, "responsible" for the function of the thyroid gland, accelerates the development of nerve fiber cells.
  8. Manganese - stimulates the production of synovial fluid, improves the functioning of the joints, protects the liver from the accumulation of fat cells.
  9. Sodium - participates in vital processes and normalizes the water-electrolyte balance.
  10. Vitamin K - the main role of the substance is to increase the function of blood clotting.
  11. Ascorbic acid - stimulates the synthesis of hormones and the removal of toxins.
  12. Nicotinic acid - accelerates metabolic processes and improves cerebral and peripheral circulation.
  13. The complex of vitamins of group B - stabilizes the work of the central nervous system.

When preparing Kalmyk tea, the brew, coming into contact with milk and other ingredients, creates easily digestible complexes of useful substances, which has a beneficial effect on the body. Thanks to the drink, you can satisfy hunger and thirst, restore strength after serious illnesses. However, the taste and action of the product is so specific that not everyone can improve their health in this way.

Useful properties of Kalmyk tea

With the help of a healing drink of complex composition, shamans treated all diseases. They believed that tea promotes longevity. The recipe for a rejuvenating complex of that time: for a week, refuse all types of food, and in the morning drink only a large bowl of tea and think about the eternal.

The use of the product does not guarantee eternal life, but the benefits of Kalmyk tea have been officially proven:

  • Strengthens the immune system, has an antimicrobial effect, inhibits viral activity.
  • Accelerates recovery after serious illnesses, improves memory function, normalizes the central nervous system. Used to treat anemia.
  • Prevents the development of diabetes, lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels and tones the walls.
  • Improves reaction, speeds up memorization.
  • Reduces gas formation. It has an antioxidant effect, helps cleanse the liver of toxins, and the intestines - from toxins and fecal stones.
  • Quickly warms after hypothermia and helps to restore the water and electrolyte balance in the heat, restores the loss of salts.

Despite the high calorie content, Kalmyk tea with milk is recommended to be included in a diet for weight loss. The acceleration of metabolic processes neutralizes the nutritional value of the dish. The feeling of hunger is blocked, and one meal is enough for several hours.

The drink helps nursing mothers to restore lactation, and for pregnant women to eliminate intoxication. Condition of treatment in this case: Kalmyk tea must be a familiar product. It is unacceptable to introduce this dish into the diet for the first time in such cases.

Contraindications and harm of Kalmyk tea

The therapeutic effect of the drink is time-tested. But in unusual people, it can provoke negative manifestations: nausea, indigestion, epigastric pain and hepatic colic.

The harm of Kalmyk tea can occur if abused, if you are allergic to ingredients - milk, herbs, green or black tea, if the recipe is not followed.

Negative effects: urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, impaired hepatic function, renal failure, development of gastroenterocolitis. If these diseases already exist, then you should refuse to get acquainted with a new dish.

It is not necessary to give a drink to a child for the first time before the age of 6. However, fatty salty "soup" is unlikely to give pleasure to the baby.

How to brew Kalmyk tea?

There are many recipes for the dish, but, regardless of the type of tea leaves and the method of preparation, there are certain recommendations that it is advisable to follow.

Before brewing Kalmyk tea, you need to take care of suitable dishes. The liquid will have to boil for a long time, so a kettle made of heat-resistant plastic or glass will not work.

Turn off the drink only when the contents of the saucepan are reduced by 2 times. To speed up the process, use a pot or vat with wide edges.

Immediately pour into bowls and drink hot. If this condition is not observed, the liquid will harden, thicken, and a greasy film will appear on the surface. It is inconvenient to treat yourself from cups - you can burn yourself.

Milk is used only fat, homemade, can be replaced with cream. If only a pasteurized product is at hand, butter must be added.

Spices can be added to your own taste, experiment with the amount of salt or herbs.

Tea tiles must be stored in a packaged form so that they do not lose their pronounced aroma. It is impossible to get a strong drink from "weathered" tea.

How to make Kalmyk tea:

  1. Simple Express Recipe. A tile of 10 g of green tea, preferably unfermented, is poured with cold water, 250 ml, and brought to a boil. Cook for at least 10 minutes, pour in milk - the same amount as there was water in the original volume, heat to bubbles, add spices to taste - cinnamon, pepper mixture, grated nutmeg, bay leaf, thyme. Boil for 10-15 minutes, stir constantly so as not to burn, remove from heat. Add 1 tsp. butter. Let stand covered for at least half an hour.
  2. in Tatar. Break off a piece of tile and pound. Calculation for a serving - 1 tsp. tea leaves, 100 ml of water, 100 ml of fat milk. Pour the tea leaves with a mixture of liquids at the same time and boil in an open cast-iron pan, without closing the lid, until the contents are reduced by 1/3. Pour salt, cook for another 5-10 minutes, before turning off, add butter, preferably ghee.
  3. Kalmyk. The proportions of tea and liquid are 10 g of tea leaves, 100 ml of water and 200 ml of milk. Pour the crushed pressing with cold water, bring to a boil, pour in milk and pour in salt, your favorite herbs and spices - peppercorns, and cinnamon and cloves - with sticks. Boil for at least 30 minutes, until the contents boil away, add a little melted butter or lamb fat. When the volume decreases by 1/3, everything is filtered and poured into bowls. Before serving, add a piece of butter to each.
  4. . A tile weighing 250 g is crushed, poured into 3 liters of cold water. Boil for 20 minutes, removing large stems and cuttings that pop up. Then pour in thick cream already warmed almost to a boil. Bring to a boil and leave for 7 minutes. Seasonings are usual, insist necessarily.
  5. Hursitz. An exception is made for this type of drink - they take not tiles, but brick tea leaves, for the facing side of which a high-grade fermented long leaf variety was used. A mixture of wheat and rye flour is fried in melted lard until a rich golden color. Brewed according to any of the technologies already described, but at the boiling stage, bay leaf and nutmeg must be omitted. Flour is introduced 10 minutes before turning off. The drink must be filtered.

The most interesting recipe for Kalmyk tea in Adyghe. First, horse sorrel is boiled: the grass is poured, after washing with cold water, kneaded so that the juice stands out more easily, boil over low heat for at least an hour. It is necessary to calculate the amount of liquid so that it is enough until the end of the process. The broth is decanted and used to make tea. An additional ingredient is dried cilantro. Instead of sorrel, you can use Ivan tea or oregano. In herbal versions, cream is added to 1/3 of the volume of the broth.

Butter is used in modern recipes, but the Kalmyks added mutton fat. The ancient Mongols could not imagine tea soup without fried ram bone marrow and pieces of fat tail. The Adygs, in order to prevent the development of scurvy, in addition to horse sorrel, poured steppe grass, which was called lebeshchai. Historians still cannot agree that it is oregano, lovage or a mixture of herbs.

The only thing that remains unchanged in the Kalmyk tea recipe is brewing from unfermented green tea pressed into tiles. Once this was due to taste, now - the ability to make a strong drink. True, there are already culinary specialists who insist loose long leaf green tea.

The original dish was simmered overnight. According to ancient tradition, they stirred (samrili) up and down clockwise - exactly 189 times. This movement - from left to right - imitates the course of the sun during the day across the sky.

The energy properties of the resulting infusion were so high that a modern person after 1 cup can stop the heart and develop intestinal volvulus.

The first medicinal properties of tea were tested by a Tibetan monk. Feeling unwell, he could not cope with it on his own, with the help of prayers and rituals. Tsongkhava turned to the Kalmyk shamans. Already on the seventh day of therapy, the disease receded completely.

Once upon a time, Russian ambassadors refused to drink a strange drink during a traditional tea party, for which they paid with their lives. The meal of the Mongol princes consisted of lamb, which was washed down with fat tea. The Russians refused to try the peculiar hot, spicy-salty product and were content with cold water. (They did not know that if you drink fatty fibrous meat with spring water, intestinal obstruction can develop.) A few hours later they began to have severe colic, and half of the delegates died in terrible agony. They decided that poison was added to them, this aggravated an already difficult relationship.

Tea ceremonies are still held today. They end not so tragically, as those who want to taste a drink with specific properties imagine in advance what they will drink. In addition, even if the main dish is fatty lamb, a side dish of carbohydrates is necessarily attached to it. Tea is poured into ceramic bowls, and flat dishes with spices are placed on the table so that everyone seasons the drink according to their own taste, and a pot of honey.

How to brew Kalmyk tea - look at the video:

If you want to enjoy a real national dish, you should come to Kalmykia in May. Every third Saturday there is a festival of Kalmyk tea, and you can try several options at once, brewed according to original recipes.

If you like to drink tea, then, which will be described in this article, just for you. Of course, this tea is not quite familiar to us, since it is not sweet. The recipes for Kalmyk tea were shared with us by the Mongols, nomadic tribes who spread the culture of this tea throughout Central Asia and not far from the European part of Russia.

Although according to another version, the creation of Kalmyk tea is attributed to the inhabitants of Tibet. This tea is also called Mongolian tea, Jomba, Karym, Karym, Kirghiz and slab tea.

Kalmyk tea is a combination of black and green teas with steppe herbs, one of which is bergenia. Herbs are harvested before they begin to bloom in order to achieve hypoallergenicity of the drink. A mixture of herbs is pressed into briquettes weighing 1.2-2 kg.

The benefits of Kalmyk tea. This type of tea is recommended as because it contains green tea, which speeds up metabolism and removes toxins. and has similar properties.

Kalmyk tea is quite nutritious, so after it there is no feeling of hunger for a long time. This tea is also useful for nursing mothers, because it increases the amount of milk. And yet, after drinking such tea, you can drive away hops, raise vitality and increase the flow of strength and energy.

There are a lot of recipes for making Kalmyk tea, but they all contain milk, salt, and butter. Some recipes may include different spices, including black pepper.

1. Kalmyk tea.
Take 2 tbsp. l. crushed pressed tea, half a glass of water and the same amount of milk, 1 tsp. butter, salt. Pour tea into boiling water and immediately add milk there. Boil with constant stirring for 5 minutes, then add salt. Pour tea into a cup and add butter.

2. Tea in Tatar style.
Take 30-35 g of pressed tea, 100 g of water and milk. Put pressed tea into boiling water and immediately drain the milk. Boil while stirring for about 5 minutes. Turn off the gas and add 10 g of butter and salt to taste.

3. "Jomba".
Crush 200-300 g of slab green tea and pour 3 liters of water. Put to boil over medium heat and bring to a boil. After boiling, the fire should be reduced and the tea boiled for another 15-20 minutes. Remove floating tea particles from the surface. After that, pour in 2 liters of warmed cream and boil for another 10 minutes. After that, add 50 g of butter, 2 tsp. salt, 5-6 black peppercorns and leave to brew for 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, add bay leaf or nutmeg to taste.

4. Kalmyk tea with milk.
Grind 40 g of green brick tea, pour into a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Then add a glass of hot boiled milk, ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife, a clove bud and salt to taste. Boil the tea for another 10 minutes, strain, add 25 g of ghee and bring the drink to a boil for the last time.

5. Kalmyk tea "Khursitsya".
Take 3 tbsp. l. crushed brick tea and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and add 2 tbsp. milk. Boil again, strain. Fry in lard 0.5 tsp. flour until brown and dilute it with water. Mix with tea, add nutmeg and bay leaf.

6. Kalmyk tea with roast.
Expand 4 tbsp. l. with a top of plain green tea and pour 1.5 liters of cold water. Bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce heat and simmer for another 15-20 minutes. After that, add 2 liters of milk and 2 tsp. salt. Fry 3 tbsp. l. wheat flour with 100 g butter until light yellow, but do not overcook. Add flour to tea, and then 7-8 black peppercorns and 2 bay leaves.

How to make Kalmyk green tea:
